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Life without Sue the first time.

"Sue returns to the east, Gloria is pregnant, Al explains how he came to be with Sue."

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We had settled in to life in the west when Sue cheated with Al, one of my employees. I had warned her not to but she ignored the warning and proceeded anyway.  I had caught them in the storeroom of the local skating rink. (See my previous story entitled “Roller Skating”)

Because she had ignored my warning I packed up her personal belongings and sent her back east to her parent's place. Al’s wife, Gay refused to go home to her husband that night and spent the night with me and my female friends, Marg and Cherie. In the morning she told me that because she and Al had not had sex for many months she was not protected and she was approaching the fertile time of her cycle.

As the company that I worked for took a hard line on personal interactions between employees it meant that we had to sack Al. He was now unemployed.

The story continues

The weeks passed slowly following the departure of my wife, Sue. Debbie and Gloria visited regularly. Although we had the occasional bout of sex most of the visits were social where we had a meal and a couple of drinks.

It was during one of these social visits that Gloria started calling me daddy. Initially, I thought it was because I had provided my sperm for Debbie's baby but after she kept it up for several hours I started to think that there was more to it.

“OK, whats going on?” I asked her, then looked across at Debbie who had a smile that threatened to split her face.

“You’re a bit slow, aren’t you? I thought you would have worked it out before now.”

There could only be one other reason for calling me daddy if it was not about Debbie. “Gloria, are you going to have our baby?”

She nodded her head and burst into tears. I was concerned for her. “I thought you wanted it? You asked me and we all agreed.”

“I’m just happy, that’s all.”

“OK, I understand.” Actually, I will never understand, women. They cry when they are sad and they cry just as much when they're happy. Occasionally they just cry because they feel like a good cry especially when they're pregnant. Now, Let's not talk about what they refer to as ‘that time of the month’.

Marg and Cherie after trying to convince me that I should move in with them eventually moved across to my place and took charge of the second large bedroom which allowed me to retain the master bedroom. The house was a large one. Marg and Cherie were working day jobs as I was, so maintaining the house was taking up a lot of our leisure time. It was with this in mind that I rang Debbie to ask her how busy she was.

Debbie became our housekeeper. She did a magnificent job and my company, once they heard offered to pay her a reasonable wage to maintain our house as well as another managers residence. Debbie being the efficient and responsible person that she was started to prepare our meals for us. By this time her pregnancy was clearly visible.

I had not heard from Gay at all since our night together. I often thought of her and was tempted to start attending roller skating evenings to ‘accidentally’ run into her. The only reason that I didn’t was because of the embarrassment that I felt knowing that by now everyone would know that my wife and I had split and the reason why was likely to be common knowledge. The temptation was about to overpower me when one evening I saw a white sedan pull into my driveway. I recognized the car as Al’s so expected that Gay would be the driver but was absolutely astonished when I opened the door to Al.

“Now this is a surprise. What do you want?”

“I’ve come to apologize to you.”

“Look, Al. I know that Sue used you but you are an adult and should have been able to work out that what you did was not acceptable.”

“Can you listen to what I have to say. I don’t blame you for being angry but I need to tell you how I feel and why I did what I did.”

“OK, I’m listening. Say what you must but once you finish I would like you to leave.”

“It all started when Sue flirted with me and I flirted back. At that stage, I did not know that she was your wife. It was harmless fun. I become aware that another man, who I won’t name and her were getting together occasionally. Because of that, I assumed that she was either single or divorced.”

“She started joining me for coffee after skating and I enjoyed her company. She was always touchy, feely with me so I responded similarly with her. This led to an occasional behind the scenes kiss. I still didn’t know that she was your wife. I probably should have realized it because you were there the night that I met her but I just thought you were a friend.”

“It was at this stage that the other man disappeared off the scene. I was glad because I really liked her and she was taking every opportunity to indicate to me without saying as much that if I wanted to bed her she would be willing. It was becoming a habit of hers to actually rub me at every opportunity so I took that as the green light.”

“My wife and I have not had sex for over a year. I’m probably as much to blame for that as she is because I had an affair and was not careful enough to keep her from finding out about it. Once she found out she stopped sleeping with me and still doesn’t to this day. Don’t misunderstand me, my wife and I are good friends and I care about her but we are not lovers.”

