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Glamour Shots: Chapter 38

"The friends' first photo session gets heated as Dave looks on."

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Satisfied with the shots he’d taken of Alli pressing her cheek and lips to Michael’s cock, Derek handed his camera off to Jen and stepped in to adjust their pose. He instructed Marci to sit alongside Alli, who remained on her knees. Marci bent her legs off to the side, away from the others, which leaned her in toward Allison and placed her face at the level of Alli’s breasts. She playfully stuck her tongue out and flicked Alli’s nearest nipple, causing her to jump and then giggle self-consciously as she slapped Marci on the shoulder.

Derek stepped back to get a better look at the pose, shaking his head at the unprofessional antics of the two friends and then moved back in to adjust Michael’s position. First, he moved him closer, nearly centering him behind Alli but keeping him just far enough off-center to allow him to continue to dangle his cock over her shoulder. He told him to place one hand atop Alli’s head, where his massive black mitt emphasized the huge difference in their body sizes.

Then, to my amazement and Michael’s obvious consternation, he took Michael’s thick cock in hand and lifted it, moving it inwards so that it hung more toward Allison’s cleavage rather than onto the upper swell of her breast. Unhappy with the angle, he made a minor adjustment, then slid his fingers upward, slightly retracting Michael’s foreskin so that more of the dark purple crown was visible.

The look on Michael’s face was priceless; he couldn’t have looked any more stunned if someone had hit him between the eyes with an ax handle. Before he could react or find his tongue, Derek reached between his thigh and Alli’s shoulder and lifted Michael’s heavy scrotum over her shoulder as well, so that his big balls rested in the hollow above her collarbone, his cock arching out over them slightly as it hung between her breasts.

Michael’s eyes were open wide, the whites gleaming, and his mouth hung open slightly in shock. Clearly, he had not expected the photographer to manhandle him so casually. I could see the tension in his body as if one more unexpected intimate touch was going to cause him to either lash out or bolt from the room, his fight or flight instincts on high alert.

When he looked at me and saw the broad grin on my face, he relaxed slightly, realizing how ludicrous the situation was. He closed his eyes momentarily and lowered his head, blowing his pent-up breath out in a noisy gust. That did it for me; I laughed. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. When I laughed, Marci giggled, and that broke the dam. Allison laughed next, then Jen, and even Michael chuckled, realizing we were laughing both with him and at him.

Derek looked around at each of us, frowning, clearly puzzled. “What’s so funny?”

Michael responded, “Dude, I wasn’t really expecting you to grab my junk, you know?”

Derek digested that for a moment, and then he laughed too. “Sorry, Mike. I guess I forgot for a moment that you’re not a professional model. I’m so used to just moving my subjects around as needed and making any minor adjustments that I never even thought about it. I suppose treating models like inanimate props is a very bad habit, and anyone that’s not used to it might find it a little bit too intimate, almost dehumanizing. Accept my apologies, please.”

Michael shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay, I guess, although I’d prefer you just tell me where you want things and I’ll move them around… or at least give me a little warning next time.”

Derek nodded, still grinning. “Done, although as Allison may have told you, I’m bisexual, so touching a man or a woman in that way is second nature to me, and I really don’t think a lot about it. I’ll try to remember that you’re straight and a rookie and that you might find it shocking or unwarranted. Fair enough, Mike, although I make no promises; sometimes old habits overcome good intentions.”

Michael shrugged good-naturedly, although I know he’d almost lost it when Derek had first grabbed his cock. “All I’m sayin’, you remember I’m flesh and blood and not a prop. You try to give me a little warning, I’ll try not to over-react.”

Derek agreed, and, after telling everyone that they’d wrap up this set and then take a lunch break, went back to shooting pictures. The shots and poses continued to be intimate and erotic, but the brief interlude of levity surrounding Derek’s ‘close encounter of the testicular kind’ seemed to have broken the erotic tension in the room. It was still very sexual and erotic – beautiful people with spectacular, naked bodies intertwined in all sorts of intimate positions - but the heat had gone out of it and the arousal level seemed to recede a good deal.

Derek sensed it as well and, I believe, wrapped up the series sooner than he would have liked. The very real earlier arousal and sexual tension of his models gone, the action, and therefore the images, just weren’t going to have the same level of smoking hot sensuality they’d had before. He needed that heat, and while he realized he had the skill to bring it out in the photos, he also recognized that he didn’t have the ability to create it if it simply wasn’t there.

Rather than waste any more time trying, he did the logical, rational thing and called the lunch break a little sooner than planned. His common-sense humility in recognizing that he couldn’t force the issue surprised me; I’d half expected him to pull a prima donna act and try to demand that they do better. Instead, he simply rounded everyone up, including Jen and Will, and did a brief synopsis of what he wanted to accomplish in the afternoon, after which he told them to be back in the studio in an hour and that he’d had lunch catered in the lounge.

Allison, Marci, and Michael slipped into robes and I accompanied them to the lounge. Derek had arranged for a substantial spread, including salads and a relish tray, cheeses and meats, several types of rolls for sandwiches and even a tureen of soup. There was also coffee available, along with soft drinks and iced tea, together enough to easily feed four times as many people as were present.

About halfway through the meal, Jason showed up. I was a little bit surprised that I recognized him with clothes on, given that I’d mostly seen him naked and aroused, posing with Alli. I couldn’t help but notice that he greeted my wife with a big hug, including a warm kiss, right on the lips, which she returned with no hesitation. I was relieved that the rest of us received only a casual handshake as she introduced us, although he seemed to take a keen interest in Marci.

Of course, that was simply good judgment on his part as she looked quite sexy in her short robe, her blonde hair mussed like she’d just crawled out of bed. I also noticed Michael noticing his interest in Marci, although I’m not sure Jason did; I would have thought his survival instincts would have demanded it. In any event, he explained that Derek had asked Will to call him and ask him to stop by to possibly be in some of the afternoon sessions if needed, although he might turn out to just be on standby.

