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Glamour Shots, Chapter 12

"The party turns wild."

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Already simmering with arousal, my condition was not aided by Alli putting her hand on my leg, beneath the water, and slowly running her fingers up and down the inside of my thigh. She never went high enough to really tease my sex – sitting as she was it would have been awkward for her to do so – but just her touch alone was a delicious torment! I reciprocated by reaching out just enough that I could touch her right breast, which was closest to me, and I began to lightly brush my fingers across the smooth outer curve of that lovely orb. I wasn’t directly stimulating her nipple, but I had little doubt that it was rigid with arousal!

Across from us it was apparent that Molly and Davonn were becoming quite involved with each other, kissing and murmuring things only the other could hear, their hands busily exploring, he fondling her breasts and her hands underwater, at his crotch, the fact that she was slowly masturbating him apparent only by the steady, rhythmic movement of her upper arm. Oscar was touching Irene as well, kissing her neck and cheek and nuzzling her ear as his hands roamed over her full, lush, little body! She was sitting up straight, her round, generous breasts right at the water’s surface and her pert brown nipples erect as he gently stroked them; clearly she was enjoying the attention, not reciprocating for the time being, and he seemed more than happy to focus solely on pleasing her for now.

The atmosphere was slowly becoming quite sexually-charged – or at least I thought it was – and I had again become very hard, a fact that the water mercifully hid from view. As such, I almost jumped out of my skin when Karen put her hand on my other thigh, opposite where Allison continued to tease me! Karen’s hand was still, not stroking or teasing, but it was high up on my thigh, just inches from where my penis stood up proudly from my groin. I looked at her, startled that she would suddenly touch me in such a seemingly intimate way, but she was facing away, involved with Irene and Charlie, not even looking at me.

I realized that for Karen, who was undoubtedly very accustomed to touching men in ways far more intimate than the way she was touching me, her hand on my thigh was probably just a convenient place to rest her hand – she was probably not even aware she was doing it! For me, though…well, it felt like electric sparks were shooting from her fingertips and straight to my groin, where they collided with the ones that Allison was intentionally creating on the other side. I was rigid and quivering with arousal, and we had been in the water less than fifteen minutes!

As luck would have it, I was given a temporary reprieve of sorts when Irene asked Karen about her breasts; she wanted to know if it had been expensive, if the surgery had been very painful, how Karen had chosen her doctor – and her boobs, for that matter - and any number of other things, all questions which Karen proceeded to answer very patiently and very openly, making no pretense that her boobs were anything other than a fairly recent remodel. All five of the other women, including my wife, seemed to want to hear the answers, and some of the nascent play came to a halt while they listened. Karen – playing hostess to Charlie’s host, and apparently the resident expert on breast implants by virtue of owning a pair – removed her hand from my leg and sat up straight while she discussed her breasts and her surgery, exposing her perfect boobs and using them as examples, occasionally touching or squeezing one or both to emphasize a point. That part had the men’s attention as well!

It turns out that the small, pink surgical scars were beneath her breasts where, although her “bolt-ons” sagged very little, there was just enough of a crease to keep the minimal scars hidden. The whole lesson was fascinating, especially the way our female partners seemed to be utterly absorbed by it, and a few of the man exchanged glances, wondering, perhaps, why our significant others were so engrossed. In the end it was my own significant other that really got the ball rolling when she asked a simple question: “What do they feel like – do they feel, you know…real?”

Karen looked at Alli, leaning forward to see around me. “I don’t know. I think they do – but why don’t you tell me?” She had one eyebrow arched in challenge as she bit her lower lip, a small, playful smile on her face.

Allison sat up straight from her reclined position. “What? Me?”

Karen’s smile broadened. “Sure! You’re the one that wants to know – how else are you going to find out except by feeling them for yourself?” She slid forward and then knee-walked across the bottom of the tub past me to cover the short distance to Alli’s side. Her position put the bottom of her breasts just at the surface of the water. “Go ahead, I don’t mind. Feel them, and then tell me what you think.”

Alli sat up and swung her feet down to the floor of the tub. “Oh, I don’t know! That’s kind of weird, isn’t it?” She was facing Karen, less than a foot between them.

Karen laughed. “No, not really – I get this question a lot. Here…” She reached out and grabbed Alli’s wrists and brought my wife’s hands up to her breasts. “Go ahead, feel them; it’s okay – I don’t mind.”

I stared – everyone stared - as Alli touched Karen’s boobs, tentatively at first, just sort of pushing on the sides with her fingertips, blushing furiously all the while. Karen giggled. “No, not like that! I guess I should have asked one of the guys to show you how to squeeze a tit, huh? Here, like this!” She put her hands over Alli’s and pulled them up onto her big tits and then squeezed, Alli’s hands trapped between her hands and her breasts as she pressed them into herself. “There, like that! Now you do it!”

Allison seemed to get the hang of it, squeezing and gently mashing the other girl’s much larger breasts – which appeared to me to be quite firm, something I could also say for a particular portion of my own anatomy at the moment! Alli smiled in wonder. “Wow! They’re really firm! I guess I was expecting something more like, well… a water balloon, maybe.”

She giggled self-consciously, and Karen laughed. “No, they’re not quite like that! So, what do you think?”

“They’re nice! So big though…you and me are built a lot alike, I think – or were, you know, except for these. I don’t know if I’d like having something this large…”

Karen shook her head. “They’re not for everyone, that’s for sure. Besides, my original tits weren’t nearly as pretty as yours.” To my utter amazement – and to Alli’s too, I think – Karen reached out and cupped my wife’s breasts. I realized, I guess, that to someone in her profession, being so mater-of-fact about one’s body is probably natural; to me and Allison, though, touching and being touched – intimately, by someone we barely knew - was completely foreign.

