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My Birthday Present

"A birthday present that will never be forgotten."

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My birthday present.

It was my birthday in 1979. It was two years after I picked up Chuck at a bar in a restaurant on the bay. And I had to flip with my sister to see who was going to take the empty seat next to him. He had moved in with me about a month ago.

I found out that this wonderful unselfish man. The man that would take care of my kids as though they were his. The man that would take me to dinner and dance the night away. And most importantly, he was the dominant man that showed me I was highly submissive sexually.

In my everyday life, I was a divorced woman that made her own decisions both at work and at home. But when the time came for sex, he showed me that I loved being his submissive woman.

In a short time, this man was able to bring out what was only a fantasy before. I was still learning, but whatever he did to me, or made me do, I loved it.

One Friday, he called me and said that he needed the papers that he forgot on his desk at home. I told him that I would bring them right over. I got to his office about forty minutes later.

“I hope these are the right papers?”

“Thanks, hun. Yep, these are the ones.”

And with that said, he threw them in the wastebasket.

“What are you doing!”

“Calm down. I just had to get you out of the house for a little while.”

“Out of the house? What for?”

“So I could get your birthday present in.”

“Present? What present?”

“You’ll see when you get home.”

“What did you get me? Why did it have to be left in the house?”

“Slow down. You'll get all your answers when you get home.”

So home I went. And not too slow either. And when I got in the house, I pulled out my phone. A flip phone.

“Ah, Chuck? What the fuck is going on. A man is sitting on our deck reading a Playboy, and he’s got a bow on his head.”

“Very observant. Happy birthday!”

“Ah, exactly what have you given me?”

“His name is John. He’s yours until Sunday if you want him.”

“What do you mean, he’s mine until Sunday?”

“Let me explain. John is willing to do anything for you. think of him as your servant. He will do whatever you tell him, or you can tell him to do what he feels like doing.”

“I’m not sure, but he’s not here to do the dishes, right?”

“No, but he will wash your back for you. I think you get the idea now.”

“You mean to tell me that I can tell him to… you know, me?”

“Yes. You can tell him to fuck you, and it may be worth your while. I have it from good sources that he’s packing a long rifle.”

“You’re shitting me, right? Have I been talking in my sleep? No, let’s not go there.”

“I know that it’s your number one fantasy. Well, I think you’ll cross another one off your list. Listen, you can call me any time you want. I know this is a little too much too fast, but do what you’ve been doing. Go for it.”

“Easy for you to say, but he’s not you. It’s not your cock. I’m used to your cock.”

“Hun, if you want to live an open relationship, then you’re going to have to feel different cock’s.”

And he hung up. I waited for a minute and then thought that what Chuck said was right. I’m learning and loving everything but I also have to act on my own. So I went out on the deck.

“Hi, John. My husband just told me about you. Nice to meet you.”

He stood up and gave me his hand to shake.

“Terry? Right? Yes, Chuck didn’t tell me how beautiful you are.”

“Thank you, John. You’re so sweet to say that.”

I figured that If this was a joke, I was going to find out quickly.

“John, are you wearing underwear?”

He smiled, “Yes, yes I am.”

“Please strip to your shorts.”

I figured if this was a joke, he certainly wouldn't go this far. He stood up. He was about six foot three, slim, and all muscle. When he took off his shirt, he had a six-pack on him that any man would be jealous of. Then he went for his belt. He looked me right in the eyes while he undid his belt, unhooked his pants, and slowly lowered his zipper.

I was beginning to wonder if I asked for too much. When his zipper was down he casually lowered his pants. With his pants around his ankles, he stood up and placed his hands on his hips.

He had jockeys on. Better known as tighty-whities. He was also getting a hard-on. And Chuck was right. He was packing. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter as my floodgates opened. I reach for my phone.

“Chuck? OK, I thought you were kidding. Now I have John here standing in front of me in just his underwear. Which happens to be very tight.”

“Didn't think he'd do it did you? Well, that's a good start. Now keep it up. Pardon the pun.”

I hung up on him. Think, Terry, think. I was shaking, but then I figured if he was here to do anything I tell him to, I might as well start out feeling good.

“John, have you ever given a massage to a woman?”

