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Don't Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 8

"Dave struggles to fix work problems and then has a travel decision to make."

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Wednesday morning, 30th May 2018

My conversation with Jill had lasted so long that I didn’t have time for breakfast and had to make do with some brought in pastries and coffee when we got to our offices. But a missed breakfast was a price worth paying to talk to Jill and to hear her words of reassurance.

Being driven across town I’d tried to concentrate on what the team was telling me, but my mind was fighting an internal war. Mostly reassured by Jill’s words about always coming home, and how she’d kept this same promise to me during her long affair with Chris. But a smaller, nagging part of my brain reminding me that although she had indeed kept her promise, it had been a close-run thing. And that even if it was just for a few minutes, when she’d been at Chris’s that last weekend she had agreed to leave me and move with him to California, before coming to her senses and changing her mind.

While this internal war stopped me concentrating while we were driving, when we reached the office my brain had the activity of the day to help it block out thoughts of Jill’s promise and what was probably going on right now back in Miami. Especially as the client meeting was timed for three p.m. and we had plenty of work to do before then.

The more I dug into what the local team had done, the more I felt depressed and angry. They’d made so many elementary mistakes in the analysis and modeling they’d done that it was no wonder the client was so angry with us. I knew this wasn’t going to be a quick fix and I forced the team to build a methodical, logical and well-thought plan to fix what they should have done first time around.

As they built the plan, I saw what I’d hoped would be a two or three-week timeline extend out and out until it occupied pretty much all of June, July, and August. My only comfort coming from the fact these three clowns in front of me most certainly wouldn’t be getting a bonus in 2018 and that depending on how they did over the next few months some or all of them might be looking for new jobs once we’d fixed the problem.

The meeting with the client went well and they accepted the plan we shared for fixing the problem, but understandably they stated very clearly that their board wouldn’t make a decision on compensation or litigation until we delivered on the fix. The inference was clear. ‘Perform well over the next few months and my company might just escape with only minor financial and reputational damage. Don’t perform and well, you can imagine …’

The meeting broke up just after five, with my opposite number in the client company shaking my hand and telling me that he’d take our plan to his board and would call me back as soon as he could with an answer. I knew that, realistically, this was the best outcome we could have hoped for, so as I watched the elevator doors close behind them I felt a wave of relief wash over me. There was still a slim chance we could escape this monumental balls-up with the shirts still on our backs.

I told the guys I’d call them tomorrow, making it clear I had no desire to have dinner with them. I think they felt the same, knowing full well how pissed I was at them both as individuals and as a group. They had even less desire to dine with a pissed boss than I had to make small talk with three people who’d behaved so badly and caused me so much trouble.

There was still one flight back home to Miami, but it left at nine and would only land back in Miami at five in the morning. I was torn between staying the night and heading back tomorrow at a more civilized time and rushing back to reclaim Jill and keep a watchful eye on the new love interest in her life.

Not surprisingly, my need to be back close to Jill won out over the tiredness that was now overtaking my mind and body, now that the adrenaline rush had worn off. Having made up my mind I decided to ring Jill, a decision which had the benefit of another kick of adrenaline as I wondered what sights or sounds I might be about to witness.


“Hi honey,” my smiling and bikini-clad wife greeted me, Jill’s revealing royal-blue bikini being the naughtiest thing greeting me on a call that had been triple-X rated the last few times I’d dialed.

I could see our neighbors’ pool in the background and could hear the sound of frolicking and laughing in the background.

“How was your day, darling,” my happy-looking wife asked.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” I smiled back in return.

There was a moment of awkward silence between us. Despite all that had happened these last months, I guess the conventional part of each of us still ran deep. Both of us feeling a little strange that my call had found Jill frolicking with our three black neighbors in a very skimpy bikini.

I was the first to break the silence and relax the mood. “Well, if my day wasn’t bad, it looks like someone had an even better day. That they made the most of their unexpected sick leave day.”