It was interesting to observe the dynamic between Alli and Jason, who were very much at ease with each other, like old friends despite having met just a week or so prior. I couldn’t help but think that their easy familiarity probably arose from posing naked together and touching in such intimate ways. Fondling one another, witnessing the other’s arousal, and sharing your own with them seemed to require a willingness to set aside your normal inhibitions, which would, of necessity, lower many personal barriers that might otherwise take more time to work through.

I’d heard it said that many of life’s inhibitions and pretenses fall away with one’s clothes in a naturist environment, and the photos I’d seen of Jason and Alli were far beyond anything you’d expect to see at a nudist enclave or nude beach. Clearly, they’d set aside any reservations, made the adjustment, and developed a close and easy friendship, maybe something more. I think I understood it, but that didn’t prevent the pangs of jealousy when I witnessed how comfortable their friendship was, especially when I thought about the photos I’d seen.

As we were eating Derek came looking for me, pausing to first address his models. “You all did great this morning, very hot and very professional; if I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d been doing this for years. Alli, my incredible muse, you already know how special I think you are, and Mike, Marci, you two are gorgeous, great together and with Allison. I think you’re all going to look amazing together when I get some things printed.” He paused again, smiling, then continued, “Seriously, you’ve exceeded my expectations, which I probably shouldn’t tell you when we haven’t signed a contract yet.”

He grew serious as he continued. “This afternoon, for the things we’ve discussed, I’m going to need more of that same heat you showed earlier today. I need you to relax and really get into each other, whatever that takes; I’m good, but I can’t make the camera create that kind of arousal. Marci, you’re stunning, a voluptuous sex goddess, and Mike… Well, Alli told me you were built, and well-endowed, but I had no idea. Playing your profound masculinity off these two sex kittens opens up a whole world of possibilities, but I need that same heat that had the room smoking this morning.”

Michael thanked him, although I swear he went a shade or two darker as he blushed. He’d made Marci blush as well, something not easily accomplished, but she blustered her way through it in typical Marci fashion. “No worries, Big D, I’ll get these two so hot and horny they’ll be steaming; that job is right in my wheelhouse.” As if to prove it, while I was still musing over her calling Derek “Big D”, she reached through the overlap in the front of Michael’s robe and fished out his cock, bringing his big snake out into the light.

Michael yelped in surprise and embarrassment, odd considering he’d been posing stark naked and erect just shortly before, but I suppose it’s different when you’re the only one exposed in a room full of more-or-less clothed people. “Jesus, babe! What the hell…?”

She just laughed. “Relax, you big baby! It’s not anything we haven’t all already seen.”

“Correction; I haven’t, and holy shit, if I may say so! Nice cock, dude!” Jason was staring at Michael’s generous endowment, not at all shy about thoroughly checking it out; if he was this impressed by it in its current state of repose, he was going to be blown away when Michael got hard. In the meantime, his compliments had only embarrassed Michael all the more.

While everyone had another laugh at Michael’s expense, I could see that they were all clearly flattered by Derek’s words of praise. I recognized that while he was undoubtedly sincere, he was also working on building their confidence and trying to put them at ease. I remembered Alli telling me how he had done much the same with her back in their first-ever session at the shop in the mall, when he’d taken the erotic glamour shots that started this whole chain of events, prattling away to distract and relax her. It was easy to see that he was skilled at working his models and that they enjoyed positive feedback from their employer, whose artistic skills they respected.

His pep talk apparently complete, he invited me to come to his office, assuring me that it was okay to bring my unfinished lunch along. I was almost finished anyway, so I quickly wrapped up eating and disposed of my plate before following him down the hall. He ushered me into his office, which, while not huge, was plenty big enough. It was beautifully appointed, with subtle lighting, very high-end furnishings, fine works of art including some of his own framed prints, and refined, relaxing acoustics with just a hint of white noise from the HVAC system preventing it from seeming stiflingly silent.

There was a high-end Bang & Olufsen sound system in the corner with wireless speakers scattered unobtrusively in key spots in the room. He clicked it on with a tiny remote and the lush sound of the expensive speakers filled the space. Even at the very low volume he'd set, the sound was rich, nuanced, and very impressive; I'd never heard the soft jazz that I love sound as beautiful as it did on that system.

It was an office that any Fortune 500 CEO would have been happy to call home, and his pride in it was apparent. I whistled. “Nice office! This is really beautiful, Derek; I can’t imagine how you ever pry yourself out of it.”

He smiled, pleased that I’d taken note of his efforts. “Thanks, and welcome to the inner sanctum. I’m fortunate to have a landlord that will let me do pretty much anything I want with this building just as long as I don’t ask him to pay for it.”

I laughed. I knew the property owner - his landlord - well, a nice older guy named Ford Hays. “That sounds like Ford; he’s usually easy to work with on rents and terms and all, just don’t ask him to open his wallet. I’ve heard that he can pinch a penny so hard that he can make Lincoln cry.”

Derek nodded, grinning. “Exactly. He’s more than willing to let me spend my money, however.”

“Not a bad way to do it provided you got a good deal and a lot of term on the lease. You have a lot more freedom if you don’t have to run to him for approval and funds every time you want to make a change.”

He shrugged. “It works for us. I have a renewal coming up, but I have two five-year options on the lease.”

I tucked away that little tidbit of information, nodding. “You should be golden. Now, about Michael and Marci… I assume that’s why we’re here?”

“It is. Look, you know I want them, so I’m already starting at a disadvantage. Are you going to go easy on me this time, or am I going to have to bend over and spread ‘em again?”

Knowing he was bisexual, I was a little surprised to hear him use that expression, but I laughed. “I don’t think it will be too painful, but you might want to apply a little lube.”

