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Fantasy or Reality?

"Can a guy with a hot wife be satisfied with just reality?"

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Fantasy or Reality?

Some guys who are married to “hot” women always have a nagging feeling in their gut that she will have so many opportunities to stray that it may eventually happen. I was one of those guys.

While not chopped liver myself I have always felt that my wife Jill is significantly better looking than I am; in fact I have had this observation more than subtly pointed out to me by a dozen or so tactless and/or drunk guys during the two years that we were dating and our six years of marriage. A few of them made the mistake of making the observation in front of Jill and she verbally cut them to shreds.

One feature of Jill’s personality is that she is extremely loyal and forthright, and doesn’t mince words. If you ask her a question she will give a brutally honest response or refuse to answer at all – I’ve never caught her in a real lie.

I truly loved Jill, and I firmly believed that she loved me too. Our sex life had always been between very good and near-great since our male and female parts seem to be perfectly sized and shaped for each other and we both are passionate. She wasn’t significantly adventurous, however, so there were only a few positions that we normally had sex in. and while she was not averse to sucking me off she avoided ass fucking and didn’t swallow. Our love making was normally slow and deliberate and I was essentially always the one to initiate sex, although to the best of my recollection she never said “no.”

I first started worrying, however, not because our sex life started getting worse but when it went from near-great to completely over-the-top fantastic!

We moved to a new city about a year before my nagging fears began emerging in earnest. We slowly developed a good group of friends from our neighborhood, work places, sports interests, and hobbies. Most were married, some were single. At least four of the guys, two married, two single, were very good looking, athletic, and self-confident, with a good sense of humor. Josh and Jeremy were the married guys, Alfred and Russell the single ones.

There was no doubt that all four guys – as well as many other of our male friends who I didn’t pay much regard to – found Jill attractive. Who wouldn’t; she’s 5 ft. 7 inches tall, 133 pounds, long blond hair, intoxicating azure blue eyes, killer thighs, a round firm butt, movie-star beautiful face, and big tits.

The first time that I really noticed the intense interest Jill was drawing occurred when Russell and his girlfriend Sybil and Josh and his wife Beth accompanied us to a local lake for a day of swimming, sunning, and boating. When Jill took off her cover-up, displaying her bikini, Russell and Josh dropped their jaws then quickly put wrap-around sunglasses on. Beth saw Josh’s reaction and gave him a “friendly” poke in the ribs, causing him to shrug his shoulders and mouth “What?”

During the day both Russell and Josh paid rapt attention to Jill’s “needs,” getting her beers, sunscreen, and snacks. Russell suggested “chicken fights,” with alternating partners, and both he and Josh seemed much more animated and motivated when Jill was on their shoulders and they gave her a big hug when each contest was over. They were the only two people of our group to wear their sun glasses when we played three-on-three beach volleyball even though it was cloudy, and they were the first to compliment Jill every time she got the ball over the net no matter how skilled or clumsy her effort.

Jill clearly thoroughly enjoyed the attention and to my shock once when Josh and Russell were on the opposite team after she hit Russell in the head with a spike she actually turned her butt to them, exposed an ass cheek, and slapped it. This caused both of them to utter wolf whistles.

While Jill was enjoying herself Sybil and Beth were slightly non-plussed, but I buoyed their spirits by making friendly and encouraging comments to them.

When we left for the day the hugs Josh and Russell gave Jill were a little too long and extreme for my tastes, so I tried to do the same with Sybil and Beth although they didn’t seem to enjoy my hug as much as Jill enjoyed hers.

The night that we got back from our adventure Jill was especially bubbly while we ate take-out pizza and she drank her fifth beer of the day, two more than I remember her ever having before. She insisted on showering together – the first time in a couple of years – and “turning in” early. When we got into bed she was the aggressor for the first time that I could remember as she started vigorously sucking my dick while handling my balls.

Jill normally liked foreplay; that night she apparently had no use for it. Once my dick was one hundred percent hard she climbed on top of me and buried my cock in her pussy with one push. Riding cowgirl was not a usual position for her and she ground much harder than the few other times she had ridden me, causing me to inject her with a larger packet of cum than normal while she made more noise than usual. After we both stopped shaking from our orgasms she lay on top of me until I went completely flaccid and popped out of her.

It was one of the ten best fucks we had ever had and I was completely sanguine, the slight disturbances from earlier in the day shoved to the back of my mind as I descended into a deep slumber with naked Jill lying on my shoulder with her hand on my chest.

The very next weekend we went to a rock concert with Alfred, who was one of Jill’s co-workers, and a female co-worker of hers who went by the name “Missy.” I was led to believe that Alfred and Missy were on a date, but it soon became clear that that wasn’t the case. Alfred barely talked to Missy, but was totally chatty with Jill, constantly looking at her as we stood and moved and sang along to the music. After the concert Alfred suggested going to a bar. I wasn’t really excited by it, but Jill wanted to go.

The bar had a band and dancing. Missy stayed at the bar for only one drink and a couple of dances, one with Alfred and one with me. After that Alfred danced with Jill more than I did, which I didn’t mind too much except for the two slow dances, the second of which he appeared to be all over her although I didn’t have a good vantage point from which to observe them. I finally convinced Jill to go, but she got a long, tight hug from Alfred just before we left.

I was a little miffed on the way home but Jill seemed to be oblivious to my situation as she enthusiastically chatted about the concert, dancing, and her co-workers, and giggled when I mentioned the slow dances.

Jill walked into the house before I did as I rearranged some things in the garage that had fallen over. When I got into the kitchen from the garage Jill was totally naked and rubbing her crotch. She gave me an extremely seductive look and grabbed my crotch as she passionately French kissed me. Shortly after that she was on her knees, apparently unbothered by the hard tile floor, unceremoniously pulled down my pants and boxers and sucked my cock with great alacrity, staring up at me with eyes even more intoxicating than normal.

