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Don't Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 19

"Events start developing faster than we'd expected..."

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Evening of Friday 15th June 2018


The pretty forty-something dancer gave me a smile that immediately set my heart running. There was something about the mix of coy nervousness and the knowing wantonness of her profession that I found intoxicating and hypnotic. At that moment my chest and my cock were filled with desire for this intriguing Latina, so much older than most of the other dancers and yet still maybe five or ten years my junior.

I felt guilty staring at her body, but the way her dancer’s uniform put her slender yet womanly body on full display left me little choice. The way her large breasts over-spilled her tiny bikini top taking me back to that night when Dee, Amber and Jill had kissed and played in the private back room at the club. The night when Jill had been told to unclip Amber’s top so that me and the other guys could feast our eyes on Amber’s shapely tits and hardened pink nipples, so expertly enhanced by whatever surgeon Luther had no doubt paid.

A little uncomfortable from the way I was staring at her, she coughed and I mumbled an apology as I returned to the here and now, taking the fresh glass of whiskey she offered me.

“Hi Dave,” was all she said, sounding as nervous as I felt. I replied the same way, both of us feeling like nervous teenagers, totally at odds with the garish and sexually charged environment.

Seeing the way she continued to nervously smile at me made me just want her all the more, my emotions mixed between a selfish desire to reach out, take her in my arms and kiss her – and a more tender desire to comfort and protect this nervous-looking woman.

I guess the large tumbler of whiskey I’d consumed was partly the cause, but as we silently stared at each other I surprised myself by impulsively reaching out and pulling her hand until her body was pressing next to mine and I could lower my head to kiss her soft lips.

That first kiss lasted forever, the hunger and need growing by the second as our tongues pushed and fought. When we finally broke for air, I don’t know which of us was smiling more. A mutual desire and want from when we’d first seen each other now made reality. Still unspeaking, the look between us was now less nervous and more one of quiet contentment. Amber finally the first one to speak. “That was nice. I wanted to do that the first time I saw you.”

I’m sure I blushed, after so many years married still totally unused to this flirting and dating game. I just grinned back like some juvenile fool, until finally, I caught myself. “I think I’m the lucky one,” was all I could offer back, the warm feeling of Amber’s skin next to mine making me feel so happy and content. Aware I was again trying to stop my eyes staring at her heaving bosom, softly rising and falling inside that little white bikini top, so inadequate for the task at hand.

She kissed me again, this time just a brief kiss before she pulled back and ran her hand through my hair. A playful smile on her lips as she locked her arms around my neck.

Suddenly remembering the conversation I’d seen on the monitor between her and Jill, I asked her what they’d been talking about. Amber’s smile inching wider as she explained.

“You’re a lucky man, David Foster. Jill’s a wonderful lady and you’re lucky to have her as your wife,” as she paused before continuing. “We were talking about you. I felt bad as Jill’s been so nice to me, so I wanted to get it off my chest with her how I’ve got a little crush on her husband.”

Amber just stopped there for a moment, her explanation hanging there only half-finished. “And?” I asked with a shaking voice, Amber smiling just a little more as she continued, obviously enjoying teasing me.

“Well, Mr. Foster, your lovely wife was very sweet about it. Said she understood, that you were a great guy and that if I wanted to I should feel free to see if you were interested in spending a little time together.”

I could almost hear Jill’s words as Amber explained, immediately knowing she was telling the truth. The picture she was painting fitting perfectly the images I’d seen on the monitor earlier.

Having unburdened herself, I felt her arms tighten a little around my neck, responding myself by pulling her closer and starting another deep and emotion-filled kiss. This time the kiss was softer and more gentle, both of us knowing we weren’t in any hurry. That we’d have plenty of time for this and a lot more before the night was out.

When our kiss finally broke, a little of the nervous Amber returned. “Dee and Jill have given me the rest of the night off. Will you come back to my place?”

Her obvious nerves made me feel gentle and protective, leaning in to kiss her. “Of course, I’d love that.”


Minutes later, I was greeted by the door opening again and a beaming and now fully clothed Amber dressed in a far more chaste and conservative outfit. The tiny white uniform that had struggled to contain her over-spilling and boobs and to hide her shapely ass now replaced by a thigh-length pleated grey skirt and an almost virginal plain white blouse. Despite the change in clothes, Amber’s curves were sufficiently generous to not be entirely hidden by the change, the fullness of her breasts and shapeliness of her rear still obvious to any man with a pulse.

