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"Sue loses her baby. Gloria is concerned about losing Debbie. Marg is confused."

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Story until now

I had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week.

 He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply ignored him and said it was none of his business.

Meanwhile, there was no shortage of sex in my life. I didn’t have to go looking for it because Gay, Cherie or Marg was up for it anytime that I was interested. The word had got out that my wife and I had split and other women at work and around town showed interest as well but I did not follow up on any of those advances.

Gay had told me that Al was successful with the job application in the city that I had told him about and so Gay was now able to come over every day if she wished.

Debbie and Gloria still called or dropped in from time to time. Debbie still looked after the house for us and often cooked our meals as well but was usually headed for home by the time that I returned from work. Both their pregnancies were well advanced at this stage. Although I had no hang-ups about having sex with a pregnant woman I could tell by their demeanour that they did not wish to participate. It seemed that they may have seen me as a means to an end. Perhaps they saw me only as a living walking sperm bank to be used when they needed it.

The story continues.

I had walked in the door, returning from work when the phone rang. I pick up the receiver and immediately identified Sue’s father’s voice. The message was straight to the point.

“Can you get over here as soon as possible? Sue’s gone into labour.”

“But that’s not possible. She wouldn’t be quite six months yet.”

“Be what it may, she is in the hospital and she is in labour. Because it’s premature they are concerned for the baby. You need to be here.”

“OK, I’ll ring back with the flight details.”

I called my assistant and asked her to get me on the next plane east. I started packing the essentials for the trip. I made a couple of calls to make sure that my work wouldn’t suffer in my absence then called Sues’ dad to let him know the timing of my arrival. As I was about to leave, Marg came home. I explained the situation to her and she offered to run me to the airport and pick me up on my return. If it had been anyone else I would have used a taxi but I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Marg.

“Are you going to bring the slut back?” Marg asked as we backed out of the driveway.

“I really don’t know. My preference would be to leave her there but I know that if she asks me to I may change my mind. I’ve really been missing the kids and I can’t see Sue allowing them to come live with me without a fight. We’ll have to see what eventuates.”

“You know that nothing will change with her, don’t you? She will just screw around and hurt you again.”

“Yep, quite likely but that doesn’t remove my responsibilities to her and to the kids.”

“I’d agree with you if I thought that she would meet her responsibilities to you but I know she won’t.” She was quiet for a while and I could tell she had something on her mind so I waited for her to speak. “Goyse, do you still love me in the same way that I love you?”

“Please Marg, let’s not go there at this time.”

“No, the time is right and I‘ve got something that I have to say. I’m still in love with you and I think that you are with me. Right now you and your wife are separated and we have been living a dream life. Gay knows how I feel. She has been helping keep Cherie’s attention diverted so that we can spend time together. Gay has told me that you still love me and that I should talk to you about it before you make the decision on your wife’s return. If I leave it and Sue comes back it will be too late for us then.”

“OK, say what you must.”

“I want you to take me away.”

“Take you away to where? What about Cherie? She trusts you and she trusts me. What happens to her if we just get up and leave? Then there are the kids. What about the kids, yours and mine?”

“Where we go is unimportant. Cherie is a great friend but I know that she is becoming more interested in Gay than in me. I don’t really mind because when the three of us girls are together I feel left out. My kids are not a problem. Ian has a new partner who I know and trust with my kids but they want to live with me. That means whereever I go my kids will be with me for most of the time. Your kids will depend on any arrangements you make with Sue.”

“Is this really the right time to talk about this, Marg?”

“Yes, it has to be. I know that if you come back with Sue then I will have to move on with my life. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I think so, you’re saying that if Sue comes back you will leave. Is that what you are telling me?”

“Something like that, yes.”

“I don’t want you to leave, Marg. Without you, my life will have little meaning. Your presence keeps me sane.”

“It’s decision time, Goyse. If you want me then I’m yours but you have to make that decision. It’s been a number of years now that I’ve played second fiddle to your wife. I know you no longer love her. If I thought you did I would have moved on before now. She doesn’t love you and she has told people exactly that. She stays because of her need for security. I can’t go on much longer hanging around hoping for a few hours together occasionally. We have lived under the same roof together now for a number of weeks and I know that if we were to live together it would last a lifetime. We are perfect for each other. At least think about it before you make the decision on bringing Sue back.”

