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Heart of the Dragon

"When you seek a dragon's treasure, make sure she stays happy."

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Sometimes traveling for work can be tedious. I am happy that I don't travel often, and usually the customer is waiting on me when I arrive. A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Syracuse, New York, to assist with the start-up of a new machine. We had made a significant change to the hydraulic system and it could not be fully tested on our assembly floor.

I needed to make and monitor a small programming change, so I expected to spend only four hours on site. After I arrived, I learned that my co-worker had been holding back status reports at the customer's insistence. They were at least a day away from powering up the machine, and it would likely be two days before I could do my tasks. It made sense for me to get out of their way, and go check in to the hotel and work on some other projects.

After a couple of hours in my hotel room, I was feeling restless, so I decided to make use of the fitness center. They only had a basic weight machine and a cheap looking treadmill. I opted for a jog through the nice neighborhood north and west of the hotel. When I finished, I did a half hour of lifting weights and core body exercises in the fitness center. I returned to my room to shower and check on work. There was a message from my co-worker saying that he was going to work late, so I should not wait on him for dinner.

Before heading out to find some food, I jumped online and checked the status of my latest submission to Lush Stories. I always get a rush when one of my stories is accepted, and I was pleased to see that it had been. I sent thank you notes to the commentors, and wrote a quick blog on my profile about the story. I had also received a new friend request, and with it was a note asking me to come visit her in the chat rooms.

She was not online, but I decided to go check out the chat room she had mentioned. There were a dozen or so people in there, and the moderator welcomed me into the room. I replied with a non-committal "Hi all," and then lurked a bit to see who was chatting about what. There seemed to be several ongoing conversations, and it is always fun trying to figure out who is part of each one.

One of the conversations caught my attention as I started to figure out what they were talking about. Apparently, one of the friends was stuck in a hotel, and her webcam wouldn't work. Her guy-friend really wanted to see her video, and he kept switching between pushing her to go buy a new one and offering possible ways to get the one she had working.

I typed, "Don't you think they should have a chatroom just for people who are stuck in hotel rooms alone?"

She replied "You have no idea. It would be full of frustrated people."

I typed, "LOL, I am stuck in a hotel room alone, but I don't think I am frustrated."

I added, "In fact, I am stoked just now, one of my stories got published."

Several people congratulated me, and when she asked where I was, I answered with "Syracuse, near the airport."

Throughout our side conversation, her guy-friend had continued with his useful suggestions for her webcam. He had the room in stitches as he drifted into ridiculous ideas for the fix. He was suggesting things like turning on the shower or unplugging the television just to see if it would help. It was very entertaining and I stayed a while.

My laptop chimed as someone requested a private chat. I recognized the name as the woman with the broken webcam, so I accepted.

I typed, "Hi."

She replied back, "Hello to you. I read your story. Nicely done."

I sent, "Thanks. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)"

She replied, "I did enjoy reading it. I plan to read some of the others you wrote."

Before I could type anything, she added, "I also checked out your profile. Can I ask you an odd question?"

I sent, "Sure. I will even give a good answer, but I will go for what I think is funny over the truth."

I quickly added, "Sometimes my humor is not funny to other people. :("

She asked, "Were you just working out wearing a Woodstock Harley shirt?"

I was too surprised to make a joke. "Yes."

She sent, "OMG, we are in the same hotel. Do you live down by NYC?"

I had to think that through before I answered, "Wrong Woodstock. My shirt is from the one about an hour out from Chicago. I live out that way."

She replied, "Oh." She quickly added, "So, two more questions then."

I answered, "Three questions? Answers: John, I seek the Holy Grail, and Blue, I mean Black...aaaahhhhhhhhh"

After a moment, she sent, "OK, there is never a time when Monty Python isn't funny."

I replied, ":)"

She sent, "Please don't read too much into these but"

I waited. She asked, "Do you have a webcam I can use?"

