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Life after Sue part 2

"Marg and I look for evidence that Lyn has influenced Sue's behavior."

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Sue had left me. She had run off with Phillip. When she left I was in the eastern state so she had the opportunity to clean out the house as well as our accounts including our investment account. I was effectively broke. Had it not been for my friends and for the business that I worked for, it may have led to bankruptcy.

Initially, I was suffering mentally. I desperately needed to push some of my stress back on those who had caused it. I set a plan in place to get square with Sue and Phillip who I felt had unfairly wronged me. The plan was set in motion and with the help of an unknown woman and a good friend we pulled it off. Sue had kicked Phillip out of her life.  

Debbie and Gloria approached me as they wished to have another child. Julie was present when they asked me. Julie decided that because Sue was no longer with me, it was time for us to have the child that we had spoken about previously. 

My problem with not being able to sleep continued. I had received some relief from knowing that my plan to push some consequences on to Sue and Philip had been successful. I spoke to Lyn by phone one night. She told me that she had Phillips wife’s phone number. Phillip’s wife had found Lyn’s phone number amongst his things and curiosity had got the best of her so she had called Lyn and spoken to her.

My curiosity also got the best of me so I called Phillip’s wife. The call went something like this.


“Hello, my name is Goyse. You don’t know me but I met your husband, Phillip a few months ago.”

“Yes Goyse, Phillip often spoke of you. I’m honoured to speak to you. I’m afraid Phillip is no longer living here. He has left me for some slut he picked up.”

“Yes, I know. The slut you speak of was my wife, Sue.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry. It was going to happen eventually anyway. I’ve just called to make sure that you are OK. I know it is hard when the person that you love suddenly decides to leave.”

“Yes, it’s not easy. We have had our problems in the past but I had finally come to the decision that I wanted to grow old with him and he suddenly left. I feel shattered. How are you handling it?”

“I’m OK. I knew it would happen one day. I was just caught off guard because it happened sooner than I expected. I have just heard that Sue and Phillip have spit up. I thought that you might like to know in case he comes crawling back.”

“Do you think he will?”

“I’m almost certain of it. Where else can he go? You and he had an arrangement that he won’t find with anyone else.”

“You knew about our...” She hesitated as if lost for words. She probably didn’t know how to explain the cuckold, wife arrangement they had. “About our arrangement as you call it.”

“Yes, Phillip and I talked quite a bit about it. My arrangement with Sue was similar but different. She had affairs but was reluctant to share the details with me. From what Phillip told me, you treated him very well. He should have shown you more respect.”

“It wasn’t always like that. I needed other men but I was frightened that he would leave me if he found out so I hid it all from him. When he met you, he came home and told me about you and Sue. He explained that by not talking to you your wife was putting your marriage at risk. He then told me that he knew what I was doing. He went on to say that he and you were very similar and if I wanted to save our marriage I had to start talking to him.”

“I was so happy because I needed other men to be happy and content but I really loved Phillip. I don’t know if you are aware but he is just too big. Every time that he made love to me, he had to be overly careful. It took all of the romance out of making love when it hurt me every time that we got excited. I had reached the point where I looked for other ways of giving him satisfaction and looked elsewhere for my own satisfaction. To be able to talk to him about it without him getting angry was like a dream come true for me. You were responsible for bringing us together.”

“I didn’t do anything that any other person wouldn’t have done.”

“No, that’s wrong. You understood. Other people would not have even comprehended what the problem was. They would have called me a slut and told him to get out. People don’t understand what it is like to love someone but not be able to be satisfied sexually with them. You did. I hope one day we can meet so that I can thank you in person.”

“I have a lover that I am dedicated to.”

“I didn’t mean it that way, Goyse. I just want to meet you. I didn’t mean sleep with you unless you want to of course.”

“I don’t think my partner, Julie would be impressed if we slept together and I don’t want to lose her. I need to go now. Why don’t we stay in touch? I’ll call you for a chat occasionally if you don’t mind.”

“I’d love that. Bye for now.”


