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""A gobby and wristy doesn't sound too bad, mate," I replied with a grin."

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Author's Notes

"Hiya lovies! Thought I'd include a lil dictionary for Straya slang * Legless - drunk * Bogan - Aussie version of a redneck * Skull - chug a drink * Chook - chicken * Root rat - someone who loves to fuck * Pissed - drunk * Cracking the fat - boner * Slag - slut * Spoof - cum * Dinger - condom * Cactus - broken, ruined * Pozzy - position * Strewth - A term to express shock * Not here to fuck spiders - not messing around * Nuddy - nude * Dunny - a toilet * Have a slash - to pee * Doodle - cock"

Independence Day? Ah, yes, Christmas in July. Treason is the reason for this beautiful ass season, where we promiscuous gun-toting, bacon-eating, war-winning, beer-drinking, bar-fighting degenerates celebrate our Brexit. For some, it's the last day of having all ten fingers after setting off illegal military-grade fireworks, but a pinky is a small, noble sacrifice to honor the day we set out milk and cookies for Captain America. All of history began on July 4th, 1776.

Everything else before that?

A mistake.

Nothing beats celebrating imperialism with fevered patriotism, I always say.

I mean, I may be slightly biased. As a Vietnam veteran and retired firefighter, I ride an American bald eagle outfitted with two M61s and a 46 HEMI. It's all in good fun, though. I served with many British soldiers, and we would coke and joke about our severed ties late into the night. I'd remind them that we kicked their ass multiple times, and they'd tell me about how the Vietnamese kicked ours, except that's a god-forsaken lie.

We didn't lose in 'Nam. It was a tie, dammit.

But honestly, I'm very proud of my service, and who doesn't enjoy a day off from work to enjoy good food and even better company? I love to throw little shindigs at the old family home and invite everyone over for a good time. This year, we had a pretty good turnout as in years past, most of our family members refrained from meeting due to the pandemic. It was so good seeing all of my kids, grandbabies, and nieces and nephews. Everyone was growing up so quickly that it always made this fossil shed a tear.

"Uncle Jake!"

I turned from the grill to see my beautiful niece heading towards me with one of her friends in tow.

"Sasha! There's my favorite niece in the whole wide world!"

I gathered her into a bear hug and swung her around as she giggled, just like she used to as a kid.

"Uncle Jake, put me down!" she managed between laughs as I blew a raspberry on her collarbone.

"I'm almost 35 years old, and you're still swinging me around like a baby. I don't know how you haven't broken a hip."

"What can I say? I'm a specimen," I bellowed with bravado, going into a few poses I learned on the amateur body-building circuit.

"You do hold up well for a 70-year-old man."

"70?!" Sasha's friend exclaimed.

"71 next week, my dear. I'm Jacob, but you can call me Jake."

I locked eyes with Sasha's friend and flashed her a smile as we shook hands. The woman was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello, Mr. Jake, I'm Allyson."

She smiled at me, and I thought my knee replacement gave out the way I suddenly felt weak.

"That's an absolutely dazzling smile. Would you like something to eat?"

Allyson blushed and clasped her fingers together, and I quickly noticed the wedding ring on her left hand.

"I am feeling a bit peckish, actually."

"Is that an Australian accent I hear?"

"Yea, she's from Melbourne," Sasha replied as she grabbed two plates and loaded them up with macaroni and baked beans. "Did mom make these?"

"Yes, sweetheart, Tonya insisted. The last time I saw her, she was with Martha in the kitchen. And Melbourne, eh? Oh man, a descendant of British convicts, just like us Americans before today in 1776."

"Careful, my husband is a Brit. But I do love the way you all celebrate your independence; it's just so flashy," Allyson mused.

"What can I say, it's the American way, baby!"

I invited them to take their pick of their grill, and as I filled their plates, I couldn't help but fawn over Allyson's breasts attempting to spill out of her dress as she held her plate out towards me.

"Ally, do you want a beer?" Sasha inquired.

"Oh, I really shouldn't; I promised Oliver I'd behave."

Behave, hunh?

I pretended to be preoccupied with flipping some patties as Allyson and Sasha spoke.

"C'mon, lightweight, a beer or two won't hurt. I don't want to be tipsy by myself!"

"Alright, alright. Only one, though!" I heard Allyson exclaim.

Sasha cracked the cooler next to the grill and pulled out a beer for each of us.

"Here you go, Uncle Jake. Thank you for the food!"

"Any time, my love," I said while raising my can in a cheer.

I watched them both walk over to a table across the yard, fixated on the slight jiggle Allyson's ass gave underneath her flattering bodycon dress. To my surprise, my cock started to stiffen.

What I wouldn't do for a piece of that sweet, young ass.

Now, I don't have a problem getting this old Thunderbird started, but usually, my erections come after getting naked. The days of random erections become a lot less frequent as the years go by. For the times the engine won't turn over, it's nothing that magical little blue pill won't fix. I thank God for the apron I wore because there wasn't a way in hell my stiffy wouldn't have been obvious through my shorts.

Keep it together, Jakey boy.

