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Ten Minutes After Three

"A loving wife spices up her marriage."

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Author's Notes

"Stress on the job propels their sex life into the doldrums, but Adel discovers a way to get their love life back on track."

The patter of raindrops against the pane first thing in the morning usually gets my juices flowing. But with the distorted view through the kitchen this morning, I can’t fight off the melancholy doldrums. So, I’m forced to use my number two catalyst for mood modification and hunch over the table, savoring the cup’s warmth, allowing coffee and captivating patterns on the window to lull me into a nostalgic state.

Sex always worms its way into my uncluttered mind. Humorous now, but my obsession bordered on debilitating in my teen years. Firmly indoctrinated in the belief a girl must save herself until marriage, I spent my high school years fearing I suffered from nymphomania. I cover my mouth to muffle the giggle, recalling washing my soaked panties in the shower every morning to remove all traces of my lurid dreams.

So bad was my phobia, contrary to popular belief, my insatiable libido prohibited me from dating, not the fear of boys as everybody thought. Allowing a boy to so much as reach second base wasn’t an option. If I ever uncaged the demon inside me … The image of an unconscious, naked boy lying spent in the back seat sent a shiver through me.  

In the liberating academic attitude of college, I gave in to lust, and once I experienced the exuberance of a freed libido, no depravity remained out of bounds. At least I considered nothing off-limits until I met Dex. He resonated with sex appeal, but I wanted something more with him from the start. Dex’s rare combination of riveting humor and rugged good looks captivated me. The fact he came pretty well-armed for a white boy also wasn’t lost on me.         

Our relationship sparks so many adages. But my favorite memory is the day we met. Twelve years ago, as a career-minded sophomore in college, a romantic connection was the farthest thing from my mind. Then Dex knocked me off my feet, literally.

Late for class, he flew around a corner at full tilt and bowled me over. Our eyes locked, and he helped me to my feet. Then, without a word, he gathered my books, took my hand, and walked me to class.

After my class, Dex waited in the hallway. I took his outstretched hand and smiled as we walked to the student union. “I don’t even know your name.”

“Dex,” he said, continuing to stare.

Several minutes passed before I asked, “Aren’t you interested in who I am?”

He shrugged, saying, “I already know you.”


He nodded and said, “You’re the lady I’m spending the rest of my life with.”

In a scene straight out of a romance novel, I found love. Almost immediately, our relationship became sexual, and in no small way. Any time we were together alone for over ten minutes, we were doing the nasty.

But unfortunately, my fear of revealing the deviating depth of my sexual tastes forced reluctance. According to my mother and the preacher, guys never form relationships with those girls. As a result, my fantasies silently fueled our vanilla sex life in a darkened bedroom, under the covers, in a missionary position.      

As strange as it sounds, that was twelve years ago, and we’re still a couple. We married after graduation and moved to LA. Then, after a series of menial and dead-end jobs, Dex’s big break came eight years ago when he achieved a lifelong goal and proudly joined the LAPD.

I was so proud of him, and even though he kept me oblivious to the unsavory underbelly of society he dealt with daily, I could see the toll it took on him. But, unfortunately, we’ve reached the point of orbiting in different universes.

Two years ago, the company I worked at relocated to Texas. None of the job offers appealed to me, and at Dex’s suggestion, I applied to and was accepted into an MBA program at UCLA. So, as Dex kept the streets safe at night, I became a full-time student and day person.

My love for Dex remains unfettered, even through the years of his dwindling expression of intimacy. But an obligational kiss on the cheek doesn’t offset hours alone praying for his safe return. And the wife of a cop can only maintain the chipper façade of normalcy for so long without going crazy.

Dex jars me from my daydream with a kiss on the cheek. “I shouldn’t be too long,” he says, with his gym bag hoisted over his shoulder.

I roll my eyes with a sigh. “Whatever.”

He stares with a tilt of his head.

“Just recalling a time when our bed provided all the exercise you needed.”

As the back door closes behind him, he laughs and tells me to get ready for a little play time before work.

I smile, not from anticipation nor happiness, but from not remembering the last time we had earth-shattering sex, much less spur-of-the-moment sex in the daytime. And smiling through the tears is what a cop’s wife does to avoid conflict.

With a sigh, I complete the shopping list. The odds against a bit of afternoon delight are long, but hope springs eternal.