Just like after the day with Russell and Josh once I started groaning she eschewed foreplay, put her arms around my neck, jumped into my arms, wrapped her powerful thighs around my torso, and when she was sure that I was holding her ass up with both my hands used one of hers to maneuver my dick into her pussy.

I instinctively pushed her back against the refrigerator, spilling the fridge magnets all over the place. While biting my neck she undulated her pelvis so vigorously that I thought that she would knock the entire appliance over. Apparently in this position my dick was really working over her G-spot because she soon stopped biting and started moaning, then screaming. By the time that I started ejaculating into her she was shaking uncontrollably.

Her orgasm was so intense that she became dead weight; mine was so powerful that I almost collapsed onto the floor but was able to steady myself on the kitchen counter and gradually lowered both of us onto the cool hard kitchen floor. Once we separated for the first time that I could remember she sucked my dick after it had just ejaculated in her; and it was no sluggish slurp, either. She deep throated me, did a vacuum pump imitation, and ran her tongue over every square millimeter of my entire cock.

As a result of her fervent activities my dick never did completely soften, but she finally released it when she had removed every bit of my cum and her pussy juice from it. Giddy, she jumped to her feet, pulled me up, and shepherded me to the shower where we engaged more in a grope session than a cleansing one.

When we were done showering and stumbled to bed she begged me to eat her, which I did through two more of her orgasms, after which she almost instantly fell asleep with her head on my chest and a hand on my balls.

Jeremy and his wife Candice were the most adventurous of our friends. Both were very smart, funny, and good looking (they were our best looking both male and female friends), and had the attitude that they needed to get the most out of life. Their intelligence combined with real business acumen made them boatloads of money so they also were our richest friends, although they never flaunted their wealth. In fact I almost never heard them talk about material things.

Candice called our house one Monday night and Jill answered. I could only hear one side of the conversation so I wasn’t quite sure what was being said, but Jill got very animated and giggly. When she got off the phone I asked what the story was.

“Candice invited us to go with her and Jeremy to the seashore this Friday afternoon after work, stay overnight in their cottage Friday and Saturday nights, and return Sunday afternoon,” a giddy Jill replied.

“Hey, sounds great, but the closest seashore is two hundred miles away. How are we going to arrange this without spending half of the time travelling?” I replied, not trying to put a damper on things but just posing a practical question.

“Their cottage is on the beach about two hundred fifty miles away but Jeremy will fly us there in his private jet to the local commuter airport where he keeps a car. The trip will take less time than a drive to the closest lake,” she enthusiastically replied.

“Sounds like fun,” I retorted, “when and where do we meet them?”

“At the commuter airport just ten miles from here at 5:30 Friday afternoon.”

The plane trip with Jeremy and Candice was extremely pleasant. Their private jet was a Gulfstream 150 which fit the four of us very comfortably with every luxury and had a cruising speed of Mach 0.75 so we barely got to full altitude before we started descending. One thing that Jill got wrong was that Jeremy was not piloting the plane – he had two professional pilots doing that for him. They dropped us off at a commuter airport near the beach, returned home, and picked us up Sunday.

When we got to the “cottage” we found out that “cottage” was a misnomer. I’d call it a luxury chalet. Three bedrooms housing four poster beds with firm pillow top mattresses, a private bathroom with a steam shower for each bedroom and another bathroom on the first floor, a hot tub, a modern well-equipped kitchen, an exercise room, an office, an entertainment center, and a living room, all tastefully decorated and highly functional.

Jill and I were both a little awe-struck but since neither of our hosts made any big deal about the surroundings we said nothing, just gawked. Before that day we hadn’t realized quite how wealthy Jeremy and Candice were; they had to be the most unpretentious loaded young people we had ever met. Though mesmerized by the opulence of their digs I do remember being slightly surprised when Candice put us in the bedroom closest to theirs rather than the one furthest away.

Friday night we had a wonderful dinner that all four of us helped prepare, watched a recent movie in their entertainment center that had to have the largest in-home screen I had ever seen, then went to bed since we all had had a long day at work since we got in early to make sure that we got everything done so that we could take-off from the commuter airport at 5:30 and enjoy the weekend.

Despite our fatigue I sensed that Jill was anxious for sex so I ate her to one orgasm and then fucked her in our conventional deliberate manner in the missionary position.

After breakfast the next day Candice made comments to Jill that indicated that instead of going to the beach right outside their house we were going to their favorite beach a couple of miles away. “What makes it so special?” I naively asked.

“Silly, didn’t Jill tell you that it’s a nude beach?” Candice giggled.

I glanced over at Jill with what I’m sure was a wide-eyed, gap-jawed look on my face. She just smiled and said “I thought for sure I told you that Blake,” as she stuffed sunscreen and towels into a beach bag.

I couldn’t believe how nonchalant Jill was about this. While she was not the slightest bit prudish and was justifiably proud of her body, I never thought that she was the least bit exhibitionist. Despite the fact that most people would consider me to have a muscular body with little to no fat, and I am pretty well hung, I’ve always been reserved and certainly never displayed my junk in public, or went to a nude beach, before.

Given the enthusiasm and casualness of my hosts and wife I decided just to grin and bear it; but I made sure to take my mirrored wrap-around sun glasses with me.

When we got to the beach I couldn’t believe the alacrity with which Jill and my hosts disrobed. I was a little slower. Fortunately for me the beach was not particularly crowded, nor were there any totally awesome dudes that I would feel uncomfortable being compared to. It was clear that the four of us were surreptitiously checking each other out and I am embarrassed to admit that I was relieved that Jeremy’s cock and testicles were about the same size as mine.

