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Lyn and Ron's wedding

"Sue goes to Sydney while Julie and I go to Lyn and Ron's wedding."

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The story until now.

I had just returned from the US. Julie came back with me with the intent that I would coach her in her barefoot water skiing. To allow that to happen, I had helped her obtain a job as a support person for my administrative assistant, Ronny who was grossly overloaded with work.

After spending the night at home with Sue, I was heading across to Julie when I had noticed Sue following me. I managed to give her the slip but it told me that Julie and I needed to be very careful if we wished our relationship to remain a secret.

Sue expressed a wish to take her skating pupils to a competition in Sydney to give them some experience in high-level competition.


The story continues.

Life settled down for a couple of months. Every day I had lunch at work with Ronny and with Julie and in the afternoon I called into Julie’s place on the way home from work to have a cup of coffee with her. This meant leaving work an hour earlier than I had done previously and arriving home a little later than Sue was accustomed to. The only time that Julie and I actually had some reasonable time together was on the Tuesday and Thursday nights when Sue held a late class and during Julie’s coaching on each Saturday.

It was frustrating for me and I expect for Julie as well. We enjoyed each other’s company but at work and also during her coaching there were other people present so intimate contact was limited to the Tuesday and the Thursday evenings. On those occasions, Julie showered me with attention. She prepared meals fit for a king and as soon as we had eaten she almost dragged me into her bedroom.

Sue also was attentive. She was like a teenager desperate for attention and love. I was accustomed to sex daily but the situation with Sue was becoming ridiculous. She expected multiple sessions each night. Her desire for sex appeared to be insatiable. Often she would wake me in the middle of the night for sex.

Often I had felt neglected in the past and wished that sex was more frequent. Misses Palmer and her five daughters had often come to the rescue in those situations but she was now completely out of work. I was getting tired and desperately needed a break. Not only was there the demands on me for sex but often when I was woken up during the night I had trouble going back to sleep again.

Help came in the form of a confirmation that Sue had five of her students booked for a competition in Sydney. There was actually two competitions the first a state comp and the second a regional competition which involved New Zealand and some of the Pacific Island nations. This meant that with travelling, training and competition she would be away for over two weeks. I was delighted, more so than her actually.

I called Phillip and organized for him to pick Sue and her skaters up at the airport. I reminded him that I was to be kept up to date on anything sexual that happened, involving Sue and he agreed. Life was looking up. I would get a chance to spend more time with Julie and I also would be given a break from Sue’s demands for a period. I also would soon know if she could be tempted to stray once more.

No sooner had the arrangements made then we received an invite to Ron and Lyn’s wedding to be held at the same time as Sue would be in Sydney. A note enclosed told me that Lyn was, in fact, pregnant which explained why the decision had been made so suddenly. It was addressed to Goyse and partner. I asked Sue if it was possible for her to attend and she made it quite clear that it would be impossible.

I was required to do some interviews for the organization in the coming months in the east so I asked Ronny to bring them forward to coincide with Lyn’s wedding plans. This meant that I could take an assistant with me and of course, I selected Julie.  I called Lyn to let her know what I was planning.

“Hello, Lyn speaking.”

“Hi Lyn, how are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

“I rang to tell you that Julie and I will be attending your wedding. I’m hoping to be in town a couple of days before the wedding date.”

“That’s great. Hold on, Ron wants to talk to you.”

“G’day son, how’s it hanging, Goyse.”

“I’m fine, Ron. How have you been?”

“Same here, mate. I was waiting to hear if you would be able to attend before I asked the big question. Would you be willing to be my best man?”

“Of course I will. It would be an honour.”

“Good, it’s settled. I’ll put Lyn back on. I expect you and she have things to talk about. I’ll catch you when you arrive then.”

“Yea, mate. Catch you then.”

There was a delay before Lyn came back on. I could hear voices in the background but couldn’t make out what was being said.”

“It’s Lyn, Goyse. Ron has just left. He said that I should talk to you in private. Is there anything that you want to ask me? Ron thinks there is.”

“Probably, there is something that I’m keen to know. You only need to say yes or no. You know the question don’t you?”

“Yes, I know the question. Yes, the answer is yes as well.”

“How does Ron feel about it?”

“He’s marrying me so I guess he accepts it. I have told him but we haven’t really talked a lot about it. When I told him he just said OK then said he needs a little time to think about what happens next. He left me alone. I thought I had lost him but he returned about two hours later with a ring and asked me to marry him.”

“You didn’t ask him how he felt about it.”

“I tried but he just said, “Ssshhh,” and started talking about something else. After that, I didn’t feel that I had the right to try to ask him again. As I said, I guess he accepts it.”

“I guess so. One thing you can bet on is that he is in love with you otherwise he would not have come back.”

“How do you feel about it?”

“What do you mean? It’s not up to me to decide.”

“You must have some thoughts about someone else raising your child.”

“If I was allowed to pick a man to do it for me, it would be Ron. He will protect you and he will protect any child no matter who the father is. You made a choice but so did I. I knew this may be the outcome. If I had serious doubts, you wouldn’t be pregnant now.”

