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The Basement Revisited

"My second time in the basement. I receive the unexpected."

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Author's Notes

"Please read The Basement beforehand. As I remember our adventure's I will tell them to everyone."

“So, are you ever going to tell me?”

We were both in bed, reading.

“What? Tell you what?”

“That night in the basement. Who the other man was.”

“You still think about that? That was what, four years ago?”

“Five, but who’s counting.” I put my book down and turned to face him.

“That still bugs you doesn’t it?”

“It doesn’t bug me, but it would be nice to know who fucks you.”

He put his book down and looking me right in the eyes, “Your right. You should know.”

“So, who was it?”

“I said you should know. I didn’t say I’d tell you.”

“You asshole!”

“Yes, I have one.”

“No, you are one.”

He picked up his book and started reading. After a few minutes,

“Would you like a repeat performance?”

The book fell out of my hands, “Your kidding, right?”

“No. If it’s still in your head after this long. I take it that you enjoyed yourself.”

“You have no idea, but I don’t think you could top that night.”

He continued to at least look at the book, “You’ll never know unless you try.”

I put my book down on the nightstand. “Good night.”

It wasn’t long before the room was dark. It took me a while to fall asleep. I kept reliving that day.

I woke up earlier than usual. I made coffee and sat at the kitchen table… thinking.

“You’re up early. Trouble sleeping?”

“Did you mean what you said, last night?”

“What did I say?”

“Don’t be a shithead. You know what you said. Did you mean it?”

“Of course. Listen. If you think you’re the only one that had a great time, think again. My pleasure is seeing you being pleasured. If you want to do that again, I have no problem with it. All you have to do is say the word.”

I told him that I needed time to think about it. He left for work and I spent the day cleaning the house and then I went out on the deck to work on my tan.

My first thought was what if the next time is a big bust. That night would be very tough to top and I didn’t want to remember a bad night.

The other half of me said, what if it’s a good night. It was better than last time. I would have memories to masturbate to for a long time.

I never liked making decisions. That’s why I let Chuck make them.

So nothing more was said about it for the rest of the week. Then at dinner, I said.

“Would you still do it?”

“If we’re talking about the mystery man night, then yes.”

I had to think about it right up to. “Alright. Let’s do it.”

“Fine. Now let’s go over a few rules, shall we.”

“You will do exactly what I tell you to do. You will have a safe word. No matter who gives you an order, you will obey them. I need to ask you a question.”

I thought, oh no, here it comes.

“This could involve some pain. Will you have a problem with that?”


“Serious pain?”

“Ah, no.”

“Being marked?”

Now I was getting concerned. He’s never told me in advance about either pain or marking me. Before I could get anything out.

“I’m not saying anything like that will happen, but I want to know that if it does, that you’re alright with it.”

“Yes. I love you and trust you, so yes, I will do whatever you say.”

“Ok, then I’ll let you know when it will happen.”

“Oh, I have one request.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Would you mind if I picked out what I wear? I know you like to do it, but I’ve got something in mind that I think you will love.”

“I don’t see any harm in that. Surprise me.”

I was on pins and needles for the next week. I wasn’t going to make a pest out of myself, and so I said nothing. That took every ounce of willpower I had.

Then on a Friday night, we were having dinner at a restaurant on the bay, when Chuck said, “I’ll be taking you to the basement tomorrow night about nine. I’ll be out until then. No later than eight forty-five, you will go to the basement. I want you to wear whatever you picked out, and sit on the chair that will be in the middle of the room. There will be a blindfold, wrist and ankle cuffs, and headphones. Put everything on and the blindfold last. And don’t speak unless asked to. You can moan, groan, squeal, and even scream, but no human language.”

I didn’t like the fact that he smiled when he said scream. This time was going to be a little more intense. Plus the added fact that I won’t be able to hear anything. My panties were wet and I was one horny gal. I was going to ask him to fuck me right there, when.

“Oh, and no orgasm’s from right now till tomorrow night.”

So much for my badly needed fuck with multiple orgasms.

When we got home, I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn’t be getting any.

“Hey, hun. How about relieving some pressure for me.”

But he would. I kept my stockings and heels on just in case and walked into the living room.

He was naked and stroking his cock.

“You look, beautiful hun.”

“Thanks, but if you love me, you’ll stick that piece of meat in more than one hole.”

“I’ll take just one tonight. The others will just have to wait till tomorrow.”

I went over to him and got between his legs. He took my hands and pulled on them wanting me down on my knees. I figured I would get him off quickly so I took him in my mouth and tried to get him into my throat. Instant gag.

