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Glamour Shots, Chapter 16

"Allison and Dave love and enjoy each other"

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She was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy.

I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the incredible sensation of her impaled so deeply on my cock. “I don’t remember…guess I must have been.” To my ears, my voice sounded as sleepy as hers.

She started to slowly move her hips, fucking herself on me. “Mmm, that feels so good! Whatever the cause, let’s not let it go to waste.”

“Heaven forefend! You know, you’re a bit, umm…moist yourself – what were you dreaming about?”

She chuckled at my vastly understated description of her cum-drenched sex. “Oh, that? I was entertaining the troops while you slept.”

“Oh. All of them?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! No, just one platoon – virile young men though, I will say that! We ran out of condoms in no time, but we didn’t let that stop us.”

“Well, as long as you enjoyed yourself. Seriously, though…”

She laughed, and then pushed her ass back against me. “I can’t even make you jealous! Seriously, as you say, that’s mostly you – you did come in me twice, if you’ll recall, once just a couple of hours ago.”

I held her tight and thrust into her, making her moan. “So, sloppy thirds for me, I guess – such fun. That’s not all me though.”

“No, I was definitely having very crazy, wild, erotic dreams, and having you all hard against my bottom helped too.”

“Tell me.”


“Tell me what you were dreaming about.”

“No, that’s too embarrassing! Let’s just make love.”

We had been the whole time, slowly moving together in a very relaxed, slow, horizontal dance of love and sex, our almost frantically powerful sexual arousal and urgency expended earlier. This was different, less about sex, or need, and more about love, each of us savoring the way the other felt, their mere presence, and simply enjoying all of the incredible sensations created in and by our bodies as we coupled. Our teasing conversation was a minor distraction taking place on a different plane than those physical things.

I squeezed her breast gently. “You know you never need to be embarrassed to tell me anything.”

“It’s all pretty…kinky, I guess. Outrageous. For us, anyway.”

“All the better! I like kinky, and anyhow it was just a dream! We have no control over those. Go ahead, tell me while we make love – we’ll call it multi-tasking.”

“You consider making love to me a ‘task’?”

I chuckled. “No, never. It’s just an expression. Tell me.”

“You probably won’t like it.” She moved her head against my arm as she said that, wriggling herself more tightly into my embrace.

“What does that mean? I like erotic, sexy things.”

“It will probably make you jealous. Or maybe feed your insecurities.”

“I’m not really that neurotic, am I?” It was the “your insecurities” line that got me; I was aware of a couple I had, but didn’t think it was that obvious!

“Mmm, about some things, yes.”

“It was just a dream, right? I think I can deal with it. Tell me.”

“Well, okay – but remember, you asked for it! But you have to let me just tell it - and stop fucking me while I tell you; stay in me, but just hold still, okay? Will you be able to stay hard if you do that?” She reached her hand back to my hip, slightly over onto my ass, and held me against her, deeply embedded but motionless.

“Inside of you? Oh yeah, no problem! You drugged me, remember, but even without that it’s not going anywhere with you squeezing me.” I relaxed my body and held her close, enjoying the snug heat of her pussy around my cock and the feel of her luscious body pressed to mine.

She sighed. “Okay, where to start…I dreamed we were back at the party, in the hot tub, and all of you guys were really hard - you, Oscar, Don, Charlie, Davonn, and Michael, you were all around me.”

“Sounds like fun! What were the other girls doing?”

“Are you going to let me tell it or not?”


“They weren’t there; it was just me and all the men. All of the very hard, horny men.”

“Hmm, six guys all to yourself; selfish little thing, aren’t you!”

“Davey!” I tried to make a mental note to shut up, and she went on. “It’s my dream; I can be selfish if I want to! So anyhow, I was down on my knees and all of you were around me, and started touching me. I was very horny, and wet, and my nipples were so hard they ached, but someone was touching them, pinching and pulling, and then lips and a tongue, sucking at my nipples.”

I did an involuntary soft “Mmm!”, and moved against her.

She dug her fingers into my ass. “You promised to hold still.” I froze, and she continued. “There were fingers beneath the water, touching my ass, and my legs, and then someone touched my pussy, where I was so hot and wet, and slowly put a finger inside of me.”

“Who did that?”

“I didn’t know. Not Charlie or you though.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because Charlie had his big cock in my mouth, and both of his hands were on my head, holding me there, his cock huge and thick and leaking slightly. Slippery…salty. I could taste him in my dream.”

Personally, to me any dream with Charlie’s cock in anyone’s mouth – but especially Alli’s - sounds more like a nightmare than a dream, but I knew she had enjoyed touching his hard cock so it sort of made sense that she would dream about it. “What about me? What was I doing?”

“You…” She hesitated, caressing my hip and thigh with her hand. “You were off to the side. You were just watching. Watching me…or us, I should say.”

“Just watching? That doesn’t sound like me.”

She squeezed my leg reassuringly. “But you were, in my dream. You were enjoying watching. You were huge, and rock hard.”

“Huge?? Are you sure that was me?”

She laughed softly. “Ssshh, just listen. Charlie was in my mouth, moving in and out as I sucked on him; somebody – Davonn, I think, was in my right hand, his cock hard and thick and hot, slippery around the tip, and Oscar was in my other hand, his cock much smaller, but so very hard. I was masturbating both of them, Davonn, so hard and big, Oscar with his little cock, his foreskin sliding over the head of it and back again each time I stroked him. He was groaning, but Davonn was quiet.”

I wanted to ask about Michael and Don; she hadn’t mentioned them yet, but I waited, forcing myself not to interrupt. It wasn’t easy, but I had to let her tell it, to go at her own pace. It was her dream, not mine. If it had been my dream I would have been the one in her mouth, and the others would have been relegated to watching, maybe jerking off. At best. More likely, the other five guys are all gone; I’d be the only guy, and all the other sexy ladies are there instead…but, as I said, not my dream.