He groaned. “Great. I’m prepared to offer $10,000 for Michael, two weeks at my beck and call and then $500 per day if I call him back beyond that time. Five grand for Marci, with the same conditions.”

It was more than I thought he’d offer as an opening bid, but I could see he was trying to be realistic. Still… “How about this: Twenty grand for both, ten each, and no charge for up to three callbacks for either of them, but $500 for any additional calls and you pay them a $500 royalty for each photo of either of them that you publish in your book.”

He chewed his lip for a moment as he weighed that offer. “I can’t pay as much for Marci, Dave; don’t take this the wrong way, but gorgeous blonds with big tits aren’t that hard to find in my model portfolios. Ebony gods with a tree trunk between their legs are a lot tougher to come by… it’s about supply and demand.”

I shook my head and turned on the sarcasm. “I’m sure they’d be flattered by that description, Derek; the thing is, Michael is insistent that Marci gets paid as much as he does. He’s very considerate of her feelings and wants her to feel equally valuable. Hell, he’d probably be fine with you paying her more than you do him.”

“Really? Well, if I’m deducting from him to pay her, that I can do. Of course, I was only offering ten for him.”

I nodded. “But we both know that I was going to push that up to at least fifteen because I can see how much you want him for your project.”

He shook his head but laughed ruefully. “Jesus. You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?”

I shrugged. “So I’ll throw in a tube of Preparation H. Do we have a deal?”

“I don’t know about paying them royalties; that’s not something I’ve ever been willing to do.” He was taking notes for his lawyer, but now he paused to look at me.

“It wouldn’t really be royalties, not in the classical sense; I just used that term for lack of a better one. It’s not on a per-book-sold basis like a true royalty, just a one-time payment for any photo you use of either of them in the final publication. Once you finalize the project, you pay them for what you’ve chosen to use and you’re done.”

He thought about that for a moment. “I can foresee that I might use a fair number of shots involving one or both of them. That could get prohibitively expensive. How about $250 per shot rather than $500?”

“Make it $300 and I think I can get you their signatures.” It wasn’t much, fifty more than he’d proposed, but if he used any combination of even twenty images of them that fifty would net them an extra grand.

He paused, then gave in. I knew he wanted to get back to work, something else that worked in my favor; I had all afternoon to waste and was under no such time constraints.

He rose to his feet. “I’ll get my attorney to draw it up and try to have it ready for them by tomorrow. Will you need to read it over before they can sign?”

I shrugged again. “I can if they want me to, but Marci is pretty shrewd on contract issues – after all, she trained with me.” He groaned theatrically, and I laughed. “I think they’ll be fine.”

“Okay, sounds good. Well, back to work for me. Are you planning to stay around?”

“Sure, if you have no objection.”

“No, as long as you’re okay if things get a little intense. Be forewarned; I’m planning to try to turn up the heat between Michael, Jason, and your wife.”

I nodded. “I don’t think she’d have it any other way, and I’m okay with it; I trust both her and Michael.”

He turned to leave, then paused and turned to face me again. “You sure you don’t want to pose with them? I brought Jason in to play the part I wanted to use you for, but it’s not too late to change course.”

I shook my head. “Thanks, but no, I’m a strictly behind-the-scenes kind of partner. I do money, not erotica.”

“Have it your way then. You’re not going to throw in any last-minute crap like that veto clause you hit me with last time, are you?”

“Do I need to?”

He swore. “Fuck. I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned that!”

I laughed. “No, seriously; it shouldn’t be necessary, because my understanding is that Allison is going to be in virtually every image, being the central theme of your book. If there’s something that Marci or Michael might find embarrassing or objectionable for any reason Alli would certainly exercise her veto on their behalf since she’ll likely be in the shot too. I think they trust her to look out for them.”

“Good point, and a smart way to work it; I wouldn’t surrender creative control to them but I’ve found peace with giving Allison some leeway. And yes, although I might use a solo photo or two of Michael or Marci to introduce them, there’s not much I can do in a shot like that which should be extreme or objectionable, so the issue shouldn’t arise.” He nodded, satisfied. “Well then, back to work.”

“Do you mind if I wander around a little bit and see what you’ve done with the building? Professional curiosity.”

Derek shrugged. “Not at all; I’m very proud of it, as you can tell, and I’ve got it set up where it works really well for me. Just be sure to close any doors you open and try to come back into the studio quietly, so you don’t disrupt whatever we have going, okay?”

“Sure, of course. And thanks for the lunch and for the business deal, it’s been a pleasure working with you.”

He snorted. “For one of us, at least. Talking to you always seems to get expensive.”

I smiled. I knew he was perfectly fine paying what we’d agreed upon or he wouldn’t have done the deal, but part of playing the game is making the other guy feel like they won, like they absolutely put your dick through the wringer. We both recognized that we’d made a fair deal, and that was enough.

I wandered the hallway, sticking my head into open doors, opening others, and turning lights on and off as needed to explore. One room had a bank of computers and large flat-screen monitors, all attached to a variety of sizes and styles of printers, including large-format and very specialized photographic printers. I didn’t recognize half of what was in the room, but from what I did recognize and the high-end brands present, I knew there was well over $100,000 worth of equipment – and maybe twice that - in that room alone.

I also noted that the space had been equipped with plenty of power outlets, flawless lighting, and extra micron-filtered ventilation to avoid dust contamination and handle the heat generated by all the electronics. As with everything I’d seen it was well thought-out, with no expense spared.

One room was all framing equipment and supplies, again all high-end, quality stuff. I remembered Alli telling me that Derek employed a professional framer to do the finish work necessary to furnish his clients with a completed portrait or other image if that’s what the customer wanted. I wandered in, enjoying the smell of freshly-cut wood, sawdust, and varnish, and admired some of the finished and in-progress works.

