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My Wife, My Lover

"Is Time Apart What We Need?"

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Nature can be a cruel bitch. Fires burn forests and floods destroy homes. Tornadoes can level entire towns and earthquakes can ravage whole cities. We all know that, and on some level, we are able to accept it. Ironically, when nature disrupts our families, we tend to place blame on the ones we love than on the unforgiving mistress that controls so much of our lives.

When I married my wife twenty years ago, our sex life was beyond satisfying. We were happy and content, but as time passed, that bitch called nature creeped up on us and denied her the passion she once held for me. I know, logically, that this can be a part of a woman's aging process, but in the loneliness of my bed, it is sometimes hard for me to convince my heart that it isn't my wife's fault.

Over the years, we’ve made a home with one another and brought three wonderful children into the world. During that time, I watched our passion disappear.

I didn't notice it at first, it was like a slow leak, but as the years passed, I saw the changes. She stopped coming to me for sex, but even more upsetting was that we hardly even kissed or held hands. I asked her what was wrong and she’d always answer that it was nothing and she that loved me dearly. Even when I attempted to make it special, she’d just as likely tell me she wasn’t feeling well or had a headache. It was rare when she’d go with it and allow me to please her.


This has gone on for years, and now we’re to the point where we’ve planned to go on separate vacations. Bobbie is going down to Florida. She’s going to soak in the sun on the beach. She has always been a beach bunny. Though a little round, she has never let her lack of an hourglass figure stop her. Bobbie has curves in all the right places, just as a woman should. I’ve always found my wife to be attractive.

As for me, I’ve always been the outdoors type of man. I plan to go hiking along the Appalachian Trail, and spend my time absolutely alone. Hopefully, I can find a way to make peace with the bitch who stole my wife's passion.

It will be a tough hike, but I was the jock in high school. That was many years ago, but I still love to be active and try to keep busy. Between bike riding, jogging, and simply exploring nature, I keep myself in good shape.


“Are you all done packing, dear?” I call up the stairs to her. For a woman who claims she’s going to be staying at the beach, it seems as though she’s bringing everything she owns with her.

“Yes! I’m just trying to find that new book I bought the other day,” she calls down to me.

I let out a chuckle, sighing. “That is already been put in your carry-on bag, Bobbie. Let’s go, before the plane takes off without you.”

“Oh! Thank you, Kile. You know, I always lose my head right before vacations.” She giggles more to herself, but it causes me to smile as I watch her descend the stairs.

We make it to the airport with good time. We fight our way through security and then grab a drink as we wait for her flight to be called up. I walk her to the gate and watch her board. I don’t leave until I see her plane take off. Only then, do I go home and finish my last minute chores, before leaving for my trip in three days.


Over the next few days, Bobbie and I send many texts to each other. We talk more now than we do when we’re together. We even spend the evenings chatting on the phone. I find myself missing her in just the few short days she’s been gone. To my surprise, she tells me she misses me too. It makes me smile to hear her admit it. I’ve always had trouble sleeping alone and after all these years of marriage, I’ve long forgotten how hard it is. I miss the warmth of Bobbie beside me.

I already warned her that when I’m out hiking, I wouldn’t have any service. I will be unable to reach anyone so she shouldn't worry.

The early morning rays shine through the windows in golden streams, filling the room, lifting my spirit and my hopes of making peace with nature. The night before, I packed the last of the things I would need on my trip and I’m able to leave straight off. In the car, I leave the radio off and the windows rolled down so I can begin my quest to reacquaint myself with nature.

It takes me several hours before reaching my destination. When I do, I easily find a parking spot and load up my belongings. I waste no time in getting a move on, wanting to get a good long hike in before night falls. It’s quiet and the weather is warm, but not unbearable. I’ve made sure to bring along water, even though I know there are many streams to be found. One of my good friends is always making sure I drink plenty of water. I promised I’d bring extra, just for her sake.


“This is exactly what you needed, Kile,” I say out loud, to myself.

My eyes scan over a cliff, which dips low into a valley, with hundreds of beautiful trees filled with furry friends. I’ve been hiking for many hours, but the sun is beginning to set and I want to watch it go down. There is a stream not far, so I decide to set up my tent here and build a fire.

