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My Wife Returns

"Debbie has her baby, Julie comes for a night, Sue returns with the kids."

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The story up until now.

Throughout our marriage my wife, Sue had secret affairs. I had found out that I was not the father of our daughter. I had also discovered that Sue had become pregnant several times since we married but was able to have the pregnancies terminated.

In desperation, I had taken a job in the west of the country and had only agreed to take Sue with me on condition that her cheating behavior cease. We had decided to have another child. I had agreed believing that this may be what was required for Sue to change her ways.

When I caught Sue cheating once more I put her on the plane back east to live with her parents.

Sue had lost her baby. By the physical features of the baby, we worked out that I was not the father.

I returned to the west to find that not only were Debbie and Gloria having problems with their relationship but Cherie and Marg were also struggling. Having spent some time with Debbie and Gloria trying to pull them back together I returned home to find Marg in the doldrums. I discussed it with Gay who agreed to stay away from Cherie to give their relationship time to recover.

Gay was spending quite a lot of time with me especially at night. I knew that Al was aware that she and I were sleeping together because Sue had mentioned it while I was over east. Gay had not told me that she had said anything to Al but because we did not flaunt our relationship it was reasonable to assume that she had spoken to him about it.

The story continues.

Time passed quickly. I was very involved in my work. My employers expected a lot from me and I must have been meeting their expectations because the size of the pay rise that they gave me not only astonished me but I had not expected anything to occur at least for twelve months.  

One of the key focus areas for me on the job was to make sure that there was at least one person trained up to replace anyone who chose to leave or who stood to be promoted. That was one area that I had recognized as a weakness in the organization. What this did was it gave people incentive to do better knowing that they stood a chance of moving up through the organization.

For my position, I trained two replacements. I favoured neither. I simply wanted to make sure that if I was to move on then my boss would have a choice. He seemed to like the idea and started to apply the same concept himself by pulling me in to start training me for his position.  This I had not anticipated. I was not interested in moving higher up the ladder because I liked dealing with people on the shop floor and I knew that the boss’s position would take me away from that. I also knew that to tell him would mean that my position would become more insecure. I had no option but to play along.

At home, things were settling down for Marg and Cherie. They appeared to be quite happy. Marg had given up on the idea that she and I would run away together once again. Gay was on good terms with everyone in the house but refused to show any attention to Cherie unless Marg was not only agreeable but also present. She told me that when she was with them she focused attention more on Marg than on Cherie. I was happy to hear that.

Debbie and Gloria’s pregnancies were approaching full term, especially so Debbie. I had asked her to give up her household duties but she flatly refused saying that she would be bored to death staying at home all the time.

Gay and I were in bed asleep when the phone rang. We both woke and I cursed saying, “Can’t those blokes at work handle things?”

I was accustomed to getting late night calls where I was told that they had a problem, had solved it but thought that I should be informed which of course is true. I was trying to teach them that I should only be informed immediately of crisis situations, serious safety issues or problems they couldn’t solve but to leave the information calls until after six AM. I was wrong; it was Gloria.

“She’s had a little boy. He’s a little beauty. He looks just like you, bald as a badger, big nose, and fat cheeks.”

“How’s Debbie?”

“She’s fine. She’s very tired but okay.”

“We’ll be there in half an hour.”

“I didn’t call earlier because I knew you had to work in the morning.”

“Stuff work. This is more important. We’re on our way. I’ll let the other girls know. I’ve got a few cigars that I’ve put away for just this occasion.”

I woke Marg and Cherie up. They got dressed and the four of us headed for the hospital. By the time that we arrived, Debbie was asleep. Gloria and the nurse took us to see the baby.

“Goyse the second,” Gloria said.  

“Yes, he does have a few of my features. Debbie has made my day... and yours as well, I assume Gloria.”

“No, you don’t understand. Debbie and I talked about it and decided that we would call the baby Goyse if it was a boy. Debbie kept telling me that she felt it was a boy but she wouldn’t let them do a sex check. She wanted it to be a surprise.”

“I’m honoured. I didn’t expect that. Debbie told me that she thought she was going to have a boy but I assumed she had them check and that’s how she knew. Let’s go outside and have a cigar. What’s it feel like to be a father, Gloria?”

“I guess that’s right. I hadn’t thought about it. I guess I am a dad, aren’t I? Actually we are both dads tonight. Will anyone mind if we two dads kiss each other?”

I took her in my arms, held her tigh.t and kissed her.

“I’ve never kissed another dad before. This is a new thing for me.” Everyone laughed and sucked on their cigars.

I had bought a bottle of red wine with me and glasses. I also had a bottle of sparkling water for Gloria knowing she would never drink alcohol because of the risk, though small to her child. I was so very proud to help bring such joy to the lives of these two wonderful women by allowing them to have my seed to conceive their children.

We spent the hours till dawn with each other chatting and telling tales, many of them a little ‘tall’ to be totally true. Debbie woke up long enough for us to congratulate her. Not long after the nurses evicted us and told us to go home and get some sleep but that was not going to happen. We were all drunk, not from alcohol but from the joy of it all.