I only received the briefest of kisses before Amber pulled me by the hand through the throbbing crowds of the busy Friday night club. There was no point trying to talk in that overwhelming wall of sound, so I just smiled to myself at Amber’s obvious air of urgency and what this meant for later.

It was Malcolm who held the door open as we climbed into the waiting cab, and happy as I was, I couldn’t help but wonder if the warmth of his grin was because he now had Jill all to himself in the club. The pair of them now able to resume their earlier flirting with me safely out of the picture and otherwise occupied.

Amber snuggled up next to me on the backseat, her soft fingers turning my face towards her so our lips could once again touch, our mouths exchanging breaths before our aggressive and hungry tongues resumed their earlier battle. As our heat and passion built up and up, I was slightly taken off guard as Amber’s lips left mine and she whispered in my ear. “I want you so bad, Dave. I want to feel you deep inside me. I want you to fuck me slow, then fast, before I fuck you right back and you cum deep inside me.”

Her message delivered, her wet tongue ran around the rim of my ear before she kissed my ear lobe and then looked deep into my eyes. That look hammering home her recent words but also telling me all about her lust mixed with a deep need for love and companionship.


Back at Amber’s simple one-story house, however horny she was, her first act was to have a quick look into her young daughter’s bedroom to check all was okay and deliver a maternal goodnight kiss. Then turning to me with a most non-parental smile, she again pulled me by the hand along the short corridor to her bedroom.

With the door safely locked behind her, Amber gently pushed me to sit on her bed and gave me a small demonstration of her professional skills. A small bedside CD radio providing the rhythm as Amber seductively shed her skirt and blouse, before tormenting me with kisses as she sat on my lap and wriggled around to get me harder still. Only when she knew I was sufficiently worked up did she reach behind her back to unclip her bra and let her beautiful full breasts fall free to take their natural place and shape.

Her proud smile telling me she knew just how much I wanted to touch and play with them, her twin orbs feeling so good as I held and played with them. Loving their weight and the way she moaned and her nipples hardened and became bigger as I played with them.

I don’t know why, but it felt somehow different as she helped me strip off my own clothes and we were finally joined together. My cock deep inside her as her legs locked around me and we were a couple just happy to enjoy the moment. Soft kisses alternating with deep looks passing between us as I just pushed as deep as I could and held still. Loving every single sensation and emotion coursing through my heart and brain. Loving the way Amber was looking at me.

For twenty-plus years I’d been faithful to Jill, the two of us only knowing each other's bodies. And then these last few months there had been Gemma and then Dee, but this felt different, more than just the sex there had been with the other two. At the time I didn’t overthink it, forcing the thought to the back of my head, but even that first time I knew there was a deeper and more emotional connection with Amber.

With the smallest twitch of her hips, Amber signaled that she wanted me to start, and as I started to slowly move in and out I felt her body start to respond. I felt her hips roll and push in response to my slow and deeply felt strokes. I slowly made love to her, soft moans my reward as she held my head between her hands and kissed me. Alternating soft and short kisses with deeper or firmer kisses depending on her feelings.

I was so excited I knew I wouldn’t last long, but Amber seemed to read my mind. “It’s okay, Dave, honey. Just do it, cum in me. There’ll be plenty of time to get me off later… before I’m done with you,” she teased.

Hearing her unselfish words made me feel good, her smile telling me she meant every word. Giving me license to speed up and push deeper and harder with each thrust, knowing I was only seconds away. As I gave up any semblance of control or trying to postpone myself, I felt Amber’s legs tighten around my midriff and back, heard her moans and sighs just a little louder and breathy.

“Give it to me… shoot it, honey… I want you, I want all of you, Dave,” she whispered to me, a faraway and loving look in her eyes. It felt so wonderful as I accepted her precious gift and gave myself to the moment, one final push and a loud and bellowing cry of triumph.

“Aaahhh,” I bellowed, not caring about the sleeping child down the corridor, instead intent only on inseminating her sexy and beautiful mother, our mouths locked together in that magical moment of union.


I really struggle to do justice to describe the next couple of hours. When I’d shot my load deep into Amber’s receptive and welcoming body, we were happy to just lay next to each other, my chest rising and falling more than Amber’s – not surprising as I’d been the one doing all the work and bellowing out as I finally came.

We were soon talking, exchanging life and family details, immediately feeling at ease with Amber as she told me about how she’d ended up married to her no-good ex-con husband. That her daughter Haley was the only good thing that had come from that part of her life. As we carried on talking she asked me to use her real name, Veronica, and I made a silly little speech about being 'pleased to meet you Veronica’ and we both laughed before she carried on asking me all about me and Jill and our kids.

