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Still Faithful, Always - Chapter 10

"Laura and Dan, their relationships and their futures"

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As much as Laura liked to spend her Saturday mornings when she was home working in her garden sometimes Mother Nature had other ideas. With a stretch and waking yawn Laura rose, looked out her bedroom window and saw that this time the weatherman had guessed right with today’s prediction. A steady rain watered her plants and bushes. Returning to bed she squeezed her Baby’s morning wood to wake him.

“Do your stuff and back to bed Baby; this morning I will serve your first cup of coffee here in the bedroom while we decide on the day.”

Drinking from the coffee mug Laura brought him Dan decided he would kick off their weekend planning conversation. “Other than the routine stuff, make sure the clothes I’ll need for the coming week are in order and things like that, I don’t have any inside tasks on my plate. I was going to do yard things this weekend getting ready for fall and winter. What about you Baby?”

“Same here Baby, since we hired Anita to do our house cleaning every week I don’t have the household deep cleaning that worked for this kind of rainy weekend. Do you have any gallery openings tonight?”

“Not really, there’s nothing special on tap right now. I guess I will just have to chase my Baby around the house and see if she lets me catch her.”

Oh, I have a feeling your Baby will let you catch her, but how many times will that work? What if she starts chasing you? Got someone you can call for reinforcements?”

Husband and wife shared laughter and a moment’s time out to drink more of their coffee. Both were used to keeping busy and with Mother Nature washing out their regular weekend back yard duties they had time on their hands. Laura offered a suggestion.

“I saw that you put a couple of pine logs by the fireplace ready to go. How about we just lounge around today in our jammies, light a log, drink mimosas and act like newlyweds. I think that sounds relaxing and like something my Baby should enjoy.”

Dan nodded and kissed his Baby, “Showers first, come join me.”

An hour later Dan and Laura stretched out on floor pillows in front of their fireplace. While Dan played boy scout and turned pine logs into an aromatic fire, Laura put together a light breakfast tray they would share. Their menu consisted of grapes, apple wedges, heavy crackers and brie with fresh coffee and mimosas for liquid refreshment. They took turns doing the love bird finger feed each other routine with frequent kisses. Both wore a matching set of silk pajamas Laura bought as joint Christmas gift last year.

“I talked with Artsy this week. She is still gushing over that ring you had Jeweler make for her. Your good taste goes well beyond women’s clothes Baby; I didn’t realize you could get creative with jewelry styles too.”

“Once you pushed me, thank you for that by the way you had to provide the push or I would have resisted, I just set my mind to the task. Your jeweler and I spent a couple of hours two different times before we came up with the final idea. I still think you should let me pay for that ring at least.”

“No Baby, and it’s not really a my treat thing either. In some ways it’s selfish on my part more than altruistic.”

“How do you figure spending that kind of money on a ring for your husband’s girlfriend is selfish, Greg?”

“Yes, a good part is Greg, you letting me have a chance to try and recover what I lost, responsibly Baby, recover responsibly. I think me being responsible is the key; can Laura be responsible? I’m trying, but if buying those rings was just to have Greg I would be trying to steal something, stealing something from you, Baby. I would be trying to steal freedom from strict vows maybe.”

“That would definitely not be responsible. So it’s not all Greg and me, it’s my Baby and me. It is very much my job to make sure my man is happy in every aspect of his life.”

Laura put two grapes in her mouth and then pulled Dan close for an open mouth kiss. She tongued one of the grapes past lips in an intimate exchange but kept lips connected as she began to chew the grape she retained.

“I like being sexy here with you Baby.”

Dan reached inside Laura’s pajama top and pinched a nipple much harder than he normally would. Laura moaned and leaned into her man. “You’ve been taking lessons; that feels like a Greg trick.” Dan pinched and twisted harder. Laura reached into her pajama bottoms to play; she didn’t last long. Dan continued nipple twisting as his wife strummed her clit; he unfastened two buttons so he could use both hands.

Laura began panting; her breathing went shallow and rapid. She tried to close her eyes but her lids still fluttered. Suddenly Mother Nature intervened with a sharp crack of thunder nearby. Laura screamed her own thunderbolt; she reached for Dan with both hands to hold him close. Dan let go of the breasts he had been torturing and pulled his Baby as close as possible. He just held his wife until she returned from orgasm.

