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No Ordinary Game CH. 04

"The Main Event"

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Author's Notes

"This is a cuckold story about a husband who wants to share his wife with another man. A work of fiction. <p> [ADVERT] </p>All characters are over eighteen years. For best understanding, start with chapter one."

All day long, Sy was useless at work. He could think of nothing but his wife, Amanda, and her boss, Glenn, going on a date tonight, a date they all knew would lead to sex. It was really going to happen! He had to force himself to keep his mind on work. Otherwise, recurring thoughts of his wife paralyzed him into inaction. Every spare moment his thoughts came back to Amanda, and his mind was seized anew by a powerful mixture of fear, anger, jealousy, and most especially, overwhelming excitement. 

All day he was off his stride and knew it. He barely managed to go through the motions. He answered the phone. He dealt with issues only as they arose to demand his attention. His mind was always on Amanda and what she and Glenn were about to do. 

At lunch, he wanted to call his wife, or at least send her a text, but didn't dare. He remembered her stern admonition not to call or text. At two pm he received a text from Mandy, and his excitement skyrocketed. He swiped open his phone. 

Amanda: Thinking of you, Babe. Hard for me to get any work done today!

Sy: Me, too. Thinking of you all day.

Amanda: You can still call this off. There's still time.

Sy stared at his phone screen. Mandy had caught him by surprise with that reply, and the temptation to call it off defeated him. He felt such a sense of relief! He hastily typed out a reply. 

Sy: Call it off!!! 

He stopped his finger just before it hit 'send'. He stared at the screen. If he sent that message, the game stopped completely and probably forever. Mandy had made that point very clear. He would never...never...get to watch. 

He typed a new reply. 

Sy: Do it.

He grasped his hand and forced his trembling finger to hit 'send' before he could change his mind. Afterwards, he broke into a cold sweat and his heart pounded in his ears.


Amanda looked at the text from her husband. She had expected this but it shocked her nonetheless. 

Sy: Do it.

Two little words. Two syllables. Four letters with such power! 

Okay, Mandy, stay calm, she thought. Sy absolutely wants you to do this. You've given him every chance to back out but he wants to press ahead. Well, if that's what he wants that's exactly what he's going to get!

It was time for her opening gambit. She wanted to surprise Glenn and even shock him. She had given considerable thought to what she did next. She took from her desk a yellow post-it note and a fine-point pen. Using her smallest and neatest printing, she carefully wrote out a message to Glenn.

She wrote, I want to perform fellatio on your bare penis. Teach me how. I will swallow. Shred this.

She left the note unsigned and handed it to Glenn in his office, then turned and left. A few moments later, she heard his paper shredder running.


At four pm, Sy left work and drove home. He had left work early because he couldn't concentrate, and now he found he could barely concentrate on driving. 

He got home and poured a shot of whisky and downed it. He was about to pour a second shot when he remembered his promise to Mandy, so he put away the booze. That booze sure would have dulled the tension, he thought. He felt tight as a bow string.

He paced the floor and looked at the time. Five pm. Mandy was probably just now leaving work with Glenn. Where were they going? He thought of the possibilities. Why haven't I thought about this before? I have to know where they are going!

He went online and checked for dinner and dancing venues. There was only one venue that offered all the amenities: a fancy bar, fine dining, a dance floor with live music, and a four-star hotel. The downtown Savoy! That had to be it! Impulsively, he grabbed his coat and keys and headed for the garage. 


The office floor after five pm was mostly empty when Glenn walked into Amanda's office. He bent over and quietly said, "Meet me at Walmart in the parking lot. Park near the south entrance and I'll pick you up. You're going to get your wish." 

Glenn turned and left without another word. Amanda secured her computer, locked her desk, and got her purse and coat. Just as she had done every night, she looked about her office, turned out the lights, and locked the door. But tonight was not like any other night! 


Sy drove downtown to the Savoy in a cold sweat but he resisted the urge to speed. He realized he needed a disguise and found his black baseball cap and wrap-around sunglasses. It would have to do. 

He had to park five blocks away and in desperation he ran rather than walked to the Savoy. He arrived in the hotel lobby in his makeshift disguise and looked around, catching his breath. There was no sign of Mandy. He looked in the bar. It was mostly empty and there was no sign of Mandy. He walked to the dining room and tried to quell the panic rising in his chest. He had barely taken in the whole room before the maitre'd asked if he had a reservation. He shook his head 'no' and walked away. There was no sign of Mandy! 

Had he guessed wrong? Had they driven to some out-of-town, roadside honky-tonk with a drive-up motel? No, that couldn't be right! Glenn was too classy for that, especially on a first date. 

First date! My God, Mandy was on a date with Glenn! The enormity of what he had done hit him hard. He had caused this and now it was happening! His wife was on a date with another man! And his wife planned to fuck that man! He tried to stifle his panic. He consciously slowed his breathing while he took stock. 

It was too late to search anywhere else. Now, all he could do was wait in the lobby to see if Mandy and Glenn showed up. He sat down in a chair with a view of the entire lobby, including the entrance to the bar and restaurant. He pretended to read a newspaper. He noticed the desk clerk periodically giving him the eye and he tried to maintain his calm. He could be asked to leave. He was not a hotel guest. 

