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Glamour Shots, Chapter 20

"Dave pampers his beautiful woman"

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She took another sip of her wine before I took it from her and set both glasses down, and then I slowly peeled her t-shirt over her head as she raised her arms obligingly, leaving her naked from the waist up. Her breasts were gorgeous, so very perfect, with her rose nipples erect and pointed just slightly upward, sexy and adorable.

I tossed the soiled shirt on the floor near the laundry hamper and knelt to untie her once-white athletic shoes, pulling each one and each sock off as she braced a hand on my shoulder. She was left in just her torn and revealing jeans, patches of her soft skin showing through the many holes and the worn fabric molded tightly to her legs and ass, and through her crotch.

I stepped back and looked at her. “God, you look so sexy!”

She laughed. “Only you would think so! I feel dirty and smelly and sweaty.”

She was wrong; any guy would have thought so, and counted his blessings to be so near her. “We can fix that – let’s get you out of those pants.”

“That seems to be a recurring theme with you.”

“It’s always a worthy goal.” I knelt again and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, and then carefully tugged them down, trying not to rip them any more than they already were; I loved the way she looked in them, and didn’t want to give her any more reason to throw them away. Again she braced herself on my shoulder as she stepped out of her pants.

She was left in nothing but a small pair of bikini panties, red satin, and she looked magnificent. She looked around the room again. “What smells so good?”

“Probably the candles. You like it?” I was stroking her legs as we talked, letting my fingers gently explore her.

“Oh yes! Very sexy, very…seductive.”

I smiled. “Good, I’m glad; it’s called ‘Making Her Wet’, a new scent.”

She laughed. “It works!”

“Good to know, I was hoping it would.” I sat back on my heels and just admired her, taut and sleek in her little red panties. She looked so beautiful it made my chest ache. “My god, you’re just magnificent!”

“Oh, David! I’m dirty and smelly and just don’t feel real attractive right now! Can I at least get cleaned up a little first?”

I smiled at her. “Of course – but you’re still magnificent.”

She returned my smile. “Thank you. Are you going to help me with my panties too?”

“You know I am. Come here.” I straightened, remaining on my knees but otherwise upright, and when she came to me I gently turned her around so that her back was to me. I slid my hands around her, and up just a bit until I was cupping her breasts, her nipples rigid against my fingertips, and leaned forward, into her. This put my face at about the middle of her back, just below her shoulder blades, so that’s where I started kissing her.

I trailed soft little butterfly kisses across her back, and then slowly down her spine. Slowly and reluctantly, I released her breasts and slid my hands lower, running my fingers down her ribs as I did so, and I felt her shiver with budding arousal. She smelled of Alli, of all of her wonderful scents: that soft, female muskiness, a little sweat, her feminine pheromones, flowers…always. My own arousal was budding quite nicely as well.

I continued to shower small kisses on her back, lower and lower, until I got to the top of her panties. Then I hooked my fingers in the sides and began to slowly – ever so slowly – work them down over her hips, kissing each new centimeter of her soft skin as I revealed it. I turned removing her panties into a game, a process rather than an action, ever so slowly stripping her naked, removing her last small garment. I lingered at her firm, perfect little bottom, kissing it carefully, lovingly, trying to cover both luscious cheeks with tiny kisses as I held her panties at her thighs.

I slowly worked her panties down her legs, aware of and enjoying the sweet muskiness of her proximate sex, and when she stepped out of them I held them for a moment, feeling her moist warmth, before dropping them aside. I’d held her legs, so that she wouldn’t move, and now I ran my hands slowly and gently back up those long limbs, stroking her until my fingers found her soft, springy curls. When I parted her soft lips and felt her heat and moisture she moaned softly, deep in her throat.

“Mmmm, Davey, god! Please stop and let me shower first, before it’s too late.”

I laughed softly as I rose to my feet, keeping my hand cupped over her sex, one finger between her puffy labia. “I suppose I could, if you insist.”

To my ears my voice sounded slightly hoarse, strained, and I knew it was because of my own arousal. I’d set this up to turn her on, but, as always, she was turning me on at least as much.

I reached out for her hand. “May I accompany milady to the bath?”

She laughed softly. “You may – you’re a little overdressed…or I’m a lot underdressed. Why do you still have your suit and tie on?”

“I wanted to look nice for you.”

“You do; very nice.”

“I think we both look incredible.” I handed her wine glass to her. “Here, you’re going to want this.”

“I can’t very well drink it in the shower!” She took another swallow, savoring the flavor; I knew it was one of her favorites.

“You can set it on the sink, so you have it when you get out. I’ll bring the bottle, in case we need refills.”

I snagged the bottle and opened the bathroom door for her, allowing her to see the soft candlelight, the luxurious, rich bubbles filling the tub, the thick towels laid out and ready. I was there when the relaxing, sensual scent of the vanilla candles and bath bubbles hit her senses.

She walked in slowly, and then looked at me in wonder. “Davey? This is all for me? I don’t understand, is it something I’ve forgotten, some date…?”

I shook my head, setting the bottle and my glass on the vanity before putting my hands on her shoulders. “No, sweetheart, you haven’t forgotten anything, and yes, it’s all for you.” I shrugged. “Sometimes it’s just because, you know…just because someone loves you so very much, in this case.”

