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Girls Do Talk, You Know

"A couple's secret spreads and it's not gossip."

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Chapter One: Their Secret

Debra called to Mark, “What are you doing?”

Mark quickly made his way to Debra, “Nothing, why?” he replied.

Debra responded, “I was thinking about giving you a special treat tonight, would you like that?”

Without hesitation, Mark said, “Yes please.”

Debra ran her finger under Mark’s chin and commanded. “Then get on your knees!” 

Debra was not only great at teasing her husband, but she also had an imagination that took all of her husband's fantasies to a higher level. Mark fell to his knees as Debra spun around. Lifting her skirt, she exposed her bare ass and said, “Well then you better start kissing.”

Mark placed his hands on her ass and began gently pressing his lips into her soft skin. With his hands caressing and squeezing he kissed over and over. When he slowly pressed his teeth into her skin Debra turned and said, “Oh so you want to be naughty do you.” 

Debra reached behind and grabbed her ass cheeks. She spread them apart and commanded, “Then put your tongue on my asshole.” Mark’s tongue quickly found her rosebud and began flicking.

Debra lowered her skirt back over her ass. Looking down at Mark she said, “Now you be a good boy and I’ll be back in a few hours.” Then she walked out the door.

Together they had a dirty little secret. It was a game Mark cherished and Debra adored. You see, Debra would have sex with other men without letting her husband know when or where and then share her escapades with Mark. Having men desire her and her husband worship her actions made her feel like a goddess. Mark loved the sexual charge it gave her and himself. 

A few hours later Mark heard Debra’s car pull into the garage. He turned off the TV and waited patiently for her to enter. Debra walked in, her hair a bit messy she dropped her purse on the counter and said, “Come with me, darling.”

The two made their way to the bedroom. Debra had a thumb drive in her hand that she plugged into the TV before grabbing the remote and turning it on. Debra hopped onto the bed and lay on her stomach facing the TV. She giggled and said, “Time to pick up where you left off,” then lifted her skirt.

Mark slid behind and once again began kissing Debra’s ass. He could tell her skin smelt different but didn’t say a thing as Debra began playing a video from the thumb drive. Debra looked back and then spread her cheeks. Mark pressed the tip of his tongue onto her asshole.

Debra rocked her hips and giggled from Mark’s tongue teasing. Mark raised his eyes to see a silent video of a young man's ass humping up and down between spread legs and a woman's feet high in the air. The man in the video was pumping hard, slamming himself into the woman. Debra pushed Mark’s head away from her ass, rolled over, and said, “Fuck me.”

Mark quickly slid up. He took his cock in hand and pushed it into his wife's warm pussy. His moan of pleasure filled Debra’s ear. Debra’s turned her head back to look at the TV. She took the remote in hand and raised the volume. 

The video played on as the man fucking the woman grunted with each hard thrust and the woman let out moans familiar to Mark. Their eyes focused on the TV as Mark continued fucking his wife. Debra broke her gaze from the TV to say, “Watch, here comes the good part.”

The man in the video's ass cheeks clenched. He quickly moved from between Debra’s legs and slid to her side. The man began frantically stroking his cock as Debra looked back at the camera. Within moments the man began shooting his cum onto Debra’s face.

Debra looked at her husband and asked, “Can you cum that much too?”

Mark’s cock pumped in and out a couple more times before his ass tightened. He buried his cock deep in his wife’s pussy as it began to erupt. Debra held him tight to her body while his cock twitched with its final spurts. 

With his cock still inside Debra looked at Mark and said, “When I left his house my girlfriends Stacey and Amy drove by.”

With concern in his voice, Mark replied, “Did they see you?”

Debra said, “Yes, they stopped and asked what I was up to.”

Mark asked, “What did you say?”

Debra paused before replying, “I told them I was getting laid.”

Mark laughed and said, “Did they think you were serious.”

Debra answered, “Amy laughed and said she was going to tell on me.”

Mark then said, “I hope you straighten that out, we don’t need them knowing about this.”

A few days later Debra was standing in the closet trying to choose an outfit. Mark walked in and asked, “Do you have some plans for this afternoon?”

Debra replied, “Now that’s none of your business.”

She held out a short skirt and a sundress then looked at Mark and asked, “Which one?”

