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"My wife becomes my prostitute for the night"

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It had been about seven months since our experiment with ourfriendly UPS driver. That definitely opened some doors for Sheri and I. I let her do it a few more times with a couple different guys. We even got to the point that once, when I had to travel for work, she picked up a guy and let him fuck her in his car. When she got home, she called me and told me all about it while we both masturbated on the phone.

We moved out of our apartment into our first house in 2004. It was the best of times really, but we had been so busy that things started to lag a little in the bedroom.

One night, we were talking about fantasies. I told Sheri I had always been curious about prostitutes, but always figured it was too dangerous. On top of that, my wife is still one of the hottest women I’d ever seen, so I thought, in most cases, going to a prostitute would be a step down.

That’s when Sheri said, “Why don’t you let me be your prostitute for a night?”

She got all excited talking about it.

“We’ll pick a day, I’ll have you call me, the whole nine yards,” she said with exhilaration. “We should even avoid each other throughout the day to make it more real.”

Obviously, I was all for it.

“Okay,” Sheri said, “I need to buy a couple of things and you can’t know what they are beforehand.”

She could buy whatever the hell she wanted is what I was thinking.

Sheri took a calendar off the wall and circled the last Saturday of the month. It was three weeks away, and I think she wanted to build as much anticipation as she could.

We still had sex in the weeks leading up to our little plan, but it was much less often than usual. She won’t admit it, but she wanted me to be wanting her badly by the time that day came.


I woke up that Saturday morning at about 9:00. I’m usually up by 7:00 at the latest, but I had worked late the day before so I slept in. I walked into the bathroom and there was a large envelope on the counter with “Baby” written on the front.

I opened the envelope and there were two additional envelopes in the larger one marked first and second. I opened the envelope marked first and inside it was a note.

It read, “Baby, this is the last time you’ll hear from your wife today. I decided to go get a massage and some other things so I’ll be away from the house most of the day. Wait until about 2:00 and open the envelope marked second. I love you and I’m really looking forward to tonight. S-“

I’m not going to lie, I immediately went and rubbed one out and the mere thought of what was in store for me later that day.

2:00 wouldn’t come fast enough. I tried watching TV, working out, taking a walk, and even doing a little work. It seemed like every time I looked at the clock, only a couple minutes had passed. I wanted to jack off so bad, but I vowed to myself not to and save it all for that night.

Finally, the time had come to open the second envelope. I opened it up and inside was nothing more than a plain black business card. The card said “Candy” and had my wife’s cell phone number on it.

I immediately reached for my cell phone and dialed the number. It rang a few times and then someone answered.

“Hello,” a woman answered in an extremely sexy voice.

“Hi. Can I speak with Candy please?” I replied.

“This is Candy,” answered Sheri. “Who is this?”

“My name is George. I got your card from a friend of mine who highly recommended you.”

She paused for a moment then said, “Well George, it’s nice to talk to you. What can I do for you?”

“My friend said you can provide…companionship… for an evening,” I said nervously.

“Your friend is absolutely right,” she replied. “Is this for tonight?”

“Yes, tonight”

“And will we be going out tonight or staying in?” she asked.

I paused for a moment then said, “I thought we’d stay in for the night. The whole night.”

“Well, I do like a man who knows what he wants,” she answered. “You know what you want, don’t you George?”

“I do,” I said emphatically.

“Do we need to discuss my rates up front George?” she questioned.

“No,” I answered. “Money will not be an issue.”

She replied, “Ahhhh. Well then, all you need to do is tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”

I played along, told her to be at my house around 7:00, and gave her the address.

“Well thank you George,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to seeing you tonight.”

“Me too,” I answered. “See you tonight then.”

“OK, bye,” she said and hung up the phone.

I had such a hard on from that phone call alone that I knew the wait was going to nearly kill me.

About 15 minutes later, I got a text from Sheri saying she’ll be home at 5:00. I should be ready before she gets home. She’s going right upstairs and I am not to go up at all.