The framing and matting work was as meticulous as Derek’s photographic artistry, and together the end product was invariably flawless. While I don’t possess that kind of artistic ability, I can certainly appreciate it when I see it and it made me realize again that he must have seen something very special in Allison, to base such an ambitious project as his book entirely on her. I couldn’t fault his judgment, of course, but I still had serious doubts about his motives.

There were a number of framed images of women in either the type of glamour shot that had started this whole process with Alli or in even more sexually suggestive shots, some of them clearly commercial and others that were likely destined to be more private gifts for husbands or significant others. A number of them were quite revealing and the women invariably looked both willing and aroused, much as Alli had in hers. I couldn’t help but wonder how many of these women he might have talked into something more than posing for photographs.

In turn, I found dressing rooms, rooms full of props, and storage rooms for additional photographic equipment, all neat and orderly the way anyone suffering from OCD would have done it.

As I wandered my way back to the studio I was impressed again by how much attention to detail and quality Derek had lavished upon his business. Both in the equipment choices and in the fit and finish of each room of the building itself, he had spared no expense. In sum, it couldn’t help but make a positive impression on any client – or prospective client – and I’d seen enough of his work to know that a client’s confidence wouldn’t be misplaced, that the apparent beauty was more than skin-deep. It was a big-time, professional studio, especially for our smallish town, and he obviously served clients from all over the country, if not the world.

I remembered to come back into the studio quietly, easing the door shut behind me as I did. The lights were all on the “talent”, of course, which at the moment consisted of Alli and Michael, and it was comparatively dark off to the side where I stood. Derek was working his way around his two models, shooting with a Hasselblad medium-format DSLR, probably a 50-megapixel model or better, which I estimated cost as much, with the lens, as a luxury car.

Jen was also shooting photos, but with a more familiar Canon EOS DSLR, a smaller format similar to the older 35mm film cameras but with vastly more capability. I had no doubt hers was a high MP professional model as well, but it was probably half the rating of his Hasselblad, and far less expensive.

For the current sequence, he’d posed Alli flat on her back, completely naked atop a black-leather-covered table that looked for all the world (other than the black leather) like some type of cross between a gynecological exam table and a medieval torture device. She was strapped to it at wrists and upper arms, with additional black leather straps across her abdomen and crisscrossed between her breasts, her rock-hard nipples jutting proudly.

Her ankles were also strapped to a pair of cruel-looking chrome stirrups, her legs wide-spread, knees slightly bent, and the entire table was tilted so that her head was considerably lower than her feet and her obviously aroused pussy was raised up and on full display. I know that because when I walked in the door I was looking straight up between her spread legs, and he had a spotlight trained directly on her wet, horny sex. Even her hard, aroused clit, which is not overly large or prominent, like Marci’s, was clearly visible from where I stood.

I froze in my tracks for a moment, staring at that glorious sight and wishing I could bury my face or my cock in that tight, wet, horny pussy, and was aware of my cock rapidly swelling in my pants. It slowly crept into my mind that everyone else in the room was probably enjoying the sight of my wife’s amazing body just as much as I was and was probably just as aroused by it. It was a strangely uncomfortable but also very arousing thought, and as my mind struggled with that dichotomy, I looked around at the others.

I’d seen Derek and Jen, of course, as they moved in and out of the lights around Allison. Now I noticed that Michael stood at the head of the table that Alli was strapped to, at the edge of the light so that he was only lit from mid-chest down, his shoulders and face in shadow. With Allison tilted head-down the way she was, he stood with his legs apart, one on either side of her head, his heavy balls hanging just above her face. His cock was hugely erect, jutting out over her chin, neck and upper chest at about twenty degrees above horizontal, his dark foreskin partly retracted, the visible portion of his glans purple and glistening wetly.

Derek moved in, shooting close-ups of Michael’s sex and my wife’s aroused face, and as I stepped a little closer I could see that she was blindfolded and that she was sticking her tongue out. The wet, pink tip of it was just a fraction of an inch below Michael’s testicles, which, in the warm studio, hung heavy and low in their fleshy pouch. As he instructed Michael to move around or change positions and gave Allison direction on changing her expression or making what slight changes she could to her own position, Michael’s balls occasionally came into contact with Alli’s face – and if it was anywhere near her lips, she was quick to take advantage, licking his scrotum and trying to kiss and suck his big plums.

Derek just smiled tolerantly and shook his head but didn’t say anything about it until Alli succeeded in capturing one ball – with Michael’s assistance, no doubt – and sucked the whole huge orb into her mouth. He then admonished her, “Alli, I can’t use that! As much as we’re all enjoying the show, and I’m sure you two are enjoying your game, I can’t use shots that show actual sexual acts. It must be faux-sex, erotic make-believe. Ball-sucking, as fun as it may be and as good as it feels, is too hardcore for my purposes.”

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When she ignored him and continued to suck, no doubt laving Michael’s big ‘nad with her tongue, he became more insistent. “Allison, let go of Michael’s balls; you’re just wasting valuable time.” He hadn’t intended his admonishment to be humorous, but it drew a laugh from the limited peanut gallery, myself included.

She reluctantly allowed Michael to pull free, and I heard him groan as his saliva-slick testicle slipped from her lips. As much as Derek had been impatient with her fooling around, I figured he was probably pleased with the effect she’d had on Michael, who was huge now, thicker and harder than before, his foreskin fully retracted and his cock easily at a ten-degree higher angle, almost pointing at his chin. Had he pushed it against his stomach the head of his cock would have been at or above his navel.

I figured that took a whole lot of hard, with a cock as thick and heavy as Michael’s, which can’t be easy to get into the full upright and locked position with hydraulics alone! He was enormous and enormously hard and aroused; I was as well, although my more average erection was undoubtedly easier to get vertical, less awe-inspiring, and currently kept carefully under wraps.

