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How It Started

"How a husband and wife spice up their marriage in an unconventional way."

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Author's Notes

"This is my first story in quite some time, and different from my normal writing category but I've found with some of my kinks, I don't quite get what I'm looking for. I personally enjoy the slow build up, the teasing and playing vs. <p> [ADVERT] </p>just a thousand different descriptions for the same sex. I hope this story satisfies whatever you're looking for. How things began with my wife and I."

We had married at a young age before graduating college, deciding that we had found our one and only true love. The following years were a whirlwind of major life events, some positive events, like careers and buying a home, some negative like losing a job, or an old pet passing away. We lived through a lot, and it got to a point where our sex life had begun to fizzle. I would find myself unable to really get it up long enough to do anything, and she was never in the mood.

It was during this dry spell that my mind began to wander to the strange. I would find myself trolling my favorite websites reading naughty stories and trying out different fantasies and kinks to see what would work for me. We tried some light choking, which was pleasant, but not really something we could keep up. We tried blindfolds, and ropes, and that got things done on special occasions. There were some light spanking events, attempts at dirty talk, and plenty of toys and liquor, but nothing really seemed to click. Life's stress had its way of taking a toll.

One evening I found myself typing in words like husband and wife into my usual dirty sites. I learned a few new words and began to do a lot of reading, following the rabbit down the click hole. It didn't take long for me to realize this new kink was doing something for me. I would think about some of the scenarios I was reading about like a husband letting his wife spend a night with a co-worker, or a wife arranging a girl to suck her husbands cock while she watched.

These stories, at first, gave me that old sense of shame that I hadn't felt in a long time. That sense of shame you felt when you were first learning to masturbate and thought there was something 'wrong' with it. Or when you first watched porn, likely something tame, but thought the world was going to end and you would be imprisoned forever. I felt dirty. I felt ashamed. I felt like if someone ever really even glanced at my wife the jealousy would drive me crazy.


It also made my heart race, and my skin hot like I hadn't really felt for so long. I liked almost every scenario and version of play. I preferred the ones where the women really took charge, or wanted in on some girl time themselves. Or the videos where the husband would be filming and the wife would be talking dirty and even lovingly back to the husband because that was how secure they were. I started to find my favorites and would read or watch them over and over again finding my favorite moments and watching it together like a slutty symphony. 

After reading various stories and watching porn I was finally able to work up a few good nights with my wife. I would think about all the dirty nasty stuff, and picture her doing some of the things I had seen and read and I would be as hard as a rock. She enjoyed this new passion because it was hard for her to initiate. She was also horny, but just unable to really 'get it up' either, just sitting watching her phone seemingly indifferent but in reality just tired from long days and responsibilities. I knew she wanted to be treated, to be taken and to be made to feel good like a real woman. 

On a few other nights, I would try to work in my fantasy a little without showing my hands too hard. I would take a few dirty pictures for fun, and tell her how sexy she looked and direct her on how to pose. She would giggle and tell me to stop, only to strike another pose, or make a cute face and look away from the camera. The camera really did love her too, and the pictures came out looking fantastic.

I would look at the photos and find myself fantasizing about her doing some of the things in the story. I would stroke myself while picturing her telling me all the different ways she wanted it. How much she wanted to touch another man, or be touched. How much she wanted to expose herself. Every time I thought of this it brought me there almost instantly. 

A few weeks after our photoshoot I was hanging out with a friend smoking some weed and watching old reruns of the Simpsons. He was talking about his latest Tinder hookup and about how he never planned on settling down. Really no one wanted to settle down with him, they just wanted a quick fuck.

He pulled up his phone and showed me a few pictures he had taken with some of the girls. Some were sucking his dick, others were just showing off their tits. One was a video of him fucking this girl hard while she moaned out in a way that I honestly thought only existed in porn. 

Watching all this on his phone turned me on, and made me think about my secret fantasy. I swiped around, zooming in and looking at every picture and every angle. After looking at these pictures for a few minutes, it dawned on me that I was staring at his cock. I mean I kind of knew it but at the same time, I've been desensitized to pictures of naked people to the point where now I just view it abstractly as porn, not as real people.