Karen failed to notice Alli’s sudden intake of breath. “The implants come in smaller sizes, of course, but you shouldn’t mess with these; they’re really gorgeous, so pert and firm – and your nipples! I wish mine were a little darker, like yours.” She ran her thumbs across Allison’s nipples, which stiffened instantly under her touch. It was Karen’s turn to giggle. “Oooh, I think they like me!”

I was right next to Alli, so I could hear the shudder of arousal as she breathed in. “Ohh! Well, they like being touched, that’s for sure! Your nipples – did you lose any sensation in them with your surgery? I hear that happens sometimes.”

Karen shook her head. “No. Well, maybe a little. They still love being touched though - just like yours.”

Alli looked into those pale blue eyes, as if judging whether that was a challenge or an invitation, and then ran her fingers over Karen’s light pink nipples, which also hardened obligingly – and quickly! Allison then took it one step further, and gently pinched Karen’s hard nipples, tugging slightly before releasing them. Everyone was silent, staring at them, and I don’t think there was an erectable organ remaining in the immediate area that hadn’t self-erected. Karen groaned softly. “Well! I’m now officially wetter inside than this hot tub is!”

Alli laughed self-consciously, as if suddenly becoming aware of what she was doing, and that they had an audience, and they both pulled their hands back simultaneously. Karen looked around, no doubt taking note of all the rapt faces staring back at her. “Well, anyone else want to find out what some big ol’ fake boobs feel like?”

Every hand instantly went up…except mine. I was still too busy staring at my wife, shocked at the look of arousal and hunger on her face! When I looked around and saw all the raised hands, it took me a second to figure out what that was all about; when I ultimately did, I raised mine, slowly and sheepishly, which brought a round of laughter. Karen began to move from person to person, giving everyone a chance to squeeze and fondle her boobs, some doing so with considerably less inhibition than others.

I was next to Allison, and so, next by default to get the opportunity to grope Karen’s tits. They were firm, her skin soft, warm, and supple, and when I let my fingertips bump over the hard nubs of her nipples it elicited a soft ‘Mmmm!’ sound from Karen. I think, if anything, I was astonished by the softness and the translucent quality of Karen’s pale, flawless skin, the small, bluish veins visible just beneath the surface of her breasts. It gave her a very delicate, China-doll sort of quality…despite the big tits.

I said all the right appreciative things, all the while thinking how much I preferred the feel of my wife’s smaller, home-grown breasts. Alli watched me closely the entire time – as if I wasn’t already self-conscious enough, doing this in front of a bunch of people – and when Karen moved on, to Charlie, Alli reached across and ran her fingers over my erection, as if simply confirming something about which she was already fairly certain.

Charlie seized his opportunity to publicly handle Karen’s boobs, squeezing them firmly, announcing, “Well, I’ve felt these babies before, of course, but it’s not like me to pass up an opportunity to maul me some mammaries!”, with which statement, still squeezing, he buried his face between Karen’s boobs and did one of those ‘bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu’ things, where he shook his face in her deep cleavage, enjoying the feel of her tits bouncing against his cheeks and mouth. I just shook my head, amazed at his idiocy, but once again the women laughed at him, shocked, repelled and scandalized by his behavior, but entertained nonetheless. Karen seemed quite used to it, and she just smiled and shook her head at his clowning around.

When she got to Oscar and Irene, Oscar stood up to touch her, revealing a very erect but rather diminutive cock, which couldn’t have been much over four inches, even in its highly aroused condition. Like Michael, Oscar was uncircumcised, his foreskin about half-withdrawn from his erection, and like Charlie, his equipment was hairless, shaven clean, but in his case it didn’t make it look any larger; in fact, it may have had just the opposite effect! He was so focused on Karen that I don’t think he even noticed the others taking in his little cock, or if he did he just didn’t care. I almost wished that I was as confident – or as oblivious - as he appeared to be.

Allison leaned over to me and whispered, “Hey, that makes even you look big!” It was a comment that I could have done without – or she could at least have left out the word “even”, just to make it sound a bit less harsh – but I knew she was only kidding me about my own mental hang-ups.

Irene watched, a small smile on her face, as Oscar tentatively squeezed and touched Karen’s breasts. Unlike Charlie (and more like me) he seemed kind of shy and hesitant about doing so – one of the more inhibited boob-grabbers, if you will – but Karen just cocked her head and watched him, biting her lower lip playfully. When she suddenly said, “Well?” he about jumped out of his skin, so absorbed was he in the task at hand!

Oscar, fair-skinned under his summer tan, colored visibly. “Umm, nice! Very big, and so warm and firm. I like ‘em a lot!”

Karen laughed at his enthusiasm, and then reached out and grabbed his penis, holding it between her thumb and two fingers. “Yeah, I could kind of see that you did. Wow, this little guy is really hard!”

She began to slowly stroke him with her fingers as he touched her breasts, tugging at the head of his cock. Irene watched for a few seconds before saying, “You might want to be careful with that thing – it’s been known to go off very suddenly sometimes!”

Karen laughed, releasing Oscar’s dick and pulling her hand back. “Thanks for the warning! We wouldn’t want the fireworks to start…mmm, prematurely, shall we say?”

Oscar looked a little disappointed – I got the sense that he wouldn’t have minded popping his rocks in Karen’s hand in the least – but he smiled good-naturedly and took a seat next to his wife again as she took her turn squeezing Karen’s boobs. Irene smiled, nodding. “Those are amazing; not at all what I thought they’d feel like.”

As Karen continued the boob-touch tour around the tub, next allowing Keri and Don and then Molly and Davonn an opportunity to sample her wares, Charlie stretched out his leg and touched Marci on the calf with his toes, getting her attention. “Hey, you’re the other one here with some huge gazongas – you should let everyone feel yours too, just to sort of give us a comparison; you know – big real tits versus big add-ons.”

She scoffed. “Ha! Nice try, Charlie!”

He refused to let her off the hook. “No, seriously! Let’s take a vote; everyone that wants to grope Marci’s hooters, say ‘aye’!”

