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Don't Judge a Book Part 2 Ch 15

"The next chapter in our life continues"

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Author's Notes

"(Apologies in delay of this chapter, we had various family things that rightly took priority over the last few days)"


Saturday 9th June 2018


“Give them some time, honey,” Dee’s soft Southern accent suggested. As her eyes looked into mine, trying to keep me from looking past her at the sight of my wife disappearing off into the night with a man other than her husband. Jill and my evening together was ending pretty much as it had started; with her hand-in-hand with this new man who’d burst into our lives over what now seemed a lot more than a week. I could only see her back and the sensual and exaggerated sway of her hips, but I knew her face would be the same picture of excitement I’d seen when I’d finally said yes.

The euphoria of cumming in Jill had slowly wound down and then I’d felt far more human and vulnerable as I retrieved my clothes and tucked my limp sticky cock away in full view of the audience of black guys. Most of whom I knew were far better physically equipped than me. Thankful for the relative darkness of the little back room in the club which hid the way my cheeks colored up.

Dee kissed me softly and winked, moving to then help Jill take a slightly more lady-like pose. As far as was possible, given my wife still only wore hooker heels and tiny white thong panties. But, at least Dee’s pushing off the diminutive gusset hid Jill’s pussy and mopped up my juices which would have otherwise run down her legs.

As Dee helped my wife to her feet she stood between us, her head barely inches away from Jill’s so I couldn’t see my wife’s expression as Dee started to talk to her. I had a pretty good idea I knew what Dee was saying, and when Jill peered around Dee to look directly at me, I knew my suspicions were right. Jill’s expression was a cocktail of disappointment, nervous anticipation and wondering why I’d agreed to this. At least that’s how it felt to me, half-guessing and half-knowing after so many years together.

My uncertainty soon gave way to certainty as Jill gently moved Dee to one side and tottered across to me on those insane heels. Her arms went back around my neck, just as they’d been just minutes ago when we’d been united as we came together in front of the audience we’d been so busy ignoring.

“Are you okay with this, honey?” she asked, the look on her face telling me her own feelings were as mixed up and screwed up as my own.

I didn’t know what to say. I just looked into those beautiful hazel eyes that I’d shared so much with over the years. The eyes I’d looked into as we gave our vows, the eyes I’d looked into when Jill first held our son and twin daughters. The eyes I’d looked into when she’d finally come home from that night when I’d nearly lost her to Chris.

I just looked at her, breathing deeply, trying to calm myself and trying to work out what to do and what to say.

Later on, I felt guilty and spineless as I looked back at the evening’s events. Because, unsure of my own wishes and desires, I gently nudged the ball back into Jill’s court.

“If I say yes, who will you choose, baby?”

This was my cowardly way of nudging things along. Of getting a small hit of the dangerous pleasure I so enjoyed. Of getting the excitement of seeing which of the two men my beautiful wife most desired for her bed tonight. But still keeping the option of maybe backing out. The pleasure without the pain.

“Luther,” Jill’s response came back far too quickly. Without a single moment of delay or hesitation. Malcolm, the head of Security was far bigger and younger than Luther. But, there hadn’t been even a second’s pause or delay to soothe my ego or worries before Jill had called out ‘Luther’.

I felt a lump in my throat as my mind went back to how I’d spent much of the evening watching just how attracted Jill was to Luther. Remembering also how the first two times we’d met Luther I’d noticed the same attraction and how Jill had often tried to mask this attraction she felt. I’d beaten back Chris’s bid for Jill’s heart, winning out against the handsome and successful slightly younger man. Despite his charisma, sexual athleticism and the way Jill had fallen head over heels for him. Her love for me and for our family was a strong enough glue to keep us together as a couple.

But, the way Jill had so instantly chosen Luther over the younger and bigger man had me instantly trembling with an overpowering mix of fear and excitement. Luther was, give or take a few months, the same age as me. My career was successful enough, but at the end of the day, I worked for someone else. An employee to his successful business owner’s status. A salary slave to his independent businessman who no doubt counted his annual profits in the millions, rather than my salaryman’s wages we had to always carefully shepherd. An office warrior to his real, battle-tested warrior persona. And, from the way Dee told it, also likely to be outmatched in the bedroom stakes.