I answered, "Yes ;)"

She asked, "Great. What are you doing for dinner?"

I started to type 'Nothing', but then realized that was not true.

She added, "No pressure. I just hate eating out alone, and I hate eating in my room."

I replied, "Me too. Where would you like to go? I would enjoy dinner with you."

She sent, "Are you sure? You don't even know what I look like. Do you like seafood?"

I answered, "Yes, it doesn't matter, and yes. How soon would you like to meet?"

She asked, "It doesn't matter? What does that mean?"

I answered, "Two things. First, you politely implied that I should ask, and I did. You implied that you accepted my invitation, so it does not matter what you look like. Second, that guy in the chat room really wanted to see you on webcam again. To me, that implies that you are good looking. And even if you are covered in dragon scales, you're still sexy enough for him to beg."

She had not sent anything as I sent all of that. I waited a bit.

Finally, she sent, "Dragon scales, huh? Can you be ready in 15 minutes?"

I answered, "Yes. Shall I meet you in the lobby?"

She replied, "Yes. Bye til then!"

I sent, "OK, bye," but she had logged out faster than I had typed. I logged off and quickly got ready to go out. Fifteen minutes later, I was standing in the lobby waiting for her.

She stopped just as she stepped from the hallway into the lobby. She was medium height and build, with short dark hair. Her smile was infectious and I had to laugh. She was wearing very nice business clothes in the form of an elegant patterned blouse and stylish pants and heels. Over that she was wearing an incongruous Drexel Dragons zip-front sweat shirt.

Her smile grew broader as she slowly spun so I could see the serpent-like dragon emblem on the back. Its head rested just below one shoulder and the tail extended down the opposite arm. As she finished the spin and walked toward me, I could see the dragon scale pattern printed on the lower parts of the front.

"I knew you would make dragon scales look sexy!" I exclaimed. She blushed.

"Hi John, I'm Debbie. Sweat shirts are not sexy!"

"You should ask your web-cam buddy about that when that's all you’re wearing." Her eyes flared at the implication, but her smile was still going strong. "I've never heard of Drexel," I said. "Where is it located?"

"They're in Philadelphia. I make travel plans for their Alumni Association and corporate sponsors. I've had this sweatshirt for several years, and this is the first time I have worn it for something other than public relations."

"The next time you wear it, make sure you have clothes that match. I don't know the first thing about fashion, but that clashes." We both laughed. "So you must have a restaurant in mind- would you like to drive?"

She smiled and stepped close enough to touch my arm. "I like a man that takes charge but doesn't have to be in control," she purred. "I don't have a car, so I hope you do. You can drive."

I led her out to my economy rental, and she gave directions to a nearby restaurant. I vaguely remember ordering food and light drinks. I somewhat recall that the food was tasty, and the service was good. I could clearly give you every detail of the conversations we had. It was a bit like we were in our own chat room, with several conversations going on at the same time.

She was interested in my writing, and why I chose to write erotica, and how I chose new ideas. She had been a travel coordinator for many years, and I was interested in the organizations she had worked for and the cities she had visited. She was interested in my travels and the countries I had visited. We both enjoyed the same kinds of movies, and we each had recommendations for the other to watch.

All of those topics came and went as we enjoyed our meal and told stories. We also flirted a bit, but we were both having too much fun to take it seriously.

We did argue a bit about paying the bill. In the end, she paid for the meal, and I paid the tip out of my pocket.

When we got back to the hotel, she gave me her room number and asked me to bring my loaner web cam to her. I quickly retrieved it from my room. Her door was propped open, so I knocked lightly and let myself in. She was sitting at her computer and typing furiously while talking on her cell phone, but she smiled and waved for me to come in. She was talking travel business, so I patiently waited.

Her phone conversation drifted away from work subjects and into gossip. She stepped away from the computer and indicated that I should set up the web cam. I could see that USB cable on hers had been damaged. I plugged mine in and the software pretty much installed itself. I stepped away from the computer just as she was finishing her call.