There were a series of “ayes”, led by Davonn, who got a poke in the ribs from Molly for his eagerness, and by Oscar, who just seemed to really like big tits. Alli joined the ‘aye’ votes, laughing, just to annoy her friend Marci, and when I realized what she was doing, so did I, all of us sort of putting poor Marci on the spot.

She was laughing, blushing furiously at the same time, but she turned to Michael, hoping, I think, that he would nip this whole idea in the bud. To her surprise – and, possibly, annoyance - he just shrugged and said, “Hey babe, they’re your boobs and your buddies; I’ll leave it entirely up to you!”

She tried very hard to demur, shaking her head and laughing at all of us that were encouraging her to let us all cop a feel, but eventually she reluctantly relented, rising to her feet to follow Karen’s path around the circle – actually a rectangle – of her friends. One more bit of modesty, discretion and better judgment, overcome by the skillful application of peer pressure!

Karen had started from right next to me and gone to Alli first, because that’s who had inquired about how her breasts felt; she’d then come back to me, and had proceeded to move to her left, counter-clockwise around the perimeter of the tub. Marci – to spite Michael, who had failed to bail her out – bypassed him, nose in the air, and also went left, straight to Alli, who was lucky enough to again be first. The two of them, friends for several years, laughed and giggled and made a game out of grabbing each other’s tits, embarrassed by doing it in front of a bunch of people, but also maybe a little aroused, I think. All I know is that between the two of them, they accounted for a fair amount of jiggling, giggling, and four very hard nipples!

As a result, when Marci turned to me her face was somewhat flushed from the combination of alcohol, hot water, and arousal, and her big, pink nipples were standing proud and asking to be touched…and so I did. I was tentative at first, cupping and lifting her breasts, marveling at their weight versus that of Alli’s, and at the lush softness of Marci versus the taut firmness of Karen. Marci’s breasts…suspended more from her chest, rather than just sticking out - a far more natural appearance, given the laws of physics – and I really liked the look. Not that they were saggy, which they were not; they just did what big, natural breasts on a woman in her mid-thirties do. And they felt really nice - soft, warm, and squeezable, and her huge, hard, pink nipples against my fingers made sparks crackle in my groin…and, I’ve got to admit, made my mouth water! A weird reaction, I know, but there it was!

Allison stared at me as I gently pinched Marci’s big nipples – something I’d longed to do since the first time I’d seen them jutting proudly through her work attire – and when I rolled them between my fingers Marci groaned softly…and Allison poked me in the ribs! I shied away from Alli and took my hands off of Marci’s tits simultaneously, and Marci moved on to Charlie – who had a look on his face like a kid on Christmas morning!

He rose to his feet - in order to do a more thorough job of groping Marci, I assume - and when he did, and commenced to squeeze and fondle her tits, she reached down and took a firm grip on his balls! I could see immediately that she now had complete control of the situation, and that if Charlie tried to get too rough, or too carried away, or just too Charlie-ish, he would pay an immediate price for his actions. I should have known that Marci would have a plan in mind for controlling the always unpredictable Charles Nix!

He seemed to understand as well, and fondled her boobs in as gentlemanly a manner as is humanly possible when fondling the breasts of a somewhat reluctant woman in front of a group of rapt and horny onlookers. They seemed to have a meeting of the minds, and she gave him as much pleasure fondling his big balls as she received from his handling of her big tits. All seemed to be copacetic for the moment, surprising the crap out of me, and Charlie’s big cock was soon as hard as a rock, and angled skyward, an obvious vote of approval for Marci’s big boobs and soft hands!

In answer to Alli’s much earlier question regarding how big Charlie might be when hard, it now appeared that he did not get all that much longer than what he was flaccid, gaining maybe only an inch or two. Still though, he was probably a good eight inches – easily a couple of inches more than my best effort – and probably twice as thick through as me. It turns out that Charlie has a very thick, considerably larger than average cock, flaccid or erect, and it now rested rigidly against Marci’s arm, occasionally jerking or twitching with a pulse of arousal as she squeezed his scrotum.

To my amusement and amazement, Marci let Charlie play for a full two minutes, maybe a little longer, perhaps fulfilling a fantasy I know he’d had since the moment he’d first laid eyes on her. The fact that their relationship had warmed considerably since their awkward beginning was apparent…if you’ll pardon the understatement!

Moving on, beyond Charlie, Oscar and Irene both seemed to really enjoy Marci’s big, soft boobs, and when she got to the far side of the tub she stopped and wedged herself between Don and Keri on the seat, putting an arm around each of them and ignoring Michael, as if she was upset with him for not taking her side when she’d been trying to avoid this grope tour. Davonn looked slightly disappointed that Marci had stopped before reaching his position, but he and Molly seemed pretty content touching each other, all things considered.

Michael noticed the snub and laughed, knowing she was kidding; to make it up to her, he reached out and grabbed Alli by the arm. “Now these here are some perfect boobs that we should all get to feel, right here on this foxy lady! Anyone who thinks Allison should give out some free samples, let’s hear it!”

Marci was the first to chip in, loud and long, voicing her approval of that plan; when Alli looked to me for rescue I could only shrug. “Hey, you back-stabbed Marci! Paybacks are a bitch, huh?” That’s what I said out loud; what was going on inside of me was utterly different, but again there was that pressure to fit in. Allison was laughing, weakly resisting; if she’d truly looked scared or reluctant, I tell myself that I would have tried to step in, but the fact was that she’d encouraged it when it was Marci’s turn, so she could hardly back out now!

Allison, giggling, tried to pull away from Michael. “Why me?! I don’t have big boobs like those two! Irene has bigger ones than me, take her!” I was laughing, in part because her pulling away from Michael was just not going to happen, he was far too much bigger and stronger than her, and in part because of the way she volunteered Irene – who, amazingly, seemed more than willing to be the next female test subject.

