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Don’t Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 20

"Two couples enjoy very different weekend pleasures"

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Saturday 16th June 2018

Malcolm led my tired-looking wife out of the door from the little room where he and the other three black guys had fucked Jill for four and a half hours, and then the screen went blank. With the screen now blank, suddenly the bedroom where Veronica and I were lying seemed a very quiet and empty place. After all the highs and lows and moans and grunts we’d been watching and listening to all night.

Feeling physically and emotionally drained, although it was now light outside and seven in the morning, I hoped to finally get some rest. But an insistent turning of the locked door handle about thirty minutes later put pay to that. Both of us rushing to make ourselves decent before finally letting Haley in.

Haley gave her mum a big hug and only then turned to look warily at the strange man sitting on the bed next to her mother. Slowly through the normal morning routine of breakfast, chatting and planning Veronica’s daughter slowly warmed to me and accepted me. By late morning she’d come as far as telling me about a movie she’d watched the previous evening and asking me whether I had children and then happily quizzing me all about them.

As we ate an early lunch, mother and daughter were chatting away and I found it quite nostalgic and emotional as it took me right back to when our children were that age. This made me suddenly think of Jill, my stomach immediately twisting and turning in knots at the thought of what she and Malcolm might be doing at that very moment. I was desperately torn – loving this time with Veronica but also filled with a burning need to know what Jill was doing with the new man that Luther had inserted into our lives. Thinking back to his bragging words from last night about how Malcolm would fuck Jill every day as they’d be working so closely together. And how he’d become the new, black version of Chris. The cuckoo in our marital nest that would cause the same or even bigger highs and lows as Chris had caused.

Just as I thought I was about to explode with all these thoughts of Jill and Malcolm together, seemingly out of nowhere Haley turned to me and asked if I’d take her and her mum to the park or the zoo. This brought an instant rebuke from her mother, who told the six-year-old that I had better things to do and that I had a family of my own.

Haley looked confused, picking up her phone and showing it to her mother as she spoke. “But Uncle Luther said that if I asked your new friend from work would take us all to the zoo. Mummy, did he mean Uncle Dave?” Veronica handed me the phone and sure enough, there was the text message from Luther saying virtually word-for-word what Haley had just repeated back.

Veronica looked at me with a questioning look. The type of look I’d seen from Jill over the years as we’d brought up our own kids – a look that said ‘honey, surely you’re not going to disappoint the kids.’

Recognizing I had little choice, I smiled weakly at Veronica, deciding to make the best of it. However much I was burning up with a need to be back close to Jill and to know what was happening, there were far worse ways to spend the afternoon. So, like a beast of burden with a heavy loud, I settled to the task at hand and spent the afternoon playing the role of a surrogate Dad to Veronica’s sweet little daughter.

Occasionally panic, anxiety and lust broke at what Jill was doing broke through. But for the most part, it was a great afternoon. Haley was a sweet kid and watching her interaction with her mum brought a wonderful warm feeling to my chest. With our kids having grown and left, it was lovely to be back as part of a little family unit with an excited little girl so happy and excited at nearly everything she saw.

The zoo was followed by a burger meal and the latest cartoon movie – happily, one which was good enough to be enjoyable both for kids and grown-ups. By the end of the zoo, the meal and the movie I was little Haley’s new best friend. As we walked back to the car, she happily held our hands and skipped between me and her mother as she chattered away about her likes and not-likes from the movie.

When we got home her strict Latina mum had made her shower, brush teeth and change ready for bed. And then the nostalgia really went into overdrive as I was pressed into service to read a bedtime story – taking me right back nearly fifteen years to when our daughters Abigail and Sarah had been small enough to want bedtime stories.

With Haley finally settling down to sleep, after the obligatory goodnight kiss, I quietly closed the door as Veronica and I headed to the lounge. I’d been on best behavior all day, very aware of Haley’s presence and not wanting to do anything inappropriate. But with the little girl safely tucked up in bed, I gave in to temptation and a day’s worth of pent-up desire and pulled Veronica towards me as soon as we were in the lounge. Spinning her around to face me and kissing her with a hunger and need that even took me by surprise.

When we finally broke for air, Veronica left her arms possessively wrapped around my neck but pulled her head back and gave me a wonderfully warm and emotion-filled smile. She didn’t say anything, just smiled, and again without any thought process, I found myself pulling her by the hand back to the bedroom.