He found himself searching every face for signs of his wife. He watched for her at the main entrance, the elevators, and the shops. He listened for her voice. Finally, after twenty long minutes, the elevator bell 'dinged' and the doors opened. Amanda and Glenn came out smiling and walking side-by-side! They were talking and holding hands! They must have come from underground parking. In seconds, they walked directly into the bar and disappeared. Sy felt joy at finding his wife, but he crashed just as quickly when she vanished. This is not a dream! This is really happening! 


By six o'clock, Amanda and Glenn were seated at a table in the back of the Savoy Hotel bar, drinking Manhattans and waiting for their dinner table. The dark wood paneling and dim, indirect lighting made the room an intimate space for romance and seduction. 

"This is a good Manhattan," said Amanda. 

Glenn felt her stockinged foot playing with his leg. Her toes worked up his pant leg to rub against his skin.

"Mandy, your note drove me crazy all afternoon," Glenn said. "How did you know about my...uh, weakness? Did Tiffany tell you?" 

She smiled. "Maybe. But it's something I think you deserve, something I want to do for you. Actually, I've wanted to do it for quite a while." She looked down at her hands. The admission had made her suddenly shy and she felt hot inside. Along with shyness and the alcohol, she felt a growing sense of sluttiness that made her eager to bare her thoughts and tell her secrets. 

"Quite a while, you say? I had no idea," said Glenn.

"Sy has been asking me to do that thing for you. He's been quite explicit. He says I owe it to you for giving me my job and for my promotion. He's told me that more than once. Lots of times, actually." 

She looked up at Glenn and felt her face grow hot. Glenn raised an eyebrow. 

"Has he, now?" he said, matter-of-factly. 

Amanda was exhilarated to have confessed such a forbidden thing. What's more, her husband had encouraged her to do it. It was a wild and liberating feeling! She felt eager to embrace her new persona as the desired woman. Tonight, she could play the temptress and even the wanton slut! It was a new feeling and she liked it! 

Their sexually-charged talk went on for a few minutes until Glenn stopped mid-sentence and looked down at the table. 

"Freeze, Mandy, and don't turn around to look," he said. She looked at him quizzically but kept her gaze straight ahead. 

"Sy is sitting at the bar. He's behind you and to your left. He's wearing a long black coat, sunglasses, and a black baseball cap. His back is to us and he's been watching us in the mirror."

"Are you sure?" Amanda hissed under her breath. "I told him to stay home! I didn't tell him where we were going tonight because I didn't know, myself. He must have guessed!" 

How dare he! This was supposed to be her night! 

"Calm down, Mandy, please. Don't worry about Sy. He's not here to interfere. He would've stopped us already if that's why he came. Tiffany will deal with him," Glenn added with a chuckle. 

"Turn your phone to 'silent' and send him a text. Tell him we're in a downtown bar having a drink," he said. 

She did, and a few moments later they both heard Sy's phone 'ping' with an incoming message. Glenn saw Sy reach for his phone and he and Mandy shared a quiet laugh together. Then she became more serious.

"I have no idea why he's here," she said. "I gave him every chance to call this off. But each time I offered, he refused. Why did he show up here like this?"

Glenn chuckled again. "He wants to watch, Mandy. Most cuckolds are voyeurs. Sy could walk over here right now and take you home, and he knows it. But he won't do it. He's here because he wants to watch you and me together. It drives him crazy but he loves it."

"I guess I really don't understand," she replied. 

A few minutes later their waiter arrived to take them to their table. They had to walk by Sy at the end of the bar where he sat, hunched over with his back to them. He was only a few feet from the exit. 

They rose from their seats and Glenn softly said, "Completely ignore him, Mandy. Don't look his way at all, and don't look at him in the mirror. Keep your eyes straight ahead and walk right past him. I'll be right beside you." 

Glenn put his hand on Amanda's waist and steered her toward the exit. As they passed Sy, Glenn let his hand drop to hold Amanda's bottom. 

Sy watched Glenn and Mandy disappear into the dining room. Glenn's hand is on Mandy's bottom! Sy's heart was beating itself out of his chest and his erection was rock-hard. He wanted to rush after Mandy and take her home! But he knew it was too late for that. 

From the bar, he'd watched her in the mirror. He'd seen her smiles and animated conversation, and he'd heard her laughter. Clearly, Mandy was enjoying herself with Glenn. He knew she wanted this. He also knew his spying game was finished. But, at least he had found his wife! He finished his beer and reluctantly left for home. 

When he arrived home he sat down on the couch with his laptop and a bottle of whiskey. Porn and whiskey, he thought. This is my portion of Mandy's big night out.

He poured a glass of whiskey and found a porn site he liked. It had been a long night already, and there were hours to go. 


Their waiter seated them at a large table for two with an immaculate white linen tablecloth. The center of the table was graced with a single red rose floating in a small, crystal dish. Off to the side, a tea light in an ornate silver and glass lantern cast a warm glow across the table. 

The dining room was quiet and softly lit. Amanda noticed some women wore evening gowns and their men wore tuxedos. She felt a little underdressed in her work clothes, a blue blazer over a white silk blouse, tucked into a black, knee-length, pencil skirt. She hoped her string of pearls, her open-toed, shiny black heels, along with her upswept hair held together with a large jeweled hair clip, moved her appearance into sexy evening territory. 

The waiter left with their order and Glenn reached across the table to take Amanda's hands. The touch of her bare skin electrified him! 

