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"Young wife on vacation cannot resist an older man"

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We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive; we had about 5 nights in each hotel.

The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a nice relaxing time, we eat in one of the Hotel restaurant every evening around 7pm, then hubby would go to the Bar and I would head for the pool on the 5th floor, for a bit of relaxation. Then we would meet back in the room later.  My world was comfortable.  

Things started to change on the third night. We had gone to dinner as usual, it was a very busy night there with no tables available and the staff asked if we would mind joining other guests already seated, we gladly agreed rather than wait. And we joined two English gentleman already seated, we exchanged pleasantries with each other, and they told us they were Gordon and Dave from the UK Gordon was in his late 30s and Dave, late 40s, I was sitting next to Dave and we chatted throughout the whole meal, and I did find him very interesting. The first shock came just as we were all getting to leave, I felt his hand under the table stroke my leg from top to knee on top of my skirt in a very gentle manner. I stared directly at him, a bit shaken and surprised but he was just smiling and talking as if nothing had happened.

Here I was a 25 years old married lady and my mind was in turmoil over this simple act, I decided to just forget it, hubby and I both got up to leave we shook hand all around and went to depart.. I shook Dave’s hand; I could feel a piece of paper pushed into my hand from his. He let go of my hand and I clenched my fist gripping the piece of paper in my hand. As we had been late arriving at the restaurant and the time spent talking, it was already 10pm so hubby and I both went straight to out room. Going up in the elevator, I resisted the temptation to read what was on the piece of paper but as soon as we got in our room, I went straight to the bathroom to read it; nervously I unfolded it, and read "Pool. Twelfth floor 11.30 tonight ‘Damn cheek,’ I though. I started to feel a little annoyed, what did he think I was, was going through my mind. However, I will admit a tinge of excitement was also there. I flushed the piece of paper away. Went back in to the room and jumped into bed, hubby was already asleep, I just lay there, things racing through my head, and I kept looking at the clock When it got to 11.15 it was shall I dare  I reasoned with myself ..I did not get my daily swim in and what could happen in a public place.

Got up, looked at hubby who was totally asleep, put on a not too sexy bikini and my robe over it .and went searching for the 12 floor pool, I had not even realized there was one... got out of the elevator at the 12th floor and followed the signs, went through the doors and found the roof pool.. It was wonderful area and at this height, there was a slight breeze to help with the stifling heat. Dave was sitting at a table with two large iced Cokes, I said straight away to him.

"Pretty sure of yourself then"

He just smiled back and said your drink is here, just relax, I thought you might like it up here; I like to give women some pleasure. We sat and chatted as if we had been friend for years for about twenty minutes.  With no sexual overtones in the conversation and indeed I was relaxed. Although, no doubt helped by all the wine I had consumed at dinner, we then decided to go for a swim I stood up looked around and there was nobody else there by then. I did my dive in to the cool water and started to do a few lengths, Dave was going in the opposite direction to me, and we would cross in the middle and joke about one-way traffic. This was nice.

After I had done about six lengths, I stopped for a breather in about neck high water and facing the edge, put my folded arms up on the side. Dave swam over and came up right behind me joking about was I tired and while he was just talking his hands came around my stomach went down the front of my bikini bottoms and started a gentle circular motion on my Mons.. I just froze! For a few minutes was speechless. The situation, and what to do was rushing through my brain.

 By this time, the effect was taking its toll. This was just too nice to stop.
I eventually got a few words out and asked:

"Why are you doing this?”

Dave just replied "to give you pleasure."

It seemed he was using three fingers as suddenly I felt one finger enter me but the other two were still gently caressing all around my lab and clit, he crooked the finger inside of me and found my G spot at the first try. Electricity shot through me like a bullet. This was heaven. His other hand went up and under my top, and as his hand encountered my nipples, another jolt went through me. My temperature was going up rapidly, if that is possible standing in a pool. My breathing was rapidly getting heavier. My legs were feeling wobbly, I held on to the side with my arms to support myself. Waves of orgasms coursed thru my body His caressing started to slow down as he felt my exhaustion and could sense my sexual satisfaction. 

