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I Have My Darling Wife Ashley On A Dating Site

"She was just there to make friends but it got hot quickly"

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My lovely wife, Ashley, had recently moved to this country from Mauritius. Although she was now nearly forty, her body was still slim and cute. She has small, nicely formed breasts and a pert little arse, her tummy is tight as a drum.

Ashley had come from a bustling and lively hotel with more social life than perhaps Ash realized. Although there was some family here, it was a bit of a friendless and lonely start to her move. We talked about how she could go about making some friends, and I joked about her joining a Dating Site but just to make friends. It was a horny thought that she might go out with another guy who would fancy her. I think we all really want our wives to be desirable to other guys.

At first, she said, “No way, I am ok to just be here, perhaps I will make some friends at the gym or at work.”

She did join the gym and now had a part-time job in an accounts department, and it felt like she was starting to fill her time. A week or two later, I asked how she was finding her move to the UK, did she have any regrets?

She said, “I'm thrilled that we are together finally but did I do miss the people I have been working with at the hotel. I miss talking to people and going out.”

So I asked her, “Have you had thought any more about going online to make some friends?

Slightly inquisitively, she replied, “It just feels a bit strange, and I'm really not sure.”

But she didn't say 'No,' so now I was feeling horny and pressed her a little. “It would be nice for you to meet new people. Will you have a think about it?”

And to my surprise, she said, “Ok, I will think about it if it's what you want.”

I can't tell you how horny this made me feel. I was already thinking about what Ash should wear, but I was getting way ahead of myself. She had not actually said yes yet.

The next weekend came, and I said, “Let's set you up with a profile, you don't need to reply to anyone, perhaps no one will contact you.”

She looked almost offended by the comment and said, “Of course they will, I still look good for my age and my gym is paying off, my tummy has almost gone and my arse is hard, come feel it.”

She had her gym leggings on, and I moved my hand around her bum and onto her crutch. I threw her on the couch and pulled her leggings and panties down in one swoop. Her sweaty, shaved wet pussy was there to be licked and sucked. I slowly moved my tongue up and down her slit and teased her clit with the tip of my tongue. Her head arched back as I sucked her clit between my lips, then gently slipped one finger into her fanny and then another into her arse. I knew she would cum quickly. She was very much in the mood. Her muscles tightened as she reached her climax, and I pushed another finger in, and that was it. She said, “Oh baby,” and like an internal explosion, she came.

I said to her, “Where did that come from – you came in about three minutes.”

She laughed and said, “I was about to ask you the same question, but do you want me to do you?”

I said, “I'm ok. We can carry that session on tonight.”

She pulled her panties up but left her leggings off. And to my surprise, she started talking about the site. “So what exactly is this the site? What should I put for my profile?”

I really wanted to fuck there and then, but I had her in the mood, I couldn't let this opportunity go.

I said innocently, “Let's look at what other people put when they want to make new friends,”

We sat down on the PC and found a dating site with a 'Just Friends' option, and we looked at the profiles on it. Most of the women looked old and not at all attractive.

Ashley looked at me and said, “Ok, hubby, so do you still think no one will try and contact me?”

I laughed and said, “Well, you definitely look a lot better than this lot.”

We put at simple profiles together which more or less told the truth; “Recently moved to this country and although married, would like to make some new friends.”

I wanted to put a sexy pic of her in a plunging top, but she settled instead for a black cocktail dress pic, which showed a bit of cleavage but was not too much.

I thought I'd not ask her any questions about anything, but would secretly look. But the next day, I asked her if anyone had tried to contact her.

She laughed and said, “Well, quite a few lonely old men and quite a few married men.”

I asked, “Are any of them interesting that you could become friends with?”

She was inwardly smiling said, “A couple of them had made her laugh. One was quite nice looking.”

I joked, “Oh really, any dates lined up then?”

I was genuinely joking and was really surprised when she replied, “One of the guys called Bruce had asked if I would meet for a drink on Friday.”