“So Julie is coming with you. How does Sue like that?”

“She probably won’t know. If she does know that Julie is coming over, she will not know that we have a relationship going.”

“So you haven’t told her?”

“She hinted that she knew there was someone but I didn’t offer any information on who it might be.”

“So she will be free to screw another donkey dick while you are away. That’s kind of you to give her so much freedom.”

“It’s one way of keeping her attention away from Julie and me.”

“You’re getting to be a sneaky bastard in your old age.”

“Yep, I’ve had a good teacher.”

“Yes, Sue has done a good job. How long will you be over here when you come?”

“I was planning on two weeks. Sue is in Sydney for two weeks. Debbie or Marg will look after the kids for us. Not that a teenager needs a lot of looking after. I’d better sign off. I need to catch up to Julie to fill her in on what is happening.”

“Yes, good choice of words there, Goyse. You go over and fill her in.”

We said our goodbyes and I headed over to discuss the trip with Julie. Since I had caught Sue following me, I had made a habit of watching cars behind me as I drove. Sure enough, when I pulled up at the lights I saw a car slow well behind me in much the same way that Sue had done a couple of weeks before. Thinking that she may have borrowed someone’s car to track me, I decided to change direction. The car followed me. I stopped at a couple of shops and then headed back home. The car followed me all the way but when I turned into our street it went passed.

I immediately turned around and followed it. The driver headed back to town and went to the skating rink. I watched as a middle-aged man got out and headed inside. I parked and followed him. When I entered the building I saw him walk across to Sue, say something to her and then walk down to the coffee shop. He placed an order and took a seat. I stood back where it was unlikely that I would be seen and I watched.

After a while, Sue headed down to the coffee shop and pulled up a seat. I continued to watch and shortly after two coffees were delivered to the table. They sat on opposite sides of the table leaning across and talking quietly. There was no way that I could hear even if I could get close. I made a decision.

I walked across to the coffee shop. Grabbed a chair and sat down next to Sue.

“Having a little meeting are we?” I asked.

By the looks on their faces it was obvious they had been caught out. Neither of them spoke for some time and then Sue said, “This is one of the guys who are interested in sponsoring our trip to Sydney.”

“Ah great, that explains exactly why you were following me. That’s exactly how sponsors behave.”

Their eyes shifted to give each other a quick sideways glance which said a lot more than they were going to tell me. I continued, “If you want to know where I am going, simply ask me. The next time you try following me, I will have the police pull you over and take you in for questioning. Stalking people is a crime in this state. To make sure that they understand, I will be calling in at the local police station to give them your car license number and a photo of you that I just took.”

The quick glance once more told me that I was on the right track. Before they could say anything I got up and walked away. I went around to the local police station and asked for a friend, a police officer who often water skied with my crew. When he came to the desk I asked him if there was somewhere quiet to talk. He took me into one of the interview rooms. He made sure that the video was turned off before he asked what I wanted.

I explained the situation and provided him with the information that I had. He listened quietly until he had all that I could tell him. He then informed me that the guy was an amateur who did snooping to provide individuals with information on their spouses. He had been warned a few times by the local police because he operated without a license to conduct such investigations. He assured me that he would have him picked up and warned off.

I then headed over to inform Julie of what had transpired. I asked her to be careful around town. I had no idea what harm someone tracking me or Julie, for that matter could do but the thought of Julie being followed around by some unscrupulous character gave me the creeps.

When Sue got home I asked her to sit down then started to question her about what was going on.

“What the hell are you up to getting some creepy character to follow me around?”

“How did you know he was following you and how did you know I organized it?”

“It wasn’t hard to catch him out. He has no idea what he is doing. He followed me all around town. Initially, it didn’t worry me but after he followed me into the shops, I just thought I need to deal with this. It had to be you because as soon as I went home he came straight over to the rink to report to you. A person doesn’t need to be really smart to work out what is going on.”

“Janice told me he was good. He caught her husband out cheating on her and told me that I should use him to catch you out as well.”

“He’s Janice’s uncle. Of course, she is going to recommend him. He probably uses her to drum up work for him. Why would you want to know what I am doing anyway?”

“You know all about me. I don’t know anything about what you are doing. You knew almost every man I had been with over east. If you know that, you probably know all about what I’m doing now as well but I don’t know anything about you at all. I just wanted to know more about what you were up to. I’ve stopped what I was doing. I wanted to know if you had someone, that’s all.”

 “OK, let’s put it down to a bad experience and move on. There is just one thing that I have to tell you. If you try to get him or anyone else to try following me, they will end up in court and it will become public knowledge. I don’t want that, how about you?”

“No, I don’t want that either. Are you going to tell me if you are seeing anyone?”

“The only women that I see regularly are my administrative assistant, Ronny and her associate, Julie. You must understand that I would not be able to function at work without their help and assistance. Ronny has spoken about retiring soon. We have been grooming Julie to be her replacement so I do spend a little more time with her. Of course, I have to spend time during the weekends with her as well for her coaching.”

