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Oh Fuck! - 2

"There was a fire like a caged beast yet to be fully released."

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Author's Notes

"I had many requests to continue the story. I hope my efforts bring it to a satisfactory conclusion. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thank you all. Marisa"

"Note. The following is Michael's narrative."

I was on the phone with my wife and discovered that the video she had sent had probably been viewed by my business associate, Todd. He had mistaken my phone for his when he left. I know he watched it from the look on his face when he returned it. What bothered me was the smirk he gave me. Marisa was understandably upset, as was I.

"Oh, Michael, what are we going to do?" she asked. "I'm so sorry."

I could tell she was near tears, so I replied, "Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for; this is on me. If I had locked the phone, it wouldn't have been a problem. Please calm down; I'll take care of this. I'm going to confront Todd immediately."

"Michael, I did it for you. The thought of others seeing it. Oh god!"

"Marisa, I'm heading to Todd's room now. Trust me, I got this. Before I go, what I saw was hot. Never doubt my love for you. Your heart was in the right place. You are the sexiest woman alive, and the video was a wonderful thought. I'm going now, and I'll call you shortly. This won't take long. Be strong. I love you."

"I love you, Michael. Please don't do anything that will put you in jail."

With that, I hung up and headed to Todd's room. Todd and I worked together and were friendly but not friends. It was simply a business relationship. He was single and played the field. At work, he would boast of his conquest.

I took some deep breaths. I needed to stay calm. I got to Todd's door and knocked. I heard some rustling when he yelled, "Who is it?"

"Todd it's Mike, we need to talk."

"Can't it wait till morning it's late?"

"No Todd open up."

He opened the door. He had on a hotel robe. Looking sheepish, he asked, "What's this about?"

I took another deep breath as I entered and said, "I think you know what this is about. When you had my phone, which was unlocked, you saw my wife's text and video. I know this due to your expression and smirk when you returned it. Am I right?"

Without replying, he nodded and went to sit in a chair. I waited for him to say something, and when he didn't, I took the initiative.

"Ok, here is what's going to happen. I'm going to ask you some questions. First, yes or no. Did you copy the video to your phone or laptop? If so, save it to a cloud as well. If you want to walk out of here in one piece, yes or no?"

Not wanting to look me in the eye, he meekly replied, "Yes, Mike my phone. Can I speak?" he asked.

Despite my anger, I remained calm. "Ok, speak."

"Mike, I'm sorry, I saw the text, and curiosity got the best of me. Now, please, I'm being honest here. I opened the attachment. My god, don't get mad but what red-blooded male wouldn't be spellbound by," he hesitated, then smartly continued, "Ah hell, Mike. I don't have to say it you are her husband and know better than anyone what a vision she is. Now I'm taking a risk here, but I'll say it. It was the most erotic thing I've ever seen."

He flinched when he finished, awaiting my response. I couldn't deny that he was right about Marisa. Men and some women have lusted after her. We both knew it but had always been open and honest, trusting in our love and fidelity. I put us in this situation by leaving my phone unlocked. Todd is young and impetuous. He mistakenly had my phone. It wasn't planned or devious; it happened. But he copied it to his phone, which made me pause.

"Todd, thank you for being honest. Here is what we are going to do. Bring up the video on your phone and hand it to me so I can delete it and empty your trash. I want your assurance it's not saved to your cloud or laptop. If you lie, I'll bring my wrath upon you. Aside from me, my brother-in-law is a Marine assigned to special ops and you don't want one of those ops to be you. You got me so far?"

He nodded and said, "Yes."

I continued, "You will never speak of this with anyone. It stays strictly between us. I'll suspect you if I get any strange looks or smirks from coworkers or anyone else. If we encounter each other at a company function or elsewhere, and my wife is with or without me, you will avoid us or her if possible, but if not, be respectful in your demeanor. Are we in agreement, and do you fully understand the consequences if not?"

"Yes, Mike I understand."

I looked him in the eyes and sensed his sincerity.

"Todd, we have to work together, so we shake hands and put this behind us. Show me proper respect, and I will do the same. I suggest we both get some sleep so we can be rested and close this sale tomorrow."

Todd stood and said, "Mike, after the way you handled this, I assure you have my utmost respect. You're a better man than I, and hope I can become half the man you are in time."

