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Happy Housewife

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Competition Entry: New Experiences



I had been waiting to talk with Kevin all morning, but he always seemed to be on a conference call or talking to a business associate. At first I was delighted when he decided to move his office into our house last year. I thought it would give us more time together, but the opposite occurred. If Kevin worked at another location, he would leave work at the end of the day and go home. Not so with this home arrangement. I don't think he has a quitting time.

I peeked in his office to see if he was ready for the sandwich I had fixed him. He motioned for me to come in while he continued his conversation. I put the plate down on the corner of his custom cherry desk that was littered with notes and files.

“Would you mind holding a second, Mr. Matthews?” Kevin said, as looked at me and asked, “Jenny, is there something you need?”

“Actually there is. I want to discuss something important to me.”

“Can it wait, Hun? I'm in the middle of a contract negotiation with a new customer.”

“I suppose, but promise you'll come downstairs when you finish. I'll be working out.”

“I promise,” he replied, blew me a kiss and went back to his call.


I was finishing my third set on the abs machine in our home gym when Kevin entered, dressed in his workout shorts and V-neck t-shirt. For almost 40 he was still ripped. Kevin treated his body as he did everything important to him, including me… like a job.

“What is it you wanted to talk about?” he asked, as he sat down on the bench press and chalked his hands.

“I've been thinking about something a lot lately and wanted to discuss it with you, Hun.”

“Sure, but with that serious look on your face, I've got a feeling I might not like what you're going to tell me.”

“Just listen to what I propose before you answer. I was thinking with the kids both in school and you so preoccupied with business, this is a perfect time for me to get a part-time job.”

He turned and stared at me in disbelief, then said, “Why would you? I just made partner and my bonus alone would put us in the top ten percent of income.”

"I know, but this isn't about you or the money. It’s about me. I want to feel productive. I have this degree in design and have never held a job of my own.”

“Jenny, you have a job. You're a wonderful wife and mother. If you need more money, I'll increase your allowance.”

“My allowance?” I exclaimed, with a frown. “My allowance? That's exactly what I'm talking about.”

“Sorry, bad choice of words… Haven’t I always provided for you and the kids? Just where do you propose finding this job? It's not like you have a bulging resume. Besides, none of the partners’ wives work.”

“I won't know until I try,” I replied, resolutely.

“Maybe we could just have another child?” He offered.

“I don't think that would happen,” I muttered, lowly under my breath.

“Why not? You’re only thirty-two.”

"Not because of my age but because... that means that we would… you know… actually have sex.”

“Come on! You’re exaggerating. We make love a lot.”

“Oh, is that right? When was the last time?”

"The pressure to sign new clients has been fierce. This will taper off soon, after I build my account portfolio.”

I stood up and walked out leaving him to ponder about my employment proposal and our love-life—or lack of it.


For the longest time I was worried that his diminished sexual desire was about me. Then, I realized it wasn't me but his mistress. Oh, not another woman. I could deal with that. His mistress is more formable than any lover. His mistress is this business: feeding his ego in ways I could never do. His lust for power and wealth supersedes any physical desires.

Kevin is still the best looking man I've ever met. People thought us a perfect match. We use to have a vigorous sex life, but that began to wane after our second child was born. I remember the first few years of our marriage he couldn't get enough of me. It was like he was trying to wear out my pussy. Now, every day his new lover provides him conquests that I could never compete with.


During the next few months I applied at every advertising company in the surrounding area. Despite my Ivy-league education, my lack of experience always seemed to garner the same reply:

“Thank you for coming in, Mrs. Sheffield, we will be in contact.”

It was like I was blacklisted, not a single call was returned from my applications. My frustration was growing daily.

Then, after yet another job rejection, one of the other senior partners’ wives, Karen Bloomberg, called and invited me to lunch with her. She suggested a little Italian bistro in midtown. I really did not want to go, but my excuses of being too busy would not be convincing, so I agreed to meet her there.