My heart sank, setting the groceries on the kitchen table. Water runs through the pipes and signals I missed my opportunity. Dex is already preparing for his five o’clock shift.

I exhale a whispering breath from our bedroom as Dex showers. My eyes close as I suppress the urge to join him.    

I lean against the bathroom door as Dex steps out of the shower to dry his hair.

He winks, saying, “God, I love you.”

Goosebumps form as a shiver rushes through me. Not half as much as I love you, I want to scream.

But from under my breath, I say, “And God, I hate sleeping alone.”

He studies me in the mirror for a long moment before saying, “Babe, you’re just bored from sitting around the house. Think about getting out more.”

I giggle. “Running low on things to bitch about?”

He splashes water on his face, saying, “No, but you should treat yourself to dinner at Lavonne’s this evening.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, be still my pounding heart. Alone at a table for two. The prospect leaves me breathless.”

Dex leathers his face, and the razer gliding over his chiseled cheek draws a smile. But it’s his magnificent cock resting along his muscular thigh, capturing my fascination.

He splashes his face with water and glances at me with a wink. But as a chill rushes through me, his cock doesn’t give the tiniest involuntary twitch.

Dex chuckles, drying his face. “Did I mention my partner has the hots for you?”


He sprays deodorant under his arms, saying, “Yeah, I think it’s probably due to him breaking it off with his latest girlfriend.”

“The stripper?”

Dex splashes his face with aftershave. “Yeah, that horn dog can’t go a week without strange pussy.” He laughs, glancing in my direction. “Relax, you don’t have to worry about that with me.”

“Don’t I know it,” I say with a sigh.

His head tilts as he squints. But the punch line to the zinger about his partner doesn’t come.

I roll my eyes. “What do you plan on doing?”

“About what?”

“Your partner wants to jump my bones,” I say, holding both hands palms up.

A kiss as he passes, and Dex says, “Nothing I can do. You’re a wet dream machine.”

“Hey! Are you telling me men lusting after me doesn’t bother you?”

A sheepish smile spreads. “The truth?”


“Having another man join us is perhaps my biggest fantasy,” Dex says, toweling his face.

My mouth slowly opens as Dex’s cock stirs for the first time in weeks.

But unfortunately, Dex winks and once again says, “Damn, I wish I wasn’t running late.”



The morning twilight creeping through the kitchen window reveals yesterday’s rain subsided and left in its wake, the dawn of a crisp, clear morning,

An hour after Dex leaves for the gym, I can’t eat, can’t relax, and can’t get yesterday’s revelation off my mind. So, with no other course of action, I change into jogging shorts and a halter top.

My jog through the neighborhood extends into the park. And over the tree-lined trails until reaching the overlook above the basketball courts. Then, I catch my breath in the shade of the mature oaks.  

The thought of Tony as a sexual partner never crossed my mind. Not because he wouldn’t make an attractive choice. This six-foot-five ex-D-1 football player is a real head-turner. His easy smile, casual mannerisms, and witty humor create an appealing package.

I try to focus on anything other than the image creeping into my mind. But the vision of my legs wrapped around Tony’s waist with my breast mashed into his chest is overpowering. Dex is in good shape, but Tony, he’s an elite athlete.

The muskie scent draws my attention to the sweaty man with his foot on the bench next to me, stretching.

He meets my shocked expression with a knowing smile. 

“Great day for daydreaming in the park,” he says with a wink.

I squint, and he takes off with a chuckle.

Alone again, I glance down. My nipples are poking through the tank top like horny little erasers, and the wet spot between my legs produces a grotesque black circle on my stretchy blue jogging shorts.

I slip off the jogging path and away from prying eyes until my appearance isn’t embarrassing.



The muscles ripple on his sweat-covered chest as Tony relentlessly slams his tiny little dick into me. But the size doesn’t concern me. Instead, the expression on Dex’s face as he watches turns me on. Dex tweaks my nipple, sending me into a screaming orgasm.

My eyes snap open, discovering I’m alone in bed with my hand in my panties. My face burns as I stare at my dripping fingers, concluding I’m out of my mind.

stare at the light streaming through the bedroom window for several moments. Then, in shock, I realize I’m listening to the shower water running in the background. I strained to remember if Dex mentioned having court this morning. When I concluded, he didn’t. I climb out of bed to discover what kept him out all night.

