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Our Stories: After Party

"After a party, a drunk friend crashes at our house then joins us in bed"

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Saturday was two nights before Halloween. Our friends, Lisa and Jason, who had us over a few months earlier for their house warming party, were throwing a costume party for a small group. Sheri hated Halloween, but I always enjoyed it. Even though, she did enjoy planning our costume ideas. We decided on going as Tony and Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. Sheri looked incredibly hot in the skimpy costume.

As we drove to the party, Sheri told me that her friend Ana would be there. The last time we were at a party with Ana, Sheri fingered herself to orgasm watching Ana get fucked by her husband Pedro. However, Sheri informed me that Ana and Pedro had split up because she caught him cheating on her.

I had only met Ana that once, but still I felt bad for her. Sheri and I were very open with our relationship, but I can understand the pain of something like that being withheld.

Sheri said it was very fresh and try not to talk about it unless she does. I told her that wouldn’t be something I’d just bring up anyway.

We got to the party fairly late, so most people were already there. I thought it was going to be a small party, but there were somewhere between thirty to forty people there.

I walked around saying hello to the people I knew. Jason and I had become pretty friendly, so I stopped and chatted with him over a beer.

I caught Jason checking Sheri out more than once, but I didn’t mind. She was easily one of the hottest women at the party. There was a younger girl dressed as a nurse that was quite attractive, and another woman dressed as Lara Croft that also looked great.

Ana came up behind me with Sheri and tapped me on the shoulder to say hello. I turned around and she quickly kissed me on the cheek. We exchanged pleasantries and talked a bit about some of the costumes that were around us.

Ana was in the tightest cheerleading uniform I had ever seen on a woman. Her breasts weren’t very big, but in the sweater she had on, they looked perky and firm. Her skirt barely covered her amazing ass and her long legs were on full display.

“So, why a cheerleader?” I asked.

She smiled and replied, “I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but didn’t have the confidence when I was in school. I felt like all the other girls were better looking and skinnier than me.”

I leaned in close to her ear and said, “Well you look amazing tonight. They’d all be jealous.”

“Your sweat,” she said as she grabbed onto my arm. “Believe it or not, I think I needed to hear that.”

I could feel my cock hardening and decided I should probably back off.

“I’m going to mingle a bit so Sheri doesn’t accuse me of being anti-social,” I said. “We’ll talk more later, though.”

“Okay, I’m gonna go find your wife and have a drink,” she answered.

With that, she slowly let go of my arm. She grabbed a glass of wine from the counter and sauntered away. I watched her ass swinging from side to side as she left the room. Ana looked so hot I couldn’t peel my eyes away.

After a couple of hours, everyone at the party was pretty much buzzed or drunk. I ended up sitting in a room with Sheri, Ana, Lisa and Jason, another couple named Danielle and Mike, and a fourth couple named Stacy and Adam. Everyone in the room worked together except for Jason and me.

We went around the room playing a game of Would You Rather. The questions started out pretty tame but turned sexual pretty quickly. Being that everyone worked closely together, they were quite comfortable with sharing.

When the next turn to ask a question got to Ana, she asked Danielle, “Would you rather have to swallow cum from a stranger or allow a stranger to give you the shocker?”

Sheri blurted out, “What’s the shocker!?”

Everyone giggled as Ana replied, “The shocker is when someone takes their hand and puts these two fingers in your pussy, these two fingers in your asshole, and rubs your clit with their thumb.”

Ana held her hand up to show Sheri what she was talking about visually.

“Have you had the shocker, Ana?” Jason asked.

“Ooh, I love the shocker,” she replied. “I get off so fast when someone does it to me.”

The group laughed, including Ana. She was a little bit embarrassed, but with all the alcohol that didn’t last long.

As the night went on, it became clear that the majority of people wouldn’t be driving home. I had stopped drinking for an hour or so, so I was feeling okay enough to drive the short distance to our house.

