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Key Party: His Story

"Marc's wife wants to end their rut and surprises him with a party."

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I couldn't believe she had agreed to this. Hell, she had been the one to approach me about it!

After a terrible fight with my wife of twelve years, Miranda, had spent the night at her friend’s house and left me with our two kids hoping she would cool down with a little away time. This had been happening more and more often - the fights, not her spending the night away from our family. It was never over anything big - usually a bill or arguing over who had to drop off the kids at school. This is just what happens when you are married for this long. The daily stresses pile up and at the end of the day, you end up taking out on the people that you care about most. It was just the unfortunate side-effect of two adults working full time and raising two little kids. All your energy goes into the other parts of your life, leaving little for the person you care about most.

Miranda came home around 2:00pm that Saturday. She had clearly taken a detour to the gym and gotten in one of her favorite spin classes on her way home. At thirty-seven years old, Miranda looked great and not in that “for a thirty-seven-year-old” kind of way. She had always been slim but having kids put a little weight on her and over the past few years, she had fallen in love with these spin classes and the weight had fallen off. The only place that excess weight had remained was in her breasts. When we met, Miranda was probably a B-cup and now she was a full C-cup. On her little frame, you could have convinced me she was a D-cup - in fact, I had taken a peek at her laundry just to be sure at one point.

“Marc, we have to talk,” she said as she reached into the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

“I know, babe. I’m sorry. This happens way too much and we…” I started to say, but she cut me off.

“Shh shh shh… I know, I know. I’m over the fight. I had a long talk with Lindsay last night that really put things in perspective for me. We’re in a rut - plain and simple. I’m taking the kids to my mother’s tonight so we can spend some time together and reconnect. I don’t know if you had plans this evening but cancel them. I’ve already made the reservations.”

Her tone was pleasant and sweet but authoritative. It never felt like she was making demands but it was obvious I had no choice in the matter.

“Alright, Miri. That sounds good. I was going to watch the Blue Jackets with the guys but I’ll let them know I won’t be there,” I replied.

I have to admit, I was a bit confused. These little fights usually lead to us talking things over for an hour and apologizing so this whole thing seemed weird but I wasn’t complaining! I canceled my plans for the hockey game and got ready to go to the gym. Now that Miranda was home to watch the kids, I had time to get a quick workout in before our 7:00pm reservation.


When I got home, the kids were already gone and Miranda was in the shower. I knew she was going to be in the bathroom for a while getting ready so I headed down to the basement and sat down in my favorite chair. I turned on ESPN and put my feet up and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

Things took a strange turn during my nap. I woke up about twenty minutes later to a pleasant sensation on my genitals. I opened my eyes to see the top of Miranda’s blonde head in my lap. During my snooze, she had crept down the stairs, pulled down the elastic front of my shorts, and sucked me to a full erection. This was shocking for a number of reasons: 1. Miri hadn’t given me a blowjob in years. 2. I had not showered yet! She was going to town on my sweaty, musty cock like she did when we started dating fourteen years ago.

“Oh my god, Miri, what has gotten into you?” I asked.

She didn’t respond and just kept on working her lips and tongue over my rock hard dick. I owed Lindsay a ‘thank you’ for whatever conversation she had with my wife the night before! I felt that familiar feeling of my balls tightening up, letting me know I was about to explode.

Suddenly, she pulled her mouth off my penis and smiled at me. I was in agony and reached for my cock to finish the job myself. She grabbed me by both wrists, keeping me from touching myself.

“Not yet, baby! You have to save that for tonight. I just wanted to give you a little surprise. Now go get ready for dinner.”

“Oh come on! Please finish me off - I feel like my dick is going to explode!” I begged.

Without a word, she tucked my erection back into my shorts and stood up. I hadn’t even noticed that she was only wearing a towel. She took me by the hand and pulled me out of the chair.

“If - and only if - you can manage not to touch yourself in the shower, I will make it up to you tonight in a way you will never forget,” she said in her sexiest voice.

We headed up to the master bedroom and I hopped in the shower. She was finishing her makeup in the same room and the all glass shower ensured that she would know if I tried to sneak in a quick release. So much for that.

