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Glamour Shots, Chapter 7

"A husband gets caught up in his wife's sexy fantasy."

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 As much as I knew she was right, the wait – even though only a matter of minutes – would be excruciating, a situation that was not helped at all by her raising my pussy-slick fingers to her mouth and sucking her own sweet honey off of them as she stared into my eyes! I damn near creamed myself when she did that, and it may have been one of the most erotic moments I’d ever experienced. Throughout my entire lower abdomen I ached with arousal, a dull ache that I knew would persist for hours even after we’d finished what we’d started.

She was still leaning against me, my arm around her shoulders, and the way my hand fell in front of her I was gently brushing her right breast with my fingers. I did a quick exploration and found her nipple, proud and erect beneath her black dress, and spent the remainder of the ride gently caressing and pinching it. I knew it was having the desired effect on her – first, because I know Alli and how sensitive her nipples are, and second, because I could hear her breathing quicken and feel her moving against me, and most of all because she had her hand on my thigh and her fingers were digging into my leg as she became more aroused and her muscles tensed up. I don’t even think she was aware of that latter tell, but she had quite a grip on me!

I directed our driver for the last couple of turns, and when she pulled up in front of our house we got out of the car, Alli heading up the front walk toward the door as I stopped to pay our fare. She quoted me seventeen dollars and change and I gave her thirty and apologized for our behavior in her cab. She just laughed. “Actually, I’m a little disappointed that you quit! It can get very boring driving a cab, so I was looking forward to the entertainment – and a story to tell the other drivers.”

I felt myself blush, but I chuckled. “Well, sorry to disappoint you then – but you can always make up the rest of the story, right?”

“Oh, I’m sure I will! And thanks for the tips – both of them!”

That took me a second, until I realized that she was looking at the front of my pants, and I glanced down to find my erect cock sticking out of my open zipper, the head and maybe another inch or so of me exposed! I swore and turned away, stuffing myself back in and quickly zipping up before turning back to her. “Sorry about that, I guess we forgot to button things up again.” My face felt like it was on fire, and I know I was a brilliant shade of red – if not purple!

She smiled. “Not a problem for me – in fact, if you’d been a little closer I might have bit it…or at least licked it! You folks have a wonderful night now – as I’m very sure you will.” She laughed as she pulled away, and I hauled my thoroughly embarrassed self to the door, where Alli was just unlocking the deadbolt.

She pushed the door open and grabbed my lapel, pulling me inside where she promptly adhered herself to me and tried to thrust her tongue down my throat. It was apparent that her forced pause in the car had been just that, and that it had been as difficult for her as it had for me! When her tongue finally withdrew from my esophagus I said, “I just flashed our driver.”

She stopped and stared at me. “What?”

“I said, I just flashed our taxi driver; we forgot to zip me up, and my dick was sticking out!” She looked shocked momentarily, but then she fell apart, breaking down into peals of laughter! I pouted. “It’s not funny.”

She gasped, trying to stop laughing long enough to catch her breath. “Yes it is!”

“No it’s not – it was very embarrassing.”

“Well yes, I would think so – but it’s still funny!” And she was off again, laughing so hard that tears ran down her cheeks. Pretty soon I was laughing too, joining her in finding the humor in my own embarrassing little incident.

I finally managed to get it under control, and took a deep breath. “Oh, boy – what a dumb thing. At least she didn’t seem to be offended.”

She squeezed my package. “She was no spring chicken. I’m sure she’s probably seen one before.”

“Yeah, she had no trouble recognizing what it was – and was kind enough to point it out. And here we were worried about you flashing everyone, you in your little dress and no undies!”

She laughed again. “Well, since we ended up with a woman taxi driver the duty fell to you – and you performed it masterfully, apparently! Are you sure you didn’t do it on purpose, just to show off that huge thing?”

“Very sure. Besides, it’s Boris that’s so well-hung, not me.” I slid my zipper down, reached in, and took out the whole works, my erection still rigid and my balls feeling like they were ready to explode. “I only show my little guy off to you, not to just anyone.”

She reached down and cupped my aching scrotum in her hand, gently squeezing my balls and tugging on the entire sack. “And I do love to look at it. Tell me, are you planning to do anything with this thing, or just walk around with it pointing up at the ceiling?”

“Do something with it, definitely. I really need it to point at the floor later if I’m going to get any rest.” We were still standing in our front entry, although she had closed and locked the door. I pushed her back against the door of the small coat closet just to the right of the front door and leaned against her, pressing her against the door. I bent my head and kissed her, sticking my tongue into her mouth this time, and crushed her right breast with my left hand, squeezing and kneading it. She moaned, and brought one foot up behind my legs, wrapping her long leg around me as she thrust her pubic mound against my hardness.

I growled deep in my throat, and reached down with both hands and pulled her dress up, almost to her ribs, so that she was naked below the waist except for her stockings and heels. Overcome with need and arousal I pressed my hard cock and swollen balls against her stomach, sliding against her soft skin and leaving slick snail tracks of pre-cum behind, my almost painfully aroused penis leaking freely. I bit her lip softly, pulling at it with my teeth, and our tongues danced. I next bit her neck, and her ear, and then the hollow of her throat as I made my way down to the tops of her breasts, kissing, nibbling and licking, tasting her skin, slightly salty, but sweet with the scent of flowers, heat, and arousal.

I captured both of her hands and held them in one of mine, raising them above her head and holding them against the wall as I kissed the insides of her elbows, then the soft skin over her biceps and then her underarm, tickling and teasing before biting her gently on the shoulder and neck again. Her perfume – both the purchased one and her own natural female scent and pheromones – were driving me mad with lust, and I licked her neck again before burying my face in her hair, and then moving back to kissing and licking her smooth underarm and the side of her breast and ribcage just below.

