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Glamour Shots, Chapter 22

"Dave and Alli enjoy each other, and he learns something about his wife."

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Impatient with my bumbling, she crossed to me and quickly finished unbuttoning my shirt. It was a little odd, because of her high heels, to be almost eye-to-eye with her as she pushed my shirt off my shoulders and then peeled my t-shirt over my head. I was very aware of her heat, and her scent, and the proximity of those gorgeous breasts and their extremely erect nipples as she began to tug at my belt.

It wasn’t entirely out of character for Allison to take the lead in our fun and games, but she seemed unusually aggressive tonight, and the tight jeans and high heels – with her extra height - seemed to give her a bit of a confident, almost domineering swagger. Whatever it was, I was enjoying the hell out of it, watching the expression on her beautiful face with her hair tumbling down around it, and her amazing tits with their tell-tale nipples.

She looked up into my face and caught me watching her. “Are you just going to stand there and make me do all the work?”

“I’m enjoying watching you.”

“Oh. Okay, smart guy. Take your pants off.”

I laughed. “Bit of a one-track mind, my dear?

“Well, if you don’t want to…”

“I don’t know where you got that idea!” I hurriedly finished stripping, pants, shorts, shoes and socks strewn on the floor, until I stood there wearing nothing but a wristwatch and a wedding band. “Better?”

She eyed me up and down, and then walked around me, as if appraising a side of beef. Actually, she stalked rather than walked, and I smiled, enjoying whatever this was that she was doing. “Much better. Nice bod’ on you, mister – and you’ve got a great cock!”

I looked down at the object of her admiration, which was standing quite proudly at attention. “Thanks! I built it from a kit I got at Radio Shack – an old dusty box they had on the shelf, so it’s the kind with transistors and vacuum tubes and all that kind of stuff, but it was marked down. They had the nice new high-tech ones, with microchips and nano-technology and such, but it struck me that this might be one of those rare situations where miniaturization is not really beneficial or desirable.”

She laughed. “Oh, good point – and I think you made an excellent selection!”

“Thanks. We’ll have to be a little careful with it though, because replacement parts will be tough to come by – especially with them filing for bankruptcy.”

She reached out and seized me by my convenient handle. “Oh, I’ll be careful! Bring it over here and let me fiddle with it for awhile, see what stations I can pick up…” She led me to the sofa and pushed me back onto it so that I was lying down with my head on the arm. She climbed on, straddling my legs and sitting back with just a little of her weight resting on my shins, just below my knees, her legs folded under her.

She began to fondle my cock and balls, lightly stroking, focusing on the underside of my ballsack and the head of my cock. Between the intense sensations created by her touch and the joy of watching her beautiful face – and her perfect tits – I was becoming extremely aroused. My cock was straining, as big and hard as it could possibly get. “Mmm, babe, that feels really good.”

“It’s supposed to. How about when I do this?” She wrapped her fingers around me, and with her thumb started making little circles in the underside of my cock, right on that little web of skin that stretches from the glans to the shaft. The frenulum? Whatever, a very sensitive spot!

I sucked in a breath as I felt her thumb graze across the tender flesh of the head of my cock right there, and then across the wet slit, where I was leaking copiously. “Ohh, fuck! Yes, that feels really good… intense! What are you trying to do to me?”

“What, this?” She did it again, and I gasped. “Oh, I’m just trying to see if I can pick up any foreign stations on this thing! All I’m getting is static.”

I laughed. “Just don’t tune in NPR, whatever you do; it’ll put us both to sleep.” I groaned. “Uunnnhh, fuck! You’re driving me insane here, you know that?”

She smiled seductively. “That was the plan. Are you going to come?”

“If you keep doing that, hell yes! No way could I stop it… umm, that’s sort of a warning.”

“Go ahead.”

I was surprised! “What, you don’t want in on this fun? I’ll be down for awhile after - you know that, right?”

She laughed. “No problem; we’ll think of something, I’m sure. I want to watch you come.”

The little circles that she was rubbing on that tender spot where the shaft and head of my cock met were torture, so much sensation on such a sensitive spot! It was almost too much, my body feeling right at the edge of an intense orgasm, but held right there, at that spot, not quite able to get that last little bit… on the edge, so fucking close! I shuddered, and it came through in my voice. “God! What brought this on? Why the tease, and the watching…?”

“My turn to tease and watch! I was being watched today, by Derek and the other guys… it made me horny. And then seeing those three gorgeous guys, in their bulgy little briefs…” She smiled as she dragged her fingernails up the backside of my balls. “So sexy. And now I want you to come for me… go ahead.”

Nobody wanted that more than me at that moment, but I was stuck on that edge, the sensations she was creating in me almost painfully intense. The sound I made was half frustrated laugh and half gasp. “Alli, I can’t! I’m right there, but… shit! What you’re doing is so fucking intense, but it just won’t pop!”

She giggled. “This is fun… why don’t you just think about me, barely dressed, my pussy all wet and hot from seeing those three gorgeous hunks with their beautiful junk so clearly outlined in their little boy panties…” She squeezed my scrotum with her other hand, stretching it down, my balls trapped tightly in the constricted lower bit of their sack.

That did it, the idea of her voyeuristic arousal and her hand squeezing my balls! I groaned and came, the first intense spasm shooting a long spurt of white up across my stomach and chest, part of it splattering onto my neck and the underside of my chin. She continued to rub that same sensitive spot on my cock, her fingers greasy with semen, laughing as she watched me pump several more spurts of creamy cum all over myself. Very quickly my belly and chest were coated in my own fluids.

I was gasping, my body wracked with muscle spasms as she continued to torture me even after my geyser had tapered off. “God, Alli, stop!”

She laughed. “I don’t think so!”