Jen and Derek continued to shoot, moving around my wife and our friend in a well-rehearsed tango, somehow staying out of each other’s way and each other’s light, careful to avoid casting shadows across the scene. He eventually moved Michael off to Alli’s left side, where he could lay his cock across her left breast, directly on top of her erect nipple, and he asked Jen to remove her blindfold.

When they resumed shooting, Derek moved between Alli’s legs and shot over her mound and abdomen, capturing Michael’s cock atop her breast, his dark skin and exaggerated masculinity a sharp and exciting counterpoint to her creamy, more delicate femininity. He held his camera just inches from her pussy and I wondered about his depth-of-field, if he was capturing both the extremely visible arousal of her sex and Michael’s clearly, or if one of them was sharp and clear while the other blurred away at the edges. I figured I wouldn’t know for sure until I saw the photos.

I didn’t wonder if he could catch the sweet, musky scent of her arousal from where he was; I knew he could and had no doubt that he was savoring her sexual scent, knowing he’d maneuvered and toyed with her in such a way that he’d largely caused it. I also had no doubt that he had a raging erection, because I’d seen his obvious and substantial pants bulge as he moved around her – plus, he wouldn’t be human if he didn’t in this setting.

Once he’d gotten all the shots he wanted, he re-positioned Michael between Alli’s legs as if he was fucking her. He instructed him to lay his cock atop Allison’s tummy and place his hands on her hips, as if he was holding her in place as he took her; I’m quite sure they both would have been happy to do the deed if he’d asked, as they were clearly intensely aroused, but as he’d said, he wasn’t looking for hardcore sex.

He squatted down and took a few shots from behind Michael, capturing his balls hanging heavily between his thick thighs and Alli’s pale legs straddling him. I moved at that point, over to one side where Marci was standing and watching, buck naked, her neck flushed with arousal and her big nipples jutting proudly.

As I came up alongside her I nudged her with my elbow. “Love your outfit.”

She grinned as she looked up at me. “It didn’t seem to make much sense to get dressed, since as soon as I did he’d want me naked again.”

“Hey, I wasn’t complaining; besides, this fits you perfectly, almost like it was made for you.”

“Very funny, and anyhow, it’s way too hot in here both temperature and otherwise – to wear clothes.” As she said that she casually reached back and grabbed my rock-hard erection through my pants, squeezing me as I let out a surprised grunt. She giggled. “You phony, acting so cool and unfazed while you’re just as horny as the rest of us!”

“Uhh, yeah, guilty as charged – but you already know that.” She continued to squeeze and fondle me, gently masturbating my cock. We were back in the shadows, out of the bright studio lights, and I assumed that it would be difficult for any of the others to see what she was doing, so I didn’t stop her immediately. I knew I couldn’t let it go on too long or I’d make an embarrassing wet mess, but for the moment it felt really good.

She looked up at me again as she stroked my cock. “Where have you been?”

“Just looking around a little, getting the lay of the land.”

She grinned again. “The lay of the land, huh? That was my nickname in high school, you know.”

I laughed, causing Derek to turn and look over at us, frowning, before he refocused on Alli and Michael. “I don’t doubt that a bit, Marce. For now, though, you’d best back off a little, or it’s going to get very embarrassing in here.”

I could feel the tingles building low in my groin and in my scrotum, but thought I could hold off for a little longer; still, I didn’t want to risk it. In an attempt to distract her I let my hand trail down her back and over her fine ass, running my fingers down her crack and under the curve of her buttocks until I felt the moist heat of her pussy. I gently parted her wet, slick lips with my middle finger and slowly slid into her up to my second knuckle.

She was all soft heat and slick, tight velvet arousal inside, that incredible tactile sensation that has a way of stiffening even the most recalcitrant cock, and mine was anything but that. When she tightened her pelvic muscles and clamped her velvet vise tightly around my finger, the sensation almost caused the exact thing I was seeking to avoid, and I tensed, my cock straining against her hand as I imagined her clamping my cock in the exact same way.

“Jesus, Marce.” I put my other hand over hers and pulled it away from my groin before she could push me past the point of no return. As I did, I also started to slide my wet, slippery finger out of her.

Her pussy was puffy and dripping wet, and I knew that the poses and sex play as they’d worked had left her more aroused than I could have imagined, an observation confirmed when she subtly moved her legs slightly further apart and whispered, “Don’t stop.”

I didn’t, but the combination of her slick, tight heat and the actions playing out in front of me was an incredibly potent combination. Looking at Michael and Alli, with Derek and Jen still circulating around them, shooting, was intense enough for an avowed voyeur like me even absent the effects of Marci’s horny pussy. At least now that she’d had stopped fondling me I was in no danger – or at least less danger - of spilling my load in my pants. Michael was still positioned between Allison’s legs, and from this angle, I could see his hugely engorged cock lying on her belly, his dark organ standing out starkly against her muscular, pale stomach.

The head of his cock was resting on her navel, making me wonder where it could all possibly go if he slid it into her. I also thought about the fact that this position left his balls hanging down against her sex, and if she was anywhere near as wet as Marci, as I knew she was, his fleshy ballsack was undoubtedly slathered with her juices. He was leaking a steady stream of glistening pre-cum onto her skin though, leaving snail trails all over her tummy, so it was only fair.

My fingers were almost on autopilot, playing with Marci as I watched Michael and my wife posing for Derek. Suddenly self-conscious about diddling my buddy’s girl right out in the open, with our partners nearby and others around us, I glanced guiltily around the room. Will, Derek’s young go-fer, was totally oblivious to us as he tried to fill in for Jen, taking orders from Derek as he moved lights around and tried to stay out of the way. The only other person in the studio was Jason, the other model, and I picked him out of the shadows on the far side of the room, also watching the action.