Once everything is all set, I take out my notebook and watch the sunset. Letting go of any stress and daily life problems, I inhale and exhale deeply, feeling the freedom. The beauty of watching the sunset in the horizon is almost heart wrenching. It is so stunning it takes my breath away. The valley below slips into ever-deepening shadows off as the sun goes down and the pinks and oranges that fill the western skies look as though they’d taste like skittles. The clouds fade into the night, going to sleep, before they return in the morning light.

Giant trees dancing in the night
Swaying and bowing to the blowing wind

Ocean waves crashing the shore is
What my mind hears

That sounds reminds me of you
Laying alone in our bed while

I’m alone in this flimsy shelter
Nine hours away but under the same moon

Smile my lady, for your man
Thinks of you in the dark

The words came with ease as I write them and I sigh with content, looking down at them on the page. It is not often that my words come so easily, but being out here, alone, with just my thoughts has to be where my help has come from.

My evening goes as smoothly as the day went. I munch on dried fruit and nuts and wash it down with a Gatorade. The fire keeps me warm as I lie on my back, watching the stars twinkle and dance in the sky. I listen to the owl hooting not far from my camp, with the scurrying sound of animals finding mischief in the darkness. The scent of autumn is in the air, it’s faint, but it’s there.


I spend my days hiking trails and taking photos of all that captures my attention. I fill my notebook with poems and scribbles while collecting stones that will fit nicely in the garden back home. The whole trip happens in a blink of an eye and I long to stay, but know I must pack up and get back to reality. The one thing I know is I’m ready to see my wife.

With the days apart, I have decided to plan a little surprise for her. Once on the road, I find the number to a maid service we use occasionally and dial the number.

“Hello, this is Molly’s maid service. I’m Brandy, how may I help you?” The woman on the other end of the line sounds cheerful and young.

“Good morning, Brandy. I hope you’re doing well. I know this is short notice, but is it possible to send someone out today do a light cleaning at 263 Highland Ave, under the name of Kile Jones.”

I can hear her fingers moving quickly, typing over her keyboard as I give her the information, so she can pull up my file.

“Ah, yes, Mr. Jones, here you are. It looks like we do have someone free. How soon would you like her to come by?”

“That’s great. As soon as possible, I’m on my way home, but it will show in my file where the spare key is hidden, if she shows up before I do.”

“Yes, I see that. All right, Mr. Jones, we shall send her out as soon as possible. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

“No. Thank you, Brandy. You have a wonderful day.”

I disconnect the call and head towards the store, so I can pick up a few things. Before leaving the trails, I picked many wildflowers. The shades of violet, orange and yellows are so varied that it looks like a rainbow exploded and rained drops of shimmering colors all over them. Now, I just need to buy candles and a bottle of wine.


Pulling into the driveway, I see the cleaning truck parked by the curb. I grab my things from the back of my truck and head inside. A young girl, who looks to be in her late twenties is vacuuming the living room floor and doesn’t hear me come in, until she turns off the cleaner and jumps about ten feet high when she looks up.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare ya. I just came in and I knew you wouldn’t hear me over that machine.” I offer her a smile.

“That’s okay! I get so lost in my own thoughts when I get in the zone, it happens often. However, what else am I gonna do when I’m cleaning?” It’s her turn to smile at me. She’s a pretty girl, and her soft red hair is tied up in a bun, sitting loosely on her head. Her skin so white, it’s almost translucent. I notice she has her ears pierced several times, with loops and dangly bits, but somehow it suits her perfectly. “I’m almost done. There wasn’t much to do, unless you wanted something specific cleaned.”

“Just the usual things, like the bathrooms, dusting and floors, that would be wonderful. My wife and I have been on vacation and I want her to come home to a clean house.”

With that, she continues what little she has left to do and within a half hour, she is done and leaves with a healthy tip. I’ve already started chilling the wine, after sending a text to my daughter to pick her mother up from the airport and to bring her straight home.

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I have plans for her and my daughter is all for helping me out.