I went into the living room to collect Sheri and found her sitting on the couch with Ana laying over her legs. Sheri was running her fingers through her long, brown hair. Neither of them was saying anything, but they were both just staring at each other.

“Baby, come on,” I said to Sheri as I reached for her shoulder. “It’s time to go home.”

Ana sprung up from the couch and stumbled over to the doorway of the kitchen. Her sweater was all disheveled and I could see her flat stomach as she leaned against the doorway.

She spun around and asked me, “Can I crash at your place tonight? I don’t think there is enough room for everyone to stay here and I’m way too drunk to drive.”

“Sure,” I replied.

Ana slowly walked back over to the couch and took Sheri by the hand. The two women said their goodbyes to Lisa and Jason and we headed for the door.

I was driving a pretty large SUV back then, so I had to help both of them get in. I lifted Sheri up and put her in the front seat first. Then I opened the back door and took Ana by the hand to help her get in. As she climbed into the back seat, her skirt lifted enough for me to see her sexy red panties.

As I got in and started the car, both women fell asleep almost instantly. I drove home kind of slow just to be sure I didn’t get pulled over. Once home, I pulled the car into the garage and shut the door behind me.

The door closing woke Sheri up a bit, so I figured I’d help her to bed first.

“Come on, baby,” I said as I put my arm around her waist.

She stumbled into the house and started heading to the stairs. We walked arm and arm up the stairs and made it to the bedroom.

“You’re so good to me,” Sheri said as she stood by the side of the bed.

I had her sit on the edge of the bed. I took off her shoes then pulled her pants off as well. She took her top off and removed her bra.

“Take my underwear off too, please,” she said as she started to lie down.

I tucked her naked body under the covers and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a couple minutes,” I said. “I have to figure out how to get Ana out of the car and into bed.”

“Hurry back,” Sheri said as she closed her eyes.

I walked back downstairs and found Ana still sound asleep in the back seat of my car. The light in the garage had shut off too, so I only had the moonlight shining in the windows on the garage door to light my way. Before I attempted to move her at all, I took in how gorgeous this woman was. The moonlight flowing across her tanned skin was impossible to ignore.

I lifted her arm in hopes she would wake up, but no such luck. I decided I was just going to have to carry her. So I hooked my arms under her shoulders and slid her toward me out the car door. Once her legs were clear, I scooped her up like you would a child and held her there while attempting to shut the door.

I carried her in the house and started up the stairs. About half way upstairs, she woke up enough to realize she was being carried.

“I’m so sorry I fell asleep,” she said as she threw her arms up around my neck. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

“It’s okay,” I replied. “We’ve all had a little too much tonight.”

Her hand started to caress the back of my neck, “Well I appreciate it anyway. Sheri always says what a good guy you are.”

We got to the top of the stairs and I turned to take her to the guest room.

“Sheri has told me a lot of other things about you too,” she whispered.

I answered, “Oh really?”

“Umm hmm,” she nodded. “She tells me all the time how good you are in bed and how you two have been with other people together.”

I was a little surprised. Sheri and I don’t tell just anyone about our sex life. So I decided that Sheri must either really trust Ana as a close friend or she was setting Ana up so she could get her in bed. In any case, I found it best not to reply at all.

When we got to the guest room, I put her down and she stood directly in front of me. Instead of falling into bed like Sheri wanted to, she got very close to me.

“You can fuck me if you want to,” she said. “Do whatever you want, I’ll let you.”

As much as I wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her senseless, I said, “That’s not a good idea. You’re drunk and my wife is right down the hall. Let’s get some sleep and talk in the morning.”

“What, you don’t want me?” she asked as she let her hand rub against my crotch. “Haven’t you ever wanted to fuck the head cheerleader? She’s right here…ready and willing.”

She was not going to make this easy.

Ana continued, “I’m going to turn around, kneel on that bed, and you can shove that big dick into me.”

I resisted again, “Ana, you’re beautiful and I would love to have sex with you…but not like this.”