I charge into the bathroom, where he greets me with a startled stare. “Are you just getting home?”

Dex faces away, and his back muscles ripple as he scrubs his body. My chest tightens with the knowledge he’s hiding something from me.  

He rinses the shampoo from his hair, saying, “Yeah, things got crazy last night.”

“Too crazy to call?”

He turns the water off and grabs a towel. “Yeah, too crazy to call.”

He doesn’t face me. I swallow hard, driving down the lump.

My voice trembles as I ask, “Is there another woman?”

He silently bows his head, taking a deep breath.

“Adel, please, I don’t want to go into this right now.”

“Who is she?”

Dex raises his head and stares with cold blank eyes. I meet his stare with my own.

 “I held the hand of a sixteen-year-old shooting victim and promised her everything will be all right.”

“All night?”

“No, just until she died. Now, will you leave me the fuck alone?”

His shoulders heave as an anguished cry fills the room. 

I close my eyes as tears stream down his face. “Honey, I’m so sorry. Let me get your breakfast.”

In a raspy voice, he asks, “Do you think I can eat anything now?”



The first rays of morning twilight stream through the kitchen window as Dex enters the kitchen in a pair of sweats.

I jump from my chair, saying, “Coffee’s ready.”

He shakes his head without stopping. “You don’t want to be anywhere around me right now.”

“Honey, please?”

“I need a long run before hitting the gym.”

Alone again, I sit at the table with tears flowing down my cheeks.



The usual kiss on the cheek, and Dex is off to work. But instead of facing another night alone, I reach for the phone. On the third ring, Becky answers, and I ask, “Can you come over?”

Becky sighs and asks, “Can it wait until after dinner?”

“Thank you,” I say with an involuntary sob.

Comforted by a glass of wine, I perch on the sofa with my legs tucked under me and soft-rock playing on the stereo.

Two hours pass before the doorbell chimes, stirring me from my funk. Becky, my college best friend, hugs me, asking, “What’s the problem?”

I struggle to keep my emotions in check with a deep breath and manage a smile before bursting into tears.

Becky pats my back, saying, “Take it easy. What’s the problem?”

“Dex doesn’t find me desirable,” I say between sobs.

“Are you saying he doesn’t react to your advances?”

“No, he hasn’t instigated sex with me in months.”

“Maybe he’s stressed out at work. How does he react to your provocations?”

My nose wrinkles. “A proper wife doesn’t engage in slutty behavior. He’s responsible for initiating sex.”

Becky’s eyes close as her head shakes from side to side. “Have you lost your mind?”

“I refuse to act like a sex-starved minx.”

Becky bites her lower lip to keep from laughing. “And how’s that working for you?”

I stomp my foot. “You’re no help.”

Becky laughs. “Put on your big-girl panties and take charge of your sex life.”

“Ok, Miss know-it-all, how do you suggest I accomplish that?”

Becky snickers. “Greeting Greg at the door naked and having his dick in my mouth before the door closes works great for me.”

“You slut.”

“Maybe so, but I’m a sexually satisfied slut.”

“I could never be so ….”

“Whorish?” Becky offers with a broad smile.

I shrug.

“Marriage is a compromise, and a marriage in which both parties give the other what they need is the definition of a satisfying union.”

A tremor rushes through me. “What Dex has in mind might be a step too far.”

Her tongue darts over her lips, and Becky clicks her tongue, saying, “Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you knew what he has in mind?”

Becky laughs. “He wants a three-some with another lady.”

I blink with a shake of my head. “What gave you that idea?”

“Because all men fantasize about a three-some with another lady.”

I shake my head. “Shows how much you know.”

“What’s he hinting at,” Her head tilts as a smile spreads, “anal?”

“Bringing another man to our bed,” I say, staring at the floor.

Becky smiles. “They’re fun. Go for it. You’ll have a ball.”

My eyes rise to lock with hers. “And how would you know?”

She winks. “We’ve had our fair share of three-some’s. I especially like being split roasted.”

My head tilts as I stare.

“When I give head to one guy, another fucks me.”

“I know what it is. My shock comes from you engaging in such things.”

“Probably because I never mentioned we’re swingers.”


The corners of her mouth form a mischievous smile. “Greg and I are both attracted to a little strange pussy.”

“So you allow Greg to ravish another woman while you do without?”