The door safely locked against interruption, I repeated the spin and kiss routine just as I’d done in the lounge moments earlier. But this time when we broke for air I found my fingers instantly moving to the front of Veronica’s blouse to unbutton it. She just had a playful smile on her lips, seemingly amused at my urgency and need to see her beautiful tits again and to enjoy her naked body. As I stripped first her blouse, then her bra, panties and skirt she didn’t help me but nor did she hinder me. She just stood stock still with that knowing and slightly smug little smile on her face. Enjoying the way the anticipation of enjoying her body again was giving her power and driving me crazy all at the same time.

When I’d stripped myself equally naked and jumped down onto the bed with her, suddenly Veronica’s attitude and demeanor changed. Rather than let me continue as the aggressor and sexual predator, she had me lie on my back as she straddled my body and held my arms high above my head. Her kisses started on my mouth, moved swiftly to the rest of my face and then slowly descended down the entire length of my body until her lips had kissed my thighs, my balls and were now working on the tingling bell end of my throbbing cock.

Veronica’s lips, tongue and warm wet mouth worked on me for several heavenly minutes before she kissed her way back up my body until her lips and tongue were doing amazing things first to the sensitive skin on my neck and then as they toyed with my ear. Veronica’s hot breath tickling my ear before she spoke. “My boss wants to play a little game. He says you can have me to midnight, but then if you want to stay after that, you have to agree to watch a little movie he’s going to send across to show you what your naughty wife’s been up to today.”

The way that Veronica was looking at me, I knew she was for real. She seemed to have feelings for me, but whatever these might be Luther was the man who put bread on the table and who’d fixed her problems with her ex-husband. The look in her eyes told me that however much she wanted me to stay the night, she’d not go against Luther.

Her face was nervous as she watched the pained look on my face as I tried to make up my mind. Luther’s game and rule had come out of nowhere, shattering the heavenly little world I’d enjoyed with Veronica. Forcing my pained mind back into the highs and lows of the new lifestyle Jill and I were living. A big part of me hated being manipulated like this, but just as much as I craved the healthy pleasures I was enjoying with Veronica I also craved my fix of watching Jill. Alongside the need to see and reconnect with her and know what was happening between her and Malcolm.

The dislike of being manipulated was finally outweighed by my own perverted needs and the look on Veronica’s face of how badly she wanted me to stay the night. My heart went out to her and I kissed her softly, a simple ‘okay’ telling her what she needed to know. The last little indignity being the way she reached for her phone to text her boss before our love-making could continue.

“Sorry,” this lovely young woman said, her face showing she meant it before she did her best to make me forget as she kissed me with a mix of soft tenderness and then increasing lust urgency.

Last night when we’d been together a couple of times it had struck me how much Veronica was on my wavelength, almost telepathically knowing what I needed or wanted. And tonight she seemed to carry on in the same way, gently moving beneath me and onto her back, making clear that she wanted me to take control – no doubt sensing my anger towards Luther that I needed to somehow exercise.

As I thrust hard and deep into Veronica she immediately wrapped her legs around me, enveloping me and giving me a clear signal that she was mine to do with as I wished. I started pounding her as fast and deep as I could, grunting and breathing heavily at the effort, but happy at the sighs and sobs coming from Veronica as she responded to my cock. I kept up this pounding for several minutes until I felt that familiar feeling in my cock and I pulled her to me as I kissed her hard. Veronica accepting my tongue and fighting back with her own, clinging on tighter to me with each extra thrust I gave her. Until I screamed out loud and gave that final push before shooting my scalding cum deep into her receptive body. Holding myself as deep as I could, freezing my position as I imagined my seed doing its job. Feeling so good to be as deep as I could get inside her tight and warm pussy. Only allowing my muscles to slightly soften after five or ten seconds as I rejoined the real world and smiled shyly at this wonderful woman who’s just taken my seed. Feeling warm and happy as I saw the contented and loving smile on her face.

As I slowly eased my weight off and lay next to her, Veronica snuggled up next to me. She hadn’t cum, but she didn’t seem to mind. For the moment she seemed contended to just snuggle up next to me, knowing she’d cum later.

We lay like that, silent and peaceful for some time before it was Veronica who eventually broke the silence. “Dave, honey. As much as I want to just think about you and me and this right now, I gotta ask you how you got into all of this. And although I’m the one benefitting from it, I gotta ask are you really okay with what Luther’s doing. How he’s setting Jill up with Malcolm and all the other shit?”