“OK, will you stay in our present arrangement if Sue doesn’t come back?”

“Yes, for a period but understand that if Sue comes back I will leave. It would absolutely destroy me to walk away but I have no future if I don’t.”

“I understand. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you the way I have.”

“It’s not your fault. It has always been my decision to keep our relationship going. You were a willing participant but you were never to blame.”

The flight across the country seemed to happen quickly probably because I slept most of the time. The discussion with Marg had somehow sapped my strength. I decided before I got off the plane that I was not going to take Sue back with me even if she wanted it.

The 500 km drive to Sue’s dad's place gave me time to think it all over. I wanted to be with Marg but for some reason that I just couldn’t understand, I couldn’t take that important leap. Without any doubt, Marg was the most important person in my life with the exception of my kids but I hesitated on the commitment. Even today while writing this I still don’t understand it. I could have had it all but I just could not commit. Perhaps it was the fear that it may go the same way that my relationship with Sue had gone or maybe it was my upbringing where I was taught that responsibility could not be avoided.

I went straight to the hospital on arrival. Merv was by her bedside holding her hand. Sue was crying. When I entered the room the first thing that I noticed was she had no bump where our baby should have been.

When Merv saw me he got up and without any greeting said, “I’ll leave you two alone,” and then he left.

I walked over to Sue and bent down to kiss her on the cheek but she turned her head away so that my lips made contact with her neck. “Are you OK?”

“We lost him. How do you think I am?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Sorry, what have you got to be sorry about? You have your little floozies living in our house. Every night you can pick and choose. I hear from Al that you have even been sleeping with his missus. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. He wasn’t even your kid.”

“I didn’t come all this way to argue with you. I’ll leave you to settle down. Is there anything that you need?”

 “You could give me my husband back but that would be asking too much wouldn’t it?”

“I’m going to leave. If you need anything, ring me. I would like to talk to you once you settle down a little. Who was your doctor?”

She gave me the doctor’s name and I searched around the hospital until I found him. I introduced myself to him. The doctor remembered me from when I had lived there. He offered condolences. He told me that the cause of death was that the birth had been too premature. He then asked me did I have any questions. I asked could I see our baby to which he gave me directions. I then asked him could I speak to him in confidence. He agreed that he would respect my confidence if he was willing to answer the question. 

“Could you give me an idea of the age of our child from conception to birth?”

“As the father as noted on the paperwork, you have a right to ask. I would say six months, maybe a fraction longer. I suspect the reason why you may be asking. I am also aware of your wife’s previous reputation. You may have other related questions which I will answer but I can’t provide additional answers without you asking the question.”

“Did you do a check of blood group type?”

“Yes. We had to do that to be prepared. Your son survived around ten hours. Before I answer your next question I may need your permission to check your medical file.”

“At this stage, I don’t have any more questions so there is no need to check my medical file.”

“Now I understand why so many people hold you in such high regard. We will keep your wife in hospital under surveillance for a few more days. She is taking the loss pretty hard.”

I left and followed his instructions on viewing the body. The moment that I saw him I recognized the similarities in features to Doug, the roller rink manager even down to the darker complexion. The doctors comment about me made me realize that he also suspected that the child was not mine.

Two weeks later I flew home. Sue was still quite aggressive to me which meant that I did not discuss anything to do with our future with her. Merv was hanging around like a bad smell although Sue seemed to be avoiding getting too close to him or spending time alone with him. I had planned to spend up to four weeks but could see no reason to stay longer. At that stage, I could not see a future for my marriage to Sue.

It was great to be with the Kids again. With Sue limited in her mobility, I spent every moment that I could with them. Before I left I spoke to Sue’s father and explained that there appeared to be too many issues for us to resolve to get back together. He told me that Merv had been around quite often since she moved back east. He also asked me did I see the baby. When I told him I did, he asked me had Sue been cheating on me when the baby was conceived. I lied and told him that I didn’t think so. He responded by saying that I was a good man and that he had a fool for a daughter. He obviously saw through my lie.     

Marg met me when the plane landed.  I took her into my arms, kissed her and told her that I had missed her. She said that I should have taken her with me. “Damn,” I thought. I had missed an opportunity in my rush to go east. Marg asked about the baby. I told her what the doctor had said and then I described him to her.