Becky places a hand on my thigh, slowly shaking her head. “Any idea how difficult I found concealing my cravings in college.” 


Becky’s finger traces a path upward from my thigh, between my breast, to outline my lips. Then, as her lips hover over mine, she says, “How about we take care of your little problem?”

I gasp. But before I can reply, Becky’s tongue is in my mouth. What happened next is a blur of scattered clothes, roaming hands, and nibbling lips. Becky’s lips on my breast had me flowing. Her tongue lapping at my pussy sent me to heaven.

The tremors subside, but the tingles still course through my core as she sprawls before me, legs spread wide, and says, “I presume you’ll want to return the favor.”

She needn’t ask twice.

I cover her enticing apple-sized breasts with nibbling lips and lapping tongue before descending to the divine flat stomach. Then, following my cravings, savor her nectar from the source.


An hour later, we huddle in a quivering mass. Finally, I sigh, asking, “Any suggestion on how to get Dex involved?”

“Give him what he wants most,” Becky says with a broad smile.

“What I need is a plan of action.”

She tweaks my left nipple, saying, “Fetch me a wine winch, and I’ll outline a foolproof plan for his next day’s off.”



At three o’clock Wednesday afternoon, Dex leaves for his usual two hours at the gym with nothing planned for his night off other than an evening at home watching TV.

At four o’clock sharp, the doorbell chimes. I open the door with a sexy smile and, with a click of my tongue, say, “Right on time,”

“I’m never late for a dinner invitation from a beautiful lady.”

“Aren’t you the smooth talker,” I say, leading the way to the den.

“Where’s your old man?”

“At the gym, as usual.”

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Tony’s head slowly tilts.

“I wanted a chance to speak to you alone.”

“What’s on your mind, little lady,” Tony says, taking a seat.

I smile, handing him a beer. “I understand you have the hots for me. Any truth in that?”

Tony chokes on his beer. “I meant no offense. Dex and I were shooting the bull. It was just guy talk.”

“I understand, but to be clear, you have no interest in fucking me?”

For the first time, I saw a black man blush. Then, he stammers, saying, “You’re my partner’s wife.”

“And your partner’s marriage needs a little spice.”

“Adel, you’re a sexy lady, but I could never do that to my partner.”

“I’m not referring to an affair.”

“What say you clarify what you’re asking in plain English?”

“To join Dex and me in a three-some if he’s willing.”

Tony drains half his beer. “Wow, I didn’t see that one coming.”

“No promises, but Dex expressed an interest, and you’re the only guy coming to mind.”

“Let me get this straight, Dex, and you agreed to ask me to join you guys in a three-some?”

“Not exactly,” I say with a sheepish shrug.

Tony rolls his eyes. “As Joe Friday used to say, we want the facts, mam.”

“I don’t think that’s what he said,” I giggled. “Dex said you had the hots for me.”

“Somehow, I think you’re leaving something out.”

“The conversation came down to me saying he’d go berserk seeing the two of us doing the deed.”

“I’m more interested in his exact words.”

“Something to the effect of you banging me being his biggest fantasy.”

“I’m willing,” he shrugs. “But I’m following his lead, so he needs to start this thing.”

With a nod, I say. “I’ll talk to Dex to ensure he’s onboard.” I take a deep breath. “You want another beer?”  

“I think I need something a little stronger.”



The grandfather clock strikes five times as the front door bursts open. Dex takes the stairs two at a time, saying, “Give me five minutes for a shower, and we’ll go somewhere for dinner, Honey.”

“Dress casual, Babe. We have company for dinner.”

Dex stops and peers into the den.

Tony waves, saying, “Hey, pard, how goes it?”

Dex glances between us, a smile spreads, and he says, “Give me five minutes.”

The bedroom door closes behind Dex, and I say, “I told you this would excite him.”

Tony shrugs. “He didn’t say anything.”

“Verbal communication isn’t the only way to say something.”

Tony shrugs with a tilt of his head.

“His chubby on seeing the two of us together was a dead giveaway,” I say, taking a sip.

“If you say so, I didn’t notice.”

“I’ll be right back.”

“Need any help,” Tony asks as he stands.  

“No, I better draw this picture alone.”


I lean against the vanity, watching Dex shampoo his hair. Then, finally, he rinses and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Tony is joining us … For dinner.”