When I arrived she was seated at an umbrella table under a tree on the patio. As I approached, Karen stood up and waved at me. I stumbled a bit on the rough irregular stone walkway and cursed the fact I wore my heels, but I had one last interview at four and needed to dress appropriately.

“I'm so happy you could join me, Jen,” Karen said, kissing me cordially on the cheek.

“I'm glad you invited me, but I have to leave in an hour. I have a job interview.”

“I heard you were looking for work. How's that going?”

“Not well. I've applied at virtually every advertising and marketing company in the county.”

“You do know none of the partners’ wives work, don't you?”

“Don't remind me. Kevin tells me that daily.”

“Has the fact that no one has returned a call or given you a reply made you a bit suspicious that there is more going on than what meets the eye?” she asked, with a bit of a knowing smirk.

“Just what are you saying?” I replied, starting to consider her question.

“Think about it. I've been where you're at. The unofficial company policy is that wives don't work… Period! Where is your interview?”

“It’s with Castillo Marketing Corporation.”

“Oh my God! That's with our competitor! Are you trying to get Kevin fired? The companies no-compete clause includes wives.”

“I had no idea.”

“Jenny, all the wives are all in the same boat. But I might have a solution. See that pink Jaguar-XF over there? I just bought that car with my part-time discretionary income.”

“Part-time enterprise? What is that?” I asked out of curiosity.

Karen opened her purse and pulled out a business card and handed it to me. It said: Happy House Wives – Consultants.

“What's this?” I asked, examining the card.

“Jen, this is my business. Several of the wives are involved and you're welcome to join us. I would like to offer you and opportunity to join us but I'm sure you have things you would like to ask me.”

“You’re right. I have several questions. First of all, exact;y what is it that you do? How is it not against company policy? I won't get involved in anything illegal.”

"I assure you there is nothing illegal about what we do. It's just a bit... unconventional.”

“How is it unconventional and how is it connected to the corporation?”

“It actually started when Alvin had a wealthy manufacturing client that was here from France. If we landed his account it would almost double our business receipts. Problem was the language barrier. I was the only one in the firm that spoke French. The client, took to me immediately. He said he'd sign the contract but only if I would show him the city for the week he was here. Alvin agreed without hesitation.”

“Does that mean you are some sort of an escort service?”

“Heavens no! I prefer to think of us as the welcome wagon or courtesans” She chuckled. “We only deal with potential new clients for the corporation. Each of us are wives of partners, hence the name, ‘Happy House Wives.’ Every company has a gimmick to bring in new clients. This is ours.”

“So you work for the corporation?”

“No, we are not hired directly by the corporation. I have an independent business license. All transactions are made through the business. You just meet the customer. There are no tips or money exchanged between you and your client.”

“I really don't think Kevin would agree to this. What would be expected of me?”

“Clients all have different expectations. You are in control and only do what you're comfortable with. Many times it is just sightseeing or having lunch. Nothing more. The fee is paid by the corporation. It is charged to the firm’s entertainment budget.”

“Karen, I don't think Kevin would ever approve of me spending time with another man, even if it was totally platonic and for the business.”

“Talk it over with Kevin. Give him a call. you might be surprised. Besides, this helps the company. Why not try it and see? I just need you to fill out this W-2.”

I took my phone out and hit speed dial for Kevin. It rang several times before he picked up.

"Hi hun. What's up?"

"I'm sitting here with Karen Bloomberg and she has a proposal for me to work for her. Are you aware of the nature of her business?"

"Yes I know about Karen's business."

"You would want me to work for her, knowing this?"

"I have no problem with it. I trust your judgment. It might help us increase sales, but the decision is yours."

Karen looked smug as she pushed the papers toward me. You are in control. You are not to do anything you're not comfortable with."

I took the paperwork and replied, “Okay, I'll fill it out but if it doesn't work out I quit.”