From there I moved down again, past her wadded up dress which had been trapped between us, leaving her lower half exposed the entire time. I released her hands as I kneeled in front of her, and then slid my arms up beneath her dress, forcing it upward so that I could get my hands on her breasts. She moaned as I touched and squeezed her hard nipples and then again as I kissed her stomach, then across to each hip and back again, and then lower, to the hollow of her navel and down, feathering kisses across her smooth, hot skin until I felt the soft down of her trim fur triangle against my lips.

I kissed her mound through her curls, pressing my lips to her, and brought my hands down and behind her, where I gripped her small, firm ass and pulled her against my lips. She raised one leg and hooked it over my shoulder, a wordless invitation to taste her, to explore her most secret areas - an invitation I eagerly accepted, pushing my tongue through her curls and opening the front of her cleft until I found her small, fleshy hood, stretched tight over her erect clitoris.

When I flicked it with my tongue she gasped, and when I flattened my tongue and used the whole surface of it to lap at her sex she cried out softly and thrust her hips forward, wanting more. She had one hand on the doorknob, steadying herself and the other on my head as she balanced on one foot, her other leg still over my shoulder and against my upper back. Alli’s hand on my head applied gentle pressure, pushing my lips to her sex, and as I sucked and lapped at her, tasting her sweet honey and inhaling the heady musk of her arousal she came, sudden and hard, jamming her pussy to my face and crying out. I rode it with her, tasting her juices and licking her hard clit until her orgasm faded and passed, and then I disentangled myself and rose to my feet, still holding her one leg up with my arm as I aligned my throbbing cock with her sex and slid slowly into her.

She was tight and hot, but so slick with arousal that it was like sinking my cock into a pool of thick, warm oil, and I slid as deep as my size and our angle would allow on the first thrust. She bucked forward to meet me, taking me a bit deeper, and we found a rhythm, the age-old rhythm of sex, her body flexing forward to meet me, wanting it all, as I thrust desperately into her, awash in the sensations her body provided, driven by intense arousal. I don’t often long for a larger penis but I did then, wishing that I had more so that I could get more into her than the two or three inches that our position allowed; I sensed that she did too, that she wanted more than the mere half of my meager cock that she currently had inside of her, that she wanted and needed something that would fill her more completely.

We had been passionately kissing each other as we fucked, our lips wet and swollen; that is one more advantage to a woman that is tall and willowy and close to my own height, that we can easily kiss even as we are fully engaged lower down, and we did so often. Even with her height though, this position was somewhat awkward, and less than perfect for really, truly satisfying penetration.

Wanting more, she wrapped her other leg around me, and I found myself holding her up against the door, both of her legs now around me and my hands and forearms under her thighs and ass, her arms wrapped around my neck. It did help the penetration issue, as our pubic bones came together and I drove more deeply into her, but let me tell you that, like most things, it’s not nearly as easy as they make it look in the movies!

Alli was enjoying it, as was I, but the truth was that we would do better on the floor, or the sofa, or our bed, or practically anywhere except standing up against a wall or, in this case, a door. Alli apparently felt the same, because she broke off kissing me long enough to say, “Let’s finish this elsewhere… carry me to the sofa!”

“Babe, it’s a penis, not a forklift!”

“Not with that, you idiot, with your arms!”

I love it when she calls me by those cute little endearing pet names during sex! “No, I know – I was kidding - but to me that sounds like a good way to begin a very embarrassing trip to the emergency room. That might spoil the mood, not to mention totally ruin what’s been an incredible birthday so far.” She’s not heavy – I don’t believe she’s ever been over 110 or maybe 115 pounds, tops - and I could probably carry her, but I’d read about guys actually fracturing their cock that way, and it had all sounded entirely unpleasant to me. Willing to learn from others’ bad experiences in this instance I chickened out, lowering her and allowing her to put her feet down as we slowly came apart.

Not wanting to waste any time, she grabbed me by my cock to pull me along to the sofa, but her hand slipped right off of my slick rod. She laughed as she grabbed again. “Wow, slippery little sucker!”

“I beg your pardon! Slippery big sucker, if I do say so myself – and I do. And whose fault is that, if may I ask?”

“Mine, I’ll take full credit – and I want it back inside of me to get it slippery all over again.”

It’s not as though I was likely to argue with her – and even if I was, when she kneeled on the couch and leaned forward to put her head down on a pillow, thrusting her perfect ass and wet, horny pussy up for the taking, any thoughts of doing anything other than sinking back into her tight, slick heat completely left my mind. I got behind her and, cock in hand, rubbed it up and down a couple of times on her pussy, spreading her lips and opening her slippery tunnel. I pushed into her much more slowly this time, better able to control my speed and depth, which is something I love about taking her this way, and kept going until my stomach was tight against her bottom and my balls were crushed against her pussy, every bit of me deep inside of her - which, I think, is something she loves about this position. And she does love to do it doggy-style, I know that for a fact!

I held myself there for several seconds, fully enveloped inside of her. The sensation of that is incredible, like nothing else, and I groaned. “Uunnnh, god! You feel so good inside.”

She reached back beneath her stomach and fondled my balls where they were stuffed between us. “You feel good in me too – by all means, stay as long as you like.”

“I wish! For some reason I never seem to be able to do that; I do intend to try though.” I began to slowly fuck her, moving in and out of her tight pussy, watching my cock and the tight seal of her pink flesh around me where we met. I was wet, and slick, and achingly hard, the veins standing out along my shaft; I felt as if I was impaling her on a steel bar, I was so hard! She was clearly enjoying it though, and came quickly, starting with a low whimper, soon followed by some moaning and thrusting back against me, and the sensation of her cunt clamping down on my cock. Her orgasm wasn’t one of those huge ones, but it must have been good because she had another about a minute and a half later and then a couple more in a repeating sequence after that.