All of these comparisons swirled painfully and excitedly around my brain as I saw the way Jill was again trying to hide her own excitement and attraction.

It must be truly the most humbling and painful experience in the world for a husband to stand in front of his wife knowing that she’s aching to hear the words. To hear the words that mean her husband is giving her away to another male for the night. To a man who you know she wants so badly and who is by all conventional measures of manliness your superior. With all the feelings and risks that such a comparison implies.

And that’s how I felt as I gazed into Jill’s beautiful face. Those soft, sparkling hazel eyes half pleading and half hiding the truth. My humiliation and fears only kept in check by the excitement I also felt at playing this more exciting and dangerous game.

Torn by humiliation, fear, and excitement, I wasn’t ready yet to come off the fence.

“You want this, don’t you, honey,” my shaking voice asked, the coward within again kicking the can down the road.

This time, Jill did pause and hesitate before answering my question. This time answering my question with a question of her own. “Would you feel bad if I said yes, honey?”

As the words left her lips I could tell she was losing the battle to even half-hide her attraction to Luther and to be with him for the night. Seeing Jill give in like this, no longer able to fight it, amped up every feeling of fear and excitement I was feeling as we stood there together in the dark back room. Still a couple together, but debating how long this would last tonight.

I think that was the moment I knew I’d give in. Give in to the devil within, giving up the unequal fight that had been waged all evening long. From the earliest flirting between them as we’d driven across town. The flirting that had continued through dinner and the way Jill seemingly hung on every word Luther said as he regaled us with story after story. The way she laughed at all his jokes and then allowed herself to be escorted by him as we moved between locations. Taking the arm and the hand of her new man rather than that of her husband, as Dee and I followed behind them as the evening moved on.

I could barely bring myself to say the actual words. As I gave up the fight, knowing I was laying myself open for the pleasure and pain that would follow, the best I could do was kiss Jill on the lips and smile at her. All I could say was a simple ‘okay.’


They’d been laughing and cuddling as Luther had ushered Jill into the back of his big black Lincoln Navigator. The ultimate irony being that he’d deputized Malcolm to be upfront driving as he climbed into the back seat with my wife. Luther hadn’t been drinking so I knew the reason he wanted someone else to be driving.

With a gentlemanly gesture bordering on the sick, Luther held the door open and winked at me as Jill disappeared inside his car. Giving her shapely ass a squeeze as he winked at me again before climbing in beside her and closing the door to start an evening that I knew would mark a new chapter in our marriage.

As the brake lights accelerated away, I felt Dee squeezing my hand. Turning to look at her I saw a look of genuine tender concern on her face.

“How are you feeling, honey?” her soft Southern tone asked. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Letting out a deep sigh, I tried myself to hide my hurt and put a brave face on it. “It’ll be okay. It’s nothing we haven’t done before. And we’ve always come out the other side in one piece.”

She squeezed my hand again, and having heard my half-convincing reassurances the she-devil that had pranced around the club earlier gently edged back into view. “You’re right, honey. You and Jill know each other best. I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful night. And I know you’ll love to know she’s having a great time… and to listen and watch as your naughty wife has fun.”

Dee was looking directly into my eyes as she said this. Almost daring me to contradict her, to put her right on the pleasure that I’d get from what was about to happen between Jill and Luther. Even though she’d only known me a week or so, she knew my weakness well enough that she’d called it right. Calling out that however painful parts of the night might be, I’d get my strange kicks to balance the ledger in this new way of life we were exploring.


As we rode across town things were all over the place between Dee and me. A big part of my mind and heart were in the back of the Lincoln Navigator with Jill and Luther. Wishing I could be a fly on the wall, watching and listening as their relationship moved forward. But the way that Dee’s hand slipped inside my fly, teased and caressed my cock brought me back to the here and now. Made me focus on her and what she was saying, as her fingers slid up and down the length of my cock, time after time, expertly working me. Making me groan with excitement as she built me up and then let me cool back down, repeating this time-honored pattern time after time.