“It’s…it’s amazing! You’re amazing! It smells so good in here, and it’s so romantic, and those bubbles…” She shook her head, and then gave me a look that made every dime, every moment of nervousness, and every bit of effort worthwhile; I knew I’d knocked it out of the park! She kissed me then, long and deep and with considerable heat, her lean, naked body in my arms, and then looked longingly at the tub. “I almost hate to climb in there, feeling as grungy as I do!”

I laughed and opened the shower door and reached in to turn on the water, setting the temperature where we usually set it. “Here, do this first: let the shower do a little erosion work, maybe strip off some of the crust.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say!” She was laughing. “My crust! Am I crusty?”

My turn to laugh. “Never! You’re the one that kept worrying about how grungy you were, not me, if you’ll recall.”

“Fair enough – and that is a good idea, actually.” She stepped into the shower, but before she pulled the door closed behind her she said, “Are you going to get undressed?”

“Soon. Pretty soon – just get busy eroding, okay?” I wanted very much to watch her slip into the thick bubbles of the bath. For now, though, I watched her shower, which was also pretty great. She let the water run over her back for a moment, just getting wet, and then turned and faced directly into the fine spray, letting it hit her face, neck, and upper chest for several seconds before she began to run her hands over herself. First her face and neck, then her chest, and, as she stepped back just a bit and allowed the spray strike lower, her breasts.

There was nothing overtly sexual about it; it was only a beautiful woman washing herself with a spray of warm water. I imagined her hands as my own, running over that body with which I was so intimately familiar…okay, maybe it was a little bit sexual. Next she turned around and leaned back into the spray, tilting her head way back so that her hair could hang down and allowing the water to sluice down over her head and drain in streams from the suspended locks of her dark hair.

Her hair got darker as it became saturated, and she shook her head and ran her fingers down through the long strands to loosen it and let it rinse. In this pose her back was deeply arched as she leaned back, arms up above her head rinsing her hair, her taut stomach thrust forward and her breasts forward and upward, water coursing off the sides of those perfect mounds. She didn’t intend it to be a sexy pose – she was just rinsing her hair – but oh my god!

She was wet and glistening, sleek and lovely, a nymph, a siren, a glorious mermaid. I stepped close to the shower door. “Allison…honey, you’re a goddess!”

She rubbed the water from her eyes and looked at me through the water-speckled and slightly foggy glass, a beautiful smile on her face. “Thank you, but you’re biased.”

“Yes, of course – but that doesn’t change the fact.” She simply was a goddess; to me, of course, but I wasn't so biased that I was seeing anything that another person would not. Allison, nude, wet, arching her back and moving as she was, water sluicing across her body…goddess; anyone would see it instantly! I could only shake my head and enjoy it.

It was obvious that she was most concerned about the smells trapped in her thick hair, and she rinsed it thoroughly. The water would easily rinse away any minor sweat or dirt from her skin, but she knew that her hair could easily trap and hold odors. Having spent most of the day in the kennels, it was probably a solid precaution.

“I have shampoo for you – something new, but highly recommended. We’ll do it in the tub, okay?”

“Wow! Sure, just let me get this rinsed a bit. Take off your clothes.”

I smiled. “Soon.” I did strip off my jacket – it was getting warm in there – and I unbuttoned my sleeves and rolled them up.

She shut off the shower and stepped out, glistening and dripping, her flawless skin slick and glowing.

I took her hand and led her to the tub. “Milady’s bath awaits.”

She smiled and kissed me, her chin and hair dripping water on my shirt. “The gentleman is too kind – and too clothed.”

I laughed. “All in good time, my dear, all in good time.”

She stepped into the tub, holding my hand for balance, and sighed as she lowered herself into the water beneath the layer of suds. I was very pleased with the bubble bath, the bubbles tiny and the layer thick and rich like a light whipped cream or meringue rather than big, thin bubbles that would dissipate quickly. It had a very luxurious feel to it, and I mentally thanked the lovely Ashley for the recommendation. Plus, it smelled terrific!

Alli groaned softly as she sank back into it, bubbles up to her chin. The only down side was that the same bubbles hid her lovely breasts. “Oh my goodness! A girl could definitely get used to this kind of pampering!”

“A girl should. Water temperature okay?”

“Perfect! You know me so well. This is lovely, David, it smells so wonderful and everything looks so nice, so romantic. I’m really touched that you did all this.”

I bent and kissed her, our tongues sampling each other. “Ah, my dear, I’ve barely begun to touch you.”

She giggled. “This just keeps getting better and better!”

I held her wine glass to her lips, allowing her to take a swallow, and then set it aside and began to gently wash her. The body-wash I’d bought turned out to be very nice, providing a rich lather, thick and luxurious, its slightly different vanilla scent intoxicating. I alternated between using just my hands and using a soft, white washcloth I’d put out for the purpose. She oohed and aahed at the sensation of my loving touch, the warm water and rich lather making her body glow and her skin slippery, soft and smooth.

I started with her neck and back; I’d considered starting with her hair, working from the top down as you would when washing a car, for example, but dismissed the idea. First, I wanted to touch her, but more importantly I knew I’d be rinsing her hair with clean tap water anyway, so it was not a concern. I’d shampooed her hair for her a number of times in the shower, but this would be a first for the bath, so I was sort of feeling my way along.

As I washed and caressed her I could feel her body relax, her muscles going limp and soft under what was part-washing, part-massaging, and all-touching. I worked my way slowly downward, unquestionably spending considerably more time on her lovely breasts than their degree of cleanliness demanded. That was for me, of course, but my sense of selfishness was soothed by the soft sounds she made – and the way her nipples hardened as I touched them.

