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Our Stories: The Break Up, The Make Up, Back to the Beach

"My future wife and I make up after a break up while on our senior band trip"

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They say when things seem too good to be true, they probably are. This wasn’t the case with Sheri. With that said, I managed to fuck it up anyway.

As winter turned to spring, a friend of mine had a party at his house while his parents were away. Sheri was working that night and decided not to go. Against my better judgment, I made the decision to go even though I knew there would be copious amounts of alcohol and girls of all ages.

You see, a friend of mine had a hunting cabin out in the middle of nowhere. When his parents were in town, he wasn’t allowed to be up there without supervision. When his parents were out of town, what they didn’t know didn’t hurt them. All his friends agreed to make sure the place stayed clean and nothing got broken.

Long story short, I went to the party and had way too much to drink. There was a girl there that was in the band with me that was always coming on to me. Whether you see it as fortunate or unfortunate, she had way too much to drink too.

So this little blond girl with a great ass and perky little tits decided that she was going to get me that night. She flirted with me all night long, constantly rubbing against me, touching my arm or leg, or doing something else to entice me.

One of my friends, who was even more drunk than I was, was getting a blow job right in front of everyone from some freshman that no one knew. While she was going to town on his cock, my little blond friend came over, sat on my lap, and said, “I’ll blow you like that if you want me to.”

In my drunken state, I couldn’t resist. From what I remember, we went into the bathroom, she dropped to her knees, and blew me until a came in her mouth. She wanted to fuck after that, but, somewhat luckily as it turns out, I was so drunk I couldn’t get it up again. I ended up finger banging her on the counter in the bathroom to orgasm.

When I woke up the next morning, she was naked and lying in bed next to me. I still had shorts on, so I’m assuming we both passed out and nothing else happened. She had a different story, but I still don’t believe it.

The point of the story is that someone told Sheri about all of this, of course, and she dumped my ass!

I loved Sheri and was honestly more upset that I hurt her and let it happen than anything. I knew I deserved what I got, but I wasn’t going to let her get away without a fight.

I did the normal boyfriend stuff; sent flowers, left notes in her locker, pleaded to mutual friends who I knew would talk to her. When I heard that another guy asked her to the prom and she accepted, I was devastated. I thought for sure it was over.

A mutual friend of ours, who I’d known since pre-school, came to me and said she only said yes to piss me off. That was all the light I needed to keep up my pursuit.

The annual band trip was coming up and I needed to make amends before we left.

Since we had won the competition the year before, we were invited back to Myrtle Beach, SC to defend out title. The year before was so special for the two of us, I could only hope she was feeling nostalgic.

I finally got her to sit and talk to me about two weeks before the trip. She was angry, but she could definitely see how upset and sorry I was. She said she had talked to several people that we are the party and confirmed what I was telling her was the truth. She cried and made me cry right along with her. After hours of talking and talking, she finally gave in. She told me she loved me and hugged me. We weren’t “back together,” but I knew I’d won her back.

She said we’d see how things went the next few weeks and on the trip, then she’d decide whether to take me back or not. Again, I knew I was in, but I played dumb and treated her extra special for the next two weeks.

Sex was completely off the table before we left for Myrtle Beach. We got back to kissing and some touching, but clothes stayed on at all times. I was certainly hoping that things would change on the trip.

As seniors, we didn’t have to share a seat on the upperclassman bus. Most of the guys crammed into the back of the bus, while the girls took the middle, and chaperones in the front. With no restrictions on guys and girls sitting together, I hoped Sheri would make her way back to my seat at some point during the long drive.

We had to be there on Saturday by 2:00PM, so the buses left at 11:00PM Friday night. It was loud for about the first hour or two, but then most people started falling asleep.

I was just starting to dose off when I saw a very familiar shape heading for the back of the bus through the darkness. Sheri stopped at my seat, looked down at me, but said nothing. She took one last quick look down the aisle to make sure no one was watching then climbed into my seat with me.

She straddled me, pushing her breasts against my face. We had on our school issue sweatpants, so I could feel the lips of her pussy parting as she pressed down on the dick. She put one finger over my mouth and started to grind up and down on my cock. She pumped her hips up and down quickly, knowing we had to be fast and quiet.