"Thomas! Come on over and get you a burger, you prick!" I hollered at one of my cousins.


The music was loud and the men were proud, with beer flowing like the tea we threw over into Boston Harbor. Everyone had stuffed themselves silly in true glutinous American fashion, so I set aside extra patties, dogs, and wings in buffet warmers for any of those saving space for the final innings. As the afternoon sun began its descent in the west, the yard was bathed in a warm, golden glow that tied everything together beautifully. Some of the guys and I were knocking back a few at a table of our own while the wives congregated in the kitchen and the kids enjoyed themselves outside.

"I tell you what, Pat, that Sasha has grown up into quite something," one of our bowling partners, Dan, remarked to my brother, Pat.

In the middle of the tranquil landscape, we casually observed the hurricane of youth that filled the yard with singing, dancing, and raucous laughter. Sasha's personality served as the catalyst, barking song requests and leading everyone else in song as if she were a conductor, a bottle of tequila serving as her baton.

"Play something I can shake my ass to, Noah!" Sasha yelled at my son, her deejaying cousin. He flashed a thumbs up without lifting his head from his workstation and a thumping bass line blared through his speakers.

"I will fuck you up, Daniel," Pat said with a swig of his beer.

"Yea! That's my niece, you pig!" I instigated jokingly.

"I'm the pig? You don't think we haven't been watching you eye fuck her friend with the fat ass, have you?"

Our other teammate, Riley, barely kept the beer in his mouth as he stifled his laughter.

"What? It's fat; can you blame me?" I shrugged.

All the men at the table agreed in unison.

"Brooke is looking mighty fine too, Jake," Dan rang out.

"Alright, ya jag-off, don't push it," I warned him.

"Fine, we'll focus on Sasha's friend then."

"Her name's Allyson."

The table devolved into whoops of laughter reminiscent of a middle school locker room.

"He knows her name already!"

"Give it up, old man; the time of having asses like that for us to trim is long behind us," Pat bemused. "But man, that one over there is something, isn't she?"

In the midst of the beer bottles littering the table, Sasha was pouring the liquor directly into the mouths of people below her. Allyson, being the closest, was the main beneficiary of Sasha's agave waterfall, reticently opening her mouth as Sasha pressured her to drink time after time.

"Oooh, there we go!" Sasha shrieked.

Allyson serenely sat on the bench underneath Sasha with her legs crossed, her perfectly pedicured white toes bouncing up and down as she tapped out the beat in the air and swayed to the music. If Sasha was the hot water powering this typhoon, Allyson was definitely the eye of the storm. But as they say, the calm of the storm hides the strongest part.

"Bitch, get up here and shake some ass!"

"Sasha! Are you crazy?" Allyson hissed.

"Stop acting all shy; you know you want to."

"I'm practically legless because of all this liquor, you cunt!"

"C'mon, Ally! Go!" my daughter Brooke prompted with the aid of my horny nephews and their friends.

"Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally!" they chanted. I'm sure they were in the same perverted line of thought as the rest of us.

Sasha set the bottle down and kicked some of the empties off of the table to make room, grabbing Allyson by the hand and bringing her up onto the table. Allyson sheepishly faced the others and waved her hands in protest, but Sasha would have none of it.

"Shake it, bitch!"

"Oh, fuck it, why not?" Allyson relented.

Smoothly turning around and holding her hands up at her side in loose fists, she looked over her shoulder while making her ass clap; the bouncing motion seeming to swallow the thin fabric of her dress to the delight of everyone there. She then rhythmically kicked one foot forward repeatedly, one after the other, shaking her thighs provocatively as she held her hands up in the air. Hitching her dress up to her thighs, she bent forward and rested her palms on her bare knees, languidly shaking her ass to the slow bounce of the beat.

"Heyooo!" Sasha and the others screamed in glee.

They all reached up to slap her ass as she danced, whooping and hollering as she expertly moved each cheek on command, with some of the boys desperately trying to slip in a few pats of their own. My twenty-eight-year-old son Noah was a man of the people, and in the name of David Guetta, Diplo, and Marshmello, he would not let a crowd down. He quickly played a booming number with a rapid pace that sent the kids into an absolute frenzy.

"This is my SHIT!" Brooke yelled at the top of her lungs.

Allyson took the cue, her slow rolls speeding up to match the frenetic tempo of the beat. She reached up to throw her hair to one side, exposing the well-defined muscles of her back that jumped every time she lifted one of her anklet-clad heels off the ground. Sasha grabbed her hips from behind, and Allyson feverishly threw her ass back, her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth as she ground into her best friend's pelvis.

My jaw dropped.

"God damn," Dan cursed.

I swear you could hear the violent erections slamming into the bottom of the table as we all watched Allyson and Sasha dance. Dan's very Catholic wife, Martha, came out of the kitchen like a rocket and immediately dragged him away, much to his dismay.

"See ya next week, Dan," Pat quipped, raising his beer bottle.

Noah was in the zone, perfectly transitioning song after song as the kids all danced their crazy dances. Sasha flipped her long braided hair behind her and focused solely on daggering Allyson from behind with sharp thrusts of her hips. After a good 15 minutes, he calmed everything down for a bit with a slower number, causing Allyson to meekly stand up and clasp her hands together as the kids applauded. Sasha made her approval known with a resounding smack of Allyson's ass.