Jill was the sexiest woman on the beach, closely followed by Candice, both significantly ahead of any other women there even including a troika of big-titted eighteen or nineteen year olds.

I spent quite a bit of the first half hour in the water for two reasons. One, I was still a little uncomfortable displaying my junk, and two I was embarrassed that my dick was two-thirds hard from looking at naked Jill, Candice, and the three big-titted teenagers. I was finally able to concentrate enough to reduce my boner to an acceptable one-quarter hard but I had to be careful not to look too closely at those five women. To help me “keep it down” I would occasionally look at a grossly overweight grandma who was nearby.

I was really surprised at how relaxed Jill was, especially since she and Candice got lots of male attention including from a number of early twenties guys. Thankfully, the only guys that Jill paid any attention to were Jeremy and me. However, to my displeasure, she seemed to pay a little more attention to Jeremy than to me.

By liberally applying sunscreen to ourselves and each other, and by pitching an umbrella, we were able to spend a good seven hours at the beach without getting burned. At one point when Jeremy and Jill were playing Frisbee in the water Candice placed her towel right next to mine, lay face down on it, and asked me to apply some sunscreen. When I applied it to her back and arms then stopped she said “Hey, Blake. We’re at a nude beach. I need it applied to my legs and buttocks too, don’t be shy.”

Just as I was applying sunscreen to Candice’s right thigh, trying as hard as I could to suppress a boner, Jeremy and Jill returned from the water, toweled off and immediately started applying sunscreen to each other’s backsides chatting with each other and with Candice as they did so.

I had to be really careful applying sunscreen near Candice’s crotch. She had the most prominent pussy lips I had ever seen and they looked moist – and not from sunscreen or sweat. At one point she moved her body as my hand was adjacent her bulging pussy lips and contact was made. She looked at me with dancing eyes and laughed “Watch it big boy!” and continued chatting. I know that I turned completely red, however.

Once I was done Candice nonchalantly said “Thanks, now turn over and I’ll return the favor.” Since that gave me the perfect opportunity to hide my boner I quickly did as told. From my face down position I got a good look at Jill straddling Jeremy’s back as she rubbed sunscreen onto it while she chatted with Candice, and I almost shot my wad when Candice did the same thing to me.

Once Candice finished application to my back she “dismounted” and started on my buttocks. When she – whether inadvertently because she was too busy chatting away with Jill, or intentionally, I don’t know – moved a finger or two over my ball sac on three separaate occasions it took the most concentration of my life to not move, moan, or say anything. I just hoped that Jill wasn’t as “careless” with Jeremy.

Once we were beached-out we put on our swim suits and we actually went to a water park, like a quartet of teenagers, for an hour or so before we returned to the beach house. By the time that we got back we were physically tired though still emotionally charged.

We again made dinner together but unlike Friday night the booze was flowing while we did. It continued to flow after dinner when Candice put on her favorite dance play sets at high volume. The music seemed to give each of us our second wind physically and we probably danced for an hour straight before the booze started to catch up with us.

Things got strange when Jeremy and Jill went to the kitchen to make rum drinks – like we really needed them – leaving Candice and I alone. Despite the fast pace of the music Candice insisted on dancing a slow dance. Although she was fried she was also undoubtedly being honest.

“Say, Blakey-baby; ya know I really – hic – like being with you and Jilly,” Candice thought she was whispering although she was in fact almost yelling.

“Why is that, Candy-baby?” I laughed back.

“Wella, firs of all youse fun, an seconds youse ‘venturous; and thrd I likd lookin’ at yer cock.”

I smiled at that though my face flushed.

“But doya wanna know whass bess?” she slurred out.

“Can’t wait to hear,” I chuckled.

“Hic, cause whennever Jerrme is round Jilly he fucks me sooo good that night, shit I orgasms over and over agin and agin!”

Though my socks were almost knocked off I was proud that I nonchalantly replied “Well I’m glad that she can help.”

Then I thought it was just the booze talking when she said “If he don’t do me then ya will right Blakey-baby,” as she stuck her tongue in my ear.

“Whatever you say, Candy-baby,” I shot back and helped her sit on the couch. She was almost passed out.

Right about then Jill and Jeremy came into the room with some rum drinks. I laughed, subtly pointed at Candy and said “I don’t think we’re going to need anything else, and Candy certainly doesn’t.”

Jill walked up to me, gave me a seductive look, and said “Then let’s go to bed and fuck our brains out.” There is no doubt that Jeremy heard what she said as he pulled Candice off the couch, but neither he nor Jill showed even the slightest embarrassment so I decided that I wouldn’t either.

When we got into the bedroom we heard the shower running in Jeremy and Candice’s room. I thought it was just my imagination but it seemed that we could clearly hear what was going on in their room whereas the night before we heard nothing. At first I thought “How can that be?” and just ignored it. I was sure that Jeremy was showering Candice to wake her up.

Jill’s libido had obviously skyrocketed. As soon as the bedroom door closed she ran her hands all over me while we French kissed. I finally convinced her that we needed to get the chlorine from the water park off of us, but she agreed only if we showered together. Once the shower was over all hell broke loose.

She pushed me down on the bed and got on top in a sixty-nine posiiton. She sucked me vigorously and was passionate in grinding her pussy into my face, but it was clear that she didn’t want me to blow too soon since every once in a while she released my cock from her mouth and just kneaded my balls with her hands. She did have a small orgasm from me tongueing her clit and fingering her pussy, though.