He hadn't had many opportunities to touch her skin. Her skin felt warm and soft. Mandy grasped his upturned hands from across the table and put her slender fingers on display. Her nails were perfect! They were not too long and they tapered to round, natural points. Her spell fell over Glenn in an intoxicating fog. 

"Your hands, your fingers, your nails, Mandy. They're beautiful." He imagined the touch of her fingers on his face and he imagined the pleasures they might share tonight. 

She smiled. "French ombre, Glenn. I had them done for you. See how the color fades toward the tips? Do you like it?"

"Oh, yes, Mandy. I like it very much."

He looked into her brown eyes and felt her spell descend further upon him. Her almond-shaped eyes were liquid soft in the gentle light, and in his mind he imagined looking into her eyes as he made love to her. He imagined her facial expressions and the little sweet sounds she might make under him. She smiled at him in the candlelight. Her cute dimples seemed especially prominent tonight. He imagined kissing her lips. Would she kiss him back? He hoped she would. 

He badly wanted her. But he also knew she wasn't his. He knew he was an interloper poaching another man's wife. Compared to him, Mandy was young and innocent, not at all like his past lovers. Yet, she had freely offered herself to him. What's more, she had her husband's encouragement. She was young but not naive, and she was certainly old enough to make her own decisions. Still, he had to be sure this is what she truly wanted. He owed it to her, and he owed it to Sy. 

"Mandy, I'm honored you're my date tonight. I've admired you since I met you. Truth be told, I've had a bit of a school-boy crush on you ever since that first day."

Mandy continued smiling and Glenn noticed the smattering of freckles across her nose. She's so beautiful, he thought.

"But we can stop anytime. It won't hurt my feelings if you change your mind. I know you're anxious and I know you're thinking about your husband, and I know he wants you to do this. But just pretend we're two good friends sharing a night out. We can go home anytime if you change your mind. But I want you to know this, too. I have a room upstairs and later tonight, I want to take you up there and make love to you." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I want to ravish you." 

Amanda felt a hot blush across her chest that spread up her neck and into her face, and the hairs on her arms stood up. The thought of what she was going to do with Glenn excited her but embarrassed her! A dizzy intoxication swept over her, a lightheadedness that pushed aside the real world and left in its wake a new kind of dreaminess. She couldn't meet his gaze but instead looked down at their joined hands.

"I'd like that," she said in a quiet voice. 

"To be ravished?" 

"Yes. I'd like that very much."

Dinner was served, followed by fruit sorbet and coffee for dessert. They were both thinking the same thing without saying it; eat light in preparation for an evening of love-making. Amanda felt the butterflies in her tummy multiply as the time to go upstairs grew nearer. The music started and Glenn led Amanda onto the dance floor. 

A three-piece orchestra was playing music for romance. Glenn was attentive to Amanda but his hands never strayed. He didn't explore her body like a lesser man might do. He was a gentleman dancing with a lady, and he was a good dancer, too. Other couples soon joined them on the dance floor. 

As they danced, Glenn asked, "Are you okay, Mandy? You look a little flushed. Are you feeling well?"

"I'm just nervous, Glenn. I'm nervous and excited." She pulled him closer. "This is all so new to me. I want to be good to you, Glenn."

"Mandy, even if we only danced and I took you home to your husband, I would count the night a success. I've got my arms around a beautiful woman and I'm dancing with her. Two weeks ago I told you I loved you like a daughter, and I do, but we both know it's more than that. I know we're both married, and I know you're much younger than me. I know we don't have a future together, but we do have this night. Do you want to make love with me?"

She tucked her head against his shoulder. "I really do. But I'm scared. Hold me, Glenn." 

They danced silently and held each other close, decorum temporarily forgotten. Amanda continued, "I meant what I wrote in that note, Glenn," She looked up at him and smiled. Her note this afternoon had floored him! Glenn felt the stirrings of a nascent erection and he shifted his hips slightly away from her to conceal it. 

Amanda noticed. I caused that! she thought. She felt a tingly rush of needles across her skin, accompanied by a very pleasurable thrill of naughtiness. It gave her courage. 

"I want to do that thing for you," she said softly into his ear, "that thing I wrote you in my note. Please teach me the way you like it, Glenn. And please let me practice. I want lots of practice." 

She glanced up at him with a shy but devilish look. The surprised look on Glenn's face told her she had hit the mark.

"Oh, Mandy," Glenn groaned. He wanted to pull her closer, kiss her, and press his now-hard penis into her belly! But he restrained himself and reestablished a respectful distance between them. He hoped the other dancers didn't notice his erection. 

"But I want to ask a favor, Glenn. Will you do me a favor?" she asked in a coquettish voice. He knew she was teasing him. 

"Of course, Mandy, whatever you'd like."

She pressed her body into his now fully-hard penis. Again she spoke softly into his ear. "When we go upstairs? I want you to sit in a chair and watch me take off my clothes. I'll pose nude for you, whatever you want. Would you like that, Glenn?" 

Glenn's groan came from deep inside. "Oh, God yes, Mandy!"


Sy took another swallow of whiskey. He was drunk and he knew it. Even if he stopped drinking right now, Mandy would know. She had said no boozing and no wanking. Well, fuck that! She's out fucking her boss and I'm supposed to wait at home like a fucking monk? Just fuck that shit! 