She continued, derailing my train of thought. “Michael was behind me, standing, touching my hair and rubbing his huge cock against the side of my face, in my hair, or just letting it hang over my shoulder, thick and long and touching the top of my breast, his huge, heavy balls on my shoulder. As I sucked on Charlie, moving my head, I was rubbing my cheek against Michael’s beautiful cock, touching his soft, warm foreskin.”

“Don was next to me, on his knees like me. He was the one that was touching me underwater, stroking my legs and my ass and putting his fingers in me, and his hard cock was rubbing against me, on my hip, stiff and slippery. They were all focused just on me, all of these hard, aroused men, and it was so…erotic. So incredibly arousing!”

I had to swallow and lick my lips before I could speak. “Yeah, it sounds like it was!” She’d wondered if I would be able to stay hard in her if I held still! Silly girl – I was achingly hard, my cock straining within her tight confines, the details of her erotic dream almost as incredibly arousing to me as they had obviously been to her! I prodded her to continue her tale. “What happened next?”

“Mmm, you know how dreams are; it all faded, and everyone just sort of vaporized into a mist and disappeared, just kind of gray, with white noise.”

“Oh.” She could hear the disappointment in my voice; by that point I’d been very much looking forward to the rest, needing to know what she did with all of the men… in her dream, of course!

She laughed. “The next thing I knew, the whole scene had changed and I was straddling one of them, on the floor, his cock inside of me.”

“Oh, there is more! I thought you were done.”

“I know you did.” She rubbed my hip, and I knew she was smiling. “You’re really getting off on this, aren’t you?”

“Well…yeah, I guess; it’s a very erotic dream!” I was a little embarrassed that she knew that her dream of herself with other guys was turning me on so much! “But it was just a dream, after all.”

“It was – but a very good one! I’m sure it’s a big part of the reason I’m so wet.”

“I do like that part. So, back to the part where you’re straddling someone…”

She giggled. “Michael.”


“I was straddling Michael; he was the one that was inside of me.”

“Oh.” I should have known that if she was going to have a dream about fucking one of the men she’d seen all naked and aroused the night before it would be Michael; he was the one, of all of them, that had really gotten into her head. “That figures, I guess. So he was inside of you? All of him?”

“Every last millimeter.”


She laughed softly, and violated her rule about holding still by thrusting herself against me and wiggling her ass on my cock. “It was just a dream, Davey; anything is possible in a dream - even that impossibility.” She hesitated, giving me a moment to ponder and absorb that thought. “It felt really good, in my dream. Huge and thick in me. Another reason I’m so wet.”

“Undoubtedly – you’d need to be, to take him. So what about the rest of the guys – what were they all doing while you were playing ride ‘em cowgirl with Michael?”

She wriggled back against me again and giggled. “This is the embarrassing part – this is where it starts to get kinda kinky.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Oh, so this is the kinky part! I was wondering when we’d get to that, past all of the routine, boring, everyday stuff – you know, like you naked, fondling five guys while your husband watches.”

She elbowed me. “You know what I mean; the part where things really start happening.”

“Silly me! I’ve always felt like things were happening if I had my cock in a woman’s mouth, or if she was jerking me off!”

“Do you want to hear the rest of this, or not?” She was starting to sound a bit peevish; not good when I was very much counting on staying inside of her for some time still – and on hearing more of her erotic dreams.

“I should probably just shut up, huh?”

“I think that would be wonderful, although I’m not sure you’re capable of it.”

I removed my hand from her breast long enough to mime the universal lip-zipping sign. “Mmm-hmm!”

“That’s better. Anyhow, I was straddling Michael and somehow had gotten that entire big, beautiful cock inside of me, and Oscar was behind me, with his cock in my ass. I guess maybe because he’s smaller and would fit easier than any of the others.” She laughed. “Funny how even in my dreams I don’t want anyone sticking some huge dick up my little tushy!”

I laughed, but somehow held my tongue even as several smartass retorts struggled to be heard. She went on, “I was sucking Charlie’s big, super-hard cock; I could almost taste him on my tongue as he slid it in and out of my mouth. I had Davonn’s cock in one hand and Don in the other and was slowly jerking them off – Davonn leaks like you do, by the way…at least in my dream he does!”

I couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “But I was just watching, huh?”

“Not ‘just’ - you were watching and playing with yourself. You were very aroused, trust me! Plus, with those five I was pretty much fully occupied. Where would you have fit in?”

“Well, you could have done away with any one of them you know.”

“It was just a dream! I didn’t get to pick and choose.”

“Yeah, I guess. Still… So did they come on you, or in you?”

She giggled. “I certainly hope so!”

I laughed, surprised. “What that supposed to mean?”

“Well, that would have been the best part, right? Six guys, all coming, stuff spurting everywhere! That would have been fun, but I woke up before it happened, and now here we are so I guess I’ll never know!”

“Bummer for you, you nasty, horny little thing! Maybe when you go back to sleep it will pick up where it left off.”

“Does that ever happen?”

“Mmm. Dunno, I never remember my dreams, if I even have any. By the way, that was a two-part question, an either/or, not a yes or no. If they had come – in your dream – would you have wanted them to come in you, or on you…or just nearby so you could watch?”

She seemed to actually give that some serious thought. “Both, I think, in and on – or even all three. There were enough guys, after all! You know how much I love the feel of you coming inside of me, but I like it when you come on me too, on my lips, or my boobs, or in my hands.” She reached back and touched my neck. “Plus, I like to just watch you come sometimes; it’s fun and very erotic to see, to watch all that pretty white stuff shoot out of you and see you twitch and pump, and to know the exact moment of your orgasm.” She shivered against me, her own words adding to her arousal. “You don’t have to hold still anymore…in fact, please don’t.”