"I'm sorry about that," she apologized. "It was rude of me to gossip while you waited."

"No worries," I replied. "You should be all set for your chat." With a sheepish grin, I added, "Maybe I should hurry down to my room and log in as well. Will you let me watch?"

A big smile spread across her face. "I was hoping that you would stay."

She laughed at the shocked look on my face as I stammered, "Of course!"

Her smile faded a bit, and she said, "There are a couple of things, though."

"Anything," I replied quickly. "Just ask."

"My 'web-cam buddy' as you call him is my husband," she said as she blushed. "He has been asking me to do something new for a while. I have teased him that I would let an author from the site seduce me, but only if he approved. I never thought I would meet one."

She was acting more and more nervous as she spoke. Her eyes drifted to the floor and she wouldn't look at me as she continued.

"I don't know if I am ready to be seduced. I don't know how far he will let things go. I think I am asking the impossible, but here is what I want. I want you to sit in that chair and watch me put on a show for him. You should try to distract me, but you have to stay in the chair. If I ask you to do anything else, you have to do exactly what I ask, and nothing more. Can you do that?"

"To be clear," I stated, "you are going to give your husband a naked webcam show, and I will sit here and give you a naked live show."

"I like your description better," she said with a laugh. "Will you do it?"

"Did you have any doubt?" I asked. "I will even behave as you have asked."

"One more thing then," she said with apprehension. "If I ask you to do more, it will be here, on cam. He will get to see everything. Oh, and another thing. I just want to be sure we are on the same page. If we do more, I am not sure how much more. If he says stop, or I say stop, we have to stop immediately. No questions, just stop."

She was really worried about it, but I dared a small joke to lighten up the mood. "You know there is a point where the male body stops sending blood to the head on his shoulders, and he can no longer think, right?"

Her eyes darted to my face, and she saw that I was joking. I quickly said, "Yes, if I am lucky enough and you invite me to join you on cam, I will respect your wants and needs, even if that means I have to leave."

She studied me for a moment, and then said, "I have heard that women can suffer from the same blood distribution affliction. If it comes to that, you better be sure I get there before you do."

"I will do my best," I said with a smile.

"Okay, well, sit and be quiet then," she laughed.

I sat. She took a deep breath and then moved the laptop to the edge of the desk. She clicked a couple of times, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

The voice in her computer said, "Hey sexy woman, how was your dinner?" He sounded like he was in a happy mood.

She smiled and blew a kiss at the laptop. "It's good to see you, too," she mock teased. "Dinner was fun," she added.

"Fun?" he prompted. When she didn't answer, he asked, "Regular fun, or fantasy fun?"

"Regular fun," she answered. "We talked about movies and work and maybe we flirted a bit."

"How much flirting? Just talk, or touching? Did you let him kiss you?" She laughed at his eagerness.

"It was a hoot," she teased. "We did get kicked out for having sex on the table, though."

"Do you need bail money?" he asked with a laugh. "Maybe he is gay."

"I don't think so," she laughed. "You should have seen his eyes when he checked me out."


Her eyes flickered to my face and she blushed as she looked back to the computer.

"I wore the Drexel sweatshirt as a joke," she explained. "He was supposed to be checking it out, but he was totally checking out my bust and butt when I turned for him."

I nodded and mouthed the word 'busted'. She tried not to look at me, but she smiled, and then tried to hide the smile.

"He tried the 'you make anything look sexy' pickup line," she said. "He teased that I should show off for you wearing just the sweatshirt."

"You should!" he said. "That would be sexy as hell."

Her eyes were bright as she said, "You guys are as crazy as you are wrong. Do you want to see that I am right?"

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "Do it baby, show me your sexy body," he prompted.

She laughed at him. "Hold on, then," she said and she jumped off the bed and out of sight of the web cam.