Veronica’s big brown eyes were looking directly at me as she finished her question. I grimaced and pulled a face. “Honey, forgive me. I really don’t want to get into all that right now. Maybe later. Can we just concentrate on this? On you and me? Please, do you mind?”

Veronica looked guilty, sensing she’d struck a raw nerve. “Of course,” and with that she just lay her head on my chest and we went back to just enjoying that special post-love-making tranquility and peace.

We lay like this for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes before a little beeping sound on Veronica’s phone alerted her to an incoming email. She looked at her phone, her face instantly showing a nervous reaction. She looked to be trying to decide what to do or say, before finally turning to me.

“I know it’s only nine, but Luther’s sent the film he mentioned. The one he wants you to watch.” Her choice of words deliberately avoiding the subject matter of the film.

The trouble was that Luther knew me all too well. Even though I’d not expected it for a few more hours, he knew that once it was there I’d be drawn to watching it like a moth to a lamp. Unable to fight my multi-layered needs. To enjoy my kinky wife-watching addiction. To soothe my deep need to see and link back with Jill in even the smallest and strangest of ways.

My voice shaky and dry from emotion and nerves I managed to just about tell Veronica that yes, I wanted to watch it now. She had a look almost of pity as she smiled back and started pressing various buttons on her phone and on the big TV.

As the picture burst into life my ears were hit by the sound of laughter. A little clock in the corner of the picture showed 4:23, so the movie had been shot around five hours ago. I immediately recognized the setting as the pool at Luther’s house, with the laughter coming from four people paired off and enjoying a leisurely afternoon in the pool. Both couples were standing neck-deep in the pool, with Luther’s arms wrapped around Dee’s body and Malcolm and my wife standing together in a similar position. Jill’s back pressed into the front of Malcolm’s body as she looked across at Dee and Luther as they all chatted and laughed.

I felt a twist in my gut as I realized they were talking about me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what had been said to cause the laughter. “I hope she doesn’t kill him, aside from work I don’t think Veronica’s had a boyfriend for quite some time. I hope she doesn’t break her new toy and that there’s still enough to send home to you later today.”

Again, a peel of laughter. “So that’s what my husband is, is he? He’s her boyfriend now, is he?” my smiling wife playfully quizzed Luther.

“Well that seems only fair, Jill baby. After all, he had Gemma before when Chris was your boyfriend. And now, if you and Malcolm are going to be seeing each other every day. Well, I mean, it stands to reason, doesn’t it,” a grinning Luther shot right back.

“Hey, who said I was going to work for you and see Malcolm every day? I told you Dave and I still need to talk about it,” she replied, her voice still playful and not angry.

“Oh, come on, get real, Jill. You and I both know you loved being the boss at the club the other night. And we also both know Dave loves playing this game. Hell, it was only a couple of weeks after the shit that went down with Chris that he virtually pushed you into the arms of Josh and Freddy, and they live right next door to you. Hell, if that’s not a textbook, twenty-four-carat case of a cuck who can’t help himself, then I don’t know what is. Hell, Jill, you said it yourself, however much you might sometimes hate it, there’s no going back for you and Dave. As the good book has it, you’ve tasted the forbidden fruit and now you can’t unlearn what you both know. That you love your husband but that you love big cocks almost as much or maybe even a bit more. And that your adoring hubby loves to indulge you and let you play. Even if that sometimes means flying a bit close to the sun and maybe getting a bit burned.”

When he’d finished, he raised a champagne flute from the side of the pool and toasted Jill. “Here’s to exploring. And here’s to the love of a good man who’s happy to let the wild child that’s been locked away in his beloved for twenty years come out to play and explore.”

Jill momentarily stopped smiling, instead looking thoughtful. Probably thinking through all the things Luther had said. Maybe like me marveling at how succinctly he’d summarized the current state of our marriage.

What came next stunned me. Exciting and upsetting me in equal measure.

Jill’s thoughtful look slowly turned back to a playful smile, and as she grasped her own champagne flute she toasted Luther right back, her voice quiet but steady as she spoke. “Okay, Mr. Boss Man. You have yourself a new hire. I’ll talk to Chris and see if I can start when I come back from the wedding next week.”