At some point Jill turned around and impaled her soaking wet pussy on my saliva-coated cock. She bounced enthusiastically as I squeezed her ample boobs. However the activites of the long day, the sun, and the fact that she had consumed about three times as much alcohol as I had seen her drink in a twenty-four hour period before, started to take its toll on her. Her bouncing became less forceful although it was clear that in her mind she wanted to figuratively rip my dick off.

Jill had only slowed down for a short time when we heard the sounds of hard fucking next door. Not only did we hear the sound of the bed creaking and bed posts banging against the wall but both Jeremy’s and Candice’s voices were loud and easy to discern.

Once she heard Jeremy’s and Candice’s voices Jill seemed to get re-energized and despite her fatigue started bouncing energetically again. She went supersonic, however, when between swear words I clearly heard – and she had to also – Candice moaning: “Yeah fuck Jilly, yeah fuck me, fuck your Jilly, fuck my big titted brains out.” While Candice was almost continuously gasping those words over and over as the bed posts in her room thumped against the wall almost in cadence, suddenly Jeremy’s groaning voice was heard.

“Yeah, I’ll fuck your brains out Jill, you big-titted prick tormenter, I’ll fuck you into oblivion Jill.”

By the way, while Candice is an extremely good looking woman she has small tits, about a third the size of Jill’s big ones.

By the time Jeremy had repeated “I’ll fuck your brains out Jill,” or groans to that effect, a half dozen times Jill came so hard that I thought that she would have a coronary. Even when she was feverishly climaxing, however, she was still humping me like a frenzied rabbit until I unleashed a monstrous squirt of cum into her vagina. After a few “Oh fuck yeah,” screams while she twisted like a twig in the wind, she collapsed on top of me.

Both Jill and I groaned like rusty water wheels as I slowly bucked up into her even after the last bit of goo had exited my penis. I heard Candice let out a howl as Jeremy obviously had just blasted her thick-lipped pussy. Soon, however, both of our rooms fell silent as Jill and I more passed out than fell asleep, and I’m sure that Candice and Jeremy did too.

Physically that was the best fuck in my life up until that time, although even as I slept swishing around in the back of my mind was that Jill went supersonic once she heard the fantasy groaning invoking her name from next door.

In the middle of the night I woke up in what I though was a dream. I felt a wonderful tingling at my crotch, and when I opened up my eyes Jill was holding my dick in one hand, my testicles in another, and tongueing the helmet with her mouth. When she saw my eyes open she started sucking in earnest.

While I was conscious of the slurping sounds she was making as well as my own unconcious “Oh fuck yeahs” I started hearing another sound. At first I wasn’t completely cognizant so I couldn’t make it out or where it was coming from but I soon realized that it was Jeremy and it was coming from next door.

“Oh yeah, such my cock, Jill, deep-throat me while your big tits caress my legs, oh fuck yeah.”

There is no doubt that Jill heard Jeremy too because within seconds of me first hearing Jeremy Jill had deep-throated me and seemed to be trying to suck my cock to her stomach as she simultaneously manipulated my balls. I warned Jill I was about to cum, sure that she would release me and finish me off with her hand as she had many times before. About the time that I warned her from next door I heard Jeremy moan “Swallow it, oh fuck yeah,” as he was groaning obviously as he ejaculated into Candice’s mouth. Jill never released me and for the first time during our relationship swallowed every drop of the copius amount of cum my over-stimulated balls produced.

Even after sucking every ounce of cum out of me, and swallowing it, Jill continued to suck my cock until it finally went flaccid. While Jeremy was still moaning next door she shinned up to me, planted a zealous kiss on my lips, then buried her head in my chest. Again we more passed out than fell asleep – at least I did.

The next morning Jill was as smilely and bubbly as could be. “That was some awesome sex last night, huh Blake,” she said on several occasions while stroking my balls. The only honest answer I could give was “It was fantastic – other-worldly in fact!”

None of Jeremy, Candice or Jill was the least bit chagrined the next day even though we had almost participated in each other’s fuck sessions, but I felt flushed and was sure that I was red. As Jill and Jeremy were straightening out things from the night before and Candice and I were rinsing off the dishes for the dishwasher she whispered to me, with the smuggest of looks, “Sounds like you got properly fucked last night, huh Blake? I know I sure did!”

“All four of us did,” was my halting reply, trying to avoid eye contact.

I tried to play it cool as we had a low key day, going ocean kayaking, walking along the beach (NOT toward the nude beach), and playing a rubber of bridge. Although I don’t think that I showed it praying on my mind the entire day Sunday were two things. The first was Jeremy and Candice obviously getting off by Candice pretending that she was Jill, and Jill getting off hearing that Jeremy was pretending that Candice was her. The second was how we could have heard nothing in Jeremy and Candice’s room the first night, and almost everything the second.

I couldn’t yet really do anything about the first thing troubling me, but I could the second. Sometime during the day I was able to break away from the others and go up to Jeremy and Candice’s room. I was shocked when I opened the door and peeked in. There was an accordion double wall between their room and ours. Clearly when they wanted good sound insulation they closed the accordion wall; when they wanted to hear and be heard they opened it. It was still open from last night so it was easy to see what was going on.

“Those little devils,” I thought to myself.

When Jeremy and Candice’s private jet dropped us off at the commuter airport after our trip we gave big hugs all around.

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It seemed that everyone had thoroughly enjoyed it, although because of their personalities the other three had apparently enjoyed it even more than I did. One thing that was ridiculously awesome for me was the sex with Jill Saturday night, despite what motivated her to become an agressor and to swallow for the first time ever.