I hadn’t really been holding still for some time now, my cock twitching and straining inside of her as I tightened my pelvic muscles and my hips moving almost unconsciously in a very slight, subtle little thrusting action. There was no way I could have remained totally stationary for that long, not with her heat and tight slickness around me! I picked up the pace a bit and began to more aggressively move in and out of her, and very soon she was matching my movements.

There was no doubt that hearing about her dream had been arousing to me, although not nearly as much so, I don’t think, as dreaming it had been to her. Still, we were both well past the initial playful phase of our lovemaking and very much into each other, very much enjoying the other’s body and all of the incredible sensations it could create.

I didn’t realize that her hand had snuck down between her legs until she touched the underside of my cock, where I was thrusting into her. It was inadvertent, I realized; her purposes were entirely personal, her fingers there to masturbate herself as we fucked, not to touch me. I love it when she does that, when she’s so into it and so eagerly moving toward her climax that she gives herself a helping hand…so to speak!

My arm around her from behind, I found her forearm and traced it down until my hand was over hers, where she was touching herself. She started to pull her hand away, to allow me to take over, but I stopped her. I nuzzled her ear and whispered, “No, just keep doing what you were doing. I want to feel your fingers, what you’re doing to yourself.”

She did, continuing to touch and play even as I laid my fingers over hers. “Mmm…it doesn’t bother you?”

“Bother me? No. Why would it bother me?”

“Because I’m doing myself, even while you’re doing me too. Some guys might feel …I don’t know, insulted by that. Threatened, maybe.”

“Naw, that’s crazy! It’s just so…sensual, I guess, knowing you’re so aroused that you have to touch yourself. I love it!” I could feel her fingers stroking her clit, pressing and rubbing it, her fingers and now mine slick with her arousal. Her movements then changed to a small, circular motion, her fingers pressing hard against herself now as she masturbated seriously, my cock sliding in and out of her heat the whole time. “I love that you’re confident enough in me – and in yourself – to trust me with something so intimate.”

“It doesn’t bother you that I’m going to make myself come?”

“No, not at all! I do sort of feel like I’m helping a little…”

She laughed softly. “A lot! I think it’s going to be a good one.” We continued in silence for a brief time, me fucking her and both of us holding our fingers to her wet, thrusting sex. “Mmm, god, I’m going to come now…”

“Oh, please do!” I jammed myself deeply into her, rocking her body as I slammed myself home and she came, crying out, her thighs squeezing shut on our hands at her sex, her fingers pressing hard against herself as she finished herself off, frigging her own horny clit to a massive climax, my cock in her from the rear and enjoying the tight grip of her spasming pussy on me as she came. I could feel the declining spasms of her orgasm, and when she melted back against me with a few gentle shudders I knew she was finishing up the last waning bit of it. “Wow, Alli! That was fun!”

“Mmm, oh my god, yes!” She sounded somewhat breathless. “Especially for me! Did you come?”

“No. Almost did, the way you felt on me. Soon now, probably.”

It turned out not to be that soon, the two of us moving languidly against each other in a sensual dance of love and lust. I lasted longer than I usually do, in part because of several earlier climaxes that had definitely taken the edge off, but also maybe because of the drug in my system. I don’t know, really, I just know I enjoyed it immensely, and that my extra endurance brought the love of my life to several smaller “aftershock” orgasms, something she deeply enjoys and treasures.

When I did finally come it was inside of her heat, in her tight grip, a long, intense gush of semen into her depths as she reached back and grabbed my balls, squeezing them as I came, that first long clench followed by several more almost painfully pleasurable spasms as she milked my balls and I pumped away, possibly dry at this point but still extremely enjoyable. After, we lay limply in each other’s arms, satiated and exhausted, my spent, but still thick and semi-hard penis inside of her and her hand still closed over my exhausted and emptied balls.

Eventually she wriggled against me. I groaned. She said, “You’ve really outdone yourself tonight! How many is that now?”

“Don’t know. Don’t care. Can’t think right now.”

She laughed, causing her pussy to contract on me. “I think that was number four – pretty good for one night, stud!”

Without doing a mental count I was pretty sure she was right…or at least close enough. “The night’s not over yet.”

“Getting cocky now, are we?”

“Hey, you know me and morning wood – it seems inevitable.”

“But that will be morning, not night. Doesn’t count.”

She started to pull away, to let me slip out of her, but I put my hand on her stomach and held her against me, still impaled on my slowly dwindling cock. “It’s all in less than a twelve hour time span, so it counts – you know, assuming it happens.”

“We’ll see. Are you going to let me go? I need to go clean up a little; I feel like I’m soaking in your cum.”

“In a minute. Wait ‘til I shrink enough that it slips out of you on its own. I’m not ready to leave just yet, I’m enjoying being in you.”

“I want to go back to sleep!”

“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.”

“After I clean up, I mean! I’m lying here in a huge wet spot, for your information. Want to trade places?”

“Not even a little! You know the old saying, ‘A woman’s place is in the home’? I think a woman’s place is in the wet spot.”

She elbowed me – hard – before wriggling out of my grip, my penis slipping free. “Chauvinist pig! You just ruined any chance you had of getting my help with your ‘morning wood’!”

“Is that any way to talk to the stud that’s gotten you off… what, about eighty times tonight?”

She scoffed. “Huh! I don’t even think you’ve made it to fifty yet!” We were both exaggerating; she was most likely somewhere in the high teens as far as orgasms, counting the party. Nothing to sneeze at, to be sure, but nowhere near fifty…or eighty! I envied her that ability; I had a dull ache low in my pelvis after a mere four shots.