"That's my white girl!" Sasha cackled.

Hopping down, Allyson sat with a sweaty plop, fanning herself with her hands as she caught her breath. This was my chance. I nimbly slipped out of my seat with the intention of quickly hitting the water cooler.

"He's got that look in his eye," Riley reported.

"Outta your league, bro," Pat admonished.

"Speak for yourself, geezers."

Swinging by the cooler, I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way over to Allyson.

"You're quite the dancer, arentcha, Blondie?"

"Bugger off me; I looked like a bloody bogan up there," she said while turning around.

"Frack! Mr. Jacob, I didn't know it was you, I'm so sorry!"

"For what?" I said with a laugh. "Thirsty?"

I offered her the bottle of water, which she graciously accepted with a quick bow of her head, popping the cap and thirstily emptying the bottle with big, greedy gulps.

She was one of those people.

You know, the ones who wrap their entire mouth around the opening of a bottle instead of just putting their upper lips in the opening — it's un-American. But the way her plump lips parted to take the mouth of the bottle into hers drove me wild, and yet, it was nothing compared to the sight of her head tilting back and exposing her throat as she swallowed the water.

Perverted old man.

"That was so sweet of you; I've downed nothing but grog with Sasha around. I didn't even get a chance to grab a feed."

"You didn't eat?"

She shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure it's the reason I feel this liquor so readily."

"Well, Houston, we have a problem. C'mon, let's go fix that," I decided.

"Mr. Jake, you're too good to me."

"Of course, sweetie, it's no trouble to grab you a plate."

"Oh, Mr. Jake, no, you don't have to."

"But I want to. Also, none of that mister stuff, Missy, Jake is just fine. Do you mind if I grab a fix for myself as well?"

"Only if you'll join me, Jake," she playfully emphasized.

"But of course."

I offered my hand, and she took it with inebriated confidence.

"Sasha, love, I'll be back in a bit," she called out. Sasha nodded without turning around; she was too busy pouring liquor into Brooke's mouth.

We walked across the yard to the table of food I had set apart earlier and loaded two plates with some food, setting them down on an empty table nearby.

"I'll get the coldies," Allyson chimed.

"Really now? What happened to just one?" I goaded.

"One means four and three shots on the other side of the world. You know, extra longitude, latitude, carry the three, and all that," she promulgated with a coy smile.

Well then.

Grabbing two beers, Allyson set them down on the table, and her face lit up with excitement.

"God, this looks so good!"

Allyson put her blonde tresses into a ponytail and clasped her fingers in prayer before eating. I respectfully waited for her to finish before digging into my own plate.

"I'm sorry, force of habit," she said shyly.

"No worries; a sinner like me could do some praying himself."

"That's why I try not to stop. I'm always messing up."

"Oh really? Bit of a bad girl, aren't you?" I subtly probed.

Allyson averted my gaze and busied herself with the chicken in front of her, her well-manicured hand coming up to cover her mouth as she spoke.

"I have my moments," she said between bites.

"Those beautiful looks can't be the reason for that, are they?"

Her cheeks flushed with heat at the compliment as she took a long swig of beer.

Thatta girl.

"I'm on the wrong side of 30 for all that now. Look at me being a wombat skulling all this beer and chook. But it is so bloody good! How do you do it?"

"It's all in the marinade, my dear. And if the wombats in Oz all look like you, I'd be banned from every zoo and be in jail for bestiality."

Allyson burst into laughter and let out a hearty snort.

"Oh, fuck!"

She quickly clapped her hands over her mouth.

"Bit of a sailor's mouth, eh? I guess you are a naughty girl," I responded with a throaty laugh of my own.

With a sheepish nod, Allyson went back to picking her chicken wings clean between mouthfuls of beer.

"My father was a sailor. Mum hates the way we all speak to each other sometimes, especially us girls. Drives her mad," she giggled.

"Really? Did 24 years in the army myself. Spent a lot of time doing joint ops down in Brisbane with your countrymen."

"And women, I suppose?" Allyson furtively asked.

"Still some of my favorite experiences to date."

She laughed, and we continued to talk about anything and everything. I polished my beer off and asked her if she'd like another, to which she eagerly nodded. I returned with two more beers to the sight of Allyson wiping the grease from her fingers and placing her bones in a neat pile on her plate.

"Another ice-cold one, on the house."

"Thank you, love. Cheers."

I sat down and popped mine open using the edge of the table as she opened hers with her molars.

"Woah! You're pretty good with your mouth there!"

"So I've been told."

She sensuously raised her eyebrows at me and drained half her bottle in one go. All I could imagine was my cock taking the place of that bottle between her lips.

"Your husband sure is one lucky man."

"That's my sweetheart," she said reluctantly, picking at a chicken bone and avoiding eye contact.

"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?"

"No, nothing like that, except the trouble I cause, of course. I make his life so difficult."

"How so?"

"I am a little... overindulgent. If that makes sense."