Mark replied, “That’s a tough choice, why don’t you model both for me.”

Debra placed her hands on Mark's shoulders and pushed him to the floor. Debra slipped on the short skirt. She stepped into Mark forcing him onto his back and asked, “How does this look from down there?”

Mark responded, “Very sexy.”

Debra slipped the skirt off and then slid the sundress on. “How about this one?” she asked.

Mark answered, “That’s pretty hot too.”

Debra looked down and smiled. Reaching under her dress she slid her panties off, dropped them onto Mark's chest, and said, “Now it’s perfect.”

Looking down at her husband Debra then asked “Black or white heels?”

Mark responded, “Is that like naughty or innocent.”

Debra reached down and grabbed her white heels and slipped them on. Leaning over to give Mark a kiss she said, “Gotta run, love ya.”

Chapter Two: No More a Secret

Several hours later Debra pulled her car into the garage and walked into the house. As she dropped her purse on the table the doorbell rang. She smiled at Mark and said, “That should be my girls.”

With a confused look on his face, Mark asked, “Your girls?”

Debra shook her head up and down then went to open the door. “Come on in girls,” she said and her friends, Stacey and Amy walked in. 

Debra instructed Mark to get everyone a glass of wine as the girls took a seat in the living room and began chatting. After passing out the glasses of wine Debra looked at Mark and said, “Sit down and join us, honey.”

Mark looked around for a place to sit when Debra directed him to sit between Stacey and Amy on the couch. The three continued chatting until Amy asked, “So what is this special thing you wanted to show us?”

Debra stood up and replied, “I thought you would never ask.”

Debra walked over to her purse and then came back to the room shaking a thumb drive in the air. Mark held his breath, internally praying that his wife was not about to do what he was afraid of. Debra pushed the thumb drive into the TV, grabbed the remote, and said, “Sip your wine girls this may make your lower parts tingle.”

The girls laughed and raised their glasses into the air toasting the naughty statement before taking another sip. Debra sat back down, leaned back into her chair and crossed her legs then hit the play button on the remote.

The video opened with the muscular chest of a dark-skinned man filling the frame. As the man stepped back from the camera his nude body and very large, thick cock came into view. Stacey was the first to speak and said, “Well I didn’t see that coming.”

The girl's looked at Mark who suddenly raised his hands to cover his eyes. This made the two-gals giggle. Amy reached over, grabbing Mark’s wrist. Pulling his hand away from his face she said, “C’mon Mark it's just a little girl fun, you can handle that.”

The girls verbally expressed their enjoyment at the sight of the well-toned black man and his large cock standing firm in the air. Then a woman with her back facing the camera appeared. The woman in the video lifted her dress over her head and tossed it to the side. Then she unsnapped her bra and dropped it to the floor. Marks could feel his heart begin fluttering in his chest and that fear had him frozen in his seat.

The woman in the video took a few steps toward the man. Only Mark noticed the high heels she was wearing and he glanced over at Debra. Then the woman in the video lowered herself onto her knees. She slid to the man’s side taking his big cock in hand and lifted it. The room was silent. Stacey and Amy leaned in closer and mentally verified it was indeed their host on the video. Watching intently, they witnessed Debra take the man’s cock into her mouth.

Stacey and Amy looked over at Debra sitting in the chair who was smiling and then back to the TV. The man in the video pointed a remote at the camera and it zoomed in closer. The abundant size of his tool became obvious as Debra’s lips stretched around its head.

The two women began to shift around in their seats as if trying to disguise what was either shock or arousal. They all stared at the screen watching Debra work the man's huge cock with her hands and mouth. After a few minutes and Debra’s saliva coating the man's shaft, he reached down and lifted Debra to her feet. 

The man placed Debra onto the bed, slid her legs apart and his face disappeared between them. The moan she let out in the video confirmed that his tongue had found its target. The erotic tension began to fill the room as Debra’s girlfriends could be heard taking deep breaths. 

Debra looked over at Stacey and then with a smile she glanced at her husband. Stacey followed Debra’s glance and looked at Mark, still frozen between herself and Amy. Running her eyes down she saw a bulge in Mark’s pants. She looked back at Debra with a mix of curiosity and enjoyment. 