Sometimes I’m jealous of her ability to have multiple orgasms this way, and I wonder what that might be like, to experience that - but more often I feel sorry for her, and feel like I’m letting her down because I don’t have that ability. Because I don’t of course, male physiology does not allow for it, and because of that she will never know the sheer joy and the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that her multiple orgasms bring me! That I can give the person I love that kind of pleasure leaves me in awe, and I love that I can do that for her; I love to bask in the pleasure that she derives because of me. That sense of awe and wonder is a gift that she gives me, and if I wasn’t afraid I’d kill her, I’d be happy to keep bringing her to one orgasm after another, all night long, using my cock, my lips and tongue, my fingers, a toy of some sort, whatever it took.

She always reaches a point where she’s had enough though, a point where she’s exhausted and doesn’t want to continue, even though she probably could – and I’m certainly willing! I don’t know that we’ve ever counted how many orgasms she’s capable of having before she reaches that point – our lovemaking isn’t a science experiment, after all – but I know she’s exceeded fifteen for sure, and maybe twenty on a couple of occasions. My balls ache after having only three or four orgasms in an entire night, a feat which she has often accomplished in ten minutes or less; I can’t imagine coming as much as twenty times! Giving her that many, yes, that’s very enjoyable, but experiencing them myself, no way! On second thought, it’s probably just as well that she does eventually reach her limit, or we’d never get anything else done. Hell, we’d probably starve to death!

She was in that kind of mood tonight, horny and hyper-receptive, and she seemed to easily flow through several orgasms as I drove into her, withdrawing almost all of me before plunging in to full depth again and again, enveloping myself in her perfect sheath. I slid the short zipper on the back of her dress down and freed her breasts, which I cupped from behind, squeezing them and tugging at her sensitive nipples, and was rewarded with a low moan as I held them and pushed into her again. I could feel the electricity of my own building orgasm, what felt likely to be a massive ejaculation building pressure at the base of my cock. Alli hadn’t had one of those massive 9.0 earthquake-style orgasms, but the fact is that she rarely does during intercourse; those happen far more often when I am performing oral sex on her, something she finds deeply erotic and satisfying, and as my own rush built to a crescendo I realized that she wasn’t going to have one of those big ones with my cock inside of her this time either.

Still, she groaned and cried out in the throes of her own orgasm as I exploded deep inside of her, driving herself back onto me as I spurted and spasmed, my knuckles white and my fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as I pulled her back against me. It may have been “just” a normal orgasm for her, but it was an earthquake for me! My whole body was locked up, my muscles rigid as my cock pulsed and spasmed, the intense sensations seeming to go on and on.

It’s a funny thing, but I can’t really tell how much semen I’m actually producing as I come; the first solid pulse, yes, I can often tell if that was a shot heard ‘round the world or not, but after that I can’t really discern – unless I’m watching it shoot out – which spasms are still producing and which are dry heaves, still pumping and flexing but producing little or nothing in terms of fluid. From past experience I know that sometimes I will shoot as many as seven or eight heavy streams before tapering off, but more often it’s two or three, followed by a few small pulses and dribbles; this one felt massive, like I was flooding her, and if the duration and intensity of my arousal beforehand was any indication, I probably was.

All good things must come to an end, though (Hey, I like that! I should probably jot that down…) and this did too, my orgasm slowly waning and leaving me weak and shaken, gasping for air, my body limp even as my cock remained thick and hard, deep inside of Alli. She reached back and squeezed my balls, which she knew would still be very sensitive, and then laughed as I groaned and twitched in her grasp. “Did that feel good, Boris? Did you get those huge balls of yours all emptied out?”

“Uunnnh, god!” That was all I could manage, that meaningless utterance and a tired gasp or two.

She seemed to find humor in my complete incapacitation, and she laughed again as she continued to fondle my testicles. I felt like a limp dishrag, draped over her ass and back, and I could feel my cock losing its size and stiffness, and her fingers became wet and slippery as my cum began to leak out of her and run down my sack. She spread the slippery mess over my scrotum as she fondled me, using one cum-slick fingertip to tease my asshole. I clenched up. “God, Alli, stop!”

“I’m not Alli, I’m Natasha, remember? And you stuck something in me, Boris, so it’s only fair that I get to stick something in you too!”

I reached back and clamped my hand over my butt, denying her probing fingers any further access. “Yeah, well screw ‘fair’, it ain’t happenin’! Not now, at least; I wouldn’t be able to stand it.”

She laughed, and as she did the contraction of her stomach muscles pushed my shrunken, nearly-flaccid penis out of her in a gush of cum, which dribbled down the insides of her thighs, some dripping on the edge of the cushion and onto the floor in front of the sofa. She gasped at the sensation of loss as we parted, and then pressed her own hand over her sex, catching the leakage and preventing any further stains on the furniture. When I backed off she quickly flipped over onto her back on the sofa, letting her ass hang over the edge and bracing her feet on the floor. She spread her legs and moved her hand, uncovering herself; her dark curls were matted and soaked with cum along the swollen lips of her pussy and I could see the white, pearly fluid oozing out of her. Much of it trickled down to her ass, but with one finger she smeared some of it across her hard, prominent clit. “You come like a fire hose, Boris. Just how much did you come in me anyhow?”

I shrugged, still breathing heavily and feeling weak. “A quart, roughly - or around a liter where I come from - but I’m widely known for the copious amounts of semen that I produce. I feel very sure that you are well and truly filled, even to the point of overflowing. Was the sensation of me cumming inside of you satisfactory, my dear?”

“Oh, it was! Satisfactory and then some, with your huge organ so deeply inside of me - but how am I ever going to hide all of this from my husband? My little pussy must look swollen and used, and I’m just a slippery, gooey mess. I must reek of sex!”

“”Oh, you do; we both do, and it’s quite lovely, really. About your husband, do you expect him home soon?”

“Yes, any moment now. I probably don’t even have time to bathe!”