I waited about an hour or so then got in the shower. I made sure I dressed nicely, a suit and tie. I put on plenty of Sheri’s favorite cologne and went downstairs. I found some movie on the TV that was tolerable and settled in to watch it.

At 5:00, I heard the front door open, the door get locked, and footsteps going upstairs. I listened as the shower turned on, then off. That was pretty much the last noise I heard from upstairs until 7:00.


At 7:00 I heard heels hit the hard wood floors.

“George?” I heard a voice say.

I got up from the couch and walked around the corner. What I saw was breathtaking. Sheri, or Candy, was wearing a long, sheer black dress with six or seven inch pink heels. Under her sheer dress was a purple push-up bra and lacy black panties. She had on much more makeup than usual which looked so fucking hot. To top everything off, she had a purple-ish pink wig on that covered her natural hair.

“Candy, I presume,” I asked as I stuck out my hand to offer a hand shake.

“George,” she said disappointedly, “I think we can move past a hand shake don’t you?”

She opened up her arms to give me a hug. I smiled and put my arms out to hug her back. She pressed her body against mine, hard.

She kissed me on the cheek and said, “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Come in, please,” I said as we broke the hug.

She held my hand as we entered the living room. It was February, so I had a fire in the fire place. I had a bottle of wine on the coffee table and a few glasses.

“Can I get you anything?” I asked.

“A drink would be great,” she said. “But I don’t drink wine. Anything stronger?”

“Sure,” I answered, “I have some vodka, whiskey, bourbon. What’s your poison?”

“Vodka cranberry would be fantastic if you have it,” she said.

I looked her up and down and replied, “I think that can be arranged.”

As I went to the kitchen, I heard her heels following me. I reached into the fridge and got the vodka and cranberry juice. I opened the freezer to get some ice when I felt her hand on my back.

“Need any help?” she asked.

“Not just yet,” I answered.

I put the glass on the counter and let two ice cubes clank around in the glass. I poured the liquids into the glass and mixed it the way I know she likes it.

“You have a really lovely home,” she said. “What do you do for a living?”

“Thank you. I’m an engineer for a high-tech company,” I answered.

“Not married?” she asked.

I slowly turned to her and said, “Not tonight.”

I took her by the hand and led her back to the living room. We sat on the couch and exchanged small talk for a few more minutes. I had to hand it to her, she asked me things that a normal person that didn’t know me would ask. She was really selling it.

Finally, I decided we should get down to business.

“I’m sorry to ask, but I have no idea how this works,” I said in a nervous tone. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

She took a sip of her drink and replied, “Well, since you requested the entire night and you said money would not be an issue, it’s very simple.”

She pulled herself closer to me on the couch and put her hand on my thigh. “I’m yours for the night,” she said in the sexiest voice I’d ever heard her muster. “There’s absolutely nothing you can’t do to me. Think of me like a genie, your wish is my command.”

“Okay,” I replied. “Well, I’d like some help getting started then.”

She leaned over and started kissing my neck. She whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, within an hour or so, you’ll get the hang of how things work. Everyone does.”

She pushed off my jacket and threw it on the floor. Her legs stretched over my lap so she could straddle me. Her lips pressed against my neck as she started to undo my tie and unbutton my shirt.

Her lips started at my neck as pulled my shirt off. I tried to kiss her lips and she wouldn’t let me, she was definitely in character. She continued kissing down my chest as her hands reached for my belt.

She slid off my lap and knelt on the floor between my legs. Sheri, I mean Candy, continued to kiss my body as she removed my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.

Her hand slipped into my boxers and gripped my cock hard. She stopped kissing my stomach and moved her hands to my hips, motioning for me to help her with my pants.

My pants and boxers came off together, leaving my manhood just inches from her mouth. I could feel her warm breath on me as she readied herself.

The kissing started again, but this time going down one leg then up the other. Her hand brushed over my dick lightly. She continued to caress me, amping up the anticipation.

She rose up to more right angle on her knees and removed her dress extremely slow over her head. So gorgeous! Her arms disappeared behind her back to remove her bra, unleashing her spectacular breasts.

“You’re beautiful,” I said to her.