“Careful, hun. Take it easy.”

Easy for him to say. I managed to get to a cum-turning pace, and he started to softly moan. I had him. No turning back now.

I must have done a good job. I don’t ever remember him coming so much. When he calmed down, “What got into you? That was quite the orgasm.”

“Yeah. That’s what you do to me.”

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was only one o’clock and already I’m climbing the walls. Seeing that Chuck won’t be home until around nine, I took my shower and put on stockings and heels. That’s the way I’m staying until I have to get dressed.

Five o’clock. I’m past climbing the walls. Now I’m walking on the ceiling. It takes every fiber in my being not to cum. If I so much as scratch myself, I could cum. I had to take a cold shower, twice.

Eight o’clock. I’m getting nervous now. I can’t back out, but I keep thinking about what will happen to me. I get dressed for him. First the makeup. Light but not too much. It looks awful running down your face.

Then the surprise. A leather bustier. He loves leather and he loves the black lace one I wore in the basement story. This one has a shelf bra and detachable garter’s. This should get him.

Eight forty-five. I walked down the stairs to see the chair. A metal folding chair. One that you would see at any house party. Lying on top were the cuffs and the rest of my accessories. I prepared myself as told. I sat on the chair and the last thing I did was pull the blindfold down over my eyes. Then I waited. The music coming out of the earphones was kind of loud but not bad.

I waited for what could have been an hour, but most likely was ten minutes, and then the music ended.

“I like it.”

His voice scared the shit out of me. The voice was his and he sounded like he was standing right in front of me.

“I’ll have to take it off of you for two reasons. I don’t want to ruin it and it’s covering a lot of skin that we need to access.”

He used the word, we. Was there?

“Stand up.”

When I did he took off my leather gift and clipped my wrists together in front of me. He took hold of me by my wists and led me over to where I had been before.

It didn’t take him long, and I found myself spread-eagle with arms and legs attached to the beams. Same as in the basement but this time I couldn’t hear.

The music started again. Now I was getting horny… and wet. I could almost feel my fluid running down my legs.

Suddenly, my nipples were being pinched by fingers. The pressure on my nips increased and they were being pulled away from me. I could only move my body as much as the restraints permit.

If you know how sensitive my nipples were, you know that I can cum just from having them hurt. They were beginning to hurt now.

I was so close to a big one when suddenly… SMACK, a belt across my ass. Instant orgasm. I came hard. So hard that I felt myself squirt. That orgasm was overwhelming and left me limp.

Now I knew that there was another person with Chuck in the room. Whoever held that belt was strong. My ass was stinging. I was just starting to regain my strength when another blow landed. This time across my back. I wanted to scream.

And then I thought… I could scream… and I did. That fucker hurt.

Then my nipples were being pinched… hard. I was close to another good one.

WACK! Another across my ass. “Oh, fuck!”

The music stopped. “You spoke without being told you could. You know what that means, right?

I could only shake my head. Then the music started again. More agonizing seconds without my senses.

Then someone put their hands on my hips. Then those hands pulled me back. Back until I hit something hard. A cock. Then a hand left my hip and I felt the cock sliding up and down my ass crack. With the help of the hand, he pushed into me hard. I was going to cum big time.

WACK! I’ve felt it before, but not this hard. Also not in this very spot. I was lashed with a whip… right across my tits. Right across my nipples.

I was shaking with pain. I knew that if I could just get past the pain, there would be pleasure. I would always endure the pain for the pleasure.

It couldn’t be Chuck wielding that whip. He never would have hit me that hard. Then I felt the pleasure again as the cock in me started to move faster. I just figured out the pattern when.

WACK! Another lash across my tits. This time above the last one. I think. It’s hard to judge location with so much pain. Then the cock pulled out. Damn! More empty space.

The pain was holding steady, which made my pussy leak. I needed to cum but couldn’t express it. I was left to myself and wondered what was in store for me next.

Then I felt a pair of hands on my back. slowly stroking all over and down to my ass. Lightly rubbing and feeling. Back up to my back and then around each side to grab a breast in each hand.

Wait! The hands pulled me back like before but not on a hard cock, but into a pair of tits. These hands belonged to a woman. I was beyond turned on.

Who was this woman? Did I know her? She pinched my nips and I know that she didn’t do this before. She was gentle.

Now along with her rolling my nipples and causing me to almost cum, I did when she lightly brushed her hard nipples all around my back. I felt just her nipples.

When one of her hands dropped down to my pussy and ran a slender finger through my extremely wet lips, I came like gangbusters.