“Not even fifty? We must not be trying hard enough!” I tried to pull her back but she escaped and quickly rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom, laughing. I watched her go before rolling to my other side, away from our wet spot, my back toward the bathroom door. Seconds later I felt something heavy, but soft, hit me in the back.

Alli said, “Here! Just for being such a pig you can get up and spread those towels over the wet spots. You can help me change the sheets in the morning.” When I groaned, she said, “Just do it! Pull the covers back first and then spread those out.”

I laughed as she closed the bathroom door, and then rolled out and followed orders. She had tossed me two large, fluffy, white bath towels, which I spread over the wet cum stains – and there were several, a couple of them quite large – on our bedding.

I had gotten back in bed, facing the other way now, and several minutes later was just dozing off when I felt Allison join me. She snuggled up to my back, the two of us spooning in the opposite direction now, and her arm crept over my hip until she could cup her hand over my package. It felt nice, her body against my back and her hand gently holding my overworked, flaccid, and worn out genitals, the warmth of her smooth skin and soft breasts pressed to me, and I quickly fell sound asleep.

When I next awoke it was light outside and I was alone in our bed, no trace of Alli. Looking at my clock I was surprised to see that it was almost eight thirty; I rarely ever get to sleep that late! I stretched, feeling rested, satiated, sexually satisfied…but, incongruously, sporting a rigid, rock-hard, jutting erection. Now, I’ve had morning wood – in fact, it’s fairly routine – but this was morning steel, or possibly a steel/titanium alloy, longer than usual and ridiculously hard, and determinedly pointing at the ceiling.

I chalked up the insane degree of hardness to the effect of the Cialis still in my bloodstream, but that knowledge didn’t solve my dilemma; I desperately needed to pee, and the angles were all wrong for accomplishing that basic task! I wandered into the bathroom and stood for a minute or so, waiting for it to ease a bit, but no such luck; it simply throbbed, upright and rigid. Normally – with a normal morning erection – I can force it down enough to aim, at which point it typically begins to let up some. Not this one! Instead, as if to prove all of Archimedes’ theories about levers and leverage, when I tried to force it down it seemed to lift my heels off the floor.

With bursting bladder I contemplated the feasibility of standing further back from the toilet and tried to calculate the arc and trajectory required to hit the target, taking into account fluid dynamics, hydraulic pressure, crosswinds, gravity, and all the rest. It was too much for my mind to manage so early in the day – or ever, for that matter, not being an engineer or even slightly competent in physics, ballistics, or trigonometry. Instead I settled for leaning my forearm on the wall above the commode, and my forehead on my forearm, angling my body enough that I could accomplish the task without having to snap my penis off at the base. Still, it wasn’t easy, but it worked, and the relief was immeasurable.

What it didn’t accomplish in this instance, however, was any reduction whatsoever of my raging erection. I figured the best way to accomplish that might be to find Allison so the two of us could tackle it together, which sounded potentially both effective and fun to me, so I pulled on my sweatpants and went in search of my bride, the significant pup-tent in my pants leading the way.

When I got downstairs I called out to her, but got no answer. At about the time that I realized that Ruby was also missing and that the two of them were probably out for a walk, the door opened and in bounded a very charged-up and enthusiastic dog, and Alli, her cheeks red from the cold. I managed to fend off Ruby, not wanting her to jam a cold wet nose into my groin, and greeted Allison as I scratched Ruby’s ears and roughed up the silky fur on her neck and shoulders. “Hi hon’; cold outside?”

“Well you finally woke up, huh? It’s almost like someone wore you out last night or something, the way you were sleeping – and yes, it’s kind of chilly, but not too bad. Breezy, but it’s a beautiful day.”

“Yeah, I was out after that last round, totally unconscious. That was a very fun night – and thank you for that!”

She was shedding her jacket and gloves as we talked, and she smiled. “Very much my pleasure, trust me. That was a great night; we should probably do that more often.”

“Well…yeah, except I’m not sure my system can take it!” I straightened up from petting Ruby just as Alli finished hanging up her coat and turned around, and when her eyes went to the tent in my pants – which they did almost immediately – she laughed.

“Looks to me like you’ve got a problem there, mister!”

I nodded. “Well, at least you didn’t say ‘a little problem’, but yeah, I do. I was hoping you’d give me a hand with it.”

“No, it doesn’t look little – in fact, it looks like quite a big problem.” She crossed the space between us and grabbed my erection through my sweatpants, giving it a firm squeeze. “Wow, very hard! Are you sure all you want is a ‘hand’ with it, not lips, or boobs, or that very special warm, wet hiding place where it fits so nicely?”

I put my arm around her and pulled her to me, and we kissed. Her lips were cold from being outside, but they warmed very quickly. When she pushed away from me she wrinkled her nose. “Why don’t you go shower first, like I already did? You smell like you spent the night rolling around with a five dollar hooker!”

“Hey, I’ll have you know that I spent my night with a very classy dame – fifteen hundred bucks a night, and that’s with the discount I get because I’m such a stud and she loves me.”

She shook her head.

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“Uh-oh! We’re not going to have to take out a second mortgage again, like we did the last time you fell for one of those fancy girls, are we?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged, “but you won’t tell me where to find those five dollar hookers you’re always talking about, sooo…”

“Just hit the showers, stud muffin! If you’re still struggling with your problem by the time you get done, we’ll see what we can figure out then. You know – if you don’t decide it’s one of those DIY projects first. And if you do, call me so I can watch.”

I tugged my waistband down and tucked it behind my balls, so that my rigid cock and entire scrotum were on display. Yes, I was showing off; I was pretty proud of this amazing erection! “Not likely; that DIY stuff is only a last resort, like if you weren’t around.” She reached out and grabbed my now-exposed cock, and I gasped and pulled away from her! “Oh my god! Your hands are like fuckin’ ice – keep those things away from me!”