I arrived home and called work to ask one of my deputies to stand in for me for the day. Marg and Cherie had headed off to their bedroom by the time I came off the phone. Gay and I then headed off to my bed. We lay together on our sides and for quite a while we just looked into each other’s eyes not speaking. We were becoming very close, much closer as time passed.

“I could easily fall in love with you, Goyse.”

“Don’t go all ‘la la’ on me Gay. We are very good friends. I trust you more than I trust any other person alive today and I love being with you. We are friends with benefits. When I need someone I can trust to talk to I know you are there for me and I hope you feel the same. I love being with you, talking to you and listening to you but I’m not in love with you. Well, not yet anyway.”

“I know, but all I’m saying is it could happen.”

“I’m still married and you have a husband sitting at home wondering what you are up to, no doubt.”  

“Nope, you’re wrong.”

“Okay, why am I wrong?”

“Al left me last month. He’s moved in with his new girlfriend. He has asked me to either sell the house or rent it out so that we can share in it as an investment.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Gay. You should have said something. You must be upset?”

“Wrong again, I’m relieved. I haven’t had a marriage for years. I was just hanging on giving him time to realize what I’ve known for years. Al was just like having a border living with me that didn’t pay rent and that’s the way it has been for a good many years.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Is the offer of a room still available to me?”

“Yes, of course, it is. When would you like to move in?”

“I already have. I bought all my personal things over during the last few weeks while you were at work. I’m just looking for your agreement, that’s all. Debbie has shown me what room you told her I could have when we had this conversation a while back. It seems that you asked her to set the room up for me and she did.”

“So your gear has been moved into the granny flat out back?”

“Yep, that’s right but I expect that I might not use the bed very often if you agree.”

“It’s your flat so you make the decisions.”

She smiled and continued, “You are slow aren’t you? I mean I want to sleep with you.”

“That could be interesting if I decide to bring another woman home with me.”

“All you would need to do is ring ahead and I’ll move out for the night. If you want me to that is. I’d be quite happy to share her with you if she is up for it, that is.”

“That could be interesting. Picture it. I’m bringing a woman home and as we drive along I say to her, ‘I have a friend, another woman who usually sleeps with me do you want her to move out for the night?’”

“You would be surprised how many women would jump at the chance. I have friends who look for couples to go home with.”

“You’ve got some weird friends by the sound of it.”

“Maybe so. Maybe not, but it does happen.”

“Do you girls talk about things like that?”

“Not normally but they were propositioning me and Al. They knew his reputation and had heard the whispers about his size so thought they would try it on, not knowing that we didn’t sleep together anymore.”

“How did you handle that?”

“I just told them that I wasn’t into that type of thing.”

“Did you think about it?”

“Christ yes, it made me so hot that I had to go to the toilet and wipe myself. It was almost enough for me to go back to sleeping with Al just to get it on with them.”


“Yes, it happened twice. The first time was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting anything like that so I rejected it outright. I probably was a little hard on her because she avoided me for a while, but the second time I spent a little time thinking about it before I answered. I delayed long enough that she got her hopes up. She wasn’t offended at all when I said no and we are still good friends.”

“So it turns you on, the thought of it?”

“Oh yes, Just thinking about it now gets me going. She’s nice too; that’s part of it. Actually, they were both pretty sexy women. They were probably aware that I looked them over a bit too much. It’s probably part of the reason why they were not frightened to ask me. Women notice those types of things more than men do.”

“Are you still interested?”

“Of course I am. I only said no because of the issues that Al and I had. What do you have in mind?”

“Can these women be trusted to not talk about it afterwards?”

“Yes, of course, they can. Something like that could ruin their reputations if they let it become public. They are both well-respected people in the community. Are you thinking what I think you are?”

“What do you think I’m thinking?”

“Well, you sound like you want to give it a go.”

“Hmm, why not give it a shot if it’s just between the three of us? If you are still interested that is?”

“Interested? I’m more than interested. It’s something from my past that I didn’t do that I feel I should have. I often think about it and curse myself for saying no believing there would never be another opportunity.”

“Okay, set it up then.”

“What about the girls, Cherie and Marg.”

“You never know they may even join us. You can never tell with Cherie, and Marg loves my dick.”

“Not as much as I do. You’re very, very special, Goyse. I wish I had met you rather than Al all those years ago.”

“Never look over your shoulder, mate. The future is ahead of us not behind. When you look back you see the bad things and that overcomes all the good things. We all make mistakes, we look at them long enough to learn from them and then move on. It’s called survival.”

Gay was stroking my cock. She then moved down the bed to take him into her mouth. As she moved down she turned her body so that her pussy was no more than a foot from my face. I could actually smell her. The odor was pleasant. It was daylight and I could see that she had no panties on. I leaned forward and shifted to allow me to use my tongue on her. I felt her groan through my cock as my tongue touched her.

She was very wet. I guessed the thought of us getting together with her friend had stimulated her. I focused on her hole, clearing all the juices from around her pussy. All the time she was sucking me. I was amazed at her ability to take all of me into her mouth. I could feel tightness on the head of my cock and guessed that I must have been entering her throat. I had never been sucked quite like that before. I was busy fighting the desire to cum. I wanted to keep that for her pussy.