After dinner Kevin retreated to his office as usual and the kids were doing their homework as I finished the dishes and tidied up. My thinking was never far from my meeting with Karen today. Karen is the wife of the most senior partner; definitely the trophy wife type. Her husband must be thirty years older than her. She was always the perfect hostess at the company functions making others feel welcome. I often thought her figure was the best money could buy. I personally am not a big fan of cosmetic augmentation, but those big breasts always brought her extra attention.

I was in bed reading when Kevin finally came in. He was wearing his short pajama bottoms. His sculptured muscles rippled on his bare chest as he pulled his covers down. I still found him to be eye candy after all these years.

“When I met with Karen Bloomberg today at lunch and she insinuated that the Corporation blocks any attempt for the partner’s wives to find employment. Is that true?”

"Sweetheart, I tried to dissuade you from pursuing this. The corporate policy is firm.”

“It must not be absolute as Karen and the other wives have a part-time consulting business that appears to pay handsomely and are connected with the firm. How much do you know about this?”

“I actually know very little about her arrangement with the corporation. I just know she gives Alvin Bloomberg an edge in sales.”

“Then do you have a problem with me taking her up on her offer?”

“Jen, I told you the decision is yours to make.”

“I accepted her proposal as a trial. But... I have a proposal for you.” I smiled seductively at him, opening my nightgown.

“Not tonight, sweetheart. It's late and I've got an early conference call in the morning. I promise I'll make it up to you.” Kevin whispered, shutting off the lights and snuggling up to me.


It was a beautiful morning. I got the kids on the bus and went in to finish cleaning up from breakfast. Then I went up to Kevin’s office and peeked in. As usual he was sitting at the desk, talking on the speaker phone. He saw me and put a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet.

After last night, I decided to be naughty and spice things up. I stood in front of him and slowly swayed my hips and started to strip. He was shaking his finger vigorously. I ignored him, pulling my t-shirt off, tossing it at his head. Then, I unclasped my bra and hung it over his desk lamp. Kevin just glared at me.

He continued his conversation with his customer: “Look at page six, second paragraph listing the sequence of procurement…”

I slipped off my shorts and panties and tossed them into the open file cabinet. Kevin's eyes showed almost panic in them. He shook his head “no” but continued his conversation.

“Asset allocation shows you have leverage in completing this transaction if done so before….”

I turned around and bent over shaking my ass at him, like a stripper in a club, giving him a view of my wet pussy.

His client asked him, “Do the financials show the long term profits as well as the short term liabilities?...”

I walked over to his side desk now, totally nude and pushed him and his chair away from the desk. Then, I knelt between his legs and pulled at his zipper. He offered token resistance, and whispered, “No!” But I ignored his weak protest and grasped his hard prick, pulling it out of his pants. He shivered when I licked the pre-cum off the tip. Kevin tried so hard to maintain his composure, but started losing control as I engulfed his rigid member. I stroked and sucked him until he finally surrendered and said, “Mr. Krause, I'll need to call you right back. Something very big has popped up that I need to deal with immediately.”

I chuckled as he pulled me to my feet. Then, he turned me around and bent me over the desk. He said, “You little minx, you're going to get along well with Karen.” He shoved his entire cock into me in one stroke and pounded me like there was no tomorrow. Papers and files were flying as he hammered me hard. Then he grabbed my hair and reigned me back as a horse. Our skin was slapping as it collided in passion.

Slap, slap, slap, slap…

“Oh my God, I'm coming!” Kevin groaned as he emptied his near month build up into me, splashing his love juice against my cervix. A wave of pleasure washed over me at the same time and I jerked and came with him.

I collapsed on his desk in exhaustion and Kevin panted, “God, I needed that.”

I lifted myself with a few papers and post-it notes stuck to my breasts. I replied, “Well, it's been here day and night. By the way, what did you mean about me working well with Karen?”

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Really? You specifically said, I'll work well with Karen.”

“I must have meant your enthusiasm.

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Now get dressed I have business to do.” He stated, and slapped me on the bottom.




After I thought over Karen's proposal and the fact that Kevin supported it. I sent a text to Karen stating, “I'm aboard. I'll give it a try.”