Mark was frozen, staring at the TV as Stacey reached over his lap to touch Amy’s leg, getting her attention. Stacey directed Amy to look down at Mark’s bulging crotch which made Amy’s eyes open wide in surprise. After seeing the undeniable bulge in Mark's pants Amy looked back toward Debra and mouthed the words, “You’re bad.”

Debra’s girlfriends carefully sipped their wine as they stared at the scene happening on the TV. The subtle sound of deep breaths became silent again when the man stood up. He wrapped his arms under Debra’s legs and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. 

His left knee slid onto the bed under Debra’s leg and then the right. The man's arms slid under Debra’s knees and he pressed forward giving everyone a view of Debra’s clean-shaven pussy. Then the man leaned forward taking one of Debra’s nipples into his mouth and allowing a view of his long, thick cock dangling in front of Debra’s pussy.

With Debra’s legs pushed back and fully exposed pussy the man reached under, taking his cock into his hand. He rubbed the head of his tool up and down Debra’s slit. Suddenly the suspenseful tension in the room changed when one of Debra’s girlfriends blurted out, “Go ahead, put that big cock in her pussy.”

The three girls looked at each other with sexy grins then back at the TV. The man's thick cock pushed between Debra’s folds and into her opening. One of her girlfriends let out a muffled moan. Debra couldn’t help but shift her legs as her pussy began to tingle from the sight.

The room became filled with a different type of tension as they watched the man fuck Debra, making her moan louder. The girls became more aroused and more animated. They verbally rooted for the man to “fuck her” and “give it to her”.

Then both Stacey and Amy gasped in awe as their wish was granted. The man’s thick cock pushed in and inch after inch disappeared until the only thing visible were his balls against Debra’s ass. As he began to hump, Debra’s visibly stretched lips clung to his thick shaft. The moaning on the video became louder and longer as Debra’s pussy gave way to the man's full strokes. 

Debra motioned for her friends to look at Mark. His eyes were glued on the fucking his wife was taking and his two hands innocently covered his bulging crotch. The two girlfriends looked at Mark as he pressed his hands into his hard-on and chuckled, then they looked back at Debra and all three smiled at one another. 

Turning their attention back to the video, the girls began reacting like sports fans watching a great game. They beckoned for the man to keep fucking and rooted for Debra to take his cock. They kept going until Amy noticed the man's strokes became longer and harder. Amy squeezed her legs together and said, “Oh my god he’s going I think he’s about to cum.”

The three women leaned in close to the TV as the man gave a huge thrust and impaled his cock deep into Debra’s pussy. His balls twitched as he held firm and let out a loud groan. Seconds passed with the man’s cock fully buried in Debra’s pussy and not moving. Then in the video, Debra can be seen taking the remote in her hand and the video suddenly shuts off.

Mark sitting in between the two girls was now firmly pressing his hands into his crotch. Debra’s girlfriends were aroused and flustered as they leaned back into their seats trying to regain composure. It was as if they had their secret mini-orgasms. One of Debra’s girlfriends took a deep breath before asking Debra, “Did he?”

Debra stood up from her chair and took a few steps to the couch. She placed her hands on Mark's knees, pushing them together so her legs could straddle his. Debra’s girlfriends watched closely as she grabbed one of Mark’s hands and pulled it from his lap. Debra looked down at Mark’s bulge and smiled. 

Then, taking Mark’s hand Debra guided it under her dress. She forced his fingers into her warm, wet pussy and held them there. Debra’s girlfriends looked at each other before refocusing their attention back on Debra’s actions. 

Pulling Mark’s wrist, she guided his hand out from under her dress and held it out for view. The white goo coating Mark’s fingers put on display the evidence of her infidelity.  

Stacey and Amy stood up and looked at Mark's hand. Amy then looked at Stacey and said, "Girl, I think we need to talk."

Debra turned to Mark and said, "Why don't you go clean that up, we girls need to have a private conversation.”

Mark left the room and went to wash his hands. Stepping quietly from the bathroom. He tried to get close enough to listen to the girl's conversation but could only hear whispers and laughter. Finally, he heard Debra beckon, "Mark, could you come back to the room please."

Mark walked back into the room and the girls were all seated. His wife pointed towards the spot where he had been sitting before and said, "Have a seat the girls want to ask you some questions."