And she didn’t! My sweet, loving, innocent wife had, for some reason, decided that she was going to drive me insane with sensations that rode that razor’s edge between pain and pleasure; I was shuddering, sweating. Her slick, cum-coated fingers torturing my hyper-sensitive cock were too much, and I convulsed as if I was holding a live electrical wire. She just laughed again. “You seem a little twitchy tonight, my dear.”

I choked out a tortured laugh. “Alli, baby… for fuck’s sake, stop! I think I’m dying here!”

“But what a way to go, right?” She squeezed my aching balls with one hand while rubbing the head of my penis with the other.

I groaned. “Ohhh, fuck! God! She-devil!”

She giggled again. “If I stop, do you promise to eat my pussy?”

“Of course! Yes, anything, just please have mercy!”

“Two orgasms, minimum?” She was smiling broadly as I squirmed.

“At least… whatever you want!” My nerve endings were raw, my stomach muscles aching from being tensed so long.

Laughing, she finally released her grip on my slippery, tortured cock, which bobbed and twitched with uncontrollable spasms; she moved so that her jeans-clad crotch was over my face, one of her tall heels digging into my hip. “So tell me, have I soaked through my pants yet? Can you tell?”

She was almost too close to my face for me to focus, but I could see that she had indeed saturated her new jeans, a dark oval of her moisture bracketing the center seam. I laughed. “Horny slut! Yes, you’ve drenched them, juicy girl – they’re due for a trip to the laundry.” I nuzzled the dark wet spot with my nose as she wriggled against my face.

She pressed herself to my face. “Laundry? No, these bad boys are dry-clean only!”

I leaned away and looked up at her. “Really? Wow, the wonders of modern technology! Blue jeans you can’t wash… what’ll they think of next?”

She laughed as she gently slapped my face. “Smarty! It’s the rhinestones – plus, if they shrank even a tiny bit I’d never get into them again!”

I reached around and squeezed her tightly-clad ass. “Well, that part’s true. You look hotter than hell tonight, in case I haven’t mentioned it.”

“Mmm, nice – and thank you. But I think I prefer you as my pussy-eating boy-toy rather than my fashion critic.”

“I can’t do both?”

“Not at the same time.”

I laughed. “Valid point! Are you going to take off those hot, wet pants, or am I going to have to chew my way through them?”

She laughed as she climbed off of me. “Take them off, definitely! I kind of like ‘em, don’t you?”

“Very much… all the more since they were free.”

Kicking her heels off, she stuck her tongue out at me as she unbuttoned her jeans and began to wiggle out of them. This was starting to show some serious promise! I smiled at her. “Turn around.”


I made a small circular motion with my finger. “Turn around – this looks like an activity that would be best enjoyed from the flip-side.”

She laughed, but very agreeably turned her back to me, giving her ass a delightful little wiggle for my benefit. She started to work her way out of the tight jeans, a process which required considerably more ass-wiggling and shimmying as she slowly worked them down over her hips and then on down her thighs. It was more of an erotic dance performance than a simple removal of clothing, and I was thoroughly enjoying it!

As she gradually pushed them lower she bent at the waist rather than at the knees – intentionally, I had no doubt – which thrust her gorgeous, perfect bottom out and left her puffy little pink pussy peeping out at me from between those amazing thighs. Yeah, this was why I’d requested the reverse-angle view!

She was visibly aroused, her lips swollen and glistening with her sweet juices, and as she worked the jeans down her calves and to her ankles she held the pose, bent over, displaying her ready sex and lovely ass. She knows how much I enjoy that particular view, and I knew she was presenting me this extended view as a gift; I also knew that showing off her body, even to me, fed her little exhibitionist streak and turned up the dials on her own arousal.

My tired and flaccid cock tried valiantly to rise to the occasion, but it was simply too soon…especially considering the intensity of what I had just endured. Still, my heart was beating faster and I knew my breathing was becoming more shallow and rapid. She was unquestionably turning me on, as she knows she can so easily do, even if my usual number one physical manifestation of that fact was not currently putting in an appearance.

I whistled at her, a long, low wolf-whistle, and applauded appreciatively. “Now this is a show that’s worth the price of admission anytime! I’m sure it will get rave reviews from all the critics.”

She looked at me over her shoulder and gave me a coquettish little smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows. “You like?”

“I love! God, you’re gorgeous! So damn sexy.”

“Do I look tasty?”

I laughed. “Oh, hell yeah! Good enough to eat!”

I was rewarded with a brilliant smile and a quick spin as she stepped out of the crumpled mound of blue denim on the floor. She slid back into her tall, red heels, which added a provocative sway to her hips as she came back to me. Stopping alongside of where I lay on the sofa, she looked me up and down, taking in my complete nudity – and my shrunken and flaccid cock. “You don’t look very happy to see me.”

I laughed. “You know, while you are miraculously gorgeous and beautiful and sexy, that’s one miracle even you can’t manage; too soon, babe. Plus, you managed to wring every last bit of everything I had out of me; to quote Arnold, ‘I’ll be back’…just not quite this soon.”

She giggled. “Nothing like a good Schwarzenneger quote to set a sexy mood. I’m really horny, you know.”

“Yes, I can tell – but was that a non-sequitur, or a confirmation that Arnold does things for you?” I wrapped my arm around her thigh as I spoke, slowly sliding my hand up her leg, caressing the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh. I heard her sharp intake of breath as she parted her legs slightly, encouraging me to continue.

“Arnold, definitely; touch me.”

“I am.”


“Demanding wench!” I gently parted her lips with my fingers, the soft heat and wetness of her sending a thrill through me. Sliding my fingers back and forth in her slit, enjoying the feel of her tender folds, I felt a shudder run through her as her hips began to move, meeting my touch.

“God, Davey…that feels so good!”