Jill grinned. “Well, I’m sure my loving husband wouldn’t want his poor little wife getting all sad and lonely while he’s away. At least, not while there are three handsome and hunky young black guys just next door, willing to be perfect gentlemen and keep her company.”

Ahh! Jill had always known just what to say to wind me up. To wind me around her little finger.

As Jill and I chatted, with her being a little modest and evasive about her day’s activities, for some reason it came into my head that I’d not let on the time of my flight. So that I could surprise her. A wicked corner of my brain realized that if I told her I’d see her tomorrow, she’d naturally assume that I’d take a morning flight and see her at the end of the day when she finished work. Rather than just before six a.m. when my cab would bring me home from the airport. If I told her this, that I’d see her tomorrow, I wasn’t lying, which I never wanted to do with Jill. I was just being ‘economical with the truth’ and allowing her to draw her own conclusions about when on Thursday she’d see me.


Jill and I couldn’t talk for long as I had to book my flight, pack, checkout and then dash for the airport. Each of these seemed to take forever, and the flight itself seemed to last an eternity. How could a five-hour flight seem to last so long? At least I managed to get some sleep on the plane, which I greatly needed as I’d only had a few hours' sleep last night and the stress of the project recovery and Jill’s games back home had taken their toll.

Finally, I was clear of the arrivals area and jumping into the cab. Glad that at this time of the day the journey from MIA to our home in Pinecrest would only take twenty minutes. Feeling a bit of a fraud, I asked the cab driver to try and keep the noise down to avoid waking the neighbors, explaining that we had some bad-tempered neighbors. Failing to share my real reason for wanting him to be as quiet as he could at five-thirty in the morning.

Since Chris had left for California, Jill’s days were less busy and she’d developed the habit of sleeping-in until seven, allowing herself an hour to leave the house so she could reach work by eight-forty-five, which was okay with her reduced workload.

So, as I slowly turned the lock and silently eased the door inwards in its frame, I knew it was pretty certain I’d still find Jill asleep. But as I eased the door back into the frame with equal care as I’d opened it, it suddenly occurred to me that yes she’d be asleep, but where? There was no guarantee that she’d be upstairs asleep in our home.

She might just as well be sleeping next door in the bed of one of our neighbors. A latter-day Goldilocks – trying to find the bed with the perfect temperature for her newly hungry married pussy. Or should that have been the perfect cock size? (Although that smacked more of Cinderella, Prince Charming and a slightly different type of size test than in the original.)

The thought that she might not be there, that she might be next door with one or more of her lovers, both excited and worried me. Just as it had done on those occasions when Jill had started sleeping over with her boyfriend Chris.

Chris? It suddenly came back to me that I’d still not had the chance to tell Jill about meeting Chris in the hotel in LA and about his admission that I’d won out over him and how envious he felt of me. Funny, at the time it had felt such a big deal. But here I was just two days later and it didn’t seem a big deal anymore. The world seemed to have moved on. Jill seemed to have moved on. And the source of the mixed excitement and threat to our marriage was no longer Chris and his and Jill’s emotional attachment. It was Jill and the way she responded to Josh and Freddy’s dark bodies, big cocks and the amazing way they fucked her. And to be totally fair, not just the way Jill responded to this, but the way I got off on watching Jill’s response.

Ever since I was young, I’ve always been a highly impatient person, and this morning was no exception. Having shut the door as quietly as I could and placed my travel bags by the door, I tip-toed towards the stairs. Fifty-fifty as to whether finding Jill upstairs or finding her absent would provide me with the biggest buzz.

The house was still dark and my eyes hadn’t adjusted to the lack of light, so I was staring down at the first step as I slowly headed up. Jill’s always had a habit of leaving stuff on the stairs which bugs the safety-trained engineer in me, and so I was concentrating hard on the bottom of the stairs so as not to trip on something Jill had left and wake the whole house.

I was concentrating so hard that the first I knew about not being alone was when I jumped a foot in the air.