“Terry, they say I have the best set of hands. Would you like me to use them on you?”

I was going to go in and put on a bathing suit. But then I thought, what the fuck. I've got a bra and panties on. No different than a bathing suit, so I started to strip down.

“John, please go in the bathroom and grab a couple of large towels.”

When he came back I was standing there in my lace bra and wet panties. I saw him look at me with a smile. I also noticed that his bulge was getting a little larger.

I spread one of the towels out on a lounge chair and laid face down on it.

“There's baby oil in that cabinet over there. Why don't you get it and use it on me?”

“With pleasure.”

I thought, mine before yours.

When he came back, he said, “Would it be alright if I unhook your bra? I don't want to get it all oily.”

I felt like saying take me I'm yours, but I just told him it was OK. Then he went to work. He had strong hands and fingers and didn't take long to have me feeling very relaxed.

He worked up and down my back going down as far as my crack. Then he worked my sides, then I felt his fingers brushing my tits. I felt like lifting up so that he could grab them. Then I thought that I could just tell him.

He worked on my back for a few minutes and I was getting to be like Silly Putty. Then I figured I would see what he would do.

“Lower, please”

His hands went to my lower back, just above where my panties were. Then I felt his fingers go underneath the waistband and start to kneed my buns.

Taking hold of my panties on each side, he asked, “Would it be alright if I took these off? It will make things easier.”

I thought, damn right it'll make things easier. But I just lifted my hips. He pulled my soggy panties down and off my legs.

As he started to work on my buns, I thought was this really happening to me. Chuck would trust me this much. damn, I love that man.

“You have a very firm ass. Do you work out often?”

Not the kind of workout that I was thinking of. “Not really, John.”

He worked on my ass for a few minutes and I felt myself melting under his hands. Then he moved to my thighs.

Ok, if I opened my legs to let him get at me, he would have an unobstructed view of my pussy, that I just happened to shave this morning. What the fuck. I spread my legs.

He started on one leg at my foot and his thumbs felt wonderful on the sole. Then up to my calf. I could feel the tension release from my leg. Then he headed north. First the back of my thigh, and he worked like a pro

I was hot, and getting hotter by the inch. When he moved to my thighs, he put pressure on them wanting me to open them more.

This was it. Do or die. So I did. I opened them and wondered what my open, leaking pussy looked like. Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask him if I should turn…

“Would you like to continue by turning over?”

Oh, fuck. “John, please let me have my phone, and get me a glass of wine. A full glass?”

“Chuck, this is getting crazy now. I’m laying here in my skin with his hands all over me and he wants me to turn over on my back.”

“Honey, do what you want. I just want you to have a good time without fear. You know what you want and I just gave you a way to get it. Go for it.” And he hung up.

John came back with my glass of wine… and the bottle. He held it out but just out of my reach. The bastard want’s me to get up.

Fuck it. I got up and sat on the side of the lounge chair. I took a big slug of the wine and lied back down on my back. Now I was shaking.

He poured a line of oil from the middle of my throat down to my clit… slowly. When he got to my clit, he let the oil fall one agonizing drop at a time. When one hit it dead on, it was like a mini orgasm.

When he put a hand on each tit and started kneading them, I had another small orgasm. My pussy contracted and I knew I was flowing freely. There was no way he couldn’t smell sex in the air.

“John, you seem very well versed in all thing sexual with a woman. Are you any good with oral?”

“I’ve never had any complaints yet, Terry. How about I use my talents and you be the judge?”

“I was thinking just that John. I promise to rate you fairly. Let’s see what you can do.”

“Can I ask you to change position?”

He picked me up like I was a toy and brought me into the living room. He gently put me on the couch with my ass hanging over the edge.

He picked my legs up and pushed them back until they were on my tits. Then he took my hands and placed them on my thighs, telling me to hold them up, and got down on the floor.

What he did next will forever be etched in my mind. He gently opened me with his hands and leaning forward stuck his face in my wet pussy. He licked the drops of my fluid from my outer lips and my blood pressure went up ten points. When he stuck his tongue as far in me as he could and I felt the suction, I started shaking, and when he sucked my clit inside out, my toes curled so hard that I could hang us by them from a clothesline.

