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Don't Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 7

"Luther reveals the next part of his plans for Jill"

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Sunday 11th November 2018, one minute after midnight

I was still recovering from the shock, blinking and hoping that the letters on Veronica’s big bedside TV were a dream or would soon disappear. Veronica’s soft and energetic hand was on my junk, but I’d suddenly got a case of mister droopy dick, the text on the screen the culprit.

‘Hotwife Jane’s first porno tryout.’

The letters slowly dissolved via some cheesy artistic effect or other, only to be replaced by words that had my guts knotting and twisting at double the pace of before.

My panic mode was screaming and shouting, alarms and sirens going off in all parts of my brain. This couldn’t be for real – was he really mean and stupid enough to do this? To out us in such a public and one-sided way? One-sided, maybe that should have been two-sided – maybe Jill was on board and in on this game. The only positive thing my panicking brain could take from the screen was that at least he’d had the good sense and decency to not use our real names – borrowing a trick I knew our favorite real-life pornstar hotwife couples used.

The screen slowly switched from black to normal, showing three people sitting together, one in an armchair and two sat close together on a sofa. Two I instantly recognized, one I didn’t.

“Thanks for coming here today,” Luther called out, looking oh so comfortable in the armchair. “Thanks for agreeing to do the first in this series of movies that I am sure is going to sweep the country, coast-to-coast. Now then, why don’t you tell us a little about yourselves and why you’re here today, and how you got to this point in your lives.”

The couple on the sofa turned and smiled at each other, then turned and looked at Luther, now holding hands. Something in the way they looked at each other making me realize who the person sat next to Jill was – he was the guy playing me. Somehow Luther had managed to find an actor who could easily pass for me. By no means identical – but same age, similar build and hair color, and the same ‘boy next door’ non-nondescript features.

It was the guy – pretend Dave – who cleared his throat first, squeezing Jill’s hand as he started.

“Thanks, Luther. Thanks for inviting us here today, and thanks for giving us the honor of having the starring roles in the first movie of what is I’m sure going to be a great new studio – Luther’s Ladies.”

The camera panned to a smiling Luther, smugly grinning as if he’d just been nominated for an academy award, then moved back to pretend Dave and real Jill.

“Anyway, to answer your question, we are Jane and Dan. Just a regular couple here in Miami, where your great new studio’s based. And anyway, to cut a long story short, after many years of a very happy and normal marriage, I decided I wanted to put a little more spark back into our marriage. I guess like many couples watching this video, like many middle-aged couples all over America, we still loved each other but had let things become a bit samey and stale.”

“Okay, so what happened next,” said the real Luther character, a serious look on his face as if he was some Pulitzer prize-winning journalist.

“Well, as you can see, my wife Jane here is quite the beautiful lady. I might have a face like the back end of a semi-trailer.,” Thanks Pal I thought to myself, “but over the years Jane’s never been short of male admirers, but despite this, she’d always been faithful and true to me, despite many chances to step out on me with younger and more handsome guys. And I won’t go into all the whys and wherefores, but I got to a point where I realized the thought of Jane going with other men really excited me. So, we joined a local swingers group, where Jane was quite the hit. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

“Okay, thanks for that Dan. So what happened after that? And, if you’re okay with it, maybe Jane you’d like to pick up and tell the next part of the story.”

The real Jill smiled at the video’s host and with another squeeze to the hand of pretend me she picked up the story.

“Well at first things started quite slowly. Dan and I weren’t quite sure how this thing was going to work out so we decided to have a little trial session – our first swing party was just a soft swing, sort of, playing but no full sex. And, well, after that me and Dan knew we liked it. Dan loved watching me with the first guy I played with, and Dan had fun with a nice lady who had the hots for him. And well, after that things kind of snowballed.”

“Thanks for sharing that, Jane. And just so your fans can get an idea of timelines, how long ago did all of this start-up? How long ago did you and Dan move from being Mr. and Mrs. Average America into your exciting new world?” Luther asked.

Jill giggled at the question, looked over at pretend me and then turned back to Luther to answer. “Not long ago at all. I think Dan first mentioned getting excited about me being with other guys around fifteen months ago, but as we wanted to take things careful and slow, it was another three months or so after that before we attended our first swing party.”

The camera panned to a smiling Luther, smiling with his best Letterman smile. “And have you continued to take things slow and steady since then?”

Jill giggled again, louder and longer than before. “Not exactly, Luther. Not exactly.”

“I’m sure our viewers would love to know what’s happened since then. Kinda who and how often, that kinda thing.”