After a while, Veronica’s hand started playfully stroking and toying with my cock, and when she sensed some proof of life there she smiled at me. She stopped asking about Jill and the kids and kissed her way down from my lips until her lips were nestling in my groin. Gently kissing me before enveloping my slimy and sticky cock in her warm mouth.

I felt real feeling and emotion as she tenderly sucked and kissed until I was finally back nearly as hard and erect as before. I tasted myself as Veronica kissed me twice, before without a further word just placing herself above me and slowly sinking down until she was atop me. My cock reaching as far into her body as I could, loving the happy and contented look on her face as she squeezed with her pussy muscles to send me a clear message.

I knew I was with a woman who knew what she wanted as she took control of the next part of our time together. Lowering her top half and face next to me so we could kiss, before giving me a cheeky and confident smile as she pushed herself upright and started using me like a human sex toy as she rode me. Able to get just the right position, placement and pace to enjoy two small and satisfying climaxes. Reaching down to pull my hands up and onto her breasts, smiling as she saw the happy way I stroked and played with her hanging fruits.

Having cum once already I was able to last a long time and I even worried that I might not be able to cum again. Again, there seemed to be some kind of telepathic connection between us as Veronica must have seen something in my face, smiling down at me. “If you think it would help if you fuck me…” her soft voice sharing, squealing happily as I pulled her down and spun us both around so I was now the boss.

Happy to take my masculine position between her thighs, gazing into her dark brown eyes as we kissed and I made the first thrust before just resting and loving the moment. Deep inside and just content for the moment to look down at the woman beneath me. Her long brown hair framing her pretty features. Those big, full breasts lying flat but still large on her chest, topped perfectly by her large and swollen nipples. The sparkle in her eyes and the warmth of her smile telling me how much she was loving this special time between us.

This time there was no little shimmy or movement from her. No little ‘come-on’ to kickstart me to make love to her. This time she was almost perfectly motionless beneath me until the moment was right for me to start to move in and out. And like some old but magnificent (at least in my own mind!) machine, I slowly kicked into gear and started slowly moving in and out. Like one of those old steam-powered piston engines, my well-oiled piston sliding smoothly in and out of the velvet glove that was Veronica’s pussy. Nature at it’s most complete in my imaginative little brain, a man taking a woman and a woman all too happy to be taken, to give her body to me.

We had all night, so I settled in at a steady pace, loving the snug feel of Veronica’s glove tight and warm around my cock. Thrilling at the feelings sent back by a thousand different nerve endings in my cock. My heart was warm and full at the way Veronica was looking at me. Happy at the perfect mix of emotion and physical pleasures we’d created together.

I enjoyed this long, slow luxuriating way of making love for maybe five or ten or fifteen minutes, Veronica’s soft moans telling me she was just as happy as me. But then the greedy, impatient side of my nature took over and this particular little devil wanted nothing more than to look into Veronica’s eyes as she once again took my seed. To hear her moan and sob as I once again owned her body and soul.

Urged on by these thoughts, I pulled her close and started going as deep and fast as I could manage. Both disappointed but strangely excited by the thought that I wasn’t as thick or as long as some of the guys who’d entered Jill’s life recently. Having to work all the harder to get anything like a similar effect from Veronica.

I may not have been super-cocked like Luther or Chris or Daryl, but Veronica seemed happy enough as she clung to me, encouraging me and calling out my name. Her moans and sobs in synch with my own, telling me she was loving this as much as I was. Until finally I looked deep into her eyes, kissed her as hard as I could and gave the death push.

Pushing with every sinew in my body as my cock flexed, expanded and contracted and shot my seed as deep into this beautiful woman’s body as I could achieve. Millions of little fellows busy searching out an egg to say hi to. Or at least that’s what my mind told me, temporarily rubbing out the little detail of a vasectomy operation way back when.

My Darwinian job done, I allowed myself to collapse down and half-crush Veronica. Enjoying how close our bodies were, the feeling of her nipples and breasts now crushed hard into my chest. Happy to see her smile telling me she was enjoying this new closeness as much as me before finally a gentle hand on my chest signaled she had a selfish need to breathe!

I lifted myself up and off, but after our second round together and all the things we’d talked about, now felt confident enough to pull Veronica to lie right next to me with her head resting on my chest. The two of us happy to just lie there silent. Enjoying the fourth act of our love-making.