Somewhere along the line, probably right after lunch while I’d been negotiating with Derek, he’d changed into a nice looking and well-fitted charcoal-gray suit, white shirt, and red and navy striped tie, and he’d donned very conservative and serious looking black-rimmed glasses. I hadn’t seen him in glasses in any of the other shots that Alli had brought home, so I assumed they were props of some sort and wondered what Derek had planned now.

Whatever it was, it was apparently going to require a major erection, because he had his cock and balls completely out through the open zipper and was slowly stroking himself, rigidly erect and somehow seeming larger than he had in the photos I’d seen.

I nudged Marci. “You notice Jason over there in the shadows?”

“Uh-huh. What do you think I’ve been watching?”

I laughed softly, hoping not to get another glare from Derek. I was invading his space, after all; the least I could do was try not to disturb his work. “You’re such a slut. Does that explain the extreme humidity in your nether regions?” I whispered.

“Thank you!” she giggled softly. “The fucking monsoon, you mean? Yes, in part, but I was horny well before he started that little display of… ohh, god!”

I had inadvertently slid my fingers farther forward in her crease and the tip of my middle finger had found her remarkable clit, hard and wet, thick and protruding proudly, begging to be touched. Her body spasmed like a jolt of electricity had gone through it as she completely lost her train of thought and grabbed my arm, her fingernails digging into me.

“Oops, sorry, Marce.” I backed off just slightly, teasing her slippery opening.

“No, don’t stop. Please.”

That was an easy request to grant, and I did so gladly as she stared at Jason stroking his thick cock and I watched Michael and Alli feigning sex, both visibly and unabashedly aroused. Between my wife and friend, Jason with his hard cock out, Marci’s intense arousal and my own cock on a hair-trigger and so hard it ached, it seemed that Derek had found the sexual energy and heat he was looking for. The room was suffused with it, and while I couldn’t be certain that Jen, Will, and Derek were as aroused as the rest of us, I would have bet significant sums on it; there was no way that the sexual vibe in the studio had left them unfazed.

I slowly slid my thumb up into Marci’s dripping-wet pussy as I toyed with her clit with my middle and index finger, and she tightened her sex around my thumb as I heard her grunt low in her throat, stifling her moans.

I leaned in close, my lips at her ear. “Jeez, Marce, you’re as hard as I am! I fuckin’ love your big clit.”

She breathed a soft, “Fuck…” as she humped herself back onto my hand, taking as much of my thumb as I had to offer into her tight, wet heat, and I knew that talking dirty was getting to her, just as I’d hoped.

My lips brushing her ear, I said, “Later on this evening I plan to lick and suck that hard clit of yours until you beg me to stop, and then do it some more.”

She grunted, “Ohh, fucking god!” as softly as she could, but I think others heard her. Jason was still masturbating, watching her watching him as she came, both hands gripping my arm, her nails digging in as I felt the spasms of her orgasm run through her and her pussy clutched rhythmically at my hand.

She was bent forward slightly, pushing her ass back onto my hand, her breasts thrust forward, nipples jutting out hard as diamond; how Jason watched her come like that, so obviously and intensely aroused as he stroked his cock and yet managed to not launch his own load, I have no idea. Nobody was touching my cock, and I damn near came in my pants just from the intensity of Marci’s orgasm, and the hot, grasping squeeze and the rich sexual scent of her! He just kept on slowly stroking his big cock, smiling at Marci.

As she peaked and began to wind down, her vice-like grip on my arm began to relax. I was still gently diddling her stiff clit, my thumb deep inside of her, but she hissed at me to stop. “God, Dave, stop! I’ll be nothing but a puddle on the floor if you keep that up.”

“It feels like you’re well on your way to that already.”

“Very funny!” She re-established her grip on my rigid cock through my pants, tugging as she added a none-too-subtle threat. “Stop, or I won’t be the only one making a puddle!”

I stopped, but I withdrew my hand from her pussy very slowly and gently; I figured she wouldn’t want me to jerk back fast enough to make her pop like a champagne cork, although that had been my first instinct when she’d seized my cock again.

When I’d freed myself, she straightened up and tried to compose herself, and as she did I brought my hand, dripping with Marci’s juices, up to my face. She watched me savor the scent of her sweet, sexy musk for a moment, but when I followed that up by running my tongue from the heel of my hand to the tip of my thumb, tasting the slick, wet fruit of her orgasm, she shuddered with arousal and moaned softly.

“Fuck, Dave, you’re too good at this teasing stuff! I thought that was my job.”

“I’m not teasing; I’m making a promise.”

“And you can be damn sure I’m going to make you keep it!”

Before I could tell her I was counting on that, Derek spoiled the moment, interrupting to call Jason forward for the next series of photos. I looked around, probably with a guilty look on my face, but I got the impression that Derek, Alli, and Michael had been too absorbed in what they were doing to have caught our little act. I was less sure about Will and Jen, but I knew that Jason was fully aware of what had happened.

Derek had very specific ideas about how and where he wanted Jason positioned, and had Will and Jen adjust the lighting accordingly. He set him up as the voyeur, the front of his body and his aroused cock in the light, a background image behind Alli and Michael, his face and neck in shadows. He was to be a part of the story, but Derek diminished his role and his importance by making him the faceless, nameless watcher; the cuckold husband, because that, in fact, seemed to be what Derek had set up.

It was very much a cliché, tired and trite, the beautiful young white wife and the huge, virile, hung black stud in the throes of passion as the weak, helpless cuckold husband looks on, but Derek was working hard to make it artistic rather than salacious or pornographic. Remembering that he’d wanted to use me as the “cuckold” made my face flush, and I wondered for a moment if that was how he thought of me.