Mark sat down. He felt anxious about the possible embarrassment that may be coming. Amy looked down at his now clean hand and then asked, "You like seeing your wife having sex with other men?"

Mark replied, "We like doing this."

Amy then said, "We could see why Debra enjoyed it but, why did you?"

Mark answered, "When I see her in sexual ecstasy it turns me on."

Stacey spoke up, "Do you play with yourself while watching?"

Debra interrupted, "Only when I allow him to."

Both girls chuckled at her statement. Stacey then asked, "Do you want to jerk off now?"

Mark replied, "Maybe but, not in front of you guys."

Stacey looked at Debra and asked, "Is it okay if your husband jerks off?"

Debra responded, "He just needs the right motivation."

Both girls looked at Mark with childish grins. Debra said, "Come over here honey."

Mark stepped to where his wife was sitting and stood in front of her. Debra reached out, placed her hand on his crotch, and said, "Lay down on the floor."

Mark slid down to lie on the floor. Debra got to her feet and positioned herself so Mark was looking directly up at her dress. 

Debra looked at her friends and said, "This always gets him going." 

Mark stared up at his wife's swollen pussy. The bulge in his pants quickly returned. Mark reached down and adjusted his swelling cock. Both girlfriends leaned forward to watch Mark's hand begin to massage his bulge. Debra looked at them and in a near whisper said, "Sometimes he needs a little extra coaxing."

Debra winked at her friends then squatted down and got on her knees. Adjusting her dress, she pressed her pussy into Mark's face and lowered her dress over his head. Debra wiggled her hips and then let out a soft moan before looking up at her friends and said, "Now he's in the right spot."

Stacey and Amy turned to each other with mouths wide open in shock. With amazement in her voice, Stacey asked, "Is he licking your pussy?"

Debra whispered back, "Wait until he finds out there's still more cum inside "

Amy knelt on the floor for a closer look and Stacey followed. They couldn't see Mark's face but as they sat quietly, they could hear the sound of Mark's muffled breathing. Debra reached down and moved Mark's hand. She unzipped his pants and then replaced his hand onto his crotch. Mark could feel his straining cock begging for release from the constraints of his pants and pulled his hardened tool from its refuge.

Mark began stroking his cock. Stacy and Amy whispered comments to each other as they watched Mark's hand slide up and down. Debra's slight hip movements came to a halt.

Debra's closed her eyes and her body tensed up. Suddenly Mark let out a cough. Debra looked at her girlfriends and said, "I just gave him a little gift."

Amy asked Debra, "Is he tasting that man’s cum?"

Debra answered, "If he’s not he’s certainly wearing it"

Their attention turned back to Mark who was stroking his cock faster and faster. Within moments, his body began to twitch, and cum shot into the air. Debra gave Mark a moment before standing up. The girls cooed at the sight of Mark's shiny lips. Debra instructed him to go clean himself up and Mark left the room.

Stacey turned to Debra and said, "We've got to get home but, I think us girls need to talk some more."

Amy interjected, "Yes, I think we do."

Debra walked the girls to the door, they hugged and said goodbye.

Chapter Three: The Girls' Club Begins

Over the next several months the girls met two to three times a week. Debra gave them assignments and they compared notes. The girls even created an online chat room to discuss things and share ideas. The day had finally come. The doorbell rang and Debra quickly went to answer it. With the girls sharing hugs and kisses in walked Stacey, Amy, and their husbands. 

Stacey and Amy took their seats on the couch while Debra and the three husbands were still standing. The men all introduced themselves to one another then Debra began to speak, "I'd like to welcome everyone to the first meeting of our little club."

The three men looked at one another and their wives with a bit of confusion. Debra turned to Mark and said, "Please bring us our wine."

Mark left and returned with a tray of glasses along with a bottle of wine. He started to pour the wine when Debra said, "Only the girls, please."

Mark stopped pouring at the third glass and the girls each took one. They raised them as a toast. "To us," Amy said, and the three took a sip.

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Debra then sat down. Tapping on the floor in front of her she said, "Come, honey, sit down right here."

Mark took his place sitting on the floor in front of his wife but facing the group. Stacey and Amy looked at their husbands and repeated Debra's action of tapping on the floor and the two men sat down in their respective spots.

