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Jill - Dipping our toes in the water

"Husband and Wife begin their journey into Hotwife territory"

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I'm going to publish this under “stories” and while most of this completely true, I've had to change or embellish on exact verbiage as best I can remember it. This is going to be a slow burn, so if you are looking for a quick sex story, you might want to move on. Just a fair warning.

I was engaged to my wife Jill when I was fairly young. I was twenty-three and she was twenty-two. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and stunning blue eyes. It was definitely lust or infatuation at first sight. She has a natural sexiness to her that drew me in, although part of her charm comes from having no idea how sexy she is to other people. I've seen the way guys look at her. And now, after fifteen years of marriage and two kids, she is just as captivating now as the day we met. She's thin with a 32B cup. Even though I know there is a part of her that thinks she's too small up top, I have consistently reassured her she is more than enough for me. She's certainly not flat chested, and after two kids, her breasts are still perky with delicious pink nipples that harden when she's excited.

I didn't know what the term “hotwife” was when I was growing up and I had considered myself fairly jealous of the looks she received and attention she drew.

Looking back, the very first introduction my body instructed me on having more control than my thoughts or emotions was a time when we were still engaged and Jill and I went to a water park. The kinds with tube slides and wave pools.

She wore a normal bikini, nothing too reveling but showed off her cute figure in a way that made me proud to be with her. We went on all the slides and were having a great time.

One of the slides at the park was an inflatable raft that held 5 people and rushed down a large valley with twists and turns, but never really threatened to flip over. We waited in line with all the other people and talked to each other about some of the details of the upcoming nuptials. I didn't really pay much attention to the folks around us, but when it got to be our turn, we got in the raft followed by three young Italian men. It didn't seem like they spoke any English but they gave us smiles and nodded to us as they chatted to each other.

Over the course of the day, with Jill's suit getting wet, there were times the outline of her nipples showed through the bikini top. Nothing overt, but certainly they were there if you looked.

We all piled into the inflatable raft and the guard shoved us on our way.

The raft bubbled down the valley and bumped and flopped over the various turns. A few turns of the raft and water would dump in from a fall over the wall the raft bumped into.

The Italians were laughing and chatting with one another and getting excited whenever the water dumped into the raft soaking one of the unlucky people to fall beneath it.

We were all sitting Indian style with our legs crossed under us. Jill was next to me and held onto my arm, afraid she was going to be the next one to get soaked. I noticed one of the Italian guys give a look to his buddy, he gave him a nod without saying anything and motioned for him to take a look at Jill's bikini bottoms. I looked over and down at her suit to follow the gaze of the young man. Due to the water that had accumulated on the bottom of the raft and the fact she was sitting Indian style, there, at the crevice between her legs, Jill's pussy was clearly on display underneath her bikini. Even though she kept herself trim, the V part of the bikini was pulled up tight and wedged against the back of the raft and a few dark hairs poked out from behind the thin fabric. Jill was completely oblivious as her main concern was looking out for turns in the raft that would dump water.

I looked back up at the Italian guy who first took noticed and he had also gotten his other friend, without saying a word to notice how on display Jill was. All three of them had become less jovial and more quiet as they took in her beauty. He saw me looking at them and knew that I knew that they knew what was going on. He gave me one quick raise of his eyebrows as if to say... lucky guy.

I had turn beet red, this was MY fiance. Her body didn't belong to anyone else and her pussy was mine. However, what could I do? We were in the middle of a ride, they really weren't doing anything wrong. A part of me wanted to slug them and the other part thought I would be looking too if I were in their shoes.

At that moment, Jill started screaming. She saw the raft was going to turn in just the right way, she was going to be right underneath a huge waterfall and deluge her with a chilly torrent.

She screamed and tried to dive over me to avoid the giant cascade, but to no avail, the water came down on her in buckets. Between her moving around and the power of the water, her top came down and her breasts were completely on display to our Italian companions. Her nipples were pink and erect from the cold. It took her a few moments to catch her breath. Once she realized what had happened to her top, she quickly recovered and moved her top back into place. Her face was now beet red, and the Italians were smiling at one another, no doubt happy they happened to land in our raft.

Jill was fairly quiet the rest of the ride and hid her face on my shoulder until it was time to exit. Everyone got off the raft and exited the ride. Our Italian friends ran ahead to some other slide excitingly chatting to one another about the surprise flash show they were able to see from my Jill.