She was laughing and following me, trying to grab my privates once again with her frozen hands; I have no idea how anything with blood theoretically circulating through it can be as cold as her hands were! “Oh come here, you big baby! You’re supposed to apply cold to bring down swelling, and isn’t that the ultimate goal here?”

“Not like that, thank you! If that’s the best you can do I may decide to go the DIY route after all.” She managed to snag me once again, only for a second or so, her fingers closing around my testicles. It felt like someone was putting ice cubes on me, and I suspect my balls probably retracted to about the middle of my chest cavity. “Great! Not gonna see my ‘nads again until about July – way to go!”

She just laughed. “Go! Take a nice, hot shower; that should warm you back up.”

I went back upstairs, stripped off my clothes, and climbed into the shower, still very hard. It seemed to be incredibly persistent, more so than I was used to experiencing; I figured it had to be due to the drug, the Cialis that Alli had given me the night before. I was in the midst of shampooing my hair when I felt a cool breeze and heard the shower door close, and then felt Alli’s cold hands on my hips. “Well hi there! I thought you already showered.”

“Yeah, I did; I’m not here to shower, I’m here to help you shower.”

I’ve showered thousands of times; I’ve pretty much mastered all of the intricacies of the task, but only a fool would object to her assistance, and my momma didn’t raise no fools! “Well good – you can do my back.”

“Only your back?”

“For starters.” She did, working up a lather with a generous dollop of body wash and sliding her hands over my soap-slick skin. It wasn’t better than sex, but it was pretty close. As she washed my lower back and then down onto my ass, her soapy hands parted my cheeks and tickled my asshole in passing, before then gently stroking the backside of my dangly bits. On the return trip she paused longer at my anus, tickling it with one finger before prodding more insistently. I groaned. “Mmm baby, don’t. I’m a little sore from all of that sex last night and this morning – not that I’m complaining!”

She paused, concerned. “You’re sore? Where?”

“Not a big deal, I just kind of ache a little, low down in there…prostate, I suppose, from all the pumping and straining. I’m not used to coming that many times in such a short span.”

“Four times? Only four times and you’re sore? Pitiful!” She started to tease my anus again, pushing just the tip of her soapy finger into me. My cock strained with the sensation.

“Hey, it was five times if you count the one before we left for the party! That’s five in what…about fourteen or fifteen hours or so? That’s a lot!” I waited for her snappy putdown, but she didn’t say anything. “So anyhow, I’m a little tender; I’m not sure that boldly going where no man has gone before – or ever will – is a good idea right now.”

She laughed. “Your mouth says don’t, but your cock is like stone and you just spread your legs and bent forward, sticking your butt out at me! Hmmm, what’s a girl to believe?”

“I just don’t…ohh!” She resolved the issue by pushing her soapy, slippery finger deeply into my ass. It felt shockingly good, a little nasty and forbidden, and my cock strained even harder than it had been. I could feel her thrusting her finger into me, and wiggling it inside, and I gasped. “Ohhh, damn! That actually feels really good.”

She slapped my ass with her other hand. “Thought you might enjoy it – and after all, you’re always sticking things in me, so once in awhile I need to pay you back. We’ll just give that sore part of you a nice little massage to work the kinks out…” She wriggled her finger inside of me, stroking my aching prostate; it felt wonderful, and she tugged at me with her other hand, turning me around but keeping her finger in place. “Here, turn and get out of the water and we’ll soap up your front.”

I moved around – somewhat awkwardly, due to her finger up my ass – and then squeezed a blob of soap into her left hand, assisting her because her right hand was otherwise occupied. She lathered up my chest and belly and washed my pits, but soon her hand zeroed in on the object jutting rigidly from my groin, and she stroked me with her soapy fist. She giggled. “You are incredibly hard! Enjoying this much?”

“Totally – but I have to give some of the credit to your little drug trick. I’m beginning to understand why Charlie said it makes him hard enough to drive nails with his dick – pretty sure I could too, although I’d have to stand somewhat closer to the nail.”

She laughed. “And hit it more times!” I just looked at her, and she laughed again and shook her head. “Well it’s just simple physics! A sledgehammer will pound it in faster than a regular hammer!”

“Thank you!”

“Oh come on! He does have a bigger hammer, after all; you can’t deny that!”

I grudgingly gave in. “I suppose. It’s not the size of the hammer though; it’s all about how you swing it.”

She giggled. “You guys must have about a million of those sayings to make you feel better about yourselves, huh?” She had worked up a nice rhythm, stroking my cock with one hand while massaging my prostate with her other.

“Absolutely! It’s true though, isn’t it?”

“Definitely, at least in your case. You do swing a mean hammer – but let’s try to focus, shall we?” And so saying, she managed to focus me like a laser beam on what she was doing by slipping her finger out of me and replacing it with two soapy, slippery fingers instead!

She found my prostate again and petted it with her two fingers, a gentle, rhythmic stroking, and I groaned. “God, that feels so good! Are you planning to make me come?”

“Oh, of course – but not right away, this is too much fun.” She moved me to the end of the shower away from the showerhead, using her fingers up my butt and her grip on the joystick to guide me to where she wanted me, and then kneeled beside me. This left the shower spray mostly hitting her, and the backs of my legs, and gave her an even better angle to thrust her fingers into me. I leaned my forearm up against the tile wall and my head on my arm, looking down at her stroking me.

I was already leaking, a trickle of clear pre-cum oozing out of me and part-way down my cock before it dripped away and hung, suspended in a clear, viscous strand with a droplet at the end. “I won’t last long. Not with what you’re doing to me.”