 I really don’t know why I wanted to stay in touch with her. It was probably because I had seen other people with similar problems and what she said was oh so true. People really did not understand. Most considered that the only solution to anything that was slightly different from the traditional relationship was to split up. I had seen so many people who lived a non-traditional life and relationship who were very happy. Successful relationships were what people wanted them to be not what the community expected them to be.

It was shortly after that when one of Sue’s skating friends came to speak to me. I was over at my home doing a little gardening when she walked up to me.

“Hello, Goyse.”

“Hello, Jane, what brings you over to this side of town?”

“I was wondering how you were coping. I’m sorry to hear that you and Sue split up.”

“No, you’re wrong. Sue and I didn’t split up. Sue took everything that we owned including all our savings and pissed off with another man. That’s not my definition of splitting up.”

“She told me that she only took what was hers.”

“I guess you could say that. She always thought that what was mine was hers and what was hers was hers as well. I guess by her definition when she took everything she only took what was hers.”

“You seem to be angry.”

“No, I’m not angry. I don’t think angry describes it well enough. I don’t think the English language has a word to describe how fucking pissed off with her I am. Anyhow, what did you want, Jane? Let’s get it over and done with so that I can get on with my gardening.”

“Are you accusing me of something? I didn’t come here for that.”

“What exactly did you come here for? In the ten years that Sue and you have been friends, you have not once come to my home. In times that Sue and I have been to skating together you haven’t even spoken to me. Don’t blame me for thinking you have an ulterior motive. Let’s hear it so I can get on with my gardening.”

“No wonder Sue left you if this is how you treated her.”

“What do you want, Jane!”

“Sue is living on her own. I was worried about her. I wanted to know if you would let her come back if I can talk her into it.”


“You didn’t even think about it. Perhaps you can give me an answer tomorrow.”

“No! I’ve just thought about it and the answer is still, no! Give me a week, a month, a year or a decade to think about it and the answer will still be, NO! Now don’t waste my time and yours, get in your car, leave and don’t come back unless it is to offer me an apology for insulting my intelligence. Tell Sue that people who do what she has done don’t get second chances in this world.”

“I think you are being insensitive. The poor woman left in a moment of weakness. She now realizes that she has made a mistake.”

“I’m sure that she probably did make a mistake but that is not a good reason why I should make one.”

“You are being unreasonable.”

“Lady, I am being reasonable. If you want to see unreasonable stay and keep contradicting me. Do you understand what I am saying?” She just looked at me. There was no sign that she was going to leave. “I just said fuck off, Jane, as nicely as I know how. Now, Fuck off!”

I stepped towards her and she took off like a rabbit being chased by a fox. As she went she yelled back at me, “My husband will be around to talk to you. You can’t speak to me like that.”

“Yes, you send him around. I won’t have to be as polite to him as I am to you.”

I turned back to my gardening as she revved up her car and took off spinning the wheels as she went. I looked up to see Debbie laughing her head off at the door. She had been in the house doing some cleaning and had come out to see what was going on.

“Shit, just remind me never to upset you, Goyse.”

“Hi, Debbie, like that did you?”

“Fuck, you told her didn’t you? What the hell did she say to you to deserve that?”

“She was feeling me out to find out if Sue could come back. She started off by saying that Sue only took what was hers.”

“No wonder you were angry.”

“You think I was angry, did you?

“Well, if you weren’t, remind me to never make you angry.”

“How’s Gloria?”

“She’s really excited about us getting together in a few weeks’ time. She keeps telling me how horny it makes her.”

“I think the four of us are looking forward to it. Julie talks about it all the time. She has me wearing condoms so that she doesn’t get pregnant before time. I hate the damned things.”

“It wouldn’t matter if she got potted before time would it?”

“She wants the three of you to pop out the little ones around the same time. She would kill me if it happened too early.”

“I thought she told Gloria that she would have a cesarean section. Is she still talking about that?”

“Yes, I think so. She is determined to keep her little pussy intact. She has been told that giving birth often causes problems. Lyn told her that all her children were born that way. Marg as well, I believe.”

“Bit late for me, I’m afraid. Our Goyse was a big baby. It was difficult for me.”

“Yes, I remember that night. I was so proud of you. Gloria was too.”