We wandered over to the wave pool and sat down in the shallow end. I kept seeing the look of the three guys as they got an eyeful of my Jill. I should have been pissed, but I was strangely turned on and was getting an erection under the water and the memory of the event kept going over and over in my mind.

“Oh my God, can you believe that happened?” Jill said collecting herself as the waves washed past us.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, just really embarrassed. I've never flashed anyone before.”

“I think to qualify for an official flash, you need to do it on purpose. I'm sure what happened to you has happened to tons of people,” I said, deciding not to let her in on the fact that she was flashing more than just her tits.

“Maybe,” she said, her voice slightly far away as her hands came up and felt her cheeks. “Do you want to go on another slide?”

My erection was still going pretty strong, so I was a bit trapped and wouldn't be able to move from the wave pool until it subsided a lot more.

“Nah, lets sit here and enjoy the sun a little bit more,” trying to come up with a quick excuse.

That was the first time I remember my body betraying my thoughts and feelings. It was a small incident, but it has stuck with me all these years.

We got married, had kids and our sex life was pretty much normal. No role play, nothing really out of the ordinary. Until the night of our ten year high school reunion.


High School Reunion.


So, years had passed and I hadn't really given any more thought to “Hotwife” fantasies. Our sex life was ok, but it certainly had waned over the years to become more routine and uneventful. We knew each other's bodies and what we liked, what we didn't like, what we needed to do to make the other one cum. There were no surprises.


My 10 year high school reunion was coming up and since high school, we had moved to a different state. My wife had gone to a high school in the same city, but it was different than mine. We made plans to travel. My in-laws would watch the kids and we would grab a hotel near the restaurant venue where it was taking place.


Jill was always one to keep in shape, but with the reunion coming up, she wanted to make sure she was nice and toned and looked her best so she worked out several times a week and erased any years that had accumulated on her middle or thighs. She looked damn good. She also wanted to make sure she found a dress that complimented her figure. I went with her a few times as she tried on various outfits. Yes, I held her purse as she went in and out of the changing rooms. It never bothered me. I wanted to make sure she felt her absolute best and I didn't mind her taking care that she looked good to old friends of mine. They would be jealous I got to grab hold of and keep a jewel like her.


She found a stunning blue number with a plunging neckline that complimented her cleavage with both sides of her boobs peaking out from the middle.


The day of the reunion arrived and we went with a group of friends we knew. The high school was fairly large and with the passing of time, I either forgot or never met many of the people that were there. I was a late bloomer and was a bit reserved in high school anyway. Jill was the same way.


Over the course of the dinner we found ourselves separated a number of times. I was talking with folks and she knew people simply because we were from the same town so she was off on her own as well. We came back for dinner and we sat with a few people we knew. The drinks continued to flow and Jill got more and more talkative and tipsy.


It was decided there was going to be an after part at one of the local bars. As we were leaving, Jill was giggling and said one of the guys she had been talking to was flirting with her and grabbed her arm and said, “You really need to come to the after party.”  I smiled as I thought, yeah, of course he would want her there.


“Did you flirt back?” I asked her.


She demurely smiled and said “Maybe.”


I felt a jolt go through me. That old familiar sensation of my body having total control over anything I was thinking or feeling. Jill looked radiant and she obviously enjoyed the attention and all the hard work she put into toning up paying off.


Every time she leaned forward in the car, her dress was loose enough that almost the entirety of her breast came into view, depending on which side you were on. I'm sure her gentleman flirter got an eyeful a few times.


We arrived at the bar and it was already packed. It was hard moving through the crowds of people, but we eventually made our way to a back table where a number of our friends had already arrived and were sitting. Jill, not wanting to lose her fairly strong buzz volunteered to go get our drinks at the bar since there wasn't a waiter or waitress coming around. She left and I sat down at the table.


I caught up more with people I hadn't seen in a long time. They were smart and a couple of them had already gotten drinks when they first arrived.


Jill was gone for a good twenty minutes. I knew the place was packed and getting drinks was going to be tough, but it still seemed like she was gone for a long time.


She finally got back and had four drinks in her hands. By the look of them they might have been Long Island Iced Teas, I didn't care, but figured she got two for each of us because of the line she had to wait through.


She beamed at me as she sat down.

