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The Johnson Chronicles: The Open Marriage

"I agreed to an open marriage without understanding the full ramifications of things to come"

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Not going to lie, when she first approached me about the concept of an open marriage I was intrigued, I was excited, I thought to myself: hell, I get to hook up with whoever I want and not have to feel guilty about it! Granted, I knew I’d have to be comfortable with the idea of knowing that my wife could be potentially fucking another man every time she leaves the house, but that was a risk I was willing to take. I will admit that I took the selfish approach, thinking that I wouldn’t have a problem finding a willing and able woman to call upon when my wife decided she wanted to be out with another man.

Reality slapped me full force in the face not long after we worked out the arrangements of the open marriage. First of all, we agreed that each other’s friends were off limits. I couldn’t handle knowing that one of my friends is freely fucking my wife and having that to hold over me. We also agreed that we’ll never bring this other person in our home or our bed. She wants to fuck him in his car or in his bed, go for it; I don’t need to know the details. The most important factor we agreed upon is that we are still each other’s priority and that our wishes come first and foremost no matter if plans had already been made. I’ll touch more on this agreement later.

“So, I think I have something set up for Saturday night,” she said, taking the final drag off her cigarette before putting it out.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, already feeling my stomach knot up from knowing what she meant.

“Yup. He’s a regular at work.”

“How’d this come about?”

“He came in today and I may or may not have mentioned that I want to hang out with him sometime and he agreed. He gave me his phone number and we’ve been texting ever since. Nothing is set in stone, but it’s looking like Saturday is open for him. I’ve already talked to Michelle about it and she’s cool going with me as well. Just in case something falls through or I change my mind.”

“Huh,” I replied, feeling my heart sink as the realization of how quick she was able to find someone else hit me. Looking up at her, “does he know you’re married? Is he bringing a friend of his as well?”

“Yeah, he knows…” she trailed off, looking slightly guilty.

“But…” I added. “There’s always a but.”

“But...he thinks we’re...separated. And yeah, he’s bringing a friend for Michelle,” she finished, giving me a sheepish grin.

“Really? Separated, huh?” My heart sank even further. I sat in the front seat of her car looking down at my clasped hands in my lap, doing my best to keep the hurt from showing.

“Yeah, you should try it as well if you’re not having luck so far,” she said, taking a hit from her pipe.

“I hadn’t thought of that, to be honest. I’ll give it a go and see what happens.”


This is fucking bullshit, I said to myself as I swiped through girl after girl, hoping to find some sort of match or something. She’s already out with another guy and I’m stuck at home searching for something of my own with no luck. I tried three different apps, but kept striking out left and right. As soon as a match would be made, the topic of marriage would come up and, just like that, poof, she was gone. The feeling of being ghosted is not a good one.

I decided to give Facebook a turn to see what would happen. I’m good looking enough that I figured I’d hit up some of the girls I knew had a crush on me in high school. I assumed I’d have a decent conversation with most of them considering the women I was going after had a thing for me at one point in time, but I was sadly wrong. The first ten women completely ignored me. The next five read my message but didn’t respond. Out of thirty attempts I made I only had one response; and even that one response went up in flames when she asked about my wife. I knew I couldn’t casually drop the open marriage thing without any woman finding it weird and bouncing faster than they had appeared.

Let me know what’s going on please, I text my wife, knowing full well what she was going to do. I waited almost an hour for a response.

I will but idk what’s going on just yet. We’re still hanging out at the bar, she responded.

Do you think anything is gonna happen tonight? Even though I knew the answer.

About forty-five minutes later, He’s talking about going to his friend’s house after this.

Okay lemme know so I’m not waiting for you.

Thirty minutes later, We’re gonna go to his friend’s.

Okay, let me know what’s going on. Remember you have to work at 6 in the morning.

I tried playing Madden to take my mind off the fact my wife was getting fucked by another man while I was at home playing video games. The distraction was too great, and I was getting beat too bad, so I shut the damn thing off and reluctantly went to sleep.

5:00 am

As subtle as she could be, she slipped into bed to try to avoid waking me up. As soon as she laid down, I stirred, looked over at her, looked at the clock and then looked back at her in disbelief.

Really?! You have to be to work in an hour!” I said, feeling the anger and hurt build as I braced myself for what was to come.

