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The Dirt Road

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Competition Entry: On the Road

I was so tired. Having a husband and three kids meant the housework was never done and it seemed like I’d been cleaning forever. And no-one ever helped, except to make even more bloody mess. As soon as I got the kitchen cleaned, wallop, more muck appeared.

I was done, at the end of my patience, finished with all this crap. I needed some time to be me again. Not a wife, not a mother, not a damn housekeeper. I needed to be me, Tori. Damn, I’d almost forgotten her: the vibrant young woman that used to laugh, love, and have fun. The one that went out on Friday night and enjoyed herself.

I was only twenty-eight, but it seemed like I was nearer fifty. Life with three kids and a husband who worked all the time was dragging me down. When Todd came home, he’d grab a beer, sit his ass in the chair, and wait for his dinner to be served. Who was this man? Certainly not the man I married: the loving, kind, supportive guy.

It had already been a long Friday and yet it was only one o'clock in the afternoon. Seemed like it should be midnight. I stood in the middle of my large living room, looking around. The room was beautiful, warm, inviting, giving off a real cozy feeling. Huge windows offered restful views of the woods surrounding the house. Yet I felt trapped, the walls of the house were closing in on me. 

As I stood there, arms full of the kid's toys and Ted’s socks which he’d dropped on the floor beside his chair, I broke down. I was fed up, couldn't do it anymore. I dropped everything and cried, sobbing with frustration and anger. 

That’s it! Todd was about to find out what it took to look after the house, the yard, the bills, our kids, and himself. 

Don't get me wrong, Todd worked, made a good living, and supported us financially. But he was married to his job. Not to me. And, let’s get real, it wasn’t a demanding job. He sat at a desk most of the day, watching over a handful of men. He walked around a couple times, made sure the work was being done, and bullshitted with the guys. How hard was that? When he finished his short tours, he’d be back at his desk, playing on his computer. 

At home, he never wanted to do anything. On his day off, he sat in his chair playing on his phone or Mac, never with the kids or doing things as a family.

Okay, I thought, this is the life you want, you are going have it. In fact, you can have it all!

I gave my mom a call and asked her to have the kids for the weekend. I knew she wouldn’t mind, she loved spending time with them. I’d just got them ready when she arrived to pick them up. I told her I needed a few days break. She didn’t question me, just nodded and said, "You look tired," and gave me a hug before steering the kids out to her car.

I wrote Todd a short note, saying I’d gone away for a few days and mom had the kids. Not to worry, I would be back some time on Sunday night.

Stepping over the pile of stuff I’d dropped on the floor, I walked upstairs, taking off my clothes on the way. By the time I reached the bathroom, I was naked. I turned on the shower, found a relaxing music station on the radio, and stepped under the steaming water.

It was a long, soothing shower, and I decided it really was a good idea for Todd to see what it's like without me doing the work. In a way, it was a pity that he didn’t have the kids. Hmm, perhaps I should phone mom and get her to bring the kids back tomorrow! Anyway, after a couple of days without me, he might appreciate me a little more. That was really the objective.

Finished in the shower, I wrapped my long brown hair in a towel and went into the bedroom. I put on shorts, a white t-shirt, and shoes before tossing a few clothes into my old battered brown suitcase. Pulling the towel off my head, I shook out my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders and down my back. I draped the towel over the banister - well, everyone else seemed to do that - and headed to my car. I was on my way!

I threw my suitcase onto the back seat, not bothering with the trunk as I didn’t plan on going far. Just far enough to have a good time, maybe the next town over. There’d be a place where I could let my hair down and have some fun like I did… well, like I did way back in the day.

Excited and a bit nervous about my bold adventure, I turned the key in the ignition. Nothing! I tried again, still nothing. See, damn it, Todd can't even make sure my car works. 

Getting out and slamming the car door, I started to walk back to the house. Did I say walk? No, I was stomping in rage. Suddenly, I stopped. Fuck it. I’ll walk, hitch a lift.

The problem was, how long would I have to walk? We lived in the country off an old dirt road. Come on, I thought, surely someone would pick me up, a lady walking out there on the dirt road, carrying a suitcase. Even if it was a trucker. Anyone, someone…

I wasn't a bad-looking chick. Long legs in tiny shorts, a decent bust filling my T-shirt, and hair tumbling to my waist, I felt confident of attracting a lift. The only problem was when; how much traffic really comes this way?