The girls chatted and drank wine while touching and stroking their husbands' heads like pets. Debra broke the chatter and asked, "So he wants to go first?"

Stacey spoke up, "I think that will be me."

Stacey reached into her purse and pulled out a thumb drive. She walked to the TV and pushed it in. With an excited dance and shake of her hips, she grabbed the remote and headed back to her seat. Stacey hit the play button, crossed her legs, and began twirling her fingers in her husband's hair. Everyone looked at the TV as the video began to play.

Stacey appeared in the video modeling purple lace lingerie. She swirled around and blew a kiss to the camera. Then her arm extends beyond the camera view. Her hand reappears holding the hand of a young, toned black man. 

Stacey walks the man to the bed and then drops to her knees. Her hands reached up to the waistband of his boxers and slowly began pulling them down. The shaft of the young man's cock starts to appear and then springs up when she pulls his boxers to the floor.

His long, thick cock bounced up and down in Stacey's face. Stacey could be heard giggling as she wrapped her hand around it. Stacey spit in her hand and began stroking the length of the man's cock while looking back at the camera.

Stacey's husband turned his head to look over at Amy and her husband. Amy's husband was glued to the action on the TV but Amy saw him looking at them and she gave him a naughty grin. Stacey looked at Amy and smiled, then placed her hand on top of her husband's head and twisted it back towards the TV. 

Feeling the unconscious arousal Stacey unfolded her legs and began running her finger up and down her thigh. The whole experience of being on display in front of the group made her pussy a little wet.

Stacey refocused her attention back on the video. Amy and Debra continued stroking the heads and backs of their husbands then Amy said, "Stacey you look so sexy."

Stacey replied, "I know, right."

The video continues as Stacey can be seen bobbing her head back and forth with the man's large cock stuffed in her mouth. Moments later Stacey stands to her feet and pushes the man back onto the bed. Stacey unstraps her lace bra then drops her panties to the floor and kicks them away with her foot. She climbed onto the bed and straddled the young man. Placing a foot on each side she squatted.

Starting at the TV Stacey said, "I love this part."

Stacey reaches down, grabs the man's cock, and points the head to her opening. As her hand slides down its long shaft, her ass lowers. The head of his cock begins to disappear between Stacey's pussy lips. 

Stacey pauses and moans. Debra turns to Stacey and asked, "How deep did you get it."

Stacey replied, "Just watch."

Debra turned back to the TV just as Stacey slowly lowered herself. Inch by inch Stacey slides down his thick cock until her ass comes to rest and his cock had disappeared. The sight of what just happened caused Debra and Amy to simultaneously let out very long sexy moans of amazement.

Back to the video, Stacey could be seen grinding back and forth. Then she places her knees on the bed and leans forward, exposing the thick cock that's deep in her stretched pussy. Stacey's hips began to move and her ass began going up and down. With her lips pressed against the young man's lips Stacey was bouncing on his big cock. 

Debra and Amy started clapping and cheering in congratulations as Stacey rode his long, hard tool. 

Amy cheered, "That's it girl, get it."

Debra shouted, "That is so fucking hot."

Stacey straightened her back and sat up in pride at the girls' accolades. Then she commented, "That cock was really big."

The video continued with Stacey riding the man harder and faster. Her moans became louder until her ass slammed down onto the man’s lap and she screamed out in orgasm. Silence took over the room. Then Stacey catches her breath and slowly rises. 

Slowly the man's thick, shiny cock appeared. When Stacey's butt had risen high enough the man's cock fell to his legs and white goo dripped from Stacey's pussy. Amy said, "Oh my god," while Debra laughed and excitedly patted her husband on the top of his head. 

Stacey got off the bed. The man rose to his feet and then walked out of the camera's view. Stacey turned around and laid back down on the bed. Laying on her back with her knees up she turned and wiggled her finger.

Suddenly Stacey's naked husband appeared in the video and walked to the bed. Stacey slid herself back a few inches. Her husband climbed on top between her legs, took his cock in hand, and pushed its head into his wife's freshly fucked pussy.

Again, Debra and Amy began to clap and cheer. Debra looked at Stacey, then at her husband, and teased, "Aww you couldn't get him to kiss your kitty first."