I didn't’ hear back from her right away, but she texted me that there was a client in the near future. She wasn't specific, but a couple weeks later when I came home from grocery shopping, I noticed a Mercedes parked in the driveway that I hadn't seen before. When I opened the front door, Kevin greeted me with one of the most drop dead gorgeous men I've ever seen.  


There is someone I'd like you to meet. This is Kurt Krause. He is a client from Germany."


Kurt immediately rushed over to help me wth my shopping bags. That is something my husband has never done. I thanked him for his assistance but I was embarrassed to be seen in my shorts and t-shirt.


“I'll be right back after I change my blouse. I'm sweaty from shopping. Be there in ten.” The heat of the day took its toll on my makeup and hair. I freshened myself as best I could and ran a brush through my hair. My V-neck displayed just a peek of cleavage.


I tapped on the door frame as I entered Kevin's office. Both rose to greet me. “I'm sorry I took so long but I felt I needed to straighten up.”

The large handsome man in a light tan summer suit reached out and took my hand. “You look enchanting. My name is Kurt… Kurt Krause. I'm pleased to meet you. Kevin speaks of you frequently.”


“Don't believe everything you hear.” I chuckled. “I'm Jenny and am glad to make your acquaintance.”


“Jen, Kurt is a new client from Germany. He is thinking about signing with our firm to handle their marketing in the States.”


“That's wonderful! Welcome to America, Mr. Krause. I must say your English is excellent.”


“Please, call me Kurt. I actually went to college at Stanford as an exchange student.”


“Hun, he is here for two more days to make up his mind about our proposal and has a special request,” Kevin explained.


“What is your special request?”


“He would like to see the city and what it has to offer before he decides to open a regional office here. I told him you were not working and would be happy to show him around.”


“That sounds nice, but what about the children?”


“I think we can manage for a couple days. You are free to go sightseeing and can use the company expense account,” Kevin said, handing me his corporate card.


“When do you want to begin?” I asked with a smile, tucking the card in my pocket.


“We are finished with our business here today. How about I go back to my hotel and change, then come back and pick you up?” Kurt suggested.


“Do you have an idea of where you would like to go first?”


“How about we start with your world famous zoo? And then a quick dinner?”


“It's okay with me if it’s okay with Kevin.” I answered, looking at my husband. He smiled and gave me the thumbs up. When Kurt left to go to his car, I whispered to Kevin, “Are you really good with me doing this? I mean going on a date with another man?”


“Sweetheart, it's just business, not a date. I trust you completely.”




Kurt arrived promptly at one forty-five to pick me up. I shouted out to Kevin, “My ride is here, I'm leaving. I'll text you where we are. I don't know when we will be home.”


“Have a great time, Jen. Don't worry about the kids. We will have pizza and watch a movie. Just have a good time.”


Kurt stood by the car, waiting like a perfect gentleman. He was wearing very European campaign shorts and a polo shirt that displayed his muscular physique. He looked very handsome.


“You look lovely,” he said, holding the door for me.


I smiled and replied, “Why thank you. It is just one of my old dresses.” Referring to my yellow sun dress I had changed into.


I gave him directions to the zoo. It was a weekday afternoon and the parking lot was virtually empty. I showed the attendant our annual pass that got us admission and parking. We walked and talked once in the park. Kurt was a very good conversationalist. He told me about his home in Germany and how old his town was. He said it was one of a few places in Bavaria untouched by bombers in World War Two. Kurt revealed he had three children by his estranged wife. They divorced several years ago. We viewed some exhibits and he displayed an uncanny knowledge of animals. Kurt almost sounded like a park employee.


Then, he took my hand and asked, “I hope I'm not being too forward, but holding hands is a European tradition.”


I smiled and said, “I think it's a sweet tradition.” Actually I thought he made that up to hold my hand. It's been a while since a handsome man paid this much attention to me.