I retrieved my beat up suitcase from the useless car and set off. Walking down the dirt road, I thought of all the fun I was going to have. Hell, I might stay away longer than the damn weekend. The car not starting had made me even madder and more determined. Todd had really pissed me off.

I quickly became aware of the heat. The sun beat down and my mouth was dry. I hoped someone would come rolling by soon. I continued walking and my feet started hurting. I’d thought a pair of wedged heels would look cute with my short shorts. I was out for a good time but walking down a hot, dirt road wasn't my idea of fun.

I wondered about turning around and heading back home. But I wasn't a quitter, I wouldn’t give up that easily. So I walked on, starting to limp and feeling parched when I thankfully heard the sound of an engine. Looking back, I saw a large cab topping the hill, dust everywhere. It was a logging truck. Surely I’d get a ride. 

I dropped my suitcase, stretched out an arm, and raised my thumb. The huge vehicle thundered towards me and I heard the screeching of brakes. He was pulling over. Yes!

The door flew open, the driver jumped from the cab and walked towards me. Not a bad looking guy either. He wore tight jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt. I noticed a five o’clock shadow and he had curly black hair that was a bit on the long side. Not shabby but well groomed for a trucker. Truthfully, looking at him made me tingle. And that hadn't happened in a long time.

"Hi, what’s a beautiful woman like you doing walking out here in this heat.” His voice was deep. “Did your car break down? I didn't see one as I came down the road."

"No, it actually broke down at my house,” I said meekly, staring at his broad shoulders and deep chest. “Truth is, it wouldn't start and being the stubborn woman I am, I decided to walk."

“And now you need a lift.” He smiled. “Where you heading?" 

At that moment, I’d stop caring about where I was going. I could only think about resting my feet and finding a place with food and a shower.

"Where are you headed?" I threw the question back at him.

"Not too far, couple towns over. I have to drop this load and pick up another. I might end up staying the night. Want to ride along?”

“Sure, thanks.” I picked up my case. “Do you think I’ll find a place to stay overnight.”

He studied me, scanning my body. “Look, if you can’t find anywhere to stay, you’re welcome to use my cab. Come on, have a look. It’s well set up with a nice sleeping compartment. I never have to look for a place to stay in these back towns."

“I guess that makes it easier for you," I said.

He took my suitcase and I climbed up into the truck. I reckon he had a good luck at my legs and butt before he put my case in the back compartment. 

“I’m Sam," he said. "This must be my lucky day."

"Why d’you say that Sam? Oh, sorry, my name's Tori."

"Nice to meet you, Tori.” We shook hands and he smiled. “I say it’s my lucky day because I get to help a beautiful damsel in distress."

"Damsel huh? If my lazy-ass of a husband thought less about his job and playing stupid games on his phone, my car would be running. But, then again, if it was running I wouldn't have met you.” I returned his smile and only just stopped myself from winking at him. Flirting or what, Tori?

A smile seemingly fixed on his face, Sam started the truck and we began rolling down the long dirt road toward the next town. I felt good, free, happy to be getting away. 

We talked and laughed like we’d known each other for years. Conversation was very easy as I told Sam about my relationship with my husband and the fact I had three growing children. 

“It’s all just getting to be a bit too much and I need to get away for a few days,” I said. “I also need my deadbeat husband to see what it’s like to have no help at all. He wanted to have children close together. I wanted to go to school and have a career but that didn’t happen. Living in the backwoods, it seems you stay pregnant and in the kitchen. Well, this woman’s had enough of that. I want a life.”

Sam told me about his wife and how she used to travel with him. But she tired of all that and decided she wanted her own life. They’d agreed she would go to school and follow her heart. Little did he know her heart would go to another man. They divorced. Country life wasn't for her. 

It was nearly sunset when Sam reached the destination to drop off the lumber. Being late, the reload would not be done until morning. This meant I would either spend the night in the truck or get a ride into town and try to find a place for the night. 

Sam had behaved like a gentleman and I told him I’d appreciate a bed for the night as long as… “Well, I’m a married woman.” Sam smiled.

After the truck had been unloaded, Sam and I walked to a nearby diner. Conversation still flowed. We had desert and decided to take a stroll, it was such a beautiful moonlit night, stars twinkling in the inky sky. Sam had been born and raised in the country and this was heaven for him. Being on the road was his ideal life.

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He pointed out different stars and told me several trucker stories. He was smart, friendly, and I decided he was an okay guy.

Sam had to be up early so we headed back to the truck and climbed into the bunk section of the cab. To my surprise, the bed was very comfortable and large. We didn’t undress but talked a few more minutes before saying goodnight. 