“So you are saying it is all innocent then?”

“Come on, what are you thinking? You know as well as I do that there is very little in this world that is totally innocent. Julie is good looking. She has an immaculate figure. She trains daily. She is intelligent and very knowledgeable. She holds a great conversation. Of course, I like being with her. Every man and a good many women would want to be able to spend time with her. Am I going to desert my wife and kids and run away with her? No! She is a good deal younger than I am. Even if I wanted to do something like that, she is not going to be interested in an old married codger like me, is she?”

“I suppose you’re right. I just worry about it, that’s all.”

“That’s called guilt. People, who do things that can hurt others sometimes, have a fear that someone will do the same to them. It’s called a guilt complex. You are not unique. Many people suffer the same problem. With some it even gets so severe they can’t trust anyone. They keep checking up on those who care for them so much they drive them away. Many of them end up living alone for the rest of their lives.”

“I guess what you say is right. Since you came back from the US, I just feel as if something has changed with you. I don’t feel as if you care about where I am or what I am doing anymore. It’s like someone else has your undivided attention and your here but your heart is not.”

“I’m not an expert but you may find that is your guilt complex working on you. You need to get control of yourself before it takes you over completely. Come on let’s see what the kids are up to. Maybe we could take them to a movie or something. Teenaged kids need to get out and about. Sitting around in their rooms is not healthy for them.”

The next day I left for work early but went to Julie’s place. I told her what had transpired. She wasn’t concerned and said that if Sue wanted to know about our relationship then let her. Her casual approach worried me a little initially. After thinking about it for a while, I thought maybe she is right. Don’t tell Sue what is happening but if she was nosey enough to find out then let her.

Sue flew out the following Friday. Julie and I flew out on Saturday morning. The wedding wasn’t until the following Saturday which meant that we had most of the week together. When we got off the plane my mobile rang.

“Hi, it’s Goyse speaking. How can I help you?”

“Lyn here, Goyse. I was wondering when you and Julie were going to arrive?”

“We’ve just got off the plane and we were planning on driving up tomorrow or maybe the next day.”

“That’s good. I was hoping to spend some time with the two of you before the wedding. Ron will be out of town until Friday night. He suggested that I ring you and invite you to stop the week at my place until the wedding.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea, Lyn? You know, after everything that’s happened and all.”

“Well, it’s OK with Ron. He has been encouraging it and I’d really like for the three of us to spend some time together again. Our trip was something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I’d really like to capture some of our time together again. I won’t be able to after I’m married if you know what I mean. I’d like Julie’s help as well, preparing for the wedding.”

“OK, we will arrive Monday afternoon. We should be there shortly after lunch. Don’t plan anything for Thursday. Julie and I have interviews all day.”

After I got off the phone, I told Julie what had transpired. It was obvious to me that she was excited about it and keen to see Lyn again.

We arrived as expected at Lyn’s place. The first thing that I noticed is how neat and tidy her garden was. She always maintained it OK but now it was the showpiece in the street. Lyn came out and threw her arms around me and kissed me. She told me how good it was to see me again and then did the same with Julie.

“Wow, your garden is immaculate. You must have put hours of work into it.”

“That’s Ron. He is a fanatic about gardening. He has got me out here every minute that he can, working on it with him. Can’t you see my suntan? I’ve got more exposure to the sun in the last month than I have during the rest of my life. He keeps talking about owning a nursery and is saving his money for it.”

“Do you enjoy it too, Lyn?”

“Yes, I am developing an interest. If we can get the money together we will probably do it as a partnership. He knows the technical side and I like doing the work. We would probably make a go of it once we get the money.”

“So if I were to offer to loan him the money do you think he would accept?”

 “He doesn’t trust banks but if the loan was from you he probably would accept it. Certainly, if you did, I would appreciate it. I need something to keep me busy and it would be great if Ron didn’t have to travel with his work. Come on in. I’ve got some lunch ready for us.”

We had lunch. Lyn sat between Julie and me on the same side of her long table. Regularly, I felt her leg touching mine. The only way that could happen was if she wanted it. At one stage, I looked down and saw that Julie and Lyn’s legs were touching as well. The question that was in my mind was answered. It was Lyn's way of telling us without saying the words that she was available if we were interested. The problem for me was that Ron was my lifelong friend. I wouldn’t feel comfortable deceiving him.

After lunch, the girls cleaned up the kitchen together. I could see into the kitchen from where I sat drinking my coffee. Lyn was making sure that at every opportunity she made physical contact with Julie. They were talking quietly and I assumed that was because what they were saying was not for my ears. I did catch a few words occasionally. It was just enough to tell me that they were talking about how the relationship with Lyn and Ron had progressed.

As one stage they stopped their work and stood very close to each other. Julie said quite loudly, “Really, he is encouraging you to do it! Fuck me, that’s so erotic.” Lyn then put her arms around Julie’s neck and pulled her in close to her and they kissed. I didn’t know for sure what it was that Ron was encouraging Lyn to do but my guess was that we would know soon enough.