“One day I saw you at the rink. It seems that you had been coming along occasionally but I hadn’t seen you up until that time. I saw you with Sue and asked someone about you. None there seemed to know why you came to skating. You didn’t skate but someone told me that you often left with Sue. I thought you must be some relative or perhaps Sue’s ex-husband. You always spoke to me but I considered it impolite to ask why you were there and you didn’t offer to tell me.”

“Meanwhile Sue and I were getting closer and closer. At the afternoon sessions when you were not there we skated together. I did observe that she was not as friendly at the late sessions but didn’t make the link between that and your presence. I guess I should have. I had asked her to spend a night with me. She told me she would like that but asked about my wife. I explained the situation to her so she agreed and asked me to organize it. I booked a motel room for us.”

“That afternoon I told my wife about it so that she would not be surprised if someone at the rink mentioned something to her. Gay apparently had been sitting with you from time to time at skating. She had got to know you and she told me you seemed to be a nice person. She also told me that she believed that you were very close to Sue. She then asked me how you felt about me screwing your wife. This shocked me as up until that time I hadn’t worked out that you and Sue were married.”

“I immediately picked up the phone and rang Sue. She told me not to worry about it because you had your little floozies and so she had the right to do whatever she wanted. She told me that you usually insisted on knowing all about her affairs and got off on it. She also told me that occasionally if people got to know about her being with someone you would object in public to save face but you always accepted it in the end. Her exact words were ‘Don’t worry about him he will not cause us any trouble.’”

“On that night when you raised objections I wanted to call it off but Sue said, ‘Don’t you remember what I told you. This is his way of saving face’. Then later when she came over to me she said, ‘He insists that I go home with him tonight. He told me to have a quicky and tell Al to plan the get together for tomorrow night.’ She led me into the storeroom and started stripping. I thought you had given her and I the OK.”

“I would never have done that to you if I thought that you were not a party to what we were doing. I’m not what you think I am. You probably can’t forgive me but I needed to tell you my side of what had happened.”

“I have spoken to her by phone and I have asked her to tell you the truth about what happened. She has refused and called me a gutless wonder so I had to come over to explain it to you. I didn’t mean to get her pregnant. I don’t know if she has told you about the pregnancy yet. I had assumed that she must have been on the pill or using some other type of protection. I know it probably doesn’t help but I’m sorry, I’m really sorry to have done this to you.”

I listened intently to his explanation. The last part about her letting him think that he had impregnated her convinced me that he was telling the truth. I knew Sue and understood how she could manipulate people to her own end. Obviously, he had said or done something that had upset her and this was her way of making him suffer. The only good thing about it was that I was not on the receiving end this time. I actually felt a little sorry for Al.

“Look, Al, I believe at least part of what you have said. I know her well and understand how she can manipulate to get what she wants. I hope you learn from this.”

“Thanks, I appreciate you saying that but I’m terribly ashamed at what I have done. Gay is so angry with me that she has only spoken to me once since that night. And I can’t blame her.”

“One other thing, Al, don’t worry about Sue being pregnant. She was well on the way before you came along.”

“Thank God, Do you mind if I ask who the father is?”

“As far as I know I am but then after what has happened I should just say I think I am.”

“Are you getting back together?”

“At this stage, it doesn’t look like it. The only chance that we have is if she comes clean and tells me the truth. Now that you have been to see me at least I know enough to be able to tell if she does. Getting the truth and the commitment to not do it again may get us there.”

“I hate to think that I caused this mess.”

“Have you found a job yet, Al.” I needed to change the subject.

“Not yet, I keep getting the opinion that they think I’m too old and they keep asking me why my last employer didn’t supply a reference.”  

 “I know of a job that pays well that would suit you. If you want me to, I would make a call.”

“Would you do that?”

“If what you tell me is true then you are as much a victim as I am. I’ll make the call for you but that’s all. I don’t want you to come back to my house again. I don’t want the neighbours seeing the person who seduced my wife coming to visit me. I have people living with me and so I don't want you to call my home either because one of them could answer the phone. As you might expect I am quite embarrassed with what happen and how it happened. However, I do want to know how you get on so perhaps you could get Gay to drop in sometime to let me know.”

“OK, I’ll ask her. I’d better go. Thanks for listening to me and I am sorry.”

He turned and walked to his car. I watched him closely. He appeared to be a broken man. He probably didn’t deserve the treatment he received but then he let her lead him astray and never questioned what on the surface should have raised enough questions to make him suspicious. I would probably never know for sure but I had a gut feeling that he wanted her no matter what the consequences. His wife, Gay had told me a little about his cheating past which seemed to indicate that he thought with the wrong head when it came to beautiful and sexy women.

