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Hospital Surprise

"A surprising situation arises when a fellow patient has a nightmare."

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Recently, I had cause to go to the hospital with a chest infection, which had turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was placed next door in the general surgery ward. By the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had almost done their job, and I felt 100% better. However, I had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic would be removed, and I could go home. This story is based on a true event, but it may be a bit of a stretch to label it a true story, as I have heavily embellished it.

My bed was in a room of four, and luckily, I had the bed by the window with a great view of the harbour. The other three beds were all women patients. There was talk of moving me to a men's room, but there were none with free beds, and I had no problems being where I was.

The woman opposite me had gone home that morning, and a new female patient arrived at about three in the afternoon. She walked in, aided by her husband. She was around forty, a big lady (not fat), just big-boned, and about 5" 11" tall. Her dress and hairstyle were very old-fashioned. I know I'm being critical, but my initial reaction was that she needed a bit of a makeover and was not making the most of what she had.

I couldn't help but hear most of their conversation and learned that his name was Bruce, and she was in to have her tonsils removed the following day. They closed the curtains, but I could hear everything they said. I was less than impressed with Bruce. He was bossy, condescending, and talking over her. He seemed most put out by the inconvenience of her being in the hospital.

I read my book and played games on my iPad, only half listening to their conversation. Bruce left when dinner arrived, and Grace (I could see her name on the board above her bed) got up to go to the bathroom. She stopped at the end of my bed, said hello, and smiled shyly. I offered the time of day and commented about her looking nervous. She replied that she was terrified about her operation in the morning. I tried to put her at ease by telling her that I had had a few operations over the years and she had nothing to worry about.

At about 9:00 pm, I turned my lights out, as the antibiotic was making me pretty tired. Although Grace's bed curtains were closed, I could see her reflection in the window. As the dirty bastard I am, I wondered if I would get to see her undress for bed. I kept glancing at her reflection but quickly drifted off to sleep.

The nurse woke me for my next dose of antibiotics around midnight, and I lay there struggling to get back to sleep as the lady to my right was lightly snoring. After about half an hour, I got up and went for a walk. When I got back and hopped into bed, I noticed in the reflection on the window that Grace was tossing around and making scared little noises. I lay there briefly and kept glancing at her reflection in the glass. It looked like she was having a nightmare, so I got up and went over to wake and calm her. I should have rung for the nurse, but I did not want to bother them at that time of night. I had no bad intentions; I just wanted to know if she was okay and if I should get the nurse to give her something to calm her and help her sleep.

As I pushed past the curtain, I noted she had kicked off the covers, and her hospital gown had ridden up her legs. I should have about turned right then, but not me. I glanced to see if I could see anything under her gown, but her legs were together, so there was nothing at all to see. I leaned over close to her ear and said, "Grace, it's alright. Calm down, quiet, shish."

She reached up with her left arm and drew me into her neck. "Oh! Bruce, I'm scared. Stay and comfort me."

To stop falling on top of her, I held the bed with my left hand by her pillow and tried to place my right hand on the edge of the bed. But she had opened her legs, and my right hand came down on her bare inner thigh.

Alarm spread through me. I thought, "What the fuck am I doing. She's going to scream, and the house will come down on me."

But the only reaction was, "Oh Bruce, comfort me, I'm scared."

So I whispered in her ear, "Grace, it's me. Wake up and calm down. I just wanted to see if you are okay."

"Oh, comfort me, Bruce, hold me," was all I got back.

I stroked her leg and went to stand up, but she clung to me and opened her legs wide. What is a guy to do? I kept stroking her inner thigh, letting each stroke drift further up her leg. When I let one of the strokes glide up and brush across her knickers, she whimpered and opened even wider. I could feel that her knickers were baggy old bloomers, so with my next glide up her legs, I accidentally, on purpose, slipped my fingers under the edge and brushed across her cunt. She reacted by letting go of me and tried to push her bloomers down with her left hand while lifting her backside to accommodate this.

Balancing on my left hand, I lifted my right hand from under the bloomers and assisted my side of her knickers past her knees. I could see her black bush in the dim light, the hairiest I had ever seen. I placed my hand back on it and looked around, suddenly aware this was way out of hand, and if caught, all shit would hit the fan. She had her eyes firmly closed and still looked to be half asleep.

