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Just Another Lesson to Be Learned

"One good thing about having a tiff in a marriage is that the makeup is awesome."

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The sun was about to set as Ann and I walked along the beach in front of our home. The sunsets are spectacular here in Southern California. We built our home sixteen years ago and would never live in another place. After a while of walking barefooted along the waters edge we stopped and sat down on a dune to watch the magnificent colors of pinks, red, and orange streak through the sky as though the creator painted this scene just for us. The reflection on the water of the setting sun looked like a million jewels sparkling their short lived beauty. 

As the sun dissolved into darkness, I pulled her close, lifting her chin, and kissed her with all the passion and love befitting my queen. 

“Mike, I am so sorry I have been so distant to you for the last month after you know what.” She still could not bring herself to mention that disastrous night with Vicky.

Looking down at her I was caught up in her beautiful eyes, in the fading light, being drawn in like a moth to a flame. I could see a tear running down her cheek and wiped it away with my finger. 

“Honey, I love you! I know you needed space and time to sort things out and I know you can never forget but I just hope and pray you can forgive me.” 

There was a long silence as I pulled her to me, wrapping my arm around her in an almost protective manner. My hand was cupping the side of her ample breast, something I had not felt for a while. 

Ann replied, “At first I was as caught up in what was happening, as you were, but as things got going it all started to change. Especially when I saw how your lust took control and you pounded Vicky with such a passion you never showed me. I was feeling like you were a different person, one that I did not know after twenty years of marriage.”

“It really hit home when I saw your cum pouring out that little whore. That was something that was always exclusively mine and now it is not.“ 

“I am so sorry and have no excuse for continuing when I could see you were upset."

I reached around her and slid my hand up under her sweat shirt, squeezing her braless breast. It had been nearly a month since she had even let me touch her. I knew that she needed the time and even slept in one of the spare bedrooms for the first week after our failed threesome. I knew the risks when we first agreed to act out our fantasies. One of the conditions was that she was to pick the woman and asked me what I thought about Vicky, the girl she worked with. I remember when she told me I tried to play it cool. All the while I was screaming on the inside “YES!”

Recalling that night was working me up, especially after a month without any sex but what my hand could provide. I pushed Ann back on the sand dune while lifting her sweat shirt and exposing those two beautiful globes of perfection topped with her strawberry nipples. 

“Hmmm,” she said, as I lowered my mouth and sucked in her hard bud. 

“That feels soooo good,” she panted as I suckled her. Then I pushed my hand into her panty-less workout shorts, slipping my finger between her flowering labia. 

“Oh God that feels so good,” she responded as I pushed my index finger into her opening to the second digit. She felt amazingly tight, probably because she had not had sex for such long time. 

“I think we need to go home,” I whispered in her ear. 

“No! I want you right here,” she said staring intently in my eyes. 

I lifted up and looked around to see if we were secluded enough. It appeared that where we were out of view and below the level of the surrounding shrubs. 

I pulled up and off her sweat shirt along my own and laid them out on the sand like a blanket. Looking down on her, she was incredibly beautiful with her white skin shimmering in the moon light and her hair spreading out on the ground. I was falling in love with her all over again. 

I kissed her neck then nibbled her ear lobe, and then kissed her mouth passionately as our tongues danced together as so many times before, but this seemed different somehow. This seemed more immediate with greater intensity, like we were sucking the very life force from one another. 

“I love you,” she whispered as I licked my way down her body toward the edge of her workout shorts. I hooked my fingers in the elastic and pulled them down and off. 

She spread her legs wide to allow me easy access to her wanton wet pussy. As the tip of my tongue made a long lick between her swollen lips I thought to myself, “Damn, I missed that taste.” 

Ann bucked her hips up to meet my mouth as I sucked her unsheathed erect clitoris. I knew she was about to cum by her contractions. She reached out and dug her hands in the sand and moaned. 

“Don’t stop! Ooooooooo. I am cumming! Fuck me NOW!” she screamed. 

I didn’t need convincing as I pulled down my shorts exposing my erect cock with its engorged head dripping pre-cum. After a moment of wiping it in the flowing juices of her pussy, I put the mushroom head in her opening and she lifted her hips to meet me. 