“Yeah, I can tell. Time to change tactics, huh?” With that she ceased stroking my cock and moved that hand to my balls instead, firmly squeezing and mashing them in time with what she was doing inside of me; the combination was still intensely pleasurable, but it did seem to remove some of the pressing urge to come…not a lot, but some. My leakage increased, a steady stream of clear fluid oozing from the tip of my cock and dripping down, and Alli would occasionally gather a bit of it on her fingers and rub it into my balls, along with the soap suds.

I groaned again. “Unnnhhh, damn! Where did you learn to do this?”

“I used to work in a sperm bank – I was what they called a ‘collector’.” I turned my head and looked down at her, and she laughed. “Kidding! I had a former boyfriend that taught me…we sort of learned it together, I think.”

I probably shouldn’t have asked – but at least she’d been honest with me! “Well, in this instance, if you ever see or hear from him again, tell him thanks for me.”

“I will. Are you still aching inside?”

“Oddly enough, no.”

“Are you going to come?”

“I sure hope so!”

She laughed. “Soon?”

“Probably – unless you stop.”

She did. She kept her fingers in me, and my testicles squeezed in her fist, but she stopped massaging, stroking, and fondling. “Like this?”

I gasped. “God, don’t stop now!” My penis strained and my butt clenched involuntarily on her fingers, willing the sensations to continue. She stayed stubbornly still. “Alli, please…”

She laughed. “Poor baby, so close, but so far away! Ooohh, look!”

I looked; what she was drawing my attention to was the fact that my clear leakage had been replaced by a long, slow flow of milky white semen, like a slow-motion cumshot, which gently oozed out of me and ran down my cock and balls and over her fingers before dripping to the floor of the shower. It seemed to go on and on, like a gentle river, with no spurting or spritzing as it ran out of me; I was amazed at the volume I seemed to be producing, but even more at the sensations in my lower groin, like an edge, an orgasm that was right there, but wouldn’t pop, couldn’t quite reach fruition. I continued to clench desperately on her fingers, which were pressing against my prostate, triggering this flow. “Allison, baby, my god! Uunhhh…you’re killing me here!”

She laughed at me! “Oh, I seriously doubt that – but what a way to go, right?” And with that she resumed vigorously massaging my prostate and seized my cock with her other hand, stroking me roughly and mercilessly, especially over the swollen, purple head of my cock, and my orgasm bloomed and burst with all of the intense and amazing sensations any orgasm can have. A long jet of cum blasted out of me and spattered against the shower wall right in front of me, at about chin-level. If I’d been aimed a bit more upright or looking down a bit more, I would have nailed myself right in the face!

That was it though, the slow river, and then the one massive spurt onto the wall, and then one lesser one lower down the wall and I was done, milked dry, my orgasm ongoing and my cock twitching and straining, maybe dribbling just a bit as it pumped to exhaustion, but the well had definitely run dry. Alli kept her fingers in me, stroking and milking until she was sure I was finished, emptied, all sensations slowly waning, and when she felt my rock-hardness begin to fade a bit she ever so slowly slid her fingers from my ass. I groaned at the sense of loss, the sensation of emptiness, and wondered if this was how she felt when I slipped out of her after sex.

My knees were rubber; they wouldn’t begin to support me unless I kept them locked, so instead I turned around and slid down the shower wall, my back against it, probably sliding in a slick of my own cum until I was sitting on the floor of the shower. I couldn’t have cared less at that point.

Alli was still kneeling, alongside me now, the warm spray from the shower head above hitting both of us. “Are you okay?”

“Lord! That was really…intense. Draining.”

She laughed. “I’ll say! I never would have guessed that you still had that much in you that needed draining!”

I chuckled weakly. “Well, yeah, that too, but that wasn’t what I meant. I meant that you drained all my strength; I can’t even stand up right now, I feel like I don’t have any bones left in my body.”

She wiggled her fingers in front of my face. “And who would have guessed that I could do that to you with just these two little fingers?!”

“Well, it wasn’t ‘just’ those two little fingers now, was it? I seem to remember another hand being involved, with the stroking and ball mashing and stuff.” She smiled happily, seemingly pleased with what she’d accomplished. I went on, “That’s an incredibly pleasurable way to come, in case you’re wondering. I wouldn’t want a steady diet of it, but as a little treat every once in awhile…”

“I know, and I’ll remember. I’m glad you enjoyed it, because I sure enjoyed watching you.”

“Mmm, I’m glad. I know it doesn’t do anything for you, but for me…”

She shook her head. “That’s where you’re wrong! It got me incredibly aroused, seeing how turned on you were, and the feel of you in my hands, your reactions – and of course, the way your cock gets so hard and then starts to spasm and pump when you come. I always love the way that looks and feels, the way it jumps around, that rush as you’re coming.”

“That made you horny, doing that to me?”

“Oh yes – intensely!”

I reached out and ran my hand up her thigh to her sex, parting her heated lips with my finger and finding her steamy, hot and slippery, her core liquid, the feel of her wet arousal very different from the water coursing over us. Her clit was hard, a small pebble amongst her soft, slick folds. “Stand up.“


“I said, stand up. Stand in front of me, straddle my legs.”

She did, eagerly, understanding what I had in mind. I gripped her ass, one sweet cheek in each hand and pulled her to me, burying my face in her sex. She cooperated by leaning back and thrusting her hips forward, as eager to feel my tongue on her aroused sex as I was to taste her. I squeezed her ass firmly and held her to my lips, my tongue parting her and finding that erect little button, slick and needy.

As I enjoyed the musky, sweet, feminine taste and feel of her, the water from the shower continued to spray over us, running down her skin and into my open mouth. I let most of it just run back out, breathing through my nose, but I’m sure I swallowed some along with her slippery juices. It didn’t take her long at all to reach orgasm, her arousal so intense, and then she did again, crushing herself to my face and momentarily smashing my nose, cutting off my breathing. Her third orgasm came perhaps a minute later, sudden and hard, with a lot of moaning and hair grabbing as she held my face to her climaxing sex.