Afterwards, Lyn excused herself and said she would be back soon. Julie came over and sat with me and whispered, “Lyn wants us to sleep with her in her big bed like we did before.”

“What about Ron. They are going to get married on the weekend. We don’t have the right to do anything that puts her future at risk.”

“Ron asked her to do it. He organized his trip so that we could be alone with her. She told me that when they make love he asks her all about what happened on our trip to the US. She says he gets really horny while she is telling him about it. The things she told me really turned me on. She said that he wants her to video us together but she refused.”

“Hhhmmmm, I thought that was what you were talking about. Maybe we could use Lyn’s phone to get a little video of you and her together. Would you mind?”

“No, the thought of it turns me on. I’d like that. Will you talk to her about it?”

“OK, let’s see what transpires, will we?”

It was then that Lyn came back. She had changed into a loose top. It was obvious that she had no bra on. Not that she needed one because she was not overly endowed on the top end. The skirt that she wore was very short. If she was to bend over no doubt her panties would show. When she got a little closer I realized that I couldn’t see a panty line. Maybe she was going commando. The thought had an immediate effect on me.

“OK, let’s get this party going. Julie, come here. You will just have to watch for a while, Goyse.” As Julie moved over towards her, Lyn put her phone down on the coffee table beside the lounge. I reached across and picked it up. It was the same phone as mine and I was lucky enough that she had not shut it down so that I could get access to her camera without entering a password. 

Julie stood up and Lyn took her into her arms. Lyn had her back to me so she was not able to see that I was videoing them. They kissed and whispered quietly to each other. I picked up a few words, enough to know that Lyn and Julie were telling each other how much they missed each other. As they kissed Julie had dropped her hand down onto Lyn’s bottom. She hiked her dress slowly up until her dress covered almost nothing. Nothing that is that I might be interested in.


I knew what Julie was doing. I had often done the same for her during our trip back from the states. She was exposing Lyn to me. It had the desired effect. Lyn’s phone had limited zoom capability so I used what it had and then leaned forward to get a close up of what was on show. I then lowered it down towards the floor to give an upskirt view of the goodies.

Julie saw what I was doing and holding Lyn by the shoulders she took a step backwards. Lyn immediately lost her balance and to regain it she bent forward at the waist and spread her legs a little. I reminded myself to watch this video before I showed it to Lyn.

“What was that all about?” Lyn said.

“It’s OK, just don’t move. That’s perfect. Ron will love it.” Julie replied.

Lyn turned her head to look in my direction and spotted the camera phone. She smiled and gave me that little flash of her eyes that was her trademark. My heart skipped a beat and I wondered how wonderful life would have been for me if I had left Sue to run off with Lyn when she had once suggested it.

“Ron will most likely masturbate over it every night. I could spend a few lonely nights over the next few months once he sees this. He will probably like that more than the real thing.”

“No one could not love the real thing, Lyn. You have played a part in my dreams for the last two decades. A little less these days though. Julie has pushed you aside, I’m afraid.”

“Fucking little hussy, slut, stealing my man from me. I’ll have to give her a good spanking for that. Get those clothes off, Julie. Give me your belt, Goyse.” I set the phone down so that it could record me removing my belt. I then continued and removed my shirt and my trousers. This left me in only my jocks. I was hard so I knew that my erection would be visible under my jocks. 

Julie could see what I was doing so she moved over to me and took my bundle in my hands and pushed me to the side a step. This put her right in front of the camera. She turned me sideways and then started to strip off her clothes while rocking her hips from side to side as if in time to some silent music. After her skirt top and bra were gone she turned to face the camera, pushed her panties down. She then lifted one leg then the other to remove her panties.

Rather than throw her panties down she pulled me back into the vision of the camera and lifted her panties up to my nostrils. I sniffed them then took her into my arms and hugged her and kissed her. She then put her fingers into the side of my jocks and pulled them down to my feet. This placed her on her knees in front of me so she reached over and took my cock into her mouth.

All the while Lyn was standing in the background watching this. Julie motioned her over. She then rose and put her arms around Lyn forcing her down onto her knees in front of me where Julie had been.

“Suck him!”

“No, you can’t make me.”

“Yes, I can. Now suck him or else.”

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The slap of my belt on her behind even shocked me. I had not expected it and I’m damn sure that Lyn hadn’t either.

“No, I won’t. You can’t make me.”

Slap. Slap.


Slap, slap, slap, slap.

“Oh fuck. OK, I’ll suck him.”

“You had better, bitch or you won’t sit down for a week without your arse hurting. Now, suck my lover. Make him cum and don’t you dare spill a drop of his potent baby making juice.”

Lyn took me so far into her mouth that her lips were pressing up against my balls. This was something that Lyn had never done for me. Yes, she had put my cock into her mouth before but not all the way into her throat. Previously she had only ever used her mouth to get me excited. She had never taken me to the ultimate conclusion. 

Lyn’s sucking went on for some time. I was holding back. It felt too nice to end it.