I continued to lovingly wash and caress every inch of her amazing body, touching, teasing, and trying to excite while still pretending to focus on bathing her. Each impossibly long, graceful leg received my loving attention, and I slowly, gradually, worked my way to her center, to that special, secret little spot, and when my fingers gently spread her I found her slick and molten, aroused and ready.

I groaned, my own arousal rampant. “Mmmm, god! You’re so wet!”

“Of course I am, silly! I’m sitting in a tub full of water.”

“Not…” I stopped and looked at her sideways. “Not what I meant, and you know it. You’re that very special kind of wet, the kind that says ‘fuck me now’.”

She smiled. “Keeps me from having to say it out loud, huh?”

“Yes.” I stroked and touched her, sliding a finger into her and enjoying the moan that elicited.

It really is a different kind of wet, that incredible thing that women do. The word ‘wet’ is really inadequate, unless it’s an acronym for ‘wonderfully erotic and tantalizing’, or possibly for ‘wildly enticing and tasty’, the molten slick of their arousal a sensation designed to be utterly irresistible to a man, the feel of her making my cock throb. It’s something so far beyond ‘wet’ that it’s almost a shame to use that tiny, insignificant word for it!

I softly stroked her delicate petals, moving from her soft and swollen lips to her opening, to the hard button of her clit. I watched her face as she closed her eyes and laid her head back, totally involved in the sensations I was creating in her body. I watched as she gently bit her lip, focusing on her sex, as the small winces displayed the intense pleasure which shot through her like electrical sparks, as she frowned in concentration and her lips parted, nearing orgasm, her breathing becoming fast and ragged, and when she suddenly seized my forearm with both hands, just above the surface of the water and held on tightly, I knew she was about to tumble over that cliff.

I slid my middle finger into her, seeking that elusive spot, and used my thumb to press and rotate on her clit, and she leaped off the cliff, tumbling head over heels into a beautiful orgasm, her face stunningly beautiful as I watched her come. Her fingers dug into my arm, holding on for dear life, and she cried out my name…my name! “Ohhh, god! Oh, Davey, my god, uunnnhhh, fuck, mmm god, fuck!”

It was deep and intense, and just the beginning of what I had planned for her, but I’m not sure which of us enjoyed it more. I stayed with her, touching, stroking, extending her pleasure as long as I could and helping her ride gently down the back slope of her orgasm, her pussy gripping my finger, squeezing as if trying to suck it farther into her body.

When she finally completed her tumble through ecstasy I slowly slid my finger out of her slick grasp, getting another soft moan for my effort, and just gently cupped her sex, holding her pussy protectively beneath my hand. “You enjoyed that.”

She opened her eyes and looked at me, the swirling smokiness of her arousal apparent in their depths. “Oh my god, yes! Incredible…you’re so good to me.”

“Because I love you.”

That earned me a soft, beautiful smile and a small tilt of her head which said “Me too” as plainly as words could have. Her eyes welled, but then she laughed.

“What’s funny?”

She nodded toward my arm. “Your sleeve is soaked.”

She was right; I’d rolled them up, but only to my elbows, and on the arm which had been pleasuring her the entire roll and a couple of inches above it were thoroughly wet. Clearly I’d been so involved in her pleasure that I’d dunked my arm without even thinking about it.

“So what? It’s going in the laundry anyway.”

“How about your tie?” She giggled.

I looked; my damn tie was dangling into her bath, the lower seven or eight inches of it completely saturated! I hadn’t even noticed that it had fallen forward over the edge of the tub. “Well, it’s supposed to be dry clean only, but screw it! It’s worth it, even if it is ruined.”

“I gave you that tie!”

“Yes, and I love it, but it sacrificed itself for your pleasure…how appropriate is that?” She smiled and I said, “Sit forward a bit and I’ll shampoo your hair.”



“No, get undressed and get in here with me, and then you can do my hair – and then I’ll wash you.”

“Oh! Well, that sounds pretty wonderful to me...not what I’d planned, but I’m nothing if not flexible!”

I began to strip off my clothes, starting with the soggy tie, which I hung over the towel bar in the hope that it might dry without too much damage. Alli was watching me, so I made a game of it, pretending to do a little strip tease, a little bump and grind, and earning a smile and a few giggles in return.

When I’d worked my way down to my boxers I turned my back to her and slowly shucked them down my legs, wiggling my butt and giving her a glimpse of the dangly bits…although the one bit was not dangling at that point! I twirled my boxers on my finger before flinging them across the room, and then grabbed the other washcloth and draped it over my erection before turning back around.

I made a big deal of the slow, teasing reveal of my cock, and when I finally jerked the curtain away and showed all, I got a good laugh and a round of applause from my audience. I did a bit of a twirl and then a back and forth shake of my hips, causing my erect cock to slap from hip to hip, smacking against my abdomen with a fleshy, meaty sound.

We were both laughing, having fun, but her laughter ceased as I stepped into the tub; she stopped me, and had me sit on the edge of the tub so that she could take my erect cock into her warm, wet mouth. The laughter stopped, yes, but was replaced by soft moans of arousal and appreciation. She sucked me lovingly, making my cock throb, fondling my balls as she did so. My wife gives great head, and god it felt good!

I let her go at it for a minute or two, but it felt so good – too good – and I began to feel the tension of a building orgasm. “Babe, that’s incredible, but if you don’t stop soon you’re going to get a mouthful.”