The lady to the right of my bed was still snoring slightly, so there was no problem there. The lady beside Grace's bed was about ninety-three and pretty out of it, so I was comfortable she would not hear us. I listened carefully and could hear no sign of nurses. So I slipped a couple of fingers into Grace's cunt and fingered her slowly. She let out a low moan. I had to lean forward and whisper in her ear to be quiet. She was so wet, it was incredible.

Her eyes opened slowly, and she looked at me standing above her. She slammed them shut again. I kept slowly stroking two fingers into her, making sure my thumb hit her clit each time I bottomed out.

"Oh shit, how embarrassing," she murmured. But she didn't tell me to stop, and, in fact, she pushed down on my hand each time I bottomed out.

"It's not embarrassing. I only wanted to see if you were okay as you were crying out," I said. "But you obviously needed this."

She opened her eyes again and finally woke up to where we were and the dangers involved in our getting caught. She started to get up and close her legs, but I slowly pushed her down and kept steadily thrusting my fingers into her.

"It's alright. I'll hear if anyone comes and will pull the bedclothes up over you." I murmured in her ear.

She lay back and slowly opened her legs wide again. I stood up a bit more, meaning I did not need to balance on my left hand. I used it to lift the gown up under her chin, exposing a couple of very full breasts. I slipped my fingers from her very wet cunt scooping a couple of fingers worth of her juices, and applied them around her left nipple. I saw straight away that this turned her on. She let out a low hissing moan, so I grabbed her hand and got her to play with the nipple that was now wet with her juices.

She resisted me, but I was getting horny and wanted to watch her play with herself, so I kept hold of her hand until she was kneading the nipple on her own. It rapidly hardened, so I dipped my fingers into her again, gave a few hard thrusts, then withdrew another scoop of her juice and applied it around the right nipple. With no guidance from me, she lifted her right hand up and started to pinch and roll that nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Slipping three fingers into her, I continued to finger her with long, hard strokes.

Next, I took her right hand away from her breast and guided it down to her clit. Again she resisted me, but I kept hold of her hand there until she was massaging her clit with two fingers of her own accord. I watched and saw she was now very turned on, and I figured, close to coming. So I leaned forward and took her right nipple in my mouth. This got a gasp of pleasure, and again, I had to whisper in her ear to keep quiet.

I pulled my fingers from her and smeared her juices around the right nipple again, inserted them and withdrew another slippery mess of juice, nudged her fingers away and rubbed it around her left nipple, which she immediately took between thumb and forefinger and resumed kneading and pulling on it hard. I then leaned forward and moved the juice up and around her right nipple with my tongue. I was enjoying this and kept my right hand on her upper leg for balance. But after a minute or two, her hand left her clit and grabbed my hand, directing it back to her cunt.

I inserted a couple of fingers and started stroking again. Her fingers immediately went back to her clit, which she manipulated around with considerable force.

"Oh God, I'm going to come!" She exclaimed.

I slipped my left hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. She started licking her juices off my fingers, so I scooped some more onto my fingers and slipped them into her mouth. Right hand back to her cunt, and now I gave her some quick hard strokes as I could see her need. I watched her frantically frigging her clit, while her left hand was going to work on her nipple.

Grace had now drawn her legs up and had opened them wide. She started jerking her bum up into my thrusting hand, then clamped her legs together, trapping my hand. I leaned forward, sucked her free nipple into my mouth and lightly bit and sucked on it as she came.

The place was quiet. The lady that had been snoring was quiet. And I wondered if she was awake and listening. I relaxed but left my fingers embedded as Grace slowly regained her breath. I was as hard as a rock. I could have punched a hole in a tin roof with my pecker. But I needed to get back to bed before we got caught. After a few minutes, I mouthed to her, "Was she alright now."

She looked really embarrassed but nodded and said she was okay. I slipped my fingers out, making sure I had a big scoop of her juices and headed to the bathroom. With her juices smeared around my cock, it took about four strokes to get the release I needed. I then cleaned up and headed for bed.

The next morning, everyone opened up their curtains except for Grace. I was not surprised. I knew she would be embarrassed and worried if the other two women had heard anything. At about ten, they came and took her off to surgery. As she passed the end of my bed, I nodded to her and wished her luck. She smiled and looked relieved. Sometime after 1:00 pm, they brought her back. She was sleeping, so I left her be, but at about 3:30 pm, the nurse woke her up, and I could hear her through the curtain, suggesting she get up soon and walk around. So when the nurse left, I popped my head around the curtain and offered to walk with her when she was ready.