I walked inside and found that I had an audience. Debbie, Marg, and Cherie had been listening behind the door. They had not missed a word. Later on, they told me that they could not believe that I had let him off the hook so easily. Cherie was the first to speak.

“You’re a cunning bastard, Goyse. Getting him to send Gay over to you when you know she wants you to fuck her. Well done, mate. Very nice touch I must say.”

“That’s not the reason. I’ve been worried about her. We haven’t heard from her at all since our night together. I’ve tried calling her but she hasn’t answered. I can only call during the day because Al is there in the evening. Something’s not right.”

“She’s probably trying to come to terms with what happened. It’s not easy when you think you have your life all worked out and then you find that there are hidden feelings and desires inside you that you don’t understand. Women are different to men. Men seem to take it as it comes. Women are more emotional and take longer to accept those sexual desires that are a little out of the ordinary.”

“Sexual desires that are out of the ordinary?”

“Yes, She’s lived with her husband for fifteen years and in that time probably not looked at another man. Now that has changed. She hasn’t had sex for about a year and suddenly she finds that she has this crazy sexual desire coming to the surface. She has never been with a woman and in her mind, she probably thought that to do so was perverted but now she has found it is not only OK but sexually stimulating. I would guess that she is not sleeping well because her world has been turned upside down. Besides, it’s my guess that she is probably masturbating sixteen times a day just thinking about it.”

“You seem to be an expert, Cherie. How can you know all this.”

“Remember the boat show? I lived it. One day I had a life that was work and a boyfriend who didn’t satisfy me. Most of the time we didn’t have sex. We were actually good friends nothing else. I believed that I had to find someone who was well endowered to satisfy my sexual urges and so I went out occasionally on my own then went home to my boyfriend. I had never been with a woman and the thought scared me.”

Cherie looked over at Marg then continued, “Marg was my only female friend. She was married to a man like my boyfriend and the others that I chased around the place. They all wanted sex to get their rocks off. After sex, we had to sneak away to masturbate. Not one of them ever tried to satisfy my desires. That was left to me. One day Marg told me about a man she had met who told her that she was important. He told her that he wanted to make love not have sex but the choice was hers.” 

“She said that after sex with this man, Goyse she was too worn out to even think about masturbating. She told me that she had come three times before he asked her to tell him when she was satisfied so then he could cum. She told me about what you did to her before penetration and she offered to show me.”

“I wanted to know so I let her touch me. She undressed me first then she massaged my body.  She started with my feet and worked up to my neck. She massaged my scalp. She didn’t touch my pussy or my tits but worked me all over. I found that she didn’t have to touch me sexually to get me turned on. When she did touch my sexual organs I had the most earth shattering orgasm that I had ever experienced to that day and it didn't stop there.”

“I told her that I just had to meet this guy, Goyse. When I met you it was very special but I realized that being with Marg had been just as special. My world had been turned upside down. I had chased what you call donkey dicks for years and they helped but they didn’t satisfy me like you and Marg did. I had called women who sleep with other women sick fuckers but I had found that I was falling in love with another woman and she could give me much better sexual satisfaction than all of the men that I had been with to date except one.”

“My upbringing told me that what Marg and I had done was morally wrong. Every thing that I had learned and experienced to that time had told me that a big cock was needed for sexual satisfaction but that was wrong as well. I tried to teach my boyfriend but he didn’t understand and he left. At least Marg’s husband tried. My boyfriend was more concerned about how my mind become poisoned by the belief that women could be sexually satisfied. No, I understand what is happening with Gay because I lived it. She’ll be back once she works it out. Just give her time.”

Marg and Debbie had not spoken a word. I could see them nodding in agreement with what Cherie was telling me so I guessed that they had lived through similar upheaval. Both were in homosexual relationships. Both had orgasmed multiple times when we made love. Marg, in particular, had told me after making love that she had experienced the most earth shattering orgasms with me.

It made me feel proud to hear that I had contributed to making their sex lives more enjoyable. It all came about from my simple desire to please others, something that many see as a weakness. Nearly every time that I had made love to a woman my pleasure was secondary to her pleasure. This desire had taught me how to hold back my orgasm except in a few exceptional cases.      