“Don’t worry honey, we’ll soon be there. You’ll soon be able to listen and watch.” She smiled, like a benevolent teacher telling me it was nearly time for morning milk. “And anyway, doesn’t it make it kinda hotter and more exciting, letting them get started without you? More painful for sure, but tweaking your cuck heartstrings with a delicious agony?”

This woman wasn’t just an expert at tweaking my cock. Somehow she had a near-magical power to look into my heart and soul. To know my deepest, darkest and most embarrassing secrets, however well I thought I’d hidden them and didn’t want them discovered.

With a shiver of premonition, I knew deep down that someone who knew all these well-hidden secrets would be able to do things of which I’d hardly even thought about or could imagine. That she’d be able to take things to new depths and heights way behind what we’d experienced so far. Darryl had been virtually a one-night stand. Chris had been a normal guy who just happened to have a huge crush on Jill. Now, through our dabbling with Freddy and Josh, Jill and I had been delivered into the hands of people who were obviously experts. Whose professed hobby was sex, and whose livelihood was running clubs, several of which catered to guys' sexual needs.

Dee must have caught something of the way I was looking at her as I thought about her and Luther. “Don’t worry, honey. We’re not like Chris. We don’t want to steal Jill away from you. We just want to have some fun. We just want Jill to have some fun. To explore her sexuality. To find the real Jill. The slut within, you might say.”


When we got to Luther’s house, the Black Navigator was parked out front, but there was no sign of any of the occupants. Dee just winked at me as she opened the front door and looped her arm through mine.

Kicking her shoes off, she kissed me on the cheek. “First time around, you’re not allowed to watch. Luther’s house, Luther’s rules. He always tells girls their other half isn’t here, you know, so they can really let go and enjoy themselves. Not having to worry about hurting the feelings of their other halves. Staying quiet so their hubby or boyfriend doesn’t know just how much they’re loving being with Luther.”

She looked into my eyes to judge my reaction, before smiling a wicked little smile and continuing. “But you can listen,” she added, pulling me by the arm towards the ornate wooden staircase.

Even before our feet touched the first step I heard the first sounds coming from upstairs. The low moan of a woman being pleasured. “Mmmmm.” The moan continuing each time for as long as possible until the woman needed to breathe. Speaking volumes about the level of pleasure she was receiving.

‘The woman needed to breathe,’ – what the fuck. The woman in question wasn’t some notional, faceless woman. It was my beautiful wife Jill who was somewhere at the top of the stairs being so thoroughly pleasured by the owner of this large house. And the long, steady, satisfied moans of contentment that drifted down the stairs told me she was receiving an awful lot of pleasure.

Dee made us stop halfway up the stairs. Forcing me to listen to the sounds of Jill being pleasured. “He’s giving her oral sex. He always does that first time around. Needs to do it to get them ready for the size of his cock.” She grinned at me, enjoying the way the color was draining from my face. “He always lets them have one orgasm, to relax them, then brings them right to the edge of a second one before he slowly puts it all the way in. And then he fucks them like they’ve never been fucked before.” Again, looking across as she spoke, enjoying the effect of her words on my excited and troubled face.

Satisfied that she’d wound me up as tight as a coiled spring, Dee smiled her wicked smile and pulled me up the rest of the staircase, finally bringing me to a closed wooden door. We stood next to the closed door and Dee encouraged me to copy her by putting my head next to the door, so we could both better listen to the continuing soundtrack of Jill’s moans and sighs of contentment. As Luther’s mouth, tongue and no doubt fingers worked on her womanhood to bring her to a fever-pitch of excitement.

My heart was pounding and I felt like red-hot needles had been inserted in my gut as I stood there sweating, listening to all the different sounds my wife was making. The sounds Luther was drawing out coming in waves. Sometimes slow and steady moans. Sometimes deeper panting mixed with little squeals as he found the right spot and Jill signaled to him to encourage him to give more.