By the time I had showered and dressed, Miranda was ready and we left for dinner. She was driving - another change in her actions tonight that I noticed. Sure, it was my car but these little things were starting to add up in my mind. We spoke very little beyond the usual chit chat about the kids on the way to the restaurant. I decided to play it cool tonight and asked very few questions about the plans. If she wanted to run the show tonight, more power to her. We pulled into a small parking lot at a downtown Bistro by the name of Marcelli’s, a restaurant I had heard about but I’d never been.

Over the five-course dinner, we had a great time. Lots of laughing, joking, and even some flirting - something we had not done for some time. We both had three glasses of wine, which left me feeling a little buzzed and had Miri acting very buzzed. Our server delivered the check and I handed her my American Express without looking at the final price. I’m sure it was ridiculous and I didn’t even want to see it.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. We have a party to get to!” Miranda said, excitedly, “You’re driving, by the way.”

We got in the car and Miranda grabbed the GPS and tapped in an address.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“One of Lindsay’s friends is having a little party tonight. She told me we should stop by.” Miranda told me.

At this point in the night, there was little else I wanted to do but take my wife home and fuck her brains out after she had teased me so expertly earlier in the day with half a blowjob. However, I was not stupid and knew that by going along with what she wanted to do was the surest way to do just that. I could wait.

We pulled up to a large house in a nice neighborhood. I parked in the drive way and we headed up to the big blue front door. Before we could even knock, the door swung open and we were greeted by a lovely woman with short black hair.

“Hello! You must be Lindsay’s friends, Marc and Miri,” she said excitedly. “Come on in! I’m Christina. We’re just about to get started. Let me take your jackets and keys.”

I handed over the keys and she tossed them into a bowl by the door and hung my jacket in the front closet. I had a feeling we might be taking a cab home tonight if they were taking keys at the door.

Christina motioned for us to follow and we all walked into a large living room where the rest of the party was sitting around, chatting. ‘Party’ may have been a stretch. I counted seven other couples - it was really more of a small gathering.

Christina walked to the front of the room like she was about to make an announcement. The room quieted and I looked around at the other couples. It was all bait strange to see people so obviously paired up. Usually these kinds of parties end up with all the women in the kitchen bitching about the kids and drinking wine, while the men sit around a living room and talk sports.

“Thank you all so much for coming!” Christina started, “Now that we are all here. Feel free to fix some drinks and get to know each other. The games will start in about 30 minutes!”

I got up and headed to the bar. I mixed up a vodka soda for Miranda and poured a scotch for myself. A few of the other guys had similar plans and we made some idol chat before I headed back to deliver my wife’s drink.

“Here you are, love,” I said, as I presented her drink.

“Thanks, honey,” she replied.

She was in the middle of chatting with one of the other wives so I decided to take a look around the house. Miranda usually scolds me and tells me this is rude but I like to wander at parties, especially in new environments. It gives me an idea of other things to talk about when I eventually get cornered by one of the husbands who wants to drone on about his accounting practice or something.

Before long, I had made my way through the whole first floor and headed back to the living room where I noticed the normal lines had been drawn - women on one side, men on the other.

“Ah, there you are!” Christina chimed, “Come grab a seat, Marc. We’re going to get started.”

I grabbed an open spot next to one of the guys and waited to hear what game we were playing. Christina was holding the bowl of keys and began shaking them up.

“Okay, everyone. You know the rules but we have some first-timers tonight so I’ll go over them again. It’s very simple: One of the ladies will reach into the bowl and pull out a set of car keys. Whoever owns those keys will be her partner for the night. Once everyone has picked, the timer will start and you will have two hours to do what we all came here to do. When the timer goes off, you come back here, get your spouse, and head home. Got it?”

My head was spinning and I felt butterflies in my stomach. What the fuck was going on? Is this a swingers party? A key party?! Did Miri know about this?! I shot a look across the room to my wife and she met my gave with a knowing smile and a wink. She mouthed “be cool” to me. She knew exactly what was going on.

The next few minutes were a haze of confusion. Keys were being picked and newly formed couples were disappearing. Suddenly, I heard my wife’s name called and I snapped out of it.

“Okay, Miranda, you’re up!” Christina squeaked.

She reached in and pulled out a pair of keys that I was silently hoping would be mine. They weren’t.

“Who drives the BMW?!” She asked, too excitedly.

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A man stood up, claiming his keys - or claiming my wife would be more accurate. For whatever reason, I was slightly relieved at the sight of him. He was shorter than me - probably 5’10” or so - and had a hint of a belly that suggested he wasn't in as good of shape as me either. Some of the other guys in attendance would have made me a bit worried she would enjoy it too much - tall, handsome guys who looked like they probably split time between managing hedge funds and doing cross fit - you know the type.