I tried to be cool but blurted out, “Wow, are you going to go?”

Again, I was only being playful and was super surprised when she said, “I'm not sure. Bruce is funny and is at a conference near here this weekend. I have been thinking about it.”

I asked, “Where does he want to take you?

She tried to make a joke out of it. “Probably some seedy dimly lit bar where he can get me drunk, but he is a gym disciple, so probably doesn't drink and eats salad all day,”

She looked over at me and giggled with her filthy grin, and I probably couldn't hide my excitement. We had been here before, but it was a long time ago. My heart raced at the thought of this again.

I just could not help but throw her on the settee and pulled her panties down, and give her pussy the same treatment. She was absolutely soaking wet, but she had let her bush grow a bit.

Afterward, I jokingly said, “You better get that shaved before your date.”

She threw the cushion at me and laughingly said, “No one is going near my kitty James, we are just meeting as friends. He has recently split up from his wife and is also looking to meet new people, and plus, he doesn't have a dirty mind like you, though he did say I have a nice bum”.

I thought, 'Wow, this has advanced' and asked, “How does he know you have a nice bum? Your pic is head and shoulders?”

She blushed slightly and confessed, “Well, I sent a few more pics, and some of them were on the beach.”

I said, “On the beach, as in bikini or topless?”

She said, “They were in a bikini, but one was lying on my tummy, and that's the one where he said I had a nice bum. He said he just wanted to see some pics of the Mauritius beaches. He did want to see some topless, but I wasn't sure how you would feel about me sending them”.

I secretly wished she had sent some topless pics and wondered if she had but not told me.

Friday night finally came, and I was horny as fuck. Was she really going to go on a date, even if it was a friend's date? I sat on the bedroom floor on my tablet, and she came out of the shower to get dressed.

She looked at me and laughed and said: “What are you thinking and what am I doing? This is crazy.”

I played it down and said, “It's nothing – it would be fun for you to go out.”

But then she let her towel drop, and she had completely shaved her pussy. I stared at it, about to burst out of my trackies, and before I could say anything, she blurted out, “Don't say a word; I always shave it on Fridays. It has nothing to do with going on a date.”

But could not take it and started kissing her leg, moving my tongue up to her crack, then gently turned her around and slipped my tongue into her arse crack, she bent forward onto the bed, and I licked her arse and pussy for a few minutes, she was breathing deeply, and I started to pull away.

She loves her arse being licked, and she reached back and pulled my face into her arse and said, “Don't stop, keep going.”

But I did pull away and said: “We can continue that later.”

She laughed and said, "Are you really going to send me out feeling this horny James?"

She then pulled on the tiniest red thong, which was also completely transparent, then a matching red bra that was also see-through and very flimsy. Finally, on went her little black dress, which showed plenty of cleavages but also her bra.

She looked at me and said, “I can't wear this dress; it shows my bra; I'll have to find something else.”

I asked, “Do you usually wore a bra with it?

She said, “No, it is not meant to be worn with a bra. Let me try without it”.

She removed the bra and pulled the straps back up. “There, that's better.”

She looked at herself in the mirror and turned to me, “What do you think then? Am I presentable?”.

She looked a million dollars, and I told her so. The next thing there was a horn sounding, and she said: “God, the taxi is here already; I am meeting him at the hotel bar where he is staying, I don't want him to know where I live.”

Then she sprayed her perfume over her body and dress, followed by two squirts up the skirt, and again laughed and said: “I always do that James, all girls do.”

Then she gave one final twirl, and her dressed lifted up slightly. As I was on the floor, I could see right up to her little bum and the tiniest of triangles over her shaved pussy.

She kissed me and said, “I'll be back by eleven but will text you first”.

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Her scent still lingered, and she left, and I thought of her in that little black dress with almost nothing on underneath. It was a warm summer evening, and she did not take a coat.

