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Roller Skating

"Sue cheats with one of my employees I catch them at it."

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The story so far.

I had taken a job in the west following my wife, Sue’s habitual cheating. Before we left she made a promise that once we arrived in the west, her cheating would end. Within a few weeks there appeared to be evidence that she was at it again.

Sue had invited my ex-lover, Marg, to visit us a month after we arrived in the west. My affair with Marg had come about only because of my frustration over Sue’s continual cheating, possibly driven by my desire to seek revenge on my wife. Marg had brought Cherie, her friend who was now her new lover, with her. They intended setting up house near to where we lived.

Sue had also encouraged me to have sex with our babysitter, Debbie, an eighteen-year-old beauty. She then encouraged me to have sex with Debbie’s partner, Gloria. Like a fool, I didn’t hesitate on each and every occasion without consideration of the potential consequences. In time it became evident that Sue’s sinister plan was to put me in a position where I would not be able to complain when she started her cheating once more.

The story continues.

Sue was now working three days per week as a roller skating coach. As soon as I was able I became a member of the local roller skating club even though I absolutely hated the sport. My preferred sport was water skiing. It was very obvious that Sue and the manager Doug were very close, which supported my belief that they were having sex.

Around a month after I joined the club, the owner suddenly sacked Doug. Club rumor had it that the owner, who was very strict on the behavior of his staff, had caught Doug and one of the married women at the club having sex. Everyone in the club avoided discussing the issue when I was around which added to my suspicion that the married woman referred to was my wife, Sue.

Sue was very angry at the owner’s decision. This led into a black period where Sue attacked me at every opportunity. It appeared as if she was blaming me for the decision of the owner for sacking who she called her friend, Doug.  It appeared that the owner had also discussed the decision with Doug’s wife, something that I thought was surprising until I realized that Doug’s wife was the owner's sister-in-law. It seemed that the owner was actually protecting his family.

With Doug off the scene, I was much more relaxed about Sue working at the skating rink but that was not to last. The next threat came from one of my employees.

Al and Gay were a lovely couple who appeared to be very close. Al was not a tall man but the bulge in his pants was so obvious that you could see that what he lacked in height he made up for in other areas.

On the first day that Sue met him, I was acutely aware of where she was looking and it wasn’t into his eyes. Sue knew that I would not tolerate her having interest in someone who worked for me so I considered that her actions at that stage were simply flirting.

Gay must have been aware of Sue’s interest but seemed to take it in her stride. Al and their children who were all older than ours, were the ones interested in the skating. Like me, Gay spent most of her time on the sidelines watching and drinking coffee. It, therefore, followed that I got to know Gay quite well, enough to feel her out on how she felt about Sue and Al flirting with each other.

“I hope you don’t feel upset with the way Sue flirts with Al?” I asked her one day.   

“Doesn’t worry me,” she replied. After a short delay, she continued. “He gets little attention at home so I guess he laps it up when someone else pays attention to him.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. You both seem so close. I thought that you might take offence at it.”

“Yes, we are close. We are like best friends. but I’ve lost interest in the sexual part of our relationship. I don’t understand why but I just can’t stand him touching me. I know he seeks attention elsewhere but rather than make him suffer I’ve told him if the opportunity comes his way to take it if you understand what I mean.”

She continued, “He likes Sue. I know I should not be telling you this but if she gives him the OK he will not hesitate. You need to keep an eye on them if you’re concerned. You are concerned, aren’t you?”


“I thought so. I could see you watching them so I was looking for an opportunity to warn you.”

 “Al works for me so I don’t think that she will allow anything to happen where it could affect my work environment. I think he will be disappointed if he expects more than a little attention.”

She looked at me with a strange look on her face then, “I think Al believes that he all but has her in his bed. You had better speak to her if you want to stop it. Al told me last week that it was a certainty.

“I’ll speak to her tonight after we get home.”

“Probably pay to do it now. Al told me to take the car home because he was meeting her after skating. He told me to expect him to be late home tonight.”

“Thanks for telling me that. I’ll call her over and tell her it’s not on.”

I walked to the side of the rink and as she went past, I waved to her. On the next time around she stopped next to me. Sue was wearing jeans. Al stopped behind her and placed his hands into the pockets of her jeans. His fingers would have been on her mount and within an inch of her pussy.  

“I need to talk to you.”

“Not now, I’m skating.”

“I need to talk to you now, right now!”

“Not just now, I’m skating, I said.”

I turned to Al. “Do you mind, I’m trying to discuss something with my wife here.” He shrugged his shoulders and slowly moved off. Sue went to follow him.

I quickly said. “If you skate away from me your bags will be packed ready for your move back east when you get home.”

She turned on her skates and came back beside me. “People would have heard you say that. Are you trying to embarrass me?”