That surprised me, but before I knew it Irene was letting Charlie grope her ample breasts, which were probably the next biggest after Karen and Marci. Charlie actually pulled Irene onto his lap straddling his legs as he fondled her, which – if I was Oscar, and having just seen Charlie’s big, stiff cock – would have concerned me! Horseplay was one thing, but that was another level entirely! Irene seemed to go with it very willingly, however, and Oscar voiced no objection.

As for Michael’s attempt to recruit Alli into the game, she finally caved, capitulating to the peer pressure just as Marci had mere moments before. She stood in front of him obediently, still laughing, waiting for him to touch her breasts; maybe it was just me, but her nipples didn’t seem all that reluctant! Michael had other ideas regarding the best approach to the task, however, and he stood, taking Alli by the shoulders and turning her around before pulling her back against him and bringing his arms around her, and his hands up her ribs to engulf her breasts from below – which also happens to be my favorite way to hold and play with her!

The difference was that she looked tiny and pale against him as he loomed over her, and that his enormous hands, which looked about the size of baseball mitts against her slender figure, really did engulf her breasts! What is a couple of nice handfuls of female boob for me simply disappeared under his big paws, and I saw a look that I found to be impossible to interpret cross Allison’s face as she looked down at his big, dark hands on her chest.

I had no trouble, however, interpreting the look on her face when she looked up at me a moment later, and our eyes met; that look was partly one of surprise, and maybe a little bit of shock or panic, but mostly it was a look of pure, unadulterated lust and arousal! I was bowled over by it, astounded that the mere act of Michael grasping her breasts could have such a profound – and sudden – effect on her! Her eyes were wide with shock but heavy-lidded and smoky with arousal, her lips were slightly parted, no longer laughing. I saw her shuddering, aroused intake of breath as she stared into my eyes; I could see the hunger there, the arousal, in the depths of her sparkling, smoky eyes.

It suddenly dawned on me that it wasn’t his hands on her breasts that were the source of her arousal – or not entirely, in any event. No, it was the fact that she was pressed against him, the massively ridged muscles of his stomach and chest against her naked back, his powerful arms around her, and the thick, heavy shaft of his huge cock pressed snugly into the valley of her small, round, perfect ass! My wife was practically creaming herself, right in front of me, because this huge, sculpted, perfect example of uber-masculinity, with the biggest cock she’d ever seen – or felt, now - was pressed all hot and heavy against her bare back and butt…and she was unquestionably very aware of each and every place that their bodies touched, sending electric currents through her!

I think that moment, when our eyes met, marked a paradigm shift for me and Allison, a moment when we both realized that this had stopped being just a little innocent fun with friends and had become something more, a portent of something much more significant, something which could foreshadow a change in our relationship, a change in our marriage, even. I believe we also both realized that we had no way of knowing if that change – if we allowed it to happen - was going to be something exciting and fun, or something devastating and horribly destructive!

It shook me to the core, and I know it shook her as well. Michael, though, was still just playing, just clowning around. He leaned down close to her ear and said, “Now those are some great little titties! Girl, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this! Come to Papa, little girl…”

He was laughing, unaware of the sudden change in atmosphere, or of the crackling lightning bolts of her intense arousal suddenly in the air all around them…until Allison turned her head and looked up at him; then the look of unquenchable desire and arousal on her face and in her eyes was impossible for him to miss, and when she said, “God, Michael…”, her voice throaty and breathless, I could almost see the warning light flash over his head and hear the alarm bells ringing!

He dropped her like a hot potato, jerking his hands and arms away from her and stepping back, putting a foot or so of separation between them, unquestionably shocked and astonished at how suddenly everything had changed! He obviously hadn’t been entirely oblivious to the sexual energy, however, because while he’d held Alli in his arms, fondling her breasts, his cock had lengthened and thickened noticeably, the purple plum of the head of his cock now slipping partly out from beneath his tight foreskin as he hardened, his thick shaft slowly lifting. Physically, at least, if not emotionally, he had clearly felt the same powerful urges that Allison had. He looked stricken. “Uh, Alli, I’m sorry! I was just messing around, you know…” He looked at me. “Guys, I was just, you know, we were, uhh…only goofing around, right? I mean…”

He trailed off weakly, and I shook my head. “No, it’s all right, Michael; we’re just kind of new to this, and it’s all a bit much…” It was my turn to trail off weakly as I watched Alli slowly reach out and touch his thickening cock, running her fingertips along the impossible length of him, lightly tracing the thick vein that was beginning to bulge and pulse on the top of his enormous manhood. I loudly swallowed what felt like a mouthful of sand as she slid her fingers around his thickening organ, cupping his big cock in her palm and lifting it slightly, as if testing the weight, holding him in her hand, squeezing him as he became huge and hard. She began to trace the ridge at the back of his glans as his foreskin completed its retraction, her fingers touching the now fully-exposed, glistening and swollen head of his cock, lightly stroking him.

His cock, hugely hard now, was thicker than her wrist and longer than her forearm, obscene in its sheer size. If Allison was stunned, or somehow mesmerized by his physicality and her own arousal, so was I, the sight of her touching him in such an intimate way – and being so obviously aroused by it - rocking me back on my heels. My emotions were in riot; jealousy, anger, humiliation, hurt, and arousal all jumbled together, trying to overwhelm me. My stomach ached with jealousy and humiliation, while my cock and balls were taut with arousal, and I was almost painfully erect; that combination of jealousy and arousal should not be possible, but it obviously was, and I was dazed by it.

I roused myself as if from a deep slumber, and reached out and touched her shoulder.