“Here move out of the way. You’re a fucking useless woman. I’ll show you how it’s done. No wonder your boyfriend goes away to work. You don’t even know how to suck a man off properly.”

She grabbed Lyn by the shoulders and pulled her away from me. As my cock came clear of her mouth it made a clear popping sound like pulling a cork out of a bottle. Julie took her place and immediately took me down her throat. The difference between Lyn and Julie was that Lyn only backed off to catch her breath while when Julie pulled back my cock almost came clear of her mouth. Julie also used her tongue on the head of my cock while it was in her mouth.

There was no doubt that if it was a competition, Julie would have won. I wondered how a woman who had experience limited to a short marriage and the time that Lyn and I had spent with her could be such an expert. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud slap. Lyn had the strap and she was seeking revenge.

Slap, slap, slap, slap.

“Can’t you hit harder than that, you weak bitch!”


“That’s better. Now that you’ve made me dribble you had better clean me.”

Lyn threw the belt away and dropped to her knees behind Julie. I couldn’t see anything but I could feel the effect it had on Julie. Her rhythm had changed to an uneven pattern and although I couldn’t hear her moans I could feel them through my cock.

“You had better stop or I will cum.”

Julie stopped and said, “Isn’t that the general idea?”

“If you girls want me involved later tonight, I will need to conserve my strength.”

“OK, but I think Lyn needs some help when you are able.”

I took the camera phone and moved around behind Julie. Lyn was lapping on her little, wet slit. I videoed it for a while then moved around behind Lyn. She was very wet, in fact, she was dripping.  After about a minute of videoing from different angles, I set the phone down directly below Lyn’s pussy.  I then teased her a little by rubbing my finger very, very lightly along her slit. I saw her rhythm change and she tried to pull back to get my finger to penetrate her. I then took my cock and rubbed the head up and down her slit. I could actually feel her open up as I did so.

I pushed lightly forward and my head slipped into her. I then withdrew and repeated the process again. She moaned and humped her back. I thrust forward sinking about two inches inside her.  She stopped licking Julie and pulled her head back.

“Oooohhh, I missed that feeling of you sliding inside me. Thanks, Ron for giving me this opportunity. I’ll always be grateful for you letting me do this one last time. Give it to me, Goyse. I’ve been a naughty girl. I’ve let you give me your baby. I deserve to be treated like some lowly whore. Show me how you treat whores. Fuck your pregnant whore of a girlfriend like there is no tomorrow.”

I then realized that she was not doing this for herself or for me but she was doing this for the video that I was making for her future husband. I worked hard and fast on her. Usually, I had always made slow and care full love to Lyn but this time the motivation was different. I was acting out the scene that Lyn had scripted for me.

With my hard thrusts into her, she was having difficulty keeping her attention on Julie. Every so often she called out things like, “Oh, that’s nice, keep that up,” or “I love that. Give it to me.”

This went on for some time. I knew that I was not far off but I didn’t want to ruin the video.

 Suddenly she called out, “I can feel you getting harder. You are going to cum in me, aren’t you? Oooohhh yes, ooohhh yes, ooohhh yes, ooohhh yes, ooohhh yes, cum with me Goyse. Splatter your fertile seed in my little love pussy. Show Ron how you made his little whore pregnant. Send it all the way in to seed my eggs.” 

“I stopped holding back and I felt one all mighty throb in my loins. My balls lifted in their sack and like a high-velocity cannon, they fired my sperm deep inside her. Then they reloaded and fired again and again. Eventually, it was over. I felt that all my energy had been sucked out through my cock into Lyn. I had no more to give. I pulled back and watched as my sperm ran out of her. A long string of my sperm hung down from her elongated clit drifting ever so slowly closer and closer to the floor.

I then thought of the phone but I was too late. The sperm hit the phone and spread across the screen. It was Julie who spoke.

“Get that shit off her phone, quick. Who knows what it will do to the screen.”

I grabbed the phone and rushed it over to the sink, closely followed by Julie. Here let me have a go. I’ll clean it. She was holding the phone in front of her. She took it and rubbed the sperm off onto her tit. Most of it came off but not all. She held it out then rubbed it against her other tit. She took another look and then rubbed it across the fur of her pussy, no doubt thinking that her pubic hairs would remove more than bare skin. I grabbed some tissues and held them out to her. It was then that a thought struck me. It was still videoing.

My laughter made Julie stop and look at me. “What’s so funny?”

“The video is still going. That’s going to be interesting.”

Both Lyn and Julie burst out laughing with me. By this time Julie had cleaned the screen. It was obvious that the little lens had not been affected. I took the camera and pushed it down between Julie’s legs. She spread wide for me to capture the beauty of her neat little pussy. I held the camera in one hand and used the other to open her up to show her tight little hole, I then moved upwards and repeated the process to show her sweet little clit hidden away in her folds.

I then moved over to Lyn who was lying on her back on the carpet. I moved the camera from a close up of her lips down across her petite tits, getting a close up of her protruding nipples as I went. I moved down to her pussy. I started back about two feet and then moved slowly closer. As I did so Lyn opened her legs wider and wider to give me the perfect shot.