I watched as she bit her lip to keep herself quiet. Every few pumps, she pushed her heaving chest against my face. She kept going at a steady pace and both of us could feel the end was near.

Sheri reached down with both hands and pushed my sweatpants down exposing my bare cock. She leaned back, wrapped her hand around my dick and started jerking me off.

“Tell me when,” she whispered.

She kept stroking my cock from tip to base. Her grip would tighten around my head and release as she got closer to my balls.

“Now, now, now,” I whispered back to her.

She knelt on the seat next me and shoved my dick into her mouth. Just as she did, cum rocketed out of me filling her mouth. I watched as her head jerk back from a powerful jet of cum hitting her throat. She kept her mouth closed around my dick until she was sure every last drop was spent. She sat back up and moved her face right in front of mine. She wanted me to watch as she swallowed my juice.

Sheri kissed me and headed back to her seat without saying a word.


Day 1

We didn’t have much on the agenda for our first day there, so most of us planned to hit the beach. The chaperones were less concerned then they were a year ago, so Sheri and I had no problem being around each other.

We walked down to the beach together, made small talk, and she eventually held my hand as our toes hit the sand. She laid her blanket down and then helped me put mine right next to it.

Sheri took off her t-shirt revealing my favorite black bikini wrapped around her gorgeous body. I rubbed her body with sunscreen and then she did the same for me. I made sure to concentrate on her breast area, because that’s the last thing I wanted sunburned and too sore to touch.

Our friends started to trickle onto the beach and surround us. After a while, some of the chaperones also joined the kids on the beach, but setup far enough away to not be a pain.

After about thirty minutes of lying in the sun, Sheri turned to me and asked me to roll over so I was lying on my stomach.

“I think you need some more lotion,” she said.

I rolled over and she got the sunscreen from her bag and squirted some on my back. She rolled onto her side and started rubbing it into my back. She kept inching closer and closer until I felt her other hand sliding underneath me.

Her hand slowly slid into my swim trunks and encased my now bulging rod. At first, she just gently pressed her fingers against my cock head. I cocked my body to the right just enough to not arouse suspicion. She quickly took the hint.

She wrapped her hand around me and started slowly stroking me while rubbing my back. She told me later that the chaperones looked over a couple of times, but apparently we didn’t spark any suspicion.

Sheri gripped me tight and pulled on my dick slowly so you couldn’t tell her arm was moving. She knew she couldn’t make me cum without everyone around us knowing what was going on. She leaned into me and said, “My room is empty right now.”

“You go first,” I replied. “I have to calm down a little before getting up.”

She smiled, got up, put her t-shirt back on and headed for the hotel.

I waited about two or three minutes before I moved at all. I was still hard, but at least presentable. I told one of my buddies that I had to take a piss and headed for the hotel.

I ran up the stairs and went as fast as I could to Sheri’s room. I knocked on the door and she quickly answered.

She was completely naked when I walked into the room and we wasted no time at all. Sheri grabbed at my shorts and started pulling them off. I pushed them down, kicked them off, and then pushed Sheri down on the bed. She quickly rolled over and got up on knees so I could take her from behind.

I walked up to her and quickly pushed my cock into her pussy. I grabbed onto her hips and started fucking her fast. We knew we couldn’t both be away for long without someone coming to look for us, so there was no messing around.

I pumped Sheri hard and fast. She groaned her approval as I kept the same rhythm going for ten or fifteen minutes. I reached around and grabbed her tits, pinching her nipples the way she likes it.

“So does this mean we’re back together?” I asked.

She replied, “Just fuck me!”

I grabbed her hips tighter as she started pounded herself against me. Her ass slapped against me with each thrust into her soaked cunt. Sheri was moaning loud, half screaming each time I dived into her.

I was getting close and she was begging me not to stop. I grabbed her breasts again and used them as leverage as I pushed deeper into her.

I pulled my cock out of her pussy just as the cum erupted. I shot load after load of hot seed all over Sheri’s ass. I watched it drip down her ass crack and gently seep toward her pussy.

“That was so fucking good,” she said to me.

I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I pressed the towel against her ass and let my finger rub against her pussy.

She rolled over on the bed and said, “Come here and lie with me for a minute.”

I crawled up next to her and lay my head on her breasts.

“I want to forgive you, I’m just having a hard time. You know I love you and I know you love me,” she said softly. “This will take a little time, but we’ll figure it out.”