My mouth was dry and I asked Dave to get me a cold drink from the machine on the pool deck. He withdrew his hand, placed my breast back in my top and swam to the steps to leave the pool I took the time to do a few swimming lengths to clear the head of the turmoil going through it, but mixed in was the sexual satisfaction I was feeling. I got out of the pool and headed to the table where Dave was sitting with the drink. Nervous, as just what to say.

 “Thank you, I said, “I enjoyed that.”

He just smiled and said, “My pleasure.”

Going through my head was, is this a one off. I finished my drink and got up to leave, back to my husband in the hotel room worrying if I was going to have a guilt trip about this.

Dave looked at me straight in the eyes saying, “Shave off the pubes before the next session.”

 I gulped, said “OK.” and started to walk away, stopped turned around and said, “When is that.”

 "Friday night, midnight," he replied, our last night here I thought.

As I entered my hotel room, I was pleased to see my husband still asleep. I went for a quick shower, now worrying how could I shave my pubes off without hubby noticing. At this point, it had not occurred to disobey. In my mind, I knew I had to return for another session with Dave. I quietly got into bed, what had the man woken in me. I started to feel aroused again. I pulled off the sheet and started to get hubby awake and active by licking and sucking his penis, This had the desired effect and once I had it fully up I put my leg over him .got his penis snugly fitted and rode at my pace we came virtually together and my sexual appetite was sated at last. Time for sleep. Next morning I said to hubby.

 “It’s so hot and sticky I think I will shave my pubic hair off, what do you think?”

“Great” he said go for it, “I will help you.” 

A new side to hubby, I thought. He had never suggested it before, forty-five minutes later, clean-shaven a pleased hubby and I went out for the day visiting the tourist sites. We never saw Dave of Gordon that day at all.  The next day arrived, this was the day for my late night appointment.  We did the tourist thing for our last day in Bangkok as we were leaving for Pattaya the next morning. We got back to the hotel late, had our dinner together I plied plenty of drink into hubby and we were back in our room by 11pm. I started to sort the clothes out for packing and as I had thought hubby had lain on the bed and was sound asleep in 20 minutes.

I got out my sexiest bikini and put it on. Put my robe on top and headed to the twelfth floor pool. I arrived a few minutes early and not a soul was there. A bit worried but I got a coffee from the machine, sat down and Dave strolled in thru the double door and turned round and locked them with a key, bribed the staff I though and laughed.

 “I can't be too late.” I said, we leave early tomorrow morning.

 “Let’s not waste time then.” he said, stood, took off my robe and had me out of the bikini in four seconds or less.

He took my hand and led me to a sun lounger laid me down with my bottom perched on the edge, stood back and stared at me.

 “You like.” I said.

“Very much I like.” he replied.

I settled back to relax while he went and got a fresh coffee and a cup of ice. I lay back thinking it was just going to straight sex and done.

Not this guy He sits down at the bottom of the lounger and started to lick my pussy top to bottom, inserting his tongue now and again touching my clit with a smooth soft stroke , my legs were quivering already.  Suddenly I felt an icy hot feeling going through the whole area, Wow I though what is happening. I had to know and asked.

“Altoids.” he said, later I discovered a few Altoids in the man mouth gives the same effect you have in your mouth when you suck them. Try it to find out!

This is just fantastic this icy heat went on for a few moment...then the feeling changed again as Dave put ice cubes in his mouth,  I was really getting hot all over, cause by the hot atmosphere under the stars and the sheer sexual pleasures running through me. Dave picked up a couple of ice cubes and run them all around my body another great feeling and my nipples jump to attention as they enjoyed it too.

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Then just as I was feeling cold, down there he took a drink off coffee and introduced a new sensation to my inner folds at the heat came back in again the orgasms roared through my body. A though flashed in my mind I could happily die doing this but not before I receive more, please. The feeling changed repeatedly until I was so exhausted I could hardly move at all. Dave eventually stopped the action, put a towel around my body and gave me time to recover. He jumped in the pool to give me space and time to rest his oral apparatus, which must have been exhausted, as was I.