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“Sorry, the place is jammed, hard to get through”


I kissed her and thanked her for the drinks. She seemed to be absolutely loving the evening and the affects of the alcohol continued to flow through her as we chatted and reminisced about old times with our friends.


The evening eventually wore down sometime early in the morning and we all said our goodbyes and Jill and I took a taxi back to the hotel.


We stumbled up to the room locked arm and arm and she started kissing me as soon as the door was closed.


“Wow, you still aren't tired?” I asked between lip locks.


She shook her head and began peeling my jacket off. I knew the affect alcohol has on her, and while it definitely lowers her inhibitions, this was something more. “What's got you so wound up?”


She giggled. “I don't know. I got a lot of nice compliments tonight,” she unbuttoned my shirt.


“Oh yeah? From anyone in particular?” thinking back on the guy who wanted to make sure she came to the after party.


“Mmmm maybe,” she slurred, her hands reaching for my belt buckle.


I was definitely getting hard and the alcohol was no deterrent for the look in her eye. I knew she was thinking of something.


“Did something happen?”


“What dooo you mean?” her hands reaching into my underwear and finding my cock, semi erect.


“At the after party, you were gone for a long time”


She giggled, “It was crowded,” she seemed to hesitate for just a moment trying to decide in her inebriated state if she should continue. “but.....yes. Something did happen.”


I swallowed. She stroked my shaft and could tell there was an instant reaction by her words.


My head swam, my Jill had never done anything that could be remotely described as straying or crossing any sort of line. This drunken admission was the first time anything like this had happened in all the years we had been married. I could feel my heart rate increase and my mouth went a little dry.


“Tell me,” I stated.


She smiled. “I don't want you to be mad at me.”


I don't know if she was seriously worried or she was teasing me.


“I'm not going to be mad, just tell me what happened.”


She dragged me over to the bed, still dressed, me, my pants around my ankles, I tore them off and she laid down on the bed next to me.


“So, you know that guy I told you about? He wanted to make sure I came to the after party?” She asked, pulling my underwear off and exposing my cock, at full attention.




“He was at the bar also trying to get drinks, he saw me and said he was glad I came,” she said, stroking my fully engorged member.


“I said thanks and asked how long had he been waiting to get drinks, he said he had been waiting five minutes already, but he was sure a pretty lady like me would be able to cut to the beginning.”


“So, you must of liked that.”


“Yes, it was nice what he said but... ”


“But what?” I asked.


“It was more the way he was looking at me. He was good looking, don't get me wrong, but it was how he was looking at me. It didn't make me feel like a mom, or PTA member or boring old housewife. It made me feel, I don't know... alive again.” She could tell the story was having an effect on me. My cock twitched as she was talking.


“Do you like that?” she asked as she bent down and swirled the head of my cock with her tongue.


This was a bit of a tipping point. If I tell her I was getting turned on by what she was telling me, would it give her the impression I was somehow less in her eyes? There were a lot of emotions running through me, but my body had already answered her question for me. I simply nodded.


She smiled with relief and continued on.


“So you don't mind another man was flirting with me and I was flirting back?” she licked along the shaft and gently cupped my balls.


“Did it turn you on?” I asked between breaths.


“Mmmm hmmm,” she nodded as she took my member into her mouth.


“So then what happened?”


She stopped her sucking and continued to stroke with her hand, rubbing the tip with her thumb coated in her saliva.


“He said my dress was absolutely beautiful and... ”


“And what?”


“He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, 'And he had been trying to get a peak down it all night," she blurted. “I know he was tipsy, but I couldn't believe he said something like that to someone he knew was married and also didn't know if I was going to slap him for being so forward.”


“And did you?” I asked, knowing she was never really one for violence.




“What did you say?”


“I didn't say anything for a while, I was a bit stunned. I knew I was probably blushing. I mean how could I respond to that?”


“So, what happened?”


Still stroking, her voice took on a kind of far away tone,as if she were talking about another person.


“He asked if I wanted to cut in front of him. I knew you guys were waiting for the drinks, so I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to get them quicker, so I nodded.” She paused, “Are you sure you want me to go on?”


My throat was constricted. She could tell my body was so loving the story, but she was still nervous which made me even harder if possible. I quickly nodded my head.


“He said I was welcome to cut in front of him... for a price. I said I didn't have any cash. He laughed at that. No, that's not what he meant. He was really close to me because of all the people, he had a spot at the bar, but the bartender was still busy getting drinks for everyone else.”