She let them go and it wasn’t a second later that the whip made its mark across my aching tits again. This time right below my areola on the left to above on the right. The worst part of that strike was the tail wrapped around and hit below my armpit. I could feel wet and knew I was bleeding.

Everything stopped again. I expected Chuck to tend to me, but the next thing I knew I was being let down. as soon as my arms were free, they were clipped together behind my back.

My legs were freed and I was led over to where I thought the couch was. Someone who I thought was my husband tapped me on the shoulder wanting me to kneel. When I did, my knees hit a soft cushion left for me.

A hand grabbed my hair and held my head. I was ready to open my mouth to accept a hard cock when I was forced into a wet, open pussy.

If I had my doubts about the tits against my back, it was put to rest by the pussy in my face. I knew what was expected of me, so I went to work. Now it’s tough enough eating pussy, but not seeing or hearing is the pits. I usually look up at her face or listen to her moans to let me know how I’m doing. The only thing now is her body movements.

Seems I was doing ok as she was gushing and suddenly tried to crush my head with her legs. I think she came.

Then the music stopped. And the earphones were removed. The silence was defining.

“Well done,” Chuck whispered in my ear, “Hold still. I need to take care of a small cut.”

He helped me to my feet and down on the couch. I can't say enough about the pain, pleasure thing, because just as Chuck touched my wound with some alcohol, a mouth sucked my clit hard. Boy did I come.

Chuck had to stop what he was doing because I was not sitting still. Orgasms while bound and blindfolded are much more intense than not.

I needed to know who this other woman was. She defiantly knows her way around a pussy, and she has a wonderful tasting one of her own. Then I heard her.

“Damn. Your wife can eat pussy. I haven’t cum like that in years.”

I hope my husband is proud of me. Chuck finished tending to me, and he also wiped my wet face. I wanted to say thank you but thought better of it. I still felt the pain of the whip across my tits. Then Chuck said, “I’m going to free your hands. I expect you not to remove the blindfold, but I do expect you to enjoy yourself.

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As soon as my arms were free, someone got right between my legs. Hands-on my knees pushed them wide apart. Then a tongue touched my clit and I jumped. There was a giggle.

“She’s so sensitive.”

Then the mouth of the unknown girl took me to heaven and back in about five minutes. I landed with a climax that amazed me.

While she was sucking all the juice out of me, I had my arms free and it took every ounce of control not to grab her head and bury it in my pussy.

“Very good, my wife. I hope you enjoyed that. Now that the women have pleasured each other, it’s about time for us men. Yes, dear, there is another man here and I’ve told him how good you are. Don’t disappoint me.”

A hand grabbed my hair again and made me stand up. I was brought to where I thought the chair was but forced down on what felt like a mattress on the floor.

I was spread out with arms and legs at a forty-five-degree angle. I could feel the eyes on me.

Then someone straddled my tits and I felt a cock slap against one. My hair was grabbed again and I knew enough to open my mouth.

Just as a cock was entering my open and willing mouth, I heard noises in the background. Someone was fucking.

I was trying to concentrate on the cock in my mouth but also wondering about the possibilities. I was almost sure that there was another couple here. Now, the cock in my mouth could be either the stranger or Chuck.

I was thinking it was Chuck as it felt about the same size as his. But then I thought, what if the stranger is the same size. That would leave Chuck fucking the other woman.

I was going bananas. The fucking sounds got louder and the girl sounded like she was about to cum. The cock in my mouth was driving faster and deeper into my head.

I wanted to cum so bad. I needed to cum, but with no stimulation, I couldn’t. Then all hell broke loose. the cock in my mouth started to pulse. The girl fucking yelled out that she was going to cum. The cock in my mouth started to cum, and when I felt the first blast in my mouth, whoever it was reached back and pushed three fingers into my sopping pussy.

I came so hard that I knew I squirted. I screamed so all could hear my pleasure washing over me. I’ve taken my husband’s cum in my mouth enough to know what it taste’s like, and this was not him. My first thought was that Chuck was fucking a stranger. That son of a… then I thought. What the fuck was I doing. Duh.

The man left me to lie there tasting new cum, and feeling weak after a strong orgasm. A few minutes later.

“Enjoying yourself?” Cat got your tongue? Oh, sorry forgot. I’m going to let you free now. I don’t want you to remove your blindfold, but you can touch whatever you want. If you want something, ask permission to speak to me.”

He took off the ankle and wrist cuffs. I sat up, and the first thing I wanted to do was take off that blindfold and see who we’re playing with.

I sat there and heard the sound of footsteps going upstairs. I distinctly made out two but couldn’t tell if three went up.