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“Allison…?” She turned slowly, and looked at me, a faraway look in her smoky eyes, not seeming to really see me. “Alli…honey…?” Her eyes suddenly seemed to focus, her mind starting to return to an earthly plane, and she looked directly at me, seeing me now, a slight look of confusion on her face. She looked down at her own hand, just staring at it for a moment as if not comprehending why her fingers were wrapped around Michael’s huge, dark erection, trying but not quite able to encircle his thickness. Incongruously, I noticed how the diamonds of her wedding rings sparkling in the lights of the hot tub. Then it was like she woke up, and she suddenly gasped and jerked her hand away, placing it instead on her chest, above and between her bare breasts. Looking at it there, at her hand on her chest, I could see her pulse fluttering at the base of her throat, in that little hollow spot just above her fingertips, and I knew that her heart was racing uncontrollably!

“Allison, are you all right?”

She coughed softly, and then shook her head as she blushed deeply; she looked from me to Michael and back again. To me she said, “I’m sorry”, and then she turned and repeated the same simple apology to Michael before turning to face me again, and again she repeated herself. “I’m sorry, David – god, that was so weird; I don’t know what came over me just then! God…my god!”

I muttered, “I think I do”, as Michael just sort of chuckled uncomfortably. He blew out a deep breath noisily and sat down as I glanced around, suddenly aware that the others may have been watching us, absorbing our whole little scene, but was relieved to see that Molly and Davonn – who were right there, seated directly across from us – seemed to be the only ones paying us any attention. Molly was sitting up straight, her lips slightly parted and her eyes wide and locked on Allison, her nickel-sized brown nipples right at the water’s surface, jutting invitingly from her small, mocha-colored breasts. Davonn was just grinning – smirking, maybe – also looking at Allison, one arm around his wife and his other hand very busy down between her legs, underwater. It wasn’t difficult to make out his cock, standing erect just below the water’s surface.

Incredibly, Marci didn’t even seem to have noticed that my wife had been fondling her boyfriend, so locked in conversation was she with Keri; I knew that she and Keri were close, at least at work, both of them a bit wild and crazy and both accustomed to getting hit on by men. In some ways they were two peas in a pod, our office’s busty, blond bombshells, both with a foul mouth and ribald sense of humor when called for, and both able to take the abuse and dish it out. I began to realize that while time had stood still for us, locked in agonizing slow-motion as Allison and Michael had their intimate moment, the reality was that it had all actually happened very quickly.

The others – Keri’s husband, Don, as well as Karen and Oscar - were all watching Charlie and Irene – who, quite obviously now, were fucking. Charlie was sitting chest-deep in the water, with Irene on his lap, straddling him; while there was no actual visible proof that he had his big cock inside of her there could be no mistake, by the way she was moving, that she was riding him beneath the water, and, if there was any doubt remaining, her moans quickly dispelled it.

Charlie, my idiot business partner, was fucking Irene, the wife of one of our best employees! Worse, he was doing it in front of almost a dozen witnesses! Sensing potential disaster, my own thoughts torn between what I was seeing and what had just taken place between my beautiful wife and our friend Michael, I was about to lose my mind…until I noticed that Oscar was just standing there, watching his wife get laid and listening to her moans of arousal, his little penis rock hard and a small, satisfied smile playing on his lips. He was loving it, obviously. Fuck me, but I was so damn confused right at that moment!

I just wanted to sit down for a minute and close my eyes; maybe this would all go away. Without saying another word to Michael I put my hand on Alli’s shoulder and pulled her toward me, and back toward our seats. I felt a shudder run through her body at my touch – and normally, if someone shudders when you touch them, it’s not a good sign, signaling revulsion or some such. In this case, and, knowing Allison as I do, I knew it was a shudder of pure, profound arousal; given the events that had just transpired that may have been worse.

When we sat down, Alli leaned over close to me and whispered, “Davey, I am so fucking horny right now!”

It wasn’t exactly a news flash. “I know. Everyone knows.”

She looked around, surprised by my words, and her eyes stopped on Charlie and Irene, watching for a moment as Irene bobbed up and down on him. “Are they fucking?”



I couldn’t have expressed it any better myself. “Yeah, it seems like it’s gotten a little wild while you were away.”

“Away?” She looked at me oddly. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve been better. Maybe we should think about heading for home.”

“Now? It’s just starting to get exciting!” My gaze followed hers as she looked around the tub again, at Charlie and Irene going at it, at Oscar, his small penis rigid as he watched his wife have an obvious groaning, gasping orgasm with another man, and at Karen, who was now very lightly running her fingertips over Oscar’s throbbing little erection. Across from us Davonn had risen to his feet, and Molly was sucking his hard cock, squeezing his balls with one hand as she did so. Keri and Marci were now also watching Charlie and Irene, and Don was obviously wanking himself underwater, enjoying his own little not-quite-private voyeuristic moment. She glanced to her left, at Michael. I didn’t look at Michael; I couldn’t, right then.

“Exciting…uh-huh. I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.” I shrugged, sighing, upset despite my arousal. “Alli, this isn’t us. We don’t do this kind of stuff. You know, you and me.”

She touched me underwater, her fingers finding my hard cock before she wrapped her hand around it and began to gently stroke me. “My god, you’re hard as a rock! Part of you is obviously enjoying all this.”

“Yeah, well…that part is sort of out of my control. You know what a voyeur I am, so yes, I’m turned on. Still, all this…”

“You’re upset.”

I slowly shook my head. “Not upset, exactly. It’s all just…awkward, I suppose; weird. Isn’t it?”

“You’re angry, then.”

“Angry? No…”

“At me, I mean. You’re mad at me because of what happened with Michael, a few minutes ago.”

I didn’t answer her right away. I wasn’t exactly angry, but I wasn’t sure just what I was feeling, so I didn’t answer her. Instead we just watched Irene and Charlie, which was a strange thing to be doing – and we watched Oscar watch Irene and Charlie, which might have been even stranger still. His obvious enjoyment and arousal – the man was rigidly hard, there could be no doubting his arousal, at least – were a puzzle to me. How could he possibly be enjoying watching another man fuck his wife? In front of all of us, no less! More importantly, perhaps, didn’t her obvious and shameless enjoyment of being fucked by a much better-endowed Charlie – and in front of an audience - bother him, just a little?