“Just dinner,” he asks without looking at me.

“That’s up to you.”

He turns the water off, grabbing a towel. “What aren’t you saying?”

I take a deep breath. “You mention having Tony join us as a play partner,” I shrug.

“Is this something you want?”

“I want to spice up our sex life, and if this is what it takes,” I arch my shoulders.

He drops his towel, revealing his diamond cutter.

I smile, “I guess it is.”

Dex takes me into his arms, kissing me passionately.

Our lips part. “I’m changing into something a little more … Comfortable,” I say, tracing my tongue over my lips.  



Accented with nervous laughter, the guys speak in hushed voices.

I descend the stairs with every hair in place. I approach with lips sparkling with fresh lipstick and my makeup perfectly accenting my features. My hand rests on my hip as I pause at the entrance to the den and clear my throat.

Their eyes trace my form, from the top of my head to the five-inch stilettos.

I smile, tracing my tongue over my lips. “Are you boys ready …” My body trembles as I wink. “For dinner?”

They both nod, but neither moves until I turn to leave.

The guys take a seat at the table without a word. I busy myself in the kitchen and smile when I catch their furtive glances from the corner of my eye.  

I serve dinner, but over the next hour, neither of these horn dogs shows the tiniest interest in what I sit before them. Instead, their only captivation comes from my breast, threatening to spill out the top of my dress.


An hour later, the empty wine bottle sits on the kitchen table, and the guys both have uncomfortable bulges in their slacks. Finally, I smile and ask, “Can I get more pasta for anybody?”

They silently shake their heads.

“Should I open another bottle of vino?”

Their eyes lock on my breast as their heads shake again.

I sigh. “Well, I’m at a loss for what to do next.”

Their eyes lock as they silently shrug.

I allow them to twist in the breeze and say, “I know. Let’s watch a movie?” I smiled and never saw more disappointment on a man’s face.

Standing, I giggle, “Don’t pout. I promise it’ll be fun.”

Dex stares with puppy dog eyes. “But, honey, I thought … You know.”

My head tilts. “Know what, Baby?”

They resemble two men led to the gallows, following me into the den—both flop on the sofa as I sync the laptop to the TV.

“What are we watching,” Dex asks with a sigh.

I slip between them, saying, “Becky sent it to me. She said we’d enjoy it, but I can’t recall the title for the life of me.”

Dex draws a deep breath and leans back, closing his eyes.

The screen comes to life with the actress answering the door. She leads the man at the door into the living room, where another man waits.

When the two men on the screen start undressing the woman, Tony says, “Holy shit, here we go.”

Dex’s eyes spring open, and he leans forward for a better view.

The actress drops to her knees, and first, one actor, then the other brings their cocks to her mouth. Next, they get her to her feet, bend her over, and while one guy fucks her, she gives head to the other.

I take this opportunity to rub my hand over Dex’s crotch. Our eyes lock, and I ask, “What’s on your mind.”

His hand darts under my skirt, where he finds thigh-highs, a garter, and a soaked pussy. But no panties.

I met his shocked expression with a smile. “Shall we make ourselves comfortable?”

He silently nods.

I turn to Tony, and he greets my stare with a smile. My eyes drop to the throbbing bulge in his pants, and I exhale a moan. I place my hand on the thickest dick ever seen and ask, “How about you, big boy, want to join us, or are you into watching?”

He stands without a word and starts undressing.

When the boys are both naked, I stand—turning my back to Tony, who silently lowers my zipper with a moan. I give a shimmy, and the gown slips to the floor, leaving me naked except for a garter, thigh-highs, and a sexy pair of red stilettos.

Dex stares, his eyes slowly tracing a path over my body.

Every nerve end tingles, wrapping my arms around Dex’s neck. “I love you,” I say, bringing my lips to his.

Our bodies mold together, and our eyes lock. My fingers trace over his chest, descending to my knees. I grip his shaft, staring into his eyes.

His hands encircle my head with a sigh.  

Before taking him into my mouth, I wink, asking, “Are you sure about this?”

He nods.

I motion for Tony to join us when I have Dex rocking with closed eyes. Then, when his hips start thrusting, I pull back and turn to take Tony’s monster into my mouth, discovering only the head fits inside.

I stand when I have them flowing pre-cum and twitching. Then, wrapping my arms around Dex’s neck, I ask, “You want the first shot or very sloppy seconds.”