“What you want my ass instead?” she said playfully. “You can fuck my ass too. I told you whatever you want.”

I walked her over to the bed, pulled down the covers, and essentially pushed her into bed.

“Oh well, your loss,” she said.

“I’m sure it is,” I said back to her. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I watched as she pulled the blankets all the way up to her neck, then I turned around and quickly left the room. I thought to myself that I’m either a saint or an idiot. I walked back into our bedroom and shut the door behind me. Sheri was sound asleep.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, threw my clothes on the floor, and headed for bed. My boxers were covered in pre-cum from Ana trying to get me into bed with her. I shook my head again, I knew I did the right thing but I’m not positive it was the smartest thing.

Not realizing how tired I was, my naked body crashed into bed next to Sheri. I moved behind her and wrapped my arms around her tight. My hard cock pressed against her naked ass as we both shifted to find a comfortable spot.

I must have fallen asleep really fast, because the next thing I knew I was lying on my back with Sheri’s body pressed against mine. Just waking up, I felt Sheri’s soft lips kissing my neck, cheeks, and chest. Her hands were cold, they always were, but it felt good on my chest and stomach.

That’s when everything changed. I felt a second set of lips wrapping around my dick. My eyes quickly opened to see Sheri lying to my left and the top of Ana’s head slowly bobbing up and down on my cock.

“Ana woke me up by licking my pussy,” she whispered into my ear. “I didn’t want you to miss out on all the fun.”

With that, Sheri stuck her tongue into my mouth and started passionately kissing me. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast, squeezing my hand so I’d squeeze her breast. Then she moved her hand down and placed on the back of Ana’s head.

Ana, meanwhile, was giving me an amazing blow job. She went slow, taking me all the way into her mouth and throat before pulling me back out. Sheri gave fantastic head, but something was different about what Ana was doing. It was like the suction on my cock from her mouth was more powerful. The fact that she was going so slow was only heightening the sensation too.

Sheri stopped kissing me and laid her head on my shoulder so she could watch Ana work on my dick. She continued to guide her head up and down on my dick with her hand.

I could hardly contain myself because it felt so good. I knew if she kept this up much longer there was no way I would be able to hold out. Of course, I had no idea how long the two girls had been going at it before waking me up. This could very well be the end of the night and not the beginning.

The muscles in my legs started to strain and I’m sure Ana could tell I was close to cumming. She changed nothing. Slowly, she sucked me so hard.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and my juice poured into her mouth. She locked her mouth around my shaft so that not a single drop escaped her. I was pumping hot cum into her mouth and throat and she was loving every second of it.

Once finished, Ana slowly pulled me from her mouth. Her eyes met mine as she licked her lips. She looked so sexy and I could tell the night was just getting started.

Ana climbed up my body until her head was resting on my chest just in front of Sheri’s. I reached down with my right hand and grabbed Ana by the ass. Sheri was lying on my other arm, so I slowly stroked her back as it was all I could really reach.

Sheri and Ana started to kiss while lying on my chest. I watched their tongues penetrate each other’s mouth as both women started to moan softly. My dick was still semi-hard and Ana’s hand was wrapped around it tightly.

“You taste like cum,” Sheri whispered to Ana as their kiss broke.

“I want to taste you again,” Ana said to Sheri.

Wasting no time at all, Sheri rolled off of my chest and laid flat on her back next me. Ana kissed her breasts for a few moments then moved down her body toward her pussy. The whole time, Ana continued rubbing my stiffening rod with her hand.

Letting her tongue trail over Sheri’s stomach, Ana used her other hand to spread Sheri’s legs. She pushed her legs open wide and Sheri let one of her legs drape over my body. Ana let go of my cock and positioned herself between Sheri’s legs.

Sheri gasped as Ana’s tongue touched her wet clit. Sheri’s hands went directly to her breasts, needing her nipples between her fingers. I rolled to the side and pressed my cock against Sheri’s body. I then started licking one of Sheri’s nipples. I couldn’t wait for Sheri to cum.