After about an hour, we came to the elephant enclosure. People were tossing things to them, despite the written warnings not too. One of the Indian elephants had his trunk in the trough. He rose up like in a circus and commenced to spray me with an instant soaking. I appeared to get the brunt of it as Kurt jumped away. I was covered head to toe. Everyone was laughing, including me—but I looked like a drown rat.


“Kurt, I guess I'm going to have to go home and clean up. I smell like… elephant,” I said, wringing out my hair.


“Jenny, I have a better idea. My hotel is much closer and Hilton has a rapid cleaning service. You could clean up and shower while your clothes are cleaned and pressed.”


“Okay, but what about you? You're all wet too?”


“It’s easy for me, I'm barely damp and have several changes in my luggage. Let's go get cleaned up.”




Kurt opened the door to his suite and I was amazed to see the size of it. It was as big as an apartment, with kitchenette and full bar.


“I'll tell you what, you go in the bath and toss out your clothes and I'll have customer service come right up and get them. There are terry-cloth robes hanging by the shower. Would you like me to fix you a drink?”


“Yes, a Jack and coke would be lovely.”


I walked in the bath area and was impressed there was a Jacuzzi tub with separate shower. After I stripped off my sun dress, bra and panties, I tossed them out the door. I had to admit I felt sexy standing nude in a handsome stranger’s bath.


The hot shower was lovely. I washed my hair with the hotel shampoo and was ready to put on the conditioner when Kurt tapped on the door, saying he had my drink. I knew he couldn't see me through the obscure glass shower door. I said, “Please put it on the counter, I'll be right out.”




After brushing out and drying my hair, I left the bath in the terry cloth hotel robe and entered the suite. Kurt was dressed in an expensive looking tux, sitting on the bar stool with a drink in hand. I noticed my yellow dress hanging along with a very sexy black sequin short evening gown with all the undergarments and heels to match.


"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering some things. They have a fine boutique in the hotel. Dress, size 4, brassier 34C and shoes 5 , is that correct?”


“Oh my! Yes, perfect! You shouldn't have. They are beautiful. Just where is it we are going?”


“I was thinking we would eat at the La Dolce Vita Italian restaurant, and then go dancing at Coco’s Bar & Lounge.”


“I need to check with Kevin,” I replied, taking my phone out of my purse.


“Of course. Go right ahead.”


The phone rang twice before Kevin picked up and said, “Hi, sweetheart, how's it going?”


“Great, but we had a mishap at the zoo. I'll tell you about it later. Kurt wants to go for dinner and dancing. Is that okay with you? We might be out late.”


“I told you to do whatever makes him happy. Stay out all night if you like.”


“You really mean that? Are you sure?”


“Absolutely! Anything he wants. Have fun. I'll talk to you later.”


“Okay, I will. We’we'lll talk when I get home. I'll text you.”


Kurt was smiling when I hung up. “Kevin says I'm yours for the night.”


“I'll go on the patio while you change.”


"Thank you, I'll be ready in a jiffy.”


The dress fit perfectly. It was cut in such a way I couldn't wear the bra, because it showed a bit of side boob. It was very flattering and hugged my hips perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought this dress must have cost a fortune.


“You can come in now,” I said. “Would you mind zipping me up?”


He came up from behind and gently pulled up the zipper, then slid his fingers up my neck and said, “One more thing.” He put a string of pearls around my neck and fastened the latch.


“They are beautiful!” I couldn't contain myself and gave him a big hug.


After a few moments of us pressed together, Kurt said, “I think it wise that we go now.”



Dinner was fabulous. He was so completely charming and I was relaxing more and more. I think the bottle of wine we had finished off helped a lot. I was thinking I couldn't remember the last time Kevin took me out for such a romantic evening. I pretty much knew Kurt was doing his best to seduce me, but I didn't’t care. I texted Kevin saying we were going to the Coco Lounge to dance.