I turned over, my back to Sam. I’d really enjoyed talking to him and it didn't seem like we’d just met. Like the old saying, country folk never meet a stranger. 

I listened to Sam breathing. He’d had a long day and must have been tired. I slowly turned, trying not to wake him but wanting to look at him as he slept. I looked at his handsome face and smiled. His lips were curved into a smile and I wondered if he was dreaming.

I ran finger a finger across his lips. I just had to do it, couldn’t stop myself, they were so soft and inviting. As I traced the outline of his top lip, Sam’s eyes opened. In the half-light, we looked into each other’s eyes. It was a magical moment. I knew then what I wanted. Sam seemed to have similar desires.

I raised up and placed my lips on his. He slid an arm around me, pulled me in close. His kiss was pure magic. It was so intoxicating, my body was instantly aflame. We kissed with more passion. His tongue slipped into my mouth and began a heavenly dance with mine.

I put a hand on his face. The moon and stars shining into the cab made the scene like something out of the movies. Our kisses became more urgent and he hugged me tightly. As we continued to kiss, I knew what I must do. I reached down, unbuckled his belt and pulled down his zipper. I felt his bulge straining his jeans. His cock needed to be released.

The button undone, I opened his jeans and his large erection was bathed in the moon’s glow. His cock was worthy of a spotlight. I slid a hand around his solid shaft, thrilled to feel the protruding veins pulsating in my palm. I ran my thumb over the very tip, spreading his pre-cum over his throbbing head. I brought my thumb to my mouth, eager to taste him. 

I spread his pre-cum along my lips and licked them. “Mmmm,” I murmured and Sam kissed me again, his tongue on my lips, tasting his own juice. 

Raising his tee shirt, I kissed his chest, going down till I reached his cock. It was massively erect, at attention, awaiting my mouth. I took him in deep. I was hungry, so very hungry, for his magnificent cock. I devoured as much of his length as I could, filling my mouth and down into my throat. I wanted him to have an experience like he’d never had before. 

His cock was truly massive and I massaged his heavy balls. I knew that soon his cum would be flowing down my throat. I pumped my head up and down, feeling the veins protruding even more on his thickness, and he moaned loudly. Close to coming, Sam raised his hips and, with his hands holding the back of my head, one final thrust sent his cum shooting down my throat. I swallowed and gulped, not wanting to waste any of his warm cream.

When he’d finished, I lifted my head, slowly removing his cock from my mouth. I moved up his body and kissed him fiercely, sharing his taste with him. He sucked my tongue, tasting more of his cum. 

Sam pulled off my t-shirt and then my shorts. He kissed me, covered my body with his and slid down, his tongue leaving a wet trail until his mouth was on my throbbing pink button. My pussy opened up to him, like a flower, and he treated me tenderly as if I might break. His lips were soft upon me and his fingers gently held me open. 

Slowly, those fingers entered me, sliding smoothly between the folds of my hungry, sopping pussy. I squeezed as he probed deeper and he curved his fingers to find and rub my g-spot. I rocked my pelvis and ground against his mouth, while he sucked and licked my swollen clit. 

He rubbed harder, ran his tongue up and down, and lifted my hood to fully tease my engorged clit. I began to buck like a wild horse, and my orgasm came like a rolling power surge, building and building, generating more heat with every second. Before I reached my climax, his cock was at my opening, his mighty head pushing into my soaking cunt. My walls closed around his magnificent manhood as he invaded me, driving into my extreme depths. He positioned his body so that his long shaft rubbed my clit and he thrust hard as I clawed his back and locked my legs around his waist. 

"Yes Sam, fuck me,” I screamed, "Please, please, cum with me.”

Five, six more powerful thrusts and we erupted at the same time, frantically riding the waves together, like we could never feel this way again. It was that good. 

When we calmed and our bodies stopped jerking, I let my legs slide from around Sam and he rolled off but still clutched me tight to him. That’s how we slept - until his alarm went off. 

We kissed, dressed, and went to wash in the restaurant’s bathrooms before having breakfast while his truck was being loaded. Because it was the weekend, there was no rush to make his delivery, so we drove to an out-of-the-way place where he could park his truck and just relax till it was time to began his next haul.

We enjoyed that day together, talking about our lives and how we wanted them to go. I explained that I loved my husband, but was not happy with my lifestyle. I was stuck in a situation that I didn't want to be in. Todd was married to his job and I was withering away in the house.