Luther positively beamed, re-toasting Jill a second time. “Welcome aboard, Mrs. Foster, Joint General Manager for Clubs. I’m sure Dee will be happy to show you the ropes – both physically and metaphorically.”

His glass back on the poolside flagstone, he playfully teased. “Don’t think me ungrateful, but what happened to ‘I’ll have to discuss it with Dave’?”

Sat in Veronica’s bed watching the video, I thought to myself ‘yes, that’s a very good question’ as I eagerly awaited Jill’s reply.

My beautiful wife, encouraged by me to be an adulteress and spread her wings these last few months, just smiled and gave Luther an enigmatic smile. “I hate to make you feel smug, but you were right. About pretty much everything you said. I’m sure Dave wants me to come and work with you. However, most parts of it will tear him up, he’ll be like a moth to a flame.”


Sometimes we don’t like to admit painful truths, especially when they clash with the images of ourselves we’ve patiently built over many years, but both Luther and now Jill were right in what they’d said about me. Deep down I knew it was true, but sometimes it was still hard to look in the mirror and admit it. But the evidence was right there in front of me. I had a beautiful and sexy woman laying right there next to me in bed, and yet I’d opted to watch Luther’s video rather than make love to or spend time with the lovely Veronica.

And I carried on watching that video for the next couple of hours as the action soon moved from the poolside up to the bedroom. All the conversation about work and about me stopped as Luther’s huge head of security picked Jill up as if she weighed nothing and strode purposefully out of the pool. His huge and obscenely muscled three-hundred-pound frame glistened from the sheen of water on his dark skin, and he carried Jill like some African warrior taking his bride back to his cave, with Jill looking more than happy at what was happening.

They were soon inside the house and the film flicked to a different camera. I guess from his security system. The thirty-something man-mountain placed Jill on the bed with a surprising tenderness, reminding me of how he’d always been the one to look after Jill during the breaks during last night’s gangbang.

For quite some time they kissed, hands slowly exploring and playing with each other’s bodies, until Malcolm moved things on by reaching behind Jill’s back to unclip her bikini top and release her beautiful tits, nipples already very hard and swollen with anticipation. Malcolm’s mouth alternated between sucking and nibbling on Jill’s tits and kissing her welcoming lips. If that last time I’d seen them had been an impersonal and high-octane gangbang, this was very different. This was two lovers getting to know each other, the first act of a play that would act several hours through waves of physical pleasure and ecstasy and then would no doubt move on to intimate conversations as the two of them got to know each other better as people.

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Malcolm stopped his kissing and sucking of Jill’s boobs as his head kissed lower and lower until his huge shiny head was nestled between Jill’s thighs, which looked tiny and fragile in comparison to the hulking size of Malcolm’s body. Again the man who looked so fierce and threatening surprised me as he tenderly and skillfully lapped away at my wife’s pussy, the darkness and size of his head and bulging neck looking almost surreal next to Jill’s pale skin. An effect made all the more stark by the moans and sighs coming from my wife’s screwed up face as her hands pushed Malcolm’s head closer and closer to her womanhood. Wanting the maximum possible connection between his lips and tongue and her most sensitive flesh.

Malcolm brought Jill to the edge of orgasm not once, not twice but three times before he pulled away and locked eyes with my bewildered and confused wife. Confused at why he’d three times denied her the blissful pleasure and release of a cum. Her look changing to a far happier and understanding one as Malcolm re-positioned his three-hundred-pound body above her and rubbed himself up and down Jill’s pussy lips.

With the head of his fat nine-inch cock safely lodged in the mouth of Jill’s pussy, he looked up and moved to share a deep kiss with Jill as his huge hips and tight buns pushed up and towards Jill, slowly driving all nine inches deep into my wife’s welcoming body. Even though their lips were locked together in a passionate and heartfelt kiss, I could hear Jill’s satisfied and happy sigh as the walls of her pussy were pushed wide apart and she received Malcolm’s huge cock deep into her body.

Not only could I hear her moans and sighs, but I could see the way her arms tightened around his neck and the way the muscles of Jill’s legs became tauter, all evidence of that most primal of female responses as they receive a large male member ready to pleasure them and then breed them.

Malcolm was happy to just support his immense weight and hold still, no doubt savoring the tightness of Jill’s pussy, stretched tight like an elastic band around his fat girth. Kissing Jill just as she kissed him back, her hips wiggling just a little as if this helped her enjoy the feeling of his manhood so deep in her body.