“I tried not to wake you up!” she responded with a guilty face and slurred words.

“That’s besides the point! You’re coming in at five in the morning! You might as well have fucking stayed there with him!” I tried my best to keep from raising my voice at her.

“I’m sorry!”

“So what happened?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“We just kissed a little,” she said, not looking at me at all.


“And maybe fondled each other a bit.” Still not looking at me.

I looked at her without saying a word, letting the lie hang between us as I noted her quickening breaths, the shaking of her hands, the way her eyes looked around at everything in the room except for me.

“Okay...we did it,” she said with a whisper.

My heart sank. It was like a slap to the face and a punch to the gut at the same time. Even though I had been expecting it, to know that it actually happened didn’t prepare me for how I would feel hearing she actually went through with it and fucked another guy. I stared at her in disbelief, knowing I set myself up for the hurt I was feeling.

“Say something,” she said, lying down next to me before closing her eyes.

I said nothing, rolling over instead, trying to get back to sleep. I laid there for the next thirty minutes, waiting for her alarm to go off to make sure she’d get up and wouldn’t be late for work. I said nothing as she got up and dressed. I said nothing as she told me bye. I said nothing as I heard her car pull out of the driveway.


“Are you going to talk to me or let me sit here and cry all day?” she asked, trying to get me to look at her.

I was hurt and confused. Hurt because she slept with another man. Confused because she slept with another man so quickly. I half expected this to be a courtship type of fun with other people. Hang out. Get to know one another. Flirt. Chase. Then maybe consider sex if things worked out that far. I didn’t expect her to open her legs for the first guy that showed her the slightest bit of attention.

“Is he the reason you wanted this in the first place?” I asked, dreading the answer I knew was coming.

Looking at me in stunned silence was the answer I needed. I shook my head in disbelief and made the attempt to rid myself of her presence before her words stopped me in my tracks. “I’m not going to lie, he’s half the reason I wanted to do this.”

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“What’s the other half?”

“I also want to have fun. I never got that opportunity because of you.”

Turning to face her, doing my best to keep the tremble from my voice, I said, “Because of me?! Do you feel like you married too young?”

“I don’t regret marrying you. I don’t regret the two girls we have together. I don’t regret anything about being with you. The only regret I have is that we didn’t meet later in life. That’s all.”

Later in life.

“So in a way, yes, you do regret marrying me. You do regret getting with me almost five years ago. Why? Because you never had the opportunity to go out and be a slut? Is that what you’re wanting now? To be able to go out and have the option to go home with some guy from the bar? For a night of meaningless sex? Is that what you really want?” I wanted to say more but I stopped myself in fear of saying something I’d regret.

“That sounds bad when you put it like that but, yeah, in a sense that’s what I’m wanting to do. I want to be able to have the option of turning down a guy because I don’t feel like getting fucked that night by someone other than you. I want to have fun.”

I’ve always had this deep rooted fantasy of seeing her - or any other woman I’ve had - be railed by another guy while I sat back and watched. I don’t know if it’s because I know I’m more than capable of getting my woman off. Or if it’s because I want to see if another man knows what it takes to get my woman off. I still haven’t been able to peg it quite yet.

“Okay, so what happens if you get feelings for this guy or anyone else? What if I get feelings for another woman? Then what? Do we act like nothing's wrong? Or do we move on from each other?”

“If you fall in love with another woman, promise me that you’ll tell me so we don’t waste each other’s time. If I fall in love with another man, I will do the same for you.”


“That’s reasonable.” The hurt was still there, but the thought of her fucking another man was making me hard. And she saw it.

“Good. Now come here, we have some making up to do.” She beckoned me over with a simple gesture, lust building in her eyes.

As upset as I was, I was still wanting to fuck her. Maybe it was to prove that no matter what I’m still going to fuck her better than any other man she comes across. Maybe it was to see how her pussy would feel after another man had been inside there. Or maybe it was because I needed to get off and forget about what happened the night before.

“Yes, I do believe you’re right,” I said, moving towards her. Since we were already in bed, all I had to do was prop myself up on one elbow right next to her. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a hard, deep kiss.

I reached up and grabbed her throat, gently - yet firmly - gripping her neck, letting her know I was there. I felt her sharply intake a breath before squeezing a little harder. This elicited a moan as I forced my tongue into her mouth.

