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Hotwife Frat Row Fuckfest: Day One

"Alexis and Adam travel to a big college frat row to find hard-bodied young frat boy studs for her to fuck"

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Author's Notes

"I'm looking for hot women who want to be Alexis. I'm open to chatting and making this story real with the right woman."

My hotwife Alexis was becoming an experienced slut. She had now fucked several other men at my urging. All of them were exceptionally good-looking, tall, and ripped. That’s her type. And after each hotwife encounter, she brought her raw, used pussy home to me to be reclaimed. They are the best orgasms of our lives. We are so in love, each new conquest of hers builds our trust in each other and our open embrace of each other’s dirtiest thoughts.

We are in our mid-forties, and she is incredibly tight-bodied and hot. She works out every day. She’s five foot four, brunette, perfect legs and ass, big fake tits and she just oozes sex. Her vibe is always sexy and flirtatious. She’s walking sex. And men pick up on it in a flash, women do too.

One night we were sitting in bed after fucking. We had been talking about her getting fucked by tall young studs. And she sheepishly told me another level of a fantasy of hers. I was always so thrilled and honored when she would share her true fantasies with me.

“I have a big fantasy about fucking a tall, hung stud…but he’s younger than the guys I’ve been with.” She paused nervously, wondering if she should come clean.

“I want to fuck college boys baby, even sophomores or even freshmen. I want the hottest frat boys to touch me all over and take me. I want to be their slut, baby. Is that OK Adam? Do you still love me?”

I kissed her deeply. I am a great kisser, and I was swept away by the moment. It was so hot. I pulled her hair back sharply as I moved to kiss her neck. Then I snarled in her ear.

“I am your pussy’s gatekeeper. I approve of who fucks you and who doesn’t. Isn’t that correct slut? Say yes sir.”

“Yes sir,” she said meekly.

She was still wanting to hear my approval, she felt exposed.

“But I will absolutely give you to young college studs Alexis. I would love nothing more than to go to college bars with you and find hot young guys to give you away to. We can make this happen very quickly. No college guy will be able to say no to you when I dress you up for them.” My mind was racing. My dick was rock hard.

“Will you plan it all for me, Adam? I know you will enjoy that.” she cooed.

She knows me too well. I absolutely love making plans for her pussy, I knew right away what we would do. We’d go to a big college party school, I would dress her up like the slut she is, and after she had flirted with them right in front of me I would offer her to only the very hottest frat guys. And I’d give her what she wanted. Any stud age eighteen and up was fair game on this slutcation.

“We’ll go next weekend.” I didn’t need time to plan. I’d been planning this for years in my mind. Her sweet ass and perfect tits were the plans. I did not doubt at all that the hot frat studs she wanted to fuck would be more than happy to make her fantasies come true.

I went to a Big Ten school, and I knew that was the kind of campus we needed. I picked another Big Ten school within several hours' drive from us. It was September, and I knew the campus would be packed and rocking with youthful energy.

When I was in school there were plenty of great-looking guys who fucked the hottest girls. But things have changed. When you see a Big Ten school these days the guys look different. It's because of Instagram and Creatine. There are hot young muscular studs all over the campus now. Many college guys today have broader shoulders, six packs, tight cores, and thick quads and calves. They take their looks more seriously than we did. They work out relentlessly, eat right, and party hard.

And they also watch porn. They’ve watched porn online their whole lives, and they know exactly what a hotwife MILF is. They are among the many reasons it’s such a popular search term. Hot frat guys jack off to MILF porn all the time. I knew they would be ready.

I will leave the school nameless, but it’s well known. We hadn’t even gotten out of the car when we saw our first potential target: the kid valet parking for the hotel. He had the broad-shouldered frat stud look. I ordered Alexis to flirt with him hard before she opened the car door, and she did exactly what I told her to do.

He opened the door for her, and she got out in a very short skirt and a tank top with no bra underneath. She was all over him, hands on his bare forearms, hands all over his well-developed chest and shoulders.

As I gave him a twenty-dollar tip Alexis said “Hope to see you later, Ryan.”

Somehow she had gotten his name from him. And then she kissed him. On the lips. Just light and easy, but it hit me so hard. He looked right in my eyes and I smiled and nodded and laughed. He smiled back and then gave her one final glance. This was all really going to happen. This weekend.

We got to the room and she was so excited we fucked right away. Giddy, high energy, fast sex. Like we couldn’t wait to cum and see what was next. She rode on top of me for a lot of it, and I watched her perfect tits bounce to the rhythm of our fucking. We were both in another place mentally, both imagining the cocks she would be discovering and the studs attached to them.

And we both knew it was the last time we would fuck until the Sunday night when I reclaimed her from the studs who would fill her pussy all weekend. I came so hard. She did too. I took such pleasure in knowing all the young studs who would be in her pussy would be where I had just exploded. I had marked her as mine.

Now, as her pussy’s gatekeeper, I was ready to share. She was mine to share as I pleased.

I dressed her carefully in a white bridal g-string, slut stiletto heels, and a tiny black dress. I dressed her myself, slowly, relishing every moment. My careful work would be ripped off by some young college stud soon. I could not wait.

We planned to go out for dinner, and then to the bars. But we walked up frat row on the way to dinner, and the night changed quickly.