He shakes his head, “Let Tony go first.”

I nod, standing straight-legged. I spread my legs and gave Tony a broad smile. “Go for it, big boy. Show me what you’ve got.”

I lower my mouth to Dex’s cock as Tony eases the mammoth head of his cock inside. Inch by inch, he slips deeper inside until his pelvis touches my ass. My mouth opens involuntarily as a moan escapes my lips.

My stare locks with Dex’s, and I scream, “Oh fuck. He has that black dick so far up my cunt I can taste his pre-cum.”

Dex closes his eyes and blows his load down my throat.

I make a promotion of swallowing his cum and ask, “Is this what you wanted?”

“The difference in skin tone,” he moans, grinding his dick across my lips. “Your juices have his dick glistening,” he gasps. “I can’t believe you’re taking the whole thing.”

Tony holds my hips and pounds into me with more and more urgency. My mind’s a blur as the sound of his abdomen slapping into my ass fills the room. As much as I want to take Dex back in my mouth, I cannot breathe and suck his dick simultaneously. Then, suddenly, Tony slams inside and holds himself firmly in place with his balls on my clit. He cums so hard that I feel his seed spurt against my cervix, time after time, until his sperm flows down my thighs.

I need several moments before I realize I’m not standing. Instead, Tony is holding me by the hips like a suitcase. Bent over and gasping, with his slowly shrinking cock still inside.  

In shock, I straighten up, reaching for Dex. I pull him to me and ask, “Are you good with what just happened?”

He nods, bringing his lips to mine. A tender kiss, and he says, “That was the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced.”,

The absurdity hits with vivid clarity, and I burst out laughing.

His head tilts. “What’s so funny?”

“I was worried about you being upset.”

Dex shrugs. “That’s normal.”

“A little late to ask with Tony’s dick still buried inside me, don’t you think.”

A pang of regret shoots through me as Tony eases free. Then, with his cock no longer a barrier, I grab my twat and run to the bathroom.


I glance at the clock on my return and can’t believe my eyes. What seemed like an eternity was only twenty minutes.

Dex hands me a beer, asking, “What’s so funny?”

“I can’t believe we broke so many barriers in so little time.”

I giggle and kiss Dex. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“An evening I’ll never forget.”

Tony tweaks my right nipple. Then, when I turn to him, he asks, “Are you up for another round?”

My head snaps around to face Dex. He smiles, stroking his erection.

Tony’s love muscle isn’t twitching, but it’s firm.

“What do you boys have in mind?”

Dex gives a toothy grin. “There’s one thing I’ve always wanted to try.”

Rolling my eyes, I say, “I have a stinking hunch I won’t be able to walk or sit tomorrow.”

They both smile mischievously.

“Ok, give me a minute. What you naughty boys want requires some serious preparation.”



Beside the bed, candlelight reflects off Tony’s glistening tool. I kneel before him and need both hands to encircle his steely girth. Then, lost in fascination, a bolt of electricity jolts me back to reality. I turn to Dex and ask, “Do you mind if I get into this before you join us, Honey?”

He continues stroking his cock, and nods.

“Honey, this is a first, so please be gentle.”

Dex nods, “I’ll try my best.”

My tongue runs up the underside of Tony’s dick. “Are you ready?”

He nods, sliding onto the bed and lying on his back.

Dex stands at the foot of the bed, locked on my every move. A pang of guilt forces me to look away from him as I straddle Tony. I hover above Tony as he wets the head of his throbbing monster at my entrance.

My husband gasps as Tony impales himself in my gapping love canal with a mighty thrust. I stare breathlessly in pain-filled pleasure as Tony tweaks my nipples. Instantly euphoria replaces the refrain, and my mind fills with the image of a giant black cock as a phallus trophy. I visualize every protruding vein along the shaft from the bulbous hooded head to the mammoth base, with an irresistible urge to place this award of vanquishment on my mantel for all to see.

Suddenly another shaft glides between the cheeks of my ass, and Dex reenters my mind. But, before I can relax, the head is applying pressure. I glance over my shoulder with hooded eyes and say, “Please be gentle. Remember, this is a first.”

I grit my teeth and tremble as Tony freezes. The head slowly slips past my sphincter with white-hot pain. I need a moment to realize the yelp came from me.