"Close your eyes," she whispered at me. I raised my eyebrows, and she gave me a stern look. I closed my eyes. I swear I didn't even peak.

I heard the rustle of clothes. There was more rustling, and then she moved past me and back over by the web cam.

"What do you think?" she asked. I opened my eyes and I understood his stunned silence.

She had simply put the sweatshirt on and zipped it all the way up. It had a high collar and the zipper ended right under her chin.

"Very nice dear," he said sarcastically.

"Not sexy at all," she said in the tone of a woman who knows she is right. Then a playful smile spread across her face and she asked in a sweet voice, "Did I zip it too high?"

She smiled for him as she pulled the zip tab down past her collar bone. She carefully straightened the collar and then fluffed her hair. My eyes suddenly noticed that her nipples were clearly defined as they stood erect beneath the layers of fabric. She caught me looking and a quick smirk spread across her lips. I don't know if they were showing up on his web cam.

"You are so beautiful," he said sincerely.

"Thank you, dear," she answered. "You still didn't say sexy. Maybe lower?"

She gave him a seductive look as she lowered the zip to between the swell of her breasts. She spread the collar enough to expose her tops of her breasts. I realized there were no extra layers for her nipples to poke out against. She waited for him to notice.

She saw his reaction, and asked, "Lower?"

"Yes!" he replied immediately. I couldn't have agreed more.

She unconsciously touched her hair into place, and with a casual tilt of her head, she pulled the zip down past her navel. My eyes devoured the V of flesh that lay exposed. Her erect nipples held the cloth from sliding off her breasts, but the fullness of her cleavage begged to be touched and tasted.

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I had to change my position, because my pants were binding in a distracting way. She struggled to keep from laughing aloud at my adjustment.

"More!" he demanded. She licked her lips and nodded.

With a small pull and a tug, the zipper parted. She folded her fingers inside and ran them up her skin. Her body trembled as she brushed past her own nipples.

"Is it getting hot in here?" she asked playfully.

"Yes, but leave it on," her husband ordered. "Take your jeans off, Baby," he instructed.

"Just like that?" she teased.

"Now!" he ordered. Her eyes flared, but she nodded, and stood up on the bed.

Her eyes had been carefully looking anywhere but at me the whole time. Standing on the bed, she was only visible from the waist down on the web cam. Her eyes were locked on mine. Her eyes dared me to look away as she unsnapped and unzipped her jeans. They dared me to follow her hands as they pushed the jeans off of her hips. They dared me to follow the fabric as it slid down her legs, and she kicked the jeans to the floor. With a smile, her eyes returned to the screen as she knelt on the bed in front of the cam.

"Since when do you wear panties on a date?" he demanded. "I thought you planned to seduce him."

"I wouldn't want him to think I was too eager," she answered softly.

"If only he knew," he teased, and she blushed. "I wish I could truly see how wet you are. I know you and I know you're wet. You know what I want, Baby. Tell me how wet you are."

Her eyes barely flickered toward me, and then she smiled and nodded at him. She slid her hand down her stomach and her fingers slid under the elastic of her panties. Her eyes closed in pleasure as her fingers teased beneath the fabric.

"Dew on the petals," she said breathlessly. "She opens at a touch, and moisture has already gathered and filled the folds."

"I know what it means," he said dismissively. "You know what else I want."

I had never heard that description before, and I think the detail was for me. She continued to play for a moment or two. As she played, her moving elbow and wrist parted the sweatshirt. It slid open to reveal all of her left breast and most of the right. They were nicely shaped and very full. Her nipples stood proud in the middle of her medium sized areolas. She opened her eyes in a lazy smile and looked directly at the web cam.

"Not while you're dressed," she said. "Take off your shirt and pants. I want to see your body."

"You tease," he growled. The speakers were filled with the sounds of cloth rustling.

Her eyes jumped directly to mine. She smirked and let them run up and down my body.

"Take them off," she ordered. I raised my eyebrows and she nodded.

