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Fucking your wife Ch-3

"What you want isn't always what you get."

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Oh Audrey, my sweet, tawdry Audrey, I’ve never seen you like this but you literally rocked my world! Your transition was powerful and a complete turn-around – not to mention turn-on! Imagine my surprise – oh hell, imagine your husband’s! It all seemed simple enough. My first time visiting your home was a meeting to plan a Bermuda cruise vacation for the three of us. It didn’t enter my mind that you and I might soil your conjugal sheets although our chemistry might nudge another option.

Okay, it entered my mind but not my expectations!

Anyway, there we were, the three of us picking out a stateroom suite from the cruise line’s website. The sleeping arrangement looked like you and I in single beds pushed together and your husband in one of those bunks that pull-down from the ceiling. Sleeping above us affords him a good vantage for his camcorder hobby and he talked about some kind of a mounting clamp that he could affix to the frame. Further, the private veranda on a cruise ship affords a photogenic backdrop for many sexually charged photos and videos.

That was, maybe his only bit of enthusiasm though. While the trip was his idea, as you and I warmed to the idea, he became a bit cranky about the limits of his access to you. Once he learned that he would have to wait until the trip was over to ‘reclaim’ you, your husband began dragging his feet.

I had to feel a little bad for the guy. Yes, our trip tugged at his desires to watch you with another man. At the same time, it also meant that he would be stressed by something akin to a honeymoon between you and me and no relief in sight for him for at least a week! He also expressed his concern that crew members and guests might view him as your tag-along brother, or worse yet, realize exactly what was going on and pity him.

I can’t imagine the turmoil within the man as the cold, clammy thrills of jealousy and breathlessness waged battle with his fears of losing face and of his fears about the diminishing level of control over you.

Where things began to unravel was when we told your husband that he should show us what sexy clothing he might select for you. The three of us went to your bedroom and your husband began holding up bra and panty sets, slips, nightgowns and the like.

As we sat on the bed watching your husband, something new in and of itself, you began nuzzling my neck and I responded in kind. At one point you let out a low sigh and your husband reacted abruptly. I’m not sure if he was upset that you and I were kissing on “his” bed, or if we weren’t paying enough attention to his displays of your clothing but he got sarcastic and said, “Get a room you two”!

The entire atmosphere of the room changed to one of a chilled darkness. “I have a room, husband, and this is that room.”

Your husband Jeff began to back-pedal and the only words he got out were, "Yeah but…” when you stood right up, stared him down and emphasized each word as you said:

“This is my bedroom and how or whom I entertain in it is my business. If you wish to remain and watch us then you must be silent so as not to disturb us.

I was surprised by your commanding tone (and a little amused) but your husband was thunderstruck! His eyes darted from you to me and then to the window and back to you. I looked at the window too half-expecting to see storm clouds rushing by in hyper-motion and imagine that is why your husband looked too.

You were amazing! “Gimmee a minute,” you said warmly as you strode purposefully towards your dressing table.

“Sit!” You commanded to your husband, while pulling out the chair. “You may face the desk and watch us through the mirror but do not turn around to look at us directly and make no sound.” The tone in your voice was pure ice and even as I felt a little sorry for your husband. In fact, I felt as though that ice bag voice had just invigorated my balls.

You returned to the bed, put your arms around my neck and said, “I am yours for the taking lover, make love with me and pull out all the stops.” With that you pushed me back onto the bed and got on top of me and we kissed for a long, long time.

Your husband’s voice broke the spell. “God-dammit Audrey that is our bed you are `messin around in!”

We paused to see that your husband had stood from the chair and was standing over the bed glaring at us. I opened my mouth to speak but you placed a hand on my shoulder to take control. So long as your husband is not a threat to you, I am content to let you handle him.

“Get undressed Jeff…now… and wait for me,” Audrey barked at her husband. With that she left the room and went to the spare bedroom that did dual duty as guest accommodation and a dresser to store her craft supplies. I watched amazed as your husband undressed. I think Jeff thought he was to join us. He could not have been more wrong.

You handed your husband a tapered dinner candle. You commanded, “You know what to do with this!” Jeff began tracing the candle down your belly. “No,” you barked and he froze.

“Do you remember when you made me fuck that guy in our van? He fucked my ass with his 8-inch cock. It hurt like hell and all you did was take stupid pictures and jerk off. Well that candle isn’t as thick but it is 8 inches long. Let’s see how you like it in your ass.”

With a shocked expression and looking close to tears, your Jeff began grunting as inch after inch of the candle disappeared inside him. He stopped with about 2 inches still outside and you barked, “All of it!” Poor Jeff pushed and shifted and squirmed, but he got it all in.