I started to focus my attention more towards her clit, not on it but close to it. She started to move trying to get me to lick her clit but I kept moving with her.  I moved down towards her arse-hole. She rolled over to give me access. She was now over the top of me.

“Oh, I like that. Keep it up,” she said. I could tell by the way her voice was breaking up that an orgasm was a definite possibility.  I was pleased because unlike the other girls, Gay didn’t often reach orgasm when we had sex. Like most men reaching orgasm was important to me but being with a woman who reached orgasm with you was the pinnacle.

I moved my attention back down to her slit and then slowly down towards her clit. I could feel her humping her back to give me access and to get me there quicker. I held it off until I could feel and hear her breathing become irregular and then with my hands I spread back her folds to allow her clit to protrude out like a little pink penis. I took it into my mouth and ran my tongue around it.  Her response was immediate.

The first sign was her little puckered arse-hole contracting then opening as the rhythms of her orgasm ran through her body. Her juices squirting from her pussy took me by surprise. I hadn’t expected her to squirt. I had seen my wife, Marg and others squirt with fingering when I was in contact with their G-spot but had not expected this response from Gay who as a general rule didn’t appear to reach orgasm very often at all.

“Ohh fuck, OOOhhhh Fuck meee, ooohhhhh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck mmeeeee,” she screamed at the top of her voice. The noise was enough to wake the dead and I was sure that both Cherie and Marg would have heard it.

I was covered in her juices. Some even went down my throat. Some entered my eyes making them sting. The taste of her was salty but not unpleasant. I kept my attention to her clit while her spasms continued but once it was over moved my tongue down to her slit. If I said that I enjoyed it I would be lying. It felt at one stage that I might drown as her juices shot with some force up my nose and the stinging in my eyes was quite a turn off.

She must have noticed that my cock was losing its hardness because she pulled back from me and turned around.

“I’m sorry, I should not have lost it like that. Shit, you’re soaked. Let me get you a towel.”

“No, it’s okay,” I lied.    

“Come on, let’s have a shower together and then you can give me a good hard fucking. Take me any way you like. I don’t often lose control like that. It was pretty special for me. I enjoy sex with you every time but that really made my earth shudder.”

She stopped talking for a while as if thinking what next to say. “I hope Julie can join us. She told me that her husband is very small and he is the only man she has ever had. I think she will enjoy having your cock stretch her. She sat nude in the change rooms with me a while back with her legs open. I think she was flashing me to turn me on. Her pussy looked unbelievably small. I couldn’t believe that a married woman could still have such a small hole. You are really going to enjoy her but you will need to be gentle with her.”

I didn’t know what to say to her so I said nothing. She continued. “When can she come over? She will jump at the chance if she knows it’s you. She told me after Al fucked your wife that she couldn’t believe that Sue was such an idiot. She said any woman would be a fool to do something like that if she was married to you so I know she will jump at the chance to come home with us.”

“I have no strong preferences. I don’t have anything on during the next week and I’d like it to happen soon as Sue’s dad told me she keeps telling him that I should do my share of looking after the kids so he thinks she will send them over here soon.”

We got out and had a shower then returned to bed. Gay immediately pushed me onto my back and climbed on board. She worked me into her then pulled off and placed the head of my cock against her anus. I looked her in the eye and shook my head. She immediately returned me to her pussy.

“I thought all men wanted a woman to do that. I’m sorry, I wanted to give you something special to repay you for what you did for me.”

“I would do it if you really wanted it.”

“No, I was doing it for you. I hate it. I just wanted to do something special for you.”

“You are now. Later this week, if Julie comes over it, it will be special as well.”

“Yes, we will both enjoy that.”

This simple act by Gay had caused me to have unpleasant memories of the time that I had caught my wife, Sue cheating on me and had taken her back passage seeking revenge knowing that she hated it. Sue had later told me that she reserved that especially for me because her pussy was so stretched that she thought that I no longer found her pussy desirable. It had stirred up unpleasant and confusing feelings in me knowing that although Sue never hesitated to cheat and hurt me she also displayed through her actions a desire to satisfy me and provide for my needs.

While I was sorting out these thoughts Gay was working on top of me. A few minutes later I came hard and fast in her. Afterwards, we both dozed off to sleep for a couple of hours then got up and had lunch.

Two days later Gay announced that her friend Julie was coming over for the night. She said her husband was out of town and she gets frightened on her own and needed company. I saw the look on Cherie and Marg’s faces. Later, they told me that they were surprised because Julie’s husband was away at least two and often three days a week. She had told everyone that she enjoyed the peace being home by herself. Knowing that it was obvious to them that something unusual was going on.

Julie was indeed a very attractive lady. Her hair was long and jet black. Her tits were not large but what I call ‘adequate’. She was slim but carried enough beef that you could not describe her as skinny. Her dress was immaculate and revealed just enough of her breasts to describe as sexy. Her dress was just long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to make any man’s eyes glance lower. I, like many men, have never liked women who overdo their makeup. It appeared that Julie seemed to understand that. I wondered how much Gay had told Julie about me.