She smiled up at me, pulling away with a lick at my tiny slit. “It wouldn’t be the first time!”

“No, but it would be the first time today – and I don’t want it to be the last.”

“It wouldn’t be; you’re way too much of a stud for that.”

“Mmm, you make a valid point. Nonetheless, let’s hold off and do our bathing while the water is still hot, okay?”

She laughed as she gave my balls an affectionate parting squeeze. “Okay, have it your way! The anticipation will just make it better.” She licked her lips. “You’re very tasty though, you and Sir Leaksalot; thanks for the appetizer.”

“Our pleasure – really! Now scoot up, and I’ll hunker down behind you.”

She giggled. “Hunker?”

“That’s what hunks do, right – hunker?” I sat behind her, my legs around her. Her fine little ass and lower back pressed to my groin, my erection tracing her lower vertebrae. I put my arms around her and pulled her back against me, cupping and squeezing her very clean breasts.

She groaned in appreciation and leaned back into me, crushing my cock between us…which actually felt very good! “You could just keep doing that all evening.”

“The water would get cold.”

“True…too bad. You’re really going to shampoo my hair?”

“You bet!” I took up a thirty-two ounce plastic Big Gulp cup I’d put there for the purpose and began to re-soak her already wet hair. The cup was the only jarring note in an otherwise romantic bath, but it served a purpose, and I simply hadn’t been able to find anything better to use. A kettle or a glass pitcher had seemed even more inappropriate - and more breakable, in the case of the pitcher. It would have to do.

Once her hair was wet I poured a generous puddle of the thick, velvety, ivory-colored vanilla shampoo into my palm and began to slowly massage it into her hair and scalp. It lathered beautifully, thick and rich, and I could feel Allison turning to jelly as my massage of her hair and scalp relaxed her. She sighed and leaned back against me, letting me simply pamper her for a few moments. My cock, trapped between us, remained rigidly upright the entire time.

When it came time to rinse, I set the tap to the right temperature and began to gently pour tumblers of water over her head and hair, gradually rinsing out the shampoo; it took some doing, a number of glasses of clear water as she ran her hands through her hair to get it thoroughly rinsed. A little teamwork and we had her all set in no time!

We then turned and shuffled position a bit and she began to give me the same body-wash and massage treatment. That had not really been a part of my plan – I’d intended to strictly pay homage to her with a nice, sexy bath – but in reality it worked out extremely well. In much the same way that I had lingered in giving her breasts and her sweet pussy a bit of extra attention, she did the same to my cock and balls until she had me twitching and throbbing. Her touch – not just there, but everywhere on my body - felt incredibly good.

After a head-dunking to wet my hair she did the shampoo and rinse sequence on me, much easier with my short hair. Then we simply relaxed, holding each other, touching, exploring, and talking in soft, sweet nothings as lovers do. She thanked me again for the pressure washer, apparently deeply moved by that simple gesture that really couldn't be thought of as being particularly romantic, and for the surprise of our special bed and bath, which most assuredly was. It was incredible to see and hear her so happy, even if I had to acknowledge that Charlie was right; most of what I had done was for me and my guilty conscience. Still…

We finished the bottle of wine quite easily between the two of us, and when the water eventually began to cool noticeably we reluctantly gave up the bath. I gave myself a quick towel-dry as she gently toweled and then wrapped her long hair, turban-style, and then I dried that same lovely body I’d earlier washed, being sure to thoroughly rub the softly nubby texture of the towel over her sensitive nipples.

She moaned appreciatively. “Mmm, that feels just wickedly wonderful. If you’re not careful I’m going to be gushing my appreciation down those legs you just washed so carefully!”

“Go ahead – I’ll lick you clean again.”

I felt her shudder. “God! Everything you say and do just makes me wetter!”

“That’s ‘cause you’re such a horny girl.”

“I really am – and it’s all your fault.”

“I’m okay with that! You can thank me later.”

“I’ll thank you after I have one of those orgasms, pass out, and wake up again, and not a minute before.”

“It’s a deal!”

I lightly kissed and nuzzling her neck, breathing soft and warm into her ear and on her bare skin, and I felt another shudder course through her. I kissed my way down to her shoulder, and then to her collarbone, and then to her breast before suddenly sucking her hard, rosy nipple into my mouth, gently holding it between my front teeth as my tongue tickled it, and I heard her gasp of arousal.

“Here.” I gently turned her so that she was facing the sink and the mirror above it, and had her bend forward slightly, bracing her hands on the edge of the vanity. I used my foot to push her feet apart, spreading her legs, and began to run my fingertips lightly up her sensitive inner thighs, her shudders of intense arousal now so close together she was almost shivering.

“David…god, you’re going to make me come without even touching me where I really need you to!” She was braced on only one hand now, the other busy at her own nipples, taking turns teasing first one and then the other, pinching and tugging at them as I watched her in the mirror.

Deciding to test her theory, I moved my stroking from the insides of her thighs to the underside curve of her fine, fine ass, tracing the curve where cheek met thigh on first one side, and then the other.

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I moved from there to the cleft of her ass, skipping over her little rosebud and sliding my fingers up and down that beautiful valley. On the down stroke I did tickle her little pucker, pushing my pinky finger against it, and she shuddered and came, her knees bending slightly as she pushed backward, trying to get my finger inside of her.