With that you turned the chair and commanded him to sit. God, it must have hurt for him to sit with that candle up his ass but somehow the man did. I watched as you knelt before your husband and he broke out in a brazen smile as though a blowjob was coming his way.

Wrong again.

Audrey produced a spool of craft wire and secured her husband’s testicles firmly to the woven cane webbing of the seat and then stood. “Now, turn that chair to face the mirror and I don’t want to hear another sound from you!”

“But that hurts a little and I want my camera…” Jeff began.

“Speak again and that camera of yours will be a bag of pieces in the trash and those wires a bit tighter big boy.”

I lay on the bed shocked but as you turned from him and literally crawled across the bed to me like a tigress, Jeff’s plight was forgotten and you were all that existed in our world.

The evening became night and we made love for hours on end. We learned to maintain physical and emotional closeness as we rested between ‘rounds’. Part of that rest ritual was that I would lie on my back while Audrey lay crosswise on me on her stomach. She would gently (and sometimes not so gently) lick and nibble my nipples while I would anchor my palm on her buttock with my thumb gently twirling inside her vagina. We could calm or excite each other by the pace or intensity of the movement.

At some point, Audrey fell asleep and shortly after, I did too with my thumb still inside her. We probably slept perhaps three hours when I felt Audrey stir. At first, I thought she was waking up but soon realized that she was talking in her sleep. Most of her syllables were gibberish with an ‘Oh God” here and there and her hips began that slow sexy dance.

A cloud shifted and moonlight filled the room. I was the only person awake but that wasn’t stopping Audrey. She obviously was experiencing an erotic dream and my thumb seemed to be the inspiration.

“Mmmmmmmm," she said her hips moving a bit more. I decided to let my thumb follow Audrey’s pace and intensity. Her response was a soft, gibberishy “gmoshifshhh.” I couldn’t tell if the moonlight was bluish on its own or if several doses of Viagra were causing the distortion. Whatever the light levels though, I could see that her sweet nipples had hardened; and so with feather-light touches I teased them.

Nothing happened for several seconds and then Audrey breathed a soft “yesssssss” and she came lightly onto my thumb and hand. With that she settled into a deep slumber. Feeling a bit aroused by Audrey’s arousal, it took me awhile to return to sleep but finally did.

In the morning I awoke to pee and Audrey’s head was on my shoulder and my arms wrapped protectively wrapped around her. Carefully, lest I wake her, I left the bed and used the bathroom. When I returned Audrey was awake and we spent several minutes hugging and kissing. “I am starved,” she said, “Let’s go to the diner for breakfast, I feel like pancakes.”

“What about Jeff,” I asked nodding to his form, head down and fast asleep on Audrey’s dressing table.

“He appears comfortable for now,” Audrey replied. I don’t want to wake him just yet.

Breakfast was delicious and we lingered over coffee, talking about nothing and everything. Finally, we knew that poor Jeff must surely need to pee by now and so we returned to the house. Jeff seemed grumpy about being left there with his balls wired to a cane seat but be only groused until Audrey released him. As a practical matter, with a little agility, he probably could have untwisted the wires himself.

Jeff told me that he wasn’t thrilled about the way he seemed to be losing control over his wife. Trying my best not to sound like Dr. Phil, I told him very simply, “Jeff, when you choose a behavior you also choose the consequences. One consequence of putting your wife out there to fuck other men is that there will be power and control divisions. The man who enters a relationship with a couple is a bull in the language of cuckoldry, and bulls by their very nature seek to control. Also, wives who have been more or less “pimped out” to entertain the cuckold husbands accumulate resentments that come back in a way that causes her to seek mastery over her situation. Any or all of these factors reduce cuckolds sense of control."

Finally, I leveled with Jeff. “Jeff, I’m afraid it’s like this. If our intimacy is too much for you, maybe a cruise to Bermuda with us might be too much for you to handle. Audrey and I are going in any case. The question remains, are you joining us so as to do as you do or are you better off remaining here at home for that week.” The poor guy looked punched in the gut.

Asking Jeff whether or not he would join his wife and me on ‘our’ cruise to Bermuda probably wasn’t what he wanted to hear from me because all this began with him wanting to call the shots like a movie director as his wife had sex with other men.

On the other hand, more recently, his wife seemed to be gaining in confidence and was asserting a level of dominance over him that seemed to frighten and excite him in equal measure. For my part, I was simply asking him to make a decision – go and behave himself or remain home and fret.

I am certain that both options offered pleasures and challenges to Jeff. After all, watching a wife or even thinking about your wife behaving sexually with another puts that cold, jealous quiver in a man’s gut.

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All of the insecurities kick in.