“Hey, man. We thought you weren’t back until much later.”

My eyes were slowly adjusting to the light and as the dark figure slowly descended the stairs.

The first thing I noticed was dreadlocks swinging in time with his steps. Freddy. Which just left one question. Was his buddy Josh upstairs with Jill as well, or had this been a one-man show? No doubt a toss of the dice or some such to see who would be lucky enough to spend the night with my lovely wife. My money was firmly on a double-act. After all, they’d shown no hesitation in always sharing Jill up until now. Why should tonight have been any different?

The second thing I noticed as the silhouetted figure continued to descend the stairs was the side-to-side swing of something dangling between his dark legs. As he got closer to me, I realized the obvious. Shit, our neighbor Freddy was wondering around butt naked in my house in the middle of the night, just like he owned the place.

He walked straight past me as if I wasn’t there, my eyes glued to his shiny and very naked ass as he headed into the kitchen.

“Hey, Dave. You want a coffee or something, man? Or maybe from the look on your face you’d like something a little stronger,” he chuckled.

There was nothing malicious in his tone. As far as he knew, I’d given Jill permission to sleep with him and his buddy, and he was just seeing the funny side of a husband walking into his home in the early hours to find a butt naked black man having a morning piss and cup of coffee.

Like a moth to a candle, I followed our naked black neighbor into my own kitchen. He’d turned the light on and now in the bright neon light, I could see just how muscular and well-defined his body was. To his credit and to my relief, Freddy seemed more pre-occupied on getting his first coffee of the day than on commenting on the barely disguised way I was staring at his naked body. Who knows, maybe he’d had previous experience of it with other husbands whose wives he’d slept with.

Until now I’d only seen Freddy’s body on the small five-inch screen of my phone, where it had looked very virile and masculine, and where his cock had looked plenty impressive. But up close and in the flesh, and under the high-intensity neon glare, everything seemed more exaggerated and bigger. His skin seemed darker and to have an even more pronounced sheen than I’d seen on the phone. His chest seemed broader, his pecs stood out more and his whole frame seemed far bigger than mine.

And his limp, dangling cock seemed both longer and thicker than when I’d seen it before through the marvels of FaceTime. I felt myself swallow nervously as I realized that even limp his dark cock was both a little thicker and a little longer than my own cock is when it’s hard. Even limp and off-duty’ he must have been nearly seven inches long.

I was lost for words. What do you say to a naked man making a coffee for himself in your kitchen when you know he’s just popped down before popping back upstairs to sleep with and most probably then have morning sex with your wife?

Thankfully my dilemma about what to say was solved as Freddy had made his coffee and started heading back upstairs. Winking at me as he passed me. “I know you like to watch, Dave, so I’ll leave the door open a little.”

Still tongue-tied, I didn’t say anything in response, unable to stop myself watching his muscular backside as it receded from my view and climbed the stairs, its friend his dangling dick visible and then not visible as his legs climbed.

“And. Dave, as you’ve been such a good sport about all of this, I’ll not tell Jill or Josh that you’re home. That way you can know that you’re watching the real Jill. Raw and uncut, so to speak. The real Jill when her beloved white husband isn’t around,” he chuckled.


Still more than a little shell-shocked at finding a butt-naked black guy in my house, it took me a few moments to gather myself. Part of me wanted to stay downstairs, make a coffee, wait for Jill and retain some semblance of self-respect. But who was I kidding? Freddy had done a great job in baiting the line and barely seconds later I was climbing the stairs, following the path his black ass had climbed just seconds earlier.

As promised, our bedroom door was just slightly ajar. Padding along as quietly as I could, I brought my eyes to the crack in the door. I saw the scene inside my sharp intake of breath nearly gave the game away. My chest instantly tightened as I took in the sight.

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Jill was lying face down in the middle of the bed, the duvet half-way down her otherwise naked body. As I looked on from the doorway near the foot of the bed, Josh was to her right and Freddy was to her left, kissing her softly. Jill was still only half-awake, but nonetheless she was responding with a low ‘mmm’ to the feel of Freddy’s soft lips on hers.