It was mid-September and school was in full swing but it was still hot out. The Sigma Chi house had a basketball court in the front of the house. I was holding Alexis’s hand as we walked, and she squeezed my hand as we came around the corner and saw the basketball game. It was two on two, and all four of them were shirtless, sweaty, and very very good-looking young men. They were drinking beer, fucking around, and playing hoops. Each was at least six-two, had a square jaw, and they all clearly lifted weights. Their shoulders, pecs, biceps, six-pack abs, quads, and calves were all bulging in just the right places. These guys cared a lot about how they looked. They were out front showing off like peacocks. And Alexis sure liked the show.

Like in a movie, just as we’re talking near the game, the ball bounced our way, and one of the studs runs over to pick it up. He sees Alexis and immediately I see his alpha charm click on. I picked up the ball and threw it back to him, but he didn’t even look at me his eyes were on my wife. He looked her up and down very slowly, then walks over to her and stood very close to her, inches away. He must have been six-four and towered over Alexis even in her heels. He was very tan, lean, and ripped. He had the look of a wide receiver on a football team. He could also have been a male model, his face was too perfect.

He noticed her anklet and broke into a big smile showing off his perfect teeth.

“Love the anklet. Where are you headed tonight sexy?”

He could clearly see my wife was twenty years older and with her husband. He didn’t care at all. He knew exactly what her anklet meant, the internet is a powerful tool!

“You are hot as fuck. I’m James. We’re having a party tonight, you should come by.”

He had the charm dialed up to two hundred, and Alexis was eating it up. She was charming him right back.

She put her hand right in the middle of the ridges of his perfect pecs, and then ran her hand down his chest, over his six-pack abs slowly, and stopped at the waistband of his short athletic shorts. His mouth opened and his eyes widened. He stepped towards her so there was really no space in between them. She gave him fuck me eyes and a big smile.

“I’m Alexis, and I’d love to come to your party. But my husband is my master. He is my gatekeeper. You’ll need to ask him if you want to see more of me.”

And then she took her hand, wet with his sweat, and made a show of sucking it off of her index finger.

James was stunned, and a bit thrown off his game and turned to me, acknowledging me for the first time.

I had to interject. “I’m Adam, Alexis’s husband. I appreciate your compliments to my wife and the anklet I gave her. We will come to your party.”

“Hey man, I’m James. Come to our party later tonight. We’ll take good care of Alexis and get you real drunk. Starts at ten.”

He gave us a knowing look and a smile, and then he ran back to the game. Alexis watched his ripped back and his tight, athletic ass as he moved away. Athletes move a certain way, and James moved with the confidence of an athlete. The other guys had totally stopped playing and were listening in smiling and laughing. James came back to high fives. We could overhear him talking about her bracelet and we started to walk away.

But then the ball came rolling back towards us. Another one of the guys had rolled it our way on purpose. I gasped when I saw him. He was running towards us in what seemed like slow motion. Like the Baywatch intro. He must have been six foot five and he was stunningly good-looking. Alpha male athlete energy radiated from him. He was smiling with his perfect teeth and jawline, and also had his charm set on high.

“Hey, James told me about you, Alexis. I want you to know James is just a guy here. I’m Vince, and I run this fucking show.”

He was standing over her, a tower of young, tan, sweaty muscle. He stopped talking and just looked at her like he wanted to fuck her right there on the street. Then he took his fingers and brushed her hair out of her face, took his big hand, and slid it behind her head. He leaned in hard to kiss her, but just before their lips touched he turned his face to me.

“May I?” he asked me.

I was thrilled. I was her gatekeeper still.

“Please do,” I said with a smile back.

He leaned in and gave her a deep, long, slow kiss. It was so hot. There we were on frat row, on the front lawn by the basketball court, this unreal-looking shirtless college stud kissing my slutty wife in broad daylight. And I had made it all happen.

He whispered something to her as they explored each other’s bodies with their hands. His left hand was fully up her short dress. First, he had a handful of her perfect bubble butt, but then I could see by the change in her face that he had entered her. His fingers were probing inside her.

He motioned for me to come over to him. I did.

“Nice to meet you, sir, you have a beautiful milf slutwife, I’m Vince. If you’ve come to campus to get this slut fucked, me and the boys of Sigma Chi will give her more than she can handle.”

He kept fingering my wife while we talked.

“Vince, I’m Adam. And that is exactly why we came to campus. I am the gatekeeper of her body, and I give you my permission to fuck my wife. I will want to watch, however, to help her feel safe and at ease.”

“Say no more Adam. You can watch us in the window. Stay right here.”

And with that, he stooped down and effortlessly picked up Alexis with his bulging biceps. He threw her over his broad, muscled shoulder, turned, and walked into the frat house with my wife draped over his back. I was stunned. But Alexis’s face told me it was OK, that she wanted this.

James and the other guys had stopped playing basketball. They had gone from joking loudly with each other to stunned silence as they watched their alpha drag my wife into their frat house on his shoulder.

“Oh, shit dude. Get this man a beer,” said one of them, pointing at me, and in a second we were all drinking beers.

Then they led me around a fence into an inner courtyard in the back.

“Look up there, top window,” said another.

There were two floors of rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows facing the courtyard, easily forty rooms. Most had blinds blocking out nearly all the view. I looked up in the center top window and nearly choked on my beer. The blinds were fully pulled back.

Vince had Alexis’s back to the window, and they were kissing like college kids. His hands were grabbing both of her ass cheeks, pulling them apart as his long fingers teased her pussy. We could all see it all clear as day, just feet away. The other guys were making quiet jokes with each other, the sexual tension rising. I overheard a few of their “jokes.” They all wanted to fuck my wife. And they were making their plans.