We shook hands, and I felt confident he would abide by our agreement. I returned to my room, knowing Marisa was anxious about my call.

"Note. Back to Marisa's narrative."

I sat anxiously waiting for Michael's call. All kinds of awful thoughts were going through my mind. Foremost was a concern for my husband. I know he has always had control of his emotions. If things turned violent, with his Martial Arts training, I wasn't as worried about him as what he might inflict on his opponent.

Mike is 6'2", lean, and muscular. He trains hard, runs five miles almost daily, and hits the gym. I try to keep up and stay fit as well. Mike likes me lean and firm but not overly muscular. I agree, as I want to maintain my suppleness and femininity.

To my relief, I heard the phone. I picked up and it was Michael.

"Hello, Honey, is everything ok?" I nervously asked.

"Marisa, we're good, Love. Todd won't be a problem. The video is safe. Yes, Todd viewed it. You left quite an impression on the young man. But don't worry he will never speak of it. Rest assured it will never appear online or anywhere else."

"Oh love, thank you that's such a relief. Are you going to watch it?"

"I'm about to, Babe. It's late I'll watch it, but then I have to get some sleep to be on my game for the presentation in the morning. I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know then what I thought of it as I make love to my incredibly sexy wife. I love you so much; don't ever doubt it. Good night, Marisa."

"I love you, Michael, and don't you ever doubt it. Good night, love."

My god, I love him. I was emotionally spent and ran a hot bath. Laying in the soothing lilac-scented bath, I thought back on our conversation. I should never doubt his ability to handle whatever arises.

He said something that stuck in my mind: I had made quite an impression on the young man. He said it so casually like he wasn't bothered by it. He has never been overly possessive or jealous. I am glad that he is secure in our relationship.

I felt a bit guilty because the thought of being watched aroused me. Not specifically by any individual but by the thrill I felt in front of the camera. Ah, hell, honestly, when he told me Todd viewed it in the back of my mind, there was a flicker of excitement. Do I have an exhibitionist lurking within me? This will all be a topic for discussion with Michael. We hold nothing back from each other.

I finished my bath, dried, and went to bed. I cuddled up to Michael's pillow, enjoying his scent as I drifted asleep.

I awoke and had my morning muffin and coffee. It was Friday, and I sat in my home office and booted up the PC to finish my work for the week. I worked through lunch so I could get ready for Michael.

Mike would soon be arriving. I was having trouble deciding what to wear, which was silly. I knew we would end up in bed and make passionate love. I would wear the same red nightie I wore for the video.

I was thrilled to hear the garage door open as he pulled the Porsche into the garage. I stood ready to greet him.

Michael stepped through the door, and I was in his arms. His lips met mine as we kissed passionately. He lifted me as he kicked it shut, carried me to the kitchen counter, and set me down. He spread my legs and ran his hands up my inner thighs, kissed and licked his way up one and then the other.

I was at a loss for words as the sensations overwhelmed me. My only thought at the moment was Michael said he would ravish me. Oh my, he certainly was. I was glad I had my pussy waxed as I was laid bare before him. I felt his hot breath on my sex, but he held back, content to tease me, enjoying the moans he elicited from me. I tensed each time his lips lightly brushed me.

"Oh fuck," I murmured.

He grinned, and with a lick up the length of my labia, I squealed with delight. I knew I wouldn't last long as Michael began his assault and worked his tongue with an undeniable skill. I could feel the growing heat inside me caused by this gorgeous man.

As Michael's tongue probed deeper inside me, I shook as the pleasure he elicited coursed through me. He continued working his magic, licking the length of my slit before thrusting inside. My engorged clit throbbed, begging for attention. He pulled back, caught his breath, and grinned at me as if he sensed my need. Michael's tongue then parted my lips and drew my clit out and into his mouth. "Fuck yes, baby, right there!" I shouted.

I bucked wildly as he took my sensitive nub between his lips. I wailed as I grabbed his head, pulling him in. He sucked, licked, and nibbled. I writhed on the counter as he took me, the sensations so intense my body shook.

Michael inserted one then two fingers into me, syncing the movements of his hand and mouth. I gasped when the third entered; the pressure built deep within. He plunged them in and out, along with his assault on my clit; I was ready to release.

Michael sensed it and held me firmly while he increased his efforts and took me to the precipice.

"Oh fuck, yes!" I screamed. The waves hit me, and I shuddered as I went over the edge, my whole body singing in ecstasy.