“It’s supposed to. You are absolutely dripping wet… but then, you probably already knew that.”

She laughed softly. “Let’s say I had a hunch. Is that a problem?”

“No! Kinda makes my mouth water, actually.” I pushed two fingers into her, and the sound of her gasp came at the same instant that her hot pussy clamped down on me, squeezing my fingers. I smiled. “You like?”

“Ohhh, fuck!”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I began to finger-fuck her, sliding in and out of her tight heat as my thumb mashed her hard clit against her body. She moved with me, thrusting herself against my hand, taking my fingers in as far as they would reach. I felt her body spasm when I stroked the front wall of her pussy with my fingertips, and I knew I’d found the right spot. After that it didn’t take long for her to reach a climax, a sudden tensing and rigidity seizing her body as her orgasm took control of her, and I continued to work my fingers into her as she came, moaning and crying out.

As her orgasm slowly passed, she melted against me. “Good gawd, I needed that! Now I need about six more of those, please.”

I laughed. “Any reason we have to stop at six?”

She looked thoughtful. “No, I suppose not… unless your tongue is getting tired.”

“I think I can manage; my tongue is a finely-honed athlete, you know.” I slowly withdrew my hand from her pussy, my fingers dripping with her sweet honey. As I did, she seized my wrist and brought my sopping fingers up to my lips, then bent forward and trapped them between her lips and mine. Together we sucked and licked all of her glorious juices off my fingers, our tongues and lips finding each other often in the process. It was intensely arousing and romantic (to me, anyway!) and I felt my cock begin to swell as we shared her bounty.

My fingers clean, though still wet, she moved so that her breasts were at my lips, leaning over me. I sucked one hard rosy nipple into my mouth, sucking and nipping at it more roughly than I usually would, and felt her respond. When that one became too sensitive she moved so that I could give the same attention to her other breast, and after a brief time she shuddered and pulled away. “I really need you to put that talented tongue to work elsewhere.”

“Anyplace in particular?”

“Yes… slide off and sit on the floor.”


“You heard me; sit on the floor. I’ll take it from there.”

I did as instructed, sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, my back against it. She stepped in front of me and straddled me, bringing her pussy to my lips. The tall heels – her sole attire – allowed her to position herself perfectly over my face, her wet pussy at the perfect height for me to attend to it; it was almost as if she’d planned the whole thing ahead of time!

I nuzzled her, and then kissed her, the heady scent of her wet sex flooding my senses. I parted her lips with my tongue, feeling the slightly rough sensation of the soft, wet hairs that framed her sex, and when I burrowed into her and found her hard clit she moaned and thrust herself against me.

She was moving now, her hips performing a hypnotic back and forth motion as she slid her hot pussy against my lips. I held my head still, allowing her to set the rhythm as she fucked herself against my mouth. Although I held still, my tongue and lips stayed very busy licking and tugging at her tender sex. She tangled one hand in my hair and pulled me against her, needing that sensation of pressing her pussy to me, and she came. It wasn’t huge, but it was good, and I felt the shudders of it run through her.

When it ran its course and began to subside, she lifted one foot and put it up on the seat of the sofa; this served to press her pussy more tightly to me, but it also opened her, easing access and allowing me to bury my tongue inside of her. I did, thrusting into her as deeply as I could, and heard her gasp. I hummed against her as I lapped at her sweet pussy, creating gentle vibrations, and she cried out and came again.

“Oh, god, Davey! That feels so good!”

“Mmm-hmmm. Supposed to.”

“Don’t talk – lick! And hum.” She grabbed my head with both hands and held it against her, pinning my face against her pussy as she moved, hips pumping, demanding satisfaction. I aim to please, of course, so again I did as told and for all intents and purposes was mostly just present for her next orgasm. In reality it was a DIY project for her more than anything, her own hip action and thrusts against my mouth - which was pinned to her pussy - getting her off.

Whatever the arrangement, it worked for Allison, and she had a very nice, grinding, rolling orgasm, her sweet juices running into my mouth. That set me off, and I grabbed her ass with both hands and held her to my lips, devouring her. This allowed her to free up her own hands to play with her tits and pinch her nipples, which she eagerly did. I slid my right hand down and forward enough to push two fingers into her again, and she pressed back, taking them. She was so hot and wet, so slick and receptive, that my fingers went in easily, and I felt her tighten on them.

My tongue and teeth on her clit and my fingers thrusting into her soon slammed her into one of those powerful, intense orgasms – one of her “really good ones” - and she thrust against my invading fingers and tongue, crying out. I received another small gush of her slippery juices as she came, about half of which ran down my hand to my wrist while I swallowed the other half.

We rode the wave together until I felt her body go limp, at which point… I kept on doing what I’d been doing to make her come, just as she had with me!

I held her, lapping at her sex and jangling her raw nerve endings until she begged me to stop, and when I finally showed her the mercy she hadn’t shown me, she turned and collapsed onto the sofa behind me. She was moaning softly and breathing rapidly, and I leaned my head back onto the sofa in order to be able to look at her. “You okay?”

“Mmmm, god…yeah, extremely okay.” She took a deep breath and blew it out “Whew! That was great! I needed that.” She reached out and stroked my hair, and then my forehead and neck. It felt nice…just a touch, but it was a very intimate moment and her touch was special.

“You were… pretty horny.”

She laughed. “Understatement.”

“You were really, really wet; I think you even came… you know, like coming.”

“That’s kind of oblique; are you saying I squirted? I don’t do that. Never have, I don’t think.”

I shook my head. “No, not squirt; more like… just a little flood, I guess you’d say. Really wet. And slippery.”

“Really?” I nodded, and she went on. “Wow! I must have been extra-horny; was that a problem for you?”