"It doesn't yet, but I'm sure you'll make it make sense, Barbie doll."

"No, no, I can't just go off rambling to you about my problems, we just met. It's foolish."

"Nonsense, tell me what's on your mind."

I took a sip of my beer as she fumbled for her words.

"It's just that, I- I do everything too much. Shopping, alcohol, sex, I get... insatiable."

"Sex? Not enough at home?"


"It is enough. He does his best to take care of me for sure, but between him being gone so often and my ridiculous libido, it just-"

"Isn't enough."

Allyson dejectedly nodded.

"God I sound like such an ungrateful root rat speaking so nonchalantly about my sex life with someone I just met. If that doesn't tell you I'm bloody fucking pissed, I don't know what will," she bemoaned.

"Hey, we're all adults here. I'm double your age, so I count as two!" I said as she laughed.

"It's probably why I feel so comfortable talking to you, really."

"I tend to have that effect on the younger generations."

"Jacob, you're too sweet. Ollie is sweet too; he cares so much for me. He may be a little too sweet, and sometimes I don't want that."

"You want him to be rough," I inquired.

"Yes! It feels as if he's scared he might hurt me or something. He tries, but he still holds back."

"Well, an old relic like me would give him a run for his money back in my day."


"Stop it, Jake. I can't believe you look as good as you do for your age."

"I've got the energy to match, to boot. A good rough pounding is my specialty."

"Really now? When was the last time you expended some of that energy?"

"It's been a while, so I've got a lot in the tank. Think I could have a positive three or four."

"Three or four, what?" she squinted incredulously.

"Rounds, ma'am. Empty the clip, reload, and get back in the fight!"

I felt her bare foot lightly graze the inside of my calf, the charms on her anklet dancing across my skin.


"Oh come off it, I don't believe you. There's no way you're still cracking the fat after two go-arounds."

"Shit, with a woman like you? I'd make it five, for sure. The real question is, could you keep up with my roughness?"

I casually leaned back in my chair, draining my beer and spreading my legs wide as her foot began to travel up my knee.

Fuck, this is hot.

Allyson flirtatiously leaned forward and let her bottle hang between us. Her eyes were dangerously low, and her breath was warm, ironically sending a chill down my spine as it caressed my face.

"Could I keep up?"

Damn, she is buzzed.

Taking another sip of her almost empty beer, she then leaned back into her chair, her foot fishing around for my swollen cock inside my shorts. There was nothing but lust in her eyes as her toes ran the length of my shaft, wrapping them around the mushroom tip of my dick like a child gripping a doorknob.

"I'd make your heart stop, old man."

Without warning, her drunken ass leaned too far backward and fell out of her chair into the grass behind her. The flash of her pink thong between her tanned legs, as she fell over, was burned into my vision.

"Shit! Are you okay?!" I jumped out of my chair and ran to her side.

She was beside herself with laughter, and I couldn't help but join in as I helped her up.

"My goodness, I need to walk this liquor off."

That's all I need to hear.

"How about a walk, then?"

"A walk would definitely do me some good."

"Let me grab a coat just in case it gets chilly."

"Mhm," she responded in kind, lethargically closing her eyes and crossing her legs underneath her dress.

I stopped by the cooler for a bottle of water, briskly crossing the yard, and making my way into the house, dodging relatives trying to strike up conversation as I bounded up the stairs to my bedroom. With a familiar sweep of my nightstand, I pocketed a condom and popped a Viagra, greedily chasing it down with the water I had brought with me. I was back downstairs in less than two minutes, barely breaking a sweat.

"I thought you were grabbing a coat?" She cocked her head to the side, puzzled.

"Coat? What coat? C'mon, the trail is just over here."

"Slow down, cowboy," she said as I grabbed her arm. Rising on the tip of her toes, she whispered into my ear with the lust of Jezebel herself.

"You might want a coat."

I gulped for dramatic effect and went rushing back into the house. While trying to grab one of the throw blankets on one of the couches in the living room, I ran into Sasha and Brooke drunkenly stumbling into the foyer.


"Uncle Jaaaaake! Oh my God, I love you so much," Sasha slurred, wrapping me in an inebriated embrace as Brooke swayed unsteadily.

I don't have time for this!

"Yes, sweetie, Noah was looking for you outside, I believe," I mentioned in a hurried tone.

"Wait, you didn't say it back. Don't you love me?" Sasha's entire demeanor changed as her eyes filled with tears.

"No, no, no, honey, of course I love you!"

"Nobody loves me either!" Brooke cried out and fell into a heap on the living room floor, breaking down into raucous sobs.

This can't be happening.

"Oh, baby Brooke, don't worry, your Uncle Pat loves you!"

I sighed with relief as Pat came over and helped Brooke to her feet.

"I want every last nasty detail," he muttered as he walked her over to the couch, beckoning Sasha to join them.

"Sasha, baby, come over here and give your Daddy a hug!"

"Okay, Daddy!"

Sasha let me go and ran over to her father on the couch next to my daughter.

I grabbed one of the blankets and bolted, finding Allyson sitting down and nursing another beer.

"On your feet, young lady."