“Gloria was with me all through it. She was not far from giving birth herself and she told me that watching me had terrified her. She was lucky. Her birth was easy compared to mine.”

“But you want to go through it again?”

“Having children is very important to both of us. We really appreciate what you are doing for us Goyse. I wish there was something special that we could do for you to repay you.”

“I’m just pleased to help you both out. You must be aware that making love to you and to Gloria is quite enjoyable for me don’t you? I actually was hoping that you would not fall pregnant so that we could try again the next month.”

“Do you think you are the only one?”

“What, are you telling me that you felt the same way?”

“Yes, of course, I spent a lot of time with you. You always treated me like I was special. I guess that I had a bit of a crush on you. Most men that I had ever known either wanted to get into my pants or they didn’t want to know me. You treated me with respect. I felt safe with you. That week together wasn’t all about just getting pregnant.”

“Does Gloria know?”

 “Yes, we don’t have secrets from each other. She felt the same too. We talked about it. She told me how good it would be if you could come and spend time with us occasionally but neither of us had the guts to ask you. I guess with Julie and you so close, it’s not going to happen now is it?”

 No, it’s not. I won’t cheat on Julie no matter how tempting it might be. You missed your opportunity, Debbie. If you had asked me when Sue and I were together, I would have been straight over.”

“If we had known that we would have for sure.”

“I had better go, Debbie. Come here.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her. It was not just a friendly peck. It was the type of kiss you save for someone who is very important to you. Debbie was very special to me and she still is today. When we broke away from our kiss she looked up at me and said, “Are you sure you don’t want to christen that new bed of yours.”

“Sorry, Debbie, Julie is too important to me for me to cheat on her. What I will do is that when Julie agrees for us to get together, I will make sure that it lasts. Last time it was over fairly quickly because it was only about getting you pregnant. This time I’ll make sure it is as enjoyable as possible for you.”

“What about Gloria?”

“It will look suspicious if I am quick with Gloria and slow with you, won’t it?”

“I’ll tell her. She’ll be thrilled.”

I kissed her again and left. I didn’t have anything pressing to do. I knew that if I didn’t leave that one eyed snake of mine might take me down a pathway that I didn’t want to go.

Lyn called me that night to tell me that everything was good with her and Ron. She apologized again for distracting me and allowing Ron to have sex with Julie. I explained that it was past history. We had moved on from it and it was time for her to do the same.

She then asked me if I would come over east for the birth of our baby when the time came. I told her that I didn’t think it was a good idea. Ron would be the child’s father and for me to attend the birth would take the power away from him and could affect their ongoing relationship. She disagreed but accepted my decision.

Before we finished the call she told me that she still loved me and that sometimes when Ron is away she thinks that she has made a big mistake. She told me that she dreams of me at night and wakes up horny. She went on to say that she masturbates thinking of me making love to her.

I told her that was not unusual. Most people have someone or an event with someone that they think about when they masturbate. I told her that even though I would never take Sue back, I still think of something that happened years ago with her that makes me horny. 

Her response surprised me, “Do you masturbate? I thought that with Julie, Marg, Cherie, Debbie, Gloria and Sally you would have no need to do it.”

“There is only Julie these days, Lyn. We have a monogamous relationship now.”

“Shit, I was going to ask her to come over for a week to keep me company while Ron goes overseas later in the year. I was hoping she may help me with some of my frustration.”

“Hey, I was talking about other men. Ask her. I have no objection to her giving that little pussy of yours a bit of a rub up. In fact, I find it a turn on. I should warn you though that by then she will be carrying my baby.”


“She’s not pregnant yet but I expect she will be by then.”

Just then Julie walked in. She asked who was on the phone. I put the phone on hands-free. She immediately recognized Lyn’s voice and started chatting with her. While the girls chatted, I left and when and made us a drink. I took Julie’s back into her.

As I entered the room, I heard Julie telling Lyn about our plans with Debbie and Gloria. I stepped back out into the passageway to listen to what Lyn was going to say about it. The conversation went something like this.

Lyn: “That’s so fucking erotic. You must be so horny thinking about it. I’m giving my pussy a rub just hearing you talking about it. Fuck me, I feel like cumming just from thinking about it.”