"I heard you," he grumbled. I quickly and quietly stripped down to my boxers. She slid the laptop down the desk toward me. When she was happy with its position, she was able to watch it and me at the same time.

"Do I have to beg?" he asked as he sat back down. "I'm dying to know."

"I bet you’re not dying," she teased. "Show me your cock." She was looking directly at me as she said it. "Show me," she repeated.

Her husband groaned, and we could hear the sounds of his web cam being moved. She bit her lip and her eyes demanded that I comply. I lifted my hips and pulled my boxers down to reveal my hardness. Her mouth unconsciously opened as she stared directly at my exposed flesh.

"Tell me now, Baby, please," he begged.

Her eyes slid back to the laptop and she smiled for him. Her body trembled as she pulled her hand from her panties. She held her fingers out to the camera.

"Am I wet enough for you?" she purred.

"Yes, baby, tell me!" he begged.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and made a big show of licking them. First she stuck her tongue out as far as she could, and traced the edges of her fingers. Then she plunged them into her mouth, and thrust them in and out as she pretended to give them a blow job. Finally, she sucked them clean as she pulled them from her mouth.

"Nectar of sun ripened peaches," she said. He groaned. I think she was about to explain the term, when he interrupted.

"Call him," he demanded loudly.

"What?" she asked, surprised. "Who?"

"The author. Don't tell me you didn't get his room number. Baby, I know you're scared, but just this once, trust me. Call him. Tell him the cam doesn't work. Anything. Baby, just this once. I need to see you licking your sweet nectar from his cock. Please, Baby. For me. For you, too! Call him!"

She stood frozen at first as he made his demand. Then her eyes found mine. I gave her a quick nod, and she started breathing again. Her eyes flicked back and forth between me and the screen, and then her confident smile returned.

"Dear," she said, "can I share a surprise with you?"

In plain view of the cam, she beckoned me forward with her finger.

"I know what you hoped would happen," she continued. "I knew you would beg. If you promise to let me go slow, I will give you a show."

"Tell me you already have him," he stated.

I don't know what exactly the web cam was showing him, but I can guess. As I approached, she reached out and took possession of my cock, and pulled me to stand in front of her as she sat on the bed.

"Fuck, Baby, fuck!" he exclaimed. "Will you do it? I can't believe you are holding him like that. Show me, Baby, show me."

She smiled at the cam, but gently pushed me back a half step. Her hand slid down her stomach again, and it disappeared into her panties. Her eyes betrayed the pleasures she was giving herself. Her body trembled harder this time as she pulled her hand up and out. She held her wet fingers out for him to see.

I glanced beyond her fingers to the laptop screen, though I wish I hadn't. Her cam was showing small to one side and I could see her and her hand held up and part of my ass. His cam view filled most of the screen. It was aimed at his cock and he was stroking it wildly. I turned my attention back to her. She saw my reaction to what I saw, and she winked at me.

She brought her wet fingers back and held them in front of her face. Then she reached out and wrapped them around my shaft. My knees nearly gave out as she took advantage of the wetness to quickly stroke my cock. Just as quickly, she stopped.

"Yes, Baby, please," he groaned.

She pressed her tongue to the base of my cock, and then used the very tip of it to tease the length of my shaft. She flattened her tongue and licked my cock like a popsicle. I gasped at the heat of her tongue and the eroticism of it all. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Baby, please," he begged. "I'm so close."

She turned her eyes to the webcam, and then pulled my cock forward. She pressed the head of my cock to her pursed lips and then let it force them apart as she slid my length into her mouth.

"Fuck!" he cried out, followed by several loud grunts. Her eyes never left the laptop screen as she slowly teased my cock in and out. As his orgasm seemed to end, she slowly pulled my cock out.

"Thank you, dear," she said to him. "You were right."

He groaned. "Tell me, Baby. Tell me more." His voice sounded tired.