Stacey wrapped her arms around her husband. She leaned in, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Not yet but he will."

Back on the video, Stacey's husband can be seen with his ass moving up and down between her legs as she calmly looks down at his cock pumping in and out of her pussy. Within moments he groans and collapses on top of her. Stacey smiles at him and tells him how good he did and the video comes to an end.

The three women smile and clap in applause. Debra looked at Stacey's husband and asked, "So how did her pussy feel?"

Her husband bashfully replied, "Different."

The girls giggled and began sipping more wine. The chatting when on for a bit about the man's cock and Stacey's fucking skills then Debra said, "Well Amy did you bring anything."

Amy replied, "Let me look and see," as she fumbled around in her purse.

Pulling a thumb drive out Amy teasingly said, "Look what I found, I wonder what could be on this."

Amy handed the drive to her husband and said, "Be a good hubby and go put this in."

Amy's husband looked around the room with shy hesitation. Amy whispered something into his ear and he quickly got up and plugged the drive into the TV. Stacey handed the remote to Amy who pointed it at the TV and hit play.

The video starts and Amy was laying on the bed naked with her naked husband between her legs licking her pussy. They could hear her lightly moaning as her husband buried his face and stroked his cock.

The group watched as Amy squeezed her tits and moved her hips against his hard-working tongue. After a few minutes, Amy reaches down and removes her husband's mouth from her pussy. She quietly says something to him and he crawls onto the bed to position himself behind his wife. With her head resting back against her husband's lap like a pillow, Amy's spread her legs. 

A man steps into the video. More noticeable than his dark skin was the abundant amount of muscles covering his body. He approached and stood at the end of the bed. Looking down between Amy's legs he held a cock that matched his physique. Not overly long but veiny and extremely thick. His cocks wide head met with a shaft thicker than anyone had ever seen.

Debra inhaled deeply and said, "My God where did you find him?"

Amy responded, "You'll have to ask my hubby later."

Stacey leaned over and gave Amy a high five.

Turning back to the video they all watched as the man got onto the bed sliding his knees under Amy's legs. The man grabbed Amy's ankles and lifted her feet off the bed. Sensing the spread wide position, he was directing Amy reached back, grabbed her husband's hands, and guided them under her knees.

Amy's husband adjusted his position as his hands slid up Amy's legs. His hands wrapped around her ankles. Then Amy’s husband spread Amy's legs wide, offering his wife's pussy as the muscles on the man's chest fluttered and flexed.

The man held his thick cock as he ran the head up and down Amy's slit. The slickness from her husband's tongue provided ample lubrication. Amy broke the silence in the room and said, "Girls watch this.”

The girls leaned in towards the TV as the man pushed the fat head of his cock between Amy's folds causing her outer lips to press and puff up. The man stayed still with the head of his beefy member just past her pussy lips. Amy moaned and took deep breaths as her pussy adjusted to the size.

Debra looked at Amy and said, "There's no way he's fitting that cock in your pussy."

Amy looked down at her husband, squeezing his hand hard she asked, "Did it fit honey?"

Amy's husband cleared his throat and replied, "Yes."

The girls looked at one another and giggled then back to the TV. The man's thick shaft began pushing into Amy's hole. Amy let out a scream of pleasurable pain as inch by inch began to fill her pussy. Her husband did as he was required and kept her legs spread wide until the man's thick cock finally came to rest deep inside her stretched hole.

As the man started to move Amy's mix of moans and screams had her head turning from side to side. Within moments Amy could be heard yelling, "Oh my god I'm going to fucking cum."

The man's steady pace with his massive tool sent Amy into a frenzy as she screamed out in orgasm. Debra and Stacey rose to their feet clapping and woo-hooing. Cheering as the man kept his fat cock pumping back and forth in Amy's pussy. 

The girls watched with excitement as Amy's moans and screams carried on. Them Stacey's hand covered her mouth in shock when Amy's hands landed on the man's shoulder and she cried out in a shaky voice, "My God I'm still cumming, I'm still cumming."

Debra looked at Amy and asked, “How can an orgasm last that long?”

Amy just smiled.