Moving my cock forward into her opening it stretched to fit my size. I thought to myself how tight she felt after not being fucked or a month. 

“Damn you feel so good!” 

“Am I like the virgin you took twenty years ago?” she replied with a grin. 

“No. Better!” I said as I drove all of my fat eight inches in to her soaking cunt, bottoming out on her cervix. This was not just some routine sex between two old married couples. There was a sense of immediacy and freshness to our union.

I fucked her faster feeling my juices start to boil up in me. That month of celibacy left us both with a freshness of desire. We were not having sex we were consuming each other. 

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! I want all of you! Fill me up!” She was nearing a climax. Our skin slapping together made an erotic sound of passion. This was the sound of two people working together for a common goal. We were about to reach our peak. 

Just as I raised myself up to get more leverage, I saw directly ahead of us someone crouching behind a shrub watching us make love. I don’t know what came over me but the very thought of having an audience made it even more intense and I pounded her with abandon ignoring our peeping Tom. 

We were both cumming and were sealed together as one flesh. I guess we were putting on quite a show and could see the person in a hooded sweat shirt grinning at me. I grinned back ejaculating the last of my contents into Ann's cunt.

After lying together quietly for a few minutes catching our breaths. Looking up our watcher was gone. I pictured in my mind him stroking his cock while watching us fuck. That made me hot just thinking about it. This only confirmed again my desire for outside participation in our sexual life. I don’t dare suggest anything to Ann after that last disaster. Seeing her reaction to me with another woman was enough to put up a permanent barrier up to that idea. I am not the cuckold type and I know I could not handle another man with my precious wife. I would have to give this some serious thought. 

“I think it is time to go home, honey. I need to get this sand off me,” Carol said. 

“You have more than sand to clean up,” I said as I reached down and scooped up a finger full of cum that was running down her thigh and putting it up to her mouth for her to suck and she did. 

“Yum,” she said as she gobbled it up. “Protein.” 

“There is more where that came from,” I said as I took her hand and made our way home walking along the edge of the pounding surf. 

What a beautiful night with the moon reflecting off the water and the salt spray blowing against us as our toes dug into the wet sand with each stride. 

“I love you,” I said as I pulled her close and squeezed her to my chest making it obvious our size difference. 

She is five foot two, one hundred five pounds, and I am six foot two, one hundred ninety five pounds. Our age difference is as much a contrast as our height. I am in my early fifties and she is thirty eight. 

I married her when she was just eighteen after she graduated high school. I had just been separated from the Army where I served as a helicopter pilot. A few months after the army I passed my contractor test and was in the process of forming a cabinet manufacturing business. 

I know many people don’t believe in love at first sight but I am a true believer. I first saw her at the grocery store. She was dressed in tight t-shirt that squeeze those perfect boobs making her nipples poke out like a couple little buttons. She was also wearing tight little shorts that made her firm butt the center of my attention. 

I remember I made some clumsy attempt to start a conversation. When she turned to me and I looked in to that beautiful face I was speechless. I drank up her beauty. Her brunette hair flowed like a goddess and her deep brown eyes caught me up like a whirlpool. “Can I help you?” she said bringing me back to earth. I fumbled through some story about needing some help with a recipe. I think she knew it was just an excuse I made up to talk with her but she went along with it to see where it would lead. After playing this game for about a half hour, I finally confessed I just came in to buy some beer but just had to talk with her. 

She smiled and said, “I know and ... I know nothing about cooking either."

We laughed and I asked her to go out with me. 

“Okay, but you will have to pick me up at my house and meet my parents.” 

I agreed and wrote down her address. Since we decided that we would go to a movie that night we need to go home and change. I took her hand a kissed the back of it and she chuckled. I thought to myself, “That was so lame! Did I think I was in Gone with the Wind?” 

I arrived there right on time or maybe a bit early. Their house was a damn mansion complete with a three tier fountain. It looked like a picture out of Better Homes and Gardens. 

I parked my old Triumph TR3 and made my way up to the custom Italian double entrance door.

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Nervously I pushed the buzzer. It sounded like a church bell choir. 

Her father opened the door. He was my height with grey hair and a bit of a belly and sported a welcoming smile. I reached out my hand and he firmly shook it. 