When her giggle had died down there was just a broad smile left on Jill’s face. “Well, in many ways we’re still just regular old Jane and Dan. Still Mom and Dad to our kids. But now we have another side to our lives. After the first guy who took my swinging cherry, who was a lovely guy with a nice big cock, I had a long affair with my boss. And then after that, I played around with a few other guys, nothing serious, just carefree fun. And then I met you through one of my casual hook-ups, and you were kind enough to introduce me to the great guy who’s now my long-time boyfriend.”

It was Luther’s turn to chuckle, his deep bass voice chortling from off-screen. “Yeah, that’s right, and we’ll be meeting him in just a short while. But before we get to that, if it’s okay with you Jane, I have just a few more quickfire questions before we give the viewers what they want. Is that okay with you, Jane?”

“Sure, you’re the boss, Luther. Just ask away? Dan and I have no secrets from each other or from you and the viewers.”

No secrets my ass – this whole porno was one big secret. It can’t have been quick to set-up and Jill had known all about it but had said nothing to me. And I just had to hope that the website that had flashed up at the beginning – featuring thinly disguised versions of our real names as it did – was just all part of the game and charade, although it certainly wasn’t beyond Malcolm to escalate things in this way.

“Okay, Jane, thanks for that. Question one: Dan’s cock or your boyfriend’s cock?”

Jill’s giggle, now almost a taunt to me now, and then her answer, mocking me although I’m sure not meant like that. “Boyfriend’s cock.”

“Question two: Black or white?”

“Both are nice, but if pushed, black before white.”

“Question three: Size queen or not size queen?”

Giggle, reply. “Luther, that’s quite rude. But yes, size queen wouldn’t be wrong.”

“Okay, that’s great, Jane,” Luther’s off-camera deep velvety voice thanked her. “Now, before we ask a few more questions, and before we get your boyfriend out here, the viewers and me can see you’ve got a really hot body under those office clothes, do you think you could strip off a little so the viewers can see what you’ve got? So they can see what Dan meant when he said you’ve always gotten plenty of male attention.”

Jill just smiled as she stood up and started disrobing. One-by-one popping the buttons on her plain white office blouse, allowing her cleavage and then lacy white bra to slowly come into view in a way that was the perfect tease for both me and anyone else who ended up watching this video.

“You’ve got lovely breasts, if you don’t mind me saying so,” Luther’s disembodied and seductive voice told the viewers from offscreen, the camera staying fully on Jill as she undid the last button and shrugged the blouse off her shoulders, immediately going to work on the catch at the back of her oh-so-respectable grey thigh length skirt.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” Jill joked, sounded for all the world like a seventeenth-century serving wench in some olde worlde highway tavern.

“Our viewers are going to love that hot bod of yours. You’ve had three kids, is that right? Coz anyone looking at that hot bod of yours ain’t gonna believe that you’ve got three grown-up kids and a grandchild on the way.”

“I’ve always liked to look after myself, keep myself looking nice for my husband,” Jill chuckled as she stepped out of her skirt, leaving her just in plain white bra and panties and matching stockings.

“Looking nice for your husband? For your husband, or for your boyfriend and other lovers?”

“Both … all of them … that ain’t a crime, right?” Jill answered, suddenly sounding a little confused and defensive.

“Bra please,” Luther asked, his voice airy but authoritative. “Our viewers want to see that beautiful puppies of yours, Jane.”

Seconds later Jill was standing there smiling, shoulders pulled back as far as they’d go, proudly thrusting her chest and tits forward, the highly swollen and erect state of her nipples showing just how aroused and into it Jill was.

“Okay, thanks for that, Jane. You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined when I first asked you to do this movie for us. Okay, one final question before we bring your boyfriend Malcolm in.”

The camera showed Jill smiling nervously but not speaking.

“Love? Is it fair to say that both you and your husband get off on not just the physical act, but on you falling for the guys you sleep with when the physical gets even hotter when you start falling in love with the guys? Is this how it is for both you and hubby?”

The camera zoomed in and showed Jill’s blushing face. “Luther, that’s quite a personal question,” she said, playing for time before the screen showed a painfully long pause as Jill looked down at the floor. She was still looking down as she started to answer. “Yes. We didn’t plan it that way, and as you can imagine it creates some problems sometimes, but yes, what you’re describing happens and both my husband and me like it that way.” By the time she finished Jill was no longer looking down at her feet, she was looking straight at Luther with a defiant glint in her eye.

“Thanks for being so open and honest, Jane. I know that can’t have been easy. So, forgive me then if I ask one final question before we bring your boyfriend on stage to start the movie proper.”