“Holy mackerel Baby, are you sure you haven’t been doing threesomes with Artsy and LF? Geez that was intense and oh so – oh so so – just oh so good wonderful. I always expect you to make sweet love to me, but you are pretty good as a straight hard fuck guy too. I should never forget that much Baby. I love you.”

“I’m drained Baby, would you go get me another mimosa to rejuvenate?”

“We got here talking about Artsy’s ring. I want to do some more ring talk if that’s okay with you Baby?”

“Sure Baby, you want one too?”

“As a matter of fact . . . when I saw her ring I got a feeling. Is there a difference between envy and jealousy; don’t answer that Baby. I did want one too. I didn’t want hers, not to take it away, I wanted mine; I wanted you to give me one just like hers. Does that make sense Baby? Am I a bad person for wanting what your other lover has?”

“You are certainly not a bad person. I think I understand why you want one. I will talk to Jeweler; we’ve become friends sort of. One thing, I will pay this time.”

“Wait Baby, I don’t want you to say sure I’ll get you one today. I want you to consider carefully. Think about you and me and our marriage and the symbolism of rings. I want you to think about you and Artsy and your love, and your commitment to her even if you can’t ever marry. If she wants something of you that is all hers and only hers, and that something is the symbol of her unique ring, then I want you to tell me ‘No Baby’ that ring is for Artsy alone.”

Dan put both mimosa glasses on the hearth and pulled his wife close to kiss. He said nothing; he only held Baby in a tight hug and rained soft kisses all over her face. “You have grown up, grown into an even more beautiful and loving person. I have always loved you, even through the pain of those times, but never more than I love you today.”

Dan knew he would repeat this conversation with Artsy, he would work with Jeweler to create a ring similar but uniquely Laura; her point about considering two lovers was something Dan must always keep in mind. The light of knowledge glowed in Dan’s brain and he laughed aloud.

“What Baby, what’s so funny?”

“Mrs. Patron, that old lady knows everything before it happens. You know how you are always saying you want to be like her when you grow up? You must be growing up Baby because you are getting to be like her at least a little bit.”

Suddenly Dan felt himself overwhelmed. Some sort of dervish jumped him, pushed him to his back and climbed on top as within one motion that single dervish whipped her pajama top off and pushed Dan’s to his armpits. Baby rubbed hands and boobies all over Dan’s chest. Somehow she managed to get two pajama bottoms off as well. Laura lowered herself over her husband’s spike like cock slowly the first time but with growing forceful thrusts each time she lifted and slapped her body down.

She fucked her man with determined ferocity while calling out her joy. “I love you Baby you are wonderful. That is the best thing any man has ever said to me. I love you – I love you – I just love you completely.

Laura screamed even louder, “Yes! He called me Mrs. Patron. My husband, our lover, he called me.”

Laura continued fucking and shouting her pleasure to the ceiling, to the rain gods outside, to whoever could or could not hear. Her shouts, her words made no sense, no sentences, no matter. Dan remained hard. Laura would orgasm, shout more babbling joy, and then keep on fucking up and down reaching for her next joyous and passion driven peak. Finally she consumed every ounce of energy and collapsed. Laura’s Baby wrapped her tight and held for comfort. He rolled her bare back toward the fireplace to let heat from the flames reach and caress bare skin.

“We keep getting distracted Baby; you keep trying to empty that sack between your legs. You men are all alike, sex on the brain. If you see a girl’s fuzzy pussy your pecker gets hard and just goes after it.”

“I hate to remind you of this Baby, but your pussy hasn’t had any fuzz in as long as I remember, years for sure. One other minor point of distraction, you were the one who jumped me and tore my clothes off, left me naked on the floor, and had your way with me.”

“You’re still a man and you loved it. That makes it your fault, your responsibility. I still want to talk about rings.”

“Go ahead Baby, rings, let’s finish the topic and then we can screw one more time.”

“I have in my jewelry box, not yours my regular one, my mother’s rings. The funeral home gave them to me before they closed the casket the last time.”