“And tell me, is he the jealous type?”

“I don’t know – I’ve never cheated on him before! I suppose he might well be…I assume most men are, or would be over something like this. You should probably go - but kiss me first!”

I did, after flopping limply on the sofa alongside of her, smiling at her playful fantasy. We kissed softly, letting our lips and tongues caress each other - much different than our earlier passionate kisses, which had been filled with arousal and need. We simply nuzzled and kissed for several minutes, enjoying each other, but I can never go very long without touching her body when it’s right there in all of its naked glory, and soon I was cupping her breast and teasing her perpetually hard nipple again. Her soft moans of pleasure told me that she wasn’t nearly as finished as I was, and when I lowered my face to her breast and sucked her hard nipple between my lips, nibbling gently at it with my teeth, I felt her body stiffen and her back arch.

I moved to her other breast, lapping at her nipple with the flat of my tongue before nibbling it and leaving it hard, wet, and glistening as I moved up to her throat. She was writhing with renewed arousal now, her body moving, her hips gyrating in a time-honored and most seductive way, and I knew that I was too far in to quit now! It was a thought which did not bother me in the least. I kissed my way down her throat and to her chest, trailing kisses between her breasts and down to where I bumped into her little black dress, bunched up around her middle. I skipped over it, starting my trail of kisses again at her navel and gradually creeping lower, but suddenly she stopped me. “Oh god, sweetheart, stop!”

I looked up at her, confused, and found her watching me, a look of concern on her face. She bit her lower lip for a moment, and then said “I…I have something I need to confess to you… I was with another man earlier – just a short time ago actually, and we made love. I thought you should know.”

It had taken me a second to realize that she was still toying with me; at first I thought I had done something wrong, something to make her call things to a halt, but now I realized what she was doing, and it sent a strange thrill through me! I was no longer Boris, I was Davey again. It was part thrill and part chill, but it was intensely erotic, if a bit…well, perverted, actually, for me and Alli in any case. I stammered “You…you made love? You were with another man?” I moved back up to where I could look into her eyes.

She caressed my hair. “I’m sorry baby, but you didn’t show up for our date, and I met this man… He was very sexy, and I…oh, it’s all my fault, but I let him seduce me!”

I knew she was playing, still fooling around with our little fantasy play from the restaurant, but her words sent a current of jealousy through me regardless. Still, I went along for the ride. “I don’t understand…how could you do this?”

We played little fantasy games sometimes, the “What would you do if…” variety, mostly, or role playing, but her playing this one out as if she had just fucked another man was something new and edgy, and intensely arousing for reasons that I did not fully understand; actually, I was not entirely sure that I wanted to understand them! I decided to just go along to wherever my beautiful wife decided to take me.

She touched my face gently, playing up her sorrow and regret. “I’m sorry; I never meant for it to happen, but you weren’t there, and…” she closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them and stared at me. “I had too much to drink, and…well, it just happened.”

“You let him make love to you?”

She nodded. “Yes, after he brought me home; I was too drunk to drive myself. He was very handsome, and very virile. I don’t know what happened, it was like I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.”

“He…he was inside of you?”


“And did he make you come?”

“Oh yes, many times!” She laughed softly. “But then, you already know how easy I am.”

“Was he better than me?”

“No. Nobody has ever made love to me the way you do.”

“Then I don’t understand…”

She put her finger on my lips, shushing me. “Ssshhh! It wasn’t like that; it was just so sudden, and then he made me touch him, and he was very well-endowed. You know how aroused I get by a man with a big cock, and large, heavy balls…he was just so…well, virile, like I said, so very masculine, and I got carried away.”

It was funny that she would say that, because the truth was that she had never shown any strong preference for size in that department. We would rent a porn video occasionally, or get something on pay-per-view, and she would get as aroused as I would watching it, but she had never expressed any particular interest in the well-hung cocksmen of the porn industry; still though, I had to admit that she seemed to very much enjoy seeing them!

I had never really come out and asked her if she was satisfied with what I had to offer; she seemed to be, and if I made self-deprecating remarks about my size she always assured me that I was plenty large enough for her. Another thing we never did was seriously discuss any lovers or partners we might have had before we met each other; we had seemed to form sort of a tacit agreement on that. First, I don’t think either of us really wanted to know any details of those things, and second, it was all water under the bridge after we’d met and become a very monogamous couple. Plus, it was a little disconcerting to me when we did touch on the subject, because I always got the sense that she’d had at least as many partners as I had; not surprising, given how incredibly attractive she is, but very surprising when I thought about the fact that she is essentially five years younger than me – and that she’d been with me since she was only 21 years old!

I had asked her one time, as we were playing with each other, if any of her former partners were larger than I am; chalk it up to the basic, inevitable insecurity that most men who are not freakishly well-endowed live with, and for some unknown reason seem to want to torture ourselves about. Her response? She just sort of shrugged and said “A couple of them were, yes.”

I’d refused to let it drop, clearly demonstrating a touch of masochism on my part. “Much bigger?”

She had remained non-committal: “Somewhat.” The verbal equivalent of another shrug.

I had then asked her if she enjoyed that, whereupon she had admitted that it had been a visual thrill and a tactile one – fun to play with - and very arousing in that regard, but that when it came to actual sex she had “…never enjoyed it with anyone as much as I do with you.

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You know all the right buttons to push and you have from the very beginning. I love your cock. I was meant to find you, I think.” Her words. I didn’t pursue it after she’d said that; how could I?

That had made me feel good at the time – and very reassured, which I’m sure was her goal - but now she was finding some of my buttons to push, with her teasing about “another man”. And not just any other man but one that was apparently very well-hung as well! Even though it was pure fantasy it was making me jealous, and maybe a little bit insecure, but it was also fun and she had me very intrigued about what she would do or where she would go next. I continued to play along. “He was big? Bigger than me?”