“So it was Doug’s.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No, but the darker complexion, the little flat nose and the eyes wide apart are a description of Doug. Your features and Sue’s features are nothing like that. She was caught with him by one of the rink staff only a couple of days after that weekend when we all came together. It would be abnormal for them to be caught the first time they did it. I’ll bet it was going on well before she got caught. She used all of us to cover up her cheating. Debbie said she pushed her onto you. She insisted that you and I sit together in the back seat on the way back from the airport. She was setting up a smoke screen to cover up her tracks.”

“Most likely you are right. I had similar thoughts myself.”

“Have you thought about what we discussed on the way to the airport?”

“Yes, I’ve thought about it every day that I’ve been away.”

“Well, what did you decide?”

“Sue’s not here, is she?”

“No, she’s not but what did you decide?”

“I decided to come home and to leave her where she is.”

We drove home in silence. I knew that it was not the answer that she was looking for. I was frightened that if I committed then it could be to seek revenge against Sue. My anger was seething inside me and I was having trouble controlling the desire to make Sue suffer. A relationship based on revenge was never going to last. I didn’t want to commit to a relationship with Marg that had a possibility of failing. To succeed we both had to be involved for the right reasons.

When we arrived home we were met by Cherie, Gay and Debbie. Each of them hugged me. I could see that Debbie had been crying. At the first opportunity, I got her away from the others and asked her what was wrong.

“Gloria and I are fighting. I don’t know what has come over her. Every day she attacks me and seems to want to belittle me for no obvious reason. It’s as if she thinks I have done something wrong but I don’t know what it is.”

“Where is she now? I’ll go and talk to her.”

“She’s at home. I’ll come with you.”

“No, I’d like to talk to her alone. If she hasn’t talked to you about what’s worrying her she probably won’t tell me if you’re there. How’s bub?”

“The baby’s fine. He kicks me a bit but otherwise OK. I’ll be six months shortly.”

“You’re having a boy? I thought you wanted a girl?”

“I don’t know, to be honest, but I feel like it will be a boy.”

I drove out to see Gloria. I was dead tired but some things you just have to do. When Gloria opened the door she took me into her arms and hugged and kissed me. It brought back memories of our time together when she was trying to get pregnant for Debbie. It felt pretty special to hold her.

“I thought you were still over east. When did you get back?”

“This afternoon, Marg picked me up from the airport.”  

“You just arrived home and you’ve come out to see me. Why?”

“I was worried about you. I could see that Debbie had been crying but she wouldn’t tell me why so I thought you might be able to tell me. I was worried about you both.”

She was quiet for a while before she spoke. “It’s OK, it's nothing to worry about. I’ve just been having a hard time of it and been taking it out on Debbie, that’s all.”

“Have you been sick?”

“No, not sick. I don’t know what to say. It’s just me. I’ve been stressed about something and it’s been driving me crazy.”

“Look, Gloria, we all go through worrying times. Sometimes it’s just in our minds other times it’s real. Both ways it always feels real and it can destroy good relationships and what you have with Debbie is very special. Maybe it’s time you talked to someone about what’s troubling you. I’m here and you already know that anything that you discuss with me will never be repeated. How about it?”

“It’s embarrassing, I don’t know if I can talk to you about it.”

“If you can’t talk to me then you can’t talk to anyone about it. You won’t find anyone who cares about you and Debbie as much as I do. You have a very special partnership with Debbie and I can tell that if you don’t work out how to get over what is troubling you, you may be putting that at risk. Now spit it out.”  

“I don’t know what to say or how to say it.”

“Take your time but I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” I laughed as I said it but she knew that I was deadly serious.

“I’m worried that Debbie likes being at your place more than she likes being with me.”

“OK, so you feel that she might be cheating on you. Is that it?”

“Probably. She spends more time with you and the girls these days than she does with me. I’ve been worried about her.”

“You think she is having an affair with one of the girls.”

“No, not exactly, that’s not it.”

“I don’t understand why you’re concerned. If you’re worried about her spending too much time at my place, you don’t think she is interested in one of the girls but you think she might be having an affair…………” it suddenly dawned on me what she was thinking. “No, Gloria, no, that’s wrong. She’s a good friend just like you are a good friend, nothing more. Please, don’t think that. That has not happened and it never will. She loves you. She and I are just good friends.”