"Aye aye, sir," she mocked with a salute as she took my hand.

There was a twisty, mile-long trail that ran the back length of the property, where my siblings and I spent our summers running in the surrounding foliage and swimming in the creek that ran parallel to it. It was a welcome reprieve from the day's festivities, along with much-needed privacy and seclusion...

"This is beautiful. I would spend all my time out here," Allyson said in awe as she held onto me for stability. The alcohol had definitely taken its toll; her feet crossed each other often as she walked. The sound of the party was beginning to be replaced by the babble of the creek and a few bird calls.

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"My brothers and I spent most of our free time back here. We didn't have all that technology you kids have today. Was good for going on dates too."

"Oh, is that what this is? Are you taking me on a date?"

"No, some pretty nasty things were done on this trail with those young women."

Allyson squeezed my arm and I felt that blue pill taking effect.

"What kind of nasty things?" Allyson breathed into my ear.

I couldn't believe how close she was to making me lose my cool. I wanted to take her right then and there.

"We were just kids, itching to bump uglies in the woods."

"Bump uglies? What does that mean?"

"Well, uh, ya know. A quick romp."

"Oh, sex! 'Bumping uglies,' I love American idioms. We call it a good root," she said before resting her head on my shoulder.

We walked in silence, with my cock growing harder and harder as we shared contact. I could smell the perfume of her shampoo wafting from the crown of her blonde hair; it was intoxicating. After a few minutes of walking in sexual tension, Allyson spoke.

"How else do you guys coin sex?"

"Like saying sex without saying the word itself? Shit, there might be a million. Roll in the hay, the hanky-panky, knocking boots, two-person pushups, banging, boning, screwing, nailing, smashing-"

"My goodness, so combative!" she interrupted.

"Yea, we're an irreverent bunch. What about y'all?"

"We don't have nearly as many, I think. The typical shag, root, which I said earlier, tearing off a piece, spearing the bearded clam. We mostly have terms for acts though, like a pash, a wristy, gobby, things of that nature."

"Gobby? That one sounds silly as hell. What is that?"

Allyson stopped walking and looked around for a moment before falling to her knees.

"Woah! Are you okay, hon?" I blurted in alarm.

Every non-vital drop of blood flowed straight down into my penis as I felt her hands grab at the waistband of my shorts.


My cock whipped out of my shorts, and Allyson deftly took it into her mouth, parting her lips for me just like she did for those beer bottles. I let out an involuntary moan as she sucked what seemed like the skin off of my cock for a moment before drawing back.

"If your hair weren't gray, I'd say you were lying about your age with how thick and veiny this cock is," she slurred.

I watched Allyson spit into her left hand, her wedding ring gleaming as her delicate fingers wrapped around my dick.

"That's a gobby. And this," she said while jerking the base of my cock with her left hand, "is a wristy. Which do you prefer?"

"I think I like both."

"Typical greedy American," she said with a laugh.

"A gobby and wristy doesn't sound too bad, mate," I replied with a grin.

With another laugh, she grabbed a hold of me with both hands and hungrily took my head into her mouth.

This is happening!

Letting her work her magic, I pushed my luck and poked my cock into her throat. To my surprise, I felt her hands grip my ass and expertly take my entire length as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes.

"Ohhh fuck..."

I reflexively pulled back so as not to hurt her, to which she responded by pulling away and looking up at me with disdain.

"Don't be fucking sweet to me, Jacob."

"Yes, ma'am."

She nodded and went back to sucking me off. With her blessing, I took hold of her ponytail and bobbed her up and down on my cock as she messily blew me like I hadn't been blown before. Bubbles of spit formed in the cracks between her fingers as she jerked me with both hands. A trail of saliva crept down my shaft and coated my balls, dripping onto the ground below every so often. I grabbed both sides of her face and slipped into her throat once more and this time, I slid right past her tonsils. She struggled to breathe, but I only fucked her face even harder. I was losing control, fast.

"I'm going to fucking cum," I huffed over her.

The sight of her lips spread wide over my veiny cock, coupled with the animalistic din of her sucking, was enough to send me over the edge. I held her head tight as I coated her esophagus with my cum, my knees fighting to keep me upright as I forced this blonde bombshell to swallow me. Every swallow massaged the sensitive tip of my cumming cock and I thought I would fall over from the intense pleasure. She patiently waited for me to finish before pushing me out of her throat, a string of spit trailing from the tip of my cock to her bottom lip. Allyson zealously wrapped the saliva around her hand and stuffed four fingers into her mouth.

She's so fucking nasty, I love it.

"Delish," she beamed with a closed-eyed smile.

"That was fucking amazing. Holy fuck."

"I'm glad you liked it, hon," she said as she rose to her feet. "But don't tell me that's all you've got, old man."

"Trust me, young lady, I've got all the energy I need."

"Show me then," was her response.

Taking the blanket I had balled under my armpit and spreading it over a patch of grass near a tree, Allyson situated herself on her back, pulling her dress up above her bright pink thong to play with herself through the moistening fabric. Closing her eyes, she moaned quietly as she rubbed her wet pussy through her thong, driving me crazy with lust.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

Get it together, Jake!