“Oh, sweetheart, much bigger! Longer, and very thick – I couldn’t reach around him with my hand; my fingers did not meet – and his balls were just huge! I do love a full, heavy ballsack like that; most women do, I think. It’s a sign of his virility and how strong and fertile he must be, which we are all biologically programmed to find attractive after all.”

“You just met him tonight and yet you slept with him?”

“Oh, Davey, silly boy! We didn’t sleep.”

“I don’t know how you could do this to me!”

“You shouldn’t have left me sitting alone in a bar. You’ve done that before, you know, and I was always good. This time…well, this time things were different.”

I touched her on the neck, trailing my fingers down to her breast. “I know; it’s really my fault then, and I’m sorry. I promise to never leave you alone like that again.”

“Don’t blame yourself; sometimes things just happen.” We had come full circle, from her placing the blame on herself to her reassuring me that I should not blame myself.

I slid my hand down to her stomach. “He didn’t…I hope you made him wear a condom.”

“We didn’t have one.”

“Did he pull out, then? Tell me you at least made him pull out!”

“I don’t think he would have even if I’d asked him to – which I didn’t. We both wanted to feel it together, the sensation of him erupting inside of me with his enormous load. Why are you so worried about that anyway? You know I’m on birth control.”

I shook my head, still playing along, but in reality a little stunned about how graphic her little fantasy game was becoming. She was always very uninhibited and enthusiastic about sex here at home, with just the two of us enjoying each other – and we’d played little fantasy games before, as I said - but her almost raw descriptiveness this time seemed maybe a step or two beyond where we had ever gone before. Then again, to some extent she was only going where I was leading her each time I asked her another question - and I couldn’t stop now! “So you’re… you said he just left, and he came inside of you, so right now you’re all…you know, wet, and everything..?”

She didn’t reply. Instead, she took my hand and pulled it to her pussy, pressing my fingers into her soft, dripping folds, sliding them in the slick of my cum oozing out of her. It felt gloriously wicked and sensual, the wet, slippery heat of her used sex, and she bucked her hips up, demanding that my fingers enter her, a demand with which I eagerly complied. She was intently watching my face as my fingers explored the extent of her alleged unfaithfulness, biting her lower lip nervously before reaching up and gently caressing my face with her fingertips. “Does that answer your question?”

I felt like I was unable to draw a breath, lost in the wet heat of her sex and wrapped in our little fantasy. I managed to whisper “God!” as she clamped her legs shut, trapping me, the inside of her thighs wet and slick against the back of my hand. She smiled seductively. “I told you. You come a lot sometimes, but nobody has ever filled me like that before, first with his big cock and then with his huge load. It was pretty amazing!”

“I…I still can’t believe you did this! I’m so confused… I don’t know what to do.”

“You could kiss me. That would be a good place to start, a good way to say you’re sorry for leaving me sitting at the bar.”

“I should say I’m sorry? You’re the one that got drunk and screwed another man!”

“Well, yes – but only because you left me there all alone. If you had shown up like you promised this would have never happened! You do this all the time you know, and this time there was a price to pay for it, that’s all. Maybe you’ve learned a lesson from this.”

I lowered my head in faux-contrition, and then kissed her. “You’re right, and I’m sorry; it will never happen again.” This new hard-ass, dominating Allison was a pretty fun character, especially because I knew that it was 180 degrees away from her true loving, gentle, slightly submissive self! I’d never imagined she had it in her to play this role so convincingly! My wife never failed to amaze me, and never knowing for sure what was coming next was one of the things that constantly intrigued me about her.

“That’s better! Kiss me again, my love.” I did, and we shared a long, deep, soulful kiss, our lips hot and swollen and our tongues performing a tango. When we finally separated she pulled my hand from her sex and up to her mouth, and began to suck and lick the slippery juices of our lovemaking from my fingers. She was careful to smear a generous amount of it on her lips before again pulling my face to hers for another kiss.

I resisted. “You have cum all over your mouth! I can’t kiss you like that!”

She seemed puzzled. “It’s never stopped you before.”

“Well my own, sure – but not another man’s cum! I can’t do that.”

She giggled softly, realizing that she had momentarily forgotten her little game and slipped out of character, while I was still engrossed in her fantasy. “Oops! Let’s see, where were we… oh yeah! If you truly love me – and if you’re truly sorry for abandoning me – you’ll show me by kissing me, and making love to me. I need to know that you’ve learned your lesson, and that this will not happen again. Can you do that?”

“Well, sure, if that’s what I have to do to show you how sorry I am, but not with…” before I could complete my objection she grabbed my head and pulled me to her, at the same time stretching up to meet me until our lips met! Hers were slippery wet, perfumed with the scent of semen and her own love juices, slightly salty, slightly musky-tasting. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and I tasted more of us, and before I knew it I found myself sucking at her tongue, demanding more. My cock, still worn out and flaccid following the huge orgasm I’d experienced, twitched back to life and began to grow and thicken, the little sparks of arousal in my belly jump-starting a new erection.

Alli suddenly tightened her hand in my hair and pulled my face away from hers, making me watch as she reached down and touched herself, gathering some of the fluids spilling from her pussy onto her fingers before spreading it liberally on each of her rigidly hard nipples. “Suck on my tits, Davey. You know you want to.”

She was right – I did want to, desperately, but I tried to resist her. “No, not like that! Maybe after you shower, but not with some strange guy’s cum on you!”

Her fingers still tangled in my hair, she pushed me down, pushing my face to her breasts. “No, Davey, now. I need you to do it now. Besides, I can see your little cock getting all hard again, so don’t pretend you don’t want to do it – I can see that you do!”

“No, Alli, I…” she moved so that her wet, erect nipple slid against my cheek and to the corner of my mouth, and then my lips were on her, the hardness of her puckered nipple and areola at my mouth, and I was sucking eagerly at her, tasting us, swallowing the viscous mix of our love juices, and my cock was rigidly hard and aching all over again.