Sy stood up, unfastened his pants, and kicked them off. He got a box of Kleenex and a bottle of baby oil. He sat back down on the couch and logged onto an amateur porn site. He applied oil to the palm of his hand and began to slowly masturbate.

He was watching a big guy pound a petite housewife when his phone dinged with an incoming message. Instantly, he paused the video and read the text. It was from Amanda! The time was 9:30 pm.

Amanda: Heading up to our room. Last chance to call this off.

Sy began hyperventilating. He heard that fearsome roar again and he wanted to type, 'NO! STOP EVERYTHING!! COME HOME NOW!!!' But he couldn't. He just couldn't do it. 

Instead, he typed: Do it.

His hands were shaking and he felt pressure in his chest. His arm felt paralyzed but he forced himself to act, hesitating only a second before hitting 'send'. Amanda replied a minute later.

Amanda: Okay. Turning off my phone.

And just like that, Sy knew his life had changed forever. Now his wife was well and truly beyond his reach. 


They rode the elevator in silence toward the fifteenth floor. It seemed empty and deathly quiet after the noise and music of the ballroom. Amanda stood in her heels beside Glenn, unsteady from the alcohol, and stared at the changing numbers over the elevator doors. It seemed surreal to Amanda. Except for Glenn's arm around her, they might have been going to a meeting at work. But instead, they were on their way to Glenn's hotel room to have sex! 

And those promises I made to Glenn! she thought. 

She felt anxious and a little nauseous. I shouldn't have eaten and drank so much!

Glenn was her friend and very much a gentleman, but earlier he had said he would ravish her! She remembered the generous bulge in his running tights when she had helped him up from his fall on the running trail. 

Is he huge? Is he too large for me to take? She had never taken a huge penis. Will it hurt? Is my body good enough? Her body wasn't perfect, she knew, and in her mind's eye, she reviewed her naked image in the bedroom mirror. She knew her imperfections.

I'm not that beautiful. Will Glenn like me once he sees me naked? She cringed inside, imagining herself naked for her boss's inspection. She was mortified at the thought of his disapproval. 

The elevator continued its slow upward journey. She had promised to fellate him! Oh, no! Was her technique any good? Maybe she wasn't any good at sex at all! What if she disappointed him? She suddenly felt inadequate and insecure. 

She had promised to undress for Glenn while he watched. Oh, no! I just can't! she thought. The shame of a married woman undressing for another man! At that moment, she just knew she couldn't go through with it!

The elevator doors opened and they walked down the hallway toward his room, silent and holding hands. Her palms were cold and sweaty. The hallway was quiet and the carpet hushed their footfalls. Their mood was far too somber. This was supposed to be fun and exciting. Instead, Amanda felt like she was walking to her doom. 

Glenn swiped the key card and the lock clicked and made a sliding sound. The light by the door handle turned green. Glenn turned the handle and the door opened. Amanda stepped inside and Glenn flipped on the lights. She walked further into the room and stopped. The air felt cold and musty. She heard the heavy door close behind her and it sounded to her like the door of a penitentiary slamming shut.

Ker-chunk! Then, deathly silence.

From behind, she felt Glenn's hands on her shoulders. She tried to breathe but couldn't, and realized she had been holding her breath. 

"Relax, Mandy, breathe, let it out," Glenn said in a soft voice.

She consciously exhaled. Her lungs had been very full and when she reached the bottom of her exhalation, she stopped. She gulped a short breath, then another, and the gulps turned into sobs, and suddenly her eyes were flooded with tears. She turned toward Glenn and clutched him tight, sobbing and shaking.

"What is the matter with me?" she gasped between sobs. "I'm a grown woman! I'm married!" 

Glenn wrapped his arms around her and held her against his chest. He kissed her forehead and cradled her head.

"Mandy, Mandy, it's all right. I'm right here. You're safe with me. Nothing needs to happen. No one will hurt you." 

He held her tight and waited for her crying to subside. He felt her tremble and felt her tears bleed through his shirt. Her warm body felt small and vulnerable.

He said, "It's cold in here. Let me get some heat going." He adjusted the thermostat and in a few minutes warm air wafted into the room, but the room still felt cold.

He led her to the queen bed closest to the big window and sat her down. He got an extra blanket from the closet and wrapped it around her shoulders. He sat down beside her and put his arm around her, and they stared at the night skyline. Outside in the darkness, the city shone in pinpoints of light, silent and unperturbed. 

Her crying had abated and she looked at him with a half-smile. Occasionally, little sobs bubbled up to escape her lips.

"So much for my sexy seductress act," she said, and they both shared a gentle laugh. Her makeup was smeared and mascara was running down her cheeks. Glenn went into the bathroom and brought her a warm washcloth and a towel to wipe her face.

"I'm thirty years old and I can't even get through my first seduction scene," she said, as she wiped her face. 

"Haven't you seduced Sy?" Glenn asked, and he brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face.

"Of course. You know what I mean, Glenn. My first scene as a slut."

"Mandy, you are no slut. You're an intelligent and sophisticated young woman. And you are my friend, whom I love dearly. We don't have to do this."

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She began sobbing again. 

"Oh! Of course we do! We haven't come this far for me to chicken out! And you've spent all this money on me," she said, sweeping her arm around the room. "And Sy wants this, too."