I kind of chuckled and asked him, "Brad, how can you be comfortable with another person seeing your dick man? I mean isn't it a little embarrassing?"

"I don't know I think it's kind of hot. Plus who cares? we all have pee-pees and taa-taas. This isn't grade school."

"Yeah, but some things should be taboo, shouldn't they? I mean if we showed everyone those parts all the time they wouldn't really be exciting anymore right?"

"Well, I mean I don't really show everyone. Just maybe a friend or two. It's just friends, so who cares, right? I mean, I can see your erection right now through your jeans so you tell me, is it embarrassing?"

"Yeah, that's true."

We kept watching the Simpsons and my mind kept wandering to his phone. I just kept thinking of the pictures and the video and the fact that I had now seen my friend's cock. Plus, yeah if it's just a friend or two it's still pretty taboo. I thought about the photos I had taken with my wife and about how hot she looked.

There was a nice progression of her scantily clad as is, removing layer after layer until she was totally nude. After that, she had some fun posing and showing the camera everything. I thought about how crazy it would be showing him the photos. Knowing he would know what she looked like naked. That he would see her again, and probably be thinking about it. 

Then I thought what my wife might think. How pissed she would be? Or would she? She was a pretty uptight woman on the surface. She wore skirts daily, wearing pants only on necessary occasions. She still attended church every Sunday and Thursday. She saw her parents at least once a week.

However, underneath that veneer was a bit of a wild side. She would drink in private, going to bars with friends for special events. She would smoke cigarettes if she felt like it trying, poorly, to hide it. She swore like a pirate and cut people off in traffic. Once on a road trip far away from anyone who could ever know us, she flashed a truck driver her bra. Who knew how deep her actual wild side went, though.

After a few more episodes I finally worked up the courage to do it, but I was going to make sure he would at the minimum be hazy. We had already smoked a bit of weed, but he was a lightweight, and I could smoke my weight. I told him I wanted to show him something cool but that I wanted him to get blazed first.

He agreed, and we went outside. I took out a joint and lit it, passing it back and forth. He was pretty stoned by the end of it, and didn't really notice me light up the second one. After the second one, he was really giggling.

We went back inside and sat down on his couch.

"Okay I'm going to show you something, but you can never tell anyone. I swear to god I will cut off one of your tits of you breath a word of this."

"Dude, I've kept some pretty dark secrets of yours already. I'm sure I can handle whatever this is."

"Okay. So I wanted to show you some photos that Missy and I took last weekend."

"What, another one of your hikes?"

"Not quite. Remember, keep your mouth shut. Take the phone, and you can just start scrolling at your pace."

My hands were slightly trembling. He didn't notice as he took the phone but when my hand was off of it, it sunk in what I was doing. I was really doing this, and showing off dirty pictures of my wife. The woman that said, "I do." I was shaking a bit more as he scrolled to the second photo.

"Uh, what's this? I mean it's nice, but I've never seen Missy dress like that."

She was wearing jean shorts. Not crazy short ones either, ones that were just barely above the knee. She had on a slightly oversized shirt, but it was very short-sleeved, the kind that goes over the shoulder, but disappears around the armpit. In the first few photos, you couldn't really notice the slight slit in the armpit of the shirt that went down about two inches, exposing some skin on her side, and her lacy bra. 

"Yeah, just keep scrolling as long as you feel comfortable."

The next picture she brought her knees up and was peeking over them, her eyes just barely showing, but giving a look like a lion about to pounce. Her bare feet were pointing out hanging out just over the edge of the bed showing off all of her long legs. He swiped again and the next photo was a close-up shot of her feet, and after that a close up of her feet and legs.

"Whoa... I mean whoa, she is so. I mean she never... Whoa!"

He took his time looking at each photo after he realized what he was looking at. He took another swipe and in this one, my wife had sat back and crossed her legs, lifting her shirt just above her belly button and biting her lip. He really stared at this one. He took his finger, and zoomed in staring at her belly for nearly a minute. He shuddered slightly and used his finger to slide onto the next photo.