“I love you,” I whispered to her.

“I know baby,” she answered.


Day 2

The second day of our trip was somewhat uneventful, or so I thought. We had a preliminary competition in the afternoon then a dinner in the evening. The jazz band had to sit together, so I wouldn’t get much time with Sheri at all.

All the girls got dressed up for the dinner. Sheri looked fantastic. She had on a great yellow sun dress that made the blue of eyes seem to pop from her face.

While all the different competing bands mingled before the dinner started, I got to walk around with Sheri. We held hands and kissed like a regular couple. Everything was starting to come together. If I hadn’t 100% won her back already, I knew that by the end of this trip we’d be back to the way it was.

We split up for dinner, but I made sure to sit where I could stare at her from a distance. I watched her talk and laugh with her friends. Every so often, she’d look over at me and catch me staring at her.

As the night drug on, most of us just couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. Then, something odd happened.

Sheri was sitting with a good friend of ours named Charlene. I had known Charlene since kindergarten and she and Sheri became friends in high school. I would have never told her this back then, but Charlene was hot. She was blond with a great ass and one of the best smiles I’d ever seen. Her boobs weren’t very big, but proportional to her thin frame. Next to Charlene sat another of our friends named Tara. Tara was, for lack of a better term, slutty by all appearances. She had long black hair and a perfect ass. She was, again for lack of a better term, flat chested.

I watched as Sheri was talking with Charlene when a shocked look came over her face. It wasn’t something you’d expect to see, it looked like what she said truly shocked Sheri. The three of them talked for a few more minutes when Sheri looked over at me. She smiled and turned back to the two other girls.

Then, all three of them looked over at me and had devilish smiles on their faces. Now I may not have known a lot of things, but I know when three girls are looking over at the table and smiling, they’re not talking about knitting a sweater. I could only hope Sheri was paying me some compliment as opposed to laughing about our encounter the day before.


Day 5

The third and fourth days we were in Myrtle Beach were competition days. We had our days so scheduled out, that free time was non-existent. I still got to see Sheri at night, but we weren’t able to be together like we were a few days earlier.

On the fifth and last day of the trip, Sheri and I made the same arrangement we did the previous year. We’d go to the awards dinner, then high tail it back the hotel before anyone was any wiser.

We spent the day on the beach together. There were some college guys staying on the top floor in our hotel who kept hitting on Sheri and the rest of the girls on the trip. They told Charlene they were having a party that night and all the girls should go up. It was perfect for Sheri and I since if any of the chaperones came back to the hotel, they’d be way more concerned about the party then what was going on in our room.

Sheri and I went to dinner together. We sat with Charlene, Tara, and a few other friends. Sheri and I talked, but every so often I would catch Charlene and Tara whispering and then looking at Sheri and me. I thought they just knew what Sheri and I were up to, but I’d soon find out just how wrong I was.

Dinner ended, Sheri went off with her friends and I went off with mine. Ten minutes then make a break for it, that’s all I could think about. I told my buddies to cover for me and headed to the hotel.

When I got there, I was very surprised to see ten or so of the girls from our trip heading up in the elevator. I assumed they were going to the party on the top floor. I hung back so they wouldn’t see me, and then made my way up the stairs to Sheri’s room.

When I got to Sheri’s room, I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. No answer.

The elevator doors opened and Sheri appeared.

“Well, where were you?” I asked playfully.

“Upstairs at the party for a couple minutes,” she responded.

“Well I’m glad you decided to join me,” I said with a little more conviction.

Sheri kissed me and I could taste the alcohol on her breath.

“I had a drink, flirted with some college guys, then decided to come downstairs,” she said as she opened the door to her room.

“Trying to make me jealous?” I asked.

She pulled on my arm to come into the room and said, “I’m here with you aren’t I?”

We kissed for a few moments when Sheri broke away and said, “Wait, there’s something I need to tell you first.”

I interrupted her, “You weren’t up there long enough to have sex with one of those guys, so how bad could it be.”

She slapped me on the arm and said, “I didn’t, but if I wanted to you’d have it coming.

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That’s not what I have to tell you.”

She took off her dress and sat in front of me in her bra and panties. I admit she started talking and I was having a really hard time focusing on what she was saying with her breasts practically in my face. That’s when she dropped the bomb.