A few minutes later coming down of my high, I jumped into the pool desperately needing to cool down from the exertions of my tired but wholly  sexually satisfied body.  As I came up the steps from the pool Dave pulled a small camera out of his pocket and had me pose by the pool steps showing my all. He had me tilt my head back so I could not be recognized and snapped off a dozen photos of me in every pose possible, another first for me. It was now getting late, we both dressed and hugged and kissed our farewells. I would be leaving the hotel in a few hours and this was going to be our last time together. Dave had my email address but I had no way of contacting him. We separated at the door after he relocked it and I headed back to my room, he had to find the hotel staff member who loaned him the key.

Getting to bed my stomach in knots about the whole episode, hubby lay fast asleep, knowing nothing about the goings on. My body was still feeling the effects of the sexual excitement and I fell asleep re-living it all in my mind.    

By seven am, we had checked out, and on the road on our journey to the Asia Hotel in Pattaya, by coach, the journey was about six hours, we had a few stops along the way to look at interesting sites, which was nice. We got too the Hotel early evening, had a good look around, strolled the beautiful garden, had a dip in the pool  then had dinner at the fish restaurant near the beach and called it a day. Hubby went to the bar; I went straight to bed with thoughts still going thru my mind about the past day and my activities. The next 3 days flew past; we toured the area, wined & dined, swam, sunbathed and rested.

For our last day, we decided to have a real lazy day around the pool. Hubby was on the lounger and I was swimming when my heart skipped at least six beats, sitting at the Bar was Dave’s friend, Gordon. Oh, my God is he here flashed through my mind, my eyes darted bath and forth searching the crowd, but could not seem him. I looked at hubby who sat sitting a table just outside the bar area. ‘OH SHIT!” I though, Dave was sitting with him and they were chatting away. Dread filled my mind, what were they saying?  Walking over to them, Dave  winked at me.

 Hubby said “Sarah. Do you remember Dave we met him and his friend in the Hotel restaurant in Bangkok?”

“Oh yes, I remember! We joined your table for dinner when it was busy” I said phew I thought!

We all chatted away about our trip with Dave, and he suddenly says to hubby. Sarah looks good in that bikini, would you like me to take some photos of her for you. We knew Dave had some very good camera equipment with him so hubby said,

“Yes that would be fantastic”

Dave said, “Great, it’s a bit busy here, can we meet by the Gazebo in the gardens about 7pm.”

“Sure.” hubby says.

 Dave said “bring a couple of outfits to we can do a nice set for you.”

 My heart was thumping away I knew Dave was up to something but was not sure what yet but I just knew that magic tongue would be back in me by the end of the day. Dave went off to join Gordon at the bar. Our last night here was going to be something special I just knew it

After our afternoon of lazing, Hubby and I went and a light dinner and back to the room for me to prepare for the evening.  A nice shower, a pussy shave do my hair and makeup, while hubby got a couple of outfits to wear, nothing too much just a blouse and short skirt and a long button up dress, and I put my bikini on under the long dress and went down to the gazebo  to meet up with Dave.

The sun was getting near setting as we arrived, I told Dave what we had brought and it was decided the first photos were to be in just the bikini to take advantage of the light from the setting sun. He reeled off a dozen or so shots in various poses and then suggested the long dress; I went behind the gazebo to change, put the dress on but took the bikini off so I was naked under the dress.
Dave took a couple of shot of me sitting in the chairs inside the open gazebo, then suggested to hubby that he could use our camera to take some shot.

Hubby said, “I forgot to bring it.” so Dave’s says to him.

“Run up and get it.” knowing it would take 5 minutes or more to get to the room and back, Oh you crafty bastard! went through my mind.

