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The Experimental Fuck

"Is it cheating if he's a droid?"

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Competition Entry: Kinky Fetishes

Author's Notes

"This story is fantasy meets fetish as Ben finds a way to share his hot wife."

After days of waiting, the doorbell rang. Ben almost ran to the door, but didn’t want to appear too eager or anxious. He opened the door, trying to act casual as the delivery guy asked for his signature for the package. The box was huge! But then again, the Tech Company had indicated that the item would come fully assembled. The crate was heavy, but he certainly didn’t want to open it out here where the nosy neighbors would surely get an eyeful. As it was, Ben was sure that if any of them saw the size of the delivery, they’d already be wondering.

After managing to get the crate inside, Ben looked at his watch. Plenty of time before his beautiful, sexy wife, Marissa, came home from work. Afterall, this was a gift for her as well as for him. He wanted it to be ready and waiting for her when she got home.

They had discussed, many times, the fantasy of him sharing her with another man. She’d been with women of course. She enjoyed that quite a bit and Ben was only too happy to let Riss do whatever she wished as long as it made her happy. Pleasing her was important to him, more important than his own pleasure. So, when she’d been uncomfortable with the idea of letting another man fuck her, Ben let it go.

But he felt that if she could just get past the feeling that it was somehow cheating on him, he was pretty certain she would enjoy it. When they were in the heat of the moment in the bedroom, she’d agree to almost anything, including letting him share her. But once they came down off that sexual buzz, she’d change her mind and say, “Ben it’s really hot to think about fucking another man, but I just don’t think I can do it, even for you. I’m sorry.”

Every time Ben would reassure her, “Riss look it’s fine. I just want to bring you as much pleasure as possible. And yes, I would love to see another man fucking you. But it has to be right. I won’t push but I won’t lie. If you even remotely change your mind, let me know.”

Then one night a few weeks back, they were watching a sci-fi flick where a male droid was fucking the female heroine of the movie. Ben could tell that it was making Riss hot to watch this and his dick was certainly hard as a rock. She made an off-hand comment about how the male lead couldn’t be jealous as she wasn’t fucking a man, she was fucking a machine. That was all he needed to hear to get his brain working overtime.

The next morning, he called Liz, an old friend from college who worked in the R and D department of a Tech company that manufactured droids. Maybe she’d be able to give him a line on how to get a droid capable of sex without it costing his life savings and then some. As luck would have it, Liz was excited to hear from him. She’d been working on a new model that needed testing and was thrilled to have Ben volunteer to do so. She had been testing one herself, but felt she might be a bit biased. They were nowhere near ready for approval for a human test study, so having Ben try it out with his wife would have to be kept very quiet. But she was excited to get additional data and gladly sent him one to try out.

“Just know this Ben,” Liz had warned, “This experimental model is incredibly lifelike and, if I can be honest, rather addictive.” Ben laughed. He remembered that Liz liked to fuck, a lot, and probably needed a droid since no man could likely keep up with her. God knows he and many of his college buddies had tried.

“She’s not like you Liz, she doesn’t need a dick in her 24/7,” Ben teased.

“Shut up, Ben. Do you want this test droid at no cost or do you wanna piss me off so you have to go back to wife sharing as merely a figment of your imagination?”

“I’m sorry, Liz. Honestly, I can’t thank you enough. You’re a sweetheart for helping me out,” he said, remembering what a HUGE favor this was on her part.

“Hey, you’ve always been one of the good guys,” Liz laughed, “so I am happy to let you test this model with Marissa. Just remember, sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for, ok?”

Ben shook his head and laughed as he began opening the crate. As he did, he realized that he was a little freaked out. The face of the droid looked so real. Holy hell, so did the rest of him, or it, or whatever. Liz had said lifelike, but this robot could have fooled him if he didn’t know better. Well, he thought, I should really figure out how to turn him on. He blushed at the way that sounded and thought, I mean power him up. That didn’t sound much better. He grabbed for the instruction manual and followed the directions carefully. Within minutes the droid’s eyes opened and said, “Hello Ben, my name is Declan 8. Liz programmed me to recognize you and respond to your voice commands. I will also respond to voice commands by Marissa. I have many functions, but Dr. Liz said you would be testing out my sexual abilities.”

“Um, yeah,” Ben stammered. Although his speech pattern was a little formal, this Declan 8 sounded like a real dude. Marissa was going to love the way he said her name, if she’d actually agree to let him fuck her. At least if this was a bust, it hadn’t cost him a dime and he was so grateful that he had maintained a decent friendship with Liz after all.