After that trip even a moron – and I hope that I’m not one – in my position would be able to see that while our normal sex was still near-great that over-the-top sex with Jill never occurred except when we had done something with one of the four hot guys that we knew. While I certainly didn’t want to do anything to cause Jill to stop our extreme sex sessions, I was perturbed by the apparent motivation.

On a number of occasions I tried to bring up with Jill the subject of where her mind was during sex.. As I mentioned before her character was such that she always either gave a brutally honest answer to a question, or avoided answering it. Every time I brought up the subject she did the latter. She skillfully avoided answering my inquiries either by asking questions in response like “Do you like it when I fuck your brains out or swallow your cum?” changed the subject, started to snuggle up to and tantalize me, or all three.

I was still deciding whether I would force Jill to give answers to my questions when there was a big party with many of our friends at Josh and Beth’s house. It was one of those times when everyone seemed to be in a good mood, booze was flowing but not many people were actually drunk, there was good music, good food, and very “friendly” behavior by all.

Of course Jeremy was there, and he, Josh, and Russell, three of our four best looking male friends (Albert wasn’t at the party since Josh and Beth didn’t know him), gave Jill more attention than any other female. She seemed to love it.

I hadn’t seen Jill for a while, and after just having danced about five very vigorous dances in a row with Sybil and Candice, I got another drink and went looking for her. Josh and Beth had a garden trestle with thick ivy, and flowering plants that I didn’t recognize, growing on it between the back walkway out of their house and a bench. As I walked outside I could hear voices coming from the bench area but because of the trestle and plants couldn’t see who was there.

As I walked closer to the bench I recognized the voices as Jill’s and Jeremy’s. I fortuitously got there at just the right time.

“Look Jill you’re well aware that you turn me on, aren’t you?” Jeremy asked in a seductive tone.

“Of course,” Jill laughed, “especially since you were calling Candice ‘Jill’ while you were fucking her brains out when we visited you at your beach house.”

“Well, isn’t there some way that we could hook up in real life instead of just in make-believe?” Jeremy continued.

“Heh, Jeremy, I fantasy fuck you too; you’re a good-looking, smart, funny guy. But I’m married to Blake and he’s the only one I’ll be fucking in real life.”

“I know that Candice would enjoy fucking Blake almost as much as I’d enjoy fucking you. Can’t we do a swap for just one night.”

“So you two have talked about it, have you?”

“Yeah, Candice is entirely happy with me calling her Jill as I’m eating or fucking her after we’ve been around you and Blake since that is the best sex she gets. In fact she once told me that I better not fuck around but if I do it better be with you, but I’d have to expect that she’d fuck Blake at the same time?”

“Oh really,” Jill laughed, “God, you guys really do have a no-holds-barred relationship, don’t you.”

“Yes, that’s one of many reasons why I love Candice.”

“Do you think that she was serious about Blake?” Jill teasingly inquired.

“Oh yeah; after you guys visited us at our cottage she point blank told me that she loved how Blake’s cock and ball sac looked – although after I gave her a hang dog look she said ‘but of course they’re not as nice as yours, Jeremy,’” Jeremy said as they both laughed. “Then she said ‘if you do convince Jill to let you fuck her you better convince Blake to fuck me too.’” They both giggled.

“I’m not fucking anyone else in real life, and Blake isn’t either. If he fantasy fucks Candice that’s his business, but if he fucked her in real life I’d cut his nuts off,” Jill replied in a tone that was half-joking and half-serious.

“God, but you’re so sexy, and you inspire me so much,” Jeremy pleaded, almost begged. By this time I was peering through the plants which, though thick, did allow a restricted view of Jeremy and Jill sitting on the bench.

“Hey, you can fuck me in your imaginary world as much as you like, Jeremy, and I’d be honored to be your fictional partner. But no matter how much you beg,” then Jill started cackling obviously trying to make the conversation lighter, “you’re not sticking your nice dick into my lovely twat in the real world, simple as that.”

“Can I at least have a French kiss and tit squeeze; you’re tits are so fantastic,” Jeremy beseeched this time actually on his knees, as far as I could tell.

From my perspective it appeared that Jill pinched his nose and chortled “You can once it your life. If you do it now you won’t be able to at any other time, so choose wisely my little grasshopper.” With that she stood up and with her hands on her hips looked down at Jeremy said “Well is it going to be now or do we go right back to the party?”

It was clear that Jeremy was thinking about it carefully because there was a long pause. He finally stood up, appeared to give Jill a peck on the forehead, and said “I’ll wait for a more pleasurable situation.”

“Good choice,” Jill laughed, “now let’s go find our spouses. I’m so hot now I need to get Blake somewhere immediately and fuck his brains out.” After Jill said that she appeared to give Jeremy a quick kiss on the chin and said “Maybe I’ll be fantasy-fucking you when I do, Jeremy” she laughed as she started going the other end of the trestle. When I saw that I quickly turned and ran inside. I disappeared into the crowd and was certain that I hadn’t been noticed.

What I had surreptitiously heard three quarters pleased me and one quarter disturbed me. I was just standing at a counter in the kitchen trying to sort my feelings out when someone grabbed my arm.

“Hi big boy,” Jill said looking at me with her mesmerizing eyes and smile, “let’s go somewhere private.”

She didn’t give me a chance to respond, but just purposefully dragged me away. When we got next to Beth she turned to me and authoritatively said “Stay put, don’t move,” and gracefully interrupted Beth’s conversation with a mutual female friend. Jill whispered something into Beth’s ear, Beth got an evil smile on her face and nodded her head to the stairwell, and obviously followed us with her eyes as Jill retrieved me and pulled me up the stairs.