“Come on in and sit while Ann finishes getting ready. My name is Jim,” he said. We made small talk for quite a bit and I realized this pause was designed ahead of time to be examined by her father. 

“So this is the man I heard about,” said a voice coming from behind me. I stood up as I turned around and met Ann's mother for the first time. 

“My name is Mary.” 

I extended my hand and was looking at an older version of my future wife. She had the same dark brown hair, brown eyes, and slim frame. I could see where Ann got that intoxicating smile. 

We all sat and they asked me question about myself. I think it bothered Jim more than Mary about the fact I was thirteen years older than their daughter. I found out later that was the same age difference between them. 

They were pleased that I was gainfully employed and that I served in the Army as an officer. Jim was also a pilot and we found we had much in common. 

When Ann finally came down the stairs it was worth the wait. It was like one of those moments in the movies. She wore a short yellow dress that fit just right in all the right places. She walked with a sway of confidence that showed she knew I would like what I saw. 

We ended up not going to the movies that night. We drove to the beach instead and in a short time we were locked together exchanging spit. That night I was only able to get to second base with her caressing her breasts. Ann explained that she was a virgin and would say that way until she married. I knew she would be mine but no conquest was needed here. I would actually ask her to marry me on our next date. We were married in the garden of her parents' home three months later. Her parents also gave us a honeymoon gift of a trip to Paris. Our only son was born nine months later.


We went up the back stairs to our home after our sunset walk, I lifted her up and carried her across the threshold like we were on our honeymoon. 

She giggled putting her arm around my neck as I carried her over to the kitchen bar and placed her down gently on the overhang. 

Looking into her eyes I sad, “I missed you!” 

“I missed you too.” 

She hopped off the bar and said, “I am going to take a shower. Care to join me?” 

There was then a trail of clothes all the way to the downstairs bath. 

As I was sitting on the pot I was looking at my beautiful wife in the shower. I view of her image through the obscured glass sliding doors looked like a piece of modern art. 

“Are you coming in?” 

I slid open the door and stepped in. She looked down at my oblivious erection. 

“Awww. My two favorite big boys,” she said grinning. 

We were acting like a couple school kids washing and caressing each other. She asked me to shave her, so I knelt down on my knees like I was worshipping her and carefully shaved that beautiful pussy. 

As she washed between her legs she said, “You were really excited, I will be leaking cum for a week!” 

“Don’t wash too much. I will be adding to it in about ten minutes,” I replied. 

She stepped out of the shower and told me to give her five minutes before I came up. 

Entering the bed room I saw she had candles lit and romantic music playing. There was a bottle of wine and two crystal wine glasses. She was in the bathroom. When Ann stepped out I almost laughed. She had wide ribbons with big bow tied around her breasts with another one wrapped between her crotch and around her waist, also with a big bow. 

I asked, “What is this?” 

She said, “During this last month I had a lot of time to think about the events that transpired. I was so hurt watching you having sex with her with greater passion than you have ever showed me. I blamed you. I was so angry but I took none of the responsibility for what happened. I also thought of how much we love each other and remember you saying that or love is greater than any obstacle. I know there are things you wanted me to do but I was reluctant. Tonight I give you the gift of me body and soul. I am yours now and forever.” 

I was overwhelmed by the moment and by the gift. I am not normally a guy that cries but with tears in my eyes of joy I walked up to her and pulled the upper bow watching the ribbon fall to the ground freeing up those gorgeous tear drop breasts. I did the same with the lower bow pulling it off her. This was like Christmas in August. 

I swooped my beautiful present up and laid her on the bed. 

“Thank you. I pledge to you I will be worthy of such a gift.” 

I reached into the nightstand and retrieved the bottle of massage oil. I massaged her for the next hour, and then lay next to her. I am not a good enough writer to to put into words how her body felt pressed against me. 

I was so incredibly turned on by this woman but she had fallen asleep with all the rubbing. I went to sleep with her. 

I woke a few hours later with her between my legs deep throating my erection. I laid there watching her head bob up and down and those awesome tits swaying back and forth. 

“Damn! You have never done that deep before," I said as I grabbed her hair forcing her even deeper on my cock. She was gagging so I released her. 