"Ma'am, no, ma'am!"

Grabbing my condom, I stepped out of my shorts and stepped up to the plate, wielding my bat of a cock and aiming to hit this bitch home. Pushing her panties to the side, I slapped the head of my gloved cock on her clit and rubbed my dick across the drooling lips of her pussy, getting it nice and lubed up for a fucking of a lifetime.

"I don't want you to be nice to me," she reminded me as she raised her hips, desperately trying to get my cock inside of her. She was like a dog in heat, whimpering and grabbing at the sheets as our genitals made contact. With a few more rubs, I was ready. Slipping into her sopping wet pussy, I was shocked at how easily I slid in despite her being so tight. I quickly adjusted to the warmth of her snatch and began to thrust in and out, putting all my weight on her as I fucked her wet cunt.

"Oh, fuck!" she swore in exasperation.

"I'm going to ruin this hot, young body."

"Ruin it, daddy. Don't be nice to it, I want you to fucking wreck me."

I sat up on my knees and rubbed her clit while I fucked her properly, reaching up to fish her breasts out of her dress and pinching her left nipple. She immediately gripped my hand and squeezed as she cried out in pleasure, begging for more.

"Jake! Just like that! Please don't fucking stop! Don't be nice to me, tear this fucking pussy up! You're going to make me cum if you keep fucking me like this. Oh, GOD, don't stop!"

I could feel the pressure building at the base of my cock and knew there was only so much I could do until I came.

"Fuck Jake, I'm close. I'm so fucking close. Oh, fuck!"

"Shut up," I responded gruffly.

I was nearing my limit, and I needed a quick break to ensure I got the most out of this condom. Pulling out, I fell over onto her side as she complained in displeasure.

"No, no, no, please no, I was so fucking close!" she begged.

"I said to shut the fuck up. I didn't say you could cum yet. Not until I cum, you understand me?"

Sliding her panties off and tossing them to the side, Allyson ardently nodded her head in agreement, desperate to please me so I could get back to fucking her.

"I understand, but if you keep speaking to me like a slag, I don't think I can control myself."

"You like when I talk to you like a slut?" I whispered into her ear.

She nodded vigorously once more, her cerulean eyes piercing my soul with fierce determination as sweat beaded her forehead from exertion. Reaching over, I gently grabbed her by the throat to gauge her reaction.

"Don't be fucking nice," she responded defiantly.

I nodded and squeezed her throat while slipping two fingers into her warm, wet pussy. Loosening my grip to allow her a few breaths, I clamped down once more as I furiously worked my fingers in a come-hither motion.

"You're not going to cum until I let you, right?"

She shook her head as much as my hand around her throat would allow.

"Good girl," I responded in kind, smashing her G-spot as she wrestled with the sensory overload.

As she struggled for air, she shut her eyes tight and dug her nails into my bicep, betraying her approach to orgasm. I slipped a third finger into her pussy as my thumb rubbed her clit, causing her to tap out immediately for me to release my grip.

"I can't hold it, Jake, holy fuck," she panicked.

Pulling my hand away, I sat up, roughly driving into her snatch while simultaneously gator-rolling to get her on top. I held her by her hips and impaled her on my cock, trying to split her in two as I neared orgasm once more.

"Oh, GOD, FUCK!" she screamed out on top of me. Her dress bunched up around her stomach as her breasts bounced every which way, her puffy pink nipples erect in the cool, summer air.

"You like old pervert cock, don't you, whore?" I taunted.

"I love this old fat cock, daddy. I bloody love it. Give it to me. Give me this dick."

Allyson was bucking wildly on my cock, lost in her own world as she let herself devolve into nothing but carnal desire.

"Damn, I'm going to cum again, Allyson. Don't you dare stop riding me."

Allyson alluringly leaned over me and grabbed me by the throat.

"Only if you don't stop boning me, grandpa," she whispered before licking my ear.

Allyson rested all her weight on me as she emphatically ground her clit on the base of my shaft, picking up speed and slamming her ass on my rock-hard cock. I started to lift my hips in time to her on the downswing, shooting into her every time she came down. Allyson grabbed me by the jaw and spit into my mouth before giving me a "pash," swirling her tongue around mine while moaning my name into my mouth.

"Ugh, fuck Jake. You're fucking me so fucking good," she growled above me.

This woman was going to drive me batshit crazy!

It can't get any better than this.

Boy was I fucking wrong.

Pulling her dress over her head, Allyson planted both feet on either side of me and started to bounce on my cock under her own power. I could see the muscles rippling in her legs as her pussy swallowed and sloppily spit my cock out with every bounce.

"You're going to make me cum fucking me like this, dammit," I bemoaned.

Allyson would have none of it. She leaned forward for leverage and continued to fuck me, all while egging me on to blow my load in her.

"I told you I'd make your heart stop, grandpa. You want to cum in this wet ass pussy, don't you?"

"Gonna take a lot more than that to stop this ticker, darling," I responded.

I grabbed hold of each thigh from underneath as if I were bench pressing 315 and held her in the air, to her complete and utter surprise. Her eyes rolled back in her head as I fucked her silly from below.