“Go on.”


“Oh my god, I can't believe this happened. He bent over and whispered in my ear again. He said I need to lean forward a little bit.”


I swallowed. “He wanted a good look down your dress.”


Jill nodded.


“So, what did you do?”


“Well, I wanted to get those drinks and get back to you guys quicker... ” she trailed off.


“So you leaned forward?”


She nodded.


“And he saw your breasts?” I felt myself beginning to crest the wave of an orgasm.


She nodded. “Yes, he could see down my dress. I could tell by the look in his eye he really liked what he saw.  But... ”




“There's more. He leaned in again and asked me to stay that way for a moment. So I did. Then he... he reached his hand out and put it in my dress. I could feel his hand on my breast.”


“Oh my God... in a crowded bar? No one saw this?” I moaned.


She shook her head. “It was so packed, I don't think anyone was paying any attention.”


She kept stroking. “Are you mad?” she asked nervously.


“No” I croaked. “Did it turn you on?”


She nodded. “Yes, I could feel myself getting wet as he fondled me.”


I was about to cum. “Did you say anything?”


“Yes, I said I didn't think he should be doing that. His hand grasped my breast and his thumb ran over my nipple. I could tell it was rock hard, I had to stifle a moan. He whispered, 'Do you want me to stop?' ”


“Did you?”


“I was just so surprised and turned on. I didn't want him to stop, but I nodded my head yes. He took his hand out and said thank you. Then he stepped aside and let me take his place in line.”


I exploded all over her hand. It was a huge amount of cum and it seemed to go on forever. I calmed down.


“So, you aren't mad at me?” she smiled. “I let another guy feel me up?”


“No, I'm not. I don't know why. I guess I should be, but I'm not.”


“God I'm so horny,” Jill said grasping her cheeks.


“I can help with that,” I said pushing her down on the bed and lifting up the bottom of her dress over her head. She was wearing light silver panties. The crotch of them had a telling dark stain from her juices.


“Wow, you really are turned on,” I teased, easing her panties down her legs. She keeps herself trimmed, but neither of us like the completely bald look. I gazed at her pussy. Her lips were open and wanting. She was more aroused then I had seen her in a long time. I ran my fingers gently over her slit, coating them with her excitement.


“You liked what happened...didn't you,” I said.


She nodded her head.


“No, I want you to tell me.”


“I liked what happened. I liked the feel of another man's hand on my breast,” she said quickly, covering her face with her hands.


“Would you have gone farther?”


“No...I don't think”


“Did you want to?”


She nodded her head again.


“Tell me.”


“Yes, God help me. I wanted to go farther with him. I wanted to feel his hands on my pussy.”


She rarely talked dirty, but the alcohol and the events of the evening obviously put her on another plane.


“Like this?” I asked, running me fingers in and out of her slit, gently tickling her clit.


She nodded....”Yes. Like that.”


“Did you want him to lick you?” I asked, leaning down and making slow gentle licks up and down her lips, swirling the tip of my tongue around her clit. I sucked the top part of her pussy in and out of my mouth.


“God, yes!” she yelled.


I continued to move my fingers in and out of her dripping wet entrance as I sucked her tiny clit like a little cock. I could tell she was cresting.


“Mmmmm yes.”


“Did you want to suck his cock?” I asked, increasing pressure and pace.


“Mmmm yes...yes! I wanted to suck his cock,” she was completely gone to the sensations and the memory of what happened.


“Ohhhh ohhh God! Yes!” she exclaimed coming in a flood of juice all over my fingers and lips. Her hips buckled and moved as if she were fucking an invisible partner. Slowly, she stopped moving and her breathing became less labored.


Things calmed down and remained silent for a while.


We both giggled at the same time.


“Well, that was different,” I finally said.


“Umm., yeah” Jill smiled and tossed my hair. “That was incredible. I haven't been that turned on in a long time.”


“Me either,” I said kissing her.


“Are things ok? Between us I mean?” she asked, still nervous.


“Sweetie, you are absolutely amazing. I adore you more today than yesterday if possible.”


She gave me a hug. We embraced for a long time.


“It seems we have a lot to talk about on the ride back home,” I whispered in her ear. She nodded.


Thus began our adult journey into the wonderful world of hotwifing.



Written by DStone
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