“You’re the father of her child.”

“Yes, the same as I’m the father of your child. The three of us have that in common. My seed is growing inside you in the same way as it is growing inside Debbie. It’s the tie between us. We’ll always have a little feeling for each other. We can’t fight that because it’s human nature but that’s not love. It’s a very special thing but it’s not love.”

“You think I’m being stupid?”

“No, I think you understand because you feel the same way. Come here, I want to hold you.”

Gloria moved over to me and I held her tightly. She looked up at me and I couldn’t help myself, I kissed her and she responded.

“Stay here with me tonight. I want to be with you. I want to feel you inside me again.”

“I want to be with you too but Debbie will be home later and I don’t want to cause trouble for you or for Debbie.”

“So you can be with Debbie but not with me, is that it?”

“Ah, now I see the problem. You think I have been sleeping with Debbie behind your back. Gloria, I have never had sex with Debbie on any occasion that you have not been aware of. I wouldn’t do that to you and I won’t do that to Debbie. I would really like to make love to you but only if it is OK with Debbie and I would like to make love to Debbie but only if you are OK with it.”

“So you will not stay with me tonight then?”

“Yes, I will once I talk to Debbie about it and only if she agrees. I will also ask her if she would join us if that is OK with you.”

“Hell, what will she think if you ask her that?”

“She will probably think you’re a horny little bitch and she will probably be right.”

We both burst out laughing. I picked up the phone and rang home. Cherie answered and I asked her to put Debbie on.   

“Debbie, I want to spend the night with Gloria tonight. Gloria wants to know if you would join us.”

“Is everything OK?”

“Yes, everything is fine. Will you join us?” I delayed for a moment and when she didn’t answer straight away I added, “please?”

“There is no need for the please. Of course, I’ll join you but don’t start without me if you can help it.”

“It’ll be hard but we’ll try.”

With a laugh, Debbie hung up. In my mind, I could just imagine her turning to Cherie and saying. “I’m on a promise. I’ve got to hurry. See you!”

I turned and Gloria fell into my arms. She raised her head and I knew she wanted to be kissed and I did exactly that. The kiss was long and hard and very wet. She was pressed up against me and I knew she could feel how hard I was and how much I desired her. Sex had not entered my mind for the two weeks that I had been over east and that was unusual for me. I was strictly a once a night at least man so I also knew that whoever got me first would get a thirty-second job and would probably be disappointed.

“I’m sorry. I should have trusted you.”

“You need not apologize to me. Just remember how important it is to talk to your partner about those things that worry you. They say that from little things big things grow and they are right when it comes to relationships. I can’t preach to people considering the mess my marriage has become but what I have discovered is that if you can’t talk about those niggling problems they will defeat you.”

“Is that what’s wrong with you and Sue?”

“I think it's part of it. If only she could find a way to talk to me about her needs and her desires we might be able to survive. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know how to. When I try to give her an opportunity to talk about it she thinks I’m trying to get information to hurt her with so she clams up. Let’s not talk about that tonight. Let’s enjoy being with each other.”

Just then Debbie walked in. She threw her keys on the table, walked over and kissed Gloria.

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you too. I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you. I don’t know what had come over me.”

“Hey, let’s not dwell on it. I want to make love to you.”

“I want to make love to you and to Goyse.

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I’ve asked him to stay with us tonight.”

“I know, he told me.”

“Debbie, I want to make love to Goyse. I would like you to watch us. Is that OK?”

“Of course it’s OK if that is what you want. Can I join you, you know, after…”

 “Yes, of course, but only afterwards.”

Gloria stood and without saying another word she dropped her dress. Her nipples were protruding and looked hard like little penises. She wore a bikini thong which covered very little. She then slowly pushed it down and stepped out of it. At no time did her eyes leave mine. I knew what she was doing and I didn’t like it one bit. She wanted Debbie to feel the same jealousy that she had felt not because of what Debbie had done but because of her own insecurities.

She turned allowing me and Debbie to see her in her nude glory. Had it not been for the babies bump she could have been a pin-up girl. To me, however, the bump made her even more desirable. I loved looking at pregnant women. She walked towards me with an exaggerated swing of her hips. She raised her head up towards me and we kissed. As we did so I was watching Debbie. She was not happy with the way this was going.