But even through the ebbs and flows of Jill’s sounds, each successive round was a little louder than the last. A little more passionate than the last, a little more out of control as Luther slowly dismantled her barriers and took possession of my wife. The increasing volume of Jill’s ragged moans telling me as clearly as if I could see through the door that Jill was getting closer and closer. That Luther’s expert tongue had brought her right to the edge… until Jill’s sobs finally gave way to a single, prolonged shriek of pleasure as Jill breached the heights. Her cry of ecstasy going on and on, until finally, she started coming down the other side. The shriek giving way to a series of deep breaths as she got her breath back, intermingled with the odd satisfied ‘mmm’ as if she was remembering or a little after-ripple of pleasure had just touched her.

And then it all was quiet. Quiet except for the kiss I felt on my cheek and the little voice that whispered, “Baby, you do know that was just the starter, don’t you? Jill’s just had the tiny first course. In a minute he’ll get her ready for the main course.”

I closed my eyes as a giant fist squeezed at my chest. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. Luther had said that sex and exploring people’s sexuality was his hobby. And the bastard must have known from experience that excluding me in this way, so I couldn’t even see a damned thing, intensified the whole thing a million times. They say blind men have a far, far more acute sense of hearing than the normally sighted. That’s how I’d felt as I’d listened to every little sound that Luther’s mouth and playing had rung from my wife’s compliant body. I couldn’t see a damned thing, but instead, my brain conjured up pictures to match the soundtrack. Every time Jill had moaned or squealed or sobbed, I’d imagined the look on her face. I’d imagined her beautiful face scrunched up in ecstasy. I’d imagined her hands holding Luther’s head, pulling him tighter and tighter to her womanhood. Her need for him growing by the moment. That bastard Luther knew that by locking me out he was throwing gasoline onto a fire that was already a raging inferno.

But now, with the sounds stopped, a whole new and different set of feelings and images went through my head. If there were no sounds of sex, then surely they were laying face-to-face. Kissing softly. Enjoying that first time together. That special first time when hours and hours of expectation has finally given way to fulfillment and satisfaction. I pictured Jill’s beautiful hazel eyes gazing into Luther’s eyes, just as they’d look at me earlier when we’d made love on stage. The image tormenting me, a perfect and painful picture of my wife lost to another man.

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All of these images rushing through my head, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I tried the door, hoping beyond hope that it might be open. I don’t know why, but some submissive part of my brain made me try it slowly and quietly as if I was an interloper and had no right to be there. But, as I pulled the handle down and gently pushed, there was not even the tiniest give in the door. It was locked. I was still locked out.

As I realized this, I heard the first, tiny sound from the second act. The first new sound, a small moan from Jill. I craned my neck, listening hard, thinking maybe I’d imagined it. But it came again, this time just a little louder. And then a third time, this time louder still. Until the sobs and moans of Luther’s new onslaught on my wife’s pussy were coming thick and fast. A constant sound, loud enough to get through the door and totally unavoidable to my ear.

Dee just smiled at me. “Not long now.”

And she was right, because just as she’d predicted my wife’s moans built up and up until they came to a sudden change. The soundtrack changing from a simple series of sobs and moans to a much more complex one.

“Please go slow, Luther. I’ve never had one as big as you before,” the nervousness and anxiety evident in the tone of Jill’s voice.

“Don’t worry, honey. You’ll love it, just relax and enjoy,” Luther’s calm and deep voice reassured her.

“Nnnn…” the sound of my wife taking the first part of Luther’s huge cock, as he stretched her as he lodged the head of his over-sized cock in Jill’s vulva. Her ‘oh fuck’ and short staccato sobs confirming the picture my mind was conjuring.

“Oh fuck.” “Oh fuck.” “Shit, that’s big.” I couldn’t see, but I knew this was surely Luther slowly sinking inch after inch of his huge cock into Jill’s tight body. A cock bigger than any Jill had taken before.

And then Jill’s verbal commentary gave way to a series of little mewling sounds, mixed in with those short, shallow gasps as she tried to catch her breath and adjust to the size of the new, large cock that was taking her for the first time.

And then after several minutes of this movie trailer, the full feature arrived. As the other side of the locked door Luther must have started slowly but forcefully working the full length of his huge cock in and out of my sweet wife’s tight pussy.