“Not as much as you are embarrassing me. Now take your skates off and come with me. We need to talk.”

At that time Al pulled up beside Sue, put his arm around her waist and asked, “Is everything OK?”

I got in before she could answer. “No, it’s not. Now piss off and let me talk to my wife. Is that clear to you, Al?”

“No need to get shitty.”

“Take your fucking hands off my wife and fuck off. Do you get the picture?”

“OK, OK, sorry.” He skated off. Sue’s face was red. It was obvious she was angry but then so was I.

“Get your skates off now and meet me down there.” I pointed to a table with two chairs that were in the furthest corner. I walked away down to the table and when I turned Al was talking to her over the rail. I got up to walk back but when Al saw me he skated off. Sue sat on the side bench and took her skates off then walked down to me.

“You’re going to pay for this,” was her greeting. “I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.”

“Your fling with Al has gone too far. It stops right now. Do you understand me?”

“Fling, what fling?”

“He just put his hands in the pockets of your jeans and tried to rub your cunt while I was trying to talk to you. What is even worse is that you did nothing to stop him. Do you really think that it is acceptable to allow that to happen in public? If that is what he is doing in public what the hell do you think that he will do when no one is around tonight?”

“What about tonight?”

“He is telling people that he is meeting you tonight after skating. I have to work with many of these people including him. It’s not going to happen or should I say if it does then we are no longer a couple. Is that clear to you?”

“You fucker, I give you anyone that you want. I invited Marg over to be with you. I never once complained when Cherie came with her. I let you fuck our babysitter as well as her partner, Gloria, and now you are trying to tell me I have no rights. You even got Debbie pregnant. Did I complain once? No! Now you think you can stop me getting what I want. I’m going with him whether you like it or not.”

“Sue, listen to me closely. I will only say this to you once. I did not ask you to bring Marg or Cherie over here. I did not want to sleep with Debbie. I did it because you insisted. Furthermore, she did it because she wanted to be with you. We have some agreements. The first of those is that we do nothing that will interfere with my work. This donkey dick you have chosen works for me. How the Hell, do you expect me to go to work tomorrow and face him and my other employees after he has spent the night fucking my wife? Mark my word, it will not happen. If by any chance that it does then you will be on the next plane back home and our marriage is finished. It’s your choice.”

She sat and just stared at me for about two minutes. She was considering her options. I said nothing just waited for her decision.

“I’ll have to let him know that I won’t be going with him.”

“When you tell him, make sure that you add the word ever. The sentence to use is, ‘I will not be going with you, ever.’”

As she walked away from me she said, “I’ll tell him that you are upset so it will have to be some other time.”

“Come back here.” She turned and came back.

“It is only right to tell you that if he does manage to get with you and any one of the managers hears about it, he will lose his job. Understand that before you talk to him. Better still, just come home with me and let him work it out for himself.”

“You would have him sacked over me?”

“I don’t think you understand. The people that I work with will hear about this happening and they will discuss what action they need to take. My wife sleeping with an employee could get one or both of us sacked. It could be me because when I took the job I assured them that you would not cause any problems, but now you are.”

“I’ll tell him.” She turned and walked away. I saw them talking at the edge of the rink. I looked away for a moment and when I looked back they were gone. I waited about a minute but they didn’t reappear so I got up and walked towards the entrance to the rink. I couldn’t see them anywhere. I walked outside and they were not in sight. Sue’s car and Al’s car were both in the parking lot.

When I walked back inside I realized the only place they could have gone for privacy was the storeroom. I moved towards it and one of the employees said, “The public is not allowed in the store.”

“My wife works here. She is in the store. I need to talk to her urgently.” As I said it I just kept walking. I expected that I might get stopped but the girl turned and walked away.

I walked toward the back of the storeroom. I could hear Sue moaning and groaning as I got closer. I then realized her jeans were on the floor. I quietly looked around the corner of the last row of shelves. Sue had her back to the wall. He had her suspended off the ground. Her arms were around his neck and her legs were wrapped around his waist. Al’s shorts were down around his ankles. I could clearly see why his pants bulged out in the crutch. I could not make out how long he was but his girth was huge.

His cock was violently pistoning in and out of her. Each time he thrust into her, her body slid up the wall about another four inches. As he pulled out her body slid back down again. With each thrust, she let out a “huff,” as if he was driving the breath from her body. Each time he withdrew she uttered “oooff,” as the air rushed back into her lungs.

They were not aware of my presence. I would be a liar if I didn’t say that I found the scene to be erotic. The eroticism of the scene mixed with my feeling of jealousy was making me feel sick inside. My cock was so erect that it actually hurt. I stood and watched for maybe two minutes. It was as if I was glued to the spot, unable to move. Her juices were running out of her like a fountain. She was obviously in a constant state of orgasm. I could tell, not only by the juices but by her moans and groans. As time passed her moans became louder. I looked back towards where I had come from to make sure that no one had heard and came to investigate. 