Julie: “Yes, it’s a real turn on, isn’t it? I’m sure that Debbie and Gloria feel the same way. They should anyway.”

Lyn: “I wish I was there to join you.”

Julie: “I wish you were here too. I miss our little times together. I love Goyse and he’s a great lover but I miss that big clit of yours.”

Lyn: “Me too. I just spoke to Goyse about letting you come over to spend a week with me when Ron goes overseas the next time.”

Julie: “What did he say?”

Lyn: “He said to ask you about it. It sounded as if he was agreeable.”

Julie: “We have an agreement, no sex with others except if we both agree and are both involved. If I came over we couldn’t have sex.”

Lyn: “He said that doesn’t apply to you being with other women. He said it only applies to you getting with men. Ron won’t be here. It will be just you and me.”

Julie: “I will need to talk it over with him to make sure. I’m not willing to risk our relationship if he has objections. I almost lost him over letting Ron fuck me even though I thought he was OK with it.”

Lyn: “OK, get back to me on what he says. If he agrees it will be in about three months’ time. You probably need to think about what to do about Goyse while you are away. He probably hasn’t been without sex for more than a couple of days since he was eighteen. If it was me I would organize someone who I can trust to look after him while I was away. If you leave him on the loose he might shack up with someone who won’t want to give him back.”

Julie: “I’ll talk to him about it.”

Lyn: “Fuck, Julie. Do you talk to him about things like that?”

Julie: “Of course, doesn’t everybody.”

Lyn: “No, most things like that don’t get discussed in relationships. You’re pretty lucky if Goyse talks to you about those type things. Jon would have thumped me if I raised anything like that with him. He would think I was trying to order him around.”

Julie: “I had better let you go so that you can try to wear that dildo of yours out.”

Lyn: “No need to worry. It is doing its job already. When you told me about your arrangement with Debbie and Gloria I put it to work. You know, I was thinking, if you talked to the girls they could make sure that they didn’t get pregnant right away so that it took as long as you wanted it to. You could have Goyse taking turns with you and the girls for months if you wanted to. It’s just a thought.”

Julie: “I wouldn’t do that to him.”

Lyn: “Honey, if you talk about all these other things why not let him in on it. He’ll probably get as turned on about it as you are.”

Julie: “I’ll think about it.”

It was my opportunity to get in on the act. “Think about what?”

“I was just telling Lyn about Debbie and Gloria. She has a suggestion for us.”

“Up to no good again, Lyn, are you?”

“You know me. I’m an angel.”

“Yes, I know. You’re an angel with horns.”

“Ha,ha,ha, and I thought you weren’t a wake-up. You ain’t no saint yourself, honey. You have fucked more women on the side than any married man that I’ve ever known. My bet is that there will be a few more in the future as well.”

“You’re just jealous that you’re not one of them.”

“Don’t forget I have a kid of yours already and in a few months’ time, it’ll be two. Maybe I should call you when I want the next one.”

“You’ll have to make an appointment through Julie. The only place that my cock goes these days is where Julie wants it. That is not going to change either.”

“So she leads you around by the cock now does she? I’ll bet she has you by the balls within a year or so.”

“That sounds exciting honey. Here Julie, feel these.” I dropped my pants and underpants to the floor. Julie laughed and came across to hold my balls lightly in her hand.

“They feel nice to Lyn. Shame you’re not here with us to hold them like I am.”

“You’re fucking joking. If I was there I would squeeze them so hard his eyes would pop out of his head. His cock would swivel up and stay slack for a week. Hey, that’s a thought. Give them a big squeeze and then catch a plane over to spend a week with me until he recovers.”

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“You’re becoming a nasty woman, Lyn.”

“Yes but you still love me. Don’t deny it. You were right pissed with me when I gave you the chop for Ron.”

“I love Ron like a brother Lyn but I think you have made a mistake and you realize it. If you had just waited another six months it would be the three of us here now instead of two of us talking to you by phone. You are right I still love you and so does Julie. I think you still love us as well.”

“You certainly know how to piss a girl off, don’t you Goyse.”