Unlike her blow job technique, Ana licked Sheri in a furious fashion. Sheri was moaning loudly as I continued sucking on her tits.

“Put your dick in my mouth,” Sheri said to me in strained breath. “I want to taste you.”

I pulled myself up to my knees and kneeled next to Sheri’s face. As Sheri’s mouth opened to moan, I slide my cock in. Her tongue flicked my head as I entered her mouth. She took me deep and slowly let her mouth come all the way off me before putting me back in.

I watched as Ana took her two fingers and put them into Sheri’s awaiting pussy. As I looked closer, it was clear that Ana was stretching out her other two fingers to find Sheri’s asshole. She was giving Sheri the shocker, but instead of using her thumb to work on her clit, she used her tongue.

Sheri sucked me long and hard while being completely pleasured by Ana. I looked down at Ana again and we made eye contact. She was staring into my eyes while eating out and fingering my wife. I closed my eyes briefly to enjoy the feeling of warmth wrapped around my dick. When I opened my eyes, Ana was still staring at me. She mouthed the words fuck me without actually saying anything.

I pulled myself out of Sheri’s mouth and moved around her on the bed. I kissed her mouth as she gasped for air. I walked to the end of the bed and moved in behind Ana. She spread her legs for me and I lined myself up with her opening. As I pushed my cock into her wet pussy, she closed her legs.

I pushed myself as deep as I could into her pussy, until my balls were pressed hard against her pussy.

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She slowly started moving her hips. When I started to push, she threw her hand back and motioned for me to stop. She wanted to control the motion.

Her hips moved almost in a circular motion. Once she worked up a nice pace, she started to move me in and out of her slowly. She kept working me in and out faster and faster. As Sheri started to cum, Ana started bucking her hips fast and hard.

Sheri screamed as her orgasm took over. Ana moved her fingers out of Sheri’s pussy, but continue licking her hard and fast as she fucked me in the same fashion. Sheri’s tits shook and bounced as Ana continued licking her through the orgasm. Ana reached back again and moved my hips. She wanted me to start pushing back.

I fucked her hard. She was more or less bouncing on my dick, her hips bucking as hard as I was pushing into her. I grabbed her by the hair and forced her head against Sheri’s pussy. As I did, Sheri started to moan again. She was about to cum again.

Ana started moaning through licking Sheri’s cunt. My dick pulsed with her slamming herself against me. I felt Ana’s hand start to rub her clit. It only made me fuck her harder.

Sheri and Ana started to cum almost in unison. Both women moaned and panted. Their bodies shook as the orgasms took over.

“God, fuck me harder,” Ana said as she moved her mouth from Sheri’s cunt.

I grabbed onto her hips and pulled her back toward me as I rammed into her. My balls started swelling and I could feel cum building up. Ana could too.

“Come on George,” she yelled. “Fill me!”

Sheri put her fingers in her mouth and started rubbing her clit now that Ana had moved her tongue. Ana’s head rested on Sheri’s thigh and rocked her body as I fucked her. Sheri reached down with her other hand and ran her fingers through Ana’s hair.

“Uh, uh, uh,” I shuttered as the cum started shooting from my cock, filling Ana’s pussy.

“Fuck yes,” Ana said as she pushed her ass against my hard and let me cum.

When I was done, and I could see my juice running from Ana’s pussy and down her legs, she pulled away from me. She crawled up Sheri’s body, trailing her tongue over her stomach and onto her tits. Sheri continued running her fingers through Ana’s hair as Ana sucked her nipple softly.

I climbed back on the bed and laid down next to Sheri. Instinctively, Sheri rolled slightly so her head rested on my chest. Ana shifted with her, keeping Sheri’s breast in her mouth.

Sheri looked down at Ana and said, “I’ve dreamed about this.”

Ana replied, “Me too.”

Ana stopped kissing Sheri’s chest and rolled over my body, resting her head on the opposite side of my chest. I wrapped my arms around both of them, grabbing both of their gorgeous asses in the process. Both women cooed as I squeezed their asses.