“…and then she told me she and Tara have been sleeping together!” Sheri exclaimed.

That shocked me back to reality!

“Wait, what? Repeat that please,” I asked.

I reached around and unhooked her bra. Started to kiss her beautiful tits as she continued, “I said, the other night at dinner, Charlene and I were talking about some of our encounters. She asked me if I had ever done anything with a girl. When I said no, she told me her and Tara have been sleeping together for six months or so.”

I released her breast from my mouth and said, “Whoa! Don’t they both have boyfriends?”

I knew Charlene had a boyfriend. He was on the football and wrestling team, total asshole. I never knew what she saw in him. Tara was dating a guy in college last I heard, but she had a different boyfriend almost every time I talked to her.

“Char told me they were at Tom Miller’s party, their boyfriends weren’t there and they ended up getting drunk. They spent the night at Tom’s on the couch in the basement. After everyone went to sleep, Tara started kissing Charlene and one thing led to another,” Sheri told me as she started pressing her crotch against mine. Talking about this was totally turning Sheri on and it was definitely working for me as well.

She started to take my shirt off and kiss my neck. I returned to her boobs and licked her nipples softly.

She softly whispered in my ear, “I don’t know why they decided to tell me, but they said no one else knows.”

I lay back on the bed and pulled her on top of me. Her breasts crashed against my chest.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you did, but why are you telling me?” I asked.

“Well, we’ll get to that,” as she unzipped my shorts. “I want to be honest with you too.”

That statement got me a little worried.

She continued, “I told them about Chris.”

I was stunned! I mean, I wasn’t particularly embarrassed or anything like that, just surprised that she actually told them about it.

She pulled my shorts off and reached down to take off her panties. Once we were both naked, she climbed on top of me, pressed her pussy against my dick, and laid on top of me.

“How in the world did that come up?” I questioned.

I looked up and Sheri was blushing a little bit. She said, “Honestly, Tara was telling me how nice my breasts are and she was jealous that she didn’t have the same. We talked about how much you like them. Then Charlene asked if you ever tit fuck me.”

Hearing Sheri talks like that to her friends was making me hot. I could feel Sheri getting wetter and decided to push myself into her. She widened her legs to accept me and groaned as I pushed in deep.

I asked, “So what did you tell her?”

We started making love very slow. She was sliding up and down on me with her whole body pressed against mine. It was always nice when we didn’t need to hurry or be quiet. Most of the time, we had to simply get it done. Tonight was sexy and erotic. Sheri even kept the lights on, which I love.

“I told her I love it when you tit fuck me,” She answered through her soft breath. “I told them I love the feel of your cum on my chest. That’s when I told them about Chris cumming on me while you were fucking me.”

She increased the pace a little, clearly getting more excited.

“Tell me more,” I pleaded.

“Oh, you like?” she asked. “Okay, well that’s when I told them about the day in the pool too and Jeff in the upstairs window. I told them what a turn on it was for me to be watched.”

Sheri picked up the pace a little more.

“That’s when Tara told me about her and Charlene,” she continued. “They are staying in this room with me and Charlene said they’ve had sex every night since we got here. Michelle and I are in the other bed and never knew a thing.”

So now I had my gorgeous Sheri riding me and thoughts of Charlene and Tara having sex with one another on the other bed.

“I asked them tons of questions and probably sounded pretty dumb,” she said. “Tara told me she liked feeling pussy more than a guy’s dick and Charlene’s pussy was beautiful.”

Sheri slowed down and eventually pulled herself off of me.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“You’re not allowed to cum yet,” she replied.

I answered quickly, “Why, you’re killing me?”

“Again, being honest with you, Tara said she wanted to have sex with me too,” Sheri whispered to me.

To this day, I’m shocked I didn’t fire a load all over her right then and there.

“No shit! What did you say?”

“I told her I didn’t know if I could,” Sheri responded. “I can appreciate that Tara is a good looking girl, but I’m not sure if I can get my mind in the right place to do it. Not to mention, I’d be cheating on you.”

OK, how in the world is an eighteen year old boy supposed to respond to this?

I looked her in the eyes and said, “Sheri, we’ve already done so many things I never expected that I think I’d be OK with it.”