Ben continued to read the manual while the Declan 8 just sat there, naked. It felt a little bizarre but hey why not embrace the future of technology and enhance their sex life at the same time.

Marissa came home about an hour later and saw Ben and a naked man sitting in the living room. “What the fuck Ben? Who is this guy?” She looked really pissed off. “You just couldn’t take no for an answer and figured that if he was naked when I got here that I would suddenly change my mind and let you watch him fuck me?” She dropped her keys and purse on the table and turned to run up the stairs.

“Wait, please Riss, it’s not what you think! Declan tell her…”

“Hello Marissa, my name is Declan 8. I am an android programmed by Dr. Liz Preston. As you can see, I am very lifelike. I am here to make you happy. I will respond to all of your voice commands and I have been programmed to recognize slang terminology as well so it will seem more realistic for you. You need only tell me what word you prefer I call your vagina. Would you like pussy? Or cunt? Or some other term?”

“Oh. My. God. Ben. What have you done? How much did this cost? Why would you spend this kind of money without discussing this with me?”

“Nothing! I didn’t spend a dime. I called Liz and asked her if she had any droids that we could test out for her. She was thrilled to send this Declan 8 model for us to try. And look, he does more than fuck. So maybe we can just start out letting him massage your back or brush your hair, you know things you really like that get you in the mood, but without actually letting him put his cock in you. Although I gotta say Riss, his cock is pretty real looking and rather impressive!” Ben’s heart was racing a little as he tried to save the moment from becoming a total disaster.

Marissa regarded the droid warily. He appeared so lifelike that she’d thought he was a real man when she walked in. It was a bit much to take in. She was ready to just head upstairs in shock when Declan spoke to her again. “Did you have an interesting day at work Marissa?”

Marissa laughed, “You ask about my day too? Well Declan, I had a rather difficult day if you want to know. Then I come home to this and I am just speechless.”

Declan smiled a pretty natural-looking smile and said, “I’m sorry. I should have asked Ben to put some clothes on me. Please, sit next to me and let me rub your shoulders to help make you feel better.”

Marissa stood there for a moment totally astounded. She looked at Ben, then back at Declan and finally said, “Well what the fuck, why not?” Then she laughed a little and sat down and let the droid demonstrate his amazing massage techniques on her tired, burning shoulders.

Ben breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this would actually go better than he hoped. He watched Marissa’s eyes close and heard her moan and sigh a little as she relaxed under the droid’s talented hands. He realized that even this was stirring him up a bit. He just sat and observed and felt like a fucking genius as he watched his sweet Riss moaning under another “man’s” hands.

“What would please you next, Marissa?” Declan asked. “I’m programmed to do anything you would like. You need only to ask me.”

Marissa looked at Ben cautiously. Ben smiled and said, “Declan, she likes her neck kissed softly.” Before she could protest, Declan started kissing the back of her neck and she closed her eyes again. God this felt so good, so real. But he was a machine, a robot, she thought, so what would be the harm in enjoying this. It really was sweet that Ben was trying to shake things up and yet respect her feelings. This might be considered a loophole, but she felt herself practically melting into his realistic chest.

“Declan,” Marissa said, her voice barely audible, “are you programmed to make suggestions as to what I might like?”

“Yes, of course, Marissa,” Declan responded, “would you like me to remove your top and bra?”

She almost swallowed her tongue at the nonchalant way this robot man had made her feel aroused simply by offering to remove her clothing. “God yes Declan!” she practically purred without even realizing she sounded so aroused and needy suddenly.

“Of course, Marissa!” he said enthusiastically. “Would you like your skirt and panties removed as well?” When she just shook her head, Ben realized the droid didn’t understand non-verbal commands and simply said yes for her.

Now complete naked, she looked at her husband. “This is really ok?”

“More than ok, baby. Look how hard this had made me!”

She shouldn’t have been surprised. He had wanted to see her with another man for so long. Her own words echoed in her mind from the night they watched the sci-fi movie. This wasn’t a man. He wasn’t real. It was a machine. A very clever, sexy as fuck robot and she wouldn’t be cheating if she let things continue. Besides, Ben’s cock looked ready to burst out of his pants. “Why don’t you take off your pants baby?” she said demurely. “That way you can stroke yourself while Declan shows me what incredible things Liz has programmed him to do.”

Ben almost came then and there! It took considerable restraint to get himself to relax. He could kiss Liz’s feet right now. He was finally going to get to see his hot wife get her cunt jackhammered by another man’s cock. Sure, he was a droid, but he had all the right parts and was apparently saying all the right things as her hot little body was clearly responding.