We talked some more, managed one more bout of love-making (although I wasn’t able to cum again) before Veronica mentioned someone and something I’d totally forgotten. Jill and the club.

She had a slightly nervous and shy look on her face as she raised the subject. “Before she gave me the evening off to be with you, Dee told me to ask you if you’d like to watch a little more of Jill at the club.”

The question came at me like a bolt from the blue. Ever since this intoxicating woman had headed into my little viewing chamber with her glass of bourbon, sexy uniform and alluring smile, I’d pretty much forgotten all about Jill. I wondered if this was what it was like for Jill when she was with Luther or one of the other guys.

I had to refocus my brain to answer Veronica’s question. Before the last couple of hours between Veronica and me, it would have been an easy question to answer. But as excited as I always was to watch Jill, a big part of me didn’t want this to intrude on what Veronica and I had shared and were enjoying between just the two of us.

There was just the slightest of smiles on Veronica’s face as she waited for my response – as if she knew what I was thinking. As if she knew and was taking it as a compliment and some type of small victory for her. However much she’d described Jill as a friend and someone who’d been so nice to her, competitive in just the smallest way with her boss and friend.

My silence stretched out as I tried to work out what I really did want to do. Veronica, emboldened and happy at her little victory, finally being the one to nudge me to a decision. “Dave, I don’t mind. Really, it’s fine. Maybe we can watch a bit, while you get your breath back, and then I’ll have you all to myself again later,” she grinned.

Decision made, I kissed her softly and before I knew what had happened the single press of a bedside TV remote had brought to life the large TV that sat at the end of the bed. Probably more used to displaying Dora the Explorer or other kids shows than the type of pictures I was now bracing myself to see.

Actually, the fifty-five-inch picture that greeted us was a lot more staid and moderate than I’d expected. The picture showed some kind of backroom at the club with four people sat as two couples in two adjacent large armchairs. Dee was sat in one, sat on the lap of the man she’d described as her erstwhile fuckbuddy – Luther. And just next to her in the other armchair, my wife Jill was sat, sitting on the lap of Malcolm, the club’s head of security.

“So how did you find it? Your first night as the manager of ‘The Pink Cabaret?'” Luther playfully asked with a big, shit-eating grin on his face.

“I enjoyed it. It was fun. Plenty to keep me busy. A really nice buzz in the place. Really alive with a great feeling. And I couldn’t speak more highly of the team,” she laughed, looking over at Dee whilst her hand stroked the back of Malcolm’s neck.

“Glad to hear it,” Luther smirked. “So does that mean I’ve got me a new hire then?” he added.

“Hang on a minute, not so fast. I’ll need to talk things through with Dave first before we come to any hard and fast decisions.”

“Okay,” Luther conceded, hands held up as he backed off a little. “But I’m sure hubby won’t mind. After all, if it means he gets to spend a little more time with Amber when you’re working, from the look on their faces as they left, I think that will make for two very happy extra people.”

Jill chuckled. “She seems really nice. And it was kinda sweet, when she came up to me, looking all bashful and guilty and confessed how bad she felt about having a crush on Dave.”

“She’s a good kid,” Luther replied, looking almost wistful and paternalistic, Veronica squeezing my hand and blushing a little as she heard her boss and my wife talking about her. “She’s had it kinda rough, what with that shit bag of an ex-husband of hers that I had to sort out. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for her how much she loves that little girl of hers, sometimes I swear she’d have given up and done something stupid.”

All of them went quiet for the moment at the thought of what Luther was describing before he lightened the mood. “But she’s in a good place now, a whole lot better. And maybe a night of fun with your hubby is just what the doctor ordered for her.”

Jill let out a deep smile, wrapping her arm just a little tighter around the thick black neck of the guy she was sitting on. “You know, when she told me about her crush, I was honestly happy to share. Dave deserves a little fun. I love him to bits, and he’s been so great through everything. Even when things have been bad, he’s been great. He’s allowed me to have my fun.”

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One hand stroking Dee’s hair, Luther chuckled. “You’re being too generous, Jill honey, only telling half the story. After all, Dave loves this whole game almost as much as you do.”

Dee grinned and chipped in. “Almost as much, but no-one could quite enjoy it as much as my new BFF Jill. Quite the size queen. Quite the little married white slut for BBC these days. However much Dave loves it, he’s always going to be bested by my cock-hungry friend Jill.”