I let it press, but not quite enter, and she whimpered and spasmed through her orgasm, cursing me! “Fuck, David…oh, fuck you, just do it!!”

I did then, entering not her ass, but sliding forward and pushing two fingers deeply into her sopping, dripping pussy, her juices covering my fingers and running down the back of my hand. She was as wet and aroused as I had ever seen her – maybe more than I’d ever seen her – and her arousal was setting off such sensations in me that I was afraid for a moment that I was about to start squirting like a fire hose!

The soft, hot, slippery fleshiness of her pussy almost did me in, the hyper-aroused female nature of it all so sensual that bottle rockets were going off low in my belly, and my sex was throbbing and tingling in a very familiar way. My cock was pressed firmly against her hip, my hand at her sex coming in from behind her while my other hand was on the ridges of muscle in her firm tummy, holding her body back against my probing, stroking fingers.

I heard a low animal growl in my throat as I fingered her pussy. When I used two fingers to firmly massage her clit and the ‘V’ where her pussy lips came together around it, she gasped and shuddered into another orgasm, just moments after her last one!

Her knees almost buckled, and she cried out, “No more! Not standing up, I can’t…I just can’t! Take me to bed now sweetie, please?”

Her request sort of took me out of my zone, bringing me back to reality, back from the urge to just continue to drive her to orgasms, one after another until she begged me to stop. I remembered the massage oil, and what I had planned for the bedroom portion of the evening. I’d damn near blown that whole part of the plan; I’d gotten so involved playing with her body in the bath! 

I grabbed my towel and took it with us, spreading it on her side of the bed and got her to lay down on it, face down. She looked at me quizzically, but complied without any questions. I softly stroked her skin for a few moments, enjoying the smooth, buttery softness the bath products had created. I bent close to her ear, feathering kisses on her shoulder and neck and she sighed contentedly.

Close to her ear, I whispered, “How would you like a massage?”

She moaned softly, a sound of anticipation. “Oh, god yes! This just keeps getting better and better; is this heaven?”

“Must be, because you’re an angel.”

“I don’t think they allow that kind of cornball stuff in heaven.”

I laughed. “I thought you said you wanted a massage.”

She giggled. “Sorry; what I meant to say was ‘you’re so sweet, saying such lovely things about me! What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful man?”

“That’s more like it! Now lay flat, turn your head to the side, arms down along your sides…” I spent a few moments getting her arranged, kneeling on the bed alongside of her prone form with my erection jutting up from my crotch. Once I got her situated satisfactorily I reached for the bottle of massage oil I’d left on the nightstand.

I poured a small amount of the oil in my palm, warming it slightly with my hand, although it didn’t really feel cold. I started at her shoulders, slowly rubbing the oil into her skin, but also kneading and massaging the muscles beneath, muscles which were already very limp and relaxed from her bath and her recent orgasms.

Almost immediately she commented on the scent. “Oh my goodness! That smells wonderful – what is that?”

“Something I had made just for you, a very unique scent that’s supposed to drive you wild with lust.”

“Pretty sure it’s working…but at this point, that was more of a putt than a drive.”

I smiled. “You like it?”

“Oh my, yes! Very sexy, very…sensual. It really does put sexy thoughts in my head. And elsewhere, if you know what I mean.”

“No, that was too subtle for me; can you explain that, please?”

She softly slapped my leg. “Don’t be a smart ass! It makes me think the only thing missing in my life right now is your huge cock, deep inside of my pussy. Is that a little more clear?”

“Yeah, that pretty much removes the ‘subtle’ factor. Uh-huh, yup, it sure does!” I laughed at her blunt words, a type of coarse sexual vulgarity she rarely used. I chalked it up to the scent of the exotic oils; maybe there really was something to Ashley’s confidence in their power! “You’re just going to have to hold that thought, my love, because I have a whole lot of gorgeous wife left to massage!”

“I’m pretty sure I can do that – especially as long as I’m enjoying you touching me and the scent of this stuff. It’s really nice! What is it?”

I told her what Ashley had told me, pretty much, also having to spell out ylang ylang - since it’s pronounced as if you’re saying ‘ee-lahng’ twice – and explaining what it was. She liked that, although she’d never heard of it, and also liked that Ashley had embarrassed me by telling me that the addition of ginger was “very powerful for your lingam”. Oddly, she knew what that meant!

While I was telling her about it I continued to massage her with the oil, down her back, up and down each arm, across her ridiculously perfect little butt and down the backs of those long legs. I teased a bit on the legs and ass, touching and sliding my oily fingers over all of her most erogenous zones…or at least the ones that were available from the rear, which are legion.

When I’d teased and touched her tiny little rosebud she’d lifted her hips and raised it to my touch, a sure sign of her eagerness for more. I’d obliged, slipping just the tip of my finger into that tight embrace – not much, just to the first joint, maybe an inch – and played a bit, moving it in and out of her. That had been several minutes ago, but from that point on her hips had never stopped moving.

She has certain “tells”, my wife, things that signal her arousal and desire, some things that I know she is utterly unaware of and all of which she is unable to control, and I think I know them all. There is that look of smoky sensuality her eyes take on, the pupils dilating and the beautiful irises becoming swirls of gray-green smoke; there are her quick-response nipples, of course, and the way her neck and chest become flushed; her lips seem to become more full, and soft, and often are parted just slightly as her breathing quickens. Occasionally her eyes will close and she will bite one side of her lower lip, always the right side, as I do things that arouse her, and a tiny wince will flit across her features from time to time as a sharp spark of arousal jumps straight to her core.