Seeing them joined like this, no need for movement, just happy to both savor the impact of Malcolm’s cock size I was suddenly struck by a wave of jealousy, mixed in with a strong sense of insecurity and inferiority. It was something I’d become numbed to feeling over the many months of our new lifestyle. So feeling it so strongly again hit me hard as it took me by surprise. It just felt so damned unfair, how some guys were so well blessed physically. Getting a leg up in the whole area of winning and satisfying a mate. Malcolm able to pleasure Jill and make her look so damned happy by the simple act of just being so deep inside Jill’s body and stretching her so thoroughly.

It was only the gentle squeeze of Veronica’s hand that brought me back, maybe caused by her seeing something in my face that she thought meant I needed reassurance and help.

With my eyes still glued to the screen as Malcolm pulled back and started his lover’s dance with my wife, the next twenty minutes were a weird mix of watching Jill give herself to a new man and answering a stream of questions from my inquisitive bedmate.

“Dave, why do you do it? Why do you let Jill sleep with other guys? Especially when you know she gets off more with them, and knowing this tears you up inside?”

Just for an instant I tore my eyes from the screen and looked at Veronica, her face a picture of genuine confusion and lack of understanding. I don’t know why, but seeing this look just made me feel for her more strongly. I kissed her softly and split my attention between the sex sounds and sights from the TV and trying to answer her.

“Honestly, I’m not sure I fully understand either,” I sighed. “Some of it I get. I mean, look at her. Jill’s always been and always will be a lot more attractive than me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not beating upon myself, but I’ve got eyes and I’ve known from the first day we started dating that Jill’s a nine to my four or five.”

Veronica looked upset and started to say something, but I just held my hand up. “It’s okay, I’m okay with it, better to be honest rather than fool yourself. Anyway, I know Jill loves me and hopefully, I don’t sound arrogant when I say I know I’ve got plenty of other, compensating qualities other than the way I look.”

Veronica squeezed my hand again and I looked at her again as I continued. “And knowing all of this, I guess there’s some kind of weird logic. Like, if she’s a nine and I’m a four, and I’ll always be a four, why don’t I let her play with some other nines and tens as the best way of guaranteeing that I get to keep her in the long term. Kinda get someone else to give her what I can’t give her, be the missing piece in the jigsaw I’ll never be. That way she’s totally fulfilled and happy and always comes home to me at the end of the day.”

Even though I was looking at the TV screen, I sensed Veronica was thinking. A few seconds later she shot back. “I get that. But what if it goes further? What if Mr. Big Dick isn’t content to just be one part of your jigsaw, of your game? What if he wants the whole picture and what if Jill falls for him and wants more than just sex from him? Aren’t you running a huge risk, playing this game?”

The pictures from the TV screen made it difficult to concentrate on answering. I’d explained the easy bit to Veronica, the next bit was harder. But as I tried to find the right words I was more than a little distracted by the way Malcolm’s huge hips and ass were slamming in and out of Jill with a fearsome power and energy. Making Jill squeal like a wounded animal every time he slammed nine inches deep into the core of her womanhood. Her chest now splotchy and red from the way her body was reacting to the new man in her life.

Malcolm’s body was so huge that I could see little of Jill, she was so well covered by his glistening and muscular black body. ‘Covered’ – isn’t that the term they use for when a stallion breeds a mare. ‘The stallion covers the mare’ – an ironic thought that went through my head. All I could see of Jill were her two white legs locked around Malcolm’s powerful dark back, her arms similarly locked around his neck and the side of her face as the two of them seemed forever joined in a never-ending kiss.

But even if I could see little of my wife, the wounded animal sounds she continued to make told me just how thorough and pleasurable the fucking she was getting was. These sounds penetrating into my skull and ricocheting around like shrapnel, making me feel stressed and worried at the same time as they made my cock as hard as iron.

How the hell could I explain this to my confused bed partner, who rightly had pointed out the huge risk I was running, that Jill and one of her big-cocked lovers would fall for each other. With one eye on the screen and one eye trying to pay attention to Veronica, I did my best to answer her. “You’re right, I am running a huge risk. And maybe it would have been better if Jill and I had never started this game. We’ve even talked about it as a couple. At different times we’ve both wanted to stop. But I think we both now know there’s no going back. Now that Jill and mI have tasted the pleasures.”