“For me? No, I loved it! It was very arousing for me – in fact, if you’ll notice, you did sort of manage to do the impossible.” I was drawing her attention to the fact that I was about three-quarters erect again, despite the way she’d drained and abused me earlier. It was entirely due to the taste and feel of her on my lips, the rich, feminine scent of her in my nostrils, and the sheer beauty of her body, especially while in the throes of orgasm. She works that magic on me!

She raised her head enough to see what she’d caused, and laughed. “Very nice, stud boy! Why don’t you bring that thing up here and hold me for awhile; I’ll rub my butt on it, and we’ll see if we can complete the job.”

“You don’t have to make that offer twice!” I lifted myself up onto the sofa and slid in behind her, between her and the back of the sofa, and wrapped her up in my arms. She snuggled back in against me, spooning herself to my shape - and, true to her word, she did snuggle her ass against my cock and rub on me a bit, wiggling her hips. It worked wonders at keeping me on the path to full arousal!

I nuzzled my face into her hair, kissing her neck and nibbling at her ears just a bit. “Why were you so incredibly horny tonight?”

“Aren’t I usually?”

I laughed. “Thankfully, yes… but not quite like that! Something special get you going?”

She wriggled more tightly against me. “Mmmm, not one thing, so much. More like a little bit of everything.”

“Did that whole conversation with Michael and Marci contribute?”

“Not as much as playing with you. I do love to watch you come! If it’s not going to be inside of me, or in my mouth, then I want to see it shoot out.”

“Well, you got your wish, that’s for sure… but that didn’t really answer my question. Should we talk about the whole deal with Marci and Michael - what they suggested?”

She nestled her head more snugly against my shoulder. “Sure. You first.”

“That’s cheating! I already asked you if that whole scene was what was dampening your panties – you know, had you been wearing any.”

She laughed softly. “Yes, had I been wearing any – and yes, it did. Can we be honest without anyone getting upset?”

“By ‘anyone’, you mean me.” I was a little hurt; I felt like we could have an open conversation without either of us getting squirrely about it, but apparently she was less sure.

“No, I mean either of us. I don’t know what you might say about Marci – or about Michael, or even me for that matter - but I promise to listen and consider whatever you say.”

“Oh. Well, okay then; I think that it all sounds really exciting and fun, but the reality might be something less that we’d hope for – and that it could be disastrous. It really could; we’ll have to decide if it would be worth that risk.”

When she spoke, I could hear the hesitancy – and maybe disappointment - in her voice. “So you’ve already made up your mind against it.”

“Not… necessarily. Just trying to be realistic, is all. Is it something you really, truly want to try? Sex with Michael?”

She wriggled against me; I could sense her uncertainty in the way she moved, the way she spoke. “I don’t know… honestly, the thought of sex – actual sex – with him scares me a little bit; physically, yes, but also for us, how you’d deal with it.” She hesitated before continuing, as if not quite certain she should go on; she chose to go ahead. “I get very, very aroused at the idea of playing with him, though. He’s so very different, so big and strong, and… yeah, his cock is amazing. I think it would be fun and very arousing to play with, to touch and suck on, but having him in me…”

“Babe, it’s Michael; you know he’d be as gentle as a lamb.” It occurred to me even as the words were coming out of my mouth that it sounded like I was trying to talk her into it, to reassure her that it would all be good; what I was really doing, of course, was trying to ease her fears about something that was troubling her; even scaring her, maybe. It’s what husbands do – or I do, anyhow – even if my timing, in this instance, was suspect.

“Now you sound like you want to go ahead – or you want me to, at least!” She laughed. “You’re as confused as I am, aren’t you?”

I chuckled as I tightened my arms around her, squeezing her tight. “Yeah, I am. Fortunately we don’t have to make a decision tonight. Can I tell you something without you thinking I’m some kind of freak or pervert?”

“More than I already do, you mean?”

“Funny girl!” I found her breast, from which point I quickly tracked down her nipple, and I rolled it between my finger and thumb, earning a moan for my efforts. “Seriously, it’s kind of weird.”

“Again, not exactly a news flash.”

“Thanks a bunch! Okay, here goes; I’m not sure which turns me on more, the idea of me and Marci, or the idea of you and Michael.”

I thought she’d be shocked by my admission; she wasn’t. Instead, she treated it very matter-of-factly. “I know. I had my hand on your dick when we were talking about it at Chubby’s, remember? I felt how hard you were!” She laughed. “Okay, now here’s one from me, and I know what turns me on the most about it. I love the idea of playing with Michael’s cock, but what really makes me wet is the idea of you watching me play with Michael’s cock.”

I was not nearly as sanguine about her dirty little secret as she’d been about mine! I knew that she’d said that she liked the idea of me watching them, but I didn’t know it was that important to her! “Really? That turns your crank… I mean, you know, that’s your top thing?”

“Oh, god yes! The idea of you watching, getting all hot, your cock as hard as steel… sort of like it is right now…” She moved her ass, rubbing against me. Very distracting!

I continued to play with her boobs, my one available hand doing its best to give equal attention to each. Her nipples were hard, erect, aroused, and she seemed very appreciative of the attention I was providing to them… if her sounds and the movement of her hips were any indication.

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“I would definitely be turned on by that, I have to admit. But damn, it would be so agonizing to see you with someone else!”

“It would just be play, you know; just fun with friends. You’re my husband, and I love you, and at the end of the day – or night – you’re the one I’m going to be with. I can’t even imagine anything different!” She pulled my hand to her lips and kissed the back of it, and then turned it over and kissed my palm.

That did make me feel a lot better, her telling me that. She’s so beautiful, so sweet and sparkling and bright, that I’m always just slightly puzzled and in awe of the fact that she’s my wife. There’s always that slight sense that I’m going to wake up and discover it was all just a dream. “You’re the best, my love. And I feel the same; not only can I not imagine my life without you, I have no desire to try. It would be a very dark and depressing thing to think about.”