It was later in the week shortly after I returned from work in the evening that the phone rang and in answering it I identified Al's voice.

I was upset that he would ignore my request for him not to call me at my home so I challenged him. “I thought that I told you not to call me at home. Didn’t you understand me?”

“I just want to ask you a simple question and it is the only way that I could contact you directly.”

“OK, whats the question?”

“That night at the rink, did you sleep with my wife?”

“For fuck's sake, Al. What sort of question is that? Don’t you remember, it was you who had sex with my wife? Are you trying to get me angry or something?”

“It’s important, I need to know and I was honest with you so I thought that I should ask you directly.”

“If you have concerns these are the type of things you should be discussing with your wife. What the hell are you trying to do to her asking something like that? I hope you are not going around town asking everybody that.”

“No, she left the rink with you so………  “ He stopped talking. There was a long silence. “She won’t talk to me about that night. I’ve tried to talk to her but she says that I have no right to ask her things like that after what I did. I need to know and you’re the only other person that I can ask.”

“Look, Al, does it really matter anyway? Think about it. If I didn’t sleep with your wife I'm going to say ‘no, it didn’t happen’. On the other hand, I would be a fool to say that I did if in fact we actually slept together because it would cause all types of trouble. So if I did then I’m going to answer ‘No, it didn’t happen’. The answers are going to be identical. So where does this get us?”

“I have to know.”

“Good, then ask your wife but ask her the right way. Don’t make accusations against her.” I didn’t feel that I had made the point well enough so I added. “Besides, you cheated on her and if the rumours are correct you’ve done it numerous times. It’s your marriage but as an outsider, I would suggest that you have no right to go around making accusations against others, especially against me.”

“You don’t understand?”

“I don’t understand? How can you of all people tell me that I don’t understand? Let me remind you that you took my wife into a room where anyone could have walked in, stripped her and fucked her without protection when you knew that your wife and I were only a few feet away.

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This happened after I had told you to take your hands off my wife and to fuck off and leave us alone. What about this do I not understand?”

“She’s pregnant. She is going to have someone else’s kid. I have a right to know who’s child I’m expected to raise.”  

It took me back a little. What do you say to a man who’s wife you have impregnated during a night where revenge was possibly one of the motives for sleeping with her. I had no right to tell him anything if Gay chose not to. I was also concerned that my hesitation might just be enough to confirm his suspicions.

“I’ll give you the phone number of the surgeon that performed my vasectomy five years ago if that will help. If he won’t talk to you let me know and I will send him a message authorizing him to talk to you. Don’t think for a moment though that I’m saying that I slept with your wife. All I’m saying is that I had a vasectomy five years ago.”

“I didn’t know. I’m embarrassed. I don’t know what to say.” The implication of what I had just told him had escaped him. I wondered how long it would take him to remember that my wife was pregnant and I had just told him that I was impotent. For now, I would rather him think that someone else had impregnated Sue than him believe that I had been with his wife.

“I’m sorry that this has happened to you and Gay, Al but if you had respected your wife and respected my position then you would have been with Gay instead of Sue and this would not have happened to you. You have a responsibility in this and you need to act accordingly. As I said before I don’t think you have any right to wander around town asking men that you suspect, did they have sex with your wife? You need to respect your wife and let her decide how much she chooses to tell you. She will need your support with this problem she faces.”

“I guess you are right but it has been driving me insane thinking about it all.”

“Join the club, mate. We are both members but I am not running around town turning my suspicions into accusations."

“I didn’t mean to accuse you.”

“With something like this to ask is to accuse. I can’t help you Al other than perhaps discuss it with your wife if she wants to talk to someone about it. If that was to happen I can assure you both that anything that she told me would never be repeated to anyone not even to you. Right now she must feel terribly alone if she feels that she can’t talk to you, her husband about it.”

“Would you do that for us?”

“Yes, you can tell her that I said she can come over to talk to me anytime that she chooses. Remember to make sure that you tell her that anything that I become aware of will never be repeated to anyone. Her secrets would always be safe with me.”

“I’ll tell her.”

We finished our call and I turned around to find Marg sitting behind me. She had heard every thing.

“She’s a silly girl. She should have used protection or at least told you that it was a risk so that you could pull out.”

“She was angry. With every thing that happened, she may even have wished to get pregnant to teach Al a lesson. We can do strange things when we get angry with those we love especially when they cheat on us. I need to talk to her but I can’t go over to see her or Al will know. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want him to know just yet if at all.”