Sam held me close while we talked. He appeared to understand my dilemma and when he kissed me again, I put my arms around him. Soon, we were making love again, sweetly, slowly, at the foot of a mountain. It was beautiful, peaceful. Afterward, we lay for a long time, enjoying being free and savoring each other's bodies. Sam showed me how a man really makes love to a woman. Sadly, Todd could not compare.

That night, we crawled into the back of the cab, determined to enjoy one more night together, to make the most of it and not think about saying goodbye tomorrow. 

"Tori, lay on your tummy, let me massage your back. I have some oils here.”

"That sounds wonderful,” I said. “It’s been a very long time since someone wanted to give me a back massage."

Laying on my tummy, I felt Sam's hands kneading my back and then work over my calves and thighs. He pushed my legs apart and I felt oil pouring over my ass. He rubbed it in and then a hand spread my cheeks apart. I wasn't sure what was happening but I knew I was enjoying it and didn’t want him to stop.

Sam spread my legs wider, running his hands between my buttocks and over my pussy. I felt my juices seeping, oil running between my legs, and Sam’s fingers going from my clit to my ass. 

He poured more oil over my ass and down my crack. I felt pressure on my back hole, something I’d never experienced before. I tensed but Sam told me to relax. “You will love it,” he whispered into my ear.

A finger slid inside my pussy and massaged my special spot. I was so turned on he could do whatever he wanted. With fingers deep in my pussy, he also began to ease his thumb into my back hole. He moved it slowly in and out, along with his fingers in my pussy. 

I pushed back on his fingers, wanting more. "Mmm, please don't stop."

"I won’t babe. I'm gonna make you feel good. This is something you’ve obviously never tried before. I need you to relax for me. Get up on your knees,” he said, barely above a whisper. 

On my knees, he continued moving fingers and thumb in both holes. Damn, it felt so good. I felt him move behind me and his cock nudged at my pussy entrance. He withdrew his fingers and penetrated me with one smooth, long thrust of his glorious cock.

I screamed out in joy when Sam thrust up and down, fast and hard, while sliding his fingers in and out of my ass. Pushing a bit deeper, he spread his fingers. It was all new to me but I didn't want it to stop. 

I was so aroused, my body on fire, Sam could do anything to me. He had control over my mind and body. I surrendered to him but when he withdrew his cock from my pussy and removed his fingers from my ass I whimpered, ”No, please Sam, please don’t stop."

"Don't worry, Tori, I'm not stopping, just giving you something better."

As he spoke, I felt his helmet at the entrance of my ass. He was going to fuck my ass. My virgin ass! My mind raced as I felt Sam push in, not hard or fast but with purpose. 

"Relax, it won’t hurt if you relax. A little pressure at first but I promise you’ll love it. But you have to relax so I can get inside. I want you to feel all of me."

His head suddenly popped through my tight opening and I screamed. Sam continued to feed his huge cock along my back passage, and I spread to accommodate him. My virgin ass was so tight I could feel every bit of his thick shaft. 

I was scared and I was excited. I relaxed as best I could - I wanted my ass filled and I wanted Sam to claim his prize. 

I pushed back and, unbelievably, it didn't hurt. He was right, all I needed to do was relax and enjoy the sensation, ride his cock to glory. He filled my ass and, as I matched his rhythm, I thought he was at full size. But he grew larger, fatter, and I knew he was about to come. I was stretched and Sam pumped me hard and long.

I put a hand on my pussy and played with my clit While Sam grabbed a breast, squeezing and kneading it as he thrust up and down my ass.

I felt his body tense, his cock pulsate, and ropes of his white seed filled my ass. His final thrust had buried all his length and, furiously rubbing my clit, I managed to come at the same point. My body shook and jerked, Sam grunted and shuddered, and we again rode out our orgasm in unison. 

Finally, my knees gave way and I dropped to the bed, Sam on top of me. We were totally spent and I knew I would never forget Sam and our magic moments.

The time came for us to head back to town and to the old dirt road. Would we ever see each other again? Who knows? Sam said he came this way quite often. Maybe one day I would walk the old dirt road again.

Near the spot where he’d picked me up, Sam stopped and helped me down from the truck. Handing me the old suitcase, he kissed me before I watched him drive back over the hill, kicking up clouds of dust.

I started to walk home, deep in thought. Yes, I’d cheated on Todd but much of what was going to happen from there depended on him. I knew without any doubt that there had to be changes…







Written by Simplicity
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