Jason, still in his suit and tie as though he had come home from work and walked in on them, his aroused, rigid cock extending through his open zipper, heavy balls hanging, was a bit too well-endowed to be the stereotypical cuckold but would undoubtedly photograph well.

I was intrigued by what Derek had set up, the ‘husband’ in shadow, his role minimized, importance reduced due to… what? Shame? Inadequacy? Humiliation, perhaps? And if so, if he was ashamed or humiliated, was it because his ‘wife’ had chosen such a super-masculine substitute over him or because he’d failed to step in and put a stop to it, instead becoming embarrassingly aroused, the evidence of his failure and his inappropriate and perverse response visible for all to see as it jutted obscenely from his expensive suit.

I watched, rapt, as Derek put them through their paces, changing Alli and Michael’s position and moving Jason around them, always the shadowed voyeur, the shamed cuckold, unable to hide or deny his arousal at his wife’s violation and, indirectly, his own violation; his cock hard even against his will.

They were role-playing, of course, but it was still intense and arousing, and other than Derek’s quiet instructions, the shuffling sounds as the players were repositioned, and a lot of heavy breathing, you could have heard a pin drop. Jen seemed to be watching as much as she was shooting, and Will stared, apparently as fascinated and aroused as I was, if the number of times he had to reach down to adjust himself was any indication.

Glancing sidelong at Marci, I saw that she was as locked-in as the rest of us, her lips moist and slightly parted, her neck flushed, nipples still hard and erect. She laughed softly as Alli and Michael repositioned themselves at Derek’s command, Michael sitting on a hard, wooden desk chair as Allison straddled his lap, his rigid erection straining upwards as Alli settled in and reached back to grasp it near the base. She lowered herself until the engorged head of his cock was a scant inch below her wet, swollen, parted pussy lips, and the bright lights glistened in the wet trickle of precum that was sliding down Michael’s thick, dark shaft.

I nudged her. “What’s funny?”

She inclined her head toward them. “Michael; he’s as huge and hard as I’ve ever seen him and he’s leaking big-time. If Alli isn’t careful he’s going to lose it and turn into a human geyser.” When I laughed, she said, “Seriously! I know him, and I think he’s right on the edge.”

“I’m sure Alli would enjoy that, but it’s not what Derek is going for.”

She giggled. “So would Michael, although he’d be horribly embarrassed in front of all these people. As far as what Derek is looking for, when push comes to shove – or when gush comes to spurt – his wishes aren’t going to make a bit of difference.”

They were asked to hold that pose as Derek circled them, shooting frame after frame. At one point he brought Jason closer and had him kneel in front of them, his hands on Michael’s knees as he leaned in for a closer look at his “wife and her lover” about to do the deed. Shooting from behind Jason, Derek shot several frames before instructing Jason to open his pants and push them down to his ankles before resuming his kneeling pose, leaning in close, his face near their aroused genitals. Now when Derek shot from behind Jason he also captured the lower half of Jason’s bare ass, below the hem of his suit jacket, and his heavy balls dangling between his spread thighs, almost dragging on the floor as he “watched” them.

I felt Marci shudder alongside me. “Mmm, doesn’t it just make you want to reach in there and play with those big, dangly balls?”

I snorted. “Not especially, no. I take it you do?”

“Absolutely! Those are luscious, and, thanks to you, I’m insanely horny.”

“I thought I fixed your horniness for you.”

I heard Derek instruct Jason to grab his cock and pretend to jerk off, and when Jason eagerly complied, remind him that they were shooting still shots, not video. That got a chuckle from all, including Jason, as Marci responded, “No, you just threw fuel on the fire. I’m gonna need about six or ten more of those before I’m done.”

“Six or ten, huh? That’s quite a range.”

“I know; six just sounded too low when I heard myself say it. Make it ten or fifteen.”

I laughed. “That’s an even wider range.”

“I don’t need you to do the math for me, boss; I need you to make me come until I pass out.”

“That does sound a lot more rewarding, now that you mention it.” I reached down and cupped her firm, round left buttock, enjoying her heat and the feel of her smooth, resilient skin. She pushed my hand away.

“Not here! Later, when I can reciprocate. I plan to leave you a limp, shrunken, withered husk – and I mean all of you, not just your cock.” As if to emphasize her words, she reached back and gave my aching, throbbing erection a quick squeeze, earning a gasp from me.

While Marci and I had been teasing each other, Derek had repositioned Alli on Michael’s lap so that she now faced outward, reverse-cowgirl style, and had her sit back so that Michael’s cock was nestled between her cheeks and her pussy was down just above his sack, giving the impression he was buried to the hilt inside of her. He wasn’t, of course, first because it was a physical impossibility and second because Derek wasn’t doing hardcore; I’m not sure how this was different, as it gave that illusion, but apparently, it was.

He had Jason kneel in front of them again, this time leaning in far enough to give the appearance that he was licking Allison’s pussy – and perhaps Michael’s cock and balls as well – as they fucked. Alli tangled her fingers in his hair, adding to the impression that he was servicing them as she held him in place, and he continued to slowly masturbate with one hand as Derek and Jen clicked away.

I may be the only one that noticed, although I suspect that Derek’s sharp eyes had picked it up as well; Alli was very subtly humping her ass against Michael’s cock, her spread pussy against his swollen root, and suddenly I wasn’t entirely sure that Jason wasn’t licking her. She looked for all the world like she was about to come; her hips had gone on auto-pilot like they do when she’s intensely aroused, and I knew that if he was tonguing her hard clit she’d inevitably explode.

My cock ached, on a hair-trigger like I’m sure both she and Michael were, and I was intensely aware of the growing wet spot of precum in my underwear, praying it was not soaking through my slacks. Fortunately for me, and probably for Michael and Alli as well, Derek swore as he interrupted the flow, and paused the burgeoning arousal for one and all.