We took a table close to the dance floor. He proved to be a marvelous dancer with a great sense of rhythm. Kurt knew the old dances as well as the newer ones. I was a bit rusty but followed his lead. Four dances and three drinks later, the band switched gears and started a series of slow dances. I was impressed by his smooth footwork. Our bodies moved in unison. He let his hand inconspicuously wander a bit down and squeezed my bottom. Kurt whispered in my ear, “I love those butterfly tattoos.”


“What?... When?... How did you know?”


“I have a confession to make. A couple weeks ago Kevin and I were in the middle of a video conference and you came in and stripped in front of his desk.”


“Oh my God! I thought he was on speaker phone. I'm so sorry. How much did you see?”


“Well, I'm not sorry. I saw… everything.” He grinned.


“Everything? Including…”


“Yes, especially that.”


“I'm so embarrassed.”


“Don't be. You are truly beautiful. You are the reason I'm still considering Kevin's offer.” We continued to dance, but I was a bit wobbly from either the alcohol or knowledge that Kurt saw me nude—or both.


“Does Kevin know this?”


“Absolutely. I think he was so startled by you he forgot to shut off the camera.


“I think I need another drink.”


“I think you've had enough. It's getting late and I suggest I make you one at the hotel.” Kurt said, leading me to the exit as I staggered to the car.


"I don't want this night to end,” I said. “It's been wonderful.”


“It doesn't need to end, unless you want it to,” Kurt whispered.


“But… I'm married. I can't.”


“Jenny, I don't think Kevin is naive to what's going on here.”




The drive back to the hotel was in mostly silence. I was filled with so many hidden emotions. Kurt reached over and squeezed my hand, then looked at me and smiled. It was a look I've seen before: an unspoken invitation.


Once we entered the room, I didn't know what to expect. Kurt walked over to the bar and asked, “What would you like to drink?”


“You choose. Just make it strong.”


He handed me the drink. I took a big gulp and coughed.


Kurt bent over putting his hands on my shoulder. He hesitated a moment before softly putting his lips to mine. It was but a momentary kiss. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him in for another. I lay back and he pressed his body to mine. My head was spinning and I was conflicted.


“I think I need to call Kevin.”


“He knows where you are.” Kurt pulled down my zipper. Then he tossed his jacket on the chair and unbuttoned his shirt. His abs were a tight six-pack. It had been a long time since I saw another man’s body other than Kevin's.


My mind was numb and all I could think of was my anger in how my husband was willing to trade me for a contract.


Suddenly, a wave of guilt overcame me and I said, “Kurt, I can't. I want to, but I can't. Please, don't hate me. I have never wanted to make love more than right now, but please understand. I just can't.”


“Actually, it's alright. We've had a lot to drink and I think we both need to sleep it off. I don't want to take advantage of you. If we ever do this, I want it on sober terms.”


I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes, just for a few seconds.




A knock on the door by the maid service woke me. I was disoriented at first, waking up in a strange place. My head hurt like it was squeezed in a vice. My mind was fuzzy as to what happened. I remembered Kurt kissing me, but nothing else. I felt my self. Except for a need to pee, I was untouched it appeared. I looked around and my dress was hanging on the changing rack along with the sequined dress and my undergarments.


I struggled out of the covers and managed to get dressed. Then I noticed a Manila envelope with a note attached.



Thank you for a wonderful time. I had to catch an early flight. I signed the contract with a couple revisions. Just give them your name at the front desk and they will give you a ride home.

Big Hugs,





When I opened the front door, Kevin was waiting.


“So, how'd it go?” he asked nervously.


“You mean with me or with the contract? Never mind, you don't need to answer. Here, he signed, with some revisions.” I tossed him the envelope.


“I'm going to bed. I've got a splitting headache.” I went into the bedroom and crawled into bed.


Kevin burst into the room, holding the contract and said in a raised voice, “Do you know what the revisions are?”


“No. I didn't look.”


“There is a round trip ticket to Germany in your name. He says that the contract is only good if you spend two weeks with him as his personal secretary.”


“It's your call, Hun. How bad do you want his business?”


What ever his decision, I knew our lives were for ever changed.



Written by ChuckEPoo
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