Then, as if all of us simply knowing that she was riding Charlie’s cock wasn’t humiliating enough for him, she disengaged from Charlie and crawled up onto the deck behind her. Her body was luscious, rounded and tan except for the pale tan lines of a brief bikini bottom; clearly she’d suntanned topless, somewhere! She ran her hands over her own boobs, tugging briefly at her erect, brown nipples before assuming the doggy position with her ass toward the tub, her swollen and used sex gaping wetly for one and all to see, water dripping from her dark, closely-trimmed pubic hair! She wasn’t exposed like that for long, though, because Charlie quickly clambered out of the tub and filled her once again, crouching over her rather than kneeling behind her, pushing his thick cock down and angling it into her slick tunnel before ramming it all the way home, his big balls slapping against her puffy pussy as he fucked her!

She was moaning, obviously enjoying the different sensation of that much larger cock thrusting into her! I had little doubt that Charlie had chosen to hover over her, his hands braced on her hips, so that one and all could see him laying it to her; she was beyond caring, lost in that realm of sensation and lust where the rest of the world ceases to exist. Oscar actually moved closer and bent forward to watch, still rigidly erect. Charlie made one thrust that was a little too enthusiastic and slipped out of her, his next couple of thrusts poorly aimed, his cock sliding futilely against her pussy without entering her. I stared – probably with my mouth hanging open - as Oscar reached out and seized Charlie’s big cock and guided it back into his own wife!

I was stunned when he did that. Alli was possibly even more so, as I heard her utter a soft, “God!” and felt her fingers dig into my leg. As we stared, Charlie slid out of her again, and again Oscar was quick to grab his big penis and direct him back into Irene, who seemed to whimper with loss each time his cock came out of her eager pussy. When it happened a couple of more times, I realized that Charlie was doing it on purpose. Why…well, that was the question.

I shook my head, breaking the trance I’d fallen into watching this live sex show. This was definitely a first for me and Alli, another in a night of firsts, and while I can’t deny being deeply, intensely aroused, I was also a little bit uncomfortable. Okay, more than a little bit; I was totally freaked out! I touched Alli’s shoulder, and she dragged her eyes away from the spectacle to look at me. “I’m going to get something to drink. You want anything?”

“I’ll go with you.” With that, we both stood and climbed out of the tub, our skin steaming in the cool air. It was kind of an odd sensation to not really feel the cold on our bodies, so overheated were we from the hot water. Also, now, with all that had happened in the last half-hour or so, I was much less concerned about walking around naked, my cock as erect and hard as it had ever been; that just didn’t seem to be such a big deal anymore…I mean, you know, considering!

There were two of the propane heaters glowing orange near the small bar and the cooler where the drinks were arrayed, taking a bit of the chill of the air there, near the back wall of the house. Also, if there was any breeze remaining, the house must have been blocking it, because the air here near the tub and bar was still. As we paused in front of the bar, Alli looked down at my raging erection before taking me in her hand and squeezing me. “You seem to be incredibly turned on by all this!”

I snorted. “Huh! So says the woman with nipples that could cut glass!”

She looked down at herself, as if to confirm my observation, before she shrugged. “I am. I won’t even pretend, Davey. I’m so damned horny right now I feel like I’m trembling with it; if I don’t come – and soon – I think I might explode.”

I didn’t respond to that immediately; first, it was a statement, not a question, and thus required no response. Second, I knew that a good deal of her intense arousal was because of her intimate moment with Michael, and I still didn’t know how to feel or what to say about that. Instead I bent over the cooler and dug a beer out of the crushed ice. I looked at her. “You want anything?”

“Besides you, you mean?” When I didn’t respond, she said, “Is there any water in there? I may have had enough to drink tonight…too much, maybe.”

There were some bottles of water buried in the ice, so I pulled one out and twisted the lid off for her. As I passed it to her our eyes met, and we searched each other’s faces for a moment. “Is that what that was all about, with you and Michael, you being a little drunk?”

She looked down at her feet. “David, can we not talk about that right now?”


“Later, at home maybe would be better. Not now. Not here. I can’t…right now.”

I shook my head, still hurting, jealous despite my arousal. “Are you ready to leave?”

“No! Are you? I think we should stay longer.” She looked over to where Charlie was still fucking Irene, who was still on her hands and knees, moaning in pleasure and reaching back between her legs with one hand to fondle Charlie’s balls as he drove into her. “Don’t you want to see how this ends?”

I had to laugh. “That’s pretty much a foregone conclusion, isn’t it? The climax of the event will be…well, the climax of the event, I suppose. Won’t it?”

Before Allison could answer, Marci joined us near the bar, her gloriously sensual body wreathed in steam from the heat of her wet skin, a beautiful mermaid completely unashamed of her own nudity – and apparently unconcerned about its effect on the men around her. “What are you guys doing?”

I looked at her as I waggled my beer in front of her eyes. “Getting drinks. You want something?”

“Thanks, yeah – one of those for me, and grab one for Michael too, if you would.”

I bent to retrieve the requested bottles, straightening just in time for Marci to say, “What’s going on with Michael, do you know? He’s all freaked out, and he won’t tell me why.”

Before Alli could reply, I said, “You know, it’s funny; we were just avoiding talking about that ourselves.”

Alli looked at me sharply. “David!”

Marci silently took in the exchange. “Uh-oh. Something’s going on here, and I’m the only one out of the loop. Come on, you guys, dish; what’s up?”

Allison shook her head. “Nothing, really; it was all just a misunderstanding. Tell him it was all my fault, okay?”

Marci frowned. “Tell him what was all your fault?”

“Everything. He’ll have to tell you about it, but tell him everything is all right…you know, that we’re okay, will you?”

Marci shook her head. “Why do I feel like I’m chasing my tail?”