Is he a better lover? Is his cock more enjoyable than mine? Are they becoming too intimate with each other? Could I lose her?

If he remains home Jeff, as any cuckolded man might, has all of those issues to process on the sleepless nights when he considers all of those possibilities. He also wonders if his wife is giving her lover sexual favors that she never has granted him and how that level of jealousy might bode for him as a man.

With Audrey assuming a more dominant role, Jeff clearly suffers a declining level of control and that has to take an emotional toll on him. With a smile from Audrey, I asked – okay I told -- Jeff if he wished to go, he needed to let Audrey know within a week and she, in turn, would let me know so that I could adjust the reservation. It seemed prudent to leave that decision between them and not be an interloper in their marital decision making even though I was nailing her sweet body to the sheets!

Jeff began to answer immediately but Audrey interrupted and told him that we (emphasis we) would not accept any answer from him for a full week of discernment. It took a moment, but I realized what she was doing. Audrey wanted her husband to dwell on the subject for a full 168 hours, imagining his wife and me playing in the ship’s pools, moonlight strolls on the deck, time together on pink sand beaches and azure blue water. There would be long, loving sexual liaisons and down & dirty fuck fests. He would imagine us with or without him in all of these settings. It would terrify him either way.

A wise woman, Audrey knew that her husband would spend every waking moment of that week obsessing over the many risks and rewards that a cruise vacation presented. Audrey knew that in the end, Jeff would ask her to accompany us, which is all she really wanted – control. Yes, she had enjoyed somewhat acting the sex slave to please her husband before her relationship with me came into being. Now though, she was testing the limits of her power. Could theirs become a balanced relationship where sometimes Jeff called the shots and sometimes she did? Time would tell.

Audrey knew that Jeff was enjoying the sex that she was getting from me as her lover. She also knew that by making power demands on Jeff, she was scaring the bejesus out of him. Often, it seemed lately as though she was making herself subservient to her lover and that was the last thing her husband had in mind when all this began.

During ‘decision Week,' Audrey and I chatted frequently by email and cell phones. She told me that she was really enjoying taking over the power in her relationship with Jeff. She confided that she would one day allow him to take his power back to see how it might work out, but not in the short term. For now, being the queen bee was too much fun. Also, Audrey wanted a little perverse revenge for Jeff’s earlier controlling behaviors.

I was not present for Audrey’s acceptance of Jeff’s decision to accompany us but she made him wait until exactly a full week plus ten minutes had transpired before she would accept his decision to accompany us. Twisting the power curve, Audrey pressed her husband, “So you are requesting to accompany us?”

Jeff blanched, but said, “Uh, yes I am, uh, requesting to accompany you and Donald on vacation.”

“Okay, Donald has left the decision to me and you will be accepted as our guest but you need to play by our rules – his and mine. If you do not, you may be spending some nights sleeping on a deck chair.”

“Wwwhat are the rules?”

“First and foremost, you are there to observe our sex; not to interfere, participate or direct us. Got it?"

“But what about the video and photography I want?”

“You may take any video or photos as you wish but you are not to use flash photography or bright lights. And none of those images are ever to appear on the internet in any form."



“What else?”

“At no time may you get into the bed that Donald and I share.”

“But what if…”

“Again, at no time may you get into the bed that Donald and I share.”

“But, you know that sometimes I like to… uh… go down on you afterw…”

“Listen to me Jeff! You are there to observe and not to participate and certainly not to interfere in any way! This… all of this… began with you wanting to see me ‘do’ other men. I have and I am but for now at least, it is on my own terms."

"Please be patient with me because I am undergoing changes too and need to do that at my own pace and in my own time. I do still love you and I do still want you in my life but I need room to grow too. There may be a time in the future when I hand the keys to my body back to you but not now, not for this cruise. This cruise is all about me! It is not about you and not even about Donald although I may fuck that man unconscious. This cruise is all about me!"

“I think I understand,” Jeff said looking much like he accepted Audrey’s words more than completely ‘getting’ them. He hoped against hope that control was just a phase that Audrey was going through but he noticed too that when Audrey asserted her power, he felt pangs in his gut that were not unlike those he experienced while watching her fuck.

Audrey no longer just lay back while he shaved her pussy, she taunted him, her cuckold husband with hot, slutty prose like, “Yes Jeff Baby, shave me carefully. Donald is going to tongue me there. He will take my hot pussy any way he wants it and I will squeal for him and probably squirt across the bed when I cum! Be careful around my anus as he may be taking that as well. One day, one day wayyy out in the future I might even allow you to take me there but not on this trip or anytime soon.”