I was struggling to breathe as every fiber of my being focused on the sounds coming through that heavy wooden door. The sounds of the bed moving, responding to the powerful thrusts of a man as large and heavyset as Luther. A man who was using all his weight and power to thrust time after time as deeply into my wife as he could go. A man with the largest cock my wife had ever known, using it to make her sob and moan with pleasure. His steady rhythm of penetrating her sweet body only something I could imagine in my minds’ eye, a locked door separating me from witnessing Luther taking my wife.

My mind seemed totally filled with the sounds of Jill’s passion and enjoyment. I don’t know if it was because I couldn’t see, but it seemed to me that Jill’s cries of pleasure were louder and more heartfelt than I’d ever heard before. Louder than with Daryl. Louder than with Chris. Louder even than the times she’d been shared by multiple lovers at the same time.

As my mind filled with the sounds of another man pleasuring my wife better than I ever could, I lost track of how many times Jill came. It’s a cliché, but after listening to the sound of her first, big climax, she seemed to be experiencing an almost non-stop series of mini-climaxes. It reminded me of watching waves breaking on the shore. Lots of little breakers, the occasional bigger wave, and then every few minutes a much, much bigger wave, so big you can see it coming in the distance. That’s how the series of orgasms Jill surfed seemed to me as I stood outside that locked bedroom door, helplessly listening to my wife being taken and sexed by a man we’d hardly known a week. A man blessed with a bigger cock than any of Jill’s previous lovers and a man who was making her cry out in a seemingly endless series of orgasms.

The sounds of Luther having sex with Jill for the first time went on and on and it was nearly an hour before I finally sensed something different. The sounds of the bed moving seemingly accelerating. The headboard banging against the wall at a faster pace, making a louder banging noise each time as Luther was obviously now fucking Jill with more and more force.

I’d lost track of how many different things Jill’s excited voice had cried out over the last hour. I’d heard her beg Luther to fuck her faster and harder, inevitably followed by her weak voice calling him to be slower and more gentle, as she recovered from one or other climax. I’d heard her tell him how amazing he was, telling him how much she loved his big black cock and that he could have her anytime he wanted. But mostly it wasn’t words, it was just the sounds of a woman moaning and crying out as she went through a seemingly endless cycle of pleasure and climaxes.

But now, just as the sounds from the bed were different, so the sounds from Jill were different. Her moans and sobs were louder, as she almost constantly panted and whimpered from the faster and more powerful strokes of Luther’s huge cock. Her words of encouragement more frequent and more full of feeling. Until finally I knew they were both close to the ultimate, as I heard Jill call out to Luther to give it her his all. To fill her up. Crying out ‘yes, yes, yes’ as I finally heard Luther’s deep voice, bellowing like a bull. “Here it comes baby… Here comes my seed… Take it all Jill…” as he cried out like a wounded animal, shooting his load deep into my wife. The pair of them screaming through a massive orgasm as Jill received Luther’s black seed for the first time.

And then the loud sounds which had filled my head and nearly driven me insane were suddenly gone. Gone as fast as they’d come, just the odd sound of a murmur or a whisper. Tiny aftershocks, little baby tremors to follow their huge shared earthquake as they’d come together for the first time. Known each other’s bodies fully and intimately for the first time.


All was silent as Dee looked into my gaunt face. I think she must have seen the ghosts of all that had gone before with Chris, because her face was no longer playfully teasing me. It showed kindness and concern as she held both my hands and looked into my eyes. Like a trauma survivor, I think she could see what I’d just been through.

I looked at the locked door like a begging puppy, but she just gave the smallest, gentlest shake of the head and instead pulled me in the other direction, down the corridor as she spoke to me in a quiet voice. “Let’s go in here. Jill won’t be able to see you, but at least you’ll be able to see Jill.”

She pushed me into a darkened bedroom and gestured for me to sit on the bed, turning on a large wall-mounted TV screen as she did so. “Honey, would you like to see Jill and Luther? Or would you prefer not?” she asked, her voice still full of tenderness and kindness.