As much as this was turning me on, it seemed to be having an even greater effect on her, and as I sucked and nibbled at her hard nipples she writhed and moaned beneath me. I knew that she had never reached her true peak as we’d made love, that she had merely climbed and descended – or perhaps plummeted from - a series of smaller mountains, and that she was now just in the valley between her orgasms; climbing the slope at the moment, yes, but still in search of that tallest peak.

I used my fingers at her sex to tease and arouse her further, and also to gather more of our copious fluids and bring them to her lips to suck at, and to her breasts for me to then lap up with my tongue. It was all having the desired effect on her, with the additional benefit of making me achingly hard as well, and when I sensed that the time was right I began to kiss and lick my way down her chest to her stomach, and then lower.

She raised her head to watch me as I approached her cum-drenched sex, and our eyes locked, a question and a challenge in hers, along with the smokiness of her arousal. I could tell that she was back into her wanton, slutty character, playing the role of daring – or demanding – that her husband pleasure her despite everything she’d done. My lips brushed her moist curls, the scent of her gloriously wet sex intoxicating, but before I could move down any more she grabbed my hair again, still staring into my eyes. “Are you sure? I’m sure that I’m still very…messy down there. He came so much!”

I lowered my head and kissed her again, letting my tongue slightly probe just the very front edge of her cleft, through her wet thatch, causing her hips to move involuntarily. I knew she was intensely aroused. “Yes, it doesn’t matter. You need me, and that’s all that matters.”

“Mmm, I do need you. I need you to take me to where I want to be, take me there as only you can. Love me, Davey. Make love to me.”

I did then, just as she’d asked. I made love to her with my tongue, and my lips, and my fingers, burying my face in her wet, open sex and tasting us, searching and probing all of her secret little places and touching all of the sensitive spots that she needed to be touched. She came almost at once, not a grand mal orgasm but a very intense one nonetheless, and I rode it with her, enjoying the feeling of her body as it went rigid, straining with pleasure.

I tasted and breathed her feminine muskiness, but also the almost allspice-like scent and taste that we make when our chemistry combines this way; it’s not at all unpleasant, that scent and taste, acting more like an aphrodisiac on me, and the knowledge that what I was doing to her had her writhing and gasping, immersed in pleasurable sensations, would have made it all worthwhile to me regardless; my straining, rigid cock was evidence of that!

I could feel her next orgasm building, and, from prior experience, I could sense that it was likely to be The One. I found her right breast with my left hand and aggressively mauled her hard nipple as I continued my oral assault on her dripping sex, and when her hand again seized my hair and pulled my face more deeply into her sex and her body went rigid, I lapped and suckled eagerly at her jutting clit, knowing we had arrived.

She cried out, a sound that could have been pleasure or pain but which I knew was pleasure, and her body rose up, thrusting into my face, her back arching so that only her shoulders and her heels were still on the sofa. I held on and pushed her through, and when I heard her cry out “Oh god, Davey, oh god! Davey, oh my god, ohhh, fuck, FUCK!” I knew that she had found it, the eruption that had been bubbling just beneath the surface probably from the moment that she had decided to come to the restaurant without any panties on. I had brought her to the delicious peak that she needed, but I recognized that her own games, her own secret thoughts, desires, and needs, were at least as responsible for her arousal as I was; she had created an intensely arousing fantasy, and we had lived it together, and now it was reaching its climax…and hers.

She strained and groaned as the powerful force of her orgasm took over her entire being, always an astonishing, miraculous, and wonderful thing for me to experience with her, and I kept at it, exciting every nerve ending I could find until she suddenly collapsed, spent and limp, gasping for air. It was all more than I could take, and I backed off and rose over her, pushing forward to drive my throbbing cock into her heat and wetness, burying myself to the hilt in her slippery sex. She went rigid again and cried out as I reached full penetration, her eyes flying open and her hand beating at my chest. “Oh god, Davey! God!”

I stopped, my cock fully inside of her soft sheath. “Babe, I’m sorry - did I hurt you?”

She shook her head, her eyes wide. “No. No, you didn’t hurt me, you just surprised me – and you made me come again.”

“I did? Just like that?”

She smiled. “Just like that! God, I’m such a horny slut when I’m so turned on.”

“Mmm-hmm. It’s one of the many, many things I love about you.”

She gave me one of those long, slow, sexy smiles, but I could tell by her face that she was tired, and fully satiated, and happy to feel so very satisfied. She probably would have just as soon gone to sleep at that point, but I had this certain very hard problem I wanted to deal with first; currently that problem was buried deep inside of her, basking in the soft heat and wetness of her pussy, making it difficult for her to drift off. “You’re really, really wet, you know that? There’s hardly any friction at all with all this, uhh, lubrication going on. I’ll probably be able to go on for quite awhile if that’s OK with you.”

She smiled again, accepting that, letting me know that she’d be fine with just relaxing and enjoying the sensation of me within her as I sought my own release, but then I saw that mischievous twinkle in her eyes again and knew that she had just come up with another idea. She reached up and touched my lips with her index finger, and then ran it down my chin and my neck, and then down my chest and stomach until she was touching the base of my penis where it disappeared into her. “You know, with as big as Boris’ cock was – and as much as he came inside of me - I can barely feel you! I’m sorry Davey, but you’re just sort of rattling around in me at this point.”

Her words did that weird jealousy/pleasure/humiliation thing to me again, and my cock throbbed. I pretended to listen carefully for a moment. “I don’t hear anything.”

She giggled. “It doesn’t actually rattle, silly! That’s just an expression.”

“Oh. Well, it feels pretty good to me.”

“You always did like sloppy seconds.”

“Gross, babe – but true!”