There were more in her, more orgasms waiting for release, but the water was beginning to cool, the hot water tank finally as emptied of its contents as I was. I reluctantly pulled away from her lovely pussy and licked my lips. “The water is starting to get cold.”

“Mmmm, I hadn’t noticed. I suppose that means you want to stop now.”

“Definitely, at least as far as the shower is concerned.”

“Well okay, if you insist.”

I laughed. “What, you wanted to keep going?”

She stepped back and looked down at me. “Well, I can.”

“Now you’re just bragging.” I stood up, still feeling weak, but motivated by the rapidly cooling water, and turned around to let the now-chilly spray rinse my back and butt where I had undoubtedly gotten my own semen all over me, and then quickly shut off the valve. “Brrr, that gets cold in a hurry! That’ll definitely shrivel the dangly bits.”

“Your dangly bits could use some shriveling, stud! I’ll bet you haven’t been this hard this much since you were about fourteen – not that I’m complaining about that big, hard soldier of yours standing at attention non-stop, you understand!”

I pulled her to me for a quick, wet hug. “It’s your fault you know, slipping me that pill and then being so damn sexy that you give me a permanent hardon! Not to mention the mental image of you fondling other men’s cocks; that was a very arousing, very sexual, sensual night. I guess I’m mostly glad you talked me into it.”

“Only mostly?” She tossed me a towel before grabbing her own and beginning to dry herself.

I nodded. “Yeah, mostly. There’s still the issue of having to go to work with all of those people again tomorrow morning, which can’t help but be awkward. I’m not looking forward to that part.”

She stopped toweling off and looked at me. “Oh c’mon – it won’t be that bad. Remember, they’ve all done this before; they’re probably pretty used to it.”

“That just means that I’ll be the only hot tub party virgin there! That’s probably worse.”

She laughed. “Hot tub party virgin – I’ll bet that’s a very rare creature!”

“You know what I mean – a first-timer. I won’t know how to act or deal with it. For example, you played with Charlie’s cock, and I spent a bit of quality time on Marci’s boobs; neither of those two is known for tact or discretion, so I’m sure I’ll hear about it.”

“It will be all in fun, you know, just trying to make you blush and act uncomfortable.”

“That’s not really much of a challenge.”

She smiled. “You are pretty easy. They won’t say anything in front of anyone that wasn’t there though, will they? That’s part of the code or whatever, right?”

I nodded. “At least in theory, yes. It’s all stayed pretty well under wraps in years past, apparently, or at least I never heard much talk about what goes on there, at the parties.”

“So there you go then! No big deal, right?”

“Maybe. What about Oscar, though? How do I look him in the eye after I watched Charlie fucking the hell out of Irene, with Oscar watching…hell, with everyone watching! He came inside of her, for crying out loud! I mean, getting cuckolded is one thing, but having it happen so publicly…” I shrugged. “That whole thing just mystifies me. There has to be some humiliation involved, right? And now I have to work with him, and pretend it didn’t happen. I feel like I should apologize to him for witnessing it.”

She laughed as she hung up her towel, while I admired her incredible body from behind. “That’s just silly! You know that she did it because he wanted her to, so she and Charlie had Oscar’s full approval. They both seemed to enjoy it very much, and you know that Charlie did. Three consenting adults enjoyed themselves, and we all got to satisfy our voyeuristic tendencies just a little…I thought it was very hot, very erotic.”

“Yeah, it was that – although I will say that I never thought I’d hear anyone use the word ‘Charlie’ and the word ‘erotic’ in the same sentence.”

She laughed again. “Now you’re just being mean! You know, with his boyish charm, that big old grizzly bear body of his and that big, thick, rock-hard cock, a lot of women would find him very sexy.”

“I’m sorry – did you say ‘boyish’, or ‘boorish’?”

“Just stop it! You love him and you know it.”

I chuckled. “If, by ‘love’, you mean I tolerate him try to accept what an ass he can be at times and still get along with him, then yeah, I guess I do.” I paused, and then went in a new direction. “So, what do you want to do today?”

She came to me and we hugged. Her skin was soft and warm, and our bodies fit together like they were made for each other. Even above the soaps and shampoos we had used in the shower I could detect the softly floral and oh-so-feminine scent of her body, and if I’d had even the least bit of libido left my cock would have undoubtedly risen to the occasion. Alas, I was down for the count, with zero chance of another round of lovemaking anytime soon.

Her cheek against my chest, she said, “I thought maybe we’d start with some breakfast – unless you want to come back to bed…?”

I laughed. “You’re insatiable! Unfortunately for you, I’m not. I don’t think I’d be of any use to you right now – even my tongue is tired!”

“You could use your fingers…or just watch while I do a solo act. I like it when you watch, it makes me horny.”

“It doesn’t sound to me like you need anything to make you horny…or hornier! I don’t suppose I could get a rain check, just for a few hours? I really could use some breakfast; you burned up all of my reserves.”

She pretended to pout. “Hmmph! A man, turning down sex – so much for that myth!”

I slapped her butt, and she squealed and jumped. “Babe, I’m not so much turning it down as I am completely incapable of it! What do you think I am, a woman? I need some down time.”

“You could spank me some more…”

I shook my head, laughing. “That party left you incredibly aroused, didn’t it? I mean, you’re always a horny little wench – and that’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong – but I’ve never seen you like this before.”

She seemed to think about that for a few seconds. “I guess it did, yeah. I was very aroused still when we left there – as you discovered. But also, orgasms are like M&M’s; if you have one, you want another, and then another, and so on. You were such a virile stud last night that you got my motor running, and now it wants more M&M’s!”