I was still recovering from listening to the last hour’s activities. My feelings had well and truly been put through the shredder, but my cock was incredibly hard and although I felt both jealous and humiliated, I also wanted nothing more than to be put out of my misery. To finally be able to see what until now I’d only been able to hear. I knew that after an hour of torment and angst, actually seeing Jill and Luther together would be both painful and hugely erotic. And I knew that hell and wild horses wouldn’t stop me from answering yes to Dee so that I could get my fix. Be put out of my misery.

I hardly had the strength to reply, just smiling at Dee and nodding my head, my parched voice croaking out a barely audible ‘yes’. She patted the pillows next to her, waiting until I followed her instructions and sat next to her at the top of the bed. Only then fiddling with the remote until the huge TV screen was filled with a near life-size picture from the master bedroom.

At that instant, all of the heartache and pain from the end of Jill’s affair with Chris came flooding back to me in a tidal wave of emotions. I almost felt like I was physically drowning as I took in the sight of my beautiful wife snuggled up next to Luther on top of his massive bed. Both naked, they were lying next to each other, faces barely inches apart, just gazing into each other’s eyes. Occasionally exchanging a tender kiss, but for the most part just happy to gaze at each other.

Propped up on one elbow, Jill’s breasts hung like the perfect ripe fruits as she smiled contentedly at the man who had so recently taken her to heaven and back. I’d not seen it, but I’d heard it as clear as day as he’d made love to her with his huge cock. Making her call out in passion time after time as orgasm after orgasm had wracked her body. And now she was spent. A contented female, almost purring as she lay next to her man and smiled at him to let him know how wonderful he’d been. How wonderful it had been for her. How happy she felt as his sticky seed bubbled away between her legs, in the depths of her body doing its business. Hunting left and right for one of Jill’s little eggs to fertilize. Unaware that thankfully Jill was back on the pill and so the hunt was likely in vain.

Feeling Dee’s body by my side made it both better and worse. Better because the softness of her skin and desirability of her shapely body was both a salve and an aphrodisiac for me. Worse because it reminded me how wonderful it felt to lie next to Jill, while the TV screen told me that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I felt Dee’s hand softly stroking my hair away from my sweating brow as she kissed me softly like a mother reassures a child. I smiled at her and turned back to the screen.

“Wow, I’ve missed that,” was all that Jill had to say to her new man. Something in her tone and expression taking me straight back again to those dark nights when I thought I’d lost her to Chris. Making me think of both the highs and the lows of the affair I’d allowed to build between my wife and her handsome younger boss. The times in England, both good and bad, when they’d lived as man and wife and I’d shared my bed with Gemma. The times when all three of us had played together and I’d felt included and happy. The emotion shredding last night she’d spent with him, which seemed to go on and on until I was beside myself. Convinced I’d lost Jill forever.

Looking at the two of them, so close and intimate after their first time together, I felt like I was back in one of those rooms with the ever-shrinking walls. Walls and ceilings remorselessly moving closer and closer to crush the helpless inhabitants. Sure, I was excited, my heart beating nineteen to the dozen and my cock as hard as nails. But, I also couldn’t help but think how different this felt to the games I’d seen Jill playing recently with Josh and Freddy. Those games had been pure carnal lust. No hint of emotion or intimacy. Jill choosing to throw off the shackles of behavior society normally prescribes, allowing herself to be sexed by and to fuck two well-hung young black guys more than ten years her junior.

Looking at the way Jill and Luther were smiling at each other, the parallel was more Jill and Dave. Two lovers recovering after sharing the wonderful gift of sexual union as a way to express their feelings for each other. Their intense feelings of mutual attraction and desire. I didn’t think Jill loved this guy. But, there was no way to miss how much she was deeply attracted to him, showing all the signs of an almost teenage crush.

Jill leaned in to give Luther the softest of kisses. “Thank you,” she smiled, her hand reaching out to touch Luther’s limp and sticky cock.

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but in some ways, I’d become as much of a size queen as Jill has. I’d thought enough about my own likes and needs to know I got off on the fact that Jill was being pleasured by cocks much thicker and longer than my own. But until Jill touched his cock, I’d been so focused on looking at the closeness and the feelings between them that I’d not looked at the limp and shiny monster that was laying happy and spent on Luther’s muscular black thigh.