She laughed again. “I thought that maybe you’d like to be someplace a little, um, tighter. You know, someplace that wasn’t already so… well, you know. ”

“Uh-huh…and what did you have in mind? Oh, and if you’re going to say my own fist, I’m not interested.”

She pushed me away, her hand against my chest, until I slid from her opening with a wet sucking sound and a small gush of fluid. My cock sprang up to its usual seventy-five degree angle, slick and glistening with our combined emissions. She traced it with her fingers, just lightly running them up and down my hard shaft. “You sure do have a beautiful cock, mister.”

“Thanks very much! I raised it from a small pup, my project when I was about 12 or 13 and in the 4-H Club. I had to care for it, feed and water it, play with it and give it lots of attention so that it would grow up big and strong. I think the daily massages helped a lot – I actually won a blue ribbon at the state fair for it my last year in the club. It was a little scary when the judge tried to pin it on, but at the last moment she relented and just sort of tied it around. I was so proud; I showed it off to everyone!”

She laughed. “Yes, I can see why you would. It’s very nice. Tell me, will you ever run out of stupid things to say when I compliment you?”

I shrugged, chuckling. “Probably not – you know what Confucius said: ‘Stupid is as stupid does’.”

“I think that was actually Forrest Gump – or his mama.”

“Oh. Well, close enough. Back to the tight place you started to tell me about…”

She slid out from beneath me and kneeled on the floor in front of the sofa, leaning over it and resting her arms and chest on the cushion while thrusting her ass out at me. “Does this give you any ideas?”

“Every time you do it.” I reached out and caressed her perfect bottom, letting my fingers finally trail down to tickle her tight little rosebud. “Are you sure?” Anal sex wasn’t something we did a lot; we had experimented with it, tentatively at first and then with a bit more abandon, but it was still something that she had to be in just the right mood for to truly enjoy it. When she was in that particular mood she did seem to enjoy it though, but it came along rarely. As for me, I enjoyed it, the different feeling and the illicit nature of it, but the truth is that I enjoy being in her hands, mouth, or pussy so much that I don’t think I’d have missed it if we never did it. On the other hand, not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth (or any other bodily orifice, for that matter) I didn’t turn it down when it was offered.

She looked over her shoulder at me. “I’m sure. It’s the least I can do after what I’ve done – and I’m so wet down there that you probably won’t even need any other lube, you can just grease it up and slide it in.”

I laughed. “Truly a beautiful and romantic proposition! What’s with you tonight?”

She giggled. “I guess I’m just feeling a little crazy – a little crazy, a little drunk, and a lot horny. Does it bother you?”

“Bother me? No, I love it, it just surprises me when you say stuff like that – but then, you surprise me all the time.” I continued to touch her bottom, and my cock continued to stand at attention.

I wet my finger in the trail of semen on the inside of her thigh, and had just started to touch her puckered opening with it as she started to speak. “It’s the – ooooh!” She jumped slightly as I pushed my fingertip into her, past the tight resistance. “Mmm, nice! As I started to say, it’s the one place where Boris didn’t venture tonight; his cock is much too big for me to take him back there!”

“Glad to hear it – that he didn’t go there, I mean. I’m not so glad to hear about how big his dick is.”

“I just thought you should know.”

“Well, thanks for that…I guess. Now let’s see how you handle this big cock, shall we?” I slid my hard cock into her slippery vagina again, meeting little resistance but getting my myself well slathered with slippery stuff, and when I pulled out I lined up with her tight asshole and pressed slowly but relentlessly forward, holding my cock and using my fingers to push the head of it past the tight opening. She gasped loudly and pushed back against me as the first inch or so of me entered her, and then continued to press back as I moved slowly into her, bottoming out against her bottom with my stomach and groin.

I was fully encased in her, her luscious ass pressed tightly to me and her damnably tight sphincter feeling like it was trying to pinch my penis off at the base. I wasn’t going to last long under these conditions, but I knew that was perfectly OK with her; when she reached back between her legs to squeeze my balls, it didn’t help my teetering endurance at all. “I feel like I’m probably going to come pretty soon, if that’s all right with you.”

She wiggled her butt. “I’m ready when you are, tiger.”

I laughed, but it came out mostly as a groan; Alli wiggling her butt while you’re inside of her will do that. “Tiger?”

“I almost said ‘Skippy’, but that didn’t sound right; sort of sarcastic, really.”

“Yeah, I guess I should be happy with ‘tiger’. Tigers are big and tough… Skippy, not so much.” I started to move, slowly at first, getting her used to me being in her like this and trying desperately to hold back the rising tide, slowly fucking her ass. It worked for maybe a minute and a half. When she started to match my rhythm, thrusting back against me and moaning loudly, I lost it. I grabbed her at the hips and held her as I started to thrust madly into her, slamming my stomach into her ass with each thrust, my balls flopping up and slapping against her sopping pussy with a wet, smacking sound.

She came just about then, I heard her grunts and moans of orgasm, but I didn’t really get a chance to reconcile that fact because just as I became aware of it I felt her fingers tickling and sliding on the slippery underside of my hard shaft, and I gave up and surrendered; and then that was it, the sprint to the finish line! In seconds my whole body was locked in climax, my muscles all tense as I held myself deep inside of her, my cock and all of the associated glands and muscles in the region pumping and spasming and pumping and clenching and straining and pumping…and pumping, and then pumping a little more until I was utterly and completely spent, drained dry, my second big load of the evening deposited deep in her rectum. I ached throughout my lower groin, muscles unused to such abuse cramping from the exertion, but it was a very satisfying type of ache.

After, as my body went limp and I struggled to catch my breath, I just sort of collapsed on her, draping myself over her back, my spent penis still stuffed in her anus. My heart was pounding and I could feel hers keeping time, our bodies slick with the sweat of sex and exertion. We stayed like that for a minute or two – basking in that famous afterglow, I suppose – before she wiggled her firm little butt. “Are you going to take that out of me?”