“No more than you did to me when you told Ron you would keep me busy while he fucked Julie. That’s what happened isn’t it, Lyn?”

“Is that what you think?”

“No, it’s not what I think. It’s what I know. I’m right aren’t I?”

“Maybe but you will never know for sure.”

“I already know and I think that Julie knows it too. Don’t you Julie?”

Julie didn’t answer. She just looked at the floor. That said more than anything that she could have said in words.

“I’m going to hang up now, Lyn. I love you but I’m having trouble forgiving you for what you did to Julie.”

“You mean, what I did to you, don’t you.”

“No, what you did to Julie. She didn’t deserve the pain and suffering you released on her thinking that she had lost me. As for me, well I wasn’t as upset about Ron fucking Julie as I was about you deceiving me like that. I trusted you Lyn and you deceived me and you deceived Julie.”

It was quiet at the other end of the phone. I said goodbye and hung up. Julie was sitting quietly on her chair. I walked over to her and hugged her then I kissed her. I told her that I loved her. I told her that she was the most important person in my life and I wanted it to stay that way.  A tear ran down her cheek. I licked it up and kissed her again.

“I’m sorry, Goyse.”

“I know. I don’t blame you. I’ve said what I had to say to Lyn. It’s over now. We should never look back after today. This is our life and we will decide how we live it, who enters our door and when.”

“I knew he was going to do that. I wanted him to do it.”

“Ssshhh, I know. I’ve always known. There is a big difference between you and Lyn. The difference is that it was your decision to make and you made it. It was not Lyn’s decision to make. She was conning me and she thought she was conning you. The other difference is that you feel guilty about doing it but Lyn doesn’t. It should be the other way around.”

“The reason why I was so upset was not that you had sex with Ron. Of course, I was disappointed with you because of it. I was upset because all these years that I trusted Lyn she was not trustworthy. Finding that out meant that I had to go over my life and consider the things that had happened and how many of them had been influenced by Lyn. I had to think about things where I had put the blame on other people when it could have been Lyn.”

“I even had to consider my break up with Marg many years ago. I had always blamed my wife, Sue but this one event told me that it may not have been Sue at all. You see, I believed that Sue had manipulated Lyn and me to come together for sex so that Sue could get photos to send to Marg. What if I was wrong and it had been Lyn who sent the photos to Marg? What if Sue was just trying to give me the opportunity for sex with someone that she knew that I cared about?”

“Do you know what that means? It means that Sue was as much a victim as I was. It means that Sue was not out to hurt me. She was out to offer me the same enjoyment in sex outside our marriage as what she was enjoying. I could never come to terms with the way Sue seemed to flip-flop. She appeared to be kind and understanding when we were together but then these things were happening in the background that made me think she had a vicious vindictive streak.”

“Yes, she cheated on me but she always told me that she couldn’t help it. She always said that she just got carried away. She was apologetic if anything about it all. Then things would happen that didn’t fit the profile. I thought she had to have a mental illness. If I now consider that those vindictive things may not have been her then it all makes sense. She was simply put, a sexual addict, no more, no less.”  

 “When I think about her leaving me, I have to consider the possibility that Lyn has told her that I planned to leave her to be with you. She may also have told her that Lyn travelled around the States with me. If that happened then Sue would have panicked. She would think that if she didn’t grab the assets she would be left penniless. She has done to me what she thought I was about to do to her.”

Julie was not saying a word. She was standing there just taking it all in. I waited for her to speak.

“Lyn did manipulate me. I can see that now. She told me how exciting it was having sex with Ron. She told me that he wanted me. She told me that you enjoyed watching your partners having sex with other men but you were too proud to admit it. She told me that was the reason that your wife slept with other men. She was doing it because you enjoyed it. She told me that you had organized this Phillip guy to seduce her.”

“She convinced me that you wanted me to fuck Ron but I was still hesitant. When you let his cock fall down on top of my forehead and you didn’t stop me, I saw that as you giving me your OK to do whatever I wanted. You are right. If it had not been for Lyn’s encouragement I most certainly would not have let Ron near me. That is the reason that I was so shocked by your reaction. When I consider this situation, it is quite possible that she has deceived other people as well.”