I opened the door to her. She smiled and flashed her eyes quickly at me and then lowered them. I instantly thought of Lyn who had made an art form of flashing her eyes at men. At least I thought men but maybe it was just me. I immediately remembered that I must ring Lyn.

Julie moved towards me and thinking she was about to enter the house I stepped to the side for her to pass. She kept coming towards me and without warning put her arms around my neck and kissed me. For a moment in shock, I didn’t respond. Once the immediate shock passed I put my arms around her and pulled her hard up against me and kissed her back. The kiss lasted for a while and when we parted she said, “Hi, I’m Julie, thanks for having me. I really appreciate what you and Gay are doing for me. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.”

 I was once again taken by surprise and a bit lost for words. The only thing I could think to say was, “That's okay, you’re welcome.”

A voice behind me brought me back. It was Marg. “Come on, introduce us to your new girlfriend, Goyse.”

I introduced Julie to Marg and then to Cherie, all the time thinking, “Please don’t make a scene, Marg.”

I was deadly frightened that Marg would get jealous and start an argument with Julie or snap me up in a jealous rage. I had misjudged Marg. She acted as host and pandered to Julie’s every need. The night was off to a flying start.

Gay, Julie and I continued drinking and talking waiting for Cherie and Marg to go off to bed but it appeared that they were happy to sit up all night if necessary to entertain our new guest. As the hours rolled on, it suddenly occurred to me that Cherie and Marg found Julie just as attractive as I did. That was why they were sticking around. They wanted to get into her pants.

It hadn’t occurred to me up until this point that this was one of the reasons that we all got on so well together. We all had similar interests. We all felt just as randy when we saw a beautiful, sexy lady. This was the first time that I got an insight into what our relationship was really about. Lyn had actually tried to explain that very thing to me about Marg some years before and Marg had explained it about Lyn but I had not quite understood it at the time. Marg had explained about Lyn’s masculine side that dominated occasionally and that sometimes she felt the same. Was this the reason that Marg never seemed to get jealous when I showed other women attention? Was it that she expected a benefit from me bringing women home?

Yes, it all made sense now. Marg didn’t feel jealous of me sleeping with Debbie or Gloria or Gay because she could gain the opportunity to also sleep with them. If Marg and I ever become a couple she may well expect me to attract other women into our bedroom. The thought aroused me but it also worried me. If ever Cherie moved on and I got a chance I would have to talk to her about my suspicions.

Eventually, I had to take control of the situation.

“Julie, I need to get off to bed shortly so I’ll show you to your quarters for the night. You might have to use the second bedroom in the granny flat next to Gay if that’s okay with you.”

“Yes, that’s fine. I’m overdue to turn in any way, how about you, Gay?”

“Me too, it’s been a long day for us. Good night girls.”

Marg and Cherie looked at each other and Cherie responded. “We’d better turn in as well. We need to work in the morning.”

We said our good nights and the three of us moved out to the granny flat. Gay made the first move. She grabbed me and laid a huge kiss on me then pulled Julie into a hug with us both. As we kissed she reached around behind Julie and undid her bra strap. She then started to lift her top over her head. Julie let it all happen. Her breasts were perfectly shaped. Her nipples looked towards the side rather than straight ahead. Gay bent down slightly and took one of them into her mouth.

I had to ask before I got involved no matter how turned on I might get. “Julie before we go too far I need to know something. I haven’t had a chance to ask before now.”

“Oh, okay, what is it?”

“Your husband, does he know where you are?”

“Why, what’s that to do with it?”

“I need to know about where your husband stands with what we are about to do, that’s all.”

“He knows what I want to do but he doesn’t know who I’m going to do it with.”

“Is he okay with it?”

“Maybe, maybe not. He knows that I intend having sex with another couple but I haven’t given him any details about who or where I am.”

“Does he accept it? Is he okay with it?””

“He knows that the option is that we spit up if that is what it takes for me to get what I want.”

Julie was unbuttoning Gay’s top. I knew that Gay was not wearing a bra and watched as her larger tits burst forward from her top. I pulled back, removed my shirt and unbuckled my trousers, dropping them to the floor. I was watching Julies' eyes glued to my crotch.

By this time the girl's skirts were gone. Gay was the first to drop her bikini panties. I watched as Julie's eyes switched from my crutch to Gay’s. I was looking forward to seeing Julie remove her thong but she didn’t make that move. I pulled my underpants down and my cock sprung free. The look on Julie’s face showed astonishment. I wondered why.

“Christ, you’re huge.

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I didn’t know men got that big.”

Gay answered with a chuckle. “Goyse is not over big, Julie. He is just a little bit above average size. There are men who are almost twice his size.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.”

“How big is your husband then?”

“I’ve never measured him but he’s about half the length of Goyse and not nearly as thick. I knew that some men were bigger but I thought he was normal and they were oversized freaks.”

I moved across to Gay’s bed and lay down on my back. The girls followed me. Julie took a position on her side facing me while Gay moved in behind her into the spoon position. I was keen to see the girls get it on together. Tonight was for Gay so I wanted her to take the lead. It wasn’t long before Gay’s hand moved around Julie and she started to massage her tits.