“Mmm, eventually, I guess – whenever I’m capable of moving again. Right now all of my muscles feel like spaghetti.”

“Uh-huh, mine too – except for this one.” She clamped down on me, her tight little opening seeming to crush my cock.

“Ohh fuck! Don’t do that!” It was amazing, actually, but I was still in that very sensitive post-coital phase so it was almost too intense. Almost.

“What, this?” She did it again, and I gasped.

“Yes that!” I smacked the side of her ass with my open hand, a ringing slap. “Now stop it! What are you trying to do to me?”

She laughed. “I’m just trying to wring out every last drop so that you won’t get any ideas about waking me up later.”

“No worries, babe – if I had to come again anytime in the next twelve hours or so it would probably just be a puff of air…maybe a little dust. You have succeeded in milking me dry, I believe. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m down for the count.”

She shook her butt again, doing wondrous things to my sex as she laughed at me. “You men- you’re so fragile! A measly couple of orgasms and you’re whimpering for mercy. Pitiful!”

“All true, what can I say? I think I feel a nap coming on.”

“Pull your cock out of me first.”


Wrong answer, apparently, as she wiggled her butt and pulled away, her muscles clenching again as she expelled me from my snug little haven. I gasped again as I was pushed free, and was gratified to hear her do the same. Like a jellyfish, I just sort of oozed down onto the carpet in front of the sofa, flat on my back, as she stretched out above me on her stomach. Both of us were exhausted and laying flat, trying to generate enough energy to get up and go to bed. All I could see of her was one arm, and only part of that, but I reached up and touched it. “Best birthday ever.”

Her voice was very soft as she answered. “Mmm. You enjoyed it?”

“Boy howdy! I can’t even begin to tell you how much – you’re going to have a tough time topping it next year. I may even be recovered by then.”

“You expect me to top it next year?”

“Of course; that’s how it works.”

She scooted over so that her face was at the edge of the cushion, her long hair cascading around her face and over the edge, and looked down at me, those amazing eyes once again stealing my soul and locking it away. “I have a birthday between now and then you know; we’ll see how you do on mine before I make any promises.”

“Uh-oh. I better start planning now. How about I get you a buff, well-hung male stripper and let you have your way with him?”

She smiled that soft, sexy smile of hers. “Mmm, that sounds like fun.” Her face suddenly became very serious, her playful mood sobering. “Fantasy, right? You’re not considering a real stripper…”

I was surprised by her reaction. “Actually I was just sort of making a joke, but yeah, I could see how that could be a fun little fantasy. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to locate a real male stripper.”

She looked at me for a moment, her eyes searching my face. “Did you enjoy the little fantasy we played with tonight, about Boris?”

I smiled at her. “Yeah it was fun – and I could tell you were enjoying it, you seemed especially turned on tonight.”

She smiled. “I was. It was surprisingly arousing, if you want to know the truth. It didn’t bother you though, the idea of me with some hung stud like that?”

I considered how to answer that. The reality was that despite my intense arousal I had gone through a whole series of emotions, not all of them pleasurable. ”It was intensely erotic, but it made me jealous at times. It actually hurt a little, a few times, even though it was all fantasy - but damn, it was arousing!”

Her eyes searched my face for a long time, trying to read me, I think, before meeting mine and holding. “It actually made you jealous?”

“Of course.”

“But it was all just play – there is no Boris.”

“I know. Still, it’s the thought that counts.”

“If you were jealous, why were you so hard and aroused?”

It was my turn to search her face for a moment, her eyes wide and guileless, genuinely interested in understanding how my conflicting feelings worked. “I don’t know, really. There is something intensely erotic about the idea of you making love to another man – about being a voyeur at the event, able to just watch what you do and see and hear how you react. Just as a fantasy, of course; still though, it hurts and makes me jealous.”

“Why, because I made him with a bigger cock than you?”

“Actually I made him that way, remember? But no, it was because he was making love to my wife. I was jealous of him being better endowed too, but that was separate, kind of. I can’t explain it.”

She reached down and cupped my genitals in her hand, covering my shrunken and shriveled penis and my depleted and aching balls with her palm and her long, graceful fingers. “I love what you have; I wouldn’t change a thing about it. You know that, right?”

“I’m glad.” I was, and I believed her, but I still wished for a bit more size after seeing how she had reacted to the fantasy. I hesitated, not sure if I should tell her the rest of what I was feeling, and then just blurted it out. “The part where I made love to you after him, and performed oral on you, and sloppy seconds and all? That was intense.”

“I could tell you really liked that part. It made me come like a tsunami too, just huge; you’re right, that was intense.”

“Yeah, that was quite an event, your big orgasm. Fun – glad you enjoyed it, because I sure did. Just as a fantasy though; I don’t think I’d ever be able to handle something like that in real life. Too painful.”

She smiled, nodding. “For sure; fortunately, we’ll never have to find out if we could handle it, right?”


“Have you ever seriously considered something like that, making love to me – or any woman – after another man?”

“No, not really.” Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. It was something I’d fantasized about many times, something I found very arousing, but I didn’t want to go there so I did what we all do; I deflected. “I think I’m going to grab a quick shower before bed. You wanna join me? We could play ‘drop the soap’.”

She laughed and squeezed my useless genitals. “Lot of good that would do! I don’t think we’ll be seeing this little guy on his feet again before dawn.”

“True. We could still play touchy-feely.”

“Or I could bring my big black vibrator and you could be the soap-dropper, and then we could play ‘the shower, the convict, and the new guy’.”

“Mmm, I don’t think I know all the rules for that one, so I’ll pass.” In the end we showered together, and played touchy-feely, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms. I don’t think either of us budged for the next seven hours or so. It really was the best birthday ever.
Written by Stormdog
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