I tried to concentrate on what they were saying, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the window. Vince grabbed the bottom of her short tube dress and ripped it off her over her head. He was extremely confident, smooth, and powerful. All she had on was the white g-string and heels I had put on her less than an hour ago in our room. Vince got down on his knees, and instead of sliding the g-string off, he effortlessly ripped the fabric in one powerful motion, and he let the ripped panties fall to the floor. My wife was totally naked but for her heels in his room now. Her ass was to the crowd, in the window, for all to see.

Vince immediately attacked her pussy with his mouth. The pussy I had just cum in. I wondered if he could tell. He didn’t eat her out for too long, he quickly got back to his feet. He pointed at his bulge and took Alexis’s hand in his. He slid her hand down inside his lacrosse shorts, and I could see her start to stroke him. Her expression was amazing, she was in heaven. Then Alexis pulled off his shorts and boxer briefs and kicked off her heels, and they were both totally naked.

His cock was huge. Easily eight plus inches and thick. Alexis began to lick it up and down, from tip to balls. She was moving with desire, lost in his body and the moment. He was glistening with sweat, looking like a greek god with his perfectly cut, lean, two hundred twenty-five pound, twenty-year-old physique. And my wife was servicing this god in front of three other shirtless frat studs. Each of them was very hot. All a little different, all very worthy of my extremely high standards for who can fuck my baby.

“Oh, shit dude!! Look at her go!! You are a lucky guy Andy!!” my new buddies were loving their homemade live porno.

Alexis was now taking all eight inches of Vince’s dick all the way down her throat. His eyes got wide as his balls banged into her lips and chin again and again and again. After ten minutes of fucking my wife’s face Vince pulled out, a trail of saliva stretching back to her mouth. It was gaping open, she was panting, gasping for air.

This whole time her back had been to us. With a flick of his wrist, he pulled her up off her knees, spun her around, and had her facing the window, her ass and pussy now staring at him from behind and her tits now facing us.

Vince was teasing her with his cock, and she opened her eyes and saw me and the three other guys watching–just sitting on old frat house furniture, drinking beers, watching them. She looked at each of them and then her eyes met mine. Her jaw fell open. And she kept her eyes on mine as Vince slowly slid his big cock inside her wet, waiting pussy. It was the most erotic moment of my life. As he started to pump her from behind she mouthed “thank you, baby” to me.

“Nice dude…marriage is wild” the boys had seen her and were cackling. At least it cut the tension a bit.

My dick was so hard but I was working hard to hide it. I wasn’t the only one from what I could see of the other guys, who were all still shirtless and wearing only short athletic shorts, showing off their muscular quads.

Alexis came in the first minute Vince fucked her. Her arms had been keeping her from the glass as she bent over, but they started shaking when she came. The glass started shaking. She started screaming Vince’s name, again and again, begging him to fuck her harder.

Vince smiled and looked at his buddies like, “yeah boys this is how you do it,” and they were yelling shit like “get it bitch” and “get it Alexis!” and “Dammmmn Vince!” I was smiling ear to ear. I was in heaven.

Then Vince really started to show off. He threw Alexis on the floor, her head and shoulders on the ground, her back arching, her perfect ass up in the air, legs spread wide. I love that pose. Vince did too. He got to his knees and slammed his cock into her pussy. He was twenty years old, six foot five, two hundred thirty pounds of sculpted muscle. His legs were thick, his core just ripped into an eight pack. His body glistened in the sunlight coming through the windows with shiny sweat.

He started fucking her harder than I’ve ever seen anyone fuck. He was so powerful, so strong, and so relentless. It was a steady, building, pounding. Alexis was cumming again and again but Vince would not stop his rhythm. She was screaming so loud and shaking uncontrollably at times.

It was easily fifteen minutes of straight non-stop pounding before finally Vince came. His body got tense, his veins bulging out of his skin. He grabbed my wife by her hair hard, yanking her head back. Then he gripped her throat tight. Her eyes caught mine as Vince closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and grunted as he emptied his big balls into my wife’s pussy. He kept going, five, six, seven more powerful thrusts. They were both screaming. With one final, punishing pump he came to a stop. Like a bully he took her ass and smacked it hard, knocking her over on her side. She collapsed in a pool of sweat and cum on the ground.

The boys stood up and started clapping. Vince came to the front of the window smiling and laughing, holding his jacked arms up making muscles like the winner of a boxing match. His cock was still hard and it must have been nine inches. I was clapping too. We all high-fived and opened more beers. But there was palpable sexual energy among the four of us outside. These guys were very turned on, and very much thinking about taking their turn with Alexis.

Matt was a blond guy with a California surfer look and vibe. He was a junior, and he was also incredibly good-looking. He must have fucked so many women on this campus. He was smooth and confident, he could have played a stud high school quarterback in a movie. He just asked me what they were all thinking.

“So Adam are you really going to let all of us fuck Alexis?”

They all looked at me with the strangest look. It occurred to me that if I said no, they might just do what they wanted anyway. They were all three straight out of a nineties Abercrombie and Fitch photo shoot. They must have all worked out together a lot because they were all still shirtless and their bodies were all perfection. I’m six feet tall, a hundred and eighty pounds. I work out every day, but I’m forty-seven. These studs were all barely twenty, over six foot two, two hundred pounds, and like zero body fat. And they knew how good-looking they were. They were all cocky as shit. They all had great teeth, hair, smiles, and oozed charm. I am in no way gay, but I had to admit that the power of their youth and alpha energy was intoxicating. It was arousing in this very heterosexual context. They were sexy as hell to watch pursuing my wife.