“Okay, I give up. Why are you asking all the questions about my husband?”

“I needed to make sure that I wasn’t about to do something that might break up someone's marriage, that’s all. I need to wake up tomorrow and look at myself in the mirror.”

“If anything, what we do tonight might make my marriage better, not worse. Joe knows that I have never had sex with anyone else. Well, that’s not true. I should have said with no other man. I want to know what it’s like. You know, what I might be missing if anything at all. We’ve talked about it hundreds of times and a few months ago he said if the opportunity comes up try it but he said that he doesn’t want to know about it.”

“Okay, that’s fine.”

“No, I don’t think its fine at all. I’m going to enjoy tonight. I already know that and I already know that once is just not going to be enough. What this means is that I’ll probably want to do it several times, maybe I’ll continue to want to do it. How will you deal with that?”

Julie was obviously very intelligent. She had turned my concerns and my need to know about the position of her husband around on me. She had also manipulated my discussion with her to let me know that she expected more from me than just a one night stand. My admiration for her was intensified by this single action.

“I’ll deal with it okay as long as you make sure that anything that happens here doesn't affect your marriage.”

“I believe it will make my marriage stronger. I love my husband but I often have to masturbate after we have sex. If I find that it is different with someone else how can I guarantee that it won’t affect my marriage?”

“Maybe we will have to teach you things that you can take back to your marriage that might help. How do you feel about that?”

“Do you think that might work?”

“We can try as long as you are interested in trying.”

“Of course I am.”

I could see that Gay’s constant massaging of her tits was having the desired effect. Her nipples were now protruding out at about double their size. I couldn’t help myself. I slid down the bed and took her right nipple in my mouth. Meanwhile, Gays hands moved lower. As I licked and sucked her nipple I watched Gay’s hand moving ever lower. She was stroking her bare skin as she went but it was obvious where she was headed.

As Gay reached her fork I heard Julie’s sharp intake of breath. I felt Gay remove her panties. After a short time, I decided to follow and moved slowly down her body licking as I went. As I approached her crotch her feminine odor struck me. It was so erotic that I felt my cock instinctively throb.

Gay moved to allow Julie to move over onto her back and as she did so Julie opened her legs. The sight before me took me by surprise. Gay had already told me that Julie’s pussy was small but I had not even anticipated exactly how small she was. Her total slit was no more than an inch and a half long. Her lips were totally hidden. Even with her legs spread her lips were not visible. She was absolutely unique. I could not understand how the pussy of a twenty-six-year-old woman could be so small. It was like she was still a virgin.

I placed a hand either side of her crack and opened her up to look inside. She was closed internally but near the entrance was the remnants of her maidenhead and although it had obviously been penetrated part of it still remained.  My immediate thought is how small is her husband that part of her maidenhead would remain intact after several years of marriage. I realized straight away why she wished to be with another man. Her husband was just too small. The fact that he had encouraged Julie to have this experience if the opportunity presented also suggested that he realized that he may be inadequate for her. I felt desperately sorry for him and realized that he must dearly love her to accept the risk.

I tried to push my tongue into her and immediately met resistance. I lowered my licking towards her anus. She pulled away.

“What are you doing?”

“Relax and enjoy.”

“But you can’t touch me there.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes but it’s not right.”

“If you like it just relax and enjoy it. Let me worry about if it’s right or not.”

I drew back and looked at her again and could see just a little dewdrop forming on the lower edge of her slit. I started a pattern of licking one side of her slit up close to her clit and then back down the other side to her anus. On the way, I was picking up her juices as they leaked from her slit. They tasted salty but also sweet.

I looked up and could see that Gay was busy working over her tits. I suddenly felt Julie's hands on my head. She was pulling me in to her. It was a sign that if I kept working on her she may reach orgasm. I now focused my licking to her slit which had opened a little and brought my finger up to touch her little butt hole. As I did so I could see it ‘winking’ at my touch.

Her juices were now starting to run from her and across her anus. This provided me with enough lubrication that I could push the tip of my finger into her anus. At the same time, I used my other hand to spread her lips to show her little clitoris which I started to work on with my tongue. 

“Oh, oh, oh, that’s so nice. Keep it up, please.”

I placed my mouth over her pussy while keeping my tongue working on her clit. I sucked, then blew, then sucked and blew. I could see her abdomen raising and lowering slightly as I worked on her.

“I’m coming, Keep doing that I’m coming. Oh, ooohhh, oooohhhh, oh fuck, it's so good, fuuuuucccckkk.”

I kept working her until I could see she was coming down. By now her juices were running from her and I was licking them up as they ran from her little hole. Where she had been closed, she was now open with her lips showing. It was difficult to understand that this was the same closed pussy that I had looked at before. Before she had been just a little rosebud but now she had burst forward into full bloom.

I had raised my head and moved up along her body. All the time she was looking me directly in the eye with a serious look on her face.

“I want you to fuck me. Put it in me. I need to feel your cock inside me.”