When we got upstairs Jill opened the first door on the left, which looked like it was Josh and Beth’s guest bedroom, pulled me inside, locked the door, threw her arms around my neck, and started passionately kissing me. While I was enjoying it I was still conflicted about whether I wanted to be a Jeremy surrogate, but when she quickly removed her top and her big, gorgeous tits flopped out, pushed me down on the bed, and stuck a tit in my face, I started to come around.

By the time that we were both naked and in a sixty nine I was really getting with the program, especially when she sucked one testicle, then the other, into her mouth while stroking my cock. Her pussy tasted so good and was leaking so much juice that I was really ready when she impaled herself on me and rode me cowgirl as I massaged her bouncing boobs.

That fuck was so fantastic that all thoughts of being a Jeremy surrogate washed out of my mind and I became splendidly content. However, the Jeremy-surrogate thought flashed through my brain again when after we got dressed and were leaving the guest room Jeremy and Candice appeared exiting another upstairs bedroom with the same “freshly fucked” look that I’m sure that Jill and I had. However, I was so sanguine that I just laughed along with the other three, we danced one more dance, and then went home.

When we got home that Saturday night Jill gave me another unsolicited blow job where she manipulated my balls and swallowed when I discharged a full load into her mouth.

Sunday I was both enormously sexually satisfied and agitated at the same time, but didn’t know quite how to feel, or what to say, if anything, to Jill. Without any prompting as we went to bed that night Jill left a low light on and turned my face to look directly into hers.

“Blake, I know that you’ve asked me some subtle questions about my sexual behavoir over the last year or so. I feel that I need to honestly answer them.”

“OK,” was all that I said in reply, propping myself up on one elbow.

As Jill stroked my face and shoulder she continued to peer unflinchingly into my eyes. “I get turned on by some other handsome guys when they pay attention to me. In my fantasy world when I’m fucking you sometimes I’m thinking about them. I wish that weren’t the case, but it is.”

Again all I said was “OK,” but despite the fact that Jill’s tone or gaze didn’t change I think that she was pleased that I had no anger whatsoever in my response or body language.

“I want you to know, for certain, however that regardless of what my fantasy world is I want only a monogamous relationship with you in the real world. To be honest, so that you know everything, all of Jeremy, Josh, Russell and Albert have propositioned me and I turned them all down even though…” and here she looked down away from me for a few seconds before looking up and continuing. “Even though I’ve fantasized about fucking all four of them. Saturday Jeremy even offered a swap telling me that Candice really liked your cock.”

“What did you say?” I responded with a totally calm, non-judgmental tone.

“The only pussy I’ll allow your cock in in the real world is mine! And in the real world no other cock will be shoved up my pussy either.”

I’m sure that I got a subtle smile on my face, which I think reassured Jill. She concluded her frank elucidation with “Can you be satisfied for me to be yours, and yours alone, in the real world and not be concerned about fantasy? I really hope so, because I love you so much….” at which point Jill, uncharacteristically, started crying.

As I wiped away her tears I consciously smiled broadly and said “Jill, there is no straight guy in the world that wouldn’t want to have sex with you, and I feel so lucky and grateful that I’m the only guy who can. I love you with all my heart and if I’m your one and only in actuality then I’m not going to concern myself with the imaginary.” After a pregnant pause during which she stopped crying and smiled, with a Chesire cat grin I continued, “Plus the sex with you after other guys have hit on you is so phenomenal that I have no right or desire to complain!”

Jill then proceeded to frantically fuck me with as great an intensity as ever, the first time that I was sure that she was thinking only of me when she initiated the sex and bounced up and down on my cock while she ground her pussy into my crotch and balls.

After Jill’s physically and emotionally draining uber-fuck that Sunday night as she lay with her head on my chest she meekly said “In the interest of full disclosure, I need to tell you one more thing. Promise that you won’t get mad?”

“Jill,” I replied, “at the present time you could tell me anything and it would so pale in comparison to the fantastic fuck we just had that it would be impossible for me to get mad.”

“Well, Saturday night to assuage Jeremy after I turned both him and a swap down he looked so sad that I agreed that once in our lives he could give me a French kiss while squeezing a tit.”

I smiled to myself. Jill was obviously about as honest as a wife could be. All I said in response was “Then he’s the second luckiest guy on earth next to me.”

Jill kissed one of my nipples, gently squeezed my balls, and then pressed her tits even harder into me and pulled me even tighter to her. We were asleep – at least I was – within seconds.

After that outwardly I gave every indication that I had come to grips with and accepted being Jill’s only actual sex partner although she had several imaginery ones. While I can’t say that I ever liked the idea the sex that resulted from it was so fantastic that I didn’t want to jeopardize it in any way, so I just played along.

I was pleased that despite the fact that Jill shot Jeremy (and Candice) down for a “swap meet” that they remained some of our closest friends and in fact about a year after our first visit invited us to their beach house again, this time with Josh and Beth. By then, as if they needed to, they had upgraded their private jet to a Raytheon Premier 1 which fit the six of us very comfortably, and had a cruising speed of 450 mph.

After a pleasant Friday cookout and poker game, which determined who had to do what odd jobs for the weekend, we went to bed in the same room we were in before, between Jeremy and Candice’s room and Josh and Beth’s. I subtly determined that there were accordion walls adjacent ours in both of the other rooms. The same as the last time the accordion walls were closed because we heard essentially no noise from the other rooms as Jill and I had a very pleasant, loving, calm fuck before going to sleep.

I was prepared for the trip to the nude beach the next day, and vowed not to have to do all sorts of things to supress boners this time. I guess I don’t have very good control in that regard, however, because it didn’t work. Jill, as always, looked fantastic and again she and Candice – who looked even better than the last time – were the best looking women on the beach. However, this time there were a smattering of other women who also were close to as hot as Jill and Candice, and Beth was surprisingly foxy.