I thought my answer might satisfy Veronica, but she was like a dog with a bone, still not wanting to let go. “But I don’t get how you can still be okay with it. After what happened with Chris. After it went from sex to the two of them being in love and him asking Jill to leave you. After all of that, how can you still be okay with this thing? How can you calmly lay here and give her to a guy like Malcolm? Knowing that Malcolm’s got a real crush on her and will be with her every day? Aren’t you terrified it will happen all over again? Only this time Jill might not have the strength or desire to come home?”

Hearing Veronica voice my deepest fear out loud suddenly made it seem ten thousand times worse. It was like hearing and seeing a monster that until now had only been some distant name spoken by grown-ups to frighten. But hearing Veronica say it out loud – what if Malcolm was about to become Chris mark two, only with a less happy ending – suddenly brought me up short and made me realize the full enormity of the risks we were again taking. Making me suddenly realize I’d just sleep-walked right back into the minefield that had so nearly claimed Jill and my twenty-year marriage.

This realization caused a sudden tightening in my chest, all of the pain and emotion of that terrible last weekend Jill spent with Chris coming flooding back to my mind. I was caught in a terrible pincer movement – the memories of Chris hitting me just as the scenes from the TV showed me that Jill and her new man were fast approaching a shared climax. Jill’s squeals and sobs having given way to the shallow panting that always signified she was about to cum. Her legs and arms now noticeably even tighter around the new man who she was spending the whole weekend with.

Although I’d have thought it not possible, Malcolm was now bouncing up and down on top of my wife with a power and energy that was even more than before. Obviously, his own orgasm was close, now making little grunting sounds each time he thrust deep into Jill. Her panting breaths and his little grunting sounds coordinated and in time, as if one single over the top sex soundtrack. Telling anyone who cared to watch of their closeness and intimacy, how well they worked together even on their first day together as lovers.

Their jointly made soundtrack and the urgency of their movements told me just how close they both were, and sure enough after just a few more seconds, my ears were assaulted by a loud shriek of ecstasy from Jill and a loud, bellowing roar of conquest and victory from Malcolm as he gave one final thrust and embedded himself as deeply as Jill’s much smaller body could take him.

There was a symbolic symmetry, as once again the lovers held still as unseen by me Malcolm’s huge cock must have been contracting and releasing, contracting and releasing as he pumped spurt after spurt of his no doubt virile seed deep into my wife’s sobbing and orgasming body. A fitting end to this beautiful mare being covered by the huge black stallion who she’d be working with every day now.

Veronica squeezed my hand and I felt her push her body a little closer to mine. “Wow, that was intense. They look so good together, don’t they? You’d think they’ve been lovers forever, the way they move together, the way their bodies seem so much in synch.”

There was a wide-eyed innocence in Veronica’s tone, and as I looked across at her part of me felt angry at her words. Part of me also confused as moments earlier she’d been the one seemingly trying to persuade me to put a stop to Malcolm and Jill. And here she was just minutes later almost in awe and telling me how good they looked together.

But looking at her caring and innocent face I couldn’t be angry at Veronica. And it pained me to say it, she was just being honest about what she’d seen. It was difficult for me to admit, but Jill and Malcolm did look good together. My wife’s pale feminine beauty perfectly complemented by Malcolm’s hulking dark masculinity and muscles. And they did move with a feeling and timing they had no right to enjoy after less than twenty-four hours together as lovers.


The next couple of hours were spent like the junkie I’d become. Ignoring the prospect of making love to the beautiful young Latina woman by my side, instead, binge eating on the poison of watching both the lovemaking between Jill and Malcolm and the equally intoxicating recovery periods when the two of them talked as the lovers they now were Getting to know each other better as they talked and shared about a whole host of different things.

The lovers made love twice more, a mix of making love and fucking, depending on how the mood took them. Each time Malcolm skilled and dominant as he took Jill to the heights of pleasure as she experienced more climaxes than I could count. They enjoyed each other’s bodies in a myriad of different positions. Kissing and close in missionary, powerful and raw in doggy as Malcolm’s insane thrusts made Jill’s boobs swing and bounce with an intoxicating eroticism. Cowgirl as Jill did all the work, for once her body and face not covered by Malcolm so I could see just how much she was loving her time with him and the sex he was giving her. A couple of standing up fucks where Malcolm carried Jill around and bounced her up and down his huge cock as if she was a little rag doll that weighed nothing. Each time their lovemaking ending with a massive shared climax, their mouths always joined together in an intimate kiss, whatever position they were in at the time.