The end came quickly. One minute he was violently stroking into her and the next he rammed home into her and held it.  He repeated “aaahhh” about seven times and with each, he gave a little thrust that lifted her higher up the wall. His back was arched so that his body was pushed away from her. This was the first time that I saw her little bulge. Her shirt had worked itself up her body, leaving her stomach bare and there it was, our little baby growing inside her.

His cock slowly slipped out of her followed by a gush of his clumps of sperm. Sue opened her eyes and saw me. It was then that I spoke.

“Your clothes will be packed and on the lawn, Sue.” I then turned towards him. ”Al, you may pick your pay up on Monday morning from the front office. Please, don’t bother asking for a reference because you will not get one.”

I turned and walked away. As I went to leave the rink, Gay came across and gave me a hug. It seemed that she knew what was going on. I tried to pull away but she held me. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I should have stopped him.”

“That’s OK, Gay. It’s not your fault. I just sacked Al. Now I have to go home to pack Sue’s clothes and book her a plane ticket back east.”

 “You’re going to divorce her?”

“Definitely, she knew what the consequences were going to be if she allowed it to happen; she made her choice.”

“Can I come with you? I’d rather not be with him tonight after this. Besides, I think you might need some company.”

“You can come if you want to but I won’t be good company.”

We left together. Before I went I took the keys to Sue’s car and the house out of her bag which she had left in the locker room. Gay watched closely as I did so but didn’t comment. I collected the kids from school on my way home. I had already called Debbie who happened to be in town shopping so when we arrived home she was waiting for me.

 Debbie met me with a big hug. I hadn’t seen her for around two weeks and I was surprised that she was showing. I patted her little bulge and said, “How’s she going? Giving you any trouble?”

“A little morning sickness is all, otherwise all OK. What’s happened with Sue?”

I didn’t answer straight away. She looked at me, shook her head. “So she’s done it again, has she?”

“Sure has,” Gay answered. “She got it on with my husband.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, love. It’s been happening all my married life so I’ve given up. Just because he’s got a big cock he thinks he can stick it in anyone. He only cares about himself.”

I had started walking away from the girls to unlock the door. The kids followed me and entered the house and went to their rooms. I could hear Gay and Debbie talking quietly, “Goyse is not taking it well.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take his mind off it. My partner, Gloria, is on the way over too. They get on well together. He’ll be OK.”

“I’d like to stay too if you don’t mind. I might be able to help and I’m not ready to face my husband yet.”

“That’s fine if you want to stay, but I should warn you that Gloria and I will do more than just talk to him.”

“Hearing that, I definitely want to stay. Fuck Al, if he can do it so can I.”

“That’s the spirit, girl. There’s nothing like a good fuck to take away your troubles.”

They started laughing then looked my way and realized that I had heard. I couldn’t stop the tears running down my cheeks. I felt like a failure. It wasn’t the loss of Sue. It was more to do with the way it had happened and the embarrassment of it all.

I had tried so hard to convince her not to do it but she ignored everything that I said to her. It was senseless to blame Al. He was just the tool that she used to give her what she wanted. She could have walked away with me. She could even have told him it was not on but instead she took him into the store. He didn’t have access so it had to be her that took him there. I was aware that others would know by now what had transpired so the only option available to me was to have Al sacked otherwise the CEO would be after my neck. I was not one to let someone outside my family sell me down the drain. I actually liked Al but he knew what he was doing so he had to go. 

Gay and Debbie escorted me inside. I was hugged numerous times and at one stage Debbie licked the tears from my cheeks. I apologized to her but she just said, “You’re doing OK mate. Everything will work out. Gloria is over at Marg’s place and they are coming over to join us shortly. By the way, Gloria wants something off you.”

I looked at her, wondering what she meant. She grinned and patted her little bulge. I laughed with her. Gay didn’t understand and looked at me with a puzzling expression.

“Don’t let Gloria know that I told you. Let her tell you when the time is right.” 

We had just started to drink our coffee and a car pulled up. I thought it may be Al bringing Sue home but shortly afterwards I heard Marg, Cherie, and Gloria chatting away as they walked to the door.

“It’s open,” I called.

There was a series of hugs and kisses all around followed by explanations by Gay of what had transpired. This, in turn, was followed by condemnation of Sue’s behaviour and numerous stories for Gay’s sake of her past cheating. I tried to stay out of it as much as possible.

Marg quietly worked her way around to my side. Without a word or anyone noticing, she took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. This was accompanied by a little smile. My heart gave a jump and that satisfying feeling that I always felt when I dreamed of her passed through my chest. For the first time in months, I realized that I was still in love with her.