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When he pushed two fingers in and curled them up to hit my G-spot, along with my clit being sucked, I lost it completely. I was babbling incoherently as the storm broke in me. John kept nipping at my G-spot with his fingers, and I kept shaking like a leaf and cumming hard.

“FUCK! Stop! Please Stop! I can’t stop cumming!”

When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I grabbed his hand with one of mine and the other... poked him right in the eye. On top of coming like a banshee, now I had to tell him I’m sorry for putting his eye out.

John got up and left me for a few minutes. I needed that and more just to catch my breath. He must have cleaned his face as I had to have drenched him when I came.

I opened my eyes to see him standing next to me with this huge bulge. And the sun was behind him coming through the slider, gave him a halo. Who is this man that the god of sex brought me?

He was waiting for me. waiting for me to say something. He knew what needed to be said. Could I say it?... I did.

“John, could I  have the phone, and go take a cold shower for me.”

“Chuck, listen I just want to make sure it’s alright with you. I don’t want to do anything that would make you mad.”

“Haha. I’ll give it as straight as I can. You can do anything you want to him, and ask him to do anything to you that you would like.”

“Well, we’re working on that right now. Ah, did you say… anything?”

“Anything. remember, you can have him all weekend whenever you want so you don’t have to hurry things. Take your time and enjoy him.”

“What about you? What about when you come home?”

“Then I get to watch. You know how much I like that.”

“Oh, boy. You think I’ll be able to do anything with him with you around?”

“Yep. You will. Trust me.”

And he hung up. Ok, Terry. Do we go for it or wait until Chuck gets home. But then I may not have the guts to do anything in front of him.

“Oh, Johnnie! I yelled. And about three seconds later, he was standing in the same position. Blocking the sun and blinding me with his package.

“Ok, big boy. How do you know Chuck?”

“I’m sorry Terry, but I can’t tell you anything about me right now.”

Terrific. I’m running out of things here. Then, when I thought about what Chuck said. Anything.

“John, come around to the other side? Good, now I can see better. Take your shorts off.”

Now I thought I was prepared for what I saw. Let me tell you that my ex Fred was well endowed. He would run anywhere between zero to ten, depending on his blood-alcohol level. I’ve had some flings with above-average appendages before, but what lay before me. No, let me correct that. What pulsated before me was something else.

It took my breath away. I just hoped it wasn’t venomous. Oh wait, they all are.

I would need a yardstick to measure. Notice I said yardstick and not a ruler. A ruler wouldn’t cut it. guess that it came in at twelve or so when fully erect.

I didn’t see how he could become fully erect. I didn’t think he had enough blood in him to inflate it fully. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I wanted to watch it being handled.

“Please sit in that chair. I want to watch you masturbate. Do you have any issues with that John?”

His answer was to walk out of his shorts, sit down, and using both hands, started stroking. He did help himself to the bottle of baby oil. I’m glad I bought the big bottle.

Holy crap. There was no way that I would get that in me. well not without a lot of work and effort. Was I willing to work and put effort into it? You bet your sweet bippy.

I sat up and put my legs off the side of the lounger. For a couple of minutes, I watched as he grew and grew.

Then beads of internal lube started forming at the eye, and he would spread it around.

“Use more oil, John. I love the way your cock glistens in the sun.”

Did I just say that? I’m losing it.

I woke up and realized that I was fingering myself. Then I finely said to myself, fuck it. Chuck gave me this as a birthday present, I’m not going to spoil his great gesture.

“John, I would love to suck that monster of yours first, but I don’t think that without a lot of work, I could do it, so come over here and fuck me with it. I want to feel that cock going deep in me while I cum all over it.”

He smiled, got up, and still stroking it came over and stood next to me. I reached up and held it. Breathtaking. So soft on the outside and steel on the inside. I squeezed a drop of nectar to the tip and licked it off.

“May I suggest something, Terry?”

“Of course, John, what is it?”

“You may find it easier if you got on top and controlled the process.”

I thought about it and said, “Great idea John. We’ll do it like that. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

I told him to lie in the center of the king-sized bed. When he was settled.

“Hold your cock straight up and stroke it for me.”

When he did, the sight was amazing. You could have put a sail on it and sailed to England. I kept on trying to figure out the best way to approach him.