Vince came out in the courtyard to more cheers and high-fives. He was just wearing black boxer briefs and his dick was not fully soft yet. He looked like a fucking king.

“Adam, your slutwife is in my bed. I’m going to fuck her again in a bit. Did you like what you saw dude?” he gave me a fistbump and a pat on the back.

“Oh yeah. That was so hot Vince. You fucked her so hard, I’ve never seen her get fucked so hard.”

We cracked open more beers and toasted to Alexis.

Matt, again, just went for it. “Vin, who gets to go next? Adam says we can all take a turn.”

I had an idea. “How bout you guys arm wrestle for who gets to go next?”

They loved it. “Yes!!” “Fuck yeah.”

James, Matt, and Chase took turns arm wrestling at the picnic table in the courtyard. They were yelling and cheering each other on, having a great time. I looked up at the window and I could see Alexis, naked, standing in the window looking like a goddess. She gave me a wave and a smile. She was watching them arm wrestle. I think she must have understood why.

James and Matt were the finalists. Their last match was epic, back and forth, they really wanted to be the next to fuck Alexis badly. James was taller, like six-four, and he used his leverage to overpower Matt with one final burst of strength. When he slammed Matt’s hand down on the table he jumped up, all the guys went crazy.

Like he had just scored a touchdown James was flexing and celebrating. He looked up and saw Alexis in the window.

“I’m coming right up there, baby! Get ready Alexis!” And he ran into the house in a full sprint.

Within seconds James was in the window with her. He was so much taller than she was. He approached her slowly now, putting his hand on her cheek saying some I’m sure very charming things. She giggled and blushed and gave him fuck me eyes. James leaned down and they started to kiss. Slowly. Vince had fucked her so fast and so hard, almost punishingly at times. But James had shifted gears big time. He kissed her neck and leaned down to suck her tits, using his tongue on her nipples, making Alexis’s mouth drop open suddenly.

James was going to make love to my wife.

The guys were watching the show in the window cracking jokes and cutting up, yelling stuff like “Oh shit!!” “Dammmmn James!!” and “James hits different!”

Alexis was completely consumed by James. She was looking at him long and deep in the eyes. And then they just kissed and kissed, making out for it seemed like fifteen minutes. Alexis had been stroking his cock over his athletic shorts for a few minutes. She pulled away from his expert lips and tongue and kissed James down his neck, down his pecs, down his abs, slowly until she was on her knees.

More cheers from my gang in the courtyard “Get it, Alexis! Suck that dick!”

I didn’t know if she could hear what they were saying. I think she would have liked it if she did.

She made love to this boy’s cock with her mouth. It was amazing to see. She started right away on his balls, tonguing them and taking them one by one into her mouth and sucking on them. Then she moved on to his shaft, using her hands and her mouth she worked long, deep, intense strokes on his cock. His face was amazing to watch as she did her work. Watching his square jaw drop up and down as she devoured his dick was incredibly hot. He never forced himself down her throat all the way like Vince, he let her guide him how she wanted it to go.

When he decided he was done with her mouth, James picked her up with both arms like Superman with Lois Lane and carried her back to the bed in the back of the room. From the ground looking up at the second-floor window, there was a lot of the room you couldn’t see.

For a minute they disappeared, but then we saw James’s naked, perfectly muscular body pulling the bed, with a naked Alexis on it, off the wall and towards the window. He pulled it all the way up to the window.

The crew on the ground with me went nuts again. “Fuck yes James!!” More beers, more yelling, fist-bumping, etc. They were having a great time. I was having the time of my life.

Upstairs in the window, James was eating my wife’s pussy with a ton of energy. She had her hands in his short dark hair, she was slowly fucking his face with her hips.

Vince laughed and said with pride to the group “I just blew my load right in her pussy. James is one sick fuck. Dirty motherfucker…I love him!” The rest of the guys laughed. Vince was clearly the alpha in this collection of alphas.

I looked up and I saw Alexis riding James. He was flat on his back, his hands working her incredible tits. She was fucking him, rocking back and forth, her hands up by her head, throwing her hair back, posing for all of us. She had been understandably so consumed by the moment upstairs with Vince and then James that this was the first time I felt like she had been able to really absorb that not only was she with them, but she was also in a sense with us too. She was like a vision behind glass. I had never been more in love with her, never more completely consumed with my feelings for her.

James grabbed her ass hard with both hands, and like a wrestler quickly flipped Alexis onto her back. It was incredibly powerful and smooth. He had been so slow and gentle until that moment. He grabbed her hands and pinned them over her head. He mounted her and slowly slid his seven-inch cock inside her, with no condom just like Vince.

He leaned down and started kissing her again, slowly, passionately. And he started to fuck her, pulling nearly all the way out, pausing, and then pushing forcefully back down and in. Alexis started cumming hard, thrashing under his building pounding. He looked out the window at us and smiled. He was putting on a show for all of us. He pounded harder and faster for several minutes, Alexis freeing her hands to her them to his perfect, athletic ass. She dug her fingers into his muscles with every thrust as she screamed.

He kept kissing her passionately the whole time she came. His body shook and he gave her many violent final thrusts. And then after a while, he came to a stop. He kissed her neck and she giggled. He pulled her face to his, looked into her eyes, and kissed her more. For several minutes.

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“Ayyyyyeee no way dude!!” Matt and Chase were getting pissed. They had been watching for more than an hour now waiting for their turn.

“James you’re done,” Vince barked out like the fucking silverback.