“I remember when you got them, you showed me. They were very old rings but beautiful and full of memories.” Dan took a serious look on his face that carried into a stare at his hands in lap.

“What are you thinking right now Baby? That whatever thought you have is clearly well inside your brain, your psyche.”

“We don’t have a daughter to pass them on, not even a son who could give them to his bride.”

“Baby, we made that choice when I discovered . . . we made the choice together. We could have adopted but decided not to. I don’t regret our lives and our choices Baby; I got through my years.” They held one another in silence.

“Dan Baby, Artsy is still probably within the window, almost certainly, but not much longer. If you two want to talk about children as a possibility I will not stand in the way.”

“Back to the rings, you have something in mind.”

Laura held out her left hand with the three rings on third finger. “We have talked about these three rings before. Dan, Baby, please hear me out on this; my idea is controversial. I am sure I want to wear a fourth ring. I want to be in some sense Mrs. Laura Harrison-Martell. You know what that means, right?”

“I have an idea of how my rings can represent that desire. Greg and I finding a way for me to wear a fourth ring is another request that I know you can’t decide in the here and now. I can’t give the yes answer I so want to give without you with me Baby. There is a lot of symbolism involved; I understand that much. There is truly a lot of violating cultural symbolism in what I am suggesting.”

“I don’t know if Mrs. Patron can help you with this one Baby. You must reach inside. Know this my Baby; I love you and I will understand, I will accept, and I will live with whatever your decision may be.”

Dan sat in silence trying to absorb what his wife just said. The ultimate extension of his simple statement at brunch on a Saturday long past that her rings, her Greg rings, were still in the jewelry box was now on the table. I have serious deep thinking ahead into who and what am I and what is marriage. My love for this woman and her love for me demand I look at every angle, every nuance. Can I live with our situation being more formal for Laura? What about my relationship with Artsy? Geez Louise now I am three people with Mrs. Patron on the side and links even beyond.

“You’re right Baby, no quick decision. My promise to you is I will give your thoughts my best. What about the rings though? Is that it?”

“Jeweler and I have talked about a way to take the gold bands from the bottom of our engagement ring plus Greg’s engagement ring and some of the gold from at least one of Mother’s rings and merge them so that when I wear all of my rings all three of us are linked even more closely.”

“You may not be fertile in one way but you sure are upstairs.

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That’s step two of the thinking about the all of us process I would say.”

Laura excused herself and vanished up the stairs to their bedroom. When she returned about five minutes later Laura was no longer barefoot and she handed Dan his slippers then went to their stereo system. She loaded three CDs on the player and set controls to random.

“Baby I have had enough of this heavy talk about rings, lovers and the like. Come dance with me while we enjoy the music and the sound of rain falling all around.”

For almost an hour Dan and Laura could have been at a dance club. A fast song or two would play and they would boogie around their den but eventually a slow ballad came up. They just so naturally melted into each other’s arms as lovers. Laura tucked her head on her husband’s shoulder and they mostly danced in place holding one another while swaying in time with the music. Their telephone ringing eventually interrupted them, Dan answered.

“Hello, Martell residence!”

“Hi Honey, slow day here, what are you two up to?”

“Let me ask Laura.” She was following the conversation and guessed they were invited to visit. “Laura says yes; what time do you want us?”

“Okay, we will see you in an hour or so; love you Honey.”

Dan pulled his Baby close for a hug and kiss before he decided to turn off the music. He guided Laura to the sofa. “Let me pour one more mimosa each. I want to do a little recap before we get dressed and go to Mrs. Patron’s home.”

“Okay Baby, go ahead, you start and I will follow.”

“Well, we talked a lot about the two of us, but really it was each with others, right? I mean you shared how important Greg was in your life and I shared about Artsy. Do you agree or want to add something?”

“Yeah Baby I do; I want you to keep in mind how I feel about you and Artsy together, being a couple, is important to me and my ability to have a relationship with Greg. I really think that point I tried to make may be subtle but it is vital to how well you and I will be able to get along.”