“Speaking of tails, what the hell is the deal with Charlie, Irene, and Oscar? Jesus!” It wasn’t my smoothest segue ever – okay, as segues go it wasn’t worth a shit – but I was very mixed up, concerned, and, yes, interested in what the story was behind Charlie fucking Irene right in front of her husband. Plus, I wanted to distract attention from the little scene that Michael and my wife had just shared. I sure as hell didn’t want to discuss it with Marci before I’d come to grips with it myself!

Marci looked over at where Charlie and Irene continued to go at it, and Oscar continued to watch; once again he grabbed Charlie’s thick, slippery cock when it slid free of Irene – intentionally, I was now sure - and guided it lovingly back into her.“That’s what I started to mention, earlier, when we were talking! They’ve been doing this for awhile now, sort of a steady thing where Charlie and Irene sort of…you know, hook up, and Oscar just sort of watches. Or helps as needed, apparently. According to what I heard, it all started out as Oscar’s idea!”

Alli said, “Oscar’s idea? This was his idea?”

At the same moment, I said, “What you heard? So this is all just rumors?”

Marci looked across at the mating couple. “Well, obviously it’s not all just rumors!” She laughed. “But yeah, I heard it from Keri, who heard it from…well someone else at work, who shall remain nameless, but who is a good friend of Irene’s – so it’s only, like, third-hand information.”

“Damn! You women and your gossip and rumor mill. Unbelievable!”

“And yet now you need me to fill you in, huh?” She looked at me smugly. “How about that!”

She had me there; I knew that if anyone would have the inside scoop on this whole strange little ménage à trois that we were witnessing it would be Marci. The woman should have been an investigative reporter, or spy or something. She somehow always seemed to know stuff. “Yeah, yeah, okay, just spill it.” By now I was not only intensely aroused by what I was seeing, I was also intensely curious about the whole damn scene.

Marci laughed. “Well, apparently Oscar had this whole fantasy thing about some other guy fucking his wife…” Alli glanced at me at that moment, and our eyes met, some unspoken little thing passing between us; Marci, engrossed in spreading her gossip, missed it. “…and he finally told her about it – I guess she thought he was crazy, at first – but eventually, as they played with the fantasy, the idea of getting laid by some new, studly, well-hung guy started to grow on her. Oscar was so eager for her to do it that she finally agreed that if they could find the right guy, maybe she’d try it – you know, just to make Oscar happy.”

Alli shook her head. “Just to make Oscar happy…?”

She seemed to be musing more so than asking, but Marci nodded. “Yup. I don’t know all the details of how they approached Charlie about it, or how they got him involved at the beginning – then again, this is Charlie Nix we’re talking about, remember - but apparently that whole ‘some poor schmuck’s wife starts fucking his boss’ meme played a role, just a huge fantasy for Oscar, apparently. You know - how the wife fantasizes about her husband’s boss, and the dominant boss takes advantage of his control over the guy and starts nailing his wife – it’s a common fantasy, right?”

I blew out my breath, not aware I’d been holding it. “If you say so. Marce, where do you get this shit?” It had turned out that she could shock, surprise, and embarrass me just as much naked and dripping wet as she could at work, fully dressed. That in itself should not have been much of a surprise, I suppose.

Marci grinned. “Oh come on! Women fantasize about their husband’s boss – or their own boss – all the time, if the guy isn’t too old or ugly! Or a complete asshole. I do – we all do it. It’s a power and authority, thing, I think, the whole ‘alpha male’ attraction. It doesn’t mean anything…most of the time.”

She had snuck in that little “I do” statement; it took me a second to remember that I was her boss. She had basically just admitted that she fantasized about me. For some unknown reason, that embarrassed me even more than I already was, and I felt myself blush; if anyone should have been blushing it should have been Marci, but that doesn’t seem to happen often. I fully intended to let her little confession slide on by without comment, but Alli didn’t. “Wait – you fantasize about David? My husband?”

Marci laughed. “Of course! He’s my boss, and I see him every day – although not like this, of course.” Her eyes went down to my groin, where I remained firmly at attention; apparently just an eyeful wasn’t enough, because she reached out and gave my erection a quick squeeze. I was proud of myself for not jumping or shying away as I had earlier. “Now that I’ve seen him like this – all hot and ready for action – my fantasies will be even better!”

She must have seen the shocked look on Allison’s face, an expression for which her blunt admission was undoubtedly responsible (or maybe it was because she’d grabbed my dick), but she laughed. “It’s okay, Alli; you have my permission to fantasize about Michael too, you know! We can trade guys sometimes - mentally speaking, of course - just to make everything fair… and fun!”

Allison had the decency to blush deeply; I was fairly certain that her fantasies about Michael were already quite well-developed, given the powerful and near-instantaneous sexual reaction she’d had to his nearness, and his touch. Moreover, I think Marci was probably aware of Alli’s fantasies about her boyfriend as well. There could be no denying that Michael was the type of specimen of masculinity that would inspire feminine fantasies, something of which Marci was also undoubtedly aware. I just wished that I was not quite so aware of those fantasies when they belonged to my wife. If she was going to fantasize about him, that was one thing; I, however, would rather have remained blissfully unaware of it!

I had my hand resting lightly on Alli’s hip, and I felt her shiver. “Are you cold?”

She nodded. “Yes, a little. We’ve been out of the water too long – but mostly, like I told you, I’m really, really, incredibly horny!”

That explicit, blunt admission from Alli surprised me, but it made Marci giggle. “Join the club, girl! And you, stud – shouldn’t you be doing something about that? You’re certainly equipped for the job!”

