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Our Stories: The UPS Guy

"My wife decides she wants to have me watch her fuck another man and chooses the UPS delivery man"

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A lot had happened since our encounter with Christina in Ocean City. Sheri and I started having sex with her regularly, without Bob ever finding out. We had threesomes at least once or twice a month for quite some time.

A few years later, Sheri and I got married. We moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland where I got a new job. We got a nice apartment with lots of room. Moving meant we barely ever saw Christina or any of our other usual partners. Sheri and I were still having sex all the time, but I could tell we were both craving a little something extra.

One weekend, we went home to visit our family and friends in PA and hooked up with Christina while we were there. We told everyone we were going back Sunday morning, but really left Monday. We got a hotel room about an hour away from our hometown and Christina spent the night.

The three of had sex for hours Sunday night and it was fantastic. In the morning, Sheri asked if I would sit in a chair to the side of the bed and just watch her and Christina. I gladly obliged.

After saying our goodbyes, we got in the car and headed out. The drive was mostly quiet for the first hour or so. That’s when the world changed.

Sheri turned off the radio and said, “Can I ask you something without you getting upset?”

Always cause for alarm, I replied, “Should I be worried?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” she said.

She steadied herself for a moment, not knowing exactly how to start this conversation.

She started, “We’ve had threesomes many times and I love it. The fact that another woman is involved has never bothered me. In fact, I’ve learned to really enjoy women and watching you enjoy women with me.”

I looked over, “But…”

“There’s no but,” she replied. “More of an and.”

She paused again.

“I asked you to sit and watch us this morning because that is a huge turn on for me, you know that.” She continued, “I love watching you slowly jerk off while Christina and I are having at one another. What I want to try is have you watch me with another guy.”

To be honest, I wasn’t shocked. We were 25 years old now and I had been with a number of women. With Sheri of course, but still. Sheri had only ever been with me. She had to be curious.

“I’m not saying that you’re not giving me..”

I interrupted, “It’s OK. I get it.”

Now Sheri looked surprise. I took her hand in mine and turned my head toward her.

“I understand what you’re feeling. I can’t say I’m not a little nervous about it, but I can respect the fact that you’re telling me how you’re feeling and what you want,” I said to her in a shaky voice.

Sheri thought for a moment and said, “First, you have nothing to be nervous about. I love you and will always be with you. Second, if you decide to say no, I understand. I just want to be honest with you. Third, if we do decide to do this I want you to know he’ll never be able to give me what you do.”

We were quiet for a couple of minutes. I was thinking about it, trying to rationalize it in my head. To this day, I think my wife is one of the hottest women I’ve ever laid eyes on. The thought of watching her have sex with another guy was nerve wracking, but admittedly turning me on too.

Sheri broke the silence, “Can you say something?”

“OK,” I blurted out.

She started almost pleading, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up…”

“No,” I stopped her. “I mean, OK.”

“Really?” she questioned.

“Yes, baby,” I replied. “I want you to be happy and if you want to try this, I’m willing.”

Sheri leaned over the seat, kissed me on the check, and said, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said. “Do you have someone in mind?”

I knew this was a tricky question and frankly I asked it just to mess with her. She’d obviously been thinking about it, so I assumed she’d pictured it with someone.

She answered quicker than I thought, “Well, maybe.”

I was expected someone from work or one of our friends.

“I was thinking if we order something online, you could take the day off from work and I’d try the UPS delivery guy,” she said.

I was a little surprised. “You little slut you,” I said.

She slapped me on the arm as we both laughed.

“He’s cute,” she said.

She leaned over the seat and put her hand on my crotch, feeling my hardening cock in her hand.

“Actually, I’ve dreamt about fucking you and him at the same time,” she said as she lightly caressed me.

She proceeded to tell me about this dream of hers and ended up fingering herself right next to me in the car. Sheri orgasmed as she finished her story with both of us cumming on her breasts.