As I watched in disbelief, my wife blew my a kiss and disappeared with this stranger.

“Jeep? Hello? Which one of you drives the Jeep?” a stunning woman with dirty blonde hair was saying to me and the other two guys left in the room.

“Oh… shit, sorry. That’s me!” I said.

She walked over and grabbed me by the hand, pulling me from my seat and leading me out of the room.

“I’m Regina,” she told me.

“Marc,” I said, shaking her hand. “So excuse my ignorance. How does this work?” I asked.

“Oh you’re one of the newbies?!” She asked. Her voice was high, almost shrill. She reminded me of a high school cheerleader that never really grew out of that personality, even after 15 years. Who was I to complain, though? She had the looks to go along with it - about 5’6”, slim with high, perky tits. And that hair. She had that dirty blond hair down to the middle of her back with a slight curl. It was incredibly attractive.

She bluntly continued, “So the timer is going to start in a minute or two. You’ll know because the whole house will fill with classical music. Then, we… you know… tear each other’s clothes off and fuck each other until the music stops.”

Holy shit. This was happening. She was oblivious to my uncertainty and nervousness. We walked into a dimly lit bedroom on the far end of the hall. In the center of the room was a king size bed with nothing but purple, silk sheets covering it.

Thirty seconds later, I heard the music begin.

“Come here, big boy,” Regina purred.

She turned around and moved her hair out of the way, signaling for me to unzip her dress. I stepped forward cautiously and slowly pulled the zipper down. As the dress unzipped, her black, lacy bra was revealed. I felt guilty and awkward but this was my wives idea to being with and I was afraid to admit that I had been tricked into this. The zipper stopped just short of the top of her ass, where I could just catch a peek of the top of panties that matched that bra.

She turned to face me. A serious look had replaced the cute cheerleader that had brought me here. She slid the shoulder straps off and all at once, her dress hit the floor. Left standing in front of me was a vision of feminine perfection I didn’t know possible. My wife is in fantastic shape and has a body most women would kill for. Regina had a body that Hollywood megastars would kill for.

“You just going to stare or are you going to come over here and show me what’s hiding in those pants?” Regina said, almost taunting me. She was well-aware of what she looked like and was in complete control.

I took a step forward and she was on me. Standing in the middle of the room, with the door still open, she began unbuttoning my shirt and kissing me passionately. I helped with the last few buttons and she shifted her focus to my pants. In seconds, my belt was being thrown across the room and my fly was being lowered. Wasting no time at all, she reached inside my boxer briefs to find my throbbing erection, already at full mast and made a noise that was somewhere between a growl and a moan.

Regina pushed me back towards the bed until I was falling onto my back on the soft, silky sheets. With my pants now at my ankles, I was not all that graceful. She mounted me and crawled up my body and kissed me with those soft, sweet lips of hers.

“Here, swallow this.” Regina whispered, as she pulled a small pill out of her bra.

“What is it?” I asked, worried.

“You want to fuck me for more that 30 seconds right?

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well, you won’t stand a chance without that little pill.”

I was done being cautious tonight. I popped the pill in my mouth and swallowed. As I did so, Regina began kissing her way down my body, while her hands worked my boxer briefs down over my cock.

“You have a beautiful cock, Marc.” Regina purred, almost like she was talking to herself. I’m not afraid to brag a little. My cock is about 7 inches and nicely proportioned. It looks like a dildo, to be honest.

The next thing I knew, I was in her mouth and she did not believe in starting slow. Within seconds, she was alternating between licking and sucking the tip while jerking me off and deep throating the entire length. Thanks to Miranda’s efforts earlier, I had been ready to pop for about six hours now. Regina was right - I didn’t stand a chance. In less than two minutes of her expert head, my balls tightened and I erupted straight down her throat. She barely flinched and just kept me in her throat, swelling my load as it poured out of my dick.

“I’m so sorry. My wife started me off earlier today and…” I tried explaining.

“Don’t be sorry, baby. Look at your cock, you haven't softened a bit,” she cut me off.

I looked down. She was right. The drug had taken its desired effect and I was still rock hard. In one smooth motion, she moved her body above me and maneuvered herself over my face. She reached down and pulled her black, lace panties to the side, revealing her swollen, clean shaved pussy. She was practically dripping and as pink as cotton candy.