I looked out of the window as she walked down the path, then the taxi driver hopped out of the car to open the back door for her. He stared down at her as she climbed in, and I realized why he had opened her door, she had to spread her legs as she got in, and he could see right up her skirt.

This situation was so unbelievably horny; what a start for her date. She made no attempt to stop her dress riding up and surely knew the taxi driver could see her transparent panties

The minutes ticked away and then suddenly, a welcome text: “I am here baby at the Salsa bar, everything is cool, there is nice music, and he is just getting some drinks, he seems a really nice guy, will text you when I am on my way home xxx.”

Eleven o'clock came and no more texts. I wasn't sure whether to text or to drive there. This would not be at all cool, so I decided to stay put. After a few minutes, I wandered over to the window, but there was no car outside. I sat there thinking, 'Has she decided to stay out later?

I thought I'd give it to 11:30 and then text her. Then at 11:20, my phone pinged. “Hi darling, I am having a great time, made some new friends and have been dancing all night; thank you so much for letting me come out. Love you, be back when it closes xxx”.

I stared at the phone and smiled. This, after all, was the whole idea of Ashley going out. It was to make new friends and enjoy herself. I stayed by the window, wanting her to come home even more now. I just could not wait to bury my head in between her legs.

At 02:30, I saw a car pull into our road and pull up outside. The lights indoors were out, and I peered through the window and could see Ashley clearly but could not see the driver. She was smiling, talking, and looked really happy. I could see that one of her straps had slipped off. Part of her left breast was showing.

She looked up at the bedroom but could not see me, and then the driver leaned towards her to kiss her. I could not see them kissing, but that had to be what they were doing. Her face was no longer in view, but to my amazement, I saw a hand slip into the top of her dress and start to fondle her breast. This seemed to go on forever, but then his hand moved down over her arm, her breast and dark brown nipple was utterly exposed, and I thought to myself, 'Where is that hand now?'.

After a few more minutes, he pulled back, and Ashley looked slightly panicked. I looked down, and our neighbor walked past them with his dog. Ashley jumped out of the car pulling her strap up and waved her date goodbye as if the last five minutes had never happened.

Ashley started to walk towards the house, and the neighbor, his name is Guy, said something to her. She turned around and laughed. I could hear her say, “Thank you, that is a very nice thing to say; I feel really welcome here.”

Then he held his arms out for a hug, she leaned forward and put her arms around his neck, and he put his arm around her waist and then patted her on her bum. She laughed and came up to the house. I quickly jumped into bed and pretended to be asleep.

She came straight into the bedroom and kissed me long and hard on my mouth, then said, “Thank you for letting me go out; I had a lovely time; I have been drinking, dancing” she stopped short.

I said with a massive grin on my face, “Yes, drinking, dancing, and what else?”

Now she had a devilish grin on her face and said, “Well I did have a little kiss goodnight, I had had such a great time with him and his colleagues, they are all working nearby and are staying in the hotel where the bar is. They all really like me and made me feel so welcome”.

I said, “Oh, really, his friends? Ok, so a kiss goodnight, and what else, tell me about your evening and don't miss out on anything?”.

She said, “Ok but carry on what you were doing earlier,” and then she lifted up her dress, spun around, and straddled my face. Then, she pulled her micro thong to one side and lowered her warm cunt onto my mouth. It was slippery hot, and I said: “Wow, someone enjoyed herself tonight.”

She said in a husky voice, “Yes, I did, and now you are going to get your reward.”

She pulled my cock out and sucked long and hard on it for a few minutes like she had wanted to do that for a while. Then let go and told me about her evening.

“So, I got there and was really nervous, but he was very relaxed, and I sat down in a booth while he got the drinks. He told me how his wife had left him, and his friends had persuaded him to go onto the site. I wished I hadn't sent those topless pictures as all his friends have been looking at my them.”