I left and went to the kitchen and made extra coffees for the new arrivals. Marg went with me and whenever she could not hold my hand she maintained some type of bodily contact with me. Every so often she simply pulled me towards her and kissed me.

“I’ve been missing you. You should spend more time with me and Cherie.”

“I’m a little worried about interfering with your relationship with Cherie. I always felt that we were extra close, and I think Cherie sees it. She worries about it.”

“You’re very special to me. I feel lonely when we don’t have contact. You know that I still want you, don’t you? If Sue doesn’t come home would you come and stay with Cherie and me for a while? I’ve talked to Cherie about it and she feels the same way about it that I do.”

“OK, I’m going to pack Sue’s clothes, buy her and the kids a plane ticket and send her back to her parent's place. It may be temporary or it could be permanent. The long-term outcome all depends on her. Once that is out of the way either I will come and stay with you or you and Cherie can move in here for a period. You need to remember though that it may only be for a period of a couple of weeks, possibly a month.”

“That’s settled then. Do you need a hand to pack Sue’s things?”

“Yes. That would be good, but you must never let anyone know that you helped me because if Sue hears she will come looking for you and she can be vicious.”

Together Marg and I packed Sue’s clothes and personal belongings into bags and moved them to the door. While we were working, Marg gave ample kisses and hugs. At one stage she rubbed my cock through my pants. I asked her to leave it for later and continued working.

I could hear the girls downstairs chattering away. At one stage I heard Gay say she should help us but Debbie and Cherie stopped her by saying, “Give them some time alone. Goyse needs to be with Marg now. They will join us later.” I realized then that they all understood how I felt about Marg. She was very special to me and they all knew it.

Once the bags were done I went into the office and searched for plane tickets. I booked for later the next evening then organized a hire car for her trip to the airport. I then picked up the phone and called Sue’s dad. I explained what had happened and he agreed that she should return home. I explained that she didn’t know what I had done yet. I told him that I wanted her to initially believe that our marriage was over but once some time had passed if she wanted to patch it up then I would work with her towards that objective. Throughout the discussion, Marg sat with me and held my hand saying nothing.

We then returned to the other girls. Debbie had broken out the alcohol and obviously, each had several glasses before we joined them. Marg continued to sit with me. Out of sight of the others, she still held my hand.

“It’s about time you shared him with us. Do you think you’re the only horny one here, Marg?” Cherie came out with. It seemed she had noticed us holding hands.

“You had better come over here with us then if you think you’re missing out.”

Cherie moved over and plunked down on my lap. Knowing that things with Sue were as sorted as they could be, and because of the attention that Marg was paying me, I was hard. She sat right on top of my erection. If we didn’t have clothes on I would have penetrated her.

“Ooohhh, Someone’s excited.” She did a little wriggle in my lap. It felt good, especially with Marg holding my hand.

“I’ll have what she’s having,” Gay said with a laugh.

“We’ll all have what she’s having,” came the reply from Gloria. Everyone broke into laughter and I gave Cherie a few playful thrusts as if we were having sex.

“Time for dinner,” Gloria said. Gloria and Debbie had been checking out the kitchen while Marg and I were away. They had made up a nice salad with ham and chicken. By now I was over the shock of what had happened and led the way to the dining room. The kids joined us. Debbie knew her way around the house having spent many a night minding the kids for us. She was totally organized.

While we were eating the phone rang. Debbie answered it. It was Al, asking if I knew where Gay was. Gay was demonstrating by waving her hands and shaking her head. Debbie told him there was no one of that name here. She then told him that the slut’s bags were packed and outside the door with her plane tickets. Al Immediately identified Debbie’s reference to ‘the slut’ as being Sue and told Debbie that he hadn’t seen her since the end of skating. He said that someone had stolen her keys, her phone, and her purse and she was still at the rink trying to find them.

Shortly afterwards the phone rang again. It was one of the ladies from skating who told Debbie that she had taken Sue home with her because she had no money, no transport and was worried about going home because her husband was angry with her. Debbie told the woman that Sue had screwed one of the husbands at skating and it was a good idea if she stayed away for a while because the man’s wife was here looking for her.

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Debbie said later that the woman appeared to be shocked that her coach would do such a thing. Debbie finished the conversation by telling her to make sure that she kept an eye on her husband while Sue was there.

We had trouble holding the laughter until Debbie hung up the phone. After the meal, the kids went off to bed. Neither asked about their mother. Debbie and Gloria insisted on clearing away the dishes while Marg and Cherie took me back into the lounge. They sat with me between them. Marg still held my hand. As we were talking I suddenly realized that Cherie had placed her hand on my leg. She then started rubbing up towards my crotch.