We all just laid there for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s bodies being pressed against one another. Sheri and Ana started to kiss while lying on my chest. Their hands were running all over each other’s bodies and finding mine in between.

Sheri then leaned up and kissed me. Ana took turns kissing Sheri’s breasts and kissing my chest while Sheri and I made out. Then Ana came up and kissed me, while Sheri took her turn kissing Ana’s breasts and my chest. Sheri’s hand slid down and gripped my cock tight.

The three of us took turns kissing one another for quite some time. I rubbed both of their backs and asses while they took turns rubbing my dick slowly and gently. I think the best part was watching Sheri and Ana make out while laying across me. It wasn’t like other times we’d been in bed with another woman. This was sexy and sensual.

Sheri took the next move and climbed on top of me. She pressed her cunt against my rod and slowly rubbed herself against me. After a few moments, she pushed herself onto my dick and started to ride me.

Ana moved herself up my body until she could kiss my neck and ears. She watched Sheri rocking back and forth on me as she softly kissed me. Sheri squeezed her breasts as she rode me faster.

Ana whispered to me, “She’s so beautiful.”

She continued kissing me as her hand reached out and rubbed Sheri’s thigh. Ana pushed her hand down and ran her fingers down my cock as Sheri pulled out. Then, as she rubbed me, she used her thumb to rub Sheri’s clit. Sheri moaned in pleasure as Ana found just the right spot.

Ana stood up on the bed and walked toward Sheri. She took her arms and pushed on Sheri’s shoulders, driving her deeper onto my cock. Ana moved herself closer and started to run her fingers through Sheri’s hair. Sheri sexily looked up at her and waited for Ana to continue.

Ana moved in closer and Sheri stopped riding me, leaving my dick buried deep inside her. Ana wrapped her hand around the back of Sheri’s hand and pushed her mouth into her pussy. Sheri’s tongue started probing Ana’s clit.

With Sheri concentrating on licking Ana, I started to control the motion of fucking my hot wife. I pushed slowly so I didn’t throw her off, but made sure I stayed as deep as I could inside of her. Ana bellowed in what sounded like a cross between ecstasy and agony.

I reached up and started rubbing Ana’s ass with my hands. Ana continued to moan as Sheri went to work on her pussy. I decided to help and slipped a few fingers into Ana’s slit. Sheri responded by pushing her hips back down on me and again driving me as deep as possible into her.

Within minutes, Ana started to cum. She yelled wildly as neither Sheri nor I relented. After her orgasm appeared to be over, she collapsed on the bed next me.

“Ooh,” Ana moaned. “I need to get fucked again.”

Sheri replied, “No, no, it’s my turn now.”

Sheri leaned back and put both her hands on the bed behind her, arching her back and displaying her gorgeous breasts. She started fucking me hard and fast.

“Ana, I could use a little help here,” Sheri said.

Ana reached down and started rubbing Sheri’s clit as we continued fucking.

“Fuck yes,” Sheri said. “Make me cum.”

Ana used all five of her fingers and started rubbing Sheri’s clit hard. She even slapped her pussy a few times, sending Sheri into a tizzy. I felt her legs tighten and I knew it wouldn’t be long before Sheri was cumming again.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Sheri yelled. “I’m cumming!!!”

I felt a rush of fluid pour over my cock as Sheri’s orgasm took over. Her entire body quivered.

“My God, it’s so fucking good,” Sheri screamed.

I laid back and watched Sheri complete her orgasm, shaking almost uncontrollably. Ana continued rubbing her clit slowly and she impaled herself on my cock. Her hips continued bucking as each new sensation rocked her body.

As Sheri pulled herself from me, Ana quickly wrapped her mouth around my dick and began sucking me again. Sheri crawled up alongside me and laid by my side, pressing her tits against my body. She again reached down and put her hand on the back of Ana’s head to guide her up and down on my dick.