“Jeez, Marci!” I looked around; other than the Charlie-Irene-Oscar-Karen group and their little scene, everyone else was getting into some sexual situation - touching, stroking, fondling – except the three of us, and Michael, who sat alone in his corner looking very forlorn. I touched Marci on the shoulder as we walked back over to the spa. “Are you guys all, like, wife-swappers, or whatever? Is that what this is all about, ‘cause we didn’t know…”

She shook her head. “No! Oh, god no! None of us are…well, unless you consider what Oscar and Irene are doing, I suppose, but that’s totally different. No, we just relax and have fun with our own partners!” She laughed. “A little touching and teasing here and there, of course, but no swapping…so far, anyway. And you guys, you know that you can do as much – or as little – as you want, whatever you’re comfortable with. You can even just watch, if you want, but that seems like such a waste to me.” So saying, she reached back and tweaked my cock again, to emphasize her point. “As for me, I fully intend to ride that big, beautiful, black stallion of mine at some point – and soon - so if that offends you…well, tough shit!”

We were back at the edge of the tub by then, and we each stepped carefully down into it, clutching our drinks, onto the seat before then stepping down onto the bottom and then taking the same seats we’d occupied before. As we did, a sound from the other end of the tub drew our attention, and we turned just in time to see Oscar finally lose control, the act of watching his wife get well and truly laid and listening to her orgasms – combined with the fact that Karen was still stroking him - finally driving him over the edge!

The first jet of semen shot out of him like a rocket, arcing up in a jet of white over the edge of the tub to splatter down onto the redwood boards of the deck two feet away, alongside his moaning wife! Karen, giggling, suddenly realizing what she had helped to precipitate, cried out, “whoopsie!”, and, like the pro she is, cupped her hands over his spasming, spurting penis, catching the remainder of his copious ejaculation in her cupped palms rather than letting him squirt his cum into the tub and all over the place.

When his impressive ejaculation was finally finished, his eager spurts reduced to a dribble and then a drop or two, she calmly stepped to the edge of the tub where the drop-off was and reached out, pouring his substantial load over the side and into the withered flower beds below. Oscar was still quite erect, his rigid little four-incher, still spasming with contractions, doing its best to stand tall. I don’t think he had taken his eyes off his wife and Charlie for a moment, even at the peak of his own climax!

I set my beer on the deck behind Allison, alongside her water bottle, as I put my arm around her, pulling her against me so that I could speak softly, into her ear. “I gotta admit, all of this shit happening all around us has me pretty wired. Crazy – but sexy crazy, for sure!”

“I know, I…well, I already told you how horny I am.” Her hand snuck into my lap, her fingers closing around my raging erection. “Are we going to go with the flow?”

“Mmm, it was really more like a bunch of spurts than a flow, wasn’t it”

She giggled. “You know what I mean! Are you going to do me? Please?”

“Here? With everyone watching?”

“I don’t care anymore! Either here, or over there on that lounge chair, or take me inside, or out in the back seat of our car - anywhere – but soon, that’s all that matters.”

We looked around, seeing that everyone else present was engaged in something intimate with their partner, whether kissing, touching, or having oral sex performed on them, as Davonn was now doing to Molly, who was perched on the edge of the tub, breathing heavily, his head between her legs. Or actually fucking, as Charlie and Irene obviously were. Keri and Don also appeared to be, as she sat on his lap, her back to him, straddling his legs as he fondled her breasts. In that position, I could only assume that he was inside of her as well – if not, he was missing a golden opportunity!

Michael had also taken a seat on the edge of the tub, allowing his overheated body to cool for a few moments. He was sitting right at the lip, which allowed his balls and semi-erect cock to dangle over the side. Marci was in the tub, seated, leaning her head against the outside of his muscular thigh as she reached up from below to fondle him. As Alli and I watched she was running her hand over the length of his huge cock, lightly masturbating him, pulling his foreskin down over the head of his cock with each downward tug only too slide it back again, uncovering his glans on the upward stroke.

When I felt Alli shudder against me and heard her soft whimper, I realized that she found this particular scene especially arousing, which did nothing to ease my insecurity and angst about her earlier episode. I slid my hand up her thigh, beneath the water, and she immediately opened her legs, granting me access. When I parted her sex and slowly pushed a finger inside of her, I was astonished by her readiness, the soft, swollen heat of her unmistakable, and the slick, copious juices of her arousal very different from the water around us, more viscous and slippery as she closed around my finger. She shuddered again, and I was rewarded with a soft, “Ohhh, Davey” whispered into my ear.

I kissed her, playing tongues for a moment before separating. “Would you like some of what Molly’s having?”

She glanced across to where Molly was visibly enjoying the ministrations of her husband’s tongue at her sex, her eyes closed and her small brown nipples hard with arousal, and nodded. “Oh, yes!”

She slid up onto the edge of the tub and positioned herself so that I could easily get my face to her needy bits, one foot down in the water and the other propped up on the edge, her knee bent and her thighs open, but as I leaned in to taste her, we heard the very distinctive sounds of orgasm from where Charlie and Irene were. She was coming – I know, because she said, “Oh god, I’m coming!” - repeated several times, and Charlie was too, although he was less vocal about it.

His cues were of a more visible nature, and we both stared as his body stiffened and he thrust deeply into her, grunting with effort. We could see the base of his thick cock where he entered her, as well as his balls and the bulge of the internal portion of his erection behind them, and as we watched his penis began to flex and spasm, throbbing with pulse after pulse of his orgasm as he pumped his cum into her. I’d seen (and enjoyed) that shot in porn videos, of course, but had never expected to see it in person, and it was shockingly intense to do so.

We sat frozen, just watching, until his pumping and spurting tapered off. It was my turn to shiver with arousal, stunned by the fact that he had just shot his load inside of another man’s wife. That strange erotic thrill only intensified as, when he started to pull out of her, a large dollop of his semen slid free, white and pearlescent as it ran down the folds of her pussy to drip from her hard clit – but, before it could, Oscar reached out and caught it on his trembling fingers and smeared it across his wife’s swollen sex and into her matted pubes.

I felt like I stopped breathing, but Alli knew just what to do; she put her hand on my head and pushed my face to her incredibly aroused sex, and then she came within seconds, even as my tongue had barely begun its explorations!

Written by Stormdog
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