All four of them burst out laughing – Jill included, and just for a moment I didn’t know what I should think or feel. Once again I was on the outside looking in, listening as they all joked about what a slut my wife of twenty years had become. How she had a rampant love of big black cocks, a love only slightly smaller than my love of watching, which all four of them had also laughed at.

Should I feel worried? Should I feel embarrassed or humiliated? Or should I just own it for the truth it was, however hard it might be to admit this? In that moment I was confused, feeling a real mixture of all of these feelings – embarrassment, honesty, humiliation and excitement. Only the squeeze of Veronica’s hand in mine and her soft, understanding smile making me feel a little less lonely and isolated.

She snuggled a little tighter, nuzzling her head into my chest as we both continued to watch the foursome at the club, Luther again being the one to move the conversation along. “I’m really happy that Dave’s ok for you to explore. Many husbands wouldn’t be, they’d be incredibly insecure. Up for a bit of fun, but then bringing the shutters down hard and fast the moment the little woman shows a spark of independence or might want something they’re not on board with.”

“That’s not Dave,” Jill added in a quiet and thoughtful voice. “You know, I was the one having second thoughts. I was trying to get my head around it this week and make us have a really good look at who we are and what we’ve become. And you know, I wouldn’t say that Dave has absolutely no doubts or second thoughts. But between the two of us, he was the one who felt more confident and assured. He was the one who helped me to see that there’s really no going back from here. He helped me believe that even if we have ups and downs and bumps on the road, we love each other enough to get through any problems.”

“Oh, so me and Malcolm here are ‘bumps in the road’ are we?” Luther joked as everyone chuckled.

“That’s not very nice, is it?” he continued. “What do you think, Malcolm. Do you think we need to teach this little married white woman a bit of respect for the black brotherhood?”

“I think you’re spot on, boss,” Malcolm piped up, for the first time the man-mountain sat with Jill adding to the conversation. As he spoke, it finally came to me, who he reminded me of. He looked just like the big black guy in the movie ‘The Green Mile’. The same ridiculous height, intimidating bulk, and bald black head. Jill had always loved that movie, and now I was wondering if she’d had the same thought as me and that this was one reason she’d been so flirty with Malcolm earlier that evening.

Luther grinned back at his head of security, a slight nod of the head eliciting a matching nod back from Malcolm. I don’t think Jill spotted the exchange, but she spotted what came next as Malcolm’s hands moved from being wrapped around her waist to a place underneath her low-cut sheer white blouse, instantly cupping Jill’s 34C’s and rubbing at her nipples.

“Mmmm,” came Jill’s instant response, encouraging Malcolm to turn her head towards him so that they could lock their mouths together in a deep and passionate kiss.

After what seemed forever, they finally broke their kiss and Malcolm’s hands had now brought Jill’s nipples to full hardness. Pulling Jill’s blouse over her head, he kissed her again and told her, “You know that when you’re working here, I’m going to fuck you every night, don’t you?”

Jill just giggled, turning to look across to Luther. “Well, boss, is that right? Is that one of the perks of the job? Medical, dental and a big black cock whenever I want it?”

Luther didn’t answer, he just gently lifted Dee up off his lap as if she weighed nothing and got up out of his chair. “Absolutely, and it’s a two-way street. As the club manager and Malcolm’s immediate superior here, you get to have my head of security’s big black cock whenever the desire takes you. And as your immediate boss, I get to have your sweet white ass anytime the desire takes me. Just like right now, when I intend to share you with Malcolm and send you home to your little white hubby when you’ve got a pussy full of black cum and legs that will hardly carry you.”

Just for a moment, I noticed a look of nerves on Jill’s face, and from what he said next Malcolm must have seen the same thing. “What, getting a bit nervous now, honey? I warned you that I planned to expand your sexual horizons. And from what I know, you’re not exactly a stranger to being with two guys at once. Chris and Rocco. Josh and Freddy. You’re hardly some shy, virginal novice at this game.”

Jill blushed at Luther’s crude but honest summary of how her sexual experiences and boundaries had already changed over these last few months.

“Now, be a good girl, take your panties off and put your ass nice and ready on top off that bench over there for whichever of me or Malcolm wins the coin toss and gets to fuck you first,” Malcolm added, not backing down one bit from his early firm tone of voice.

Jill looked at him as if she wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, which just made Luther laugh, his expression and words making it clearer still to Jill. With a gesture towards the padded leather bench, he added, “Go on, before we lose our patience and find some other hungry white slut to fuck. Take your panties off and lay face down on the top part of the bench.”