I chuckled. “I think you may be mixing your metaphors, but I get the general idea. Really it works that way for me too, babe; I’d like nothing better than another round of my horny girl right now, but biology – or maybe physiology – doesn’t allow for it. Now, if I had a nice hearty breakfast, to restore my energy and, um…vigor, then maybe, later on…”

“Breakfast it is, then – you’ll definitely need your ‘vigor’ later on. Bacon and eggs, hash browns, toast, muffins, waffles, sausage, French toast, maybe an omelet, orange juice, coffee…anything else you need for extra vigor? Oysters, maybe?”

I shook my head. “That may be a little more vigor than I need – or could possibly consume. How about we go with bacon and eggs and maybe toast and juice for now, and see if that – and a little time - doesn’t do the trick.” Most days we’d have maybe a bowl of cereal or a muffin or bagel, with juice and coffee; a big, hot breakfast was a rare treat, and I recognized her offer as a way of saying thanks for a fun night, and that she loved me. And that she, too, was hungry!

She left the bathroom for the bedroom, and by the time I finished up with the last of my morning ablutions she was gone, undoubtedly down to the kitchen to get breakfast going. I slipped into an old pair of sweatpants and a tattered Broncos sweatshirt – noting that my ass was still a little tingly from her recent invasion - and followed her down. Imagine my surprise when I entered the kitchen and found her in front of the stove, breaking eggs into a pan while the bacon rotated in the microwave above…still absolutely buck naked!

I whistled in appreciation, long and low. “Wow! And somebody once said there was no way to improve on bacon – clearly that somebody never tried bacon Alli au naturel!”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. “Make coffee – and pour juice for us. This will be ready in a few minutes.”

I didn’t immediately follow orders; instead, I walked up behind her and gently cupped her perfect ass for a moment before letting my hands roam up her body to her breasts as I pressed myself to her backside. Her breasts were soft and wonderful, her nipples rigidly erect. “Cold, or horny?”

“Both, actually. You’re distracting me; I’ll burn the eggs.”

“Can’t have that, can we!?” I stepped away from her reluctantly, relinquishing my hold on her tits, and stripped my sweatshirt over my head. “Here, wear this.” I held it out to her, and she turned and saw it, and smiled, and raised her arms up over her head, a pose that I simply had to admire for a moment before I covered it all up. I pulled my sweatshirt down over her arms and head, and then gently pulled her long and still slightly damp hair out of the collar and splayed it across her back.

She wriggled her torso into the shirt and sighed in appreciation. “Mmm, still warm inside from you. Thank you.”

“My pleasure – you look better in it than I do anyhow, although not nearly as good as you looked a few seconds ago.”

“Even when I do this?” She bent forward slightly at the waist, thrusting her ass out. The shirt ended just above the bottom of her cheeks, and her new pose displayed that fact – and her sweet little furry pink pussy – quite nicely. Instantly, carnal thoughts flooded my mind.

“Damn, woman! You are just a total nympho today! But alas, as they say, the mind is willing but the flesh is weak. I will remember that pose for later though; maybe you can re-create it…?”

She laughed. “Of course! These are about done – get busy or everything will get cold while you’re still pouring and setting the table!”

We ate, and talked, and teased, and pretty much just enjoyed each other, basking in the afterglow of a wonderful – if exhausting – night of lovemaking. We decided we’d take Ruby to PetSmart later, to pick out a few toys and maybe a new collar and name tag, and then to the dog park to romp and play with the other dogs. I was interested in finding out if she liked to chase a ball as much as Sammy had, or if she could maybe even catch a Frisbee, a skill he had never mastered.

Later, it turned out that Ruby was not only a fiend at ball-catching, she was also fully adept at judging the sometimes unpredictable flight of a Frisbee, and at leaping high into the air to pluck it out of its descending arc! She also seemed to get along with other dogs quite nicely, and wagged her tail agreeably when anyone spoke to her, or when kids approached and asked if they could pet her. Her nature and temperament seemed every bit as gentle and laid-back as Sammy’s had been…even if she was a bit more skilled and aggressive when playing games!

I was out in the middle of the open space, throwing the Frisbee for her, in fact, trying to use up some of her boundless energy, when I noticed that Alli, sitting on a bench about fifty yards or so away, had attracted company. Alongside of her on the bench was a young-ish, dark haired man, slender, probably tall, judging by his build, although with them sitting down I couldn’t be sure, and he and my wife were deeply engaged in conversation. In fact, in a brief moment of silence, with no kids yelling or dogs barking, I distinctly heard her laugh ring out.

Alli has this thing she does, something she’s not even aware of; when she talks to someone, she focuses her entire attention on them, capturing them with those incredible eyes of hers and seemingly being held rapt by their mere presence. It has the effect of making people – men, in particular – feel like they are the most important thing in her world at that moment, that she is captivated by their wit, or their masculine charm, and that they are vitally important to her. Men, of course, love that feeling! She’s not intentionally flirting, I don’t think; it’s just her way, part of who she is, and I’d felt the same thing when we’d first met.

They had turned slightly toward each other as they talked, their knees almost touching as a result. As I watched out of the corner of my eye, my attention divided between them and Ruby, I saw him throw his head back and laugh at something she’d said, and he then reached out and touched her leg, a few inches above her knee, letting his fingers trail slowly down to the bend of her knee before withdrawing his hand. It struck me as a completely inappropriate – and very intimate – gesture. I called Ruby to me. “C’mon girl, let’s go meet your mommy’s new friend. Maybe she can come and throw the ball for awhile while I sit on the bench, and then we’ll see how long this asshole hangs around, huh?”

Look, I knew it was completely harmless, that it was just casual conversation at the public park. I also knew, however, that Allison was in a very sexually charged mood, and thus very receptive to male attention – and that he had touched her. I also trust her, totally and completely. Still, I couldn’t help the little green flare of jealousy that burned in my midsection.

Written by Stormdog
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