While the talk worried Jeff, the very thought of his wife offering her pussy and her ass thrilled him. Her sex with another was her gift to him. And, the thought that one day he might get to sample Audrey’s perfect ass made his cock twitch in his pants almost like a dog’s tail wagging.

Jeff was becoming increasingly addicted to his fetish of the cuckold. Yes, he hoped for a retaking of control but he didn’t think he wanted it too soon. This situation – though maddening – made his cock harder than anything he had experienced since those horny years of puberty. He remembered being a kid in church on Sunday mornings leaning into the pew in front of him to hide a rigid erection that seemed to spring out of nowhere.

Had someone seen his pup-tent pants, the humiliation and taunting from other kids would have been unbearable. That is exactly how his cock felt now when Audrey taunted him or when Donald and she made love. Jeff experienced an intensity of arousal that pumped-up a cock that he could practically do push-ups with! Of course, he would have to beat it to an orgasm but it was one thrilling ride.

Jeff ruminated about the times he had brought Audrey to parks to fuck some guy in their van. Yes, that was exciting, thrilling in fact, and yet the intensity of that aspect of his cuckold fetish was nearly trivial to what he was experiencing now – even though the now, was terrifying and a bit humiliating. How would this Bermuda trip add to or detract from his relationship with his wife?

Pangs of fear twisted his gut. What could it mean? Could Jeff lose his wife to Donald on the Bermuda cruise, an intense honeymoon-like week? Or, might something happen to cause Donald and Audrey to break up? Would that restore Jeff’s power over Audrey?

Jeff spent hours mulling over possibilities and came to the realization that no matter what happened between his wife and her lover wasn’t important. Audrey was forever changed. Her genie would not be pushed back into the bottle by himself or by anyone. What’s done is done and how best to move forward is where he needs to focus.

There was another matter to be considered; Donald at least, was the devil he knew as opposed to someone who might exert even greater levels of control over Audrey and himself. Donald had no interest in making Jeff suck his penis clean of the combined juices from his couplings with Audrey. A more aggressive bull might insist upon imposing that humiliation upon Jeff. Even the thought turned his stomach into knots of revulsion. Somehow there was a vast difference between lapping his wife’s vagina free of copious fluids, both male and female, and getting up close and personal with a large, nasty, drippy cock to the sadistic grin of an aggressive bull.

“Servicing a bull is a line I will not cross,” Jeff shouted within his thoughts. At the same time, he had a nagging fear about whether if push came to shove, that he could maintain that boundary if both Audrey and a strong-willed lover backed him into an emotional corner. Jeff decided that he was better off living in the now rather than worrying too much about the future. There was a cruise to be both enjoyed and suffered and so a ‘one day at a time’ approach probably was best.

In no time, the threesome found themselves boarding the gleaming vessel and sipping the tasty Mojitos offered by a pretty steward. Jeff wondered if the young woman realized that he was the husband in their group, but her eyes revealed nothing. No passenger peculiarity is new on a cruise ship.

Jeff decided that it would be easier on him if he acted as though he was alone in the public areas of the ship. Accordingly, he would accompany Audrey and Donald to meals but when they were dancing in several of the lounges, Jeff would sit alone at a table nursing a drink and watching ‘his’ couple prepare to, well, to couple.

That was the most daring part of the cruise, the fact that it was all so unhurried, so…loving. Each day was like twelve hours of play and light foreplay followed by three to four hours of sex. Sometimes the sex was giddy play. At other times there was such limitless passion between them that Jeff felt like a complete outsider.

On the second night at sea, Audrey took her husband aside after dinner. “Jeff, please don’t take this as any kind of a punishment, because you have been great. I would like for Donald and me to have time in the stateroom without you there.”

“Is this Donald’s idea”?

“No, Jeff. It is my idea and Donald doesn’t even know that I am asking you.”

Are you asking me”?

“Yes, Jeff, I am asking you to give us at least four or five hours alone together.”

“You know that this is beyond the scope of our agreement,” Jeff began.

“Yes, Jeff, I know all about our agreements and rules. I also know that I am asking you nicely, so what now?”

“What could the two of you possibly do that I have not already watched and recorded you doing?”

“Does it matter?” Audrey said firmly, “I am asking Jeff, but I will not beg you for the time.”

Jeff considered his wife’s request. Honestly, the thought troubled him deeply and made his stomach so nervous that his body jerked into jealous muscle spasms. Despite his fears, Jeff knew that wherever he might spend the time alone he would be visiting men’s rooms to relieve himself any number of times.

“Audrey, I love you, and I will give you even more than you are asking. See you at breakfast.”

“I love you too Jeff, more than you probably realize right now. I hope you have a pleasant night.”

Written by Mobius_NR
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