I stood on the bed and straddled his hips. I started to get down on my knees when I realized that either his cock was too long or my legs were too short. There was no way I could start him into me without squatting down on him from a standing start. So that’s what I did.

I started to squat down. he held it for me as I placed it in the right place. I slowly lowered myself. The head was larger than the shaft but I was having a problem fitting the head in.

“John. Hold your cock up straight for me.”

When he did that, I was able to use both my hands to stretch myself open just enough to get the head inside me. When I let go, my cunt snapped shut like a clam.

“Oh, my fucking word. It’s going to take the whole weekend to get this thing in me.”

“Oh shit Terry. You’re so tight. I can’t guarantee that I won’t come before you have me all the way in you. You're so fucking tight. You’re going to squeeze the cum right out of me.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment John. But if you want to cum, then do it. I just want you to cum on me so I can watch. It’s a fetish of mine. Besides, my legs are getting tired.”

I rose and fell a few more times and did manage to take him in about another inch or two when he said.

“I can’t hold it anymore. Where do you want it, Terry?”

“This is going to sound weird John, but I want you to stand on the bed while I lie on the floor. Jerk off and cover me as much as you can.”

We got into position and he started to stroke his shaft with both hands, as I stuck what seemed like my whole fist in myself. He sure stretched me wide open.

“I’m close Terry. Oh, fuck. You look beautiful fucking yourself. Oh, fuck. NOW!”

As soon as I saw the first blast come out of the end, I came. It took me all that I had to keep my eyes open. Every time a stream of white gold came out of his cock, I had gut-wrenching contractions. I’ve never felt an orgasm like this one. Completely different feelings. It sapped all my strength. After what felt like an hour, I was able to lift my head enough to view the canvas.

I was covered in either spots or streaks of cum. I made the mistake of rubbing off some that landed between my legs. Instant orgasm. I was so keyed up, but tired.

With the help of John, I was able to get back on the bed. John lowered himself to lie next to me. He almost made a mistake by putting an arm around me and pinching one of my very sensitive nipples.

“Oh, fuck! No, John. Not now! I couldn’t take another orgasm right now.”

John got up after a few minutes and I asked him to bring me a glass of wine. I heard the door open and close. You were home. My first instinct was to jump up and cover myself, but then I thought, I didn’t have the strength to move, so fuck it.

I was watching the door. I wanted to see your expression when you first saw me.

You looked at me from head to toe and then a big smile came over your face. You came and sat down next to me. you softly ran the back of your hand on my red cheek being careful not to disturb any drying cum.

“You look beautiful. Is that all from him?”


“From one…?



“I put my hand out to get yours and it brushed your cock."

“You’re hard! Does another naked man in bed with me give you a hardon?”

“If I didn’t think it would, I wouldn’t have planned this weekend for you.”

“Well then. Plan on staying hard all weekend. Because I’m going to plan on having one of you in me at all times.”

“Now John, if you’ll excuse us. I’d like to have my boyfriend fuck me silly. But don’t get dressed, Chuck gave you to me for the weekend and I plan on using all the time I have. Do you mind if John watches us, hun?

“No of course not. I plan on watching you two together.”

Chuck got undressed and climbed on the bed. I turned my back to him and we spooned as I felt his cock against my back and in the crack of my ass.

“Thank you love for the wonderful birthday present. I assure you that I will use it all up before the weekend is over.”

He started on my tits. Rubbing them the way I like it and then he pinched my nipple. Bam, I was off to the races but not before he said,

“You’re going to have to save some energy for the next part of your present.”

I turned to look over my shoulder at him.

“What do you mean, the next part?”

He laughed, “Tomorrow night we’re going out on the boat. I want you to meet someone.”

“Can you tell me anything else? Where are we going, and who am I going to meet?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, now do you want my small cock in you, or do you want to call John?”

“I want you to do what John will never do. Fuck my ass.”

“With pleasure.”

“OHH, SHIT! Dear mother in heaven. OH! Easy, easy boy. Haven’t you heard of lube!”

I didn’t expect him to fill me up in one thrust. I was looking forward to this weekend. I hope they can keep up.

Is it the end?

Written by Anonymous
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