Glenn didn't push her. "We aren't doing this for Sy, Mandy. True, he gave us his permission and that's important. But do this for yourself, not for Sy.

"It's starting to warm up. Let's make a compromise, Mandy. Let's get into the bed and snuggle. We'll warm each other up and just talk for a while. We'll keep most of our clothes on. No expectations, okay?"

"Yeah," she said, trying to suppress a hiccough that came up anyway. She felt relieved and allowed herself a little giggle. 

He reached down and slipped off her shoes. He held each foot and admired it while he rubbed her arch and massaged her toes. 

"That feels wonderful, Glenn. My feet hurt after a long day."

"You have beautiful feet, Mandy. I love these shoes, too. I love the shiny black leather and this gold buckle. I love seeing your bare toes. Very classy. And very, very sexy."

"Stuart Weitzman's, Glenn. 'Stewies'. They're my favorites," she said, smiling. "Would you pass me another Kleenex, please?" She blew her nose.

"Allow me," he said, and he lifted her to stand. She was quivering. He helped her out of her dark blazer and hung it in the closet. He returned and began unbuttoning her white silk blouse. She watched him work the buttons without comment. 

"We don't want to tear this beautiful blouse or get it wrinkled," he said, smiling. She smiled, too, and he wiped her eyes. He wanted to kiss her and hold her. But he couldn't think of himself. Mandy was in his care and he must take care of her first. 

He slipped off her blouse and hung it in the closet, then came back for her skirt. He tried not to stare at her elegantly displayed breasts and her dark aureolas, barely concealed by the thin bra. 

"Can't properly snuggle in a skirt, can we?" he said with a smile. She smiled back.

He hung her skirt in the closet and turned around to look at her. He saw her in full silhouette against the floor-length window with the bright city lights sparkling behind her. She stood in just her pearls, bra, high-cut bikini panties, and sheer, hold-up hose. She held her arms crossed tightly against her chest and shivered. Her shoulders were hunched forward and she shielded her bra-clad breasts from his view. She peeked up at him with a coy smile. She looked absolutely adorable and at that moment, he fell just a little more deeply in love with her. 

"My God you are beautiful, Mandy! An absolute vision! Would you allow me to take down your stockings?"

She shyly nodded 'yes'.

Glenn knelt at her feet. He considered how intimately he was about to touch her, so high up her thighs, and he hesitated. But his fingertips found the upper stocking edge and he pulled one stocking down. Her skin felt cool as he slid the stocking down her leg. She placed her hand on his head and lifted her foot and he removed the stocking from her leg. 

Her panty-clad sex was just inches from his face and he tried not to think about that. Her second stocking was likewise removed and he couldn't help himself. He had to look at her. 

From his knees, he blatantly stared at her from her feet to her face. She watched him and blushed. She was nearly naked, wearing only her pearls, sheer-lace bra, and high-cut panties. Glenn was still fully clothed. 

"You're blushing all over, Mandy," he said as he stood, a smile in his voice. She blushed even more as she considered their relative states of dress. He's looking at me like I'm naked! she thought. I might as well be nude! She was still shivering but less so from the cold. 

He embraced her and she embraced him back. His hands explored the bare skin of her back. "Darling, you feel wonderful," he said. "Shall I take off your pearls?" She nodded 'yes' and he reached behind her neck to find the clasp. He fumbled and she turned around so he could better see. He worked the clasp and placed the string of pearls into his suit pocket. He held her by her shoulders and admired her near-naked form from behind. 

Her back was strong with well-defined muscles and a V-taper to her trim waist. Her hips flared to a flawless and full woman's bottom, barely concealed by her black panties. He resisted the urge to fondle her. That could come later. 

"Slip into bed and let's get warm," he said.

She did and said, "Brrr, the sheets are cold!"

"I'll be right there," he replied.

She watched with interest as he removed his shoes, socks, shirt, and slacks. He wanted to strip naked but out of consideration for her, he retained his tee-shirt and boxer-briefs. He spread the extra blanket over the bed and pulled back the covers far enough to slide into bed next to her. The sheets did feel cold! He turned off the table lamp and pulled her close in the semi-darkness. They faced each other in a loose embrace and shivered together, seeking warmth. 

"I'm sorry, Glenn. I completely messed this up," she said.

He softly laughed. "No, you've been perfect, Mandy, an absolutely beautiful and perfect young woman. I can't help but keep saying that. I can hardly believe my good fortune to be sharing a bed with you."

He pressed her head into the crook of his neck and smelled her hair. "Your scent is fabulous, Mandy. I catch your scent at work and I can't concentrate."

"That's probably just my shampoo," she said. 

"No, it's you. Your scent does something to me."

They quietly lay together for a moment and then she said, "I need a shower after working all day." She made a move to get out of bed but Glenn stopped her.

"No, Mandy, please," he said, and he pulled her tightly against himself. "I like you just the way you are. So feminine and so womanly. I'm the one who needs a shower."

She pretended to sniff him and then kissed his lips. "No, you don't. You smell musky and manly. Kiss me back, Glenn. I want you to kiss me."

They lay on their sides facing each other while the bed warmed. They exchanged little butterfly kisses and rubbed noses. They giggled together. She threw her leg over his thigh and pressed the gusset of her panties against his leg. They kissed again and he allowed his hand to caress her from the back of her neck to the back of her knees. He fondled her bottom. 