She had raised her head as I slipped upwards. I placed my arm around her neck and kissed her. She responded. It was then that I felt someone holding my cock and guiding it to her hole. I was aware that Julie’s arms were around my neck so it had to be Gay who was directing me. She slid my cock upwards then down and then up again as I applied a little pressure and could feel her lips encapsulating the tip of my penis.

Julie pushed me away from her. I thought I must have hurt her and I started to pull back.

“No, don’t stop, I just want to see it going into me.”

With this, I held my body back from hers so that she could see. I then slowly applied pressure. It took a little bit but then the head of my cock popped into her. I moved back and then forward, back then forward and with each little stroke, I slipped about half an inch further inside her. Julie was lifting her hips to assist penetration.

She was tight. By far the tightest I had ever experienced. I knew I had to be gentle. I didn’t want to hurt her in any way. Before I was completely inside I felt I was up against something. In my mind, I knew that I had come up against her cervix. It felt nice and I could tell by the groan that she let out at the same time that it felt good for her too. I stopped pushing and just moved very slowly back then forward.

“I don’t think I can take anymore. It’s fully in me as far as it can go. It feels so full. I’ve never felt like this before. You’re so nice and gentle with me. I thought you might hurt me but there was no pain until you hit the bottom and then it was just a little sharp pain.” She stopped talking and I increased my stroke. She responded to meet my every stroke. We were setting up a mutual pattern.

“Ohhh, keep that up. I think I’m going to cum again.”

Julie had put her head back onto the pillow and had arched her back pushing her hips up towards me. Her legs were now off the bed and waving in the air. She was becoming more and more vocal with Oh’s and Ah’s to match her thrusting. She didn’t realize it but as I stroked in and out of her my cock was going deeper and deeper until I had maximum penetration.

“Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oooohhh, I’m going to cum, Fuck me you bastard, Oh yes, ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh….”

Her “Oh” went on and on and on. I could feel her juices forced down the side of my cock and running down my balls each time I thrust into her. I was concerned that she might pass out because her groan was so long and she was not taking a breath. Suddenly her body went slack and I could hear the air rushing into her lungs as she regained her breath.

It was Gay who spoke first. “Hell, that was a ripper. I’ve never seen anyone cum like that before. She’s soaked the bed.”

I was still stroking slowly in and out. She was no longer responding. It was like having sex with an inert body.

“Are you okay, Julie?” I asked.

“Yep, I think so. That just about blew my head off. I wish my husband could do that for me. I always assumed that I was one of those women who couldn’t reach orgasm while having sex. Now I know it wasn’t me.”

“Let’s not jump to any conclusions. It may be that he just doesn’t spend the time to get you there.”

“You can say that again. He just hops on and then before I get turned on he’s finished. That’s why I wanted to try something different. I needed to know what it was like if the man lasted longer and when Gay and Debbie told me that you could continue for an hour or more, I just had to try it.” She hesitated for a while and then, “but you didn’t cum. I’m sorry I’ve let you down.”

I chuckled then replied, “No, you haven’t let me down. We’re not finished just yet.”

It was gay who responded. “He’s just getting started. I told you, he can go for hours. By tomorrow you won’t be able to walk and when you can your legs will be so bow-legged your husband will think you’re a cowgirl. You won’t be able to hide it from your hubby he’ll know by just looking at you that you’ve been well and truly fucked.”

Gay laughed as if she had cracked the joke of the century then continued. “Your pussy is going to be stretched, girl. It’ll take you weeks to get that tight little snatch back to the way it was when Goyse is finished with you. If your hubby doesn’t know by your bow legs he’ll certainly know when his little pecker can’t touch your pussy walls anymore. You’re fucked, girl. Well and truly fucked.”

I couldn’t help laughing. The look on Julie’s face was as if she had seen a ghost. It was obvious that she was taking Gay literally. “Don’t worry Julie. She’s joking.”

“We’ll see if I’m joking or not. I saw that little pussy take you and man it was stretching like it has never been stretched before. I don’t think it will ever recover. In fact, she was even bleeding a little. I think hubby hasn’t been big enough to break her maidenhead properly but I can vouch that it’s busted now.”

While this was happening Julie had started little movements indicating she was ready to go again. I matched her movements allowing her to take the lead. I looked at Gay and then moved my eyes down to Julie’s tits. Gay took the hint and moved over beside Julie and kissed her. The kiss continued for some time. It must have been having the desired effect because Julie’s movements increased and mine increased with hers. When they broke their kiss Gay moved down and started working on Julie’s breasts.

Since Julie had cum, she was now very slick. I was really enjoying it. I could feel my balls rising in their sac and knew that my orgasm was not far off. Julie was now starting to go crazy with her humping and I was meeting her every thrust. My mind wandered to an earlier time when I had first had sex with Marg. I then thought of Marg’s sister, Lyn and cursed myself for not ringing her. I keep remembering at night but the time difference meant that I had to call during the morning to catch her.

It was then that I thought of Lyn’s little tight pussy and her oversized clit that appeared when she got aroused. I immediately knew that I was going to cum very soon. Julie’s breathing was becoming irregular and I had to hold off for her. I forced my mind to forget Lyn and think of the monthly report that was due early next week.