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He waited for Jill to give a small nod of the head, then asked his question. “So it’s fair to say that as well as loving the man sitting next to you, you love your boyfriend in the same way?”

Jill looked across at the guy pretending to be me, pursed her lips in a slight grimace, and then looked back at Luther. “Yes. I love them both. I love them in different ways, but yes, I love them both.”

Sitting next to Veronica in her warm bed, I screwed my eyes tight shut. Hoping this was some kind of nightmare from which I’d soon awake. It was bad enough that we’d gotten our life and marriage into this hugely complicated tangled web, but to now blow the covers off and open up this to the whole wide world was something else. They may not have known all the sordid details, but our grown-up kids knew the outline of the games we played. And when Jill and Chris had been an item, many of the people in Jill’s office knew what was going on.

But this was very different. If I took this video, all the words about Luther’s movie studio and the web address at face value Luther was about to out Jill and me to the whole world, and I felt myself shivering and sweating at the thought. At the consequences, for our personal and professional lives.

I don’t know if Luther is some kind of witch or warlock, but as Malcolm walked out and sat on the other side of Jill on the sofa when the couple’s kiss was over and they were holding hands Luther asked a question that made me think he maybe had some kind of black magic voodoo powers.

“So Jill, for our viewers, tell us all why you want to go public with your lifestyle and your relationship with your boyfriend Malcolm.”

Jill looked confidently at Luther, answering in a calm, even tone.

“Because I don’t want to lead a double life anymore. It’s not fair to this man,” she said, briefly looking towards Malcolm and tenderly touching his cheek. “And I just don’t want to. I want for it to all be out in the open. To be honest with people. After all, aren’t we taught from when we’re little kids that we should be honest, not deceitful? And doesn’t that apply to our sexuality and relationships just as much as every other part of our lives? Dan and I brought up our kids that way, and it would hardly be right if we did the opposite. That would be deeply hypocritical.”

“Thanks for that, Jane. Thanks for being so honest. And thanks for being so patient with all my questions. If you’re okay with it, I think it’s time for us to get this show on the road. For you and Malcolm to show Dan and all your fans some of the sexual chemistry that made you fall in love with your boyfriend.”


The scene transitioned to showing a bed and Jill kneeling next to the bed, Malcolm and Fake Dave standing naked in front of her, Jill’s right hand stroking up and down on Malcolm’s thick nine-inch black cock while her left hand cupped the much, much smaller white cock of fake me.

“So, Jill, forgive me if this is an obvious question, but which of the two penises in your life do you prefer?” narrating Luther asked.

Jill giggled, looking up from her prone position at fake me. “Forgive me, honey, for telling everyone. But you know this already, and I know it makes you excited, but you know I prefer Malcolm’s beautiful big cock much more than your little white tiddler. I love you honey, but Malcolm’s beautiful monster is much more manly and virile and can do things to me that your little whitey can’t.”

“Thanks, Jane. Well, now that we’ve had such an honest assessment, why don’t you tell your hubby how you want this to play out.”

Jill just smiled at the place in the room where I guess Luther was standing out of shot narrating, and then looked first directly at the camera, and then at fake Dave, giving me the distinct feeling that the look at the camera was for real Dave.

Grinning like a naughty schoolgirl, she laid out what she wanted. “Okay, honey, why don’t you stand over there and play with your little white wiener while I enjoy a proper cock, while my hunky black boyfriend gives me what you can not.”

Of course, if she’d spoken to the real me like that, there was a fair chance I’d have stormed out. (Probably fifty, fifty – we’d indulged in a fair amount of trash-talking these last few months – but being spoken to like that on camera and in front of the whole world would have been a step too far.) But fake Dave just smiled meekly at his domineering wife and did as he was told, moving back a little further from the bed in a symbolic gesture that he’d lost the girl as he wasn’t the man his wife wanted.

Jill and Malcolm had moved onto the bed and were lying next to each other kissing, caressing, and generally getting each other worked up and ready to make love. Jill’s hand was slowly stroking Malcolm’s fat nine-incher up and down, with Veronica’s soft hand doing the same to me, her other hand playing with the hair on the nape of my neck.

And then I saw the back of a woman walk from where the camera was to where Fake Dave was stood, playing with his little cock which looked even smaller than my own. As she reached Fake me and kissed the actor on the cheek I realized it was Dee, and saw that she had a pot of lube and a large black dildo in her hands.

With Jill and Malcolm looking across at Fake me, Dee got the actor playing me to move his legs slightly further apart, and then she knelt down behind him and started to work some of the lube between his ass cheeks. The actor didn’t seem to mind and I saw him bite his lip as he moaned a little.

“Is this what you want, honey?” Luther’s deep voice boomed out.

