"Oh my God! Mindy, how could you do this?"
There I was, caught kneeling before a man with his cock in my hands.
'How and why, you ask; I should start at the beginning.'
I'm Mindy, and I've been happily married for three years. I'm twenty-six and an ER nurse. My husband, Terry, is twenty-eight.
It was an unseasonably warm evening for December, which wasn't unusual for southern California. We arrived at our neighbors Bob and Alice's Christmas Party.
I was wearing a red knee-length knit bodycon dress Terry had bought for this occasion. It hugged my lean 115lb figure, and the top revealed my breasts more than I was comfortable with. The green demi bra and panties were visible through the knit.
Terry and I wandered out to the patio and were enjoying our drinks. Bob led Terry off to introduce him to his friends.
There was music playing, and several couples were dancing. A man walked up and introduced himself.
"Hello, I'm Dave; why's a lovely young woman like you sitting all alone? Are you with someone?"
He thinks he's smooth. I smiled, flashing my rings. "No, I'm here with my husband."
That didn't deter him. His eyes wandered up and down my body, "Well, surely he wouldn't mind if you joined me for a dance."
I noticed Terry returning, smiled, and said, "Well, you can ask him yourself. Here he is now."
When Terry arrived, I stood to greet him, and we kissed. I turned to face Dave as Terry wrapped his arms around me. I giggled, and said, "Honey, this is Dave; he was just saying that you wouldn't mind if I danced with him."
Terry said, "Well, Dave, you haven't asked, and since you assumed I wouldn't mind, I'll let Mindy answer you."
I smirked, "Sorry Dave but I politely decline."
Dave turned and walked away.
We chuckled, and Terry said, "It didn't take long for someone to hit on you."
I punched his shoulder, "What was that for?" He exclaimed.
I laughed, "What did you think would happen? You're the one that had me wear this dress with my wares on display."
Terry smiled and took my hand, "Shall we dance? "It felt wonderful to be wrapped in my lover's embrace as we danced gliding gracefully together.
After a couple of songs, we took a break. I excused myself to use the restroom. Alice had said to use theirs in the master at the end of the hall.
'Now we're back to the how and why.'
Upon returning I passed by the hall bathroom, and I heard moaning. Being a nurse, I can tell the difference between the sound of pain and pleasure.
I knocked on the door and asked, "Are you all right? I'm a nurse. I can tell you're in pain."
I hear a mumbled reply, "You're a nurse?"
"Yes, I am."
The door opens, and to my surprise, it's Dave. His pants are up but hang open; he's holding his cock and looks in pain.

I ask him to sit back on the edge of the tub. He sits, but his hands remain on his cock.
I said, "I need to take a look. Don't be shy. I've seen all shapes and sizes."
He moved his hands, and I saw the zipper had snagged the foreskin. I thought I had seen it all, but not this.
I hear the door open behind me.
"Oh my God! Mindy, how could you do this?"
There I was, caught kneeling before a man with his cock in my hands. I had my back to the door and knew how it appeared.
"Honey, It's not what it looks like. I'm trying to help this man."
Before I could explain further, he yelled, "What the fuck! Help him how by sucking his dick!"
There were murmurs and giggles behind me as a crowd had gathered.
Dave was wide-eyed and moaning before me. I was not letting Terry's rant divert me from what was needed.
I said, "Look I'm going to have to cut it off."
Dave yells, "What!" and jerks away, causing him more pain.
I hear people gasp, and Terry yells, "My God, are you insane!"
I looked at Dave and said, "The zipper, you idiot, not your cock."
I turn and face our puzzled audience. I see Terry is in hysterics.
"Terry, calm down, come in and close the door."
Exasperated, he steps in and closes the door.
"Okay Honey, take a look. Dave has snagged his foreskin in the zipper."
Terry sighed deeply as understanding took hold. "How can I help?"
I said, "First of all, don't ever doubt me though I know how it appeared. Tell Bob and Alice I need small wire cutters, bandaids, Ora gel, or a similar numbing liquid." I kissed his cheek, "Are we good?"
"Yes, Love, I'll get right on it."
Terry returned and had what I needed. I asked him to give us privacy.
"Okay, Dave, I'm going to apply the gel, and it will numb the area." I applied the gel. "I'll give it a few minutes before I carefully cut the zipper." I needed him to be erect so I would have better access.
I was glad Terry wasn't here to see what I was about to do. I pulled the dress's straps off my shoulders and pulled my bra cups down, revealing my breasts.
Wide-eyed, Dave gasped, and his cock became fully erect. The zipper was exposed, and I cut it away. I stood, pulled the cups up, and put the dress back in place. I gave Dave a stern look and said, "Not a word of this to anyone."
I walked out and melted into my husband's loving embrace. I whispered, "Honey, take me home. I need you to ravage my breast and fuck me into oblivion."
At home when I confessed to exposing my breasts. We laughed at the absurdity of the event.
The End.