I could feel Julie’s juices starting to flood from her again. The heat on my cock was going to drive me over the top but I knew that I had to hold on just that little bit longer, just a little bit longer, not long now.   

“Oh fuck, I’m coming again, Oooohhh, fuck, oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………..” Her moan just went on and on and on. I let go and blasted her little pussy walls with one of the largest ejaculations that I have ever experienced. Just as I about to cum the vision of Lyn’s pussy and her oversized clit flashed across my mind and in my mind it was her pussy that I was ejaculating into. My orgasm went on and on and on. I knew what was going to happen. I had experienced it before with Marg and then with Lyn. I saw stars flash before my eyes and I passed out.

As I regained consciousness there was a sound like “waaar, waaar, waaar” in my ears and I could feel the blood being pumped like little squirts through my temples. It was Gay’s voice that I heard first.

“Are you okay, Goyse?”

 “Yep, I’m okay. Just put a little too much into my orgasm that’s all.”

“Who the fuck is Lyn?”

“Lyn? Why?”

“You don’t remember what you said?”

“Nope, the only thing I heard was you asking me if I was okay.”

“She means a lot to you this Lyn, doesn’t she?”

“She’s a good friend. Probably the best friend I’ve ever had.”

“So, ‘I love you Lyn’ means she’s a good friend.”

Gay and Julie burst out laughing. “You better be careful with those orgasms of yours or you might give away all your secrets. The thing that I can’t understand is if you care that much for this Lyn person what are you doing here with us?”

“She is married to someone who I’ve known for a long time and I don’t want to ruin her marriage. It’s complicated, too complicated to explain. I need you to promise not to mention this outside this room. Knowing what I just did could cause a lot of trouble for those around me if they knew about this.”

“Fair enough. It’s your life. I won’t make it more complicated than it already is.”

I turned to Julie. “Are you all right, Julie?”

“Alright, no, I’m ecstatic. I’ve just found out that I don’t have to masturbate to reach orgasm and not only did I reach orgasm but I reached heights that I didn’t know I ever could. The only problem I’ve got is that I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here.”

“Look, Julie, You need to teach your husband that your satisfaction is just as important as his. From what you have told me he doesn’t understand that you need sexual release the same as he does and it’s your job now to teach him that. How you go about it is up to you but others have done it by telling their husbands that he doesn’t get into their pussy until he has made them reach orgasm.”

I hesitated for a while to allow what I had said to sink in then continued. “To get the message across you may have to make him suspect that you have enjoyed sex with someone else but make sure that you don’t admit to it. Tell him that there will not be any more ‘wham, bang, thank you, mam’ sex from now on. Simply say ‘if I can’t enjoy it then you don’t get it so it is up to you to make sure that I enjoy it from now on’.    

“He will probably be a bit of a handful until he comes to terms with what you have said to him. It is important that you don’t get into a shit-flinging match with him because that could break up your marriage. Let him talk and yell or whatever he chooses to do, just listen. He may tell you that he can’t help it, he just cums too quickly. If that happens, tell him that you have read somewhere that to delay an orgasm he can either pull out for a while or think of something that turns him off, like a work problem.”

“You’re now the teacher. It is up to you to take the lead. If you want him to eat you then tell him. If you want a body massage ask him. If you want him to play with your tits or your anus ask him. If he says he doesn’t want to do it ask him would he prefer that someone else did it for him? He’ll get the message. If he asks who tell him Gay might be interested. You would do that Gay wouldn’t you?”

“I’d love to. I’d like to get the chance to see his little dickey. I’ve never seen a little one like that before.”

Julie responded. “What if he wants to fuck you? Would you do it?”

“When he sees my big hole he’ll know he wouldn’t touch the sides so I don’t think he would give up your lovely little quim for my monster. If he tries it on, I’d tell him I only have sex with girls these days but I’d be happy to jerk him off. Men react two ways to that information. It either turns them on or it turns them right off and frightens them away. If we were together and I jerked him off, we could play with him till he got it on again. Usually, after a man has shot his load once he takes a lot longer the second time around.” Gay looked at me and then said, “Unless your name is Goyse, that is.”

We talked for several hours then went to sleep together. I awoke during the night and found the two girls making love to each other. I had actually expected it because I knew that Gay must have been horny watching Julie and I making love.

I awoke to my phone ringing. When I answered it was Sue. “The kids and I will be flying in tomorrow morning. Pick us up from the airport at eight AM.”

“I’m happy with the kids coming back but why are you coming with them?”

“I’m coming home.”

“Don’t you remember? I sent you away because you wouldn’t respect me or my wishes? I would rather you stayed where you are for now.”

“I’m coming home and you can’t stop me. I’ve talked to my lawyer and I have certain rights.”

“So you have rights but I don’t. Is that it?”

“I’m not going to argue with you. I’m coming home. That’s it.”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up but you need to understand that I don’t live alone anymore. There are four of us living here plus two kids.”

“Didn’t take Marg long to move in did it?”

“Marg and her partner live with us with her kids. Gay is also here with us.”