“Fuck! I hate to pause when everyone is so totally into this, but we need to change a couple of things on the set. You three, hold that thought, that fire – fondle each other or something, and we’ll get it reset as fast as we can.” He grinned as he said it, but I had the sense he was serious.

They laughed at his suggestion that they fondle each other, but as Alli and Jason disengaged and she climbed off Michael’s lap I couldn’t help but notice that she cupped and squeezed Jason’s heavy-hangers in her fingers for a few seconds, as Marci had wanted to do, or that she led Michael over to us using a firm grip on his upright cock as a tiller to steer him along.

All three of them crossed to us to be out of the way of Derek and his two assistants, who were hurriedly removing the chair and other set items, replacing them with a low settee upholstered in dark green velvet. Surrounded by three naked and unabashedly aroused people and Jason, pantsless now but still in jacket and tie, I felt hopelessly overdressed; I was very aware of the proximity of the two naked, aroused women, one of them my wife, who continued to gently play with Michael’s huge cock, her fingers sliding his dark, heavy foreskin back and forth over the enormous purple plum of his cock head, fingers and cock slick with glistening precum that continued to flow. Her tell-tale nipples, smaller and darker than Marci’s, were stiff with arousal.

Marci had quietly taken over stroking Jason’s cock and balls, just as she’d wanted to do earlier, but if Michael found that odd or objectionable, he didn’t say so. It seemed like it had just been a natural thing for her to do since Alli was toying with Michael, and they were both quite obviously enjoying it. The girls staying horny didn’t seem to be an issue, so the focus was on keeping the two men rigidly erect through the short break.

As for me, I was just hard, fully dressed, out of the loop, and far too aware of the two big cocks pointing skyward nearby, my wife eagerly stroking the largest. Absent Michael, Jason would have seemed very well-endowed - and he was, but not on the same scale as our friend. Still, Marci seemed quite taken with his thick, rigid member.

Michael was tickling Alli’s ass, gently teasing her, and when Jason chose to give in to the magnetic attraction of Marci’s big nipples, running his fingers over them and gently rolling them between thumb and index finger, she shuddered before sighing happily and simply enjoying it.

I heard Michael suck in a breath just moments before he grabbed Alli’s arm, removing her hand from his cock, a sure indication that she had nearly made him lose control. He closed his eyes and did a few deep breathing exercises, apparently barely mastering his domain in time, but he didn’t allow Allison to resume her play. That seemed like another hint at how close he’d come to the point of no return, and his cock strained upward, veins bulging.

We made small talk, trying to act as if this was all perfectly normal and we were all so worldly and sophisticated that it was of no consequence. I’m pretty sure we failed to convince each other.

I glanced around at my friends. “It would appear that Derek recaptured that heat he was talking about.”

They all chuckled, but Michael shook his head ruefully. “I’m so fuckin’ horny! I’m not sure if a brotha’ can get blue balls, but if so mine are going on indigo.” He put his hands on Alli’s shoulders, moving her in front of him. “And you, girl – are you intentionally trying to make me come?”

She pushed her ass back against his erection, rubbing herself on him. “Me? Would I do that to you?”

He laughed. “Maybe butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, but I sure would.”

Alli licked her lips lasciviously, smiling at me as she teased him. “Mmm, I like the sound of that!”

Before she could test the hypothesis, Derek called them back to work. Posing Michael on his back on the low settee, his head on the armrest at the end and Allison astride his hips cowgirl-style, Jason at the other end of the couch looking up between Michael’s legs, ostensibly watching his wife get laid.

As they got positioned and Jen worked on adjusting Alli’s hair, the lighting, a spray bottle spritz of “sweat” here or a dab of makeup there, I noticed that Allison was very subtly grinding her hips, sliding her open, wet sex on the underside of Michael’s cock. Trapped between her pussy and his own abdominal muscles it was a long, hard slide, the prominent ridge on the underside perfectly positioned to rub on her hard clit.

Even as Derek and Jen resumed shooting she continued to grind, and, knowing her as I do, it was easy to discern the telltale shudders and muscle tension that exposed her own arousal. I hoped that Derek was getting his shots as quickly as he could because it seemed clear – to me, at least – that it was simply a competition to see which of them came first.

The inevitable was delayed only slightly when Derek gave them direction, asking her to raise up and hold Michael's cock upright, visible, the swollen tip just below her glistening pussy lips. He then instructed her to fondle Michael's balls with her other hand and told Michael to squeeze Alli's breasts, which he did, engulfing them in his big hands as Derek continued to shoot.

The precum trickling down Michael’s dark shaft was milky now, his semen escaping heavily due to his intense arousal, and I wondered idly how that fit into Derek’s “erotic but not hardcore” meme; it seemed intensely erotic to me, but I’d have had to call it pretty damn hardcore, if asked. Of course, no one asked.

When Alli again allowed Michael’s cock to lie flat on his stomach and lowered herself onto it, her pussy juices mixing with his cum, I saw her shudder violently and heard a low grunt that seemed to come from deep in her throat, and I knew she was coming. So did Michael, and her loss of control fueled his.

His first spurt of thick, white cream shot up the middle of his abdomen as far as the bottom of his sternum; the second, more powerful and with substantially more volume, stretched from the tip of his cock all the way across his torso, painting his left nipple and ending in a puddle almost at his shoulder, and the third paralleled the second, inches apart. He groaned and seized Alli’s hips, humping his cock against her as he blasted several more glistening white streaks across his dark chest, the contrast of pearl white cum and chocolate brown skin stark and undeniably erotically stunning, although I knew Derek couldn’t use the shots.

Still, he and Jen kept shooting, Michael spent his enormous load in magnificent fashion, and my wife came hard, her orgasm huge and noisy as she rode our friend’s throbbing cock in a room full of witnesses.




Written by Stormdog
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