I was alone, I thought, and it would be easy to take off the damn blindfold, but then, what would it accomplish? There is no one here. I sat and waited.

After what I guessed was about fifteen minutes, I laid down. I was going over in my mind what has happened and without thinking, my hand was flicking my bic.

I wondered what they were doing upstairs. Was he fucking her again, were they both fucking her. I stuck three fingers in my pussy and made some lude sounds with all the juices I produced.

It seemed like hours. Footsteps on the stairs. Maybe I would find out about the mystery couple now. I heard the couch squeaking as someone sat on it. then.

“You’ve been such a good girl that I’m going to reward you. You can say whatever you want. Express yourself. But don’t bother asking anything about our visitors. Now it’s your turn.”

I didn’t know what to make of his last words. I was still lying down with my arms by my side when I felt the mattress move. Suddenly a hand was on each of my tits. Then I felt a leg on both sides touch my legs.

Both men were touching me. I didn’t know who was on the left or right. A nipple was encased in a mouth while the other was being pinched hard. I had a feeling that the pinchie was Chuck.

I remembered that I could use my hands and so I lifted them from my side and searched for cock’s. I was right about Chuck because when I groped around I encountered more pubic hair on the other side.

Now I knew who was who, or at least which one was Chuck. then a hand between my legs. Lightly and when he laid his arm down on my hip, I knew it was the other man.

Both men took a leg and opened me up wide. I damn near hit the ceiling when I felt two hands on my pussy and my nipples being pinched by them.

I came with a scream and the loud statement,

“Please!! One of you fuck me! I need to cum with a cock in me.”

I heard a giggle coming from the woman on the couch. Then they got up and left me. I heard some whispering and then one of the men laid down next to me. before I could do or say anything, he rolled me on top of him.

I knew what he wanted and I straddled his hips. When I reached down between us, I felt the pubic hair again. The cock that I was about to sink down on was not Chuck’s. I had to ask.

“Who are you?”

He laughed a little and with a deep voice that I’ve never heard before said,

“In due time. Now fuck me.”

I didn’t need an engraved invitation. I took hold of his cock and swiping it up and down my swollen wet pussy lips, placed it where it should be and in one plunge, took him in me fully. I came hard. I cum easy and often.

Once I had that first orgasm out of the way, I settled into a good rhythm of posting on him. He reached up and squeezed my tits hard and then pinched my nipples harder.

I had a thought and when I took a hand and went to feel his face to see what I could about him, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. So much for that idea.

I figured that I might as well enjoy the feeling of a new cock and so went to town. Just as I was getting to the beginning of another wonderful orgasm. Chuck got on the mattress.

I didn’t have time to even think about it when I was pulled down to the stranger’s chest. Then chuck invaded my asshole. In two strokes he embedded himself in my bowels. It hurt. Always be prepared. Good thing I prepped today.

The pain was immense. I screamed at the top of my lungs, but he didn’t stop. He kept ramming into me and almost pushed me off the cock in my pussy. After a while, the pain started to subside and the pleasure part took over.

Chuck stopped long enough to say in my ear, “I’ll bet you want to cum real bad. Well, I want you to hold off. Don’t cum. You’ll know when to cum. Then he started slamming into my ass again.

I was going nuts. I wanted to cum and I had to hold it back. I didn’t think I would be able to last much longer when, WACK!! The whip landed across my back. The intense pain brought on an equally intense orgasm. I was riding this orgasm when WACK! Another one, this time harder.

Then again, and again. I’ve never felt this way before. My orgasm was being extended by the lashing I was getting. I was being held in a state of continuous orgasm by a whip.

I was a babbling idiot. I was laughing and crying at the same time, but I was still coming. She wasn’t sparing anything as she whipped me, and It was keeping my orgasm going. I needed more. I was in orgasm but it wasn’t good enough.

“Whip me!! harder. Faster, that’s it. harder!!”

She took me at my word and the next lash brought me to the peak.

“Come on you wimp.”

Wrong choice of words. The next lash felt like it opened my back up. It also sent me over the top with the biggest orgasm of my life.

My orgasm must have triggered theirs. Chuck grunted loudly and came in my ass just as the cock in my pussy coated with its load.

Chuck collapsed on my back and when his skin touched mine, I had to push him off me. This pain was not pleasant. When he was lying by my side, I gently got off the strangers cock and he got up right away and left us.

I said, “Holy crap. I never in my life expected this. May I ask a question?”

“If it's about our guests, no, and keep your eyes covered. Just one more thing for you to do."