“Marg and her partner, that’s a joke. The only partner she wants is you and I’ll bet you’re in her tight little pussy every time her partner turns her back. Huh, she probably hasn’t had a decent fuck in her life. Why else would she be wasting time with a half grown dick like yours?”

“I’ll pick the kids up at eight AM. Don’t waste our time coming over with them because you haven’t changed and you never will.” I hung up the phone and thumped the wall.

When I turned around Julie’s mouth was gaping open. I smiled and she smiled back. “Who was that?”

“That young lady was my beautiful loving wife. She thinks she is coming over to move in again but I’ve got other ideas.”

“I gathered that. What caused you to split up with her?”

I was too stressed to answer. Gay came back with, “She suffers from an addiction. She’s addicted to ten inches or more.”

“I don’t understand, ten inches of what?”

“Cock, my love, she’s addicted to big cock and she likes it best when she’s ovulating.”

“Christ, I hadn’t given it a thought. I could be.”

“Could be what?”

“Ovulating, I meant to ask Goyse to wear a rubber. Oh shit, what if I’m pregnant?”

I reached into the bedside drawer and came out with a little pack. “Take this. It’ll fix the problem. It’s the morning after pill. My wife keeps a big store of them. I stole a few from her before she went over east.”

“Do they really come that big?”



“Yep, they come in all sizes and shapes the same way as women come in all sizes and shapes but don’t even think about it. You are fine the way you are. You and your husband can get it together and work it out and live happily ever after. Start thinking of donkey dicks and you will never make the grade.”

“I’d love to see a really big one, just to look at.”

“Christ, another addict coming up. Look, Julie, leave the big cocks to Sue. She can’t live without them. It controls her life. Do you want that? If you do then go home, divorce your husband and go get them but if you want to save your marriage don’t even consider it.”

It was Gay who responded. “I escaped. Al was big and I got away and I don’t miss it at all.  It doesn’t have to happen to everyone. Part of the problem is Sue, not the big dicks. The big issue is that she can’t see that.”

“Your husband had a big dick. How big is he?”

“He was about nine inches long. The size thing wasn’t the length but how thick he was.” Gay indicated with her hands such that her fingers made a circle with a gap between her fingers and her thumb of about two or three inches.

“They couldn’t get that big, surely not?”

I nodded to support Gay’s description but it was Gay who spoke. “That’s why Goyse calls them donkey dicks.”

“Hhhhmmm, I’m the daughter of a farmer. I understand that. Christ, I’d love to see one.”

I just shook my head and wandered off to make breakfast coffee. I wondered what the future held for Julie. She didn’t seem to have a great deal of concern for her husband who obviously loved her because he was willing to let her have extramarital experiences but on condition that she does not tell him about them. He obviously understood that his physical characteristics meant he couldn’t satisfy her so he was willing to turn his back if she chose to cheat. I understood that very well because I had lived it.

The next morning I was at the airport an hour before the plane landed. I needed that time alone to think about how to handle life on Sue’s return. I had organized one of the rooms for Sue. I knew for sure that I did not want to continue our relationship the way it had been with me forever wondering who she was sleeping with each day while I was at work.

Unfortunately, although my mind wanted to totally reject her my heart had actually skipped a beat when she said she was coming back. I wondered how much pain and suffering I had to endure before my heart caught up to my mind. The more I thought about it the more that I realized what a sick, sorry son of a bitch I really was.

I watched the plane land, taxi up and a few minute later my kids appeared through the gateway. I took them both in my arms and kissed them and just held them. They obviously felt the same because even when I went to stand they held me tightly.

As we broke our hug I turned and there she was. She was not only a slut she was dressed like one. She wore a short skirt that covered very little. She had on no bra and a top that was ridiculously loose such that anyone standing to the side could easily see her nipples. The boots she wore were knee high with about a three-inch heel on them. As she walked ahead her ass wriggled from side to side giving me the impression that she was purposely exaggerating its movement. My thought was that I had seen hookers that looked less like a hooker than my wife did.   

We collected their luggage, loaded it into the car and made our way back home. Throughout the ordeal, she had not spoken one word to me nor me to her. I had nothing worthwhile to say and I guess she thought the same way.

I was not looking forward to walking into the house with the girls sitting in the lounge drinking their coffee and chatting away as they usually did at this time on a Saturday morning. I imagined that sparks could possibly fly when my wife saw how settled in they had become.

I knew that not only did I have to contend with a broken marriage but I also knew that Marg was about to abandon ship. Although I had avoided being with Marg so that she could mend her relationship with Cherie I knew that I still cared for her and liked to have her around. She had made it abundantly clear that if Sue came back she would move on with her life. I assumed that if Marg went then Cherie would go as well. I had become good friends with Cherie over recent times and knew that I would miss her if she left.

I was also worried about Gay. She had settled in as if she belonged with us. She was always good-humoured and responsive to everyone’s needs. She was slightly older than the other girls and they seemed to look up to her for advice in times of need. I loved having her in my bed not only for the sex but for the company. She was easy to talk to and was one of the few people who understood why I had put up with Sue’s cheating for so long. If she left I would feel very lonely in my big house with Sue. 

My life seemed to be coming apart at the seams. I needed a drink, a big one

Written by goyse
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