As we broke our kiss I reached my arm out to allow Debbie to join us. She walked very slowly towards us and I could see tears forming in her eyes. The moment she reached my arm I pulled her roughly into us and turned my head to kiss her. I then turned back to Gloria and once more to Debbie. I dropped my hand down low behind Debbie to feel her but. She smiled at me knowing that I was not willing to ignore her.

“Kiss her Debbie. Show her that you love her and only her.”

Debbie took Gloria in her arms and they kissed. Initially, Gloria didn’t respond but within seconds she was pulling Debbie hard in against her and returning her kisses. I slowly backed out and sat down to watch the girls. 

“Debbie was the first to speak. “I love you. I don’t want you to be angry with me. I don’t know what I’ve done but whatever it is, will you forgive me?”

  “You haven’t done anything. I was just a little screwed up that’s all. Maybe it’s being pregnant. I was just frightened of losing you.”

“You needn’t worry about that. I don’t want to be anywhere but here with you.”

They kissed and hugged for a while and then Debbie said, “you and Goyse had better go into our bedroom. I’ll join you later.”  

“No, I want you to come with us and watch us making love.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Yes, you can. I sat at home that night while you made love to him. I knew that I wanted you to have our child but I want you to know how I felt, sitting by myself wondering what was happening, wondering if you would feel the same afterwards. I was wondering if he would steal you away from me or would you want to go back to him for more. Now you spend so much time with him. I want you to know and feel the same pain that I felt that night and have felt recently.”

“Gloria, I didn’t know. Honestly, I would never have done it if I knew that you were suffering. I’ve never been jealous of you and I never want to be. I trust you and I want you to trust me the same way. Making me suffer won’t make me love you more. It will just make me feel angry towards you.”

“I know, and then you will understand what I’m going through.”

“OK, if you must, take him into the bedroom and I’ll follow.”

I couldn’t believe that two people who cared for each other would want to hurt each other just to prove a point. I had to interject. “Hello, I’m here. No one is going to take me into the bedroom without the other being a willing participant. It is either both of you or neither. Make your choice.”

It was Gloria who got in first. “Sounds like it is going to be both of us, I haven’t been this horny for months. Come on, let’s go.”

We moved to the bedroom. It was Gloria who pulled Debbie onto the bed first. I stood back and watched as they kissed and hugged. Slowly Gloria removed Debbie’s clothes then started licking her hard nipples. She then moved slowly down her body over her bump towards her slit. As she did so she lifted her but upwards so that I could see her treasure. I could see her juices glistening along her slit. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was presenting herself to me, knowing that I was turned on and likely to take advantage.

I looked at Debbie and nodded towards Gloria’s but. She knew I was asking for her permission. She nodded in the affirmative and smiled. I slowly undressed while looking Debbie directly in the eyes. Her gaze never shifted. I wondered how she felt. Here she was with her partner making love to her while I watched but also knowing that her partner sought more than she could provide tonight. She must have been hurting inside.

I couldn’t help it. I took the risk that Gloria may get jealous but too bad. I moved across to Debbie and kissed her. I took her hand and placed it on my cock. Debbie knew what to do. She started to stroke me. She then pulled me towards her. Initially, I didn’t know what she wanted but as I came closer she opened her mouth. I placed the head on her lips and she sucked me in. Once I was wet she spoke.

“You should be wet enough for Gloria now.” With that, she smiled. I had given her my trust and she had given me her permission in exchange. I moved around behind Gloria and slipped my head into her. She was tight and I had to work hard to get completely into her even though she was thrusting back at me.

By this time Debbie’s breathing was becoming heavy and I knew she was close to reaching her orgasm. Gloria’s actions were becoming more urgent as she sought to give her lover the pleasure she desired. With it, her movements were directed more to Debbie than to me. I knew that I would not last long but I was trying hard to delay the end but without success.

My ejaculation seemed to come as a surprise to Gloria. Debbie had cum at the same time as I started but Gloria took her attention away from Debbie and pushed back against me. Debbie used her fingers to maintain her pleasure. I found it highly erotic to see a woman fingering herself as she reached orgasm which made my pleasure all the more exciting.    