In the next one, it was the same shot just from behind. She was lifting her shirt halfway up her back, reaching her arms over her back across each other, and looking back at the camera through the hole that appeared as she crossed her arm. He zoomed in again looking at the small of her back, then surprisingly scrolling up to look at her eyes staring out. He zoomed back out and took it in, moving on to the next photo.

She posed around on the bed in various positions, laying down, lifting her butt up slightly, or crossing her legs over each other. She would stare at the camera with a lusty look, and pull at her shirt in various ways to show off pieces of skin like a tease.

"Damn, she's so uptight. It's crazy seeing her let loose like this. I mean she's wearing more than most girls at the beach but just knowing she always covers herself up makes this just so... Hot!"

It was the next photo that caused him to pause. This photos she had taken her shirt up so that it covered her face, and you could see a bit of her bra. Clearly the pictures were taking a bit of a turn.

"Umm... do you want me to stop?"

"Do you want to stop?"

"Well not really, it's just... I mean it's Missy. And she's so fucking hot. I promise I won't say anything, dude!"

"It's fine, like I said if you want to keep looking you can. I told you to only stop when you felt uncomfortable."

In the next picture, her shirt was completely off. She held her upper arm with her opposing hand and stared sheepishly at the camera. She was equal parts sexy,and shy which made for the best material. He swiped through a few dozen more photos of her in the bra. Swiping again it was a zoomed-in shot of her shorts, with a button undone. Then another button. Then the last few. Her black panties were visible now through an opening in the shorts.

Now they were off, and she was only wearing her bra and panties. They were both black, with a slight lace pattern imprinted on it. Now he was really zooming in, checking out every inch greedily. Through his jeans, he was at full mast already. He swiped again and now she was facing away from the camera and her bra was off. A few photos of her covering herself strategically until finally, he got to the first shot of her tits. 

Here he stopped and stared for a long time. Her face was a flushed red, the rest of her skin glowing a slight pink. The series of photos after were of her touching herself in different ways, pulling at herself, licking her fingers, and lifting and picking at her panties.

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The final glory shot was with her panties off, but her hands perfectly covering her pussy.

"Damn. I mean damn. Missy is fucking hot! She had been hiding THAT under all those clothes this whole time? God damn, man, you're lucky."

Hearing all this and knowing that he had seen all the photos after the fantasies made him hornier than he had been in a long time. I loved the compliments he was giving her body, and how he was describing her. It felt like he was complimenting me with every word he said about her. 

After that, the rest of the evening consisted of mainly more Simpson's episodes until it was time to go home.

"Remember man, not a fucking peep about this."

"My word is my honor, man!"

"Have a good night."

"You too."

Going home that night I nearly exploded. I grabbed my wife and plowed her into the headboard and made her breathe heavily like she used to when we were first married. 

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but keep it up, big fellow!"

"If you like it, I mean... Never mind"


I decided to tell her. I told her everything, what I had shown him. She wasn't as pissed as I thought, but just super embarrassed. 

"I mean, it's just that those were supposed to be between just you and I. You know I'm so insecure, my body is so gross! Ugh, I'm surprised he didn't barf."

"Well, he actually had some nice things to say."

"Yeah, I don't think I want to hear them if they're as mean as I think."

"Well, he thought you were pretty fucking hot, actually."

She made a huffing noise and crossed her arms with red cheeks. 

"Well good. Just don't show anyone else without my permission."


"Not that you'll be getting it anytime soon mister!"

The next several weeks went by and the sex kept up at a decent pace for a nearly dead sex life. We were doing it at least once or twice during the week and twice on the weekend. Occasionally we would get up to three times. All this heat I built up from the fantasies was getting me through this dry spell pretty efficiently.

Any time I wanted to summon up a rock I would just picture Brad jerking off to the thought of Missy naked and sprawled out over our bed. Or of that last shot and the fact that he didn't get to see all of her. That was still mine only. 