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A few minutes later, she appeared from behind her curtains, and we wandered off down the ward.

"I can't do that again," she exclaimed.

"Hey! You don't have to. I just wanted to tell you it's okay. It was wrong of me to do that last night, but events got totally out of hand, and I got very excited watching you and could not stop."

Grace said it was her fault. "I was dreaming. It must have been the relaxation medicine they gave me."

"That was a pretty neat climax you had. Do you always cum like that?" I asked.

"No! Oh God, I can't talk about these things. Bruce would kill me if he knew."

"Well, Bruce is not here, and you can talk to me about anything. There is no way you will shock me. I've done much worse."

"I've never had an orgasm with Bruce. In fact, I've only had a couple in my life, and they were nothing like that."

I thought for a minute. "So you have had a couple with other guys?"

Grace exclaimed loudly. "No! I've never been with another man."

"Ah, so you've had them when you masturbate?"

"No! Well yes. I can't talk about this," she muttered.

"Sorry. I'm teasing you, which is not fair. But you are fun to wind up," I said, laughing and giving her a hug as we walked along.

She was quiet for a bit, then blurted out. "Bruce and I never have much sex, and he finishes very quickly."

"So if you could get him to last longer, you think you could cum?" I asked.

Grace looked sideways at me with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I don't know. He won't talk about it. When I tried years ago, he would be all moody for days. I have tried sometimes to do things differently, but he gets angry. He's a good Catholic and seems to think it is dirty and wrong."

I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Bloody hell! I bet you've never even had that cunt of yours licked. You don't know what you are missing."

Grace looked shocked. "Why do you use those words? They are filthy."

"Well, they seemed to get you very worked up last night. What would you like me to call it? Your Fur Burger, Vale of Eden, Heavenly Grotto, Fanny. They are all just words." Leaning to her ear again, I whispered. "But it is a beautiful hairy Cunt."

She went crimson but smiled and looked down at her shoes.

"So next time, I had better give you a good nibble down there," I said.

"No! I said we can't do that again."

"Okay, but you do owe me a return favour."

Grace looked uncomfortable and was even more crimson. But I noted that she didn't say she wouldn't.

"Hey! I'm teasing you again. We had better get you back. That's enough excitement, walking for today. But you know where I am if you want to talk or ask me any questions."

When we returned to the ward, Grace ducked behind her curtain, and I could hear her getting into bed.

Bruce arrived to visit that night. I heard a little of what they said. He asked how she was and when she was coming home. It was obvious to me that he wanted her home for housework and cooking, not because he missed her. He only stayed about thirty minutes and left with a nod to me as he passed the end of my bed.

I thought Grace might come over and talk to me, but her curtains remained closed. It wasn't until lights out that she appeared with her toilet bag and headed to the bathroom inside our door. She gave me a shy smile and nodded nervously, so I was happy I hadn't upset her too much with my earlier banter.

When Grace returned from her ablutions, I again watched her climb into bed in the window reflection. I turned out my light, looking forward to a good night's sleep. I was pretty certain there would not be a repeat of the previous night. How wrong I was.

At midnight, the nurse awoke me for my antibiotic shot. I lay there waiting to return to sleep when Grace appeared next to my bed.

"Hi," I said.

"I owe you something," she whispered.

"Hey, Grace, you don't. I was teasing you. What we shared last night was better than anything I ever expected. But you don't need to do that for me. Unless you want to, that is."

She sat down on the edge of the bed and told me she could not stop thinking about it. And she'd woken up hot and feeling horny. I knew we were pushing things to have another go in the bed. We were sure to get caught. So I told her to go to the shower room with the door open and light off. Each room had a shower room on one side of the doorway and a toilet room opposite on the other side of the door. Both rooms were large, as sometimes they had to accommodate the patient, a couple of nurses and a wheelchair. I noted that if a nurse came checking on a patient and saw they weren't in bed but the toilet or shower room was closed, they would wander off and return quite a bit later.

I followed as soon as I saw Grace slip into the shower room. But first, I went to the toilet, turned the light on, and closed the door so the others would think it was in use. Then, I moved to the shower room, entered, turned on the light, and shut the door.

Grace said. "Turn off the light."

