My wife and I had been married for 15 years. As most others will tell you the time before marriage is the hottest time and then kids and routine tend to dull the old sex life.
After completing a good but routine bout of sex I asked her if she thought our sex life needed some spicing up. Her reply was expected, "are you bored with me?- am I no longer attractive to you?". I explained as fast as I could that although neither of these were true we no longer generated the type of excitement we had when we first got together. She reluctantly admitted that although this was true for her also she had no idea how to change it. With great trepidation I asked her if she would entertain another man as that might help her as well as me infuse a spark to our romance. She said " I wouldn't know how to do that and would probable feel quilty afterwards. I am also not sure you would be able to handle it". I said "how about a compromise? You can tease someone and go as far as you want with no pressure to do anything?"
Her reply was "I need time to think about it." Not wanting to push any harder I let it go at that for now. A few days later she came back to me with "alright I might be able to tease someone but I am nervous about who and when and how the word would get around to those we know". I already had a plan but I decided to tell her that I would think about her answer.
A few days later I told her that a friend of mine was out in our area for business and I asked him if he wanted he could stay in our extra bedroom. There would be no pressure on her to do anything but I told her he seemed handsome to me and he was recently divorced and I knew from conversations with him that he had been without any sex for a long time. My wife stated that she wasn't sure she would have the guts to do anything but she didn't veto anything.
As the time of the visit grew near I asked my wife if we could shop together (I never go shopping) for some sexy clothes for her to wear. I explained that she didn't have to wear what we selected but the shopping would be a turn on for me. She laughed, called me a pervert, but agreed. We went to the mall the next day and I said how about Fredricks. She said I think that is a little overboard but she agreed to look. we arrived at the mall and started at some of the higher class stores and chose some short skirts and plunging necklined blouses. Each time I would whistle and make comments about how sexy she looked as she modeled the outfits. At Fredricks I chose a see through negligee and she said "there is absolutely no way I could wear this in front of another man". I said, "you can just wear it for me then, but I have to see it on you to be sure we should buy it". After more prodding she agreed that I could peek into the changing room when she got it on. I waited a few minutes until another guy with his girlfriend was walking by and pulled the curtain back slowly pretending not to notice that she could be seen. She turned to me with her large breasts and shaved pussy obvious behind the sheer outfit and saw the other guy looking right at her from 10 feet away. Her first impulse was to try to cover up but the low whistle emitted from the guy embolded her to remain uncovered. I thought this was a good step for what I hoped would be a loosening of her morals on the upcoming weekend.
As the weekend approached and her jangled nerves were evident I told he that he was arriving at 6PM tonite at the airport. She hit me with multiple questions, "what should I do, what should I say, what should I wear, does he know what we have talked about?". I told her wear something sexy but casual and send out for some food and I'll rent a movie. There is no pressure for anything to happen but if it does great.
I picked him up at airport and on the 30 minute drive I described my wife and decided to tell him what my desires were regarding him and my wife. His questions were "are you sure you want something to happen, are you sure your wife will go along with it?". I explained that she had never done anything like this and we both had to take her along slowly for it to be succesful.
When we got to the door she was wearing a low cut white sweater and a short black skirt. Given the nervousness of my wife I thought this was daring. My friend drank in her beauty and commented that she was the pretties woman he had ever seen. My wife blushed and it then became obvious to me that she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples popped into view unerneath the thin white sweater.