“I can fix that. I’ve been over to see her a couple of times. He won’t suspect anything if I go to see her. I’ll tell her that she needs to talk to you. I’ll drop over tomorrow. You need to start thinking about what’s happening as well. If you keep getting women pregnant you’ll have kids all over the country.”

“Yes, the only one that I really want I haven’t got.”

“Maybe it will happen one day. Just be patient. They say that all things come to those who wait.”

Marg obviously didn’t understand what I meant and I didn’t clarify it for her. What I assumed from her response is that she thought that I wanted my wife to return but what I actually wanted is for Sue to divorce me so that I was free to pursue Marg.

She kissed me, turned around and went upstairs. When she came back down she had changed her clothes.

“Anything special you want to tell Gay?”

“What, you're going now?”  

“He who hesitates is lost. Any messages?”

“Just tell her that we need to talk. Maybe tell her that I had been looking forward to seeing her again.”

“OK, see you later.”

Marg was gone for about an hour. When she returned, Gay was with her. I met them at the door. Gay put her arms around my neck and kissed me. It was a long and passionate kiss. I felt very aroused by it. More so than I usually would from just kissing a woman. Perhaps my senses could detect that she wanted me. Marg walked past us.

“I’ll leave you pair alone to talk about things.”

Gay whispered quietly to me, “let's go to your bed room.”

I let her lead me. She held my hand and pulled me along behind her. I assumed she wanted to go to the bedroom for extra privacy for our conversation but she immediately laid down and pulled me down on top of her. She continued to kiss me using heaps of tongue.

“I enjoyed our night together. Can I stay with you tonight?”

“What about Al. Won’t he expect you to come home tonight?”

“We had a disagreement and he left and said not to expect him home tonight.”

“You had a disagreement. What did you argue about?”

“Things between a husband and wife are private matters. You know that.”

“I’ve been worried about you. Al came over to talk to me. Did you know that.”

“I thought he would. What did he say?”

“He told me you were pregnant and he asked me had I slept with you.”

“Hhhmm, not a surprise. What did you tell him?”

“I didn’t tell him any thing.”

“So you denied it?”

“No, I didn’t say I did and I didn’t say I didn’t. I told him that you were the only person he should discuss that with. I also told him that he couldn’t simply go around town accusing men of sleeping with his wife. If he had respected you and respected me then he would have been with you instead of Sue and none of this would have happened so he has to pick up some of the responsibility.”

“I bet he took that well. Did he threaten you?”

“No, he took it quite well.”

“He told me that if I needed to discuss things with someone you said you would be available. I suspected he was trying to set me up so I said I didn’t need to talk to anyone.”

“I said that. He agreed to tell you. Do you have any news for me?”

“Nope, nothing that matters. Why?”

“He told me that you were pregnant. Is that correct?”

“Yes and no. Yes, I did tell him that. No, I’m not pregnant. He has talked to Sue and she told him she was pregnant. I knew from the girls that she was carrying your baby, not his. It gave me the idea to put him under pressure and try to teach him a lesson. He needs to realize that if he chooses to play around he has to learn to use protection. It's one thing to cheat but quite another to produce unwanted children because of neglect.”

“I see your point.”

Gay had been rubbing my cock through my pants all the time we were talking. She now pulled me towards her and we kissed. She lifted her skirt up to show me that she was not wearing panties. I reached down and ran my fingers around her pussy. She moaned.


“I started the pill at the first opportunity after last time. I have stayed away because I knew that if you made advances to me I would be tempted to take the risk. I needed that time to know that I was protected. I want us to be lovers but I do not want to get pregnant.”

“What about Al? Is he likely to accept his wife sleeping with me?”

“Fuck Al. He hasn’t made love to me for a long, long time. We were having sex up to last year but that’s all it was. It had nothing to do with my pleasure or satisfaction. It was all for him. I got to the stage where I didn’t even get aroused because I knew if I did I would be left frustrated. You and the girls gave me back that feeling and enjoyment that I haven't had for many years. Now that it’s back I’m not going to give it up.”

You enjoyed being with the girls?”

“Fuck yes, before that night I had occasionally felt a slight attraction to certain women but I always pushed the thought aside. I guess I was brought up in a family where lesbianism was not accepted. It was condemned. When I watched Marg and Cherie together I was really turned on. I hope they spend time with me again some time.”