Her pussy had closed up since my withdrawal but my sperm was still present on the outside. As she opened her legs her slit opened slightly and I could look inside and see my sperm still present inside her. Her big clit was becoming more pronounced as she opened up telling me that she was becoming sexually stimulated again. I felt Julie beside me and I drew the camera back and Julie moved in between her legs. I knew what she was going to do. It would be the ultimate aphrodisiac for Ron. Julie was going to clean Lyn.

Julie started by going around the edges and at the top of Lyn’s legs. She then worked closer and closer toward her slit. When the outside had been cleaned she then started at her anus and slipped her tongue all the way up to her mount passing her protruding clit on the way. I used the phone camera to capture it all. It was highly erotic and I was getting turned on again. Finally, Julie focused her attention on Lyn’s clit which by now was protruding its full two inches out from the top of her pussy like a horny little penis.   

While she was doing this, Julie was on her hands and knees with her but projecting upwards. It was becoming too much for me and I was ready to play again. I had to keep videoing so as I did with Lyn, I moved around behind Julie videoing her all the while. I shot her from a distance of two meters and then moved in closer to her pussy. Her wetness was obvious but the tightness of her outer pussy flaps meant that it was only escaping at the lower reaches.

I placed the camera on the ground as I had done with Lyn and then place my cock against her pussy. Despite her wetness, I knew that it was totally impossible to just push into her. She was too tight for that so I slid the head of my cock up and down her slit several times while pushing gently. This allowed her pussy flaps to open just enough to allow my head to enter her.

Once I was in, it took a good many thrusts to become embedded inside her. She helped by humping her back each time I thrust. She felt nice. She always did but the excitement of being with Lyn again and knowing that Ron would be watching what we were doing next week, spurred on my excitement. Julie had told me before if ever I wanted to use her and not worry about her satisfaction then I should just do so. 

I stroked rapidly inside her and felt the urge to cum rising in my balls. I made no attempt to hold back and within a couple of minutes, I unloaded inside her. She groaned and moaned as I did so. As I went to pull out she turned her head and said, “Fuck that was nice lover. I love you.”

“You’re pretty special, Julie. I love you too.”

I withdrew and picked the phone camera up and stopped the video. If that wasn’t enough for Ron, he would never be satisfied. I handed it back to Lyn.

“I want a copy of that, mate. If we can put it on a disk can I give it to Ron as a marriage gift.”

“I’ll put it on my computer and then onto a disk after we get home from dinner tonight. I’ve booked a table for us at the local. They serve pretty good food and the entertainment is OK as well.”

“I’ll get our bags from the car so you can have a shower, Julie.”

I went out and returned with the bags. I went to put them away in the spare bedroom.

“Where do you think you are going? You are both sleeping with me until Friday when Ron gets back.”

She led me into her bedroom. Lyn, as usual, had everything organized. She had a spot cleared for my clothes and the same for Julie’s. She had draped a curtain across one side of her walk-in wardrobe which I assumed was to keep Ron’s clothes from our view.

Julie went for a shower which gave me a little time to talk to Lyn.

“This video thing with Ron, can you explain it to me, Lyn.”

“Really nothing much to explain, Ron as you know, was married before. He was very possessive and wouldn’t accept anything which wasn’t thought to be traditional in his relationship. The marriage failed because his partner wanted to experiment but he very strongly opposed it. Near the end, she was sleeping around but she hid it from him.”

“He found out about it after they separated. Too late, he found out that it turned him on. He hadn’t been given the opportunity to correct the situation. He said that he had missed out on a lot because of his inability to accept that we are all individuals with differing needs and desires. He just doesn’t want to lose me by trying to end my relationship with you and Julie but more than that he wants to use it as a stimulus for his sexual drive.”

“I’ve told him that he doesn’t need to do that with me but he said no, I want it to happen. I didn’t really want to do it but I thought I should do it for him.”

“So what you are saying, he has given you a chance for one last fling.”

 “I think he wants it to happen more than once but I’ve said that I will do it once only with you and Julie and then we can see where it leads from there. I have no desire to be screwing around all over the place. I do care for him and will listen to anything that he wants within reason. He wanted you and Julie to join us on our honeymoon but I’ve put my foot down there. I told him that you and Julie would not do that.”

  She continued, “What he doesn’t understand is that I was married to Jon, who tried to screw everything that wore a skirt. I really don’t want that happening again so I’ve told him that allowing him to have sex outside our marriage is out of the question. He said that he was not interested in anyone else. He only wanted me. I don’t actually know where it might lead. All I can do is set limits and guidelines and I’ve done that by saying you and Julie only. All of this has come as a bit of a shock to me.”

“What did he want for the honeymoon?”

“We are heading to the beach for the week. Ron has booked a four bedroom house. He wanted you and Julie to join us on the first four days and let things develop from there. He was hoping that Julie and I might get together and maybe you would join us. I told him that you would never accept Julie and him getting together and he assured me that he wouldn’t want that either. He said he would only be interested in me after you and I had finished.”