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As the tremors subsided, Michael stood back smiling. His face was soaked with my juices.

"My god, Michael that was by far the best. What brought that on?"

He chuckled, "You're kidding. After viewing a video of my wife acting as a porn star, you ask me that? To quote Todd, "It was the most erotic thing I've ever seen."

I was taken aback when he said that; though he was smiling, I was unsure how to react.

"Michael you know it was only for you."

"I know that, babe. I'm just teasing you. I don't know if you heard it enough from me. You are the light of my life, intelligent, beautiful, and sexy. I Love you, Marisa."

"Oh, honey, with sweet words like that, It's all the affirmation I need."

I leaned in, kissed his sweet lips, and slipped off the counter.

"It's time I rewarded you for handling this and dealing with Todd. Now get out of those clothes, lover." I turned away, looked back seductively, crooked a finger at him, and sashayed to our bedroom.

When he entered, his reaction at the sight of me increased my arousal and anticipation. I sat on the edge of the bed. Michael had stripped down to his boxers and stood before me. The sight of my husband, an Adonis with his lean, ripped body, thrilled me. Not to mention his magnificent cock tenting his boxers.

I reached out and grasped his bulge through the silk, then slowly slid them off. Released from its bondage, his cock, long and thick, throbbed before me. I could see the outline of the veins along its length with the large mushroom head. I gripped the base. He moaned as I felt his warmth in my hand.

"Oh lord, that feels amazing," he said,"

I grinned, "I'm just getting started." Michael deserved his reward after what he'd done for us.

I kept one hand on Michael's cock and, with the other, cupped his balls, squeezing gently. I leaned in with my tongue and ran it along the long length of his shaft. I savored the familiar taste of sweat, musk, and arousal that I knew so well, along with the scent. It was intoxicating. I ran my tongue up to the head and licked a salty, sweet dollop of precum off the tip. I kissed the crown and swirled my tongue around the sensitive underside.

"Fuck! Oh yes, so good," he exclaimed.

I wrapped my lips around the head and took him into my mouth. I began pushing further down. I loved the feel of Michael's warmth inside my mouth. I took in more until the tip pressed against my throat, then swallowed, taking his entire length.

"Fuck, babe," he said with a growl.

Michael stroked my hair, applying gentle pressure. Breathing through my nose, I began to suck and bob slowly at first, then with increased vigor. I felt him tense and knew he was almost there.

I took him deep as he thrust his hips upwards off the bed and squeezed his balls, willing him to cum. Then backed off enough so I could taste his salty sweet cum.

"Oh, yes." He groaned. Then let out a primal howl as his cock spasmed and pulsed his cum into my eager mouth. I continued to suck till he was spent.

I looked up, and his eyes were glazed over as he caught his breath and regained his senses.

We both needed a bathroom break. When done, we snuggled together on the bed with gin and tonics.

I thought back to what he said when he quoted Todd so nonchalantly.

"Michael, you quoted Todd earlier and seemed comfortable with it. I'm curious about your reaction?"

"Well, what he said was true. He said no red-blooded male wouldn't be aroused by it. He was just being honest. I had been harsh with him when I told him the consequences if he talked or shared the video with anyone or posted it. I was satisfied he hadn't, and he showed genuine remorse. I believed his sincerity. It wasn't planned or devious; it happened."

"I understand, but, honey, I have to confess. I got a thrill making the video, and when I learned someone else had seen it, I was initially shocked but I will admit to some excitement. It had me thinking if I have an exhibitionist lurking inside of me."

"Babe, whenever any of us are scantily dressed, be it swimwear or whatever, we're exhibiting our bodies. There is an exhibitionist in all of us. The thrill you feel is natural. We're both aware of our attraction to others. Do I get a thrill when eyes are upon you? Yes, I'm proud to have you by my side and that you are mine as I am yours. I trust you and believe in our fidelity, so don't fret. By the way, we made the sale. It means a nice bonus."

"God, I love you. It means so much that we hold nothing back and are open and honest with our thoughts and desires. Oh, and congratulations on the sale."

We finished our drinks and snuggled. I laid alongside, my fingers lightly caressing Michael's chest, and slowly walked them down his abs to his cock. I ran a finger up and down the length.

I cupped his balls, gently squeezed, giggled, and asked, "Do you have another load for me, love."  