Josh was snuggled up in a spooning position behind Jill, slowly rubbing himself on Jill, while one hand played with the breast that Freddy hadn’t already claimed.

‘Morning, gorgeous,” Freddy whispered loudly enough so I could hear.

This brought a smile from Jill. “Mmm, that sounds nice. Morning to you, lover.”

Feeling a little left out, Josh squeezed the boob he held, causing Jill to giggle as she remembered him, turning to place a hand on his face and kiss him, “And good morning to you too, my other big strong boy.”

Josh was hungry for Jill and didn’t let her turn back, placing his hand behind her head and continuing the kiss before finally allowing Jill to break for breath.

“Wow, what a lovely way for a girl to wake up. Two strong Romeos helping me into the day,” she giggled, still looking at Josh.

He smiled right back. “Well, now you’re awake… remember you said we could have you whenever and wherever we wanted… well, whenever is now, and wherever is right here.”

Jill broke into a big smile, sighing with a mock resigned tone, “What’s a girl to do? Where do you want me?”

Josh didn’t need Jill to move, because barely a second after Jill’s question I heard the little squeal of shock mixed with delight that told me that under the duvet he’d inserted himself into Jill.

Recovering from her surprise, Jill closed her eyes, an almost ethereal look on her face as she gave in to the sensations Josh was causing deep inside her body. “Mmm… you feel so good inside me, Josh. Whatever it is you’re doing, don’t stop it, lover.”

There slow and languid love-making continued like this for a few minutes, Jill’s face and moans continuing to tell me how much she was enjoying her early morning Josh. But as inevitably, as all three of them woke up a little more, the slow love-making gave way to more energetic and forceful sex.

For the next half hour or so the boys moved Jill all around our bed as they had their way with her in whichever combination and position took their fancy. First up she was dragged to the position I’d seen the last time, with her head hanging upside down over the edge of the bed. Perfect for her to deep throat Freddy as he squeezed her big boobs while his buddy Josh deep-dicked her from the other end of the bed.

After a while they grew bored with this position and re-arranged my happily compliant wife so she was standing at the foot of the bed, leaning forward with hands on the bed and her succulent boobs hanging down just begging to be squeezed and caressed. Which is exactly what the boys did as they took it in turns to give Jill a fast and vigorous fucking from behind. The room filled with the sounds of their dark brown thighs slapping hard and repeatedly against Jill’s shapely rear, mixed with the sounds of Jill’s moaning and groaning as they worked her over real good.

Every few minutes the guys would switch over, Jill sighing her frustration as the old dick vacated her pussy, then moaned her satisfaction as she was once again occupied by one of the two stallions servicing a prize mare.

This switching allowed them to keep up a ferocious pace, the boys timing their switch to come after each had brought Jill to a shattering orgasm. Needless to say, Jill enjoyed a handful of orgasms before the boys were done with this position, her pleasure coming from the way they were sexing her and from the trash-talking that Freddy soon started up.

His hips were slamming in and out against Jill’s upturned ass as he teased and taunted her, getting her to repeat all the things I’d heard her say over the phone the other day. Only this time I was up close and personal, which is exactly why Freddy was playing this game. Enjoying the fact that I was outside listening, and Jill was saying all these things totally unaware that her loving husband was just a few feet away, heart thumping and brow sweating as I heard my beloved betray me with every new word. Always answering in the affirmative to the black man fucking her so well. Like one of Pavlov’s Dogs, rewarding her as each new word declared her obedience and submissiveness.

Yes, they could have her whenever they wanted. Even if her husband was at home. Yes, she loved their big black cocks, and yes, they were better than white cocks. With her final betrayal being what had stuck so firm in my mind the other day, her eager and passionate declaration that yes, the sex they were giving her was the best she’d ever experienced in her life.