"Mandy, this is the finest bottom I've ever had the pleasure to have felt." He gave her bottom an extra squeeze and a pat.

"That's what you were looking at when you fell on your face, wasn't it, Glenn? You were staring at my big bottom!" she laughed. 

"Busted!" he softly laughed back. "But how could I not look? Do you have any idea what your bottom covered in running tights does to a man?"

"Oh, I have some idea," she replied. "But I think I have kind of a big bottom."

"No, you've got a wonderful bottom, Mandy. It's perfectly proportioned to the rest of your body. It's full and womanly. I want to bury my face in it."

"Gle-enn!" she squealed. She gave his cheek a playful slap.

"And I'll bet it's a wonderful bottom for spanking, too. I'd love to find out. You've got a lush bottom and hips that would be wonderful for so many things, Mandy. Including making babies."

"Oh, Glenn! Is that what you want to do? Make me pregnant?" she tittered. 

He reached up her back and found her bra clasp. 

"May I?" he asked. 

"Please do," she answered. 

Glenn worked the clasp and slipped the bra straps down her arms. He turned to place the bra on the bedside table and pull off his tee-shirt. He turned back to her under the covers and pulled her tight against his chest. 

"Oh, Mandy, your breasts feel marvelous, so full and firm."

"You like them?" she asked with a giggle. "Your chest hairs tickle."

Glenn explored each breast and rolled each nipple between his fingers. He scooted down under the covers to take each areola and nipple into his mouth and gently suckled.

"Ohhhh," she responded. "That feels nice, Glenn." She held his head and pressed his face into her breast. 

"Yummmmy, these titties are just begging for attention," he replied. The bed was getting warmer and they both felt bolder. 

Amanda reached down and grasped his penis through his briefs. "You're hard, Glenn. Did I do that to you, honey?" she giggled.

He grasped a full handful of her bottom over her panties and squeezed. "Don't be a little tease, Mandy. Teasing girls get spanked."

"Spanked? You wouldn't do that to me, would you, Glenn?" Her voice conveyed a naughty-girl pout.

"If I think you need a spanking, Mandy, I won't hesitate." He gave her bottom a playful swat and she ground her panty-covered vulva into his thigh. She tried to reach into his briefs but the angle was wrong.

"Get 'em off, Glenn," she said. "I want to play with your cock. I've been curious ever since I saw that bulge in your running tights."

He pulled off his briefs and threw them on the floor. He reached for her hand and placed it back on his penis. He held his hand over hers.

"There you go, Mandy. All for you." 

"Thank you, Mr. Talbot, she giggled. She fondled and stroked his penis. She explored with her fingers to feel its size and shape. She reached further down to fondle his scrotum and roll his testes between her fingers, then returned her hand to his penis.

"How do I measure up?" he asked with a little laugh.

They both giggled and she continued to stroke him. She explored the rubbery head and the hard shaft covered with soft, supple skin. It seemed to her the perfect instrument for a woman's pleasure and insemination. She found slippery wetness at the tip and rubbed it around the crown. 

"Ahhhh...that feels nice, Mandy."

"You probably want to know, right?" she said, still teasing him. "What I think? Isn't that what you guys always want to know?" She continued stroking with just her fingertips. She dragged her fingernails lightly around the ridge of his cockhead.

"Uhhh! Mandy! That feels really good!" he said. "You really are a tease."

She stopped and hefted his cock as if guessing its weight. 

"You have a nice penis, Glenn. It feels heavy, but I haven't felt that many. Can you believe that? Do you think I'm a slut?"

"I believe you, Mandy, and you are no slut. To me, you're a sweet, innocent girl."

I'm not so innocent anymore, she thought

She felt a twinge of shame but suppressed it. It was time to take the next step. 

She kissed his lips and neck, then moved up to his ear. She whispered, "I don't want to wait any longer, Glenn. Rub it up and down my pussy. Get it good and slippery and put it inside of me. I'm ready now."

She rolled onto her back, raised her hips, and slid off her panties. She lay on her back and spread her legs. She cupped a breast and pulled at her nipple. Her other hand rubbed her mound and her fingers played between her nether lips. 

"Right up here, Babe. Rub it up and down. Get your cock wet and put it in me."

He moved between her legs and rested his body weight on one elbow. His other hand rubbed the head of his penis up and down through the folds of her labia. 

She's as slick as an eel! he thought. "Should I get a condom?" he asked. 

"No, I'm safe, Glenn. I want to feel you bare inside of me," she whispered. "And I want you to feel me bare. I want it to be real good for you. That's enough teasing. Please, push it in!"

He had found her entrance and gently pushed until he felt resistance, then pulled back.

"Slooowly, Babe, take your time," she moaned, and he pushed again, this time a little deeper.

"Oh! Oh, yeah!" she cried. She tilted and braced her pelvis to help him. "Oh, yeah, Glenn!" she said, and he repeated the cycle once more. He was all the way inside of her now and firmly seated home. She pulled back her legs to help him reach maximum depth. He stopped moving and they looked into each other's eyes. 

"Yeeessssss!" hissed Mandy. "You're filling me so good!"

Glenn felt breathless. "Your pussy is magic, Mandy! So tight!