"You want this cum, you little slut?"

"Oh fuck yes, daddy, I want your spoof!"

"Good bitch, because here it fucking comes!"

I finally reached my limit, and with three deep thrusts, I dropped her on top of me and came violently, practically bruising my pelvis as I bucked into her hard. She continued to bounce on top of me, overcome with lustful greed and her own impending orgasm.

"Jacob I'm going to fucking cum too! I'm going to cum! Oh fuck, fuck, I'm cumming Jake, I'm FUCKING cumming!"

Allyson's ejaculate flooded my sensitive cock with heat as it pushed out of her pussy and completely soaked my thighs and stomach. Her knees gave out as she trembled violently and dug her nails into my chest, involuntarily strangling my cock with the muscles of her pelvic floor as she sent me through another wave of ecstasy that threatened to make me pass out. For almost a full minute, Allyson was incapacitated by the waves of orgasm flooding her body, her pussy pulsing with release. Her knees dug into my rib cage on both sides, as all she could do was wait for the quivering to subside. When she finally came to, she threw her head back and took violent breaths of air, pulling her nails out of my chest and leaning back on my thighs.

"Fuck me dead, that was bloody great," Allyson barely managed as her chest heaved.

"I'm all warmed up now, for sure,” I said matter-of-factly.

Allyson's eyes grew wide.

"Warmed up?"

She stood up, and my titanium cock dropped out of her pussy like a steel beam with a clearly audible squelch. Her face twisted in masochistic horror as it twitched with life, raring for another go.

"Of course, that's number two, hon. I'll have to go and get another condom, though," I lamented.

"Get stuffed, I'm not wasting time waiting for you to fetch a fucking dinger."

Allyson bent over and grabbed my hand to make me feel the IUD in her arm before standing up and walking over to the adjacent tree. Gripping the trunk and bending over, Allyson wagged her ass in the air, playfully exposing her pretty pink pussy. Puffy with arousal and still slick with her cum, her lips were pulsating with each beat of her heart, and I nearly blew another load at the sight.

"If you still have it in you, come and fucking bang me, grandpa."

Okay, never mind. I nearly blew another load hearing that.

"You have enough cum to fill this pussy?" she asked in jest.

"Is Reagan the greatest president of all time?"

"I'm going to assume I'm either too young or too Australian to understand."

"Fuck it, you'll understand this though," I said while whipping off the condom.

"Turn around, you whore."

I spread some of my spent load over the rest of my cock and rammed right back into her pussy.

FUCK, she's so much better raw!

She lurched forward and gripped the tree tight as she hollered from my thrusts once more.


I couldn't believe how good she felt. I was overcome with fucklust and increased the speed until I was pounding her out to the point where she could barely get a sound out. Her face was contorted in extreme pleasure, silently holding onto the tree for dear life as I fucked her deeper than she had been in years. With a thunderous SMACK of her ass, she finally cried out in pain, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"See? You are a baby, you needed a smack to get the old lungs going," I teased.

"More, more..." was all she could muster.

Tears streamed down her face as I spanked her ass raw, the thick, tanned flesh soon growing red and splotchy with the welts of my efforts. I pulled her arms away from the tree, grabbed her by the crooks of her elbows, and railed her from behind with every ounce of my might.

"Jacob! Oh, fuck Jacob, thank you, daddy. Fuck me, please!"

Allyson was dripping with sweat; a bright sheen had begun to form on her entire body and made the whole situation so much fucking hotter.

"God, I haven't been pounded out like this since uni," she confessed between strokes.

My hands were starting to slip, and they skidded down her arms to around her wrists. I held both of them and chuckled at the sight of her wedding ring. This caused her to lean forward and gave me a better angle to absolutely annihilate her. The only thing louder than her moans was the sound of her fat ass clapping as I plowed into her from behind. It should've triggered my PTSD the way it sounded like gunshots to be honest, I had this neck of the woods sounding like a Viet Cong jungle raid. My saggy old man balls were jarred by the recoil and would reach up to wrap her pussy in a loving taco-like embrace with every pump of my fat dick.

"Fuck fuck fuck! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Allyson yelled in distress.

I only tightened my grip around her wrists and sped up. The premium craftsmanship of my hip replacement was on full display with how fast I was plunging into this little whore's cunt.

I've gotta send Doc Goldfein a card!

Allyson grew quiet for a few seconds before unleashing a few deep, savage grunts as she ripped off three powerful squirts, coating my cock in a flood of sex that threatened to make me blow my own load once again.

"Jesus fuck, Blondie, that was a lot!" I praised her, letting her wrists go and pausing at the entrance to her squirting pussy.

"I didn't fucking say stop, Jake. Hold my fucking leg up and put your other hand here," she hissed.

She's batshit crazy!

As a soldier, I did as I was told. Grabbing her right hip with my right hand, Allyson then hiked up her left leg and held it up as if she were a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. I took hold of her leg with my left hand right above her left knee as she wrapped her leg behind my waist.

How is she this flexible?