Bobbie will be home shortly, as I have received a text from my daughter saying they were on the way. I just hope having someone else pick her up, doesn’t put Bobbie in a foul mood. I can’t change it now, I just have to hope for the best. The flowers have been put into water and I have lit several candles in the bedroom and have the bath waiting.

When I hear the car pull up, I switch the television off and go greet Bobbie at the door. That way I can help with her luggage. She always comes back with more than she left with, no matter where she goes. She and our daughter are laughing and smiling, so I don’t worry about her being upset at me.

“Kile! There you are. I was wondering why you didn’t come and pick me up. That’s okay, I am still home in one piece,” she says, reaching up and kisses my cheek.

“I’m pleased to hear it. You’ve gotten a nice tan with all that time in the sun.” I take her bags, and slide them into the corner, so they can be dealt with later.

Our daughter kisses us and waves goodbye, giving me a wink when her mother’s back is turned.

“It is so good to be home,” Bobbie beams, smiling at me. “I’m so sleepy though. It was a long trip.”

“I had a feeling you would think just that. That’s why I have run you a bath. It’s all set and waiting for you.”

“Now that sounds perfect. I’d love a good soak.” She places a kiss on my cheek, before heading upstairs.

I give her a few moments to do her usual routine before a bath as I bring the bags up and into our bedroom. I set them aside so she can unpack when it’s convenient for her. I move into the bathroom. The lights are out and Bobbie is simply lying there reveling in her bath. She’s added bubbles, but not many. I can see the tops of her breasts, just a hint of tease that causes my cock to twitch. Her eyes are closed, but there is this hint of a smile on her lips that makes me smile too.

“You look peaceful,” I say quietly as I move further into the room. “Is the water warm enough?”

“It’s wonderful, Kile. Just how I like it. This was very thoughtful of you.” She smiles wider, but doesn’t open her eyes while she speaks.

“Mind if I wash you?” I ask, grabbing her loofa.

“You’re spoiling me, dear. I like this. I should go away more often,” she chuckles. “I have missed you.” Her voice is so gentle, that it pulls at my heartstrings. It seems she feels the same as I have. Is it possible all we needed was time apart?

I dip the loofa into the water, before adding her favorite soap and I begin to wash her body. I start with her arm that is closest to me, before working over her neck and chest. When my hand dips down into the water, my fingers brush against her nipple and she lets out a soft gasp. I wash her breasts a little longer than any breasts need to be washed, but what man is going to do a quick once on them.

I wash up and over her other arm, before moving down to wash her legs. When I reach her feet, I give each one a nice massage, relaxing Bobbie even more. There are no words spoken between us. There is nothing to say, however she does offer me moans and sighs of happiness as I touch and caress her in special places.

Taking the loofa, I slide it up between her legs and brush it against her sex. I watch as she parts her legs a little more, giving me more access to her and I wash her most private parts. I’m gentle while I do it, but I do a thorough job. Once I’m satisfied that I’ve cleaned her, I move the loofa out of the way. I slide my hand back into place and run my fingers along her slit. The whole time I watch her expression on her face.

There is a playful grin on her lips and I slip a finger between her lips and seek out her clit. She gasps out and pushes her hips towards my touch. It’s so greedy, hungry for more, but I don’t deny her. I thrum my fingers over clit as she grinds her body into it. It is then, that she finally opens her eyes. She looks directly at me, the heat and passion in her eyes are radiating with such a need for me.

I push two fingers inside her, leaving one on her clit and she begins to rock her body as she fucks my fingers. The water is sloshing gently as she does, but she never looks away from me. I flick my thumb over her clit, while she fucks my fingers. I can feel her squeezing around me, I know she is close to orgasm. Her mouth begins to form that beautiful O shape that women make at their highest peak and she begins to come for me. Her cries of passion are loud, echoing against the bathroom walls. My cock is raging hard as I listen to her and her fingers grip me hard. I push my fingers into her deeper, fucking her with them, until her body stills.

Bobbie rests for a few moments, panting with need and coming down from her orgasm before I help her out of the bath. When she stands, I wrap a towel around her and walk her into our bedroom. She notices the wildflowers I’ve picked for her and she smiles at me, before going to smell them. I stand behind her, take the towel from around her, and begin to dry her off.