The city lights bathed the room in a magical half-light and her eyes glistened. He felt her slick, hot cunt grip his shaft, and felt her firm breasts flattened against his chest. She made little wriggling adjustments beneath him and the soft skin of her inner thighs rubbed against his legs. He felt her soft belly against his. He wanted to freeze time and savor those sensations forever. 

I feel like I'm going to come any second! he thought. I need to calm down! 

"Fuck me...fuck me, Glenn," Mandy gasped. 

"I can't move, Mandy, I'm too close to coming. Give me a second." He used a meditation technique to relax himself. He tried to ignore the intensely pleasurable sensations emanating from his penis. 

He tried to remain motionless. "I've dreamt of this moment for years, Mandy. Does that bother you? Knowing I've been lusting after you all that time? I've wanted to do this from the first moment I saw you."

"No, Glenn, it doesn't bother me, it makes me happy. I'm so glad we're finally doing this. I've wanted it, too."

Amanda looked up into Glenn's soft hazel eyes and whispered, "Your cock feels so, so good inside of me!" She felt very close to her boss. This was a new and very powerful thing for her. 

"Can you fuck me now, Glenn? Start slow. Make it last."

She started moving her hips to urge him to thrust, and he did, at first gently and carefully. Slowly, he picked up speed as they learned each other's responses. Amanda locked her ankles behind Glenn's back and used her heels to spur him on.

They worked together in a tight, intimate embrace. They moved together as one, learning from each other's knowing, maximizing each other's pleasure as they built toward a shared crescendo. 

"Oh, Glenn, you fuck me so good! Fuck me just like that! Keep doin' it, Babe!" 

For a few minutes Glenn concentrated on maintaining his slow, steady rhythm. He felt Mandy's pelvic muscles grip his penis and felt her belly hard against his when he ground into her. She moved with him until her movements became more frantic and her breathing more urgent. 

She cried out, "Now really give it to me! Hard, Glenn! Do it!"

"Oh, fuck, Mandy! I'm not gonna last! I'm gonna come! Do you want it inside of you!" 

"Yes! Do it!" she grunted. 

With sudden ferocity, Glenn held Mandy's arms above her head and began to thrust into her at a feverish pace. His thighs slapped against hers in a frenzy. His cock plunged in and out of her like the piston in a pump. It pushed Mandy right over the edge.

"Oh, I'm there...don't stop! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" she whimpered, "UHHHH, OH! OH! OH! OH!"

She began to wail in synchrony with Glenn's thrusts and her cunt muscles clamped down on his cock. Her first orgasm began to fade but he fucked her into another, stronger orgasm, and another after that. Repeated climaxes rolled through her body and her muscles fired wildly. Her legs shook and frantically kicked the air. Glenn continued to fuck her with hard determination.

"Cum in me!" she gasped. "Do it! Fill me up!"

Her pelvic contractions rhythmically squeezed his thrusting penis and her whole body jerked with convulsions that threatened to bend her double. Glenn felt a rising tsunami of intense pleasure and bellowed like a bull, "Gonna cum...squeeze it baby...oh, yeah...fuck yeah I'm cumming!" His whole body tensed and his thrusts became frantic and ragged. 

She felt his rigid prick swell and pulse in her tight sheath. She felt his semen spread like a warm tide inside of her. For a few shuddering moments, all that mattered was welcoming Glenn's semen deep into her body. It was a delirious feeling! 

They slowed and stopped, breathing hard for a full minute while their heart rates slowed. Mandy opened her eyes and giggled, "God, that was intense, Glenn! That was just insane! You're all sweaty," she said, laughing and rubbing his back. It was slick with sweat. She reached her hand between them and felt their combined, sweaty-slickness. She wriggled her slippery boobs against his chest and felt his rough hairs rub against her nipples.

"That was wonderful, Glenn! I haven't come like that in ages! Maybe in forever!" 

She felt an intense connection with this man who had just fucked her through a long, rolling climax. He had inseminated her! They kissed and pressed their mouths hard together and held it. They rested in peaceful, post-coital bliss until his softening penis slipped from her vagina and she felt wetness trickle down her bottom cheeks and spread beneath her. 

He lifted his head from her shoulder and kissed her. "You made me come so hard, Mandy! I couldn't hold back. Your body is made for fucking. You've got a luscious ass and a glorious cunt. I want to fuck you again and again. I'm going to fuck you all night!" 

He knew he was talking post-sex-gibberish, but he didn't care. At that moment, she was the most precious thing to him in the world.

I'm falling in love with this young woman! he thought. Me, of all people! And I should know better!

Mandy saw his momentary distraction and a sudden thought popped into her head. Sy is waiting for me at home!

"You're such a sweet talker," she said, and laughed. Then she became more serious. "I'd better text Sy. I promised him I would."

Glenn's post-orgasmic reverie was instantly broken.

"What? Now? We've just got started. He's expecting a long wait. Text him when you're on your way home."

"Okay," she said, "I'm just thinking of him, is all..." She felt conflicted. "I...I think I better text him right now."

Glenn sighed. "Okay, you're right, Mandy. Your husband comes first."

He rolled off of her and walked to the table. "Here you go," he said, handing her her purse. "Unlock your phone and I'll send him a picture. Just your face. He'll like that." 

He turned on the table lamp. He took a photo of her head and shoulders as she lay on her back amidst the pillows and rumpled sheets. Her long, black hair was splayed across the pillows. She wore a silly smile and her face was flushed and glowing. 