Eventually, Missy started to engage in sex more often too. I would find that I didn't have to start rubbing her back, or kissing at her neck, but that she was kissing me, or pulling at my hand to go to bed. One night in the heat of a blowjob she looked up at me, took my dick out of her mouth and held it with her hand.

Staring up at me playfully, she asked me to take a picture with my cock in her mouth. I gleefully obliged and snapped the picture. She kept sucking harder and moaned a little. I hadn't seen this energy in forever. Then she said something I didn't expect.

"I want a picture with your cum on my face." 

I nearly came right there. She wasn't a huge prude, but she was very averse to cum. She kept sucking and I kept the camera at the ready. A few moments later and cum came gushing out and hit her like it would only in a porn, in a way I couldn't have planned. It got her forehead, a little on her nose and lips, some on her chin, and just a dash on her tongue.

I took the picture of her on her knees, the cum all over her face and my dick hanging just above her in the foreground. She looked like a cum-soaked angel. She cleaned up and whispered, "enjoy those," into my ear before continuing on with her nighttime rituals. Her words played in my head over and over, 'enjoy those,' almost like she knew what kind of kinks I was getting into.

After a while the sex started to slow and she stopped initiating. I went back to the stories and videos to get some new material to keep the passion going. While doing that, I did some reading on the fetishes themselves. I read about cuckolding, the hotwife culture, and candaulism. I had some pretty tame interests. I enjoyed watching the hardcore sharing but decided that that was not really for me. I liked picturing Missy mainly doing heavy petting, or exposing herself. 

With the new material, I started picking initiating sex again, but this time Missy was curious.

"I like the sex, and I don't want to complain, but what gives? I mean just be honest with me, is there someone else and you're overcompensating? Are you dying? What is going on?"

I thought about it and decided to just come clean about my new kink.

"Well, it's just a fantasy, but I've been getting really turned on by the hotwife stuff. I mean that time you flashed that truck driver while we were road tripping had me hard for a week. And now with showing those pictures and the stuff I've been looking at it just makes it so easy to get there, you know?"

Missy looked at me, non judgmentally.



"Okay. I mean I get it. It's a fantasy. So. Okay. I mean I don't want anyone touching me, or really being anywhere or seeing me, but if talking about it turns you on I can try some dirty talk or something."

"Really? Wow, you are amazing. I didn't think you would be cool with all this."

"Like I said, I get it. I mean I had that thing for cops for a while and you dressed up for me. So why not try a little something if it helps?"

"Yeah, you are just the best."

She tried some dirty talk after that every once in a while to keep things spicy for me. She would whisper about wanting to be used, or being photographed. Every now and then she would drop a really sexy bomb like, 'I want you to dare me to suck a cock,' or, 'make me serve you naked,' and I would be over the edge and empty my load into her.

We had now been taking pictures and dirty talking for three months. I had tried out some of the fantasies and so far I had enjoyed every one of them. I still wanted a bit more, and decided to go for it. Missy was sitting on the couch when I approached her.

"Hey, love, so there was something I wanted to ask you. You've been doing an amazing job with my kink and you've been a really good sport about it all and I was hoping to ask you perhaps for something else?"

"What is it?"  She was scrolling through Pinterest on her tablet and looked up with hazy bedroom eyes that I had only seen before when we were less than a year into marriage.

"Well, we've tried dirty talk, and we've taken pictures, and I did show Brad that one time..."

"Yeah, go on."

"Well... I want to keep exploring this. I was hoping that maybe you would do a dare."

"Are you going to keep tiptoeing around it? Just dare me already!"

"I dare you to go braless in front of Brad."

It was quiet for a few moments.

"Okay, well how would you go about doing this?"

She was on board so far.

"I was thinking maybe we have him over, and you wear a medium thickness white shirt. Enough for him to know you're not wearing a bra if he were to stare, but not super obvious like Rachel from Friends."

"Okay. I accept your dare. We'll have him over tomorrow night and I'll wear exactly what you want. Just make sure it's what you want. I don't want you mad at me because of this."

She was completely on board. Time for one last daring request just to really spice it up.

"I promise I won't get weird or jealous. But one last thing. At some point tonight when you walk away whether to go to the bathroom, or the kitchen, or living room, I'm going to show Brad the picture of you with cum all over your face."