“I thought you might say that!” Sheri said. “But, I told her no.”

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight against me.

She whispered, “But that’s not all. Tara and Charlene asked if they can come and watch you tit fuck me, like we did with Chris.”

Before I could even react, I heard the door start opening. Sure enough, there were Charlene and Tara walking slowly into the room. They both looked like they had been drinking. They didn’t say anything; they just sat on the other double bed and watched. I could tell they were both looking at Sheri’s tits, but I did catch Charlene checking out my cock as well.

“Just relax,” Sheri said to me. “I’ll take care of everything.”

She pushed her body down mine and started to rub my dick between her massive breasts. She started pushing me to turn on the bed so I could lie on the pillows. Once I got settled, Sheri wrapped her lips around my cock head and started sucking on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tara and Charlene watching. They were touching each other’s legs.

Sheri knew she had an audience so she didn’t want to disappoint. She shifted herself between blowing me and tit fucking me, getting me just lubed up enough to slide between her tits. When she engulfed my cock and took me all the way into her mouth, I heard a moan come from the other bed. When I looked up, Charlene was naked on the bed and Tara was fingering her feverishly.

I motioned for Sheri to look. She watched as Tara’s fingers disappeared into Charlene’s slit. Both Charlene and Tara were watching intensely.

“Don’t stop,” Tara said to Sheri.

With that, Sheri put me back into her mouth and continued giving me the best blow job of my life. I watch Tara undress while Charlene fingered herself to my blow job. Once naked as well, Tara rested between Charlene’s thighs and pressed her mouth into her hot cunt. The look on Charlene’s face was complete ecstasy.

Sheri stopped to look again and this time was much more intrigued. She pulled herself alongside me and started jerking me off. I reached down and started to finger her in rhythm with Tara’s tongue flicking Charlene’s clit.

Charlene looked at Sheri, “Can you do it now? I want to see him cum on your chest.”

Sheri climbed off the bed and knelt down on the floor between the two beds. I stood up in front of her and presented my cock to her mouth. She liked me for what seemed like five minutes and then pushed my dick between her breasts.

Tara stopped licking Charlene and climbed on the bed with her. They were both completely focused on my rock hard cock pumping between Sheri’s cleavage as they continued fingering each other. They both were moaning softly and clearly enjoying the show.

Sheri’s body rocked back and forth as I pounded myself against her chest. She squeezed her breasts around my cock as it punched between her globes. She looked down and stuck out her tongue, which she’d never done before, so my head rubbed against her tongue with each thrust.

“Here it comes baby,” I said to Sheri.

To my surprise, Charlene and Tara got off the bed and kneeled on either side of Sheri. I tensed up and held back from cumming as long as I could so the stream would be stronger when I finally did release.

Tara started fingering herself, moved toward Sheri and whispered into her ear, “You’re so hot.”

Soon after, I stopped pushing and held myself between her amazing breasts. The cum fired from my cock like fire house, coating her chest and hitting her chin as she stretched her head back. The two girls to her side watched intently as I emptied by jizz onto her body.

“I love you,” Sheri said as she finally made eye contact with me.

Then something totally unexpected happened, at least unexpected from me. Charlene and Tara absolutely attacked Sheri. They pushed her down on the floor and Charlene quickly had her body pressed against Sheri’s. They both started licking Sheri’s cum soaked breasts and I watched as Tara’s hand found her way to Sheri’s pussy.

Surprisingly, Sheri didn’t resist at all. She just went with it. Tara started finger fucking Sheri while they both continued their assault on her tits. Sheri was moaning loudly and her body was shaking with pleasure. I watched as Charlene sucked and bit Sheri’s nipples and Tara had two fingers disappearing into Sheri’s cunt.

Charlene then reached down and started rubbing Sheri’s clit while Tara’s fingers were inside of her. Charlene looked up at Sheri and started to kiss her on the mouth. My cum was still all over Charlene’s mouth and was now making its way onto Sheri’s tongue.

Tara pushed Charlene’s hand out of the way and drove her mouth into Sheri’s pussy. She jammed her fingers in and far as she could get them. Sheri’s eyes were closed and Charlene’s tongue probed her mouth. Charlene then returned to her tits and started playing with Sheri’s nipples again with her tongue.