Jill was now blushing a deep red, but as Malcolm lifted her to her feet she began to know that both Luther and Malcolm were deadly serious. But still, she stood frozen like a deer in the headlights, and it took Dee to come over to Jill and lead her gently over to the bench. Slipping her panties down her legs before she helped her into position. Her torso lying flat and face down on the black leather padded bench, while the front of her legs rested on two padded leg supports which ran parallel to the ground and about two feet up.

With Jill visibly shaking but going along with whatever Luther commanded, Dee whispered something into my wife’s ear before she started fastening the two straps that held each leg in place on the padded supports, before moving to affix two similar but thicker straps that now held Jill’s torso in place. Happy with her work, Dee again whispered something else before removing Jill’s miniskirt and then finally pushing her head down into a circular padded leather shape that reminded me of the hole you find on massage tables.

With my shaking wife now restrained and helpless, Malcolm and Luther both began stripping out of their clothes. Their cocks both already very hard and intimidating in their size. I have to admit to feeling actually a little disappointed as Malcolm revealed his cock and I saw that despite being taller and heavier than Luther, his cock was a little shorter than his boss’s cock, albeit it was just as insanely thick, with a girth that would have given a household aerosol a good run for its money.

If his cock was marginally less big than Luther’s his body was something to behold. From the first time, I’d met him, the expression ‘man-mountain’ always came to mind when I thought of his appearance. He must have been a tiny bit taller than our next-door neighbor Byron’s six-six, but his huge frame, arms and chest must have meant he must have been near to three-hundred pounds. Strapped on the bench face down as she was, Jill couldn’t see the gleaming muscles on his giant body, but I had no doubt that when she finally saw him she’d love his huge and masculine body.

As Luther neatly folded his pants on the chair, Luther took a coin from his pocket and then suddenly looked directly into the camera. “Hey, hubby. Hope you and Amber had fun. She’s a great girl, you’ve got yourself a real keeper there. Anyway, less about you and Veronica. I know how you and your kinky little wife love to play games, so me and Malcolm thought we’d arrange this little ‘welcome to the club’ party for your sweet little wife. After all, it’s Friday night and neither of you has to go to the office tomorrow. So me and Malcolm thought we’d see how much big black cock your sexy wife can take before she begs for mercy.”

He winked at me before delivering the final hammer blow. “And as I’m such a nice guy, and I promised to help Jill explore and we both know she’s kind of a bit bored with only two guys at the same time, I thought it might be fun to invite Josh and Freddy as well. After all, ever since I came on the scene, she’s kinda cut them off, and that’s just plain not fair. So I’ve invited them along for a little reminder of how sweet your little wife’s pussy is, and so we can see how well the beautiful mother of your children can cope with four big black cocks for a whole night.”

A second, final wink and Luther threw a last barb at me. “After all, I know next weekend Jill’s got to be on best behavior at your son’s wedding. And so it seems only fair that as she’s going to be starved of proper cocks next weekend, that we give her a double ration now to keep her going. And who knows? Maybe we’ll even send along a little video so that the in-laws and all the family can see just what a little slut the beautiful Mrs. Foster really is.”

And with that Luther made good on his earlier comment and flipped the coin in his hand, briefly looking at Malcolm before looking back at the camera. “Well, looks like Jill’s about to get her first taste of Malcolm’s big cock. First taste, but I’m sure it won’t be the last.”


And with that, a veritable fuckfest started up as Luther took the next step on his promised path of helping Jill to explore new parts of her sexuality. My beautiful wife moaning with satisfaction as Malcolm sank all nine inches of his thick cock slow and deep into Jill’s body. If Luther had been intent on paying attention to me through the camera, Malcolm didn’t seem to care about me at all. He seemed totally focused on finally enjoying Jill’s body, telling her as he slowly drilled in and out how he’d ached for her since the first night he’d seen her when we’d done the tour of Luther’s clubs.

Not to be outdone, although she was strapped down and so couldn’t even turn to face him, between her sobs and moans of pleasure, Jill managed to let Malcolm know that the feeling was mutual, that she’d fancied him since that same first evening. This seemed to please Malcolm, who reached under the bench to stroke at Jill’s boobs and nipples which were available to him through two purpose-built cut-outs.

This extra stimulation, combined with the faster pumping of Malcolm’s hips driving his thick cock deeper and deeper only heightened Jill’s pleasure, making her moans louder and more impassioned. “Yes, yes. Oh, baby… So good… So good… That’s it, that’s it.”