“If you do make sure that you focus your attention on Cherie. She gets very possessive of Marg but if she knows that the attention is on her she accepts others being with Marg.”

I had been gently sliding my fingers across Gay’s slit. I moved further down towards her anus. She flinched. I was surprised because when we were together before she appeared to be turned on by this.

 “You didn’t like that?”

“No, I accepted it last time because you seemed to like it. I was near to my risky time of the month and I thought if you took me there it eliminated the risk.”

“You should have told me. You need to learn to talk to me about these things. I want you to enjoy it.”

“That night, I didn’t want it to end. I had been a long time without having sex with anyone so I just accepted it in the same way as I accepted the risk of getting pregnant. I want you to fuck me, now.”

I rolled over on top of her. Her skirt has been pulled up giving me access to her pussy. I let my cock slide along her slit and up towards her stomach so that my cock was rubbing against her clit. While I was doing this I was undoing the buttons on her top. I didn't see her do it but her bra was unclipped. I pulled her bra off and threw it on the floor.

My pre-cum was mixing with her juices and she was becoming very messy and slippery. It felt great. She was lifting her hips and moving to keep good contact with her clit. Meanwhile, I had started to suck on her tits. Initially, I had used my tongue to circumnavigate around her breasts but as her moaning increased I focused on sucking her nipples. She placed her hands on my head and pulled me in closer to her big tits.

Her moaning was now almost continuous and becoming louder. The movement of her hips was becoming more pronounced. She was pulling back more and more with her hips and I knew it was to try to get me to penetrate her. I allowed her to get my head at the entrance to her hole but moved in such a way that I slipped slightly inside but then over the top of her clit. Her eyes were closed and as my cock head passed over her clit her moaning was punctuated with a little, “Ooooh”.

I knew she was close and as I was about to penetrate her she said, “I need it in me. Push into me, I’m about to cum.”

I lifted my hips a little higher up the bed and slipped all the way in till our crotches were hard up against each other. I had changed the angle as I slipped in to direct my cock towards where I believed her G spot would be. Her cries came just before I felt the contractions run through her body.  

 “Ooooh, “Ooooh, “Ooooh, “Ooooh, Ohh fuck, I’m cumming and cumming and Cu-Ummm-ming.”

Although I had seen women squirt from being fingered, something that my wife often did, it was exceptional that I had seen a woman, with the exception of Marg and Lyn squirt from penetration from my cock. By the time she came down the bed was soaked. I had slowed my movements when she said, “I’m sorry I got carried away. I’ve messed up your bed.”

“Don’t worry about the bed and it’s actually our bed tonight not mine.”

She smiled and kissed me. “That’s what I like to hear.” I felt that she had more to say so I didn't respond for a while and then, “Do you think the girls would like to join us.”

“Only one way to find out. Do you want to ask them?”

“You wouldn't mind.”

“No, I think I would enjoy it. Just remember to focus your attention on Cherie or she might get jealous.”

“It was Cherie that I wanted to be with. She makes me feel really turned on. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question.”

“Depends on what it is. You ask it and if it offends me I’ll tell you.”

“Most men feel revulsion for homosexuals. Why is it that you accept lesbians so readily?”

“Love is not something that disgusts me and love comes in many forms. None of us can predict who we will fall in love with. For some women, it is a man for others it’s a female. Similarly, for some men, it’s a woman for others it may be a man. I certainly have never entertained the thought of making love to a man but that’s just me. I would not be disgusted if a man I know chose another man for his lover as long as he didn’t expect me to participate.”

She waited for me to continue. Obviously, she expected me to say more so I did. “With Marg and Cherie as well as with Debbie, I made love to them before I knew that they would be or were in a homosexual relationship. Most likely they hid their attraction to their partners so as not to frighten me away but they didn’t need to do that because I would have accepted their desire to be with someone of their own sex. That’s a choice they needed to make and I have no right to pass judgment. I may have hesitated if I had known they were in a relationship but that was because of the potential impact it may have had on their relationship, not anything else.”

“So you would accept me being with Cherie and not be upset or angry.”

“Gay, I enjoy being with you and hope that we can get together in the future but if tonight you choose to be with Cherie that’s fine. In fact, it may mean that I can spend some time with Marg and I think that both of us would like that.”

“Do you think that Marg would get jealous and upset?”