James turned his head, he must have been able to hear, and looked at Vince. Alexis didn’t want him to go. She kept kissing his lips and then his neck. But he had heard the order from Vince. He smiled, gave her one final long deep kiss, and disappeared. Alexis fell to the ground again with all the artistry of a stripper. She was exhausted, covered in two studs' cum inside and out, and her night was far from over.

James came down to the courtyard like the conquering hero yelling “Are you not entertained?!”

We all opened another beer. I looked up at the window and I could see Alexis' eyes on mine.

She smiled and mouthed “Thank you so much for this I love you, baby.” And then she paused, looked at the guys, and looked back at me. I’ll never forget the moment that came next: she mouthed “send me two” and held up two fingers.

The guys were all hanging out in the courtyard drinking beers as the sun was going down. I approached the two remaining frat brothers with Alexis’s request.

“Hey, guys Alexis just asked me for something. She asked me to send two of you next, together.”

As lightly drunk college guys would do, they went a bit wild. “Ohhhh, shit.”

All eyes went to Matt and Chase.

Vince took charge. He barked out “Do what the lady wants. Give her the old Sigma Chi double team dudes!”

She heard him and used her index finger to call them forward. The two studs and they were, just like the first two, full tens, stepped forward. Alexis turned her finger, and the boys laughed a bit while they did 360-degree spins in her direction while she checked them out. They were modeling for her.

Sexy as fuck, she pointed to Matt and Chase and mouthed “Both of you come up here now.”

And she grabbed her naked tits and threw her hair back. Then she turned as we all saw her perfect ass and lean long legs saunter back over to the bed. She knew exactly how to look sexy.

Matt and Chase looked at each other, smiled, and then whooped it up like they just won a football game, saying things like “Fuck yeah bro” and “let’s do this dude.”

They gave each other a big high five and then strutted off to the door. I watched their shirtless broad, muscled shoulders shift up and down as they walked off. Each had the gait of a stud athlete: confident, strong, virile. They had overwhelming alpha energy. But then they stopped suddenly by the door and Matt came running back to me.

“Adam, can we fuck her ass?”

I had never felt more powerful, brokering the ass fucking of my slut wife with these hard-bodied college studs.

“Yes, you may,” I said with power and deliberation.

“Take your time opening her up, then fuck her ass hard.”

Matt’s perfect face broke into a wicked smile.

“Fuck yeah, Adam! We will do just that brother.”

And Matt gave me a fist bump as Vince approached me.

“Damn, Adam. You know I will be fucking that ass later on too. Believe that.”

It was Vince, puffing out his chiseled chest. He didn’t ask. He was probing me, trying to find out what was the line he couldn’t cross. I was sure he had seen hotwife porn. But cuckold porn could be a problem, I thought. I am no cuck. I thought to myself that if Vince thinks he can cuck me this could end quickly.

“I will allow that, Vince,” I shot back with a more serious look, a move to shut down any further challenges to my authority over Alexis’s body.

He smiled back at me with a slightly puzzled look. I thought, holy hell, what must it be like to go through life with that face and that body? I wondered what girl on this campus would not be thrilled to fuck this exceptional specimen.

But I needed to set the record straight for my sanity.

I pulled Vince aside quickly. “Just so you know, I am not into any cuckold shit. Google hotwife vs. cuckold when you get a minute. I don’t get off on being bossed around, I am the one who is in charge of Alexis’s pussy. Do you understand me, Vince?”

He put his lean, muscular arm around my shoulder. He was really tall. And his perfect teeth and smile clicked in. I thought to myself, here’s a guy who has been charming people his whole life, and getting exactly what he wants.

“Sure Adam, I’ll Google it. But just so you understand, when you are on the grounds of the Sigma Chi house, I am in charge. You seem like a great guy, I’m sure we will be able to share the power this weekend in a way we both feel good about, right?”

His charisma overwhelmed me. He was a hell of a politician, I could see so easily how he got voted fraternity president.

“Thanks, Vince,” was all I could muster before he went back over to the group.

I looked up at the window and my heart skipped a beat. Alexis had never been with two men at the same time before, but it was a longtime fantasy of both of ours for her to do that. Matt was blonde California cool, Chase had dark, long hair. They were both full tens like the others. Their bodies were long, towers of sculpted, lean muscle, their torsos cutting the perfect V shape down to their waists.

They had just entered the room. Alexis was lying on the bed. Matt and Chase had very serious faces on like they had made a plan in the hall. Chase snapped his fingers and they both started saying something to Alexis. She jumped up from the bed naked, rushed over, and got on her knees in front of them. They nodded approval. Alexis’s back was to us as we watched through the window,

Matt pointed to her and then he walked right up in front of her. He flexed his muscles in a bodybuilder pose, then he took Alexis' face and pulled it into his crotch with his shorts still on. Chase was watching with a big smile on his face. Matt was rubbing my wife’s face over his hardening dick over his basketball shorts. Then Chase stepped in front of Matt, close. They were sandwiching her face with their crotches, grinding their now stiff dicks into her face, only their shorts and underwear in between lips and their cocks. They had been playing basketball all afternoon and then watching her in the window. They were sweaty as fuck. And Alexis wanted it all. She had a smile on her face as they toyed with her.

They were being as rough and aggressive as James was gentle.

Matt pulled his shorts down and slapped Alexis across her face with his fat, full, dick. Then Chase pulled down his pants and slapped her across the face the other way with his hard cock. The guys looked down at us for approval, and shouts and cheers came back. I just stood there mesmerized. What an incredible woman it is that I love.

She quickly spat on her hand and started stroking Chase’s dick while she blew Matt. Matt was aggressively fucking her face, plunging himself balls deep down her throat again and again. And then she would switch over to Chase with the same vigor.