As the lovers got higher and higher, Luther just grinned and gave me a running commentary. “Don’t they look great together, Dave? And to think, Jill will be getting that big black cock of Malcolm’s every day. Just like she used to get Chris’s big cock every day. Do you think you can handle that, Dave? Do you think your marriage can handle it? Does it make you break out in a cold sweat, just thinking about it? Or does it make your cock even harder? Diamond hard, at the thought of the risk, at the thought of how things might develop?”

He let his words sink in. Somehow having known just what to say. Just which buttons to press, to take me to the highest planes of fear and excitement. Silent, he just looked directly at the camera for ages, letting me take in the sights and sounds of the passion building higher and higher between Jill and her newest sexual partner and lover. Only speaking again when it was clear to all of us the lovers were approaching a shared climax.

“Don’t they look good together, Dave? When I’m not fucking Jill, Malcolm will be the one making her cry out with pleasure. Filling all of those little breaks in the day. Giving her a quickie with his big cock when they can sneak away for a quick one. Maybe getting her to ring you and tell you she’s got to work late when they need longer together. Oh, Dave, it’s gonna be so hot for you. Hot but hard and painful. Not quite knowing where Jill is and who she’s with. Your gonna love it, man. Love it almost as much as you hate it,” he chortled. “Anyway, why don’t I just shut up and let you enjoy watching them cum together for the first of what I’m sure will be many times.”

And with that he did finally stop needling me, no doubt calculating that it was even harder and more exciting for me to watch the final spasms of their love-making as Malcolm held Jill as much as the straps would allow and gave one final hard and deep thrust as he roared like a bull and shot his seed deep into Jill’s strapped-down body.

Malcolm’s cum was so intense that he almost seemed to collapse down onto Jill, and I was worried that given his size he might actually crush or suffocate Jill’s normal-sized body, but she didn’t seem to care, screaming and shrieking through her own orgasm. As intense and nerve-jarring as Malcolm’s climax had been, the two of them were well-matched in how strongly they’d both cum.

When he’d finally recovered, Malcolm slowly walked around to the top of the bench where Jill’s head was pushed down hard against the padded leather of the circle with the hole cut out. This device had muffled some of Jill’s cries of ecstasy, and I hate to think how loud they’d have been without it. As he reached the top Malcolm gently pulled Jill’s body up so that her face was now visible to him. Without any prompting, Jill turned to the left where he stood and their lips were instantly locked in a hungry and passionate kiss. A kiss that seemed to go on and on, alternating between soft and tender and hard and needy.

Finally, Malcolm broke the kiss, smiling at my wife. “Are you okay with all of this?”

“Yes,” came my wife’s almost whispered answer. “I told Luther I wanted to experiment and explore.”

“Okay,” this seemingly now gentle giant replied, “But just to check, you do know we’re going to fuck you and fuck you, and then fuck you some more. That is what you want, right?”

Jill giggled, the slightest of blushes returning to her cheeks. “I hope you’re not shocked. But, yes. That is what I want. My husband loves watching me like this. And I’ve never been with four guys before, and I’m looking forward to being the only girl at the heart of all of that testosterone and all those cocks.”

Malcolm finally seemed reassured, stroked away a stray hair from Jill’s brow and gave her a final tender kiss before looking back at his boss and giving a small nod of the head to signal that Luther should push his waiting cock into Jill’s pussy.

Even as he was pushing his fat ten inches deep into Jill, he looked across at the camera. “Josh and Freddy will be here in a minute, then we’ll really give your sweet wife a party she’ll never forget. And then, as a thank you for all his years of loyal service, I’ve told Malcolm that he can take Jill home to his place for the next couple of days. Of course, she’ll be free to leave at any time, but who are we kidding. I’m sure there’s little chance of that. Knowing your sweet Jill, the next time you’ll be seeing her will be Sunday night when she finally has to come home for a rest and for a change of clothes for Monday.”


Luther was done with his taunting as he turned away from the camera and concentrated his efforts on enjoying Jill’s tight pussy as he started a slow and steady fucking of my prone and strapped down wife. Sometimes reaching forward to fondle Jill’s hanging breasts or to tweak or squeeze her sensitive and very erect nipples. Sometimes leaning even further forward to pull her hair or pull her head backwards so that he could kiss her.