“Possibly, why don’t you ask her? That’s the only way to be sure.”

“How would I do that?”

“Calling her aside and quietly ask would she be upset if you made love to Cherie is perhaps the best way. Tell her that I said she can spend the night with me if she wishes. If she accepts then you might have Cherie to yourself until tomorrow. If it doesn’t work out the way you expect then come back in and join Marg and I. You will probably have to bring Cherie with you but that’s OK.”

“You have a thing for Marg, don’t you.”

“Yes, I’m in love with her. I think she loves me too.”

“I could see that she thinks you’re very special but I didn't know that you felt the same about her. Why aren’t the two of you together?”

“It’s complicated. I’m married. She was too when we realized that we felt the way we do. We both have kids. Sue, my wife can be very nasty at times and I was frightened that she would stop me seeing my kids. Our families are from the old school where once you marry no one else gets a look in. I was concerned that Marg’s family would disown her and I couldn’t do that to her.  Our relationship didn’t stand a chance of success.”

“What about now. Sue’s in the eastern states and what I hear from Al she is living it up. Marg’s marriage obviously failed. You should give it a go.”

“Aren’t you missing something? What about Cherie?”

“She would get over it.”

“I wouldn’t do that to Cherie. She has always been there to support me when I needed it. Didn’t you notice that she sent Marg to me when I needed help that night after we caught Sue and Al together? She was willing to risk her relationship with Marg to make sure that I had support from Marg. What type of arse-hole would I be to then take Marg away from her? How would I be able to look at myself in the mirror again.”

“She knew she could trust you, that’s why she did it. I think you have got two admirers there.”

“Smart girl. Now, what are you going to do? Are you going to let me fuck you again or do you want to be with Cherie?”

She immediately came back with, “you mean am I going to fuck you or are you going to get to make love to Marg? I know what your thinking. Don’t think you have me fooled.”

With that, she got up and with her naked hips swaying she went out the door. No more than Fifteen seconds later she appeared in the doorway again, tits bouncing and her hairy pussy on full display. “Your lover, Marg will be in shortly, sir. Just keep something in reserve in case I want an early morning glory. Marg and I are going to fuck you so much in the next couple of months you will want your wife back to have a break from us.”

“Hhhhmmm, could be interesting. Hope you’re prediction is right, not about my wife that is.”

“The prediction is spot on. Marg and I have talked about it.”

She turned and walked away. It suddenly dawned on me why Gay wanted to be with Cherie. It was a plan to allow Mag to spend more time in my bed. Cherie was being undermined with Gay’s help. It seemed that Gay’s conscience may have got to her so she needed to tell me what was really going on.

Marg arrived in my bed no more than two minutes later. We kissed, cuddled and talked most of the night. We were both nude. I had positioned myself such that all she had to do was move slightly for penetration but she didn’t. This was two people in love enjoying each others company. Sex was not on our minds at that time. This was about something much more important than sex.   

I awoke with a body snuggling up behind me. I could feel Gay’s tits and they felt great. Marg stirred and lifted her leg off me. “Cherie’s still asleep, Marg. You should get back to her before she wakes up.”

With that Marg laid the biggest wettest kiss on me she ever had. “Tonight was very special to me, Goyse. Gay has agreed to give us some time together each week. Are you up for that?”

“I would like that, Marg.”

“OK, then make sure you keep her happy and satisfied.”

“It will most likely be two or three times a week if I can get away from Al,” Gay replied.

Marg left and I did exactly what she asked. Gay and I rocked my bed so much I had to tighten the bolts afterward. When I came with Gay it was like a tornado had ripped through my body. Al didn’t know what he was missing. His wife was almost a sex maniac and she was trying hard to turn me into one as well. When I thought about it I realized that Cherie had primed her for me most likely with out knowing what she was doing.

I was very close to cumming when the alarm clock went off. Gay reached her third orgasm shortly after and I let go with her creaming the walls of her vagina for the second time that morning.

My hate for that damned alarm clock was growing. I had to get up and get ready for work. Gay was up before me and headed for the bath room. While she showered it gave me time to think about my life. The one thing that I realized was that since Sue had left I found that I didn’t need alcohol to sleep. Mind when I think about it now, with the demands of the girls, getting adequate sleep was still a problem. My concern that I was heading down the road towards alcoholism had simply disappeared with Sue’s departure.   

I showered, dressed and left for work within half an hour.  

Written by goyse
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