“Holy shit” and “Oh my fucking god” and lots of other awed reactions followed from the ground.

Every now and then Alexis would make eye contact with me as she worked over two dicks at the same time for the first time in her life.

Matt and Chase were savage, so forceful. They threw her to the ground on her back and Chase jumped down on his knees with her face underneath him. Then he started to fuck her throat again, using the floor to pin her head when his balls touched her lips. Matt was down on the other end working her pussy with his hands and his mouth. He was also working on her asshole with his fingers. He must have been an expert with his hands, he was moving them very fast in and out of her pussy and over top of her clit at the same time.

All of a sudden Alexis started shaking, flat on her back with Chase’s cock invading her throat and Matt’s hands deep inside her. She started screaming, and for the first time in her life, she squirted. It sprayed all over Matt’s hands and arms and chest, and he loved it. He glanced over at all of us and shot a secret “yeah that just happened” look our way. He took her spray and rubbed it all over his chiseled chest and the rest of his muscular arms.

Chase stood up and picked up Alexis’ much smaller body with ease. He picked her up with her back on his chest, and his hands under her thighs and forearms supporting her ass. He was so strong, that it didn’t phase him to hold her up in the air. Chase pulled her legs open and he presented her bald, raw, cum soaked pussy to this frat brother. Matt got it right away. He walked up and grabbed Alex’s face. He brought it to his, and at the exact moment his lips touched hers for a deep, long slow kiss, his rock-hard eight-inch cock slid deep into her pussy. They were all three standing up, Chase holding up my wife so his bro could pound her pussy with his big dick. She was kissing them both while Matt fucked her very hard.

Now it was Matt’s turn to help out Chase. He flipped Alexis in the air, putting her gently down on her hands and knees, with her body so we could see the side profile view from the window. Her body looked so amazing, her perfect tits dangling down and her long legs spread wide.

“Your turn brother. Take that pussy and make it yours.” And they fist-bumped.

Chase wasted no time. He took his seven-inch cock and slammed it into her raw, wet, waiting pussy. From behind he used his thick quads and powerful lower body, to fuck Alexis very very hard. Matt just watched for a minute in awe. Alexis was screaming, her voice rising each time Chase pulled back and then exploded back inside her. She stopped screaming when Matt stuffed his cock into her mouth.

For the next ten minutes, they both put all their youthful power and vigor into fucking my wife in her mouth and her pussy. And then they switched places and kept going for another five minutes.

The whole time they had been working her asshole with their fingers. They had opened her up a good bit, Matt’s thumb was now sliding in and out of her asshole as they all three moved to a rhythm together.

Matt looked out the window at me. And he nodded. We all knew what was coming next. Chase was on his back and Alexis was on top, He was playing with her tits while she rode him. Matt came up from behind her and pushed her face down towards Chase’s face, so they just started kissing. But then Matt took the tip of his cock, lubed it up, and started to slide inside her asshole.

The look on Alexis’s face was incredibly hot. I saw pain, I saw want, and I saw most of all a total loss of all restraint and inhibition. She was like a wild animal. She kissed Chase with ferocity as he and Matt slowly fucked her in her pussy and her ass at the same time. They started gently and slowly, but before long it got rougher and faster. Finally, after nearly a half hour with them, they all three erupted in massive orgasms. Matt slammed deep in her ass, filling her with jet after jet of hot frat stud cum, while below Chase grunted as he emptied his balls in her pussy. Alexis has pinned down between their powerful, muscular bodies. She was shaking, thrashing, screaming.

The three of them lay there for a while. Outside in the courtyard there Vince and James had definitely enjoyed the show. We had just been going out to dinner, but we had missed our reservation. Our plan was dinner, bars and flirting, a frat party, then fucking. But the schedule flipped in the best way when we fan into these studs from Sigma Chi. I was thinking about what we should do next when I heard a tapping coming from the window. Alexis was knocking on the window pointing at me. She motioned for me to come up there. I had never been more aroused, watching her fuck four frat studs for nearly three hours had my cock aching.

In a trance, I walked into the house. It smelled like beer and looked pretty rough inside. I found the stairs and went to the second floor. I saw Chase and Matt walking out of a room in the middle of the hallway. They were ecstatic, laughing, glowing.

“Adammmm, dude, we can never thank you enough, what an amazing wife you have man. Thank you.”

I shook hands with both of them, the same hands that had just been inside every hole in my slutty wife.

“Alexis is in Vince’s room, third door on the right.”

I went to the door and opened it. It was surprisingly nice inside, Vince had it all to himself and had good taste in how he had it set up. I was kind of expecting it to be a shithole like the rest of the house that I had seen, but it wasn’t. The air was thick with the smell of man-sweat and sex. And on the bed, naked, was my wife. The skin on her ass was pink for the slapping Chase and Matt had done to it. Her nipples were raw from four men attacking them with their tongues and their lips and their teeth. Her hair was wet with sweat. Her face and neck had dried and wet cum stains on them, and out of her pussy and her asshole a steady dribble of white cum was dripping out slowly. She had never looked more beautiful to me.

I knew immediately what needed to be done. I would reclaim her, right there in Vince’s bed. I had to. My balls were overfilled and sore from all the stimulation of watching the three-hour show in the window. She turned towards me, her smoke-hot body curved on the bed in front of me. She was glowing. Her smile was different than any I had seen before, it was like she had reached another level of sexual release, sexual fulfillment.

“Oh baby thank you so much for this, it’s going even better than I could have ever imagined.”