“Well, then it’s a good thing you don’t have to! You’re stuck with me, right to the bitter end.”

“Yeah, that whole ‘bitter end’ thing is kind of a depressing thought too; let’s shelve Michael and Marci for awhile and talk about something else, before we get maudlin.” I pulled her tightly to me and nuzzled her neck and her hair. “Tell me about your fashion shoot today; your buddy Derek was kind of an ass, huh?”

I was kind of selfishly eager to hear more about the troubles in paradise; I’m not proud of that fact, but if Alli’s bubble regarding the “perfect” Derek had been burst, I was more than willing to enjoy the news! It had kind of seemed to me as if she had built him up into a larger-than-life figure that could stand to be whittled down a peg.

She seemed to think about it for several seconds, remembering what her day had been like. “Yeah, he was kind of stressed today; trying to finish up, trying to get all the final shots he needed. The guys – mostly Zach and Ron – were screwing around, not paying attention. Oh, and Diana – you didn’t meet her – was arguing with everything he said! Really pissed him off!”

“I can imagine! It’s always a pain in the ass when the hired help stops doing their jobs and starts fucking around and running their mouths; look at Marci, for example.”

She laughed. “Marci does not do that to you! Not like Diana was doing; she was being a total bitch at times, quite frankly. I’m kind of glad she didn’t go out for drinks with us.”

“Yeah, some people are that way. So he was taking it out on all of you because a couple of them were being jackasses?” I was enjoying lying there with my beautiful wife in my arms, sharing our experiences of the day – almost as much as I was enjoying the fact that Derek had apparently tarnished his halo a bit!

She nestled back against me again, making sure she gave her butt a nice wiggle against my erection. “Not to me so much. He was nice to me.” She laughed softly. “In fact, he kind of embarrassed me by telling the others they should be more like me and quit being so unprofessional. They all started calling me ‘teacher’s pet’ and things like that – jokingly, of course.”

“Oh, that’s always embarrassing, to be held up as the example in class.”

She sighed. “It was, kind of; he told them that if they could all just learn to be obedient, like me, we could wrap this job up and go home.”

I thought about that for a moment, not really liking the sound of it. “He actually used that word – ‘obedient’? He said you had learned to be obedient?”

“Yes. Is there something wrong with that?”

“Well… I don’t know, hon’; it’s kind of a weird way to phrase it, don’t you think?”

“I didn’t, until now. He just meant that I was paying attention instead of goofing off or bitching, and that I was doing what he told us to do. That is what he’s paying me for, after all – and he’s a total pro, while I’m a total amateur, so I feel like I need to listen to him and obey his orders.”

“I guess, maybe. It just strikes me as a weird thing for him to say, that you’re ‘obedient’; hell you don’t even obey me!”

She laughed as she reached behind her, between us, and found my cock, to which she gave a firm squeeze. “That’s because I made sure our wedding vows said ‘Love, honor, and cherish’, and not ‘Love honor, and obey; I’ll be happy to cherish the stuffing out of you, but I won’t promise to obey you!”

It was my turn to laugh. “Well, god knows, my stuffing loves being cherished – but it would be nice to be obeyed every once in awhile!”

“As long as you’re careful to only order me to do things I planned to do anyway, I’ll be happy to obey you!”

I hugged her, and kissed her neck. “See? That’s what I mean; you’re agreeable – even cooperative, usually – but I’d never describe you as ‘obedient’. That’s just not you; you’ve always been a lady that knows her own mind and thinks for herself – one of the many things I admire about you, incidentally.”

She pulled my hand up to her lips again and kissed the backs of my fingers. “Thank you. Davey, I’m just trying to do the job he’s paying me for. I’m learning, while the others have all been doing this for years.”

“I guess I get that, babe. Less friction, and as you get better at it he won’t have to give you so many orders and stuff… if you should happen to continue doing this modeling stuff.”

“I hope I do – that he still wants me after this next shoot is done. It’s pretty easy money for the shelter, really.”

“Even if it means you have to be ‘obedient’?” I emphasized the word – his word. It still stuck in my craw that he thought of my wife as obedient to him.

She laughed softly. “Oh, stop it! It’s just easier to do what he says; it makes things run so much more smoothly. And, when I listen and do what he says, he’s always very kind to me; he praises me, and gives me compliments. It makes the whole thing nicer… more satisfying.”

“More satisfying? That’s a weird thing to say too.” My mind was caught up in the idea of her obeying him in exchange for a little verbal stroking, that she found it ‘satisfying’ to bow to his every command, if only to hear him praise her. Of course, while I was tangled up in these thoughts, I was not unaware of her hand on me, fondling me, or of her fine little ass moving against my groin.

Before responding to my comment, she moved enough to slide my hard cock between her legs, where the length of my shaft nestled snugly against her slick, wet groove; I could feel the heat of her on me, and her thighs and pussy formed a tight ‘V’ around my throbbing erection. She held me tightly against her sex with her fingers, pressing up on me as she continued to move her hips, slowly masturbating herself against my hardness.

“Davey, I don’t expect you to understand because you’re a natural leader; you’re a good boss, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. For me…” She paused, taking another moment to figure out what she wanted to say. “For me, it’s nice to just let go and do what I’m told; it’s nice for him to control things – to control me - so I don’t have to make any decisions. I make a million little decisions every day; for the shelter, mostly, but also for us, for our household. At the shelter, especially, it gets stressful to have everyone look to me for answers to all the problems. I wasn’t meant to be a boss; it’s stressful, sometimes.”

“I guess I can understand that; it’s not always easy to have everyone look to you for answers. Still, this whole concept of you being obedient to him, of him taking control of you, and that you find that somehow satisfying… it all has a little bit of a weird sexual vibe, don’t you think?”