None of this was new to me, but hearing it while my ears were filled with the sounds of Jill’s ecstatic pleasure and while she was only standing feet away from me gave the same words as before far greater impact. It was like comparing a thirty-eight revolver bullet to a fifteen-inch battleship shell. One might pierce your heart and severely wound you. The other literally destroys you and the whole world around you.

Having played his game with me by winning all these declarations from her, Freddy played his final trick by whispering in his buddy’s ear and then telling Jill to kneel between them. I thought he wanted Jill to make a final act of submission by drinking down their seed. But he had other ideas, telling Jill they were going to cum on her face and boobs. As a sign that they now owned her, and so that she’d be able to feel and taste them on her skin all day at work. Until they reclaimed her again that evening.

Part of me was horrified and worried by his words. About his statement that they now owned Jill, guaranteed to make me fearful after all that happened with Chris, and about the sordid symbolism of it all. But a bigger part loved the whole thing – unable to think of a more erotic or debauched way of ending their session and sending Jill off into her prim and proper corporate world.

I pushed the worries to the back of my mind as I watched my smiling wife receive two large and juicy loads of male seed on her face and boobs. Clutching my pounding chest as I saw it spurt in the air and cover parts of her eyes, nose, and cheeks. Starting to slowly run downwards until small parts of their cream dripped from Jill’s chin. Dripping onto my wife’s heaving breasts, joining the jizz the boys had already deposited on the breasts they loved so much.


I finally headed downstairs when the spattering of Jill’s face and body with their Jizz had marked the end of their sex games with Jill.

Sitting in the kitchen, I was a man in a trance as I waited downstairs for Jill to appear in our kitchen. The mix between the tender kisses and then the sex session in which Jill was happy to be submissive to their needs and words had left a deep impression on me. Bringing back to the front of my skull that head-pounding fear about where all this might end up. Wondering if a marriage that had only just survived the thirty-eight bullet of Jill’s affair with Chris would survive the battleship shell that seemed to now be a very nearby and frequent part of our marriage.

Looking at the clock I saw it was already seven, Jill’s normal getting up time. Josh and Freddy had used my compliant and very happy wife as their sex toy for a full hour-and-a-half, bringing her to more shattering climaxes than I could remember.

I heard the shower start and tried to calm myself, thinking she’d be down soon for coffee and her customary light breakfast. I’d just managed to slow my breathing and pulse when I heard a piercing cry ring out over the sound of the shower. Followed by a steady rhythmic bumping of something hitting against one of the walls.

Rushing upstairs I peeked around the bedroom door, greeted by a still naked Freddy who winked at me. “Sorry, Dave. When I told Josh you already arrived home, he thought he needed one final piece of Jill’s fine pussy, just in case she’s out of bounds later. Are you okay with that?”

Despite all the things he’d said in the trash-talking, he looked like he genuinely wanted to know that I was okay. That he’d not pushed things too far. His small gesture helped me relax and feel better, and I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder. “I’m okay,” I told him, trying for my best relaxed and okay face.

Relaxing, he smiled at me and gestured towards the shower. “Help yourself, Dave,” he said, winking again, “After all, it’s your house and your wife, I’m sure they won’t mind.”

I was incapable of resisting, my ‘I’m okay’ face having taken a back seat to my nervous ‘can I really handle this’ face as I gently eased the bathroom door open. I was hit by a wall of steam, which slowly cleared and allowed me to see the source of all the wall thumping. The sight that greeted me through the semi-opaque shower glass was the vision of two people joined as one. Josh’s broad and dark back was the main thing I saw, with Jill’s long white legs and arms wrapped around him as he fucked her standing up. Each deep stroke of his big cock pushing Jill back against the wall, making her squeal with delight and cling to him a little tighter. Each time her ass thumped against the wall by the power of his thrust, shaking the walls and audible all over the house.

I was frozen to the spot, barely four feet from the hypnotizing sight in front of me. Josh not seeing me as he was facing away, Jill not seeing me as her eyes were shut tight in response to the deep fucking she was getting.