Her sex becomes wet and puffy, open, soft, heated with desire and welcoming, of course, and her little clit stiffens and makes an appearance, letting me know it wants and needs my touch. It would be impossible to choose a favorite from all of those, but one I always enjoy – and which always arouses me (hell, they all do!) - is the one where her hips start this automatic little motion, this tiny back and forth gyration as though already penetrated, already engaged in the sex act and moving on her lover’s hard cock.

Perhaps it allows a tiny bit of friction on her aroused sex, perhaps it’s just a sympathetic response of her body to sexual arousal, an anticipatory warm-up exercise, if you will. Whatever it is, I love seeing it, and she was doing it now, as though a thick cock was already deep within her hot embrace and she was slowly fucking it. It made me smile, and it made me throb.

“Roll over, babe, and I’ll do your front now.”

“You could do my back just a little bit more first…especially that one spot.”

I laughed as I slid my finger down the valley of her ass to the “one spot” she was referring to, slowly and gently penetrating her…so tight! “This one?”

“Ohh, god yes. That’s the one.”

“That feels good, huh?”

“That feels wonderful.” She moaned again and pushed her ass up and against my finger, taking me a bit deeper.

“Think I can make you come this way?”

“You know you can – you’ve done it before!”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“Because you’re an artist, with very talented fingers.”

I chuckled. “No, I mean why do you suppose your little asshole is such a hot spot for you? Why can you come just from having it touched and entered?”

“Because, in the right time and place, it feels amazing; just so naughty, and extremely arousing! Mmmm, that’s so delicious…don’t stop.”

I smiled. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Instead I changed the position of my hand, allowing me to keep my middle finger in her snug anus while pushing my thumb into her dripping vagina. My hands were slick and oily, of course, but her own lubrication made the oil on my thumb and fingers superfluous.

“When I do this does it make you think of fucking two men at once?”

She moaned softly. “Mmmm, yes!”

“Good fantasy?”

“Wonderful fantasy! Now if I just had a third one so I could have a big, hard cock in my mouth…”

I laughed. “Greedy girl!”

She giggled. “As long as I’m fantasizing I might as well shoot for the moon, right?”

“Mmm, I suppose.” I pushed my finger more deeply into her, my thumb in her pussy and my finger in her ass pinching together slightly, touching each other through the membranes between. “Two thick cocks thrusting into you, one in your ass and one in your pussy, their balls slapping against you – and against each other - as they take you. Filling you so completely, thrusting and pushing in unison until you feel them begin to erupt, the hot, thick cum shooting into your depths…”

That did it, the path of her fantasy laid out for her in words, and that most amazing of all sex organs, her mind, took over and sent her crashing over the edge! Both of her tight tunnels tightened further, clamping on my finger and thumb as she came, a hard, intense, powerful orgasm, and she cried out – again my name, and God’s, a prayer for it to never end – as her fists clenched handfuls of our bed sheets, knuckles white with effort. All of her muscles were straining, and her ass thrust up tightly against my hand, taking my thumb and finger to their fullest length, each of her two tunnels tightening and pulsing rhythmically on my fingers.

She ground out that orgasm, a low, guttural groan deep in her throat as it began to slowly wane, leaving her limp and depleted. Her vagina and anus relaxed simultaneously, releasing their tight grip on me and I very slowly pulled out of her, to a gasp of loss, or maybe tiny pain as she felt me depart. I leaned close and kissed her ear, and the side of her neck. “Good, huh?”

“Oh my god…”


“I don’t know if I can take any more!”

“Roll over.”

She barely wiggled. “Not sure I can.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

She tried again, and it turned out she could. I repeated the massage on the front of her body, again spending a bit of extra time on her breasts. She may have thought she was finished, but her nipples were telling a different tale. Despite the temptations along the way, I took my time, carefully rubbing the oil into her flawless skin and massaging her flaccid muscles, her body completely limp after her massive orgasm. I worked from neck to toes rolling, kneading, and simply rubbing her smooth, resilient contours, enjoying every inch of her.

Her face was simply beautiful, her features soft and relaxed, eyes closed and her dark lashes lying softly on her cheeks. Her lips were slightly parted, and there was arousal and desire there, and I watched her as I massaged, drinking in her beauty.

I took my time – probably more than twenty minutes after her orgasm – before I again, on my way back north, reached the junction of her luscious thighs. I began to slowly stroke her, first the outer part of her pussy, my oily fingers sliding through her matted curls, and gradually moved to the narrow slot between those slick lips. I began simply sliding one finger, my middle one, up and down in her molten folds, from just behind her oozing opening at bottom, to the top, at the very front of her cleft, across each delectable fold and bump, feeling her clit as the only point of hardness amongst all that soft, wonderful flesh and liquid heat.

In just a few light strokes I heard a low moan escape her lips, and her hips again began their suggestive movements. I was kneeling beside her, sitting back on my heels, my cock still rigid and jutting up from between my legs as I stroked her. I went very slowly, just one finger parting her just enough to touch, down and up in her slippery groove, until she was writhing and gasping, begging for mercy or release only by her sounds and actions. Her eyes were closed, concentrating on the sensations I was creating in her core, and her lips were slightly parted, her breathing becoming ragged and fast.