Firmly planting her right foot into the ground, Allyson reached back and grabbed the tree for support as she began to rock back and forth to fuck me. Her left hand was spreading her ass apart, giving me more real estate to work with as I began to get a feel for this wacky position. These young kids, I tell you.

"Cactus this pussy, grandpa. I want you to fucking break me," she pled as she fucked me.

"I'm going to, baby girl, this old pervert is going to wreck you properly."

This position didn't allow me the mobility to jackhammer in and out of her, but it did give me ridiculous depth as most of the meat of her ass was out of the way.

"You're practically in my cervix with this pozzy, it's fucking amazing. Ooh fuck, Jacob. Spit in my ass!"

Didn't I say I follow orders?

I took aim and hocked right into her brown eye to her satisfaction as it crept down her crack and joined the mess of cum and sweat that was being whipped in and out of her vagina. The sensation of sliding my full length in and out of her was indescribable. I was getting ready to blow and couldn't wait to cum in her raw.

"You ready to take this pervy spunk, bitch?"

"Fuck yes, daddy. Cum in this pussy, I want you to cum in me, please!"

That tension behind my cock was growing, and while I was enjoying this position, it definitely wasn't going to be my magnum opus.

"Fuck this, here comes the fucking train, baby," I huffed.

I let Allyson fall forward, grateful she was sharp enough to immediately catch herself with her hands and grabbed a hold of her hips with her ass in the air.

"You wanna fuck me hard, don't you, daddy! Fuck me then, you old coot!"

I was nearing orgasm with every swear, moan, and cry from Allyson's mouth as I plowed into her to fill her with my seed.

"Here I come, bitch!"

"Cum for me, daddy! Fucking cum for me!" Allyson cried from below.

"I'm HERE!" I yelled as I filled her pussy with cum for real this time as Allyson screamed with pleasure. I gripped the fat of her ass as she kept throwing it back on me, milking every last drop of cum from my sensitive tip.

"I know you're cumming, but please don't stop, I'm almost there!"

The uncomfortable sensitivity was subsiding, and I kept on trucking, with my cum making her pussy froth and cream like a coconut cream pie. Allyson was furiously rubbing her clit and almost fell forward on her head as her legs gave out from orgasm.

"Oh FUCK, Jacob! Stop! Stop! Stop! I give up! You win!" she hollered.

I watched in triumph as she gingerly walked over to the blanket and collapsed in a spent mess.

"My head is fucking spinning. Strewth, old man, you just gave me all my Christmases in one. Fuck."

"Well, it is Christmas in July, baby doll. 'Murica beats out Great Brit once again!"

"Sasha is going to kill me and Ollie's going bury me. I can't believe you said you could give me five rounds, you're inhuman," she said as her eyes roamed the darkening sky above.

Allyson rolled over to look at me as I tossed her dress to her. She slipped back into it and smoothed it out to the best of her ability, but the damage was done for sure.

"You took three, that's pretty good."

"I didn't come here to fuck spiders, Jacob. Look at me. Short of walking back to that barbie in the nuddy, everyone will know what I've been up to. So, you told me five, I'm getting my last two, mister. But back in the comforts of your bed, yea? If I don't find a dunny and have a slash, my bladder is going to explode."

"Have a slash? Now you definitely got that one from your father," I boomed with laughter.

"Mum hates that one especially, says it's unbecoming of a lady, and insinuates I have a doodle between my legs," Allyson grinned.

"God, all of this cum in me, Jake. You're a treasure," she said with a kiss.

Without warning, Allyson grabbed the blanket, cloaked herself in it, and drunkenly ran off in the direction of the house in practically a dead sprint, sandals, dress, and all.

"Allyson! Wait up, you'll trip!"

I shook my head as she kept on running, then set about looking around for my shorts in the brush.

"Sweet girl, it's a shame she's only going to get one of those last two you promised her," I heard a voice say.

My jaw practically dropped to the tip of my cock as I saw Martha fondling one of her breasts a few yards away, near a giant oak. Her long skirt was hiked up around her waist, and her other hand was in her gigantic panties, furiously rubbing away at her pussy.


"Yes, Saint Martha, who would've thought?" she said as she walked over to me.

"I thought you left with Dan!" I exclaimed incredulously.

"After your daughter and whore friend seduced my husband with their raunchy dancing, I sent him to the store for your sister-in-law."

Martha's stony nipples poked into my stomach as she stepped up to me in defiance.

"It would be a shame if Sasha knew her dear uncle was having her way with her best friend, wouldn't it?"

"What are you getting at, Martha?"

"You're going to fuck me just like that little girl, Jacob."

I could tell there was a forbidden pleasure in her use of a swear word with how much emphasis she put on it.

"What's one secret to another, Jake? What do you say?"

Without another word, she picked up Allyson's discarded underwear and gave them a deep sniff before walking over to the same tree whose roots were still wet with Allyson's cum. I watched in awe as she dropped her skirt and panties around her ankles before stuffing Ally's thong into her mouth and looking back at me.

All I could do was slap the tip of my cock and step up to the plate, once more.

Well, looks like we're going for six today, old buddy.

Written by DazzlingLove
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