I had always thought that Beth was a good looking woman, but not really in the same class as Jill or Candice. However, there are some people that look better with clothes on than off, and a few others who look better with clothes off than on. Beth was one of the latter.

Beth has puffy nipples, which I have always adored, and typically hidden by the one-piece suits and clothes that she normally wore a perfect stomach and hips. Also, her pussy was really unique. Completely shaven it had a highly visible clitoris that almost looked like a small dick, and had virtually a sinusoidal shape rather than being a completely vertical slit like most women have. I know that I’m not doing it justice by trying to describe it with words, but all that I can tell you is that she did not escape the notice of any male at the beach. She was 100% better looking without clothes than with!

While Jeremy paid more attention to Jill, he also paid plenty of attention to Beth, as did my cock.

I had to spend lots of time in the water trying to supress my boner but it was clear that Candice and Beth both enjoyed my predicament. In fact at one point when Josh, Jeremy and Jill were chatting with another couple on the beach and I was laying on my stomach near both Candice and Beth I heard them giggling.

I looked up at Candice and said “Why have you got the giggles Candy-baby?” my nickname for her, which no one else called her, since our first visit.

“Well, Blakey-baby, it’s because you seem to have a constant hard on.”

I’m sure that I turned beet red, but hoped that they couldn’t see how crimson I was through their sunglasses. “I’m sorry, I don’t have real good control,” I stammered.

Beth then surprised me by saying “Well if you were really sorry you’d lay on your back so that Candice and I could get inspired by it.”

Candice quickly followed with “Turn over, big boy, or we’ll come over there and roll you and who knows what might happen if we aren’t careful when we put our hands on you.”

I said “Oh, shit” to myself, groaned “I hate both of you,” then turned over and tried to read a magazine while laying on my back.

“That’s much better,” they both giggled almost in unison as I’m sure I got redder and redder as I couldn’t control my cock from going from hard to hard.

I had the feeling that they were staring at me, especially since they both repositioned the towels that they were laying on, although they didn’t say anything else. After about five minutes I was saved from further discomfiture when Jill came back over, put her hands on my balls, and stage-whispered “Can’t wait to have my pussy poked tonight.”

As both Candice and Beth giggled I sat up, grabbed Jill’s hand and a Frisbee, and said “Let’s throw the flying disc around.”

When we ran to the water Josh and Jeremy joined us. They suggested a game of tackle football-Frisbee which Jill laughed about and in response I yelled “No fucking way, not with my wife you perverts.” So we just tossed the Frsibee around until my boner finally started to subside.

After we had been at the nude beach about four or five hours clouds rolled in and rain threatened so we decided to clear out. The three women insisted that we drop them off at the pedestrian mall in the local town so that they could go shopping, and Josh, Jeremy and I went to a local pool hall.

After we picked the girls back up we returned to the beach house, made another community dinner, did the chores necessary based upon the outcome of the poker game the previous evening, and with background music that Beth put on played modified versions of “party quirks,” and “psychiatrist,” two games that Beth loved. Her versions were “modified” in that there was lots of touching among the contestants.

I noticed several strange things. There was quite a bit of whispering between Jeremy, Josh, Candice and Beth during the first game; shortly after the whispering stopped all four of them stopped drinking; and Jeremy disappeared for about ten minutes between games and came back with a big smile on his face.

Even though it wasn’t yet midnight after the second party game our hosts and the other two guests started making excuses about why they needed to go to bed. Jill and I volunteered to clean up if the four of them made breakfast – which they readily agreed to – so I collected a bunch of glasses and snack plates and brought them into the kitchen. Jill came in with some more clean-up items a few minutes later, giggling.

“What’s so funny, giggle-girl?” I asked while rinsing glasses and loading the dishwasher.

“I knew this would happen,” she chuckled.

“You knew what would happen?” I inquired as I continued to load.

“Jeremy went upstairs with Beth and Josh with Candice!”

“No shit!” I exclaimed, momentarily stopping what I was doing.

“Jeremy asked me earlier today if there was any chance for a three way swap,” Jill started to say when I interrupted her – hopefully with a playful rather than jealous tone – “And I suppose that you would be his partner!”

“He didn’t say,” Jill wickedly smiled, “but it was right after I gave him the only French kiss and tit squeeze he’s ever going to get,” she snickered.

“When was that?” I asked, again trying the best I could to sound playful rather than jealous.

“At the nude beach. I was confident that he’d wait until then because he knew that he wasn’t going to get any bare tit otherwise,” she replied.

“I’m sure that his cock came to attention!” I retorted, not looking her in the eye but instead pretending to be solely focused on loading the dishwasher.

“I handled it just fine,” Jill shot back with a truly malicious smile proud of herself for her double entendre, as she walked back to the entertainment center to collect the final items for clean-up. When she returned to the kitchen she stuck her tongue in my ear and said “Hurry up and finish. I’m taking a quick shower; get upstairs pronto!”

I finished as quickly as I could and by the time I got upstairs a naked Jill was walking out of our private bathroom finishing drying off with only one low light on in the room. From the background sounds I knew that that bastard Jeremy had opened the accordion walls in the rooms on either side of us because there was lots of groaning and swearing. When Jill saw me she got a look in her eye like a hungry lioness sizing up a gazelle.

Jill dropped the towel, unceremoniously pulled off my T-shirt and pulled down my pants and boxers, and pressed her tits hard against my chest while zealously kissing me. As I came up for air a second I protested “I’m all sweaty, I need a shower.” She replied “No fucking way,” as she planted another passionate kiss on me while pushing me backwards onto the bed.