He helped me to the couch and told me to sit up, on the edge. Then I felt someone stand between my open legs.

“Now, I want you to feel the person in front of you. You can touch them anywhere and however, you want. You have two minutes.”

I expected to have the stranger there, so I reached out to where his cock would be. I contacted with a bare pussy. I wondered why Chuck would want me to feel this woman, but I thought, this would give me a good idea about her. I started to run my hands lightly all over her.

She has slim legs. Her thighs are not muscular. Her pussy is bare and wet. I ran a finger through her slit and pushed one in her. she bent her legs and moaned. Her hips were narrow and her waist was what I’ve away’s wished for. She had a very flat stomach. She has to work out. I guess daily.

Her tits were firm and not large with hard nipples. I pinched them and she winced and pulled back a little, but stood firm.

“May I stand up so I can reach her face?”

I didn’t get an answer, but she knelt down. Now I started at her shoulders. Everything told me that she was slim and probably is or was a dancer. A long neck and I encountered a collar. What was that? Shoulder-length straight hair. Her face was slim with slightly sunken cheeks and high cheekbones. A model? Nice eyebrows. A smaller nose that seemed to turn up a little. I couldn’t feel any wrinkles under her eyes. Young? I’m guessing less than twenty-one.

“Times up. Now, I have to tend to a couple of wounds.”

The girl got up and I heard them go upstairs. As soon as I heard the door close, Chuck removed the blindfold. It was going to take me a few minutes to let my eyes adjust.

“So, my wife? Did you have a good time?

Before I could answer, the back door opened and shut. They left.

“Are you going to tell me who they are?”

“Nope. Not now. What did you think about the girl?”

“She’s either a model or a dancer. I say she’s between eighteen and twenty-four and has handled a whip before.”

“Damn, your good. She’s a dancer. She used to be a New York ballet dancer, but she got tired of not having a sex life so she became a porno star.”

“Quite the change in occupations. Have I seen her on tape?”

“Yes, you have. I know you’ll know her when you see her again.”

“How do you know them?”

“Bob is an old friend. I haven’t seen him in years. I was having lunch with a customer when they came over to us. Nancy was with him and after lunch was finished, my customer left and the three of us spent the afternoon chatting about old times. When he told me what she did, our discussion changed to sex. Seems that their relationship is a lot like ours. So I hatched this meeting.”

“So what’s next. Will we see them again, or should I say, will I see them for the first time again?”

“Yes, I invited them on the boat in a couple of weeks. We can spend the whole weekend with them.”

“How’s my back?”

“Well, I’ll tell her that if she ever does it again, to go a little lighter. That’s why I made our get-together for two weeks. I want you healed and ready to have fun.”

I felt him put a couple of bandages on where the skin was broken.

“How was she?”

I caught him by surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“You fucked her. How was she? Better than me?”

“Well, the fact that she’s a porn star and was used to all the large cock’s, I felt a little, ah, small. She does suck cock real good.”

“Yeah, and she sucks a mean pussy too,” I said smiling.

“I think the four of us will get along great. She couldn’t say enough about you. She said she couldn’t wait to get you alone in the sack.”

“I want to watch you fuck her, and her sucking your cock.”

“I’ll make sure it happens. Just for you.”

He knows how much we love watching each other fuck someone else. As long as we are together, it’s a big turnon for us both.

Chuck finished cleaning my back and we headed upstairs. He walked ahead of me and  I saw a bright red mark across his back.

“What the fuck! Did she whip you to?”

“Well, when we were double-teaming you, I would have to lean back so she could get a clear shot at your back. One time, I forgot to lean.”

I laughed, “Well, are you a pain nut like your wife?”

“No, not at all. But it did give me a better understanding of what you go through. She gave you a pretty good whipping, was it too much?”

“No… well almost. I came close to using the safe word, but I’m glad I didn’t. With me, the more pain, the more intense my orgasms are. Tonight came close to that upper limit of pain. Any more, then it wouldn’t turn to pleasure.

“Well, I told Bob and Nancy, no pain or games. Let’s just enjoy ourselves for the weekend and enjoy the four of us.”

Chuck finished taking care of my wound, “Come on, let's go up and take a shower. I love to hear you scream when the hot water hits your skin.

We showered and I screamed. Chuck dried my back very gently and changed the bandages that got damp.

We got into bed and we were both so tired that we didn’t even kiss goodnight. Just when I was nodding off he said,

“Nancy said she wants to do a porno shoot with you.”

I fell asleep thinking about all the possibilities.


Next up is the weekend with Bob and Nancy. A very fun and open weekend.


Written by Anonymous
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