“What this means is that the destruction of my marriage may well be a product of Lyn’s manipulation and my trust in her. If I didn’t have so much confidence and trust in her the situation may be quite different.”

“Julie, what I am about to say to you is important for our future. Listen closely, I love you and anything that I do over the next few weeks will not change that. Once I have done what is required, I will come back to you and we can continue with our life together. I do not want to get back with my wife but I need to spend enough time with her to understand some of the past events. I may even have to apologize for some of my behaviour towards her. Do you understand what I am trying to say to you.”

“Not really. It sounds as if you want to patch up your marriage to me.”

“No, that is not going to happen. This is about my conscience. If I am loaded up with guilt then our relationship will suffer. I need to try to put the record straight with Sue. If it is as I suspect then I owe her a big apology because I have been blaming her for what someone else has been doing.”

“To start with I need to know how many of the men who pursued Sue had contact with Lyn first.”

“You think that Lyn was sending men to her.”

“Lyn knew about Sue’s problem. She knew how to manipulate her to get her interested. The decision would always be Sue’s but it would be a lot easier if both parties had been groomed and if they knew each other’s weakness.”

“But you already said that it would always be Sue’s decision in the end. How will you go about it?”

“I’ll have to go over east and talk to some of the men.”

“They won’t talk to you.”

“Probably not but I’ve got to try.”

“Marg might help you. She’s Lyn’s sister. They are more likely to talk to her than anyone else.”

“You are right. Why didn’t I think of that?”

“What about your job?”

“Can you and Ronny run things for me for a couple of weeks?”

“Do you think we can?”

“Yes, definitely you can. You have been sitting in on most of the meetings. The guys know you. I’ll call around and ask some of them to give you their support. They are a great mob. The only thing that you need to make sure of is that you don’t undermine Ronny. You need her support. Without that, it will fall through.”

I organized the support for Julie and Ronny to do my work while I was away. I asked Ronny to allow Julie to take the reins with her support. Ronny agreed. I then went and talked to Marg. I told her what I thought. Her response was that she was waiting for me to wake up to what Lyn was up to. I then asked her why she hadn’t talked to me about it and she said that she had tried but I had my eyes closed.

This told me that I was on the right track. We flew out the next day. During the flight, Marg cuddled up against me. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that she was horny then,

“A girl needs a bit of cock occasionally. A tongue is great but it is never as good as a decent cock.”

“I’m spoken for Marg and so are you.”

“Cherie has given me a free pass for the next week. I told her that I needed it and she wished me luck.”

“I’m still spoken for, Marg. Cuddle up with me as much as you want but my cock stays in my pants all week.”

“Maybe I get a good tonguing, then?”

“Maybe, if you insist.”

“Yes, I can’t wait until we book into our motel.”

Once we arrived we searched for some of Sue’s old sex partners. Some were easy to find. Others had left town. Marg and I approached each one in turn and a pattern soon appeared. Lyn was definitely the instigator. A couple of them wouldn’t talk but we had enough information to know that Lyn was pushing men onto Sue. I started to see Sue as just someone with a weakness for sex with well-endowered men. My vision of Sue as master manipulator had been destroyed and with it came oodles of guilt. 

At night time, Marg and I slept together in the queen-sized bed. She tried really hard to seduce me but I was determined not to cheat on Julie. I did, however, make sure that she received some relief but my cock never once left my pants while she was present.

Each night I called Julie to tell her that I was OK and to bring her up to date on what we had found out. On the third night, she said, “Is sex with Marg still like it was when you had been lovers.”

“Why are you asking me something like that. I told you that I will not cheat on you and I meant it.”

“Come on, why do you think that I told you to take Marg with you?”

“I don’t understand? Marg came with me because she is more likely to get the truth from these guys than I could alone. Isn’t that the reason that you suggested it?”

“Not really. Well, partly. The other reason was to put you with someone to look after you so that you don’t stray.”

“That doesn’t make sense. If you expected me to sleep with Marg why would you worry about me straying?”

“That’s simple. Marg has Cherie. You and Marg have been lovers before and you didn’t choose her so she is not a risk to me. If you stray while you are there alone, who knows what may happen. You might decide not to come back to me.”