A week or so had past when Sheri brought up the idea again. She said we needed to start ordering some things to be delivered. She wanted to start flirting with him so she could pave the way for our adventure.

Amazon must have thought we’d won the lottery over the next week or so. We were placing orders pretty much daily, getting stuff we really didn’t need.

I’d get home from work and Sheri would be all excited to tell me how the day’s mission went. She told me on the first day, she worked out just before he arrived and she answered the door in a sports bra and short shorts. The next time, she answered the door in a very revealing top with a push up bra underneath. She’d be sure to touch his arm or brush against him when she was taking the package from him.

After about a week of this, we decided that Friday afternoon would be the day. We had a small area just off the apartment’s kitchen that we had a table and chairs setup. It was directly across from the guest bedroom. I’d stay hidden in there while Sheri worked her magic.

I took the day off from work and Sheri did too. He usually arrived about 2:00 in the afternoon and the anticipation was killing us both. To make things even hotter, Sheri wouldn’t let me near her all morning. I wanted her really badly that morning, but she wanted to add to the anticipation.

About 12:45 or so, she told me she was going to get ready. She went into the bedroom and shut the door.

I heard the shower turn on. I was excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. I paced around the apartment, tried to watch TV, looked out the windows, anything I could do to pass time.

About an hour later, I heard the bedroom door open. Holy shit she looked good. She had on just enough makeup and pulled her hair back in tight pony tail. She wore a short silk robe that I had bought for her as a gift on a business trip in China.

She slinked toward me and opened the robe slightly to show me she had nothing on underneath. Sheri shaved her pussy into a neat landing strip, which she had never done before. It was so fucking hot!

“Well, do you think this will work?” she asked.

I stammered in return, “I don’t see how anyone could resist.”

“He should be here any minute,” Sheri said. “I’m so nervous.”

“Me too,” I answered. “Everything will be fine.”

“I know,” she whispered.

As we hugged briefly, the doorbell rang.

Sheri pressed her naked body against me and whispered in my ear, “I love you baby. No go into that room, make yourself comfortable, and watch me.”

We kissed and I walked into the guest bedroom. I closed the door enough behind me that you’d need to be really trying to see in to see me. I had no doubt that the lucky UPS man wouldn’t even notice, but I wanted to make sure Sheri could see into the room. I wanted her to see my eyes watching her.

The doorbell rang again. I watched as Sheri tightened up her robe and walked toward the door. There was no turning back now.

The door opened.

“Hi Brian,” I heard Sheri say pleasantly. “How you doing today?”

He replied, “OK. Not too busy today.”

“That’s good,” Sheri said.

There was short silence. It was killing me. Then Sheri spoke.

“You know what, can you do me a favor?” she asked. “I just got out of the shower and don’t want to go outside like this. Could you bring that box in for me?”

If I were him I would have ran in the door.

“Where do you want me to put it?” Brian asked.

“On the table, just off the kitchen,” Sheri happily answered.

I heard the door shut and the deadbolt turn.

For the first time, the UPS delivery man came into my line of sight. He was shorter than I pictured him, but that might be because I’m tall. He was only about an inch or so taller than Sheri. He was thin with blonde hair and wore wire rim glasses.

“Is this good?” he asked Sheri placing he box on our small table.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Sheri replied.

Sheri walked into the room and got uncomfortably close to Brian. He was clearly surprised, but certainly wasn’t backing away.

“Since you’re not too busy today, I was hoping there was one other thing you could help me with,” she said sexily.

“Ah..yeah..sure, I guess,” Brian replied hesitantly. “What do you need?”

Sheri reached out her hand and grabbed Brian’s dick through his UPS brown shorts.

“I need you to fuck me Brian,” Sheri said as she tightened her grip.

Brian was definitely nervous.

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I could see little balls of sweat forming on his forehead.

“But Sheri, you’re married! And my job, I really can’t stay..” Brian said unconvincingly.