Jill was loving every minute of it, her lover Malcolm seemingly now forgotten as a new male gave her what she needed. Enjoying three earth-shattering orgasms before a more restrained Luther gave one final push and emptied himself inside Jill. His seed now joining Malcolm’s as my wife’s pussy and uterus was now awash with the seed of two different black males.

As if with perfect timing, the door to the room opened just seconds after Luther had pumped his load into Jill, and Freddy and Josh were soon stripping themselves to join the action. Their arrival marking the next phase of Luther’s plan for Jill’s evening. A coin was again tossed, with Josh winning and allowed to be the next one to go balls deep into my wife’s body. His friend Freddy deciding to offer his cock to Jill’s mouth while he waited for his turn at the other end. Of course, once Josh was done, Freddy became the fourth man that night to dump his load into Jill’s now sodden and very loose and wet pussy.

They allowed Jill a short break, unstrapping her so she could stretch a little and get her circulation going again, and after Dee had strapped her back down, she inserted a long, thin anal dildo into Jill’s back passage. Smiling at Jill before giving a not too cryptic message to her friend. “Not tonight, honey. But before too long, right. After all, you’ve got such a nice ass, and you know how black guys love a shapely booty.”

Without anyone talking, there seemed a natural order as Malcolm again took his place between Jill’s splayed and strapped down legs. Kissing her soft lips as he slid his big cock back into Jill’s body for only the second time. Their kissing only finally stopping when Luther moved to the other end of the bench and pulled Jill’s head away so that she could put her lips around his big cock.

Luther’s enjoyment of Jill’s mouth set the pattern for the next round of ‘let’s fuck Jill’, as whichever of the four guys was fucking Jill, at least one of the other guys normally had his cock being sucked or worshipped by my wife. I wondered if Jill might find this too tiring, but she seemed happy to oblige, only taking the cocks from her mouth whenever she orgasmed.

It had been about two-thirty in the morning when this sordid game of tag had started, and it was a little after seven in the morning when Luther finally called time. Each of the guys having come around four or more times in my wife’s body. Jill had seemingly enjoyed every minute, although as the time went on it was clear that she was getting tired and was, bit by bit, less responsive. Cumming less often, but still happy to let the guys have her body and to encourage them and kiss them when they wanted.

A couple of times, Luther had called a break when he sensed Jill needed a rest and some TLC to re-invigorate her. On both these occasions, it was Malcolm who led her to a small shower room towards the back where he lovingly and gently washed her and allowed the steaming hot water jets to play over her and bring her back to life a little. When he’d toweled Jill down, they’d snuggled up together in one of the big armchairs while the five of them talked awhile before Luther got things rolling again.

Both if the breaks followed this pattern, and it was notable how immediately after each break Jill was much more engaged and responsive than she’d been before the break. More noisy, responding eagerly and clinging to whichever guy it was who was fucking her at the time. The break having replenished her energy levels that she was physically able to respond to the constant stimulation her pussy was getting from those four big cocks and cum as nature had always intended.

I think it was during their third round on Jill, after the first time Malcolm showered her, that the trash-talking was at its peak. Inevitably it was Luther, clearly the big boss and Alpha in the group, who started it all off. Malcolm had just finished making love to Jill while Freddy had positioned her head so he could fuck Jill’s mouth.

The guys took her in a variety of positions, sometimes using the bench and the straps. Sometimes using the armchairs or a table in the corner of the room. I lost track of how many times Jill had cum by the time things ended. Most of the time the guys just concentrated on their pleasure, but at other times they’d trash-talk. Sometimes to each other, sometimes to me through the camera. Telling how Jill was now a confirmed black cock slut, how white guys wouldn’t do it for her anymore and that tonight was a watershed moment in her life. Her first proper ‘blacking’.

All of these sights, sounds and verbal onslaughts drove me into a crazy mix of highs and lows. Part of me was disgusted at just how debauched and depraved the gangbang of Jill I was watching was. Part of me was excited and aroused, knowing this was all just a big game. A game Jill evidently wanted to play, and a game that didn’t in any way change the real person I was married to or our real lives that would resume after tonight.

But however much I comforted myself with these thoughts and feelings, I was still glad that I had Veronica snuggled next to me. Especially when the night finally reached its endpoint and my newly clothed and very shaky-legged wife was helped through the door by Malcolm, with Luther the last one to leave the room as he looked straight at the camera and winked.

“Have a great weekend, Dave. After all, I know Jill will! Enjoy Veronica, okay. Jill will be home with you Sunday. Maybe?”

Written by rawraw25
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