“What!? No, it’s nothing like that! It’s just a job, something I get paid to do, and I want to do what he requires.” She paused, using her fingers on me to press my cock into her heat, pushing my cock upward and guiding me into her. We both gasped at the sensation of her tight, slick pussy opening to me, fitting snugly to my hard shaft as I slid deeply into her. “God! Ohh, my goodness you’re hard! Now that… that has a serious sexual vibe to it!”

“Mmm, yes, it does. God, babe, you feel so good inside… so hot, so soft!”

“Tight too, right?”

I laughed. “Of course, tight! But with my massively thick cock…”

It was her turn to giggle. “Yes… and it feels wonderful. I love the way you feel inside of me.”

“I love the way I feel inside of you too.” For the next several minutes we simply made love. Wait, strike that; there is nothing simple about making love to Allison; on the contrary, it is a uniquely profound experience each and every time, a coupling that expands my consciousness and seizes my heart and soul, a deep, all-encompassing experience that leaves me awestruck and humbled. Her sounds, the sight and scent of her, the feel of her body and the way she moves with me, fits me, matches me… loves me. I don’t know what I’ve done in my life to deserve such a woman, I know only that I love her with every fiber of my being.

We moved together, in sync, Alli bending forward slightly more to thrust her ass and pussy back for me, wanting every last millimeter of me inside of her. I slid my hand down her taut stomach, feeling her muscles flex and stretch as she moved against me. My fingers found her wet cleft, the hair slick and matted, and I gently parted her puffy lips, touching her hard, jutting love nubbin. She moaned, opening her legs, wordlessly demanding more.

I stroked it, touched her, made tiny circles on her hard clit, and she came. It was joyous and beautiful, her soft cries of ecstasy as her orgasm swept over her, and I felt her tight sheath grip me in waves and pulses, leaving me gasping, at the edge of the cliff, ready to tumble. Her hand covered mine, pressing me to her as I tormented her sensitive clit, and when her fingertips stroked my hard shaft where I entered her, when they tickled my balls, I joined her in a shattering climax.

I exploded into her, spurting long streams of semen deep in her pussy, one after another until I was pumped dry, wrung out, drained and gasping. She’d pushed herself back against me as I came, the tight muscle around her opening squeezing the very base of my cock in a firm grip, squeezing and milking me dry. I felt her body go limp in my arms as her own orgasm slowly receded, releasing its hold on her body, and we melted into each other, just holding, each savoring the other pressed against us.

I was tired, ready for sleep, and I could tell by the way that Alli’s body relaxed against me that she felt the same. As we whispered a few sweet nothings and told each other goodnight, I began to play with her sex, where my hand still rested, my softening cock still inside of her. I was lightly stroking, mostly enjoying the feel of her soft folds formed around the base of my penis where we were joined, the fact that we were still together as one very satisfying to me.

I swirled my finger in her soft, wet curls, enjoying the gently raspy texture of her pubes, tugging at them slightly, teasing. It was just a little absent-minded habit I had, touching and teasing her after a satisfying bout of lovemaking, and it was not unusual for me to stroke and fondle her pubic hair. Tonight, however, it brought an unexpected response. “Davey?”


“Oh, good; you’re still awake!”

I laughed softly as I nuzzled her neck. “Did you think I was petting your pussy in my sleep?”

“You do, sometimes. I wasn’t sure.”

“I do? Really? Well, fair enough, then – but no, this time I’m awake. Why?”

“Because I need to ask you something.”

“Okay.” Anytime she prefaces a question with a notice that she “needs to ask me something”, it’s probably something significant; otherwise, she just goes ahead and asks! “Go ahead, babe; I’m listening.”

“Well… would it bother you terribly if I shaved my pussy?”

My hand stilled, my fingers still enmeshed in her short, soft curls. “Why, babe? I mean, why bother? You’re not very hairy anyway, and you keep it trimmed so short; why go to the extra effort? When it starts to grow out it will probably feel like you have a porcupine in your pants.”

“Okay, this is going to sound strange, and I don’t want you to get all weird about it, but Derek says I have to.”

That brought me up on one elbow, so that I could look over shoulder and see her face; when I moved, my shrunken and flaccid penis slid out of her, earning a soft gasp from both of us at the sensation of loss. “Wait a second; Derek told you to shave your pussy? Where the hell does he get off telling you to do something like that? That’s insane.”

“It’s for the lingerie ads; he says we can’t take any chances on hairs showing around the edges of things, or of my bush showing through anything that’s sheer. I don’t mind, really… and we might decide that it’s fun, don’t you think?”

The truth was, the idea of her sweet pussy going all smooth and lickable was giving me a few little tingles even then, despite the fact that I had just come – twice – in the last hour or so. If it had been my idea I’m sure I would have found it more appealing; because it was his, I was not about to admit that I might like it. Plus, I’m very attached to her cute little furry muff! I wasn’t particularly eager to change it, even if the thought of those wet lips, all smooth and slick against my mouth or around my cock was making me quiver.

“I guess I can understand about the pictures – he shouldn’t have to spend any more time examining or modifying them than necessary – but I kind of like knowing that I’m fucking an actual adult woman, you know? Does that make sense?”

“Of course it does, but you’ll know it’s still me! It will grow back, should we decide we don’t like it.”

“No, I know. It just galls me that he would make that demand on you; it’s kind of personal, don’t you think?”

“I don’t mind.”

“No, because you enjoy being obedient whenever he tells you what to do.” It came out sounding bitter and accusatory, even to my ears; I suppose that’s because it was, although I’d certainly not said it to hurt her. My anger and jealousy were directed at him, not her; she just happened to be the one in the room, feeling the brunt of it.