“You don’t trust me. You think that I will go chasing women while I’m away from you. I’m disappointed. Are you out chasing men while I’m away?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then why do you think that I will do it? What have I done for you to think that I would go chasing stray pussy on you.”

“You haven’t done anything. Lyn pointed out to me that you haven’t gone more than two days without sex over the last twenty years so if you went without you might be tempted.”

“There we go, Lyn again!”

“I’m sorry, I guess I should forget everything that she has told me, shouldn’t I?”

“Probably not everything but you should at least question it.”

“So you and Marg have not done it?”

“No. My cock has not been out of my pants except when I have a shower or when I change my clothes.”

“So you haven’t even had a wank?”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”

“It’s OK, you know.”

“What’s OK?”

“You know... With Marg. I wouldn't’ mind. I know you are horny and she will be too. I’m horny as well thinking about you together with her. She really likes you, you know. It would be nice for both of you. When you ring tomorrow night, you could tell me about it. Call me a little later and I will be in bed. We could have phone sex. I’ve been told about it but never actually done it. You will need to wear a condom because she will not be protected. She doesn’t need to be with Cherie.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“No, don’t just think about it, do it. She’ll be waiting for you now. She’s probably masturbating while you are on the phone. Take a peep into the bedroom. I’ll bet you catch her at it.”

“I bet you are doing it. Talk about catching her. If I was there with you now I would catch you at it.”

“Hhhmm, I think you would win that bet. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. Especially when her man is away with his ex-lover. I’ll go to bed early tonight thinking of your cock slipping into her wet pussy. I’ll dream of her moaning and groaning as you stoke in and out of her slippery little hole. In my dream, you will not be wearing a condom though. She will ask you to pull out but she will be so excited that she will wrap her legs around you and you won’t be able to. Then I’ll see your little sperm wrigglers fighting over who gets to her fertile eggs first.”

“You’re a sick woman.”

“No, I’m horny. I’m so horny I could cum just thinking about you fucking her. Why don’t you leave that condom off and see if she makes you put it on? Fuck that would be erotic if she were to let you go bareback. Just slip into the bedroom and check if she is jilling herself. I’ll wait for you to come back.”

“I slipped as quietly as I could into the bedroom. Marg was laying on the bed in the nude. Her knees were up and her legs were apart, not rudely so but apart enough to allow me to see her and for her fingers to access her clit. She saw me enter but didn’t move. She just smiled at me.”

“Phone call over already?”

“Nope, Julie just asked me to check something.”

“She asked you to check on me?”


“Will she be disappointed?”

“Definitely not.”

She smiled and kept on rubbing her little clit. “You going back to your phone call or are you going to stay and watch a frustrated woman fuck herself?”

“Julie told me to tell you that you should wait for me.”

“Now that’s a sensible woman. Tell her that I’ll come over and see her when we get home and it won’t be for coffee.”

I went back to the phone. Before I could speak, Julie said, “Well, was I right?”

“Spot on. Exactly how you said it would be.”

“I had better not keep you then. Just remember I want to hear about it. Don’t hide anything from me, will you?”

“Marg said she will come in to see you after we get home.”

“That will be nice. I’ll dream of that tonight as well. You had better go. We don’t want to keep her waiting.”

“Good night, honey.”

“Enjoy your night, Goyse. Ring me a little later tomorrow night. Is there a phone near the bed? If there is then ring me from there and have Marg with you. Good night. I love you.”

“I love you too sexy woman.”

I sat for a while trying to make up my mind. I had every intention of not having sex with Marg. It seemed impossible not to now. I thought of not returning to the bed and sleeping on the lounge but I knew that Marg would seek me out anyway. The only way that I could avoid it now was to walk away from the unit and I was not going to do that.

I quietly entered the bedroom. Marg was still in the same position. My erection was so hard it was hurting me. I needed sex and my partner had told me that she expected me to have it with Marg. I walked to the bed, Dropped my pants, climbed up on my hands and knees and gave her soaking wet pussy a tongue lashing.