Watching the intense and energetic sex between them was a bittersweet pleasure – especially after Veronica had reminded me of the risk that I was watching the creation of a new monster. A black version of Chris who might well stress and pressure our marriage in ways even more troubling than Chris had done. I loved watching Jill getting such amazing pleasure from another man, especially such a virile and masculine big-dicked guy as Malcolm. But the only way I could cope with the other side of the coin was to almost continually push my fears and worries to the back of my head.

But if watching Jill and Malcolm’s lovemaking was bittersweet, watching and listening to their conversations and growing closeness in the times they weren’t having sex was even more intense. Maybe not with the same sexual highs, but with the gut-wrenching and chest clenching anxiety and tension that came from realizing how close to the edge of the cliff this new relationship might take us.

They talked and shared about all manner of things. At first, Malcolm seemed slow and reticent to open up about himself. Superficial flirting and then fucking was one level of intimacy, but I got the strong impression that Malcolm wasn’t a guy who easily let people inside the curtain. Maybe as befits a head of security and ex-Army Special Forces guy, at first he seemed guarded. Maybe life had taught him not to talk and share about himself and his feelings. More of a gruff man of action, than a man of words. A fighter not a poet or a lover.

But as he sensed Jill’s genuine interest in him, the barriers seemed to drop piece by piece. It was as if being so used to holding the world at arm’s length, he was relieved to finally have someone to share with. Someone who was interested not just in what he could do at work, but interested in Malcolm the person.

With her patient attention and soft, caring smile Jill slowly encouraged him to drop his barriers. Slowly learning about Malcolm’s life. About how he had a really tough upbringing from a drug-addled mother and an absentee father, running with the gangs in South L.A. How, after seeing his best friend gunned down in a gang drive-by shooting he’d joined up to escape this life. And how although he was sixteen years younger than Luther they had served together in the Special Forces. And that when Malcolm left the Army he’d taken Luther upon a longstanding offer to look him up as Luther was always looking for good people.

Having gotten the basics, Jill gently asked him about family, girlfriends and that kind of stuff – careful in case there was a painful trapdoor that might offend. A man more used to success than failure, Malcolm looked sheepish as he told Jill he’d been married in his twenties but that it hadn’t worked out, and that his ex-wife and eight-year-old daughter lived back in L.A. as his ex was a childhood sweetheart.

Seeing the sad look in Malcolm’s face as he talked about a lost wife and daughter, Jill instinctively leaned over to kiss him, stroking the side of his face as she gazed into his sad eyes. “That must be tough. You must miss them … miss her.”

Malcolm said nothing, just giving a soft and slightly embarrassed smile by way of thanks.

“What about now, anyone special? Maybe one of the girls from the club? Maybe someone else?” Jill asked in her softest voice.

Malcolm hesitated before answering, looking just the slightest bit embarrassed. “No, not really. Veronica and I dated for a bit, but it didn’t work out. She needed and deserved someone better than me, someone more stable. And then after that, just the occasional fuck buddy or two. Nothing heavy, just good wholesome sex between consenting adults when we need to get our rocks off.”

Even after all she’d been through and seen in our new life, there was enough of the conservative Jill left that Malcolm’s crude honesty made her blush and chuckle.

“Fuck buddies? Is that what this is? Is that we are?” she chuckled, her tone showing amusement, not anger.

Despite Jill’s amused smile, Malcolm looked nervous.

“No,” he exclaimed. “Not like that. You’re different. You’re special. Not like those other girls. I’ve thought that since the first night Luther and Dee brought you round the clubs. Not a fuck buddy … hopefully something better … something more special ….”

His voice trailed off, looking more nervous than when he’d started. The nervous look on his face now matched by that on Jill’s face, as she again touched his cheek.

“Malcolm, don’t get me wrong. I think you’re a really nice guy. And I’m happy that we’re friends and that we’re lovers. But Dave and I are just coming off a bad situation that nearly wrecked our marriage. Where we let things get too intense, too emotional …”

Jill was going to continue, but Malcolm stopped her, putting a large black finger to her lips. “I understand. I get it, Jill. Let’s just take one day at a time and see where it leads.”


(Thanks for cbears52 for his kind help editing and prrofing.)

Written by rawraw25
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