Not having the patience for my admiration, she ground her perfect cunt down onto my mouth.

“Lick me, you fucking stud.” She growled.

I obeyed the order and began working my tongue all over her pussy. I made sure to pay special attention to her aroused clit and alternated between that and tonguing her sweet hole. She grabbed my by my hair, pulling my face into her while she gyrated on my face. My tongue was little more than a prop that she was using to get herself off. Her juices flowed down onto my face, covering my nose, lips, and chin. She was a quick cumber and in only a minute or two, I felt the telltale signs on an orgasm as she moaned and began shaking.

All this time, my cock had not softened a bit. She slid down my body and began kissing her juices off my face.

“There is nothing hotter than tasting your own cum,” she whispered in between kisses and licks.

Not slowing down for even a second, she reached between us and lined up my cock with her pussy. Once the head was inside, she applied a little more pressure and slowly engulfed my dick with her cunt. She had the tightest pussy I’d felt since high school. It was like a warm, wet velvet hand gripping my shaft.

Up and down, she went, picking up the pace with each stroke. Soon she was fucking me at a porn star’s pace. I remember thinking that it was not even possible to get fucked like this in real life and here I was with my dick being ridden like I had only seen in videos late at night. Despite the blowjob, I felt the beginning of another orgasm approaching.

“Regina, I’m gonna cum again!” I warned her.

Instead of speaking, she leaned down and kissed me hard. Her movements went from a pneumatic up and down to a circular grinding. I felt the depths of her pussy squeezing as she did this and was sent over the edge. I shot my load inside her while she continued her ministrations on my rod.

Regina slowed down to a stop but never took me out. She then did something else I had only seen in porn. Keeping my cock inside her, she spun 180 degrees into a reverse-cowgirl position. She rose up until the head of my penis was the only thing inside her and then slammed back down. My dick was still rock hard - those must have been some drugs!

Leaning back until her back bade contact with my chest, she said, “Play with my clitty!”

I reached around and found her little button and began rubbing it with one hand while I took a firm grip on her hip with the other. It was my turn to deliver the pounding. I thrust up into her as hard and fast as I could while playing with her clit. Her moans got louder and I could tell she was getting close.

“You like this dick, baby? You like when I fuck you like a whore?” I whispered in her ear.

This was the final trigger for her and she exploded in orgasm all over me. As she calmed down, she lifted off my shaft and a trail of my cum followed. We were a sweaty, juicy mess at this point. Surely the two hours was nearly up. Without a word, she backed herself up and placed us in a sixty-nine position.

I was a bit disgusted seeing my cum oozing out of her but when I felt her tongue on my cock again, I grabbed her hips and pulled her onto my mouth. This was a new experience. I had never tasted myself before and the mixture of her cum and mine was intoxicating.

I licked and sucked at her pussy while she did the same to my dick. I decided to take control and it one swift move, I rolled us over so that I was now on top. She seemed a bit surprised but didn’t let it phase her. She took me deep into her throat and let me face fuck her while I continued eating her out.

Not wanting to concede too much control, Regina slapped my ass as a signal that it was time to move. I climbed off of her and she got on all fours in front of me.

“Alright, big boy. There isn't much time left. I want you to make me cum one more time and then drain your balls inside me.” Regina said.

I grabbed her hips, pulled her to me, and plunged my entire length into her in one stoke. She let out a shriek and clamped her pussy muscles around my dick. As a pounded her as hard as I could, I reached up and took a fist full of her hair. She seemed to like being treated like a slut and the hair pulling sent her into a fit of moans and screams.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m almost there. Fuck me harder!” She yelled so loud, I’m sure the whole house heard her.

I felt her cunt convulse around me as her orgasm swept through her body. Her arms gave out and she sank down to the bed. I gave one last deep thrust and unloaded my last blast of cum inside her. I pulled my cock out and approached her face.

“Clean me off.” I demanded.

Surprised at my demand, she looked up at me and smiled before grabbing my (Still hard) cock and sucking our juices off of it.

I gave her a gentle slap on the ass, as if to say “good game” and got dressed. Leaving her in a sweaty pile on the bed, I went downstairs to find my wife and get out of here.

I wonder how her night went? Probably not as good as mine!

Stay tuned for Her Story.

Written by thatguy625
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