Sheri began kissing my neck and pressing her entire body against mine. I wanted to watch all the action, but it felt so good I needed to close my eyes. I remember the softness of Sheri’s lips versus the powerful suction Ana was providing to be most enjoyable.

Ana decided she needed to be fucked again and quickly mounted me on the bed. She wasted no time at all and started pushing me in and out of her fast. Sheri sighed as she watched Ana’s body bouncing up and down on my rod.

I reached my hand down my side and found Sheri’s pussy. My fingers lightly started pushing against her. She was still soaking wet from fucking and cumming.

“Ah,” Sheri whispered in my ear. “Will you make me cum again?”

I whispered back, “Of course.”

She got up to her knees and kissed Ana on the mouth. Their tongues crossing sloppily as Ana continued fucking my brains out. Sheri then pulled her leg over my chest to straddle my body. Never breaking her kiss with Ana, she pushed her pussy back into my mouth so I could lick her.

I plunged my tongue into Sheri’s wetness, enjoying the taste of her juices on my lips. I didn’t think it was possible, but Ana started fucking me even hard than before. They broke their kiss as the intensity for everyone too great.

Ana grabbed Sheri’s tits and squeezed them hard.

“Oh fuck,” Sheri said loudly.

I ate Sheri’s pussy like I never would be able to again.

Sheri started panting and yelled, “Baby you’re so fucking good! Make me cum!”

I kept licking her clit and fucking her hole with my tongue. Sheri started moving her hips in small circles on my mouth. Ana kept fucking away and fingering herself in rhythm.

Sheri started to cum again, lifting her pussy from my mouth as she was overcome with pleasure. She held onto Ana to keep herself from falling.

“I’m gonna cum,” I blurted out.

Ana pushed Sheri down on the bed so she was lying on her back. She pulled my cock out of her pussy and laid on the bed right next to Sheri.

Grabbing Sheri’s breasts, she said, “I want you to cum on these big, gorgeous tits.”

I sprung to my knees as Sheri pressed her tits together and waited for my cock. I pushed my dick between her breasts and started to fuck her tits. Ana climbed almost on top of Sheri and used her tongue to lick my head and her tits as I penetrated her cleavage.

It didn’t take long for me to start firing cum all over my wife’s chest.

“Uh, uh, uh,” I yelled with each stream of jizz erupting from my dick.

“Um, it’s so warm,” Ana said as it flowed over her fingers.

Ana kissed Sheri on the mouth again. Sheri continued holding my dick between her huge breasts. Ana started licking the cum from the tip of my dick and Sheri’s chest.

Ana licked up a huge collection of cum into her mouth. She turned to me until I made eye contact with her. She wanted to be sure I was watching her when she swallowed the whole mouthful. It was one of the sexiest things a woman had ever done with us.

Sheri laid her head back to relax as Ana continued cleaning off her tits and chest.

I looked at Sheri and said, “I think Ana might need to cum again.”

Sheri looked me in the eyes, licked her lips, and simply said, “Um hmm.”

I moved myself off of Sheri and laid on my back on the bed. My head was between Sheri’s legs. I pulled Ana on top of Sheri so her pussy was in perfect line with my mouth. Without hesitation, I started licking her pussy with the same ferocity I did Sheri just a bit earlier.

Sheri and Ana were kissing again, but I could hear Ana’s stunted groans through their kiss. I felt a hand touch the top of head and I could only assume it was Sheri’s. I was so lucky to have a wife that both enjoyed and encouraged the sexual freedoms we expressed.

After just a few minutes, Ana started cumming.

“Holy fuck that’s good,” Ana yelled. “God, keep licking me!!”

I kept going as long as I could tell Ana was still cumming. Sheri held her head against her breasts while she completed her wild orgasm.

Once she was done, I moved back up and laid on the bed next to Sheri. Ana’s body was limp as she continued laying on top of Sheri.

Sheri said, “I’m going to go take a nice warm shower.”