When I looked across to Gay she was intently watching Cherie’s hand which by this time had reached my cock. I was rock hard. Cherie was watching Gay’s response as much as Gay was watching Cherie.

“Move over and join us,” Cherie said.

“There’s nowhere for me to sit,” was the reply.

“Then we had better move into the bedroom.”

I got up to lead the way. As I passed Gay I reached down, grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. This allowed her to take the lead with me hard up against her butt. I knew that she would be able to feel my stiff cock. As we walked I reached my free hand around her body, placed it on her stomach and then gradually lowered it towards her groin. As my hand snaked down she turned her head back towards me to allow me to kiss her.

When we entered the bedroom she turned towards me with the back of her legs up against the bed. She pulled my body in against hers and we kissed again. Marg and Cherie stood back watching us. With her arms around my neck. Gay pulled me down onto the bed on top of her. She whispered quietly in my ear.  

“I haven't been this horny in years. I haven't been fucked in months. I stopped having sex with Al a long time ago when I realized I couldn’t stop him from trying to fuck every skirt that would let him. If you asked me yesterday, I would have told you I didn’t need sex. With everything that has happened today and watching you, Cherie and Marg together, I feel so turned on. Tell me about what you saw in the store room.”

I started to take her clothes off. She raised her body to allow her top to come off. At the same time, she had undone her bra. Her tits were quite big with very large nipples. I licked them and felt her body move in response. I could feel her pushing her panties down and moved my body slightly to help her. By the time her panties were off her legs, I had them in my hand. I raised them to my nostrils and breathed in while she watched intently.

“Hmm, I like that. I’m going to enjoy licking you.” I moved my body down along her. I focused on her rock hard nipples for a while then licked my way down to her slit. Her response was to lift her hips up to meet my tongue.

“God, that's nice. No one has ever done that to me. I’ve tried to get Al to lick me there but all he ever wanted to do was to get his rocks off.”

I was watching Gay’s face and realized that she was looking at something. I lifted my head and saw Cherie on her knees with Marg slumped on a chair. Both of the girls had shed their clothes. Marg had her feet on Cherie’s shoulders with her knees spread. Cherie was licking Marg but in a unique fashion. She was placing her tongue onto her anus and then licking across her slit to her clit then repeating it. By the look on Marg’s face she was really into it but while Cherie was working on her Marg was watching me. I signalled to her to join us on the bed then continued working on Gay’s pussy. I then felt Marg’s hand on my shoulder and moved across to give her access to Gay’s pussy.  Cherie had started to work on Gay’s tits. I could hear Gay’s breathing becoming ragged and I knew she was approaching her first orgasm.

I stood and moved around behind Marg. I moved down to lick her but Marg looked over her shoulder and said, “No, I want you in me.”

I stepped up and placed my cock at her entrance. She was very wet but at the same time, her pussy was closed. I knew that she would be tight. I pushed the head of my cock down and slid it back and forwards across her opening so that the head was stroking across her little clit. She issued a low pitched long moan. I repeated the movement several times.

“For fuck's sake stop teasing me and put it in! It’s been a month since you last fucked me.”

I pulled back and holding my cock forced it past her lips. Within a few minutes, Gay and Marg came almost together. The air was punctuated with an assortment of “ooohhh's,” and “aaahh's.” I could feel Marg’s body unleashing a torrent of juices with her lower body muscles clenching then releasing as her orgasm ripped through her body. All the time I could feel Marg being forced back onto my cock as Gay worked her hips in response to her orgasm.

Cherie left Gay and moved across to me and started to kiss me. “My turn,” she whispered quietly to me. I knew that it was of utmost importance to keep Cherie happy if I was to spend more time with Marg. I withdrew from Marg who looked disappointed but said nothing. I lifted Cherie onto the bed and mounted her from behind. I was amazed at how tight she was and it made me realize that when we had made love at the boat show over a year ago she must have been having regular sex with donkey dicks in the same fashion that my wife, Sue, had been. From my position behind her, I was able to reach around her to play with her tits. When I went to do so, I found that Gay had the same thought and had beaten me to it. 

Within minutes Cherie was pushing back hard against me, a certain indication that she would reach her peak quickly. I was still a long way off. Although I was hard as steel the urge to reach orgasm was not on my mind. It had flared up for a short time with Marg but then I had lost it again when I moved across to Cherie.

After some time, Cherie let go with her unmistakable cursing and high-pitched squeal. “Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck Goyse. Ahhhaaaaahh.”

Once her thrashing has ceased I pulled out of her and immediately went to Gay. I could see her juices gleaming on her slightly open lips. My thought process was one of if Al can have my wife then I most certainly will take his. As I approached her, Gay moved to give me the access that I desired. It seemed that she had similar thoughts. By this time Marg and Cherie were in a hug once more.