“Thank you,” she replied returning her lips to my stomach and chest.

Now her tits were pressed hard against my cock and her body slowly slid up and down my shaft. After a few moments, she stopped teasing me and pressed her lips against my dick.

Her tongue danced around my head before taking me into her mouth. She was going so slow it was almost painful.

I watched as she took all of me into her mouth and heard a slight gag as my head hit her throat. Normally, she would start going faster almost instantly, but not tonight. She continued slowly taking me all the way in, then all the way out of her mouth, licking my shaft and balls in between.

“Would you like to cum in my mouth?” she asked without looking up.

I paused for a moment, then replied, “Is that what you want?”

She pushed me deep into her throat once again. When she pulled me back out her mouth, she sighed.

“I want you to get whatever you want,” she answered. She licked my shaft slowly again and said, “I’m yours remember. Whatever you want.”

I paused again enjoying the feeling of her mouth wrapped around me.

“Whatever I want?” I asked almost skeptically.

With that, she let her teeth very lightly bite my head. It felt so good.

“Anything,” she said sexily looking into my eyes.

She kissed and licked me again. To be honest, I was debating in my head how much I wanted to push her to see what anything meant.

After a minute or so, I said, “Then I want you to tell me how bad you want me to cum in your mouth.”

She perked up a bit, knowing I was really getting into this too.

“I want your hot… sticky… cum in my mouth,” she said as she kissed my cock between each word. “I want to swallow every last drop. I want you to fuck my slutty mouth and fill me with your cum.”

Sheri was no stranger to talking dirty, but this was different. Not only was she saying it, but I could see in her eyes that she meant it. Candy was taking over and I was enjoying every second of it.

“Okay then,” I replied. “Make me cum and don’t you dare stop until I do.”

She immediately put me back into her mouth and starting blowing me faster. Her hand wrapped around my shaft and she started jerking me into her mouth.

I leaned back on the couch to take it all in. Then she reached up, grabbed my hand, and slid it to the back of her head. I gripped her hair and started pushing her mouth further down my cock. She groaned in acceptance as my dick was engulfed by her tongue and mouth.

The pace kept getting faster and faster until I was having a hard time holding back. I watched her hands start touching her body. First her tits and nipples, then downward to her pussy. She started fingering herself just as fast as she was sucking me. Her moans got louder as I could feel everything building.

Sheri continued violently sucking my cock while working her pussy over with her fingers. I tightened my grip on her head and forced my dick deeper into her mouth.

After a few more thrusts, my cum exploded into her mouth. She wrapped her lips even tighter around me and slowly sucked the juice from my cock.

She took me out of her mouth and continued fingering herself kneeling in front of me. Her mouth opened, letting some of the cum spill out over her breasts. She opened her mouth and let me watch her swallow what was left, sticking out her tongue to show me that it was gone.

“Can I cum now?” she asked.

I nodded my head yes and saw her fingers disappear into her sopping wet cunt. She leaned forward so her tits were pressed hard against my dick.

It wasn’t long before her orgasm started to take over.

“Oh fuck yes,” she screamed, fingering herself even faster. “Ah, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” she repeated over and over.

Her body shook, and my cock throbbed between her breasts as she enjoyed a long orgasm.

She panted and moaned, her body yearning for more. Slowly getting up from the floor, she turned around and sat on my lap. My cock was between her ass cheeks, and she very, very slowly worked herself up and down my dick. She took my hands and move one to each breast.

“So what’s next?” she asked.

I paused for a moment, enjoying the feel of her tits in my hands. She laid back against my chest as my fingers toyed with her hard nipples. She cooed in response, so I let one hand push down her body until I met her soaking wet pussy. I found her clit with my finger and started slowly, gently rubbing.

“Well, since I have you all night, I’m in no rush,” I finally responded. I’m debating what to do with you next.

Her hand moved up and met mine on her breast. She started pinching her nipples and I continued fingering her, now gently sliding in and out of her pussy.

She turned her head slightly so I could see her mouth and said, “I’m all yours.”