She was silent for a long time, and although she didn’t move even the tiniest bit I could sense her pulling away from me. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft and filled with hurt. “Davey… please, can you not be that way? I’m enjoying doing this; it’s something new and exciting for me, and he keeps telling me how good I am at it, how sexy I look and how the camera loves me… lots of very nice things to hear. He thinks I’m good, and that makes me feel very... well, wonderful, really.”

“Of course you’re good! I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean for it to sound that way – but the fact is, if the camera didn’t love you it would be because he was incompetent, not because you’re not incredibly sexy and beautiful.”

“He’s anything but incompetent!”

“No, I know that; I’ve seen his work, remember? He’s very good.” I held her for a moment, silently, trying to put us back into our safe, warm, intimate little space that I had so rudely pushed her out of. “It’s just… put yourself in my shoes; another man just told my wife that she should shave her pussy. How should I feel? I have no idea how I should feel, I only know how I do feel.”

I paused, letting her think about that, and then continued. “And how I do feel is that he has a hell of a lot of nerve! Look, I understand that it’s about the lingerie shoot, and that it’s probably necessary and standard practice – but hell, it bothers me that he even knows what your bush looks like in the first place!”

“Davey, he only knows because of the pictures, the ones I had made for you…” She nestled back against me, burrowing deeper into my arms, and I felt some of the tension and hurt go out of her body.

“Alli, honey, I know he saw you naked then; I’d kind of come to grips with that, thinking of him as a pro…”

She cut me off. “He didn’t just see me naked, you know; he has pictures. He didn’t have to remember what I looked like, all he had to do was look at his pictures to know that I’m not smooth down there.”

“Was that supposed to make me feel better?”

She laughed. “Davey, it’s all right. Really. I just work for the man, and that work is much more pleasant if I do whatever it takes to make him happy. In the meantime, I’m making good money for my shelter, I’m enjoying myself – a lot! I feel good about it all, honey – and you’re getting laid more often and with more heat than we’ve had in awhile! Isn’t that a good thing?”

It pained me to admit that she was right; the thermostat on our sex life had definitely been dialed up considerably since she’d first posed for Derek Chambers! To whatever extent he was responsible, I should probably be sending him thank you notes and bottles of good liquor rather than resenting him and behaving jealously. “It just seems to me that maybe having one of the girls – what’s his assistant’s name? Jennifer? Maybe have her talk to you about it instead of him ordering you to do something so intimate. Don’t you think?”

“He sort of did, really. Davey, all he said to me was ‘Before we do the lingerie shoot, you’re going to want to do something about your pubic hair; talk to the other girls, find out what they do.’ He kept it very professional – he was probably embarrassed that he had to tell me something that I should have known!”

“Well, that doesn’t seem so bad, when you put it like that – but how could you have known? You’ve never done this before.” I thought about it for a moment, about how I would approach an employee – Marci, let’s say – regarding an intimate grooming issue. I laughed at the image! “Yeah, that was probably not the easiest for him. So what did the other girls have to say?”

“They all do it; just routine, I guess. They even showed me; Diana left just a tiny little landing strip, Kris was totally bare and smooth, and Amy had a tiny… either a heart or a triangle. I really didn’t get close enough to tell.” She laughed, and went on, “It was right up front, on her mound, but all totally smooth lower down.”

I was shaking my head, chuckling. “This is one weird business you’ve gotten into. I can’t imagine any other where people would show off something like that as a professional courtesy. Strip clubs, maybe?”

“They were just being helpful.”

“I’m sure! So you’re going to go ahead and follow his orders on this, I guess?”

“I think I need to, if he’s going to pay me for the lingerie shoot. If I don’t he’ll probably use someone else.”

I ran my fingers through her wet, slippery curls and then slid my middle finger between her puffy, cum-smeared lips and into her. She gasped and thrust her hips forward to meet my fingers, and I pushed deep. “If you’re going to shave off my favorite little topiary, do I get to watch?”

“Mmm, that feels so good… you have very talented hands. I hope you’re planning to make me come again.”

“That can be arranged; so, do I?”

“Get to watch? No.”

“I don’t get to watch? Why not?” I was actually a little disappointed; the thought of watching her shave herself – perhaps even helping her – was oddly exciting to me!

“Because… mmm, god! That feels wonderful! Because I’m going to have it done…” She gasped and thrust against my fingers, interrupting herself as she began to concentrate more on what I was doing to her and less on what she was saying. She blew out a long breath. “I’m going to get waxed, one of those Brazilian things.”

“Oh. You said shaved, so I assumed…” I let it trail off as I pulled my finger out of her, slick with our juices; I added a second finger and slowly reentered her, and she moaned softly. “Feel good?”

“Ohh, yes – it feels perfect!” She sighed happily, enjoying my explorations. “That was just an expression, shaving – a euphemism; they all had theirs done by waxing.”

“Where do you go for something like that?” I was genuinely curious; in my line of work I was familiar with virtually all of the commercial enterprises in town, and I couldn’t think of any that advertised pussy waxing on their store or pylon signs.

I continued to slowly and gently fuck her dripping pussy with my fingers, enjoying the tight, slick heat almost as much as I was enjoying her sounds and facial expressions. Before answering me she closed her eyes for a moment and focused on what I was doing to her, biting her lower lip as her mind carried her more deeply into whatever fantasy she was entertaining. I felt her tense up, and she groaned softly as a little mini-orgasm rippled through her. “Mmmm, god!” She took a couple deep breaths before she said, “Oh, boy; that was nice! Please sir, may I have another?”

I laughed. “Of course – but only if you’ll tell me where you go to get that Brazilian you mentioned.”