“So like you and me after Phillip?”

“He doesn’t know about Phillip. I haven’t told him yet and I may never tell him. I suspect that he may want me to get in contact with him and I don’t want to do that. That time with Phillip was a one only event and it won’t be happening again.”

 “Phillip asked after you last week.”

“What, you have been in contact with him?”

“Yes, I asked him to keep an eye on Sue while she is in Sydney.”

“You know what that means don’t you?”

“Of course, he and his wife will want to bed her. They are probably hard at it right now.”

“Doesn’t it upset you, knowing that she is screwing someone else without any consideration for your feelings?”

“It used to once but over time I’ve learned to accept it. I chose some of her recent sex partners for her so that I knew that she would be safe. That’s the only concern that I have now, knowing that she will not end up with some nutter who hurts her. You have probably guessed that I am no longer in love with her.”

“She’s lucky to have you. Most men would have dumped her by now.”

“Who’s lucky?” It was Julie returning from her shower.

“I was just saying that Goyse’s wife is lucky to have him. Any other man would have left her by now.”

“Maybe she’s lucky but I’m not, that’s for sure. Any other man would have left her and taken me away before now.”

“You’ve got that wrong. If he hadn’t been the man he is, you and I would not have had the opportunity to get to know him because he would still be with my sister, Marg.”

“I didn’t ever think of that.”

“Well, I did. I just bless my lucky stars that I had the opportunity to have over a decade with him. Now he is yours and if you are patient and stick with him you will probably end up growing old with him. I think Sue is about to find what she has been looking for. I think that Goyse knows it too and has set her up to meet him.” 

I was taken aback by this. She was saying it as if I had done something to get rid of Sue. “What are you saying, Lyn?”

“Don’t tell me that you set her up to be with Phillip for nothing. You saw me with him. You know how good he is. She won’t be able to resist him like I did. Once he bites her, she will be his forever. I just know it. I feel it here.” She pointed to her heart.

I was lost for words. Did Lyn actually think that I had sent Sue to Phillip thinking that she wouldn’t come back? Phillip was married. His wife was certainly not going to allow him to get too close to her. But then, if it did happen it would offer an opportunity to Julie and me.  

 Julie was sitting back staring at me as if trying to analyze the situation. “You have done that for me,” she said. “Are you actually willing to give up your wife and kids like that to be with me?”

How do you answer a question like that? If you say yes then it makes you a selfish, lying arse-hole. If you say no then the one who can benefit from it would feel that you don’t care about her. I just shrugged my shoulders.

Julie moved over to me and kissed me. “I love you,” she said. “You and Lyn are everything to me. I hope she falls in love with him and never comes home. It is what I dream about every night.”

“I know that dream,” said Lyn. “I had it every night for over ten years. I shouldn’t say this but I still have it sometimes even today.”

“Come here, Lyn.” She moved over to Julie. “Tonight I’ll sleep in the spare room so that you and Goyse can have a night together, just you and the father of your baby.”

“No, you don’t have to do that, Julie. I know how much you love him. I don’t want to hurt you by keeping you apart.”

“No, it’s settled. Tonight is your last night alone with him. I’ll be OK. Just don’t make too much noise grunting and groaning and keep me awake.”

After that, we got up and headed out for dinner. The food was nice and the atmosphere was great. We danced together, the three of us until they closed and then headed off home. With everything that happened, I hadn’t called Marg to check on the kids. It was the first time that I had ever been away from home and not called them. I made a mental note to call them in the morning.

Lyn and I spent the night together. We made love a couple of times during the night. After the second time, I was just lying there thinking of Julie when Lyn spoke.

“Go to her.”


“You are thinking of her. Go to her. She will be lonely. She will really appreciate it if you go to her.”

“I’ll go to her only if it’s OK to bring her back to you.”

“OK, if that is what you want then do it.”

“I want you to make love to her. She loves you as much as she does me, you know.”

“I doubt that.”

“It’s true. You are very special to her. I often see her looking at you. She doesn’t look at anyone else like that. I often wonder if she and I were to get together would she miss you.”

I got up and went into the spare room. Julie was wide awake. I asked her was she OK? She said yes, that she was just lying there thinking about Lyn and me together and rubbing her pussy. I told her that I know someone who would like to rub it for her. I said that all she had to do was to follow me and Lyn would look after her. She smiled at me. Put her arms around my neck, pulled me down onto her and kissed me.

Once we broke the kiss she got up and followed me into the master bedroom. Lyn was sitting up in bed waiting for us.

I watched Lyn and Julie make love for the next hour or so and then drifted off to sleep. I awoke at dawn to find Lyn no longer in bed. I quietly got up and found Lyn in the kitchen drinking a coffee.

“You’re up early, Lyn.”

“Yes, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was racing, thinking of what is happening. You would understand. I saw you going through it over a number of years, looks as if I have the same problem. Maybe it’s contagious.”

“What are you thinking about Lyn? Tell me about your dream?”

“You wouldn’t understand it.”