“Okay, good, right, and I do understand and agree with you. That leads in to the next point. You and I are the primary couple here even though we both have someone else. Our ability to be together as one is crucial. We need to be able to talk like today always.”

Laura answered her total agreement to this point without words. Her arms enfolded husband and lips sealed his in a fervent kiss. Laura just held her Baby close after breaking kiss and snuggled under his chin.

“We agreed that we have partners alongside; we agreed how important those partners are; we also agreed that we are important to each other; what we really didn’t talk to is the how, the mechanics of making sure our commitments stay in balance, focused but never out of control and interfering with each other. Does what I just said make sense to you Baby?”

“Yes Baby, we both have others but we come first. Let me say this about Greg: I love him, I want to be his wife, I want to be married to Greg when I can, when I am in California, but when I am here I am only your wife; there is no other when I am with you. You have a similar situation; you love both Artsy and Mrs. Patron. Your ability to express that love may be more difficult than mine because you live here and so do they. There is no clear break between you and I on one hand and your other loves. Think about them apples for a minute Baby.”

“You know girl, you may not be brilliant but you can be a pretty deep thinker. I can see why BL has you on the Board of Directors.”

“Here’s my real point about that Dan Baby; Greg is important, Greg and Laura together is important to me, but nothing is as important to this lady Laura as Dan and Laura being a successful married couple. I hope your relationship with Artsy will fit that mold too.”

Dan held and kissed his lady. “I think we agree and understand each other perfectly. If we can keep this place those reservations I expressed about you and Greg, the ones Mrs. Patron helped me work through, are mooted.”

> > > - -

“This is a bit unusual for us lately, only three here at the country club having dinner. Often at least LeeAnne is with us and sometimes LF too.”

“LeeAnne and LF are off doing girl things this evening. LeeAnne spends too much time with this old woman. She is still a young girl and needs to do young girl activities.”

“Now you ladies are making me feel old and like Artsy’s father rather than her lover.”

Both Mrs. Patron and Laura laughed. “Daniel, you are maturing nicely and maybe there is a single grey hair or two on your head but you still have all of those hairs up there and you are still quite young and vigorous. That is one of the reason’s I so enjoy when you share my bed those all too infrequent times you humor me. By no means can you be considered a father figure.”

The three close friends went silent as their waiter appeared. An almost unseen hand over Dan’s shoulder delivered their appetizer, a large tray of calamari with small sauce bowls: pesto, garlic butter with coriander leaves, and a traditional red sauce. Hard rolls and garlic paste completed their first course. The country club dining room advertized this Italian home style dinner weeks in advance with reservations limited to one seating. Dan filled the wine glasses from the bottle of dry white that accompanied their Mediterranean meal.

Conversation continued. Dan talked about their gallery-museum project and asked Mrs. Patron to fill in the last two weeks of details as he had been tied up working his true position as commercial vice-president. Laura listened with fascination and asked a few questions to clarify points. Her biggest concern was the grand opening now less than six months away. Using her position on the board she would lead the Business Lady contingent plus accompany executives from Greg’s law firm. Husband and Lover-Fiancé together could get awkward based on past experience.

“Baby, Mrs. Patron, I have a question; we need it on the table.”

Dan looked at his wife a bit surprised at the almost formal way she was raising her question. She sounded as though asking a business matter question as she would in a Board of Directors meeting. We are having a friendly dinner chat talking casually about a project that’s not in her sphere of interest Dan thought to himself. Then he remembered the substantial millions she raised on the west coast supporting Mrs. Patron’s vision. Laura’s sphere of interest just expanded in her husband’s mind. Dan rethought as he looked to his Baby, “I believe I understand.”

“I will have to invite, we want to invite, those big donors I solicited. Greg’s law firm is one; he will probably be asked to represent them.”

Mrs. Patron nodded; she understood the simple part of the problem instantly and was looking deeper as she thought of Laura’s statement. “Of course, he is going to be their proper and logical choice. Daniel, we are going to have to be proper hosts. As Executive Director you will have to be especially gracious. I hope that will not cause a problem.”