She pulled up and smiled at me saying, “I have been practicing.” 

“Practicing on whom?” I asked. 

“Not on whom but on what. I practiced on a zucchini silly.” 

“Now I not only have to worry about other men hitting on my beautiful wife, I have to worry about vegetables?” Ann giggled. 

I pulled her up to me and sucked on her nipples that were at full attention. I pushed my face between those gorgeous globes and reached out cupping her swollen mound. She was dripping wet. I wanted to show her I was as committed to her as she is to me. I told her to come and sit on my face and I would lick her throbbing cunt. In the past I would never give her oral after we had sex. 

She lowered herself down on me and I licked her freshly shaved pussy. She was so hot my face was soaked with her fluids. I licked her and probed her and then while I was flicking her clit I pushed a couple fingers into her opening releasing a big glob of cum into my mouth. 

I always thought it gay to taste man juice, but it was not that bad. It tasted a bit salty but was not gross like I imagined. I continued to clean her out and she was responding with an orgasm tightening around my tongue. 

I rolled her off me and positioned myself to enter her but she pushed up on me and turned until she was on her hands and knees. 

“I told you that I give myself to you completely without reservation. I want you to fuck me in the ass.” 

Ann never would even let me touch her there before, much less fuck her. 

“Are you sure?” 

“Yes. I am yours.” 

I took the bottle of massage oil off the nightstand and squirted some of it on her tight puckered little anus. She was trembling and I told her to relax I would do nothing to hurt her. I slowly inserted my digit finger into her and twisted it a little. 

“Okay?” I asked. 


I put more lube in her opening and some on my other fingers gently pushing in two fingers. I told her to squeeze her anus on my finger. I could feel her contracting. 


“Uhh ...Yes.” 



I pulled out the two and inserted three twisting and probing. 

“Ouch, that hurt.” 


“Okay, be careful.” 

I pushed them in as deep as I could. 

“It feels like I have to go poop.” 

“Just do what I say and squeeze.” 

“You’re ready.” 

“Don’t hurt me.” 

I stroked my cock to make it as hard as possible and then poured lube into her gaping hole and on my whole shaft. I straddled her lining my cock up with her opening. 

“Here we go.” I started to advance into her. 


The head was in along with about three inches. I was up against her sphincter muscle. 

“Relax. I am going to push past this. I might be a little uncomfortable but will get better. Do you trust me?” 

“Yes. I trust you.” 

I shoved forward and felt myself go past the obstruction. I was now buried fully into her all the way to my balls. 

“Oh, God! That hurts.” 

I stayed still and just let her get use to my size. 

“Any better?” 

“Yes. Fuck me!” 

I pulled almost all the way out and plunged back in. I repeated this several times with her moaning at every stroke. 

“Give it to me! Fuck my ass! I am such a slut, fuck my ass!"

Her ass was so fucking tight. It made me want to blow just from the pressure. I did what she asked for and fucked her faster and faster with my balls slapping on her ass. My head was spinning from the pleasure. This was the best sex of my life. 

“Ohhhh, this feels so good. I am such a whore. Fuck my whore slut ass!” 

After about five minutes I could not hold back and started shooting load after load deep in her bowels. As I stroked her I could see my shaft coated with my sperm. 

She screamed, “I am cumming. Don’t stop. Ohhhhhhh."

We were both so spent I just collapsed on her panting. I was going soft and I slowly went soft and slipped out. My cum flowed out her well fucked ass. 

I kissed her neck and said, “Thank you. I love you. Are you alright?” 

“Yes. It was wonderful. I had the most intense orgasm I have ever had. You were so gentle and loving with me. Remember Mike, I belong to you.” 

“And I belong to you,” I replied. 

One good thing about having a tiff in a marriage is that the makeup is awesome. We continued to live each day as a precious gift and our fantasy life resumed in bed. We were again exploring other people’s stories and fantasies. She still gravitated toward threesome stories but this time it was in the two men with one woman and cuckhold categories.

The experience we had made us stronger and more confident in our bond of love. It was armor against the world. I feel there is another adventure waiting for us in the future. 

To be continued.

Written by ChuckEPoo
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