As soon as hubby was out of sight I leaned back in the chair pulled my skirt up to my waist opened my legs wide looked straight at Dave and said,

“I need some treatment, please.”

Not being one to waste time, I felt that delicious tongue caressing my clit in seconds. The juices started to flow almost immediately and I was back in seventh heaven. It seemed like only a few seconds but was more like 5 minutes and Dave stopped, pulled my skirt down to cover me and I tried to pull myself together while he got his camera flashgun ready as it was getting darker. Hubby arrived back a few moments later and then both got clicking away.
 I posed in various stances undoing the buttons showing plenty of cleavage and lots of thigh but still without showing anything too much. Hubby was really enjoying it as well as I was. The darkness had really come down and it was difficult for them to focus the cameras in the minimal light.

Dave suggested going back to our room to finish off, hubby readily agreed and we strolled back, As soon as we got into our room I have to down a few glasses of wine, I knew more was to come. Dave took a few shots that are more innocent, and then suggested I put the mini skirt and blouse on; I went into the bathroom and changed. I considered putting underwear back on my decided to go for all. Not knowing how hubby would react. I went back into the main room and they were both staring until Dave said, I like that. Hubby piped up with

“I can see your nipples through that,”

“Do you mind?” I said,

“No, you look great.”

After a few more shots Dave came over and undid a few of the button on the blouse so my boobs were virtually showing a few shots more and he pulled the blouse of my shoulder so my boobs were totally exposed. Dave then came over and said we need to get those nips up and started rubbing his palm over my nipples and then started to lick and suck each one. Now my nips do come up when excited and today they seem to grow even longer, Dave stood back and nodded his appreciation of them. I looked over at hubby who was calmly lying on the bed rubbing his penis through his trousers. Dave stood back and took more photos. It was getting hot in that room.

Dave then said “pull you skirt up at sit in the wicker chair.”

If they did not know, I was naked under the skirt they did now. Dave came over put my legs over each side of the chair edge leaving my pussy fully open to both their gaze hubby was still rubbing himself and obviously getting quite excited. Dave took a few more shots then says to hubby

“I think we ought to get this bud to flower, would you like to do the honors or should?”

“You go ahead,” said hubby in a croaky voice.

Dave bent down and got to his work, my juices flowed almost immediately. He just kept going for a minute or two then stood up and took more photos of me in the throes of full delight.

He stopped and said to me, “It’s time to help hubby.”

 I look over at hubby who by this time had pulled his shorts down and was wanking gently while watching us. I stood up dropped the skirt that was pulled around my waist bent over to reach hubby from the bottom of the bed and taking hubby in my mouth started sucking gently on his penis. Knowing  my ass was sticking up in the air and with my legs apart. I knew my pussy was very available to Dave.

I had though his tongue would have invaded me but I felt something different and knew he was rubbing his penis up and down the exterior of my pussy with the amount of stimulation I was feeling. I was right and his penis fell into home base within seconds. I knew my legs were going to get weaker by the minute.

"Dave, quicker, harder.”

At the same time sucked hubby even quicker. Talk about being pounded, I was starting to feel like a rag doll. Fortunately Dave was holding my hips at the same time leaning forward a grasping my boobs with enough force to support me.  My nips between his fingers were massively erect We were all sweating profusely and I was soaking inside and out. Then a giant orgasms shot through my whole being, my legs started to go, then as if on cue hubby blasted his load into my throat and a second later Dave did the same in my pussy 'OH MY GOD' I screamed out and just collapsed on the bed on my stomach, totally and utterly shattered with exhaustion.

After a few minutes rest I went into the bathroom for a quick shower to freshen up leaving the men lying exhausted hubby on the bed, Dave on the floor On my return they had recovered enough to be sitting in the wicker chairs, smiling and looking very smug

“Ok boys!” I said This will be a night to remember for us all, I will give you both thirty minutes to recover before round two starts.”

Their smiles got broader.

UPDATE Our photos arrived in the mail some two weeks later.
Will I ever meet Dave again? that will be for another story.


Written by DBarclay
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