Sheri brushed the robe off one of her shoulders, showing Brian her amazing, naked breast. With her other hand, she started to undo Brian’s belt and open up his shorts.

Sheri started talking in a low, sexy voice.

“My husband is at work and will never know,” she said. “As for your job, I won’t keep you long.”

Once she got his shorts unbuttoned and his zipper down, she started working on the buttons of his shirt.

As she took his shirt off and it fell to the floor, Brian started again, “I don’t know if we shou…”

Sheri slid his shorts down his legs and pulled on his hard cock.

“Shut up Brian,” she insisted.

With that, Sheri dropped to her knees in front of Brian. She took his prick into her mouth and started to slowly blow him.

There I was, sitting just feet away from my wife blowing some total stranger. I wasn’t sure how I’d react, but it was fucking hot. She was so beautiful and getting to watch her was so exciting.

I watched as she licked his shaft and put his head back into her mouth. Brian’s head was rolling back in pleasure. My wife’s lips wrapped around his hard cock and she started increasing the pace.

When she finally put his whole cock into her mouth, I heard him sigh and moan. Sheri reached up and grabbed his dick and started jerking him into her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth as his length was pushing in and out of her mouth.

I pulled my chair closer to the door and took my shorts off. I couldn’t believe how hot this was getting me. Before I knew it, I was stroking my own cock watching my wife. I caught her glance over at the door while she was blowing him. I made sure she could see that I had my dick in my hand and I was enjoying the show.

Without pulling him out of her mouth, she untied her robe and pulled it off exposing her naked body. Her tits seemed even bigger than usual and her nipples were super hard.

Sheri squeezed her nipples with her fingers a few times, then pulled his cock out of her mouth. She licked the shaft again, this time leaving a trail of saliva running down his dick. When she licked her own hand, I knew what was coming next.

Sheri rubbed her hand between her tits, coating her big breasts with her own spit. She propped herself up higher on her knees and slid his dick between her tits. Then she cupped her hands around her breasts, squeezing his rock hard cock between them.

Her body slid up and down against his cock.

“Don’t you want to fuck my tits Brian?” she asked.

“Of course I do,” he answered.

She reached around and grabbed his ass, forcing him to thrust against her chest.

“Don’t be shy then,” Sheri told him. “Come on. Fuck my big tits for me.”

With that, he started to be a little more forceful. I was jerking my cock hard now as my wife was getting titty fucked in the next room.

A few times, as the head of his dick emerged from her massive breasts, she stuck out her tongue to meet him. They both moaned as he started fucking her tits faster. Her body was being rocked back and forth with each thrust between her tits.

Sheri let him go for several minutes until I’m sure she could feel his seed building. She slowed her pace and let his prick fall from between her breasts, dragging his pre-cum soaked head down her body as it fell.

“Can’t have you cumming yet,” Sheri said with a sly smile.

She got up from her knees and walked to the table. Sheri grabbed onto Brian’s arm to pull him behind her. She bent her body over the table presenting herself to him.

I watched Brian’s hands explore my wife’s body with delight. She bent all the over so that her giant tits were pressed hard against the table. As Brian’s hands caressed her ass, he started to position himself. Sheri knowingly spread her legs apart so he could enter her. Brian grasped his cock and steadied it at her slit before pushing.

Sheri sighed as he entered her. She positioned herself so I got a side view of the action. He was fucking her slow and steady within a few seconds. Sheri looked into the doorway and made eye contact with me. She tipped her head down and smiled before talking.

Sheri said in a breathy tone, “Come on Brian, I don’t want you to be late for your next delivery.”

She didn’t have to elaborate. Brian put hand on Sheri’s hip and the other on the small of her back, then starting fucking her harder and faster. Sheri closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

As he continued taking her from behind, Sheri lifted her body up from the table and supported herself with her arms. Her breasts moved with each rhythmic thrust from behind. She lifted one of her legs and put her knee up on the table to give Brian even more leverage.