They looked at the photo on her phone screen. Amanda said, "It looks like I've just been fucked."

"You were," Glenn said with a little laugh. "I'll send him just the picture with no text. He'll figure it out." He pushed the 'send' button.

"Look, Mandy. He's been sending you tons of messages and he tried to call you, twice. He must be going nuts, poor guy. Here, read this. Some of these texts don't make any sense at all," he said, handing Mandy back her phone.


Sy was vaguely aware of the incoming message. Through a haze of sleep and alcohol, he opened his phone and looked at the picture. He rapidly became wide awake. 

She had done it! It looked like she had just finished a round of sex, and her bare shoulders suggested she was nude. Holy cow! He was disappointed there was no text. What was going on? Were they finished? Was she coming home? He immediately sent back a text message.

Sy: Home soon????

A few minutes later he received a reply. It was written by Glenn using Amanda's phone, but Sy didn't know that.

Amanda: No. Hours to go. I'll text you when I leave.

He stared at the message. Hours to go? What was she doing? He laughed at himself! Of course he knew what she was doing! But he wanted her home! RIGHT FUCKING NOW! 

He sent another text.

Sy: No!! Stop!! Come home now!!!

Interminable minutes passed before he received Amanda's reply.

Amanda: Okay. Leaving soon. Must shower first and get car. 90 min ETA.

Sy: Skip the shower, please! I need you now!! Please hurry!!!!!!

Amanda: Okay.

He was very hammered, very tired, and so very relieved his wife was coming home. He put his head on the couch for just a minute and fell into a deep sleep. 


"No shower together? I was rather looking forward to that," said Glenn as he helped her get dressed. In fifteen minutes they were presentable and out the door. They took the elevator down to the parking garage and got into Glenn's car. The leather seat seemed cold and impersonal compared to the warm bed they had just left behind. 

"Sy broke our rules tonight with all those text messages and calls," Amanda quietly said as they drove. "Those were rules we had both agreed to, and he broke them. And demanding I come home right away? We never agreed to that. I told him if he stopped us, even once, then it was all over and done with. What should I do, Glenn?"

"Speaking selfishly of course, please don't end it, Mandy. I want to make love to you again and there's so much more for us to do. We've only had a taste, just a little taste. We can't stop now. See what Sy says tomorrow after he sobers up. Tiffany is planning on having you and Sy come over tomorrow night to talk. She'll have some definite ideas, and she's very persuasive."

"Sobers up? I told him not to drink," Amanda said. 

Glenn gave her a knowing side-glance but she continued, "Well, he better not be drunk. And I told him no masturbating, either."

Glenn chuckled at that idea. "Judging by the texts and calls I'd say he did plenty of both. He's a first-timer, Mandy. He needs understanding, not judgment. I'd cut him some slack. He's had a rough night."

"What does Tiffany want to talk about?" 

"I'll let Tiff tell you herself, but after tonight I'm sure she'll want you to take better control of Sy."

They rode in silence and Amanda considered all that had happened. She felt at once exhilarated, exhausted, and angry with her husband! He had forced her into this...adultery with his incessant pushing! He had refused all of her offers to stop! Then, he had cut her off at the very peak of her pleasure! 

He had humiliated her! She was now his unfaithful wife! She was the cheater, not him! She was the guilty one! And he had forced her to do it! 

She had to take control of the situation. She thought of Dr. Mueller's advice, Lead him, take charge, and keep his thoughts on you.

Her thoughts then turned to a vision of Glenn from just a few minutes ago, naked in the light and walking to the bathroom. She had seen how his broad shoulders tapered to his narrow waist. She had seen his tight, sexy butt. His legs were strong and sculpted from running, and his body rippled and swayed with feline grace when he moved. She had only seen him naked in the light for a few seconds, but his overall physique had fascinated her. 

She wanted to see him naked again and she wanted to explore his body. She wanted to taste him and hear him moan. She wanted to feel his weight upon her and smell his manly scent. And most of all, she wanted to be penetrated by his penis and feel the warmth of his ejaculation. The thought of doing it again sent a tingle through her! Now, shivering in a cold car, all those things seemed a world away. 

Sy had demanded she stop and come home. According to their rules, that meant Amanda's intimate time with Glenn was permanently over. Amanda felt a twinge of sadness and wondered if there was any way they could continue, or at least finish what they had started. 

Glenn pulled up next to her car in the Walmart parking lot. He shut off the engine and turned in his seat toward her. She was so lovely! He had undressed her. He had held her naked. He had made love to her and filled her with his semen. In some sense, at least for a few hours, she had been his. 

"Mandy..." he began, and his voice quavered. There was so much he wanted to say! He leaned in to kiss her and she delivered him a full, open-mouth kiss. She pulled back and Glenn saw tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I've got to go. Sy is waiting for me," she said, and she opened the car door. 

"Mandy, wait! Is this it? Is it over?"

"I don't know, Glenn. I think Sy has pulled the plug on us. We'll just have to be happy with what we've had. I'm sorry."

She got out of his car and opened the door to her SUV. She drove out of the parking lot with Glenn behind her, and at the main road they split, each going their own way. 


End of chapter four. Thank you for reading. I appreciate your votes and comments.





Written by Tennesseered
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