"What??" Her face turned beet red.

"Yeah. But I won't tell you when. See, every time you walk away, just keep in mind that may be the time where he sees your cum filled face."

The night arrived and Brad brought over a bottle of wine. We had put on an easy meal of pasta, meatballs, and garlic bread. We set the table and began with a bottle of wine. I noticed Brad almost immediately honed in on the fact that Missy wasn't wearing a bra. We started talking about things like work, and projects we were planning around the house, but every time Missy looked away Brad locked eyes with the outline of her tits under her shirt.

This turned me on so much knowing he was staring at my wife. That he thought she was sexy, and wanted to see more, or even do more. He wanted her and it made me so hard.

"I'm going to get the ice cream, I'll be right back, boys."

As soon as she left I tapped Brad's arm, "hey look at this."

I showed him the picture and his jaw nearly dropped. There she was. Her tits were just out of the shot, but you could see what was left of my throbbing erection, the cum all over her face like perfectly placed dew drops, and the perfect amount of cum just on her nose and tongue. His dick stood up instantly.


"I know, shh, she's coming back."

The tension rose a bit, and Missy knew he had seen it. Now she was turning slightly pink, but played it off as being flushed from the wine. We moved to the living room and put on A Knight's Tale. We had all seen in a million times so it was an easy movie to just listen to in the background as we pecked away at different topics.

"So," said Brad, "you seem to have lightened up a bit, Missy."

She flushed a bit more, "yeah, John's been helping me with that a bit. Trying to get me to just... relax a bit. I kind of like it so far." 

"I really enjoy it, but hey that's just because I get to have lots of fun."

Missy slapped my arm, "John, don't be a perv! We have a guest!"

"Oh, it's alright, we're all adults. You can say whatever you want." Brad said.

At this point, Missy had had about a half a glass too much and blurted out, "plus you've seen everything anyways so a pervy conversation shouldn't be too embarrassing, I suppose."

The minute she slipped it out it got quiet and all the sound you could hear was of Alan Tudyk punching Paul Bettany for making a joke about his dancing.

"Oh... Yeah... I didn't know you knew that... Um. You look hot."

We all laughed at this, because it was just such an awkward moment that there's nothing we could really do to alleviate it.

"Well, thank you!" Another surprise from Missy.I never thought she would play this much, or take things this far. "With that though, I think I'm going to let you boys go. Goodnight!"

I turned to her as she was getting up, "Oh, one last thing."

"Yeah baby"

"Since it's all out now anyways, I dare you to take your shirt off and then wish Brad good night."

If she had taken one less sip she probably wouldn't have had the courage to do what she did next. She looked like a deer frozen in the headlights for a moment and looked at me, then looked over at Brad.

"Okay." She lifted her shirt up over her belly, over her breasts which were now out on display, and off of her arms and held it in her right hand. She walked over to Brad and took his hand with her left hand to make him stand up. She handed him her shirt, and then leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Goodnight Brad." She kissed him on the cheek and pranced away to the bedroom wearing only her shorts, her ass playfully waving down the hall, her bare back reminding us both of what we just saw.

Brad left with just a few awkward words, clearly horny and wanting to get home. "See you later."

I joined her in the bedroom and she was waiting on the bed, wet and ready to go.

"I don't even care if he's left yet, just fuck me!"

I decided not to tell her that he left already and to leave the possibility in her mind that he was still in the living room. I jumped on top of her and she helped rip my clothes off and we just collided, mixing ourselves together in a mass of twisting limbs and bodily fluids. I thrusted deep into her and came hard, flopping next to her on the bed. The cum dripped out, and dribbled down her ass and onto the sheets. We slept in the filth, drunk on the wine and the excitement.

As I began to fall asleep I thought to myself, 'this is just the beginning. If she's willing to do that I think we're going to have a lot of fun.'

I had the best sleep of my life that night, my dreams were entertaining and vivid in color and detail. I woke up the next day refreshed and ready for a new world. 



Written by lolwriter89
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