Her eyes stayed at the laptop as she licked my cock again.

"The flavor is gone," she said with a pout. "His cock is very hard, and I can taste the heat of it."

"Do it again," he instructed. "Stroke his cock with your wet fingers and tell me what you taste."

She smiled at him, and slid her fingers into her pussy again. She brought her hand up and stroked my cock. Her eyes stayed with him as she licked my cock.

"The heat warms it up," she said. "It tastes sweeter, but then the flavor is gone, and all I taste is him. He tastes as good as you, dear, but I wish my flavors would last."

Even though her eyes were not directed at me, I could see the naughty gleam in them. She was slowly stroking my cock and waiting for him. She didn't have to wait long.

"Are you asking what I think you're asking?" he asked. His voice sounded much stronger. Her lips pursed into the naughtiest smile ever, and then she slowly licked my cock again.

"Fuck, Baby, don't tease me!" he demanded. "Say it. Yes or no? Please, Baby, please!"

Her eyes and her smile stayed focused on him. She pushed me away, but her right hand stayed on my cock. With her left hand, she reached down and pulled her panties aside. Her lips were swollen and glistening wet. The desire to bury my cock or my face into her wetness took my breath away.

"Yes or no?" she teased. "Do you want me to rip these panties off and take him inside? Do you want me to soak his cock and then taste every inch of it?"

"Fuck, yes!" he bellowed. "No, wait!"

With a quick intake of breath, she froze.

"Leave the panties on," he instructed, and she smiled and started breathing again. "Pull them aside and take him inside like that, Baby. Do it. Do it!" He sounded breathless and eager again, and I could hear the wet sound of his hand stroking his cock again.

She turned to me. Her voice was shaky as she instructed, "He has to be able to see." Her hand was steady as she pulled my cock forward.

I gave her my most confident smile, and then turned to watch the laptop. I ignored his cam display, and watched hers to be sure we were showing him. My knees trembled a bit as she teased the head of my cock at her opening. She lifted on leg up onto my hip and used her heel on my butt to pull me forward. She was very hot and wet inside, and she was trembling all along the length of my shaft.

"Fuck, Baby!" he cried out. "Don't just stand there, dude, fuck her!"

Her heel was still dug into my backside, and she smiled at me as she held me in place.

"Not yet, dear," she purred as she turned back to him. "Let me tell you how hard he is. I thought his cock was hot on my tongue, but it is burning inside me. I can feel him twitching, or maybe it’s me."

"Oh, fuck, Baby! That's so fucking hot!"

"I am so wet," she purred. "I bet it's dripping off of his balls by now."

"Oh," he grunted breathlessly, and then almost unintelligibly, "Baby."

She pushed me away, and her whole body spasmed as my cock popped out. She caught me in her hand and quickly moved to take it in her mouth. Her eyes were on the laptop as she pressed the head to her lips. Her tongue wrapped around the head and then she plunged down onto it. She moaned loudly as she bobbed her head up and down.

"It tastes so good," she moaned.

He moaned out several unintelligible sounds and then started grunting.

She kept licking my shaft as she said, "I love hearing you cum." She continued to lick and suck and tease as he finished his orgasm.

"Fuck, Baby," he croaked, "do it again. Please, Baby."

She smiled at him, and said, "But it tastes so good."

Then she pushed me away and pulled her panties aside again.

"Fuck, Baby, yes!" he exclaimed. I couldn't have agreed more.

With her eyes she reminded me to put on a show for him. She pulled me in and held me there. Just as she was about to push me away again, I rolled my hips to stir my cock inside her. Her eyes widened in pleasure and surprise.

"Fuck, yeah, get it nice and wet for her," he croaked.

She let me stir a bit longer before she pushed me away and devoured my cock for him. He continued to praise her as she rolled back and pulled my cock to her lower lips again. She held me in place with her heel, but I stirred around inside her.

"Dude, stop teasing and fuck her," he ordered.