She stands completely still for me as I pat her dry. I start with her back, before I move to dry her legs and moving my way up. Once I reach her breasts, I once again take special care of them. She moans and giggles, “You’re so naughty. Even I don’t dry them off that good,” she coos.

I simply chuckle, “You should lie down, so I can finish.” She moves without question and lies down on the bed. I drop out of my own clothes, before moving to the bed with her. Her legs naturally drop apart, leaving her exposed to me. Her neatly trimmed mound still puffy from our playtime in the bathtub causes my cock to twitch. I don’t rush though, I finish towel drying her, taking care to her all of her.

It’s not until I know she is completely dry, do I move down between her legs and open her lips with my thumbs. Her clit pink and hard and I flick my tongue over it, before suckling it into my mouth and softly begin to tease it. Bobbie reaches down, her fingers in my hair and she lets out a long, deep moan.

As she grinds herself into my mouth, I suck on her clit. It becomes harder with each passing moment. I slip two fingers back inside her, curling up against her g-spot this time and fuck her gently. Bobbie’s hips sway and move in time with the way I push inside her. Her moans grow higher with each moment, her body is flush with excitement, and she is soaking wet!

Bobbie let’s out a long, deep and needy moan as she bucks upwards, just as she begins to come again. Her walls grip my fingers tighter than they did in the tub and I thrust faster inside her. I fuck her hard as she comes. However, before she is even finished, I quickly slide up her beautiful body. I plunge my cock inside her, causing her to scream out my name, as her second orgasm rips through her. It’s been a long time since I’ve caused two orgasms back to back like this and it feels incredible around my cock as I fuck her with long, deep strokes.

“Kile! Oh my, oh! Mmm” She coos and whimpers out as I fuck her still.

“You liked that, didn’t ya, baby?” I grin down at her, grinding my cock deep inside her. It causes her to gasp out, but I simply pull out half way and thrust back in, grinding into the same spot.

“Very much. Oh Kile, it’s been so long,” she reaches up and cups my face, pulling me down to her and our lips meet. We kiss long and lovingly as my strokes stay steady. It is long and deep, not too fast, nor slow.

I can feel her clench around my cock, which is swelling harder inside her. My balls begin to boil, tightening as I near my own explosion, but I don’t rush. I simply relish being inside the woman I love. My heart does its own swelling, knowing how much I do actually love, need and want this woman. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it truly does seem like a vacation apart has helped me see a new light.

Our lips dance slow and tenderly together as our bodies move as one. Bobbie wraps her legs around mine and she rolls her hips up to meet my thrusts. Her fingers play with my hairline, which has always turned me on. Little soft coos escape her lips and I swallow them with delight.

My core is pounding deeper, I feel that sexy sharp ache that builds right before orgasm. I crave the release more than ever. My hips begin to move a little faster now, plunging into her with longer, quicker strokes. I fill her entirely with my cock and take what I need from her, knowing I’m giving her what she desires.

Her gasps turn into moans and pleas for me not to stop and I don’t. I have no desire to stop, not until we’re both panting hard from much needed orgasms. She moves with me and I can feel my body begin to tighten. I move through the tightness and fuck her deeper.

Until I still and begin to spill my seed inside her. It is my turn to groan out, which turns into a growl of happiness. My balls seem to have an endless supply of seed and I spill it all into her. Bobbie squeezes around me, milking me empty as I feel her come around me.

I light layer of sweat has built up on the both of us as lie here, catching our breath. Our bodies have tangled together, holding one another close. I lift her chin and I kiss her lips softly. Bobbie’s fingers trace over my chest, petting me lightly just like she used to do so long ago. I feel utterly happy in this moment, that tears form in the corners of my eyes. A few slip manage to roll down my cheeks, but Bobbie doesn’t notice.


After that day, I’d love to say things were perfect. However, life is not perfect. I did start trying harder, making her feel special and she did the same. We began working out together, finding new hobbies to do together. We spend more time doing things we like, but also making sure we’re not always under each other. There is a fine line and we must walk along it. We have our slip ups, but we work on fixing them together. That is what a married couple is supposed to do, isn’t it?

Written by Poppet
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