Despite having cum I remained hard. I continued in Gloria until her breathing become heavy and irregular. As she reached orgasm I pulled out of her in the same way that she had ignored Debbie when she most desired her attention and moved across to Debbie. My cock was greasy from my sperm that had been leaking from Gloria’s pussy so it slipped straight into Debbie without much effort.

“Oh, fuck, that’s nice,” she said as it slipped into her. 

Debbie straight away set a pattern of thrusting against me. It felt special. Not only was she tight but she knew how to move to give me that very special feeling. I was really going to enjoy this. I had to be careful of the baby so kept my body just clear of her baby bump. Her legs came up around my hips and her heels dropped onto my back just above my but and she pulled me in deep while continuing the movement. Her arms went up and around my neck. I wondered if this was her way of showing Gloria that she could pleasure me better than Gloria could. I didn’t mind because this was something special.   

After a while, she started to not only move her hips forward but also in a circular movement. This increased the feeling for me tenfold. I wondered how long I could last like this. She must have realized that I was nearing my orgasm as she suddenly pulled her legs almost up to her ears which gave me maximum penetration. This was just too much and I ejaculated deep inside her.

As I shot my load into her I could see the smile on her face. She looked like a golfer who had just shot a hole in one. It was a smile of success and I knew it was because she had got me off quite quickly even though I had reached orgasm not more than a minute before.

This time my cock went slack but with two beautiful ladies in bed with me, I doubted if that would last. Gloria was the first to move. She, no doubt wanted to show her abilities after what Debbie had done. I was all for it. She took my cock into her mouth and used her tongue around my head. It felt great and it didn’t take long before I was hard again.

Gloria moved her body up along mine using her tongue on my nipples as she moved. She then kissed me and moved to position her pussy against my cock. She slowly lowered herself to take me completely inside her. She held me deep inside her for a long time. I could feel the heat of her pussy and the slickness of my sperm inside her pussy. It felt special very special.

She started to move slowly, very slowly. By this time Debbie had reached over me and had Gloria in a tight hold and the girls were kissing. It was so erotic that I had difficulty not reaching climax. It was then that they broke their kiss. Debbie turned her head towards me and she kissed me then as she pulled away, Gloria kissed me while Debbie licked my nipples.

It happened suddenly. Gloria pulled off me and moved to the side and Debbie took her place. Gloria then moved across me and kissed Debbie and then kissed me. When she broke the kiss she moved down to lick my nipples as Debbie had done and then they switched places again. They were sharing me, using me as if I was a sex object for their combined pleasure. For me, it was a unique experience. I wanted it to last.

Gloria was the first to reach orgasm. I felt her rhythm start to become a little irregular and her movements became jerkier. Next, her breathing became ragged as I started to feel her pussy starting to contract. She was already hot inside but her gush of fluid was even hotter.

“Oh, my god. Fuck. I’m cumming, Ooohh, fuck me, fuck mmeeeee, ffffuuuucckkkk mmeeeee.” She thrust her head back with her mouth wide open and Debbie followed her to place her mouth over hers in a kiss.

The juices were flooding from her pussy and running down over my balls to my arse. She was gushing. As the flow of her juices slowed she pulled off me and Debbie immediately took her place. Gloria once again focused her attention on Debbie’s tits, stopping occasionally to give her a hug and to kiss her.

I could feel the contractions starting in Debbie’s pussy and could see by her expression she was losing control. Her movement became irregular and a deep throated moan issues from her throat as I felt the heat as her juices started to flow. Gloria pulled her head back and kissed her hard and deep as her orgasm took her to another place.

As her body started to relax my orgasm overtook me. It was short but intense. I knew that Debbie was finished but she continued long enough to make sure that I was complete before she fell on top of me with a smile. Gloria’s body was on top of Debbie. Her arms were wrapped around her shoulders with her mouth nuzzling her neck. The weight felt as if it was crushing me.

I slipped out from underneath Debbie to leave the girls to continue their lovemaking. I had achieved my objective of getting them back together and needed to get back to Marg who I knew was feeling more and more insecure. As I finally got clear, Debbie whispered, “thanks, Goyse.”

I replied with, “Ssshhh.”

When I arrived home it was after midnight. I was dead tired from my trip and from the stress of all that had happened. I was surprised to see the lights still on. When I opened the door, Marg was sitting in the lounge. I could see by her expression that she was not happy.