Jill just smiled. “Yes, yes it is. His girlfriend’s used a much smaller black dildo on him a couple of times already, and this just seems the natural progression. I think he’d love it and it would be so hot if my husband’s taking a big black cock up his ass while he watches me being fucked by a better man than him, watches me being fucked by my boyfriend’s big black cock.”

I felt a wave of panic coming over me, even though I was lying down suddenly feeling faint. Jill had to know I’d be watching this, that it wasn’t just for general circulation. Is this what she really thought? Is this what she really thought of me.

And then after the panic, the anger. Building slowly until Veronica was looking at me with worry in her face, as if she was worried I was about to burst a blood vessel or something like that. Normally I hated to see her worried and would have tried to calm down just for her, but this was just too much. Being so publicly humiliated, the final coals heaped on the fire of the fact that Luther was already about to make a porno featuring Jill and Malcolm.

“Shut the fucking thing off,” I shouted. “Just turn it off. I’ve seen enough, I’m not going to watch anymore, put up with this shit.”

Veronica still looked worried, not used to seeing the angry side of me, being shouted at by me. “Dave, baby, Luther said to keep it on, to make sure you watch it, and when all’s said and done, he’s my boss.”

Not what I wanted to hear, the steam pouring out of my head given an extra level of supercharging. “I said turn it fucking off. He may be your boss, but if you want me to still be your boyfriend at the end of the night you better fucking well turn it off.”

Despite her fear of her boss, Veronica wanted even more not to lose me and the TV was turned off.

That immediate crisis dealt with, I just sat and simmered for a while, Veronica staring at me but smart enough to stay quiet while I processed things.

That bastard Luther! All along I’d taken him at face value when he’d said he liked to play and help couples explore, but that he’d never want to do any permanent damage to Jill and me. Seeing what I’d just seen – the promise or threat to out us, set up a web page and then humiliate me through the fake actor – all of this had the blinkers finally falling from my eyes. How could I have been such a fool?

Even if he’d started out with these intentions, they were a million miles from what he was doing now. One of his best buddies, Malcolm, had fallen in love with Jill and Jill with him, and surely Luther was now doing his damnedest to create problems and break me and Jill up. How else could tonight’s events be explained?

All of a sudden, as the penny dropped, I knew I had to stand up to this bully. It was the only way to sort things out, to knock him off his stride. He’d played on my weakness and kink once too often. Even if he or his buddy were to beat me to a pulp, I had to show him I meant business.


As I threw on my clothes and picked up my car keys I was under no misapprehension. I knew that when I confronted him things could go very badly for me. Very badly indeed. But I hardly cared. After all, what alternative did I have?

I tried to keep my temper fired up as I drove across town to Luther’s place at Delray Beach, also trying to stay within the speed limit which wasn’t easy as the roads were empty and I was both fired up and in a hurry.

But when I got there, there was no sign of either his car or any activity in the house. Fuming and feeling played and cheated, I worked out the next best thing was to head over to the company house where Malcolm lived. Maybe Luther would be there, and even if he wasn’t, I could confront Jill about the part she’d played and demand that she come home with me – even if this was ‘one of her Malcolm nights’, which hardly seemed to matter now. I knew this whole game was over, that I was going to tell her it was him or me.

But forty minutes later I was facing a similar situation at Malcolm’s house – no signs of life and no sign of Jill’s car.

It was at this point that I felt a sinking feeling in my heart. I was a corporate beast, an engineer by training and damned good at what I did. But I was locking horns with and about to go to war with a seasoned Special Forces soldier, to whom anticipating the enemy’s moves and being one or two steps ahead was second nature. Fuck! I was a creature out of his element and stymied by Luther’s tactics I didn’t know what to do.

I toyed with going back to Veronica’s, but I wasn’t in the mood. I was still steamed, wanting to be alone and fearful that I might say or do something that would hurt Veronica and possibly break us up. Although, of course, if I was going to start telling Jill it was ‘him or me’ I wasn’t sure how much of a future me and Veronica had anyway. A thought that left me feeling both sad and guilty.

Lacking any other ideas, I decided my best course was to head home, to lick my wounds and try and work out a plan.

All of my earlier anger now boiled dry, I drove the ten miles home to Coral Gables at a sedate pace. At least there was no danger of being stopped for speeding.

As I turned the corner, happy to finally be back somewhere where I could recharge my batteries, I did a double-take as I saw just one car in our drive. Jill was home. The last place I’d expected to see her, and by the looks of it, she was home alone.

(Thanks to cbears52 for his quick and accurate editing.)


Written by rawraw25
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