“The spa – the one that Sherry and I go to occasionally; ‘The Special Touch’. You know it.” She began to tweak and tease her own nipples, adding to the sensations that I was creating lower down, seeking another orgasm.

She was correct, I did know the spa; what I hadn’t known was that they offered that type of service. “I thought that was just a spa kind of place – you know, massages, facials, that kind of thing.”

“Ooohh, yes, right there!” I was toying with her clit with my thumb as I slid my fingertips against the front of her vagina, in and out just behind her pubic mound; it seemed to be a very popular approach. “Mmm…they do all kinds of stuff, Davey. Massages and all, yeah, but also hair, nails, spray tans – and waxing.”

“Huh! Learned something new. When are you doing this?” I continued to toy with her, pushing her ever closer to her orgasm. I could feel her muscles tighten as she clamped down on my fingers.

“Mmm, ohhh fuck! Davey, god! You’re going to make me come!”

“I know, that was the plan. Go ahead, come for me. I want to watch you come… go on babe, do it. Do it!” As I demanded that she come I sped up the movement of my hand, fast and hard, almost brutal as I fucked her with my fingers, watching and listening to her response so that I would know when to really slam into her and drive her over the top.

When it hit it was like a freight train, big and powerful, and she screamed out my name and grabbed my arm, holding me to her as she ground herself into my palm, onto my fingers. “Ohhh, FUCK! God, Davey, ohh yes, fuck me… god!! Ohh, my god!”

I rode it with her, pressing my hand into her, holding her against my body and wringing every last bit of that climax out of her. It was huge, and strong, and it rocked her world, and I loved it! She was awesomely gorgeous in the throes of that orgasm, her entire focus turned inward, her muscles tense and defined, and her face expressing the kind of intense joy that only something like that can bring.

After, as her crest passed, she went totally limp in my arms. I held her, gladly, wondering if she had passed out or simply fallen asleep. As her breathing returned to normal I slowly slid my cum-slickened hand out from between her legs, earning a low moan of protest. “Does that mean you’re awake?”

“Mmm-hmm, barely. God, that was amazing! Thank you.”

I laughed softly. “You don’t have to thank me, babe; I think I enjoyed that as much as you did.”


“Well, almost as much then. I do love seeing and hearing you come – you know that, right?”

“I think you’ve mentioned it before, yes.”

“I’m sure. So, anyhow, back to you getting your little furry spot denuded; when are you going to do that?”

“I don’t know yet… as soon as Jonathan can fit me in, I guess.”

I was shocked! “Jonathan? It’s a guy? A guy does the pussy waxing there? I don’t like the sound of that at all!”

“Oh come on! He’s a total pro, he’s been doing it for years! All the girls use him.”

I shook my head as I leaned forward to look at her. “No way. No fucking way is some pervert going to be rubbing his hands all over your pussy while he’s yanking the hair out! I’ll do it myself if I have to, before I’ll let that happen.”

She gave me her sweetest smile. “Aww - you’d do that for me? I’m touched.”

“Alli, this doesn’t make any sense; isn’t there someplace else you could go? I mean, I just don’t like…

She cut me off mid-objection, giggling “Sshhh, honey; are you familiar with the word ‘punked’? You’ve just been punked, my dear; there are no men working at the spa. I was just kidding.”

“Really?” She nodded, still giggling. I shook my head and just looked at her for a moment, and then I laughed too. “Damn! You know, you’ve got a real mean streak, pulling something like that on the stud that just set your world on fire! And all along I’ve been thinking you’re my sweet, loving, innocent wife, but really you’re just a cruel bitch in sheep’s clothing.”

She giggled again. “That’s because I know you have a thing for sheep.”

“You’re about to get that perfect little ass of yours spanked again.” I squeezed her more tightly, glad that our tense moments of earlier had not ruined our night.

“Hmm, no; that always leads to other things, and I’m too worn out for that right now. So when I get this Brazilian wax done – and yes, I’m dreading it – what would you like me to do?” She wriggled into my hug, her body nested perfectly in the curve of mine.

“Do? Like what to leave or not, you mean?”

“Yeah. Should I go totally smooth, or leave a little something for you to play with?”

“Jeez, I don’t know. It’s not something I’ve ever given a lot of thought to, never suspecting you’d work for a boss that would require it.” Sometimes I should probably know better than to try to joke about things; it fell flat.


“Kidding, babe. That was my lame attempt at humor to try to show you that I’m open-minded and accepting and all that other crap good little husbands are supposed to be. Really, I do understand the reasons, even if I’m not too keen on the way it was presented.” I kissed her neck and nuzzled her, and she turned so that we could exchange a kiss…with a bit of tongue thrown in for good measure. “So anyway, back to your new hair style…”

She giggled. “That’s a weird way to say it!”

“Everything about this is kind of surreal, truth be told. Why don’t you just surprise me?”

“Really? You don’t care?”

“Of course I care, but it is your own personal genitalia we’re talking about here, so it should be your decision. Nobody will ever see it except you and me. And Derek… and anyone else that’s in the room when he’s shooting. Dang, I’m never going to get used to this, am I?”

She laughed softly. “I hope not! I hope it doesn’t go on that long.”

“Me too. Bed time?”

“Yes. I’m exhausted, thanks to you.” We started to separate and sit up, preparing to head for bed.

“Here, climb on, I’ll carry you upstairs.” She giggled, but climbed on my back as I sat on the edge of the sofa, and I carried her up to our bedroom, piggy-back style, leaving our clothes strewn about the living room. We did all the obligatory bed-prep things like brushing teeth and all without speaking much, and crawled into bed. We were awake long enough after that to kiss each other goodnight, but that was about all. We both slept the sleep of the dead, utterly exhausted.

I’d been worried that I might lay awake, stewing about Derek again, but I didn’t. Maybe I should have.

Written by Stormdog
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