“Of course not, we will have no problem at all. Greg and I are not strangers; we have much in common, one lady in particular.” Dan looked over at his wife and grinned but he reached for her hand and squeezed gently to let her know he was teasing. “Seriously now, Greg and I have been together many times with Laura present, sometimes as his lady, sometimes as mine. He is a professional and I do respect him. I think he feels the same about me although we have never discussed the matter. We both know how to act appropriately.”

“I can tell you he does Baby because Greg and I have discussed it both recently and in those prior years. I have received several spankings over my antics treating you. He has often told me of his feelings about you, always positive. He told me he proudly showed the Business Week article that mentioned you around his office.”

“Greg does know how to make my bottom sore when I deserve it.” Laura also added very softly, “Often for no reason as well.” Mrs. Patron heard and gave a soft chuckle but there was no indication Dan heard his wife’s last remark at all.

Mrs. Patron offered a suggestion, “Since your lover will have a dual status at our gala one of us should be his host. I do believe my home is best suited for that role.” It didn’t take long for both Dan and Laura to agree.

“Baby, don’t worry about Greg being here in Charlotte again. I am sure there will be times I have to be in San Francisco with you. We are all adults and can work things out.” Dan leaned over for a polite public kiss and softly told his wife he would make sure she had sufficient private time for her lover and fiancé. Another thought blasted into Dan’s awareness.

“Fiancé may not be the correct term by then; it could be husband, isn’t that right Baby?”

Laura reached her left hand toward her two table mates. “When we talked about me possibly wearing a fourth ring we were talking along those lines Baby. We never came to a decision did we? Would you object to asking your very important mentor for her opinion?”

Dan and Laura told of the discussions they had all through the soup course, a delicious but spicy zuppa de pesce fra di avolo and into the pasta course which was bland to counter the spicy soup. Mrs. Patron offered her opinion as they waited for the main course serving.

“What you are suggesting is unusual to be sure. We all know what you want can not be legal, but there are ways around legalities, aren’t there? You are both strong, proud and powerful individuals; in many ways the perfect couple. I do believe you two can make your part work. I am sure LeeAnne will adapt nicely to her role and I will do whatever I can to support her. The only unknown on my part is your fiancé Laura; I have met him only a few times but he does seem intelligent and reasonable. I give my blessing and am willing to be Mother of the Bride.” Mrs. Patron chuckled, “Mother of the Husband as well and any other interested parties that need a mother figure.”

“Now let me ask a question if I may. The general subject is the same as yours my dear but you glossed over this question all too briefly. How do you propose to make your second marriage come about?”

“I have done just a little bit of thinking about details. I’ve never shared these ideas with anyone, not my Greg, not our Daniel. I do not think even an informal wedding will be possible if performed in this country. An informal wedding could be performed but I do not think it could be kept quiet enough to work long term.” Laura made eye contact with Mrs. Patron and then her Baby, neither seemed to object.

“When Greg and I visited Puerto Vallarta I took him to that same beautiful old cathedral you and I discovered Baby. He loved it too.” Again Laura eye checked for understanding. Dan clearly did understand and Mrs. Patron clearly did not; Laura continued. “We would need to take our own minister; I am sure the priests at the cathedral would not be pleased. We did see some couples and small groups doing informal get-together-somethings while we were there. You and I saw them Baby and so did Greg and I see the same sort of groups.”

“The cathedral in PV is one possibility and I think we could pull that off. If so I can be married in a church for my second time. I do like that idea; it seems to add just a hint of tradition and legitimacy. My other idea is on the beach at St. Maarten. The beach at dawn sounds so romantic for a wedding so that is still a possibility.”

“Laura, Daniel, I am very much a traditionalist about things like weddings. If you are holding a small plebiscite my dear then my vote is for the cathedral. Daniel, I expect you to give the bride, you really must; it will be important to your wife and I do believe to your long term marital health.” Laura mouthed a silent thank you to the older woman who was clearly on her side for whatever possible reason.

“Thank you to both of my favorite people at this table for their contributions to my future marriage and general happiness. I guess I will tell Greg when I see him next to send his tuxedo out for fall cleaning and to start practicing his Spanish.”

“I love you Baby. I am not sure I deserve someone as good for me as you, but I am so glad I love you and you love me.”

Written by BobNbobbi
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