We stayed on the couch for another ten or fifteen minutes, playing with each other but really moving no further.

Finally, I said, “I’d like you to go upstairs to the master bedroom. Go into the bathroom and start running a nice hot bath for us. I’m going to get us some more drinks and will meet you up there in a minute. Top of the stairs and make a left.”

She turned with a smile on her face and pressed her tits against my face as she rose from the couch.

She kissed my neck, bit my ear softly, and whispered, “Please don’t be long.”

Her lips met mine and briefly we kissed.

“That’s usually off limits you know,” she said. “I’ll make an exception for you tonight.”

I watched her naked ass sway in the moonlight as she walked away from me. I sat on the couch thinking what a lucky bastard I was. When I heard the bath water start running, I got myself up from the couch and headed to the kitchen.

I poured a few fresh drinks and waited for a couple minutes before going upstairs. When I heard the water stop running, I thought it was as good a time as any to head up.

I made my way upstairs and heard music coming from the bedroom. Sheri and I have very different tastes in music, but whatever worked for her was fine with me.

All the lights were switched off, so the upstairs was very dark. There was a flickering light coming from the bathroom.

When I walked in, I was greeted by three candles lined up on the counter. I placed our drinks down on the counter and spun around to view my prize.

We had a corner whirlpool tub that was bigger than most normal tubs because of my height. She was kneeling in the tub with bubbles covering her breasts.

“Can you come up with a way to get all these bubbles off me?” she playfully asked.

I walked over and answered, “I’m sure I can come up with something.”

As I walked toward the tub, she rose on her knees and moved her body closer to the side.

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She took my cock in her hand and guided it between her breasts. All those bubbles served as ample lubrication. With no hesitation at all, she started tit fucking me.

We didn’t do this too long, even though it felt incredible.

“Why don’t you join me?” she asked.

She laid back in the tub, letting her gorgeous body disappear into the mass of bubbles that coated the water. I stepped into the water and sat on the opposite side of the tub. As soon as I settled, I felt her foot creep up my leg until she had it on top of my rock-hard dick.

She lifted her other leg out of the water and rested it on the side of the tub. Her foot pressed hard against my rod, almost as if she were trying to hurt me just a little bit. Her tongue extended from her mouth to lick the fingers of her hand. The other hand moved some bubbles out of the way so I could see the soaked fingers touch her cunt.

She stroked her clit slowly, moaning in pleasure. Her eyes met mine as she licked her lips.

“It feels so good,” she whispered as two of her fingers disappeared into her. “I can’t wait to feel you fuck me.”

I watched as she continued to finger herself. Her fingers entered her faster and her breathing went from low and soft to grunts of pleasure. A third finger added to the stimulation. Her foot finally moved from my cock to brace herself.

I crawled over to her side of the tub and took her breast into my mouth. Her nipples were so hard. I bit down lightly as her fingers continued in and out of her pussy. I slid my hand down her stomach and found her clit. We rubbed and fingered her pussy in unison, sending her to another level.

I whispered into her ear, “I want to make you cum.”

“I’m almost there,” she shouted in response.

I stopped caressing her clit and slid my hand down over hers. I pulled her fingers out of her pussy and wrapped my arm around her leg. I rose to my knees and lifted her out of the water. Placing her down on the side of the tub, I took her legs and put them up over my shoulders. I plunged my tongue into her slit and started licking with purpose.

“Oh my God yes,” she screamed. “Make me cum!!”

I pressed myself harder against her and found the spot that drives her wild. I took two of my fingers and pushed them inside of her as far as I could.

She screamed even louder, “Yes, harder! Please!”

I felt her hands on the back of my head, pressing my tongue harder against her. I looked up and caught her squeezing her nipples. Her head had rolled back and rested against the wall.

“I’m gonna cum,” she yelled!

That only made me work harder. I pushed my fingers into her as deep as I could make them go then left them there. My tongue did the rest of the work.

Her body started convulsing wildly as she yelped, “Yes, yes, yes!!”

Her orgasm took over and I watched her body writhe through it.

“Oh, oh, oh,” she stammered.