I slid my cock up and down Gay’s slit and she opened for my entry. I slipped in. She was a good deal tighter than I had expected for a woman who had produced two children and who was married to a man with a donkey dick.

She whispered in my ear, “Oh, that feels nice. I’d forgotten how good a man feels inside me. Tell me what happened in the store room.”

“Are you sure that you want to hear?”

“Yes, I want to know every thing that you saw.”

“It might upset you. Are you certain?”

Yes, I’ve gotten over my jealousy and anger a long time ago. Despite all the times, he’s cheated on me, I’ve never seen him do it. I have dreams of what it would be like to see it happen. Tell me what you saw.”

“I was not watching when they disappeared. I thought they had gone out to the car so I went to the car park first. They weren’t there but the cars were so I came back inside. I looked around the rink and realized that the only place they could be alone would be in the storeroom.

“I entered as quietly as possible, moving slowly so as not to let them know that I was there. I wanted to catch them in the act or at least hear what they were planning. The first thing that I heard was Sue’s moans and groans. It was like a ‘hooff’ followed about a second later by an ‘ooofff’. The second one was like someone regaining their breath after it had been driven out of them.

“The noise was coming from behind the last row of shelves in the storeroom. As I moved towards it I saw Sue’s jeans on the floor. She had no doubt discarded them in a hurry because they were turned inside out. I moved to the last row of shelves and peeped around the corner.

“He had Sue suspended off the floor. Her arms were around his neck and her legs were wrapped around him with her heels pushing into his back, almost up to his chest level.” As I was talking I was moving slowly in and out of Gay’s pussy. She was getting noticeably wetter and was raising her hips to meet me each time I pushed into her.

“I understood why Sue was making the noises that she was because he was being absolutely brutal to her. Each time that he drove into her pussy, her body was shifting about four inches up along the wall that her back was against. It was as if he was driving the breath out of her body as she issued a loud, “hooff”. As he then withdrew his cock her body slid back to its original position and she inhaled with a loud, “ooofff” sound. His tightness inside her was such that as he withdrew her pussy seemed to be turning inside out. Her pussy internals seemed glued to his shaft and was being pulled out of its confines.

“I was so shocked by what I was seeing, especially the violence of it all that I seemed to be frozen to the spot. Before I witnessed it, I intended intervening but suddenly I was struck with feelings of not only jealousy but anger at how she was being treated but this was also mixed in with an overcoming desire to watch this brutal erotic scene before me. I had all types of thoughts. If he cared, how could he mistreat her this way? How could she allow it to happen? It was almost animalistic in its nature. I simply could not comprehend why any adult woman would allow herself to be used in such a fashion. To think that Sue was a willing participant where she was being used as nothing but a sex object for his satisfaction made me feel sick.

“A total of about two minutes passed with me just standing there and watching him thrusting his huge weapon into her. Her eyes were closed all that time. If she had opened them she would most likely have seen me. Her top had been driven up along her body leaving her stomach bare. His back was bent so there was no contact except where she held him by the neck and where his cock was driving into her. I suddenly realized for the first time that I saw her baby bump caused by our child growing inside her. Here was a situation of my wife being fucked by a lover and what I was focusing on was my child growing within her womb.

“I was about to speak to break it up when he suddenly drove much harder into her and held there. He then gave smaller but harder short thrusts in holding for about two seconds each time. I could see not only by his expression but also by the movements of the muscles in his lower abdomen that he was cumming. He made little sound except for a short, animalistic growl with each thrust such as you might hear from a large dog.

“After about the third thrust I saw his sperm start to leak from around his cock. He thrust into her about four times after that and the flow of sperm increased with each thrust. My cock was so hard by this stage that I thought that I was going to ejaculate. If I had touched myself I am certain I would have. Later on, I actually felt pain because I had been so close to cumming.

“It was then that Sue opened her eyes and saw me. Her mouth opened as if to speak but no words came out. Al’s cock slipped from her at this stage followed by clumps of his thick sperm. Even deflated his cock looked huge.”

By this time, Gay had increased her thrusts. She was thrusting so hard into me that she was actually lifting my body off her each time. It was obvious to me that she was approaching her orgasm. I thrust that little bit harder to bring her to her peak and adjusted my thrust to move my cock towards where I expected her G spot would be.

“Ooohhhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh”, she screamed. I could feel the heat of her juices and the contractions of her muscles inside her and knew that I also would let go soon.

“Aaaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh,” I answered her as I ejaculated my sperm into her wet juicy orifice. Behind her, I could see Marg with her little grin on her face. She had been listening and watching as I described what I had witnessed while Cherie massaged her breasts and body. At that moment I realized how lucky I was to have such wonderful people in my life who not only loved me but were willing to share me with others who cared.