When we were on the dance floor, his friends came and sat near our table. They had bought a bottle of champagne and were celebrating a sale or something. We sat at the booth and had a glass of champagne. I was in such a happy mood.”

I interrupted her and said, “But did he try and kiss you or touch you?”

She said he was quite affectionate and tactile, but it was just in a friendly and reassuring way.” Then his friend, Andrew, asked if we could have a dance. It was a slow record, and we had a few laughs, and he was a perfect gentleman on the dance floor. He kept his hands on my waist and did not try to do anything. But I did love the attention I was getting. Then I had a few more dances with Bruce. He got a bit smoochy, but it was dark, and his friends could not see us”.

I said, “Smoochy? What does that mean?”

She said, “Well, you know, he had his arms around me, and you know, let them slide onto my bum. It was harmless, but he did ask if I was wearing knickers as he could not feel any. I said it was a thong, so I did not show any panty line. And he then felt right in my crack and very cheekily said: “Just checking.”

“It was like being a teenager being felt up on the dance floor,” she laughed.

“And then it was time to go. So, I kissed his friends' goodnight, and they all wanted a hug and also had a cheeky feel of my bum”. Then I came straight up here”.

I said, “no way you told me you had had a goodnight kiss, and this was eleven o'clock, that was more than two hours ago.”

She leaned back and pushed her crotch onto my face again and said, “Ok, suck my clit a bit, and I'll tell you.”

I would have agreed to absolutely anything at this point. This was so much more than I had expected.

She continued, “So, we got into the car in the hotel car park, and we had a little kiss and a bit of a cuddle,” then she hesitated.

I said, “Go on … don't stop”.

She giggled at my frustration and carried on, “Well, he did put his hand into my dress while we were kissing, I didn't think you mind if he felt my titties, but I pulled his hand away and said I really had to get home.”

She reached back and stroked my hair. “Are you sure you want to hear this baby?”

I was so happy, “Yeah, let's have all the details.”

She paused for a moment and looked at me to see my reaction to see if I was still enjoying the story. I was mesmerized and smiled back at her then said: “I love it, baby, tell me more.”

“Ok,” she continued. “So, he was really squeezing my titties, and I could feel his cock getting really hard so I undid his zip to let it go a bit. It just sprang out; it was really fat and hard. He told me to feel his balls, they were massive and I could not help but show my surprise”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it was so horny. “Carry on baby,” I murmured

“He had his hand in my knickers now and was making me soaking wet, but it was awkward in the car so we swapped seats and he reclined the passenger chair right back. He lay back and pushed my head towards his cock, almost as soon as I started sucking his balls and got as much of his cock in my mouth as I could, it is really big. After just a few minutes, he let out a moan and just shot all his hot sperm into my mouth. I didn’t have a chance to move away and there was nowhere to spit it out so I had to swallow it all. He literally came in about one minute and I thought, James is going to be mad at me for swallowing all that cum from those big balls."

“Bruce had drunk too much to drive me, so Andrew drove me home. When we got here, he did kiss me, but Guy walked past with his dog. I think he did see Andrew playing with my tits, and then I knew it was time to come back to hubby.”

She bent forward to suck my cock for a little, gave my balls a squeeze, and then said teasingly, “They both want me to go back tomorrow night, but they want me to stay over. I think they would both want to fuck me, I mean, would you be ok about them putting their big cocks in your wife's little pussy darling? They told me you would be ok about it.”

I said, “I am not sure about you going back there tomorrow, baby. Do you want to?”

She said, “Well, how do you feel about it? I wouldn't get into anything serious.” She giggled “It would only be suck and fuck”.

I was really unsure about all this, I asked her, “Do you want Bruce and Andrew to fuck you?”

“Look baby, I will go back tomorrow and then come back and tell you my naughty stories, but only if you want me to. I can easily text them and tell them I have changed my mind, I’m sure they will be ok about it.”

... to be continued



Written by jameswest_uk
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