Of course, I could only imagine what it looked like when it was on full heat. Fully flooded with blood, erect and throbbing, ready to do its job. But, judging by how thick and long it was even in its limp state, it must have been frighteningly large when it was ready for work. Even limp it was so thick that Jill’s pale white fingers couldn’t encircle its plump girth. And comparing its length next to Jill’s fingers and lower arm, even spent and limp it must have been seven or eight inches long. It simply lay there like a spent and sleeping black snake, recovering ready for the next round. Getting ready to take Jill back up to heaven and back.

Jill kissed Luther again, giving his cock another squeeze, her fingers next to the large pink apple-shaped dome that was his huge cockhead. Her smile telling me how much she was enjoying playing with her new toy. She was just starting to lean in for another kiss when suddenly the screen went blank.

For a moment I thought there was some kind of technical hitch. But as I looked across at Dee, I saw the remote back in her hand and I knew she was the cause of the blank screen.

“Later,” she said with a harder edge to her voice. “Luther isn’t the only one who wants some fun tonight.”


For the next hour, I nearly totally forgot about my wife and her new lover. I’d forgotten how wonderful it was to make love to a new woman, especially one as sexy, desirable and skillful as Dee. It was a wonderful and amazing experience as I lost myself in Dee. Losing myself both in the physical pleasure of sinking my cock into her and feeling her soft legs wrap around me. Losing myself in Dee as a person. That special pleasure of joining with a new woman for the first time. Looking into her eyes, seeing her smile and listening to her soft moans as my hips moved up and down, my cock stimulating and exciting her pussy.

Occasionally thoughts of Jill came back to me, but for the most part, my mind and heart were just filled with Dee. Enjoying her soft smile, full of warmth and humor. Enjoying the softness of her skin and the warm, moist envelopment of her surprisingly tight pussy around my cock.

She might have been used to the super-human loving of big-cocked Luther, but I knew she was enjoying our time together. Maybe I wasn’t causing the house to shake and resonate with screams and cries like Luther had, but we did just fine. Dee’s smile told me she loved what we were doing. Enjoying each position we tried. The closeness and kissing allowed by missionary. Her moans and sobs as I knelt behind her and fucked her doggy, loving the slap-slap of my midriff pummelling her shapely ass. Loving, even more, the way her big fake tits swung to and fro in time with my thrusts. Loving when she took control and rode me, her tits still magnificent and proud as she was finally able to find just the right position to cum. Loving best of all when we went back to missionary, kissing long and hard and with true feeling as I shot my juices deep into her pussy.

The true testimony to how wrapped up in each other we were was when we were snuggled together under the sheets, just cuddling and talking. We both heard it at the same moment – the unmistakable sound of a woman being penetrated. Of my wife down the corridor taking Luther’s huge cock again. Dee smiled at me and held the remote control up, the question clear. I just shook my head, surprising myself that I had the strength to resist. To stay here and present in the warm and tender little cocoon Dee and I had just constructed. Seeing the warmth and feeling in Dee’s expression as she put the remote down made me so happy at the choice I’d had the strength to make. I received a gentle kiss as she playfully rubbed her nose against mine.


Throughout the next few hours, the sounds of love-making often drifted down the corridor to our bedroom. I didn’t count how many times Luther and my wife made love, but for a man the same age as me Luther was doing a pretty good job.

In the morning it was no surprise that Dee and I were the first down to breakfast. A quiet contentment shared between us, a bond strengthened by the recent morning love-making we’d shared and a rather playful and enjoyable joint shower.

I was pouring Dee a second cup of coffee when I felt a soft, feminine set of arms around my neck, thankfully not guessing at their identity before Jill spoke.

“Morning, lover,” she greeted me, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek as I turned to look at a tired but happy looking wife. We shared a smile as she kissed me again, before looking at the man who’d just entered the kitchen.

“Honey, when we’ve all eaten, Luther and I have something to ask you.”


(Thanks to cbears52 for his frequent help in editing.)



Written by rawraw25
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