I pulled my fingers from her and continued to lick slowly until the shaking stopped.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” I said as she recovered.

“Whatever you want,” she reply back in a super sexy voice. “I’m all yours.”

I stood up in the water and stepped out of the tub. I took her hand and pulled her toward me. When she pulled up to her knees, I lifted her out of the water and carried over to the counter. I had her stand there for a moment, facing the large mirror so I could enjoy the site of her body.

After a few moments, I pushed my dick between her ass cheeks and pressed against her hard. I took both her wrists and guided her hands to the counter. I pushed on her back to bend her over the counter. Without notice, I grabbed my dick and pushed into her pussy as deep as I could go.

She gasped and said, “Fuck, that feels good.”

I started slowly fucking her, pulling myself all the way out before powering back into her with a great amount of force. Each time my cock entered her, a short, high pitched yelp left her mouth.

My hands slid down her back and grabbed both of her hips. Now that I had the proper leverage, I started pounding myself into her. Those short yelps became long, windy moans.

The faster I increased the pace, the louder she got. I watched in the mirror as her gorgeous tits pressed against the cold counter. I wanted to see more, so I grabbed her by the hair, something I would never do normally, and pulled her head back toward me.

“You like getting fucked, don’t you?” I asked.

I was fucking her so hard and fast, she couldn’t get any words out. She tried nodding her head in response, but that only made me grab her hair harder.

“I’m gonna cum all over you next,” I added.

You could hear my balls slapping against her now as I fucked her as hard and fast as I could. Her breasts bounced gloriously and her moans turned into panting.

“I’m gonna cum,” I yelled.

I let go of her hair as she was now pulsing her hips back onto my cock.

“Put me where you want me,” she said looking in my eyes in the mirror. “Cover me.”

I pulled my dick out of her and grabbed her by the hair once again. I pushed her down to her knees right in front of me.

“Open your mouth,” I commanded.

Without question, she looked up at, opened her mouth, and stuck her tongue out.

I pressed my head against her tongue and started jerking myself off. She didn’t lick me, attempt to take me into her mouth, or say anything. She knelt there, looking up at me, waiting for me to shoot my load into her mouth.

About 30 seconds later, I granted her wish. A huge stream of cum shot out of me and made a line across her whole face. My seed then continued to pour out of me onto her face and into her waiting mouth.

“Oh, yes,” she sighed.

My cum rushed over her, covering her lips and cheeks. She let me watch as it dripped down onto her chest and rolled off her face. She finally took me into her mouth and sucked me gently to get the last drop of cum out of my cock.

She leaned back and looked up at me, he face covered in sticky cum.

“That was so hot,” she said to me. “Should I clean myself up?”

I said back to her, “Let me look at you first.”

She smiled slyly as I stared at her cum soaked face. Her hands caressed her breasts, rubbing the cum over her nipples. Her tongue licked her lips getting a small taste.

“Um, that’s the second time I got to taste you tonight,” she said.

“It won’t be the last,” I replied. “Okay, you can clean yourself up now. I’m going to go get in bed. Join me when you’re ready.”

She got up from her knees, rubbing her tits up my body as she did. Her hand wrapped around my cock and her gently tugging brought me back to attention.

“I’ll be right there,” she said.

With that, she turned around and let her ass brush against my hardening rod. I left the room as she turned on the faucet to wash up.

As I walked out, I picked up one of the candles and placed it on the dresser close to the bed. I turned the blankets down and climbed in. I was tired, but there was no way I was falling asleep tonight. Not while Candy was on the job.

She emerged from the bathroom a couple minutes later and I swear her naked body looked even better than it did a few minutes earlier. Her ass swayed in the candle light as she slowly walked across the room and climbed into the bed with me. She pressed her body against mine and started rubbing my dick once again.

“So, what do you have planned for me next?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “I want to do something different with you, but haven’t figured out quite what to do next.”

She perked up a bit and replied, “Different could be fun.”

“What would you like to do?” I asked.

“Well, most of my clients aren’t really concerned with what I want,” she replied. “I really liked you licking my pussy. I don’t usually get that kind of attention.”