Gay and I kissed and she whispered in my ear, “I haven’t had anything like that since I got married over fifteen years ago. Thank you. I hope we can get together again. I thought the sexual part of my life was over. You and the girls have given it back to me. I can see why Marg looks at you the way she does. Sue is a fool.”

“The night is not over yet, Gay.”

We lay together with many thoughts running wildly through my brain. Gay had rolled towards me when we had kissed and Cherie had moved up behind her into the spoon position while Marg had moved behind me in a similar position. After a short time, I heard Cherie let out a little snore. I opened my eyes and could see and hear the measured breathing of someone dozing coming from Gay. I could feel Marg slowly stroking my hip so I knew that she was still awake.

I slowly lifted my head and turned it in Marg’s direction and she did likewise. She smiled at me. I pointed towards the door and Marg nodded then ever so slowly moved out of the bed. I followed her carefully to make sure that we did not wake Gay or Cherie.

We tiptoed downstairs. There was no sign of Debbie or Gloria. I looked out through the plate glass window and could see their car so expected that they had moved into one of the guest bedrooms. I asked Marg would she like coffee or would she like to join Debbie. She chose Debbie but asked could we sit and talk for a while first.

“I was wondering what you planned to do once Sue has returned to the east?”

“Well, I have my job. I need to do the right thing there. As for the rest of it, I’ll just take it as it comes.”

“Our offer stands. You could move in with Cherie and me. We would love to have you stay with us. I know that is what Cherie wants because she proposed it. I wanted it as well but did not suggest it because Cherie can get a little jealous if she thinks that I’m actively chasing you. She doesn’t feel very secure. We both get along OK but occasionally her insecurity comes out if she thinks someone is a threat to her.”

“I would rather you and Cherie move in with me. There can be some long term problems in my retaining the company house if I live for any amount of time elsewhere. This house has six bedrooms and four large bathrooms not counting the ensuites associated with the two main bedrooms. There is a sleep out with its own kitchen as well. If at any time we disagreed or just wanted some personal time a person could live here for a week without seeing the other occupants.”

“Do you think that we might disagree?”

“No, I don’t but the house is large and sometimes one of us might want some privacy.”

“Well, it won’t be you. With Cherie and I expecting you to keep us satisfied and Debbie and Gloria coming and going, not to mention Gay, it's not likely you will want to sneak away for a quick wank.”

“It might be you though if Cherie has her way,” I said as we both laughed.

We got up to find Debbie and Gloria. As we passed one of the bed rooms I heard voices. Knowing it had to be them I gently knocked on the door. “It's open,” came the reply.

We moved in and Marg immediately went to Debbie. As always Marg understood what I was doing without asking or being told. This had happened so many times that I often wondered if she could read my mind. As usual with her, there was never a hint of jealousy. I thought I must discuss that with her sometime to find out if she actually didn’t get jealous or was she an expert at masking it?

I moved across to Gloria. She turned her head towards me and lifted slightly. I knew she did so to kiss me and I didn’t disappoint. By this time Marg had attracted Debbie’s attention and they were lying face to face.

Gloria rolled over towards me and I positioned my body against her. She pushed one leg over mine so that our crotches were in contact. At no stage had any of us dressed so my slack cock was now between her legs. She moved again so that it came in contact with the top of her pussy and of course I started to get hard which lifted my cock up against her clit.

Gloria started a very slow movement so that my cock was sliding across her clit. As my erection grew she adjusted her position to keep the stimulation going. By this time my cock was not only working against her clit but my extra length meant that the head of my cock was now sliding across her lips. She was getting very wet. My precum was flowing and mixing with her juices and she was becoming quite slippery.

Gloria did not speak. She just looked into my eyes and occasionally gave me a little kiss. I was doing this for her so I continued to let her control even though I had a pressing desire to be inside her. I could see that her breathing was becoming deep and heavy. It was obvious that she was getting extremely sexually aroused.

I peeped behind her and saw that Marg had lifted her self up onto her elbow so that she could see what was happening. She saw me look at her and gave me that little smile. It was like my heart skipped a beat which took my breath away for a second and once again I felt a deep longing for her in my chest. It caused my cock to give a little pulse. I was sure by Gloria’s expression that she felt it. Why I didn’t at that moment get up and take Marg away with me to some deserted place forever I will never know. There have been a number of regrets in my life and that is just another one of them.    

Gloria’s breathing was by this time becoming very laboured. I knew she was about to have an orgasm. Suddenly she changed her position, pulled back and I slipped straight into her. She was still very tight but so lubricated that I slid in all the way. Near the extent of my penetration, I came up against her cervix. Gloria kept pushing hard against me. I felt some pain and it felt as if my cock had pushed into the passage behind her cervix. The feeling was as if something had clamped hard over the head of my cock. I went to pull back to thrust into her again when I felt the contractions of her orgasm in her pussy which drove me over the top.