Dex stops as I use breathing exercises to relax. Finally, the pain moderates, and I ease back into him. Another fraction of an inch and the heads inside, inch by inch, I continue easing Dex inside until his abdomen is against my ass, and with more cock stuffed in me than ever experienced, I catch my breath. In reaction, my knees tremble as an orgasm rips through me.

I hold my head back and scream obscenities as both men use me as their sex toy. Their relentless pounding has my cunt spewing love juice, and my mind’s numb. The swirling vortex of pain and pleasure continues until we lie in a huddled heap with deflating cocks inside me.

Dex’s limp dick plops free. He moans, saying, “Give me a second, and I’ll be right back.”

The bathroom door closes behind Dex, and Tony asks, “Did this fulfill your fantasy?”

I giggle. “You corrupted me.”

His head tilts. “I don’t follow?”

“Your steely black dick generated an unending fantasy.”

Tony takes an ass cheek in each hand, pulling me into him. “Are you saying you want to do this again?”

“If you’re willing to put some skin in the game.”

“In what way?”

“You need to bring a gift offering for Dex.”

Tony squints.

“I can only turn it loose with you if you bring along a little strange pussy that tempts Dex.”

A smile slowly spreads, and Tony asks, “You’re not the straight-laced country girl I thought you were, are you?”

“Whatever do you mean,” I say, licking along the underside of his cock from the base to his head.



A purr escapes from my core as I uncoil, reaching for Dex’s side of the bed. Only finding cold sheets, my eyes pop open.

Tony’s gone, but the house remains the same as when we left the den for the bedroom.

Dex glances up from his cup as I lean against the archway to the kitchen. “Is something wrong,” I ask.

He shakes his head, patting the chair beside him. Dex arches his eyebrows, asking, “Coffee?”

“Please,” I say, taking a seat.

His semi-erect cock sways as he sits a cup in front of me and silently joins me. Then, finally, he asks, “Are you all right with what took place tonight?”  

“Are you?”

His head tilts, and a smile slowly spreads. “I experienced nothing as stimulating.”

I exhale a long breath. “Me either.” I take his hand and say, “but I need you to answer a question for me.”

Dex bows his head with a nod. “I’m so sorry.”

“Excuse me?”

“For humiliating you in this manner.”

I bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Honey, I love you, and I’d go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.”

He scoots his chair under the table to conceal his diamond cutter. “Don’t worry. I’ll never suggest something of this nature again.”

A shiver courses through me.

“Are you cold? I’ll get you a robe.”

I shake my head. “I’m not cold. It’s just …” I shrug. “Tony’s cum is still flowing out of me.”

“Oh!” Dex says, as his hands fall to his lap and his eyes lower to my legs.

“Honey, would you like to see?”

His tongue darts over his lips as he nods.

I slide forward, raising my tee shirt. Then, spreading my legs, I place my feet on the table’s edge and squeeze as hard as possible.

He moans as a pearly white gob of cum flows from between the lips of my labia.

“Oh honey, feel how wet I am.”

His hand trembles as his fingers part the lips of my pussy.

I grab his wrist and pull his fingers to my lips. His eyes bulge as I suck his fingers.



“Fuck my naughty pussy.”

He jerked me from the chair, throwing me over the table. Instantly, he’s balls deep inside me, thrusting like a madman.

My pussy convulses around his shaft until he nuts. When his dick stops twitching, Dex slips limply into the chair, gasping for breath.

When I can speak again, I ask, “What time is it, honey?”

“Ten minutes after three.”

I drop before him and take his dick into my mouth. He goes soft in my mouth, and I ask, “Can I tell you a secret?”

Dex nods.

“I told Toney the only way he can fuck me again is if he brings a stone fox for you.”

His dick twitches. “Baby, you’re the only woman I need.”

A coy smile spreads. “Does the thought of me doing the deed with another man turn you on?”

He gives a toothy grin and nods.

As I slowly stroke his cock, I say, “The only way that’s going to happen is if I’m sure you’re preoccupied.”

He sputters a reply, but I stop him with an upraised hand. “The only way I can be sure is if you’re going crazy with another woman.”

Dex nods, saying, “I might not have a diamond cutter, but as wet as you are, I can get it in. Are you ready for bed?”

“I’m ready for a new chapter in our sex life.” 



Written by darrellb12
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