I answered, “No reason we can’t both enjoy tonight.”

“Oh, I’ve more than enjoyed it,” she exclaimed. “Most guys just want to fuck me and get me out the door. I’m really enjoying taking our time. It makes me so fucking horny.”

She squeezed my cock hard, really hard.

“Take it easy,” I responded. “We don’t want to have to end this early.”

She crawled her body over mine and slid down between my legs. She placed a soft kiss on the head of rod and asked, “Do I need to kiss it and make it better?”

“I certainly won’t complain if you do,” I replied.

She started gently licking my shaft and placing soft kisses all over my dick and balls.

I let her continue for a while and said, “You still haven’t answered me. What would you like to do?”

Her mouth slowly pulled away from letting her tongue drag up the entire length of my cock. She pushed her body up mine, letting her tits slide over my dick and up my stomach and chest. She kissed my neck and worked her way up to my ear.

“I told you,” she whispered, “I’m all yours tonight.”

As she continued to kiss all over my neck, I answered, “I know. And I want you to tell me what you want.”

She kissed me all over for a few more moments and finally asked, “Do you like watching porn?”

I was shocked. As sexual as we are as a couple, Sheri hated porn. I don’t think she had ever really watched it, but she thought it was all bad 70’s porn and couldn’t understand why anyone would watch.

“I do like watching porn,” I replied. “Do you?”

“I like listening,” she replied. “I like listening to the women get fucked, moaning, screaming, talking. That’s what turns me on.”

“Well,” I said in return, “why don’t we pick something out together and see how it goes.”

She pressed her soaking wet pussy against my dick and breathily said in my ear, “I’m game.”

She rolled off me and retrieved the remote control from the night stand. We turned on the TV and headed to the pay per view channels. Once we reached the adult viewing channels, we started examining each of the options.

After a short debate, we decided on one that had something to do with naughty neighbors. We started the video and laid back in bed. As the first scene started, I felt her hand wrap around me again.

The first scene was just a straight up guy and girl going at it. Being honest, it was just okay.

“This really isn’t doing it for me,” she said. “Can we fast forward to the next scene?”

“Sure,” I replied.

We watched in fast forward mode all the acts on screen, culminating with a nice money shot on the girl’s stomach and incredibly fake tits.

“You can cum on my tits you know,” she whispered in my ear. “And mine are 100% real!”

As the next scene started, it was a very attractive brunette lying on a bed using a vibrator. I went to fast forward and Sheri stopped me.

“Wait,” she said. “Let’s watch this for a minute.”

As the girl fucked herself stupid with the large, pink sex toy, I noticed Sheri start to rub her fingers on her clit. She didn’t own a vibrator, basically because we had sex so often that she didn’t need one. Then, in the back of the frame, two men approached the glass door to her bedroom.

“Ooh,” she said. “Now it’s getting interesting.”

Sheri started touching herself as the she watched the two men enter the room. I watched Sheri as she watched these two guy sticking their cocks in every hole they could get to. She wrapped her hand around my cock as she fingered herself harder. I knew she was close.

Her grip tightened as her orgasm took over. I completely enjoyed watching her body convulse and hearing her moan through a long orgasm. Her fingers were dripping wet and I could see her pussy and thighs glistening.

“So, I guess watching works for you too?” I asked.

She responded, “It wasn’t watching. The thought of being fucked from behind with a dick in my mouth at the same time is what pushed me over.”

“Is that something you’d like to try?” I continued.

“Are you asking Sheri or Candy?” she asked playfully.

I kissed her neck and replied, “Both.”

“Hmmm, well Candy has been with way more than two guys,” she said. “As for Sheri, it sure looks like fun.”

“Well then, that’s something we’ll have to explore,” I replied with a smile.

She crawled on top of me, pressing her soaked pussy against my dick.

“You would do that for me?” she questioned.

I pushed myself inside of her and replied, “Anything.”

She cooed as my dick went deeper into her. Her hips started rocking up and down on my cock as she began slowly fucking me.