After a sixty nine while we both feverishly pleasured the other some of the “sexclamations” in the adjacent rooms became louder and clearer. When I, and I’m sure Jill because she couldn’t miss it, heard Beth yell (removing the groans, interruptions, and mumbles) “Shit, you’re teeth on my clit are too much to take; fuck me, fuck me,” followed shortly after that by a slapping sound as Jeremy’s voice came loud and clear “How do you like your cunt pounded while I finger your clit” as Beth moaned and groaned, Jill started getting wild.

For the first time ever Jill went straight from our sixty-nine to shoving her pussy onto my upright cock and started riding me reverse cowgirl. I’m not exactly sure but it seemed that she got on her haunches and moved her pussy up and down at a feverish speed while manipulating my balls with one hand, then two hands, then alternating one and two hands It felt wonderful!

The groans in the other two rooms were clearly really inspiring Jill to heights never reached before. I also think that in the reverse cowgirl position her G-spot was really being worked over, and my dick was as energized as it ever was.

I didn’t think that things could get more intense when we heard a scream, I’m sure that it was Candice, “Ohhhhh, fuck, ahhhh,” quickly followed by Josh’s voice saying “You like in the ass, huh, yeah I’ll pound your ass into oblivion.”

Jill turned her head partially toward me and moaned “Stick a finger in my ass!”

I wiped two fingers between our bodies as she was doing her bungee imitation, whisking up some of her abundant pussy juices to lubricate them, and then worked one and then two fingers into her ass as she continued her frantic pace. She interrupted her activities for just a second as my second finger penetrated her pucker hole, groaned as loudly as I’ve ever heard her, then started vigorously moving up and down again.

We heard orgasmic screams in first Jeremy’s and Beth’s room, and then Josh’s and Candice’s. The last thing that I remember after that is my dick exploding in Jill’s pussy and a banshee scream from her. After that, for the first time in my life, I blacked out during sex. I awoke, probably only a few seconds later, with my fingers still in Jill’s ass and my cock still in her pussy as she lay motionless with her head on my thighs, groaning.

Once I gained enough clarity to believe that I could successfully execute the maneuvers I withdrew my fingers from Jill’s ass, lifted her off my dick, and pulled her torso into contact with mine. I massaged one of her tits as I let a comatose feeling wash over me again.

I awoke about three a.m. to the sound of Candice’s voice. After some groaning and moaning the clear words (again with the grunts or other sounds that interrupted them removed) “I hope that you washed that thing off before shoving it up my cunt,” rang out.

That was followed by Josh’s retort “Hell yeah I did, now get ready for a monster load up your tight little cunt.”

Jill, too, was awakened by the Josh-Candice intercourse sounds. We both went to pee then a physically and emotionally exhausted, but still sexually charged, Jill said “Eat me Blake, tongue the shit out of me, then fuck me again.”

I obliged Jill. She had her first orgasm from my finger and oral work just as Candice was obviously climaxing and Josh was grunting. After giving her a second oral orgasm I put Jill’s heels on my shoulders and for the first time in our relationship resolutely went after her ass. Despite the fact that she was sexually charged her body was relaxed. Using only the juice from her leaking pussy I lubed my cock helmet and lined it up with her pucker hole.

Because we still had a low light on Jill knew what was up. She simply smiled and closed her eyes, and winched slightly as I slowly introduced my rock hard cock into her tight hole. It wasn’t long before I was whacking her hard, to her obvious pleasure.

Our activities had obviously awakened Beth and Jeremy because suddenly there was much groaning, moaning, and bed post banging in their room. Just as the noise in Beth and Jeremy’s room reached a crescendo Jill moved her thighs around my waist, squeezed my torso hard, and squeezed my cock with her sphincter muscles even harder, eliciting a loud grunt from me as I spewed my seminal fluid into her anus for the first time in our relationship, causing her to shudder and moan in response.

Jill and I got up later than the other four – we knew that they were making breakfast for us and we still had a pleasant buzz from the most fascinating and profound sex of our life. Finally Jeremy banged on our door yelling “Get up love-birds. No more fucking this morning. Slop’s on.”

I pulled on my T-shirt and shorts from the day before, not even bothering with my boxers. Jill wore only a football jersey that covered her crotch when she was standing, but not when sitting.

Just like our last visit to the beach house I apparently was the only one who was self-conscious about the previous night’s pseudo-public sex. I couldn’t believe the comments and conversation. Some of the remarks that clearly stuck in my mind were:

Candice to Jeremy: “Talk to Josh about his quick lube technique for shoving his cock up my ass, will you?”

Beth to Jill: “Sounds like you got the shit banged out of you last night, or were you the one doing the banging?”

Jeremy to Beth: “I could suck or nibble on your monster clit for hours,” and her reply “Yeah, I know, ‘cause I woke up with you gumming it.”

I remained silent, trying not to grimace.

The weather still wasn’t great so we all went bowling, and when it finally cleared kayaked then walked on the beach chatting away until it was time to get to the commuter airport. The Raytheon Premier 1 flight home was thoroughly happy and relaxed.

Within a month of that Saturday night fuck fest I finally was able to completely come to grips with my feelings. That was in no small part due to the fact that Jill and I started fucking five or six days or nights a week, usually all but one fuck intense, adventurous, frantic and/or experimental fucks, regardless of whether she had been around Jeremy, or any other hot guy, that day. I was actually thankful that Jill’s fantasies had turned our sex life from near-great to Fourth of July Fireworks Outrageously Phenomenal, and I was secure in the fact that I was and would remain her only real world sex partner.

I no longer waste even a minute a week wondering who she is thinking about while we fuck. I’d rather be her real, rather than pretend, lover any day.

Written by mischiefmaker
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