Her stomach muscles were taut and her skin glistened with oil and a light sheen of sexual sweat, the heat of her aroused body creating a glow. As I continued to slowly stroke her sex, petting the length of her groove with my single finger, stroking across her engorged clitoris each time, she came. It wasn’t huge, but it was a release from my slow, teasing, stroking torment, and her breath came out in a sob of relief, her body shuddering violently as she arched from the bed, thrusting her sex upward against my fingers.

“God, David, you’re killing me! In me now, please? Put it in!” Even as she made her request she rolled quickly over, face and chest-down on the bed, on her knees, arching her back to thrust her ass upward. Her legs were apart and pussy glistened wetly, leaving no doubt about how she wanted to be taken.

I was more than ready – had been for some time by then – and I scrambled to get behind her. I slowly guided my cock into her tight, slick heat.

I entered with just the tip first, just the head of my cock, and stopped for a moment. That earned me a soft whimper of need which obliterated my self-control, and I thrust deeply into her, my balls crushed to her oily and dripping pussy and her sheath tightening on my length. It was my turn to whimper and gasp, and I’m quite sure I did!

We moved in that beautiful rhythm of lovers for a minute – perhaps more – my hands on her hips as I thrust into her again and again. I withdrew most of myself each time before again pushing deep, and she met my thrusts, grinding her ass back onto me with each advance. She reached back with one hand and found mine, and pulled it across to the middle, to the valley of her ass, pulling my fingers down to her tight little hole.

It was pretty obvious what she was telling me, even without words. I slowly pushed my oily thumb past the resistance of her little pucker and into her, gasping when her pussy and anus both tightened suddenly and simultaneously on my invading parts. I looked down at her, enjoying the way she was clamped so tightly on my invading thumb, her ass so perfect and shining with oil.

I don’t know if she was still lost in the fantasy of two men penetrating her, or just wanted to have one more sensitive area touched – or perhaps both – but it quickly gave her another orgasm, and then another a few minutes later, and then a third. That last one took my self-control and crushed it! I felt the intense rush as my cum began its journey from me into her, gushing into her depths in several long, spasming spurts, the thrusts of my thumb in her ass and my steel cock in her pussy keeping time.

“Ohhh, fuck! God, Alli, baby, cumming, uunnnhh, fuck!” It was incredibly intense for me. The hours of anticipation, arousal, teasing and touching all coming together in a startlingly powerful orgasm, and I filled her to overflowing, my semen oozing out around my still-pumping cock. Even as it peaked and began to wane, my powerful contractions tapering off, I realized that my gift of a perfect evening of love and pampering for her had paid huge dividends for me as well. Huge. Funny how that worked!

She collapsed down onto the bed, flat on her stomach with me on top of her, both of us exhausted and spent. I stayed in her as my cock began to shrink. When it reached a certain point it slipped out I rolled aside, still breathing heavily. Her head was turned to the side, facing me, and we just looked into each other’s eyes for a long time, not speaking, a small smile of satisfaction on each of our faces.

Suddenly her look turned serious for a moment, and she frowned slightly, biting her lip. “You were so down this morning, so hurting and sad, and you wouldn’t tell me, and then you did all this…”

“I just had some things to work through in my head, a few problems.” I chuckled. “You’ll never believe this, but it was Charlie that cheered me up.”

She laughed, knowing that he and I had sort of a love…not hate, really…let’s call it a love/frustration relationship.

“He’s really a very caring man, you know.”

“He can be, I’ll give you that. Anyhow, he helped.”

“I’m so glad.” She smiled at me, soft and sensitive and filled with love, and my heart soared…tiredly. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this evening – all of today, really – but thank you.”

“You’re so very welcome… but nothing; you don’t have to do anything to deserve it, just be you. Love me. It’s my way of saying thanks to you for that, really.”

I got that smile again. “Everything was so perfect.”

“I’m so glad; I wanted it to be, very much.”

“It was; every candle, every bubble, every scent and sound and taste and touch, from the start right down to that last, toe-curling orgasm. Just incredible.”

“It doesn’t have to be over yet.”

“Oh my god! I could make a fortune putting you on craigslist, renting you out to every lonely, needy, horny woman out there! What more can you possibly do? You’ve done so much, and all I did was sit back and enjoy.”

“Well, you did just bathe, and I think I left kind of a mess…” I ran my fingers lightly down her spine, and she shuddered appreciatively. “And anyhow, my understanding is that this massage oil is completely edible – and I know you are – so I thought maybe…”

She laughed, knowing exactly where I was going with that. It was something she loved for me to do, so she rolled over onto her back and I jammed a pillow under her hips. Soon I was at the portal of her wet, slippery, cum-filled shrine, gently licking and touching her, tasting us, tasting the perfumed flavor of the oil – different, but not unpleasant – and working diligently at cleaning up every last bit of arousal – hers and mine – that we’d left behind.

It wasn’t easy, because she continued to produce more, and my saliva mixed in, but I was determined! Even though she wriggled and bucked through somewhere between three and six more orgasms, I stayed with her and eventually had her all slick and gleaming, good as new…better, in fact!

Totally exhausted now, and nearly unresponsive, she lay limp and quiet as I finished a last few ministrations with my tongue and lips. I knew I could do no more, so I moved up alongside of her and flopped down full-length on the bed. “You okay?”

“Ssshhh. I’m unconscious.”

I laughed. “Then my work here is done!”


“I meant pleasure.”

She smiled, but didn’t open her eyes. “Better. I know my pleasure is done; holy moley, but you do know how to push a girl’s buttons!”