As Amy's husband struggled to keep her shaking legs spread wide, Amy looked up at him and with the orgasm hitting her over and over she yelled, "Don't you dare let go, not right now."

Amy went silent as the muscles in her face clenched. Then her eyes opened wide, her entire body began to shake, her eyes rolled back and then disappeared as the loudest scream filled the room.

The man held still with his cock deep in Amy's pussy.  Amy’s husband kept hold of her legs until her heavy breathing began to slow down. Debra and Stacey again began to clap and cheer. Stacey looked at her husband and asked, "You want to see me cum like that don't you baby?”

Stacey didn't wait for an answer as she turned her attention back to the video. The man slid his cock from Amy's pussy exposing her swollen lips and open hole. Amy rose to her knees, turned to face her husband, and began whispering in his ear. After whispering she slid down and positioned herself on all fours. Amy raised her head, looked at her husband, and nodded, directing him to move behind her.

Amy's husband shuffled on his knees to her side. The muscular man was now standing at the edge of the bed with his hands on his hips and thick hard cock standing firm. 

Amy moved back till her feet were off the bed and wiggled her ass. The group watched as Amy's husband looked at the man's flexing chest and then down to his cock. Debra looked at Amy and with a curious tone asked, "What's he going to do?"

Amy said nothing and pointed at the TV. Then Amy's husband reached down and took the man's massive tool into his hand. He put his other hand on Amy's ass and guided the man's cock back into Amy's pussy.

Stacey yelled out an excited, "Yes!" as Debra gave a slow-tempo clap in appreciation.

The man once again pushed in and Amy let out a gasp and then a loud moan. Amy grabbed her husband by the hand and pulled him back to his position kneeling on the bed in front of her. 

Amy's husband began stroking his cock but Amy immediately pulled his hand away. She slapped his cock and then grabbed his hand and placed it on her shoulder. She grabbed his other hand and placed it on her other shoulder and said, "You can help me fuck him."

Amy's husband slowly began pressing Amy back onto the man's cock as his thrust sent her forward back into her husband. Soon Amy's husband found himself needing to press firmly on his wife's shoulders to keep her in place as he heard the sound of the man's skin slapping against his wife's ass cheeks. The muscular man was now freely driving his unbelievably thick cock into Amy's pussy with a hard thrust.

Debra with awe on her face looked at Stacey. Then she turned to Amy and asked, "You've gotta tell me, how did that feel?"

Amy smiled and said, "Amazing."

Suddenly the muscle-bound man grabbed Amy by the hips and began pulling her back as he pounded his cock in deep. The slapping of their skin became faster and louder. The man could be heard groaning in a deep voice as his final thrust buried his cock in and his warm cum coated her walls. Then the video ends.

Debra and Stacey applauded. Amy stood up and took a bow. Debra looked at the husbands and said, "Come on guys that deserved some applause." 

The men took their direction and began clapping along with Debra and Stacey. Debra looked at her husband Mark and said, "Another bottle of wine please, we have one more to go."

Mark came back and filled their glasses. The girls toasted again and began chatting about Amy's video. As their in-depth review continued Debra broke from the topic and said, "Foot rubs ladies?"

Amy shook her head up and down as Stacey responded, "Oh absolutely."

The girls slipped off their shoes and presented their feet to their husbands. Each repositioned themselves and began massaging their wife's feet as the ladies continued to talk and sip wine.

Stacey said, "Six months ago I could never have imagined sitting here like this."

Amy responded, "I know but it just feels so right."

Debra raised her glass and said, "I told you ladies, with the right motivation all husbands want this, they just don't know it until a good wife gives them the proper guidance."

Amy asked, "Do you think we should bottle and sell this to people?"

Debra answered, "No, but there's always room for more."

The three girls chuckled as their husbands continued rubbing their feet. Then Stacey looked at Debra and said, "Looks like somebody is getting a little aroused."

Debra looked down at Mark and saw the bulge in his pants. She looked back at Stacey and said, "I really can't blame him, those videos were pretty hot."

Debra took her foot from Mark's hand and pressed it into his crotch. In a teasing tone she said, "Yup, he's really hard."

Lifting her foot, then crossing her legs Debra said, "Well, I guess it's my turn."