He laughed and said, "Oh yes, bring it on!"

I rolled on top, straddled him, and leaned down. Our mouths locked as we kissed deeply. I broke the kiss and leaned back. Michael leaned forward. He wrapped his hot mouth around one nipple while a hand reached up to play with the other.

His tongue licked circles around my areola, then my nipple; taking it between his teeth, he nibbled and sucked it to the peak of arousal, then switched to the other.  

Oh lord, my breasts had always been intense pleasure triggers; mini shocks shot through me.

I was on my feet with my hands on his chest for leverage, squatting over his fully erect cock. Before lowering myself, I made eye contact.

I said, "Let me have control, love. I want to ride you slow and easy at first and when I yell out, take over and don't hold back; fuck me hard and deep."

"Now that I can do," Michael said as he held onto my hips.

We both moaned as I lowered myself just enough so that Michael's crown pushed against my soaked labia. I looked down, lowered myself onto his phallus, and watched as it penetrated my pink lips. I shuddered and looked into Michael's eyes as I dropped myself, engulfing all of his impressive length within me. When fully impaled, I moaned as I felt my warmth envelop him.

I began to ride him, easing up and then down, moving my hips from side to side. His cock filled me as I squeezed it, exciting my vaginal nerves. I wanted this to last and set a slow and easy rhythm. Gentle waves of pleasure washed through me.

I lost track of time as I kept this pace up for at least ten minutes or more. Michael reached and gently teased my engorged nipples. Occasionally, he gave an upward thrust, which sent shivers through me.

He continued to allow me to set the pace. I felt the warmth rising and pressure building. I leaned back and repositioned my arms back behind me.

"Oh god, so good," I uttered. The angle had allowed his cock to rub my G-spot on each stroke up and down. The continuous wave of pleasure increased with the added stimulus.

Michael had been patient, but now it was time. I looked him in the eyes as I began to pick up the pace. I could tell he knew what I wanted.

I yelled out, "Oh god, Michael, Fuck me!" I begged.

Grabbing my hips, he lifted me off him and positioned me on my knees.

I looked back into his eyes. There was a fire like a caged beast yet to be fully released.

"You ready for this?" he asked.

"Oh yes, unleash the beast and fuck me!"

I was propped up on my elbows, legs apart, so Michael had a clear view of my glistening vulva. I shifted so my head was on the pillows. Michael took hold of my hips. He loosened his grip with one hand, grabbed his shaft, and lined it up with my wanton cunt. He hesitated a moment before thrusting forward.

I shook with the force of the impact. My entire body pushed up the bed. I shuddered as he entered me.

He'd been a gentleman, patient, letting me set the pace. But from the opening thrust, it was clear Michael was going to fuck the hell out of me.

The first thrust had buried him deep inside me, and I cried out, "Yes, Lover, don't hold back!"

Michael began to thrust, hard and deep, as I had asked. He drove into me, hands gripping my hips to keep me in place. He moaned as he pummeled harder, and with each thrust, I pushed back.

I managed to look back into his eyes and saw the flames burning; the beast was unleashed. He looked back at me, smiled, and fucked me with even greater vigor. He had incredible stamina.

I did notice he was beginning to sweat, and so was I. The sweat left a sheen on his forehead and chest.

With my head buried in my pillow, muting my cries, my hands tightly gripped the covers as Michael fucked me. Lord, did he fuck me. I writhed with the sensations that coursed through me.

He let out a growl that sounded like a feral animal. That's when I felt Michael tense, and with one mighty thrust, he roared, coming hard with several powerful bursts deep within me. That triggered my release.

"Oh, fuck!" I screamed. My pussy spasmed, squeezing his cock for all it was worth.

My orgasm was powerful and shook me to the core. I came hard and rode the waves as they flowed through me. I gasped in ecstasy. The intensity left me quivering, lost in the throes. Michael held me as I spasmed until my orgasm subsided before he removed himself from me. He gently rolled me onto my back and lay alongside me.

He whispered, "I love you, Marisa."

I had regained my breath and my senses. I wrapped Michael in my arms and kissed him deeply. He returned my kiss with equal fervor. There was no doubt of our love and passion for each other.

"I love you, Michael, you're my one and only."

Snuggled together in marital bliss, we drifted off to sleep.

The end.

Written by Marisa
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