Brian started driving himself into Sheri even harder than before.

“Oh yes, fuck me!!” Sheri yelled. “Fuck me hard. Uh, uh, uh”

Brian’s balls started slapping against her ass as his full length was now penetrating her repeatedly.

“Oh God yes,” Sheri yelled again. “Tell me when you need to cum sweetie.”

I was jerking myself so hard now that I had to slow down so I didn’t cum. I was hoping Sheri would save a little for me once she had her fill of Brian. I could tell Sheri was enjoying herself and, being honest, so was I. I couldn’t wait to see him cum on her body.

Brian pumped her hard and fast, grabbing onto both of her hips for leverage. Within minutes, he was grunting and Sheri knew he was close.

“Are you gonna cum for me now?” Sheri asked.

“Yes, right now!” Brian screamed as he pulled his cock from her pussy.

Sheri rolled over on the table and laid in front of him. I’m not sure what exactly she wanted, but she squeezed her tits together just in time for him to push his throbbing dick between them.

He pumped his cock twice between her breasts and his cum shot all over her chest and neck.

“Oh yeah,” Sheri said with a smile. “It so hot Brian.”

“Uh, uh,” Brian stammered as his juices drained onto my wife’s body.

Sheri arched her body up and let his sticky cum flow down between her tits onto her stomach. She took his dickhead into her mouth to suck what was left out and clean him off a bit. Brian looked satisfied and completely dumbfounded all at the same time.

“You don’t have to say anything,” Sheri said. “Just get yourself together and go.”

Sheri continued lying on the table, covered in Brian’s cum, while he dressed.

“Thanks for the delivery,” Sheri said as Brian headed for the door.

Sheri started slowing playing with her clit as Brian walked away. When I heard the door shut, I emerged from the room and walked toward my wife.

“Well?” I said.

“It was really good, but…” she stopped short.

“But what?” I asked.

“I didn’t get to cum,” she said in an almost slutty tone. “And I still want your cum too.”

I walked close to the table as she was now fingering herself with two fingers. I pushed my dick into her mouth and watched as she increased her pace.

“Well we can’t have that now can we?” I said to her.

She shook her head no as she glanced up at me. Sheri took her fingers from her sopping cunt and started to vigorously rub her clit.

“I really, really enjoyed watching you baby,” I said to her. “It was like you were the star of my own private porno.”

Her breathing started picking up and now she was really rubbing herself hard and fast.

“I felt like such a dirty little thing,” she said through her shortened breaths.

I started jerking myself off just over her mouth. Every so often, she would stick out her tongue to lick my head.

“Are you gonna cum on my face?” Sheri asked.

I shook my head yes, but said nothing. She was frantically using her fingers on her clit now, make small, sharp circles. She was close to cumming herself.

“Yeah baby, you’re gonna cum on my face like the slut I am?” she asked again.

I shook my head yes, but said nothing again.

“Come on baby, make me your little slut. Cum on my face. Shoot it all over me!” Sheri pleaded.

She didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Just as she started her own orgasm, cum exploded from my cock onto her waiting lips.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!” she screamed as her own orgasm took over.

Stream after stream slapped against her face as her body convulsed. I watched as cum dripped into her open mouth, down her cheeks and chin, even on her forehead.

She took me into her mouth to clean me off just as she did Brian just minutes ago.

As she calmed down, she look up at me, face still dripping wet with cum, and said, “This may be the start of something.”

“You think so?” I asked.

“God, I hope so!” she replied.

Author's Note:

My wife and I have been married for 15 years and have been together since we were only 16 years old. Over the years, we’ve grown as lovers and had a wide variety of sexual experiences. As we’ve gotten older, we’re soon to be 40, our experiences have only gotten more and more intense and satisfying. Recently, we have been really turned on telling others about our stories and decided it would be fun to post a sort of history to our favorite erotic story site. There will be many, many stories written and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed making them happen.

Written by ghengis
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