I leaned down and kissed her mouth. The energy between us was electric.

“I need to reclaim your pussy and make it mine again right now baby. I can’t wait until tomorrow night. I need to fuck you right here and right now in Vince’s bed. I need to show them I am fully in charge here.”

“Of course, sir, whatever you say. When you give me gifts like you have today, you are the master of my pussy. It’s yours to do with whatever you want. Come fuck me my amazing husband, fuck me right here in Vince’s bed, where he fucks so many sluts I’m sure.”

Her hand went down to my cock and she smiled as she felt how rock hard I was.

“Baby, my pussy is so raw and used from the boys. Matt and Chase at the end there really wore me out, but I loved every dirty second of it. Adam, oh my god, it was all so hot, they are all so hot baby.”

I ripped my clothes off and got on top of Alexis. I pinned her hands above her head, took out my dick, and rubbed the tip on her cum soaked, inflamed pussy. And then I pushed in and fucked her. I fucked her very hard, it was extremely animalistic, and I came very quickly. I came so hard it felt like we were in another dimension. Jets of my cum mixed with Chase and Matt and James and Vince’s cum deep inside her. And we lay there, my wife, marked again by my cum. She was mine again, as it should be.

There was no knock at the door, Vince just walked in. He closed the door behind him.

“I see you’ve been enjoying my room some more Alexis. I like it. I’m sure Adam needed some relief, I’m glad you fucked him.”

He sat down on the bed and kissed Alexis on the lips quickly like they already had their own routine. It was startling to see up close. It was so incredibly hot.

Vince was just wearing short athletic shorts showing off his gym-built muscular legs. His body was ridiculous and his face was too. He was the kind of person you double take looking at unsure if they can be real. As any woman would do, Alexis started to touch this twenty-year-old god. She started with her hands on his calf and ran her finger over his knee up his leg. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and she easily found his big dick. She started to stroke it slowly.

“Vince, Adam, and I need to get back to our hotel, I am exhausted. But before we go I want you to put your big dick back in my mouth and blow a fat load down my throat. And then I need to rest Ok baby?”

She normally calls me “baby” and it hit me kinda weird.

But Vince did not put his dick in her mouth. He used his massive size and strength to quickly pin Alexis’ arms above her head. His broad shoulders and muscled back pinned her upper half down, and his powerful core and thick legs had split hers up the middle. His shorts were the only thing keeping his dick from being inside her.

“What if I told you I am going to fuck Alexis right now and there’s nothing either of you can do to stop me.”

Alexis moaned loudly. She liked her stud’s alpha power play. She was grinding her pussy into his hard cock. Vince smiled a cunning smile.

“Adam, you are in my bed, for fucks sake. My bed, my rules.”

There really was nothing I could do. He was two hundred and thirty pounds of athletic muscle, was one-eighty and too close to fifty for comfort. But I am no beta.

“Vince, I will let you fuck her right here and now. But just know I am letting you, That’s how this works. Get greedy and we will go elsewhere.”

He stood up and got off the bed. Alexis shuddered and reached out for him, her body was ready for him to enter her. She needed to feel his power again. But Vince had his own agenda. He looked at Alexis and slowly pulled down his shorts so that he was totally naked. He knew exactly how fucking stunning he looked, his nine-inch megacock sticking straight out over his big balls. Oh did he have big balls.

“Go elsewhere? Adam. Take a look at your wife. She is so thirsty for my cock, mine alone, isn’t that right baby? I haven’t decided if she will be leaving my bed at all tonight, Adam.”

He walked over to Alexis, put his dick in her mouth, and she started to attack it. She was so hungry for Vince’s body. Her hands raced all over his ass and thighs and balls, and she moaned as she worked.

“Adam does this look like a woman who wants to leave here anytime soon?” I didn't say anything as I watched Alexis work his cock and balls with her mouth and hands.

“Present your ass to me slut.” He flipped her over so her ass was facing him.

Her asshole was still fairly relaxed and open since Matt and Chase had both just been fucking it, but Vince was bigger than either of them. He took a bottle of lube and rubbed it on his huge cock. He started rubbing the tip against her rim and she was moaning again.

He turned to me with the air of a smart-ass. “Adam, may I fuck your wife’s ass now.”

I wanted to see him do it more than anything. I was on the same bed. It was my dream come true. “Yes, Vince. Fuck her ass.”

He didn’t wait for a second, he pulled his ass back and then thrust it forward with speed, ripping into her already cum-filled ass. Alexis screamed in pleasure and pain. Vince was covering her body completely now, pressing all his weight and power into her with each thrust.

Alexis started moaning his name. ‘Vince…oh Vince…my Vince…get it baby…dominate my ass in front of my husband...fill my ass Vince…you’re so hot Vince…oh Vinnceeee” and she erupted with another massive orgasm.

Vince looked at me aggressively as he smacked her ass hard with his open hand.

“Say my name again slut. Let your husband hear who you want to fuck the most. Tell your husband who owns your ass now.”

“Unggghhhh.” Alexis was cumming again, writhing under his relentless pounding.

“Say my name you fucking slut” now he was using all his power, slamming his powerful hips on her and big dick all the way in her ass.

“VINNNCEE,” Alexis screamed. “Vince, baby you own my ass now. Please fill me with your cum Vince. Show my husband how well you can fuck me, Vince. Cum in me, Vince.”