Sheri’s body started to convulse rapidly as Tara granted her maybe her first real orgasm. Sheri could barely catch her breath as Tara wouldn’t let up with her tongue. Sheri grabbed Tara by the hair on the top of her head as if to let her know she was done.

Tara climbed up onto Sheri’s body and began to kiss her on the lips. I realized now that not only did Sheri taste her own juices now, but I was also standing there stroking my cock in front of these three girls. I don’t remember when I started, but I was unconsciously jacking off watching my girlfriend get eaten out by another friend.

It was then Charlene’s turn with Sheri’s cunt. She knelt down between her legs and started licking her clit. Sheri and Tara had their tongues tied together when Charlene started and I heard Sheri let out a soft sigh.

I got down on my knees so I had a better angle at the action. I was sort of behind Charlene and could see her gorgeous ass. I could also see that her pussy was dripping wet. Without taking Sheri out of her mouth, Charlene glanced back at me and could see I had my cock firmly in my hand. She reached her hand back, grabbed my cock, and started pulling me closer to her.

“I haven’t forgotten about you,” Charlene said to me.

I looked up at Sheri and realized that Tara was holding her head towards me so she could see what was happening. Charlene went back to licking her pussy for a few seconds while she slowly stroked my cock with her hand.

Sheri and I made eye contact. She bit her bottom lip as Charlene continued working over her pussy. She nodded to me as if to say it was okay.

Charlene pushed her fingers into Sheri’s opening, looked up at Sheri and said, “Can he fuck me?”

She squeezed my cock while awaiting Sheri’s response.

In a strained voice, Sheri finally answered, “Yes! Go ahead baby fuck her, just keep licking me.”

Charlene released her death grip and I moved behind her. She returned her mouth to my girlfriend’s pussy as I pushed my dick into her. I started to pump her from behind. Sheri started squeezing her tits as Tara started to kiss her again.

Every time I thrusted into Charlene, she would stick out her tongue and violate my girlfriend’s opening with it. This was amazing and so fucking hot. Sheri was panting and Charlene grunted each time I fucked her.

I thought all the surprises were over. Man was I wrong. I watched Sheri pull Tara away from her and start grabbing for her legs. Sheri was pulling Tara up to straddle her mouth. My girlfriend was about to eat pussy for what I assumed was the first time. Tara sat on her mouth and let out a short scream as Sheri’s tongue hit her clit.

It seemed like this was all happening within seconds, but I realized we had been in the room for hours. I continued fucking Charlene as hard as I possibly could. Sheri had another orgasm, this time a loud, thrashing orgasm. Tara followed soon after.

When it was time, I pulled my cock out of Charlene. I knew I was going to cum, but didn’t exactly know how to handle this. Charlene moved out of the way and I shoved myself inside Sheri. I started fiercely fucking her.

Within a minute or two, I was ready to blow. I pulled out of her and started jerking my cock quickly. I shot my load onto Sheri’s stomach. She quickly started rubbing the hot cum into her skin.

We all stayed there for a moment, none of us knowing exactly what to say. Tara and Charlene got up first and headed toward the bathroom. I remember hearing the shower turn on, then giggling and moaning. It was clear, Charlene and Tara were at it again in the shower.

I leaned down to kiss Sheri and could taste Tara’s juice on her mouth.

“That was incredible,” I said to Sheri.

She shook her head yes, but wasn’t able to speak yet.

I continued, “You are the sexiest women in the world. I loved watching them have their way with you.”

“Ohhh, it was so good baby,” she finally responded. “Promise me you’ll lick my pussy like that.”

“Of course I will,” I answered.

“I’m gonna have a hard time staying out of their bed tonight,” Sheri said to me.

I looked back at her and said, “It’s ok. Go ahead. Have fun. Just one condition”

“Anything,” she said quickly.

“You have to tell me every single detail of what happens,” I told her.

“Deal,” she said back.


My wife and I have been married for 15 years and have been together since we were only 16 years old. Over the years, we’ve grown as lovers and had a wide variety of sexual experiences. As we’ve gotten older, we’re soon to be 40, our experiences have only gotten more and more intense and satisfying. Recently, we have been really turned on telling others about our stories and decided it would be fun to post a sort of history to our favorite erotic story site. There will be many, many stories written and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed making them happen.

Written by ghengis
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