Debra reached over to the table next to her and grabbed her thumb drive. She handed it to her husband and directed him to put it on the TV. Mark took his cue and inserted the drive. Amy handed the remote to Debra who pointed it and hit play.

The video starts and Debra is in the sixty-nine position with her husband Mark underneath. Amy leans forward and asked, "What is that over his cock?"

Debra smirked and replied, "That's just one of his tube socks over his hard-on."

She continued, "I just threw it on because I didn't want him thinking he was getting a blowjob and it looked cute like that."

Stacey responded, "Good idea."

Mark is seen licking Debra's pussy as she rests her head on his leg while smiling at her husband's hidden cock sticking up in the air. Then a familiar dark-skinned man appeared. He approached the bed and stood there stroking his big cock and staring down at Debra's pussy being licked by Mark.

Debra allowed Mark to lick for a bit more before saying, "Go ahead baby it's ready for you."

The man climbed onto the bed. Holding his large cock in hand he moved forward until his cock was laying on Debra's ass. Debra reached back and spread her ass cheeks apart. As the man pulled back and lowered his cock in line with Debra's pussy Mark stopped licking. Then the man pointed the head of his cock at Debra's opening and pushed in. 

Debra's mouth opened wide and she moaned before saying, "Oh my god that feels so good."

The man continued slowly sliding in until his cock met resistance. Debra lifted her head and said, "Don't worry baby I know you're going to open that cervix up."

Stacey looked at Debra with a smile and said, "I love it."

The man started moving his hips, giving Debra's pussy a nice steady fucking. As Debra began to feel her body heating up, she said, "Come on honey, this is where your tongue goes to work."

Mark's tongue found Debra's clit. He began licking and flicking it back, and forth, and side to side. Debra let out a long moan as her body filled with pleasure. The man's big cock continued sliding in and out, getting deeper into her pussy, and soon the earlier resistance was gone.

The man adjusted his leverage and began fucking Debra with long strokes. The feel of his big cock taking her pussy and her husband's tongue underneath working her clit had her moaning louder and louder. 

Amy looked at Stacey and said, "No way to avoid it, she's about to cum."

Within seconds Debra's ass and legs began to tremble. With her face pressed against her husband's leg, she let out a long, loud moan as the orgasm swept through her body.

Stacey and Amy applauded and cheered Debra's orgasm. Debra smiled at them in appreciation. 

The man pulled his big cock from Debra's quivering pussy. He slapped it on her ass cheeks before placing it back in and plunging its full length into her wet pussy. Mark couldn't keep his tongue attached to her clit because the man had begun fucking Debra harder and faster. 

Stacey and Amy began chanting, "Fill that pussy, fill that pussy."

A few more thrusts and the man let out a loud moan as he once again impaled his big cock deep in Debra's pussy. The man slid his cock from Debra's pussy and then stepped away. The video jiggles then become stable as it got repositioned and was now closely and directly focused on Debra’s pussy.

Debra lay still keeping her husband trapped underneath. The girls cooed at the site of Debra's puffy, red pussy lips and open hole as the man's cum began dripping onto Mark's face. 

Amy looked at her husband and said, "I can't wait to try that with you."

Debra looked at her friends and said, "Wait, wait it's not over yet."

The camera then jiggled and moved again until it was positioned at Debra's face and Mark's sock-covered cock. Debra took the sock off, exposing Mark's standing hard-on. Debra could be seen smiling and then she shaped her lips in an “O” and began blowing air onto Mark's cock.

Amy looked at Debra and sarcastically said, “There's his blowjob.”

Debra replied, “Has the same effect.”

Stacey looked at Amy and said, "There's no way."

As Debra continued blowing air onto Mark's cock, it began to twitch. Suddenly cum spurted from its tip and started dribbling down his shaft.

Stacey and Amy let out a long, "Aww."

The three women looked at one another and began laughing. They spent a few minutes talking about Debra's video before needing to wrap things up. Debra handed each girl her thumb drive. Stacey and Amy took their husbands by the hand and headed for the door. They stopped before opening the door for kisses and hugs. Amy asked, "Are we on for the same time next week?"

Debra smiled and replied, "You can count on it."

While holding her husband's hand and opening the door Stacey turned to Debra and said, "I think my sister-in-law may be interested in this."

Written by ricinatl
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