“Try me. I’ve had some crazy ones. I doubt if yours are any crazier.”

“I start thinking about our marriage vows. Every time is almost the same. Everything starts OK but halfway through the preacher says, ‘you swear to take as many men as your husband brings home.’ After that I’m in a room with all these men around me and Ron is in the corner on a chair masturbating. I look back and this huge cock is about to drill me. Then I wake up.”

“Ron wouldn’t do that to you. He’s got this thing about you and me because of your pregnancy. The thought of you and me together turns him on, that’s all. He’ll get over it once you are married.”

“He wants you and Julie to come on the honeymoon with us. It’s fucking crazy. If you do come along he will want to watch us together. I love you Goyse. You know it, I know it, Julie knows it and it looks like Ron knows it as well. It’s not a good way to start a marriage.”

“Do you love Ron?”

“Of course I do. He is very important to me. I love him as much as I do you.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about then. Look, if you are right about Phillip and Sue then I will be asking Julie to marry me as soon as my divorce comes through. Once that happens there is no good reason why you shouldn’t visit us occasionally and you visit us. The only condition that I insist on is that Ron and Julie are not to get together. If Ron wants us to get together with Julie there couldn’t be any harm in it. Surely that will satisfy his fetish.”

“Maybe, we will see what happens. About the honeymoon, do you want to come with us? Ron asked me to see if you would join us.”

 “I think that Julie wants to go. I wouldn’t mind being there, especially if I have the opportunity to watch you and Ron together. I think it would be very erotic.”

“What if Ron and Julie decide to get together on the spur of the moment?”

“I would rather that it didn’t happen but if Julie decided that she wants it, I wouldn’t try to stop her.”

“I’ll talk to her beforehand and explain that it could affect your relationship with her. I’ll tell her how my getting with Phillip affected our relationship.”

“I didn’t know that you knew.”

“Of course I knew. One day you couldn’t get enough of me and afterwards you only responded when I initiated it. It was one of the things that convinced me that I needed to accept Ron’s offer to have an affair with him. I was totally undecided up until that time.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I was the one who should be saying sorry. Perhaps that’s one of my problems with these dreams. I did something that ruined our chances together and I’m carrying a lot of guilt over it.”

“Come here, Lyn.” She moved over to me. As had always been the case she fitted snuggly into me as if she had been designed for me and me only. “I still love you, you know.”

“Yes, I know but you love Julie more.”

“You made some decisions for me along the way that decided our fate, Lyn. You introduced me to a very, very special woman and I fell in love with her. It didn’t change what we had, Lyn. It just gave me a pathway to follow when you decided to move on. It helped take away the pain. You did that for me and I’ll be forever grateful.”

“During our trip, I was suffering but Julie helped me through it. Towards the end of our trip, I was falling in love with her. I didn’t plan it. I didn’t even want it but it happened. Now she is my world. When I’m away from her I feel sad and have trouble thinking clearly. When I’m with her is the only time that I’m happy. If Sue doesn’t leave me soon, I will be leaving her. I’m having big trouble keeping up this make believe that I love her when I don’t.”

“Maybe you need to be saying that to Julie. While you were talking I was starting to feel angry that you wouldn’t leave Sue for me but now you are thinking of it.”

“I lost you Lyn because I didn’t have the guts to leave her. I’m not going to lose Julie. It’s not going to happen to me again.”

“If I’m right about Phillip, you are probably single already.”

“I hope you’re right, Lyn. You have the ability to see things that no one else can. I just hope you’ve got this one right.”

The rest of the week went quickly. We made love each and every opportunity. We wined and dined every night. Julie was having a ball. We had never been happier.

Ron returned on Friday afternoon. In the morning Julie and I had moved into the spare room. The only indication that Ron gave that he was aware that we were all sharing the same bed while he was away was that night when he asked Lyn in front of us did she want him to sleep in the guest bedroom. Lyn shook her head and said, “of course not.” The way she said it was like a mother reprimanding her child.  

The wedding went off without a hitch. It was a small wedding. Most of the guests were people that I had met or known from the old days. We all had an enjoyable time. Several people remarked that it was good that I had got rid of Sue and found myself a decent lady. I didn’t enlighten them.

Once the wedding was over and before the reception, I called Marg to talk to the kids. Marg told me that they weren’t there. Sue had returned the previous evening and had taken them. This surprised me as she was to be in Sydney for another week. I tried calling her at home but no one answered.

During the reception, Ron asked me if I was going to come down the coast the next day. I told him Lyn had asked me but I needed to be sure that it was OK with him. He said that he was the one that wanted Julie and me to come down. I agreed to come down the next afternoon. 

He then surprised me again by reaching out his hand which I took and as we shook hands he thanked me for the video that I had made for him. I told him that all I did was what he asked me to. He told me that he had opened it up before the wedding and had watched part of it. He said that it was perfect, much better than he had expected. He then asked me if I would make another one once we settled in down the coast. This was his way of asking me to sleep with Lyn during the honeymoon.

I agreed.

Written by goyse
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