“Fuck, baby…” she moaned, lust raging in her green eyes.

“What?” I replied with a grin, squeezing even harder.

“Oh my God!” she cried out, choking as she lunged her body towards mine.

I roughly pushed her back before rolling on top of her. Like a good girl (or bad girl, maybe?) she opened her legs for me and then locked her heels around my waist as I pulled my cock from my shorts. Luckily she was only wearing panties and a tank top so that made penetration a lot easier than trying to fight through shorts or sweatpants. Letting go of her throat, I quickly moved her panties to the side and was instantly greeted with a soaked pussy. Not wasting any time, I lined my cock with her opening and slid to the hilt in one fluid motion, making her cry out as I reached bottom.

“Oh fuck, baby! Fuck me!” she cried out, raising her hips as I pulled back.

“You’re such a fucking slut!” I growled into her ear as I slammed home.

“Fuck me like the slut I am!” she cried out, tightly gripping me as I fucked her as deep and hard as I could. I wasn’t worried about the duration of the sex. I wasn’t worried about getting her off. I was only worried about fucking until I dumped my load deep inside her. The ache in my balls was the subtle reminder that I had yet to receive mine even though she had gotten hers the night before.

Her moans crescendoed with every thrust, with every hit to her cervix with the head of my cock. I drove as deep and hard as I could, concentrating on the image in my mind’s eye of another man on top of my wife fucking her as I was at that moment. I memorized every detail of how she felt wrapped around my dick. How her walls tightened around my length as she unexpectedly exploded from the onslaught I was giving her. I took in the details of what he felt the night before while he was in the same exact position I was in. I didn’t know if he came inside her at the time but, as the cum raced down the length of my shaft, I emulated how it felt for him as I shot my load deep inside my wife, jerking deep within as I filled her tight pussy.

“Fuck yes, baby! That felt so fucking good…” she cooed into my ear, running her hands up and down my back, as the last of my seed filled her womb.

“How did that compare to last night?” I asked, propping myself up to look into her eyes.

“Much better,” she answered with a smile. “Don’t get me wrong, it was really good with him but you know exactly what to do to get me off and you do a much better job at it.”

“I better,” I said with a wink before rolling off her. “So. Tell me what happened.”

I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know but curiosity was eating me alive.

“It just happened. There wasn’t any build up to it or anything like that. I was actually pissed at him right before it happened.”

“Well something had to of happened to get to that point. I mean people don’t stop what they’re doing and instantly fall into sex for no reason.” I knew she was trying to dodge the issue but I had to know.

“Okay, fine. We were outside talking and I got up to go inside and grab another beer. When I came back outside, he was standing up and hugging Michelle. Then he leaned in and kissed her. I got super fucking jealous and stormed off inside and went to the bathroom. He followed me in, but I locked the bathroom door while I used it. I thought he had walked off but he was still standing there when I opened the door. He told me he was sorry that it didn’t mean anything. I told him it was still fucked up that he was kissing her.

“He was calm with me as he took my hands and apologized again for it. Then he leaned in and kissed me and it went from there. We went into the room by the bathroom and then had sex.”

The first thought that crossed my mind was the fact she was jealous that Michelle had kissed him. They aren’t together or anything like that yet she’s already possessive of him? Red flag.

“Then what?” I asked, keeping a calm demeanor even though I was boiling inside.

“I took off my shorts and laid down on the bed. He got on top and then fucked me.”

“Did you cum?”

“Yeah. And then he came.”

“Inside you?”

“Nope. He pulled out and finished on my stomach.”

“Hmm, okay.”

“Can we not talk about this anymore? I thought we agreed not to talk about the details?”

“I’m not asking about details. I only want the gist of things.” I was doing my best to stay calm as she was growing agitated.

“Well that’s what fucking happened,” she snapped at me before effectively ending the conversation and our night of further dialog. I rolled over and went to sleep, not caring if it upset her or not.

As the days and weeks passed on, it soon became apparent that he was only after one thing and, once he got it, he didn’t really have much to do with her afterwards. I could tell she was hurt by this but she did her best to keep it under wraps. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of things to come.

To be continued...

Written by jhmik_88
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