I could see the TV behind her and the guys were started to double the girl on screen. In rhythm they were pumping her pussy and ass.

“As much as I’m enjoying this, you should turn around so you can see the TV,” I said to her.

I could see her curiosity was peaked.

She pulled herself off of me, kissed me once, and turned around. She slid her body down mine, her massive tits caressing my whole body on the way. When her pussy reached my cock again, she pushed herself back on to me and started slowly fucking me again.

She sat straight up on my dick, impaling herself with it each time her body rose and fell. I put my hands on the small of her back to give her a little support. The pace quickened.

“That does look like fun,” she said in a breathy tone. “Is that something you want to try?”

“You mean me, you, and another guy?” I asked.

“Well, yes that,” she answered as she began fucking me harder. “I meant, do you want to fuck my ass?”

I was a little shocked. I know some of the women she had been with had fingered her ass, but we never even talked about this before.

“Honestly, I’ve thought about it,” I replied. “But I didn’t think you would be into it. I mean, all we’ve done and it has never really come up.”

She could feel the cum started to bubble up as she answered, “Don’t cum yet.”

She slowed her pace until she was basically just sitting on top of me, my cock balls deep in her pussy. She took my hands and started to rub them over her body. I squeezed her nipples, as she likes it, when my hands got there.

“You’re with Candy tonight,” she sighed. “And Candy will do anything you want.”

She pulled herself off of me and motioned for me to stay where I was. Her eyes were fixed on the TV as she walked into the bathroom. When she re-emerged, she had a long pink bottle with her.

She stood by the bed and said, “I wasn’t sure if this was something we were going to try, but the girl at the store said this was the best stuff to use.”

I laid there as she opened the bottle and poured a generous amount of the gel-like liquid onto my cock. Her hands rubbed it in slightly.

“Come on,” she said as she tugged my arm to get up from the bed. She handed me the bottle and continued, “Pour some on my ass.”

She jumped up on the bed in doggie position. This was new territory for me, so I was trying to be as gentle as I could be.

She seemed a little angry when she said, “Don’t stop now. Remember I’m Candy. You don’t have to be so nice about it.”

“You’re so fucking hot,” I whispered in her ear.

With that, I spread her ass cheeks apart and let the gel drip into her ass. When I felt she was properly lubricated, I put the bottle on the floor and position my cockhead at her waiting hole.

I started pushing into her and heard her yelp. I knew it hurt, but she was egging me on to keep going.

It took a good amount of time to get all the way in. Surprisingly, she was going between pleasure and pain the whole time. Her ows became ahhs.

“I’m okay,” she said. “Now fuck me.”

I started moving in and out faster, slapping against her ass each time. She was flat out screaming with each thrust. Her hand reached to her pussy and she started fingering herself again. I could feel her un-entered fingers against my balls.

It was so tight, I knew I wouldn’t last very long. I grabbed her hips and pushed harder.

“I’m gonna cum baby,” I shouted.

“Don’t pull out, baby,” she replied. “Cum in me, fill me!”

She was fingering herself so hard she gave herself another orgasm. Just as she was coming down, I exploded into her ass.

“Oh, oh, oh,” I screamed!!

“Ah, yes,” Sheri sighed as my cum flooded into her ass. “It’s so hot.”

My cock drained into her as we both started to calm down. I slowly and gently pulled myself from ass.

“Oh, damn it, that hurt,” she said as my swollen cock head pulled from her asshole.

She rolled onto the bed on her side.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’ll be fine,” she answered. “But I think Candy is done for tonight.”

“Well she did an amazing job,” I said. “Worth every penny.”

“Don’t worry,” she said. “She’ll be back.”


My wife and I have been married for 15 years and have been together since we were only 16 years old. Over the years, we’ve grown as lovers and had a wide variety of sexual experiences. As we’ve gotten older, we’re soon to be 40, our experiences have only gotten more and more intense and satisfying. Recently, we have been really turned on telling others about our stories and decided it would be fun to post a sort of history to our favorite erotic story site. There will be many, many stories written and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed making them happen.

Written by ghengis
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