His pace picked up, his breathing got shorter, and then his whole body quivered and then got rigid as he started to cum. Alexis came again with him. Every muscle in his body flexed as he pounded my wife’s ass with his nine-inch monster, shooting jet after jet of hot cum deep down inside my baby. She wanted his cum so badly, she was thrashing against his massive, rigid frame, trying to pump the cum out of him. But he stayed in charge, nothing she could do would top his relentless domination. He stayed deep in her ass for a minute after he came, and then he pulled out quickly, slapping her ass very hard as he did. She screamed again.

Alexis looked me in the eyes in that moment, I had been a few feet away on Vince’s bed watching him destroy with slutwife’s asshole. She looked exhausted, but also electric. She was glowing, radiant, I had never loved her more. I was competing for her with the best-looking stud she had ever seen. I looked at her and I knew what I needed to do. I needed to assert my dominance. Vince was still naked sitting on the edge of the bed, still breathing heavily.

“Vince, I need to take my wife back to our hotel now. She is exhausted. We’re here til Sunday, I will bring her back to you guys, she just needs to recharge a bit.” Alexis nodded and gave me a kiss. She lingered on my lips like she wanted more, but I wanted to get out of there right then.

“Adam.” Vince stood up like a naked greek god, holy fuck he looked unreal. He was feeling aggressive.

“You and Alexis both know she belongs to me now, at least for the rest of this weekend. There’s nothing she won’t do to get more of me.”

He put his thumb in Alexis’ mouth, roughly, and she enthusiastically sucked his thumb off. He smiled at me.

“Adam, if you were a cuckold bitch, you’d love to put your hand on my dick and then help me slide it inside your slut wife. But you keep telling me you’re not into cuckold shit, so I will take your word for it.”

He pulled his thumb out of her mouth and aggressively grabbed Alexis by the throat.

“Alexis, I am going to let you go back with Adam for a bit. But I know you need more of me and my friends. We all know fucking us and fucking Adam are not the same, no offense dude.”

Just to fuck with both of us he gave Alexis his full charm fuck me eyes and we both just watched her squirm. She was his. We all knew it.

“We need to go.”

I was firm. It felt great to stand up to him, to compete and win. Alexis’s dress was destroyed, it had been on the bed as she was fucked again and again, it was blasted with the cum of four studs.

“Vince, can I wear your sweatshirt back to the hotel? I promise I’ll bring it back to you baby.”

She sounded so sexual. I wondered for a split second if we had gone too far. But then Vince walked naked over to his closet and got out what looked like a cut-off high school football jersey.

“Alexis you will wear my old jersey. And nothing else. Not even shoes. You will do a ten PM (that’s what time it was) walk of shame down frat row wearing my old jersey.

She loved it. “Oh thank you, baby. Vince, I want everyone to see me in your jersey.”

She leaned in to kiss him but he put his hand up and stopped her.

“Go back with your husband right now or I will keep you, prisoner, in my room all weekend. You will not leave Sigma Chi for forty-eight hours if you don’t go right now.”

His words hit us both hard. We both thought the idea of her as their sex slave prisoner was hot as hell. But I was not ready to cede control to him, and I wanted to be sure Alexis was OK and could take it all. It was a lot.

“Let’s go, Adam, we’ll be back.”

Alexis was standing, wearing only Vince’s white high school football jersey, number thirty-three, his last name “Bernardi” on the back. Barefoot, with a lot of help from me, we left out a different exit Vince showed us to avoid the courtyard and the rest of the guys. We slipped out, down frat row.

It was ten PM and there were lots of people going out for the night. This forty-year-old MILF in a jersey with no shoes drew plenty of comments. We didn’t care. Alexis smiled at me, and I smiled back as we walked. Our wildest dreams had come true. And they were hardly over yet.

We got some looks in the hotel lobby for sure. Alexis was covered in frat boy sweat and cum, her hair was crazy and his skin was flush and raw in a lot of places. Four perfect-looking college sex gods had just dominated her body for three hours. And she had nothing on below her waist.

When we got to our room I threw her on the bed and attacked her. I needed to fuck her in Vince’s football jersey. It was a good thing because as I learned, she didn’t want to take it off. She had nothing on under it so I quickly had my hard dick inside her. My seven inches weren’t Vince’s fat ten, but I made love to my wife’s pussy. It didn’t take me too long, I had so much built up after edging all afternoon in the courtyard watching fuck and suck those four Adonises in every way imaginable.

She cooed “That’s it, baby, come in my used pussy. Make me yours again Adam. Make me your wife again.”

I was so close to cumming, And then she hit the button that made me explode inside her “Cum in me now, baby because Vince will be back inside me soon.”

I started groaning and cumming so hard.

“I love you, my husband, but this weekend I need Vince and more Vince, I need endless Vince, Adam. He is electric. And I also want more James. Mmmmm…James. And Matt and Chase and maybe more. I need their cocks and their cum all over me again. I loved it so much. Ok, honey?”

She looked at me with real love in her eyes, and I know she saw the same from me back. Her pussy was finally dripping with my cum, and we kissed like new lovers.

“Yes Alexis, you may fuck anyone at Sigma Chi whenever and however you want, if I’m there or not. Your master gives you permission to be their slut.”

She was rubbing her clit and she started to cum yet again.

“Oh thank you, Master. I will be such a good slut for them.”

And then we fell asleep in each other's arms. No shower. All of the fluids of the Sigma Chi guys were all over both of us now. Alexis snuggled herself in Vince’s jersey, smelling him and rubbing the rough fabric against her naked tits. It was ten PM. We slept and snuggled for hours, I was naked, and she was wearing only his mesh jersey.

And we had a whole other day and night still to come…

Written by StagWriter
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