It was one of those moments where the sex is just so outstanding that you simply can’t control yourself. As she moaned and groaned through her orgasm I pumped and pumped and pumped every drop of sperm that my body could muster into her. With each pulse, I gave a hard push into her and she met each one with a thrust back at me. At no stage did I pull back. I could feel the head of my cock being clamped inside her and my mind was telling me that every drop of my potent sperm was being fed directly to the eggs in her ovaries. The thought of it was driving my mind and my sexual organs into overdrive.

As I was coming down I looked over towards my Marg and now there were two faces watching us, both with grins from ear to ear. We had an audience of two, my lover and Gloria’s lover.

Marg broke the silence, “Look at the expression on his face. It’s as if he was the world champion of impregnating women.” They both burst into laughter.

Gloria, on the other hand, pulled me into her and kissed me long and hard. “Thanks,” she said. “That was the most enjoyable sex I’ve ever had with a man. Stay in me and we’ll see if you locate an egg.”

The girls started laughing again. I heard Marg whisper to Debbie, “Not as good as with a girl though.”

“Are you ovulating?”

“Not yet but I will be in a day or two so it’s possible.”

“I think I’ve entered your cervix.”

“Yes, I felt it. I’m pretty sure that you did. It felt like a pop inside me and it hurt when I pushed hard on you. It made me cum. When you came I felt it squirt right up inside me. Usually, I feel it running back out but that hasn’t happened this time. I think you're still in there.”

“Yes, I know. It feels as if you have me clamped inside your cervix. Should I pull out?”

“No, stay in me as long as you can. It feels good, so full and special. I can feel my cervix being pulled back as you lose your erection. What’s it like for you.”

“It hurt me a little when I pushed into your cervix but the thought of it made me lose control. I don’t often lose control like that. You’re right it was very special.”

“I hope it’s a boy. I’ll call it Goyse if it is.”

“Do you think you’ve been inseminated?”

“Yes, I feel like I am. I hope I am anyway. I really want to have a baby for Debbie. She did it for me and I want to do the same for her. She’s my life. I’m madly in love with her, Goyse.”

“She loves you too, I know. I can see it in her eyes.” Tears were running down Debbie’s cheeks as Gloria was talking. By this time my cock has shrunk and I had felt her let go of me.

“I think Marg and I should leave you together with her. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Marg kissed Debbie and then we got up and left.

“Where to now, Marg?”

“Do you think you could make love to me?”

“Love definitely, sex just maybe.”   

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Which bedroom?”

“I want to be alone with you. Try this one.” We entered and lay down on the bed together. I took her into my arms and kissed her then pulled her into my body.

We cuddled and kissed as we talked for at least a couple of hours. This was not about sex this was about us sharing our love and appreciation of each other. I heard the change in rhythm in her breathing and then a little snore. She had gone to sleep. I kissed her on the forehead then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep too. I didn’t dream. I guess it was because I had no need to.  

I awoke with a start as I usually do if I do not wake to an alarm. It was late morning. Initially, I thought “I’m late for work,” but then I remembered that I had rostered myself off last night. I felt more than two hands on me and then saw Cherie laying behind Marg. She had found us during the night and joined us.   

I slid out from them to allow them to wake up together in case they needed to talk privately. I moved back to the master bedroom. Gay opened her eyes and smiled. “Good morning lover. Where have you been?”

“You won’t believe it but I’ve been busy inseminating a very beautiful woman,” I replied with a laugh.

“Maybe you have inseminated two then. I’m not on the pill and it’s been a week or two since my period. Al and I haven't had sex for months and I didn’t intend to so I haven’t needed to be on the pill.”

“I’ve got some morning after pills in the drawer over there if you need them.”

“Nope, I think it's about time that Al realized that if he plays up then I can too. He needs to face the responsibility of the consequences.”

“You wouldn’t do that to him would you?”

“Fucking oath, I would and I’m going to. If I’m pregnant then he has another child in the family. Nothing I’ve ever said or done has brought him into line, maybe this might.”

“Just remind me never to cross you, please.”

“If you want to stay in good with me then make sure that I get invited over occasionally and plan on having me stay the night.”

“I think I would like that.”

“I hope so because I will.”

We both laughed and made our way down to the kitchen for coffee. On the way down I saw that Sue’s bags had been collected during the night. There was a note saying to have the kids ready to be picked up around one o’clock. She had accepted that she was heading back east.

Her actions made me realize that a new chapter of total freedom was about to start in my life. The unknown part was how long would it last? 


Written by goyse
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