Her juices were running from her. I recognised that sweet taste that was Marg. I raised my eyes to look at her and she had her head tilted forward watching what I was doing. Her arms reached out to me. She gently pulled on my head. I knew what she wanted.

I moved up along her body. I stopped at those lovely tits and sucked on one nipple and then moved my attention to the other one. She let out a little moan. I felt her pulling me further upwards. I knew what she wanted. This was decision time. Would I enter her or would I simply bring her off using my tongue?

The urge to make love to her was intensified by the memories of the great times that we had together many years before. This was the woman that I had once considered leaving my wife and kids for. Once the memories flooded back I knew that I could not resist.

I moved up along her body until I could kiss her. As we kissed, I felt her take hold of my cock to direct me to its target. The warmth at the entrance to her pussy almost made me cum without entering her. I had never had a problem with pre-ejaculation but this went very close. I had to pull back away from her to manage it.

She looked at me. No doubt she was wondering what I was doing. Perhaps she thought that I was going to disappoint her.  

“Don’t worry. I’m just a bit too excited that’s all.”

“You were going to cum?”

“Almost, but I’m alright now.”

“Fuck, that’s exciting. Has that happened before?”

“No, never.”

“Come on, give it to me before I lose the urge.”

“What about protection?”

“It’ll be alright. I want to feel your cock, not a lump of rubber. I can get that from a dildo.”

I slid into her. She hadn’t had sex with a man for a long time. She was tight. Marg had always been tight but this was like our first time. She lifted her hips to meet me and groaned as she did so.

I lifted my chest back from her and looked into her eyes. She smiled at me and whispered, “I love you Goyse. I always have. If you didn’t have Julie I would be knocking on your door.”

“You have Cherie. You couldn’t hurt her.”

“She would be there beside me. You could have had us both.”

“Why don’t you spend some time getting to know Julie when we go home. You and she may be able to come to some type of arrangement.”

“Do you think she would share you with us?”

“No, I’m not available Marg but Julie might like a little attention occasionally.”

“She likes Girls?”

“Hhhmm, Occasionally. She likes the feel of the female body but she gets more satisfaction from penetration.”

“She sounds like me.”

All the time that we were talking I was slowly stroking in and out of her. I could tell that she was having difficulty controlling her breathing. I knew what that meant. Her orgasm was not far off. I was pleased because I could feel my balls lifting in their sac.

I was waiting for her. I increased the length of my stroke and slipped a little lower on her to point the head of my cock upwards inside her hole. This did the trick.

“I’m cumming, Oh God, I’m cumming, I’mmm cummming, I’mmm cummming, fuck, fuck, fuck, I’mmm cumming, Goyse, I’m cumming.”

She wasn’t the only one. From the first utterance, I was shooting my sperm inside her. It brought back memories of that first time that we made love in the motel. I had cum so hard that I passed out. This time I went close but remained aware of my surroundings.

With our bodies exertion passed, I held her and rolled onto our side. Her body fitted neatly into my body as if we had been designed to fit together. She just lay there looking into my eyes. I did the same. My mind felt surprisingly relaxed and at peace.

We just lay there. Every so often she moved forward and kissed me lightly. I felt like making love to her again but something made me feel that to do so would be like cheating on Julie. Julie had given me permission to have sex with Marg and as I saw it, that was simply for the purposes of relief. To instigate a second time would make me feel as if I was deceiving Julie and I didn’t want to do that.

After about a half hour Marg’s eyes drifted closed and before long she was snoring. I continued to just look at her for quite a long time. I admired her in many ways, this wonderful, intelligent woman. At one stage in my life, she was everything to me. I wondered what had happened to us. Eventually, I could feel that sleep was not far off.

I kissed her on the cheek and went to roll away from her when she mumbled something. I asked her what she had said.

“I love you, Goyse. Don’t leave me, please.” Her eyes were blinking rapidly and I knew the signs. She was dreaming.

I removed my arm from under her and placed a pillow in its place then rolled away from her. A few minute later I felt her body up against me. She was spooning me. It felt great and within a few minutes, I was asleep as well.

My dreams were only of Julie. The rest of the world had been pushed aside that night.


Written by goyse
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