"No, we need it on in case a nurse comes. Then they will think you are in one room and me in the other," I replied.

I moved over, took Grace in my arms, and said, "Besides, I want to see your beautiful body, so let's get this gown off." I lifted it up and over her head as she started to protest.

She now stood in just her bloomers. I leaned forward and took a nipple in my mouth before she could utter any more protests. Sucking on one nipple then the other, as I massaged each breast with my hands, they quickly hardened. I noticed she had closed her eyes and was starting to relax. So I moved a hand down to her hips and maneuvered her bloomers down to her knees.

"I'm going to have to buy you some sexy underwear. These are not good enough to be covering this glorious cunt," I said as I covered Grace's mound with my hand and let a finger slip into her slit. Just as the night before, she was already soaking wet.

I felt her flinch as I said cunt, but she kicked her bloomers away and opened her legs. She may not like the dirty words, but they turned her on. There was a chair in the room, so I had her put her foot up onto the chair, and with her legs wide now, I inserted two and then three fingers into that fabulously wet steamy cunt. Fingering her with one hand, the other hand was pinching her nipples and keeping them hard.

I whispered in her ear, "What would you like me to do to you?"

There was no reply. She just bucked her hips into my thrusting hand and let out a soft moan.

"If you don't tell me what you want, I'll have to stop."

"No, don't stop. I want you to keep doing that."

"Doing what?" I replied.

"Touching me there," she answered.

"I think you want more than that. Would you like me to eat your cunt?"

"No! I'd be too embarrassed."

"Good, that's what we want." And I maneuvered her around to sit on the chair, then got down on my knees and opened her legs, leant forward and pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her slit. She let out a very loud moan.

"Christ, keep quiet. Stick your fist in your mouth, or you will wake up the whole hospital," I whispered.

I ducked my head down and resumed eating her out. Grace was enjoying her first muff dive but was sitting there with her hands by her side. I took each of her hands, placed them on her breasts, and made sure she started kneading her nipples before I left them alone. The previous night, Grace had fought me when I got her to do this, but tonight, she gave very little resistance, and I was surprised at how hard she was working each nipple. I would have been much gentler. Another couple of minutes and she started cumming. I had to hop up to cover her mouth and, with my other hand, slid my fingers back into her and frigged her to a massive orgasm.

I was rock-hard and badly needed relief. So I lifted her, turned her around, and bent her over so she could support herself on the back of the chair. She was still cumming as I thrust myself into her from behind. I tried to go slowly and savour the feeling of slipping into a hot, wet, still throbbing cunt. But I was too far gone, so I just thrust away and let myself go. I guess I lasted a matter of minutes before I blew. It was fantastic. It felt like my very essence was pouring itself out of the end of my prick. I swear Grace had another orgasm, but I guess it was still the same one. She went all wobbly and had to turn around and sit down. I wasn't too steady on my feet either.

"Fuck! That was good," I stated.

"Oh, do you think anyone heard us," she whispered.

"I don't know, but we had better get back to bed." I turned out the light and opened the door.

All seemed quiet, so I slipped over to the toilet, cleaned myself up, and headed to bed. I could hear Grace washing herself, and as I got into bed, I heard her come out of the shower room. She passed my curtain, kissed me, thanked me, and headed off to her bed.

The following day, the lady next to me was discharged. She didn't act abnormally and said goodbye to me, so I was certain she had not sussed anything that had happened between Grace and me.

Mid-morning, Grace came over to talk. She told me Bruce was coming in to take her home at around 3:00 pm. I found out she lived only about twenty minutes from where I lived. So I asked if she wanted to come and visit me sometime, as I lived alone and had a nice little place overlooking the sea. She said she felt very guilty and probably best if she didn't. But I pointed out that she had opened up a can of worms, and I was sure there were many other things she might like to try.

"Look," I said. "Give me your mobile, and I'll put my phone number on it, just in case you ever need to talk."

"Bruce will see the number."

"Give it here, and I'll look where to put it."

She handed her phone to me, and I scrolled through her contacts. I found one that said Flower Arranging and asked her what it was. She said it was a course she had taken a couple of years ago and should be removed. I told her to leave it there, and I would put my phone and address in "notes" under this heading.

Grace left that afternoon, and as she followed Bruce out, she smiled and mouthed, "See you."

I'm back home now, and I hope to get a call soon!

Written by mingemuncher
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