I stood there as if turned to stone, I felt a body push past me as Freddy headed to the shower and pulled the door open. “Hey you two, why don’t you cool it a little, you’ve got company.”

The lovers jumped as they heard Freddy and his words sank in, although they had very different reactions. With his hands still supporting Jill’s weight and his cock still deep in another man’s property, he turned and gave me a cocky smile. “Hey, Dave. Great to see you. I hope you don’t mind, but we thought you were back later and didn’t want to leave the little lady all lonely and alone.”

Jill’s reaction couldn’t have been more different, her face a mask of shock, concern, and anxiety. “Honey, you’re back! I thought you were only back this afternoon.” We stared at each other in silence for what seemed an eternity before Jill finally asked, “Honey, are you mad at me? Have I screwed up?”

Just as Freddy’s concern had reassured me, so Jill’s guilty and concerned face and questioning made me feel better. I was shaking like a leaf but I managed to tell her what I was feeling. “Honey, it’s okay. I must admit, it’s quite some welcome home present. So no, I’m not mad and you’re not in trouble. I gave you permission, so I can hardly blame you for making the most of it."

Jill’s face slowly showed fewer nerves which made me feel happy, as whatever my feelings I always hated seeing the woman I loved upset or in any kind of distress. The other person who was happy was Josh, who with one long dark finger turned Jill’s face away from me and back to face him so he could kiss her. One small, tentative kiss progressing through to a long, tongue-fighting, breath sucking deep kiss, as he recaptured Jill and got her back focused on him.

My cock hard but my chest-beating, I gave up the unequal battle. “I’ll see you downstairs, honey,” my parting shot.

I felt Freddy’s hand on my shoulder. “Hey, Dave. No need to leave. We’re all consenting adults here. Why don’t you stay and watch the show? I’m sure our horny lovers won’t mind.”

If watching through the crack in the door had been intense enough, watching just feet and inches away was something else as Josh resumed his steamy shower pounding of my overwhelmed and very happy wife. Jill’s squeals and sobs were etched into my neural pathways as the four of us stood there in our too-small bathroom, sobs, and squeals which only seemed louder when Freddy took Josh’s place.

His strength finally tiring, as he passed my wife to his buddy Freddy as if she weighed nothing, as if she was just the baton in some deviant sexual relay race. Freddy standing bolt upright as he supported Jill’s weight, her arms transferred around his neck as he lowered her down and impaled her on his proud black cock.

I don’t know if it was the hard material of the ceramic tiles, but the whole bathroom seemed to reverberate with the moans and sobs from my oh so happy wife. As she received another deep and satisfying fuck.

Finally, the three lovers had to draw things to an end, none of them seeming to want another day’s absence on their work records. Having cum on Jill’s face the last time, this time they wanted to cum deep in her womanly depths. Both roaring like black bulls as Jill clung to them crying out in climax as she accepted jet after jet of their virile seed deep into her body.

Josh was the second to serve my beautiful mare in this way, and this time I did indeed head downstairs. Leaving Jill to recover, clean herself up and dress. Looking at the clock and knowing the trio’s love-making had occupied so much time that Jill and I wouldn’t have time for anything more than a peck on the cheek and a ‘see you later’ before she had to run for work.

One-by-one the three of them trooped downstairs, through the kitchen and out. All with a different farewell, Jill’s as time-pressured and brief as I’d guessed it would be.

The house suddenly seemed incredibly quiet, all the more so as I looked out into the garden and remembered earlier years. The garden filled with the shrieks of laughter of our three beautiful children, Jill and me running around after them, alternately playmates, nurses and general comforters.

These memories slowly ebbed, replaced by the sights and sounds from earlier this morning. Making me realize how far our lives and marriage had changed in the last few months. Making me realize how much Jill and I needed to talk when she got home from work.

(Thanks to cbears52 for his ever-helpful proofing).


Written by rawraw25
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