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When he finally got control of himself again, Declan was on the floor and was using his tongue on her dripping wet pussy. Wow, Ben had never seen her get to wet so fast. He watched intently as Declan licked and sucked her while sliding a finger inside her. “More!” he heard Marissa cry out. “More fingers, now!”

“Declan, she needs more fingers inside her,” Ben said realizing again that he, or it, needed to hear his name with the command. Then he realized as he saw the surprised look on her face that Declan had thought he’d said FOUR fingers. Fuck that was hot! And the surprise on her face turned quickly to lust and desire as her hips started to move in rhythm with his fingers impaling her.

“Faster Declan!” he heard her shout. This was so erotic having her get so excited and being able to watch from across the room. She was panting and bucking wildly. Ben just couldn’t help himself.

“Declan stop,” Ben commanded and the droid obeyed immediately removing his hand from her needy little pussy.

“What the fuck, Ben?” Marissa screamed at him. “Why on earth would you tell him to stop right when I was about to cum?” Oh yeah, she was pissed!

“Baby, it’s going to be that much better if we make you wait,” Ben said hoping this wouldn’t backfire. “You know how much harder you cum when kept on the edge for a bit. Right? But it’s your call, I want you to enjoy this.”

Marissa nodded and laid back and closed her eyes. “Open your eyes baby. I want you to see what Declan is doing to you.”

“Declan, resume fucking Marissa’s cunt with your four fingers and this time massage her clit with your thumb.”

Declan obeyed the command and Ben watched his hot wife squirm as he continued to have it/him stop and start at least a dozen times.

“Fuck you, Ben, I need to cum!” Marissa screamed.

“Declan, resume command and make our little slut cum hard.” Ben wanted desperately to stroke his own cock and cum hard too. But he really wanted to wait until Declan was fucking her pussy to do that.

Within seconds, Marissa’s hips were lifted well off the couch and she was cumming hard, spraying her sweet liquid all over the droid’s hand. Not wanting to risk her changing her mind, Ben gave the next command. There would be time later to draw things out a bit more. Right now, he needed to see what he’d been waiting years for.

“Declan, fuck Marissa’s pussy with your cock!”

Marissa’s eyes shot wide open and she was about to protest. But just then, the droid’s perfect eight-inch cock was entering her pussy and she could barely think, let alone speak. His cock was hot and felt so real in her pussy that she came instantly. With neither of them commanding him to stop, Declan continued to fuck her.

Ben decided it was time, he moved over to the couch and started stroking his own cock while standing over Marissa’s body. “Increase speed and intensity, Declan. Fuck her cunt hard and fast and deep!” Ben was screaming as he stroked his own cock like a horny teenager. “God yes fucking cum in her!” Ben shouted as his own cock exploded shooting stream after stream of hot liquid all over her perfectly round, voluptuous tits. Marissa was squealing as she came hard as well, “Oh fuck, Ben, I think he really came in me! Declan, stop!”

Ben looked baffled. How the fuck could a robot cum? “Declan remove your cock from Marissa’s pussy,” he demanded curtly. And sure enough, a white sticky liquid was sliding out of her as Declan followed the command.

Before Ben could say anything, Marissa took her fingers and slid them into her pussy and back out again. She brought her fingers to her nose so she could smell it, and then to her mouth to taste it. “Ben, this smells and tastes like real cum. What the fuck did Liz do?”

“Relax baby, there has to be an explanation,” Ben tried to sound confident but he wasn’t so sure.

“Declan, what is the liquid that shot out of your cock into Marissa’s pussy and why did it shoot out?”

Declan’s voice was calm and almost soothing, “The white liquid is simulated cum. Dr. Liz has been working on it for quite some time. She was quite pleased that it was ready to be included with my model. It shot out of me because your command was to fucking cum in her.”

Relieved to hear it was simulated cum, Ben bent down and looked into the dreamy eyes of his cum drenched wife. “Riss, baby, you’re a hot mess!” Ben laughed. “We should probably get ourselves cleaned up first and then clean up this robot and put him back in the crate.”

“Back in the crate? Why?” Marissa said almost pouting.

Ben just looked at Marissa, “Well originally I thought we’d try all sorts of things with this droid. But I got what I wanted, to see another man fuck you, and I appreciate that you were so awesome about it. I don’t want to push you to do more than that. But oh god baby, thanks for making my fantasy come true.”

“Well, what about my fantasy?” she blurted out.

“What do you mean Riss?” Ben questioned her. She had never ever said anything before this about having any fantasy.

“The one where I have a cock in my pussy and another one in my ass,” Marissa said no louder than a whisper.

“What? Holy hell Riss, how long have you been holding onto that little surprise?” Ben was completely stunned.