“I thought you and Cherie would have gone to bed by now.”

“Cherie is with Gay. We had an argument tonight. She got angry and called Gay over and they went off to bed together. I don’t know where I stand with her and I don’t know where I stand with you. My kids are due over in a couple of days and my life is a stinking mess.”

“Come here!”

“No, don’t try to humour me with kisses and cuddles. I need to know that we have some sort of future. I’m sick of playing second fiddle to everyone else.”

“Come here!”


“OK, I’ll make a cup of tea and we’ll talk.” I walked towards the kitchen. Marg followed closely behind. I boiled the jug and make a pot. Marg watched me but neither of us spoke. I walked out with the cups and the teapot to the lounge with Marg still following and still not talking.

Before she sat down I patted the seat beside me and once again said, “come here!”

She moved across and sat beside me.

“Explain what is going on with you and Cherie. I need to understand what the situation is with you pair.”

“I don’t really know. Cherie spends every moment she can with Gay. We get on fine most of the time but once Gay is on the scene I get ignored.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I tried to talk to Cherie about it tonight but she just got angry and accused me of being jealous. She then told me that I was giving you the same attention that she was giving Gay so I had no right to act like a jealous school girl. It shocked me. I didn’t expect that.”


“Well, what?”

“Do you think that she could be right?”

“So you are taking her side now, are you?”

“No, not really. I’m just trying to apply a little logic to understand how Cherie might feel which may allow us to understand why she is acting the way she is. You do give me a lot of attention. When things were difficult for me, Cherie accepted you spending time with me but there have been times when I didn’t need attention but you still paid me a lot of attention. She may be trying to show you how it feels for her.”

“She should understand. You and I were lovers before she was my lover.”

“Yes, that’s true but that was also before you and Cherie were a couple. Maybe she expected it all to change.”

“She seems to be pushing us together. That’s a strange thing for someone who is jealous to do.”

“Have you ever thought that she cares enough for you that she just wants you to be happy? Maybe she thinks that to make you happy she has to accept you being with me occasionally.”

“That is crazy. Who would take the risk of losing their partner by pushing them or allowing them to be with someone else? Even to ignore them being with someone else if they loved them would be a crazy thing to do.”

“Maybe so, but people in love do crazy things.” I was not sure if I should say anymore. She just sat and stared at me for some time.

“Is that what you did with Sue? Is that what you’re telling me?”

“Yes, I knew she was cheating on me. I just wanted her to be happy and no matter how much I tried or what I did she was never completely happy. She needed something that I couldn’t deliver and so I accepted her cheating. It wasn’t something that I pushed her into but it was something that I knew about and did very little to stop.”

“You think that Cherie is doing the same? It doesn’t explain why she wants to be with Gay?”

“Yes, it does. Remember when we got together? That was a case of me finally saying ‘if she can do it so can I.’ Maybe Cherie has reached a similar stage in her relationship with you.”

“So you are pushing me back to Cherie. Is that what you are telling me?”

“No, I’m not doing that. What I can say is that I’m not in a fit state of mind to commit to any long-term relationship right now. If I was to do that I could not be sure that it was not a reaction to my marriage failing. If it was a backlash to my breakup with Sue then our relationship would most likely fail. Neither of us would want that would we?”

“No, I guess not. So where do we go to from here?”

“I need a good night’s sleep. You are welcome to join me or you might like to go to Cherie and make sure that she knows that she is more important to you than I am right now. You might also let Gay know that I am back and would not mind if she was to join me.”

“I love you, you know that don’t you. I love both you and Cherie.”

“I know that Marg and I am still in love with you. What is important right now is that we look after each other. That includes Cherie, Gay, Debbie and Gloria as well as you and me. Your kids will be here soon and they need a happy home. It will be hard enough being in a new school and a different environment. We can’t complicate their life with our personal problems.”

“Always thinking of others, aren’t you. Isn’t it about time you thought of yourself a bit?”

“I’m fairly happy, Marg. The only problem I have is that I miss my kids but I also know that if I try to get them to come across to the west, Sue will fight me all the way. Sue suffers from something called ODD, opposing deficit disorder. The way it works is that if I want something she will fight it. If she thinks I don’t want the kids here she will try to force them on to me. It may take a little time but eventually, she will click that I haven’t tried to take the kids off her and when it does she will pack them on a plane over to me.”