She seemed to be lost in the feel of my cock stirring inside, so I answered for her.

"I have to go at the pace she wants. Trust me, she is letting me know."

"Smart man," he replied. "Keep it up! She looks happy as hell and this is hot as fuck!"

A small tremor passed through her body and she suddenly sat up and pushed me away. Her hand stayed on my hip to hold me in place. She caressed my side, and then hugged my torso, pressing her cheek into my chest.

"His whole body is burning up with need," she said. "Tell me what you need, dear."

"As long as you are happy, I have what I need," he answered. "I want to see you fuck, but I need you happy."

She smiled and stood up and pushed me away. She was standing alone in the cam view and she blew him a kiss. Then she slowly and seductively turned as she removed her panties.

"Oh, fuck, Baby, I love you!" he cried out. His cock was growing again as he stroked it.

She sat on the bed and checked the cam angle. Her smile was tentative, but her eyes were burning with need as she beckoned me forward. She reached for my cock and she guided me in. She smiled as my hardness filled her and she set both of her heels on my ass to hold me in place. She pulled me forward and I leaned my weight onto my hands.

"Fuck, Baby, you are beautiful," he exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement, and a tremor passed through her body. She dug in with her heels and then relaxed, so I pressed forward and then withdrew. My cock was halfway out when she used her heels to direct me back in. She used her whole body to direct the speed, and we moved together in a slow motion fuck.

"Fuck, Baby, that is so hot. I can see him dying to fuck you. I can see you controlling him." The sound of his stroking filled the speakers.

Somewhere along the line, her eyes had become locked on mine. She smiled at his enthusiasm, but her eyes stayed on me. Her body responded to his words by pressing me to go faster.

"Fuck, Baby, take him! Make him please you. Fuck, I love seeing you so happy!" There were garbled noises coming from the speakers. It sounded like he knocked over his cam, and was trying to set it back in place. The wet noises of his stroking never slowed.

Her body was really starting to tremble, and her nipples suddenly stood up. I shifted my weight and slid a hand down to tease them.

"Fuck, yeah, Dude. Pinch those titties! She is ready to explode!" More garbled noises came from the speakers, but his speed increased.

She nodded and started kicking her heels to speed up. I matched her speed and folded my fingers around her breast.

"Fuck, no, fuck!" His webcam must have tumbled again.

She dug in her heels and tried to hold me as her pussy contracted around my cock. I kept thrusting and I pinched her nipple. She struggled to contain the scream of passion that threatened to pour from her as she grabbed my hand on her breast and squeezed harder. I pinched even harder on her nipple which caused her to violently nod her head and her pussy clamped down tighter. I carefully rode the crest of the wave of her orgasm, and slowly released the nipple as my thrusts slowed and stopped. She reached up and pulled me down and kissed me hard as another wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

She was still trembling as she turned to the laptop with a satiated smile for her husband. It took a both a moment to realize that his cam was off, and under its blank display were two words.

"Wait. Stop," she whispered as she read them out loud.

Her body stiffened and she pushed me away. My brain would not work, but I stood up. She stared at the screen, dumfounded. She turned to look at me, but her eyes would not look at my face.

"Something's wrong," she said, sounding on the edge of tears. "You have to go."

My brain struggled for way too long. She was in pain, and she needed to be held. She needed to be reassured. She needed to let me finish what we had started. No, wait, that was what I wanted. She needed me to leave.

"Debbie, listen," I said. "Something is wrong. We talked about this, and I will go. Find him and talk to him."

My brain still struggled. She was frozen in her fear. I desperately wanted to go to her. She still could not look me in the face, and I knew that touching her would be the wrong thing to do.

Still out of breath, I threw on my pants and shirt. I tucked my boxers and socks into my shoes and just carried them. I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but she still would not look at me. Still out of breath, I stepped out into the hall and closed the door.

Written by bad_mann_ers
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