“It just came to me while we were all cumming,” she giggled. “Actually, I just started thinking how hot it would be if you and Declan would take turns filling all my holes. I mean he’s not real so it’s not cheating right?”

Ben just stared as if he couldn’t believe his ears. Marissa was no prude by anyone’s standards, but he’d never once heard her talk about being used like this. He was so turned on he could barely reply.

“Of course not, baby. It’s not cheating at all. It’s technology at its finest.” Ben just smiled at her. How long would Liz let them borrow this sex-bot he wondered. He’d have to find out because his hot needy wife was becoming a cock slut right before his eyes. “But for now, let’s clean up and spend a little time reading the manual together to find out what else it can do!”

“You mean 'he' right? I mean it seems rude to call Declan an ‘it’ after he did such a nice job fucking me and cumming in me,” she teased.

Ben gave a hearty laugh, “Of course baby, we don’t want to offend the robot. Let’s find out what HE can do.”

The next day, Ben and Marissa were both eager to get home from work. She got there first and powered up Declan and got naked. She gave him the command to lay down on the bed next to her and put his hands on her tits. She wanted Ben to see this when he walked in and hoped it would make him instantly hard.

Ben stood in the doorway to their room and smiled. “Oh, you wicked little slut!” he teased her. “Letting another man put his hands on you in our bed. You little whore. Just for that, I’m going to put my cock in your mouth so you can suck me while he fucks your tight little ass!”

Marissa looked shocked and Ben thought for a minute that he had taken it a bit too far. But then she got on her hands and knees and said, “Declan, take the lubricant from the nightstand and rub some on my ass and on your cock.”

Fucking A! Ben felt like he’d won the lottery and slid himself in front of her slutty little mouth so she could take him deep in her throat. She gave the best head! And now he would get to experience it while she was getting her tight asshole fucked by Mr. Fuckbot! Yes!

“Declan put your cock into my ass slowly,” Marissa continued to give the orders. Ben found this so hot. She actually wanted him to fuck her ass. He was glad she’d taken him out of her mouth momentarily to give the command as he was afraid that he would cum too soon. Back under control, he watched as Declan’s cock eased its way into his wife’s tight little asshole.

“Fuck my ass nice and slow, Declan,” she whispered and took Ben into her mouth again. Soon they had a good rhythm going and with each thrust of the droid’s cock into her ass, Ben’s cock was shoved into her throat practically choking her.

Ben lost all control and screamed, “Declan, fuck her little ass harder,” and he exploded in her mouth and felt her greedily swallow every drop of his cum.

“Declan, stop!” Marissa cried out as she came hard herself and collapsed on the bed. She curled up with Ben and said, “No more for tonight baby. That was amazing but so fucking intense. Let’s just wait until tomorrow for more, please?”

Ben was so grateful that she was as spent as she was, he just sighed, “Declan, go in the spare room and power down.” Then he held Marissa and thought he must be the luckiest man in the world.

Night after night, they explored all of the things that Declan was capable of doing. So many nights in a row that eventually one night, Ben was exhausted and suggested that Marissa could do whatever she wanted with Declan and he would just watch. She was unsure at first but it didn’t take her long to get in the mood and she asked Ben to give the commands while she sucked on the droid’s authentic cock.

One night, Ben came home and said, “Hey let’s go out to dinner and see a movie!”

Marissa looked disappointed and said, “But I wanted to try double penetration in my pussy tonight!”

Ben laughed and agreed. How could he say no to something like that?

After nearly a month, Liz dropped by to see how things were going. Ben and Marissa were thrilled to share their experiences and how much they enjoyed having the Declan 8. When Liz was ready to go, she said she would send a courier to pick up the droid the following week.

“No!” Marissa blurted out. “You can’t take him away from me. I mean from us! We need him!” She felt panic rising within her. She couldn’t imagine giving Declan up now.

Liz tried to be gentle as she explained, “Marissa this was just a trial run. Ben agreed to test the droid for me. But he has to go back to the lab so we can study his responses and see what adjustments need to be made.”

“What? No, he’s perfect just the way he is. Please, Ben, don’t let her take him! I need him!”

Marissa sat there crying. Ben just sat there and begged Liz, “Please, Liz, if we agree to let you take him back to the lab to study results, can you please let us keep him? Can we set up a payment plan? I don’t expect you to let me have him for free. But she’ll be devastated if you take him.”

Liz just smiled, “What if I just trade you and give you a Declan 9 model to try?”

Marissa stopped crying, looked up at Liz and said, “Declan 9? Does that mean his cock is…”

“Oh yeah!” said Liz and she made a quick call to arrange for the exchange.




Written by techgoddess
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