“Remind me never to cross you. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning. I will send Gay in to you if she is interested.”

“Thanks, Marg. Good night.”

Gay arrived in my bed five minutes later. I explained to her that Marg needed some together time with Cherie to patch up a few differences. She said that she understood. We talked about her marriage for a while and then drifted off to sleep holding each other.

I felt happy. Marg’s expectations had been eased for now. I had looked forward to having a young one in the house but knowing that I was not the father had eased my concerns on that matter. Sue appeared to have no intention of returning which meant that if Marg and Cherie were to spit sometime in the future then I would ask Marg to stay with me. It seemed that Gay’s marriage was on the rocks. She had no intention of leaving the home for now but she did expect that Al might sometime in the future.

I was looking forward to having Marg’s kids in the house. As I dozed off I made a mental note not to pay too much attention to Debbie at least when Gloria was around. It was obvious that Gloria was not feeling secure about Debbie and me.

My old dream of making love to Marg was back. I kissed her and held her and told her that I loved her and moved down her body to find that her pussy had those finely divided blond hairs again and my thoughts moved to Lyn. I wondered how she was and made a mental note to call her. I was stroking her mound and although in my dream her pussy hairs were finely divided they felt thick and dense.

I awoke to feel Gay’s tits on top of my chest and my hand was stroking her pussy hairs. As I opened my eyes she leant in to kiss me.

“You’ve been dreaming. She’s a lucky girl whoever you were dreaming about. I assume it was Marg.”

“Why do you think it was Marg?”

“You talk in your sleep. You said you love her. Who else could it be?”

Gay slipped across and directed my cock into her pussy. She then started riding me. It felt good. She was wet but tight. I lifted my hips towards her but left her to do the work. It lasted a long time. She didn’t seem to reach orgasm but I could see by her facial expressions and by her leaking fluids that she was finding it enjoyable. Her tits were bouncing off my chest with her movement which added to my excitement.

“I want you to come in me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m on the pill. I’m safe. Give it to me.”

Despite the sex that I had with Debbie and Gloria that night I came with some force making Gay messy. She rolled onto her side leaving me still buried in her. She closed her eyes and was asleep within a minute. I was in dream-world again in a short time.

I woke up to a kiss from Gay.

“I enjoyed that last night. We should do that more often.”

“Hhmmm, it was nice. We probably could but you seem to be spending a lot of time with Cherie.”

“That’s to let Marg be with you.”

“I think Cherie is starting to get jealous.”

“I noticed. She talked to me about it last night. She’s worried that you two are going to do a runner on her.”

“Marg is important to me but I’m not about to destroy her relationship with Cherie. That’s not my style.”

“Marg would go if you wanted it.”

“Yes, I know but as I said that’s not my style. I care too much for Cherie to do a thing like that to her.”

“If Al and I split up could I rent a room off you?”


“So you don’t want me here.”

  “I didn’t say that. I just said I wouldn’t rent you a room. I would like you to move in though if that’s what you want but there is a condition.”

“What’s the condition.”

“You are not to come between Marg and Cherie. If you choose to sleep with one the other has to be party to it. They are too important to me to allow someone to cause them problems.”

“Agreed, but what about us?”

“You are welcome in my bed whenever you choose but don’t expect more. You also need to know that sooner or later I may start dating again. I don’t want any conflict when that time comes.”

“I’m disappointed. I had hoped that I stood a chance.”

“I didn’t say that you didn’t. I see you as a good friend at this stage but who knows what may develop in time. I have no plans to get into a long-term relationship, at least for the next few years. At this stage, Marg is the only person that I care deeply enough about to form a long-term relationship with but she already has a partner. You also need to remember that I am still married.”

The conversation ended there. We showered together, had breakfast and I dropped Gay off at her home and then went about my business. Gay continued in her marriage but for several months from that day on she spent more nights in my bed than she did at her home. This was the lever that Cherie needed to build a stronger relationship with Marg.

As predicted Sue sent the kids to live with me about three months later. She used the excuse that she was not able to cope on her own. My understanding of her ODD was quite an advantage in getting the kids back. What I had not expected though was the impact that my failure to pay attention to her was going to have.

Written by goyse
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