“Well, you have such lovely buttons…”

She smiled, opening her eyes to look at me. “Did you plan something for dinner in bed too? I’m not sure I can stand up.”

“Ummm…” The one giant hole in my plans became glaringly obvious to me at that moment. “About dinner…”

She laughed. “You didn’t make any plans for that, did you?”

“That’s not fair. I did for me; my plan was to just eat you!”

“That was a good plan - and how was I?”

“Delicious, deeply satisfying, decadent even. It was like eating dessert first.”

She smiled. “And what am I supposed to eat?”

“I’m available…”

“How about Chinese?” She’d ignored my suggestion.

“Oh, thanks!” I laughed. “I don’t know any Chinese guys.”

“Shanghai Dragon is good – and they deliver.”

“You had me at ‘deliver’!”

“It was the last thing I said.”

“Whatever. You gonna order or me?”

She giggled. “I will; you can never understand them, and you’ll screw up the order again.”

“I can’t be a superstar at everything!”

“No, I suppose not. As long as you stick to what you’re good at, which is keeping me totally sexually satisfied, I’ll take care of everything else.”

“So I’m nothing but a sex object to you, a meaningless boy toy?”

“Well…not meaningless! Anything but that. You don’t like being my sex object and boy toy?”

“Did you hear me say that? I don’t think I said that!”

She laughed again. “Just get the phone, boy toy.”

I did, and she did her usual flawless job of ordering Chinese, despite the language barrier. By the time it showed up about forty minutes later, I was in my usual sweatpants and t-shirt, and Allison, after wiping a bit of the excess oil from her skin, was in a floral satin robe which ended about three inches above her knees…and nothing else. And she still smelled divine, of vanilla and exotic essential oils, with just a hint of sex and sensual woman thrown in. If I could bottle that scent I could make millions!

The poor Chinese kid that delivered it fell instantly in lust with her – and I say “kid”, although he could have been anywhere from seventeen to twenty-three. Whatever, he was in that age where females are incredibly fascinating, a period which lasts for decades, and at the same time an age where erections are an almost constant way of life - an age which, sadly, does not.

In any event, when she bent forward to write a check for him he did his best to look down the open front of her robe, and when she handed it to him he never tore his eyes away from her long enough to glance at it. She could have written it for one dollar and he never would have known!

What made it funny was that she was at least three or four inches taller than him, and that he was so laser-focused on her that he never even realized I was watching everything he was doing. Then again, at his age, near a woman that looked, smelled, and was dressed like Allison was, I would have had the same reaction, and a pants-tent fully pitched, I’m sure.

As we were setting up at the table I asked her, “How much did you write the check for?”

She glanced at me. “The full amount plus a tip, thirty-one something all told.”

“You could have just written ‘put your eyes back in your head’ and given it to him; he never would have known until he got back to the store.”

She laughed. “He was trying very hard to look down my robe, wasn’t he?”

“You knew that? Pass the sweet and sour sauce, please.”

She did. “Of course! He couldn’t see anything.”

“That doesn’t bother you?”

She shrugged. “I’m pretty used to it – and besides, he was just a kid. He was cute. Fried rice?”

“Sure, why not. It is your fault, I guess; you look beautiful, and you smell fantastic!”

“And that’s your fault, boy toy. You bought this amazing stuff!”

“I did, didn’t I? Guess I’m pretty smart.” The food was good, and we both ate ravenously, our appetites whetted by sex and the wine we’d had.

Later we watched an episode of ‘Game of Thrones’, an engrossing, occasionally violent hour with just enough sex and nudity to titillate, and then turned in early. Our bedroom still carried the rich, exotic scent of ylang ylang and lovemaking, and although we were both well-satiated we somehow ended up making love again, just sort of naturally moving into it after a few romantic kisses turned more passionate.

It was slow and gentle and intimate, the two of us at right angles to each other, our legs scissored together. Alli was on her back with her head on the pillow and I was across the bed, on my right side with my body lined up across hers, aligning at the hips, inside of her and moving gently. In this position I could easily touch her and watch her face. I stroked her nipples and her throat, feeling the softness of her skin after her bath and massage, the oils making her so very smooth and perfect.

We took our time, both of us very comfortable and in sync, and it was wonderful. We hadn’t been terribly horny, and maybe that was a good thing, because it allowed us to go on and on. When I got close I slid my hand between us and found her hard, sensitive little love button, and when the climax came it was for both of us, seconds apart, our minds and bodies in tune as they so often are now, after our years together.

We both dozed together, a coupled, napping afterglow. Only the wet sensation of my spent and shrunken penis slipping out of her woke me. I swapped positions, which woke Allison, getting into bed properly alongside of her and taking her in my arms, relishing the feel and scent of her, and her warmth.

She fell back to sleep first, her body relaxing and going utterly limp in my arms. Her degree of trust, faith, and comfort in me, that she can sleep like that so peacefully and easily in my arms, had moved me deeply the first time it had happened after we married; it still does.

I lay awake for a little while – not long, nothing like the previous night – marveling at how quickly things could change. A little advice from the unlikeliest of sources, a little reasoning with myself, doing something crazy and extravagant for an amazing woman – and the incredible gift of the unquestioning love of that woman herself – and within twenty-four hours I’d gone from the pit of despair to the peak of happiness.

I slept much better that night, holding my love in my arms. So very much better.

Written by Stormdog
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