She got out of bed and shifted Ana so she was laying on top of me. We laid there in silence as Sheri showered. When she was done, she left the water running and crawled back into bed with her body still wet.

“Why don’t you go next gorgeous?” Sheri said to Ana.

Ana sighed, “OK, I’m just so comfortable.”

She rose to her knees in the bed and gave me a deep, wet kiss. Then she did the same for Sheri before getting out of bed. Sheri and I watched as her perfect ass disappeared into the bathroom.

“Are you glad we woke you up?” Sheri asked.

I replied, “Definitely.”

Sheri whispered, “Good, cause I don’t think we’re done.”

I kissed Sheri and pulled her in closer. I said, “I don’t know how much more I have in me.”

Sheri reached down and gripped my dick, “Well, we’ll see.”

Sheri laid next to me, slowly stroking my cock as Ana took her shower. When she was done, Ana came out of the bathroom just as Sheri did. Her body glistened in the moonlight as she slowly stalked the bed.

“You’re next baby,” Sheri said to me.

I kissed both the women and got out of bed. As I walked to the bathroom to shower, I heard Ana say, “Don’t be long.”

The warm water felt good against my tired muscles. I washed up and let the water run over me for a minute or two just to relax. Then I shut off the water and got out of the shower.

As I walked to the sink to get a drink of water, I heard moaning from the other room. I guess the girls didn’t want to wait to get started again.

I opened the door and stood in the doorway to take it all in. There they were, Ana sitting on the bed and Sheri on top of her. Sheri’s legs were intertwined with Ana’s and they were vigorously rubbing their pussies against one another.

Sheri was pounding herself against Ana’s body. Ana’s hands were mauling Sheri’s breasts as the two women kissed.

I walked toward the bed slowly, unable to peel my eyes away from these two gorgeous specimens. They both looked at me as I reached the bed side but didn’t slow down. I grabbed Sheri by the hair and kissed her passionately. When done, I turned to Ana and repeated the same kiss.

As they continued grinding against one another, I stood next to them and stroked my hard dick. I was content watching them get each other off and I think it was turning them on even more. They each glanced over intermittently to watch me jerking off at the site of them.

Ana started to cum first, with Sheri following closely behind her. I have never seen a sexier site then the two women orgasming together. They screamed and moaned through what seemed like a life time of orgasms.

When they were both spent, their bodies collapsed into one another. They embraced, kissed, and touched each other’s bodies softly.

Finally, I was ready to explode. I stood on the bed over their awaiting bodies. Their hands and arms wrapped around and rubbed my legs in acceptance. I looked down to see Sheri looking up at me, her mouth open wide and tongue extended awaiting my end.

Ana joined Sheri face to face as their tongues met. Cum shot from my cock in a long, heavy stream down onto the girls mouths. They both sighed as the hot cum spilled onto their tongues.

Stream after stream continued from my cock, coating their beautiful faces. Finished, Ana was first to take me into her mouth, sucking the last drops from my cock. Sheri took a turn when Ana took me from her mouth.

The women then took turns licking my cum from each other’s faces. When they both had some in their mouth, they kissed. I watched as cum escaped from the corners of their mouths onto their sweat covered bodies.

The three of us then fell onto the bed. I had one of them on each side of me as I did earlier in the night. We were completely exhausted.

No words were spoken. The three of us drifted off to sleep. When I woke in the morning, their naked bodies were still pressed tightly against me. I laid awake and enjoyed the feeling as long as I could. I was certainly hoping that Ana would be staying with us for most of that day as well.




My wife and I have been married for 15 years and have been together since we were only 16 years old. Over the years, we’ve grown as lovers and had a wide variety of sexual experiences. As we’ve gotten older, we’re soon to be 40, our experiences have only gotten more and more intense and satisfying. Recently, we have been really turned on telling others about our stories and decided it would be fun to post a sort of history to our favorite erotic story site. There will be many, many stories written and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed making them happen.


Written by ghengis
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