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Desired At Work

"My new boss has more secrets than I expected. And it's my pleasure to find them all."

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It all starts with a smile.... that damned smile. 

My heart loudly skipped a beat as his lips showed his white pearly teeth. His hand reaching out to me and his tender voice got lost as my ears rang suddenly when the blood rushed to my head. 

“... finally meet you,” I managed to hear him say. 

“Ah... yeah, same,” I said as I clumsily shook his hand.  

“Sit down; Please.” He motioned toward the chair in front of his desk. “So, I reviewed your curriculum and I have to say...” 

The words blurred as I tried to settle my heart down. I felt my legs squirm and chills run down my arms. I’ve never believed in love at first sight. And this was definitely not it either, this was just... attraction. 

The next twenty minutes felt like an eternity. He was nice, affable and funny. It was both a torment and delight to be with him which made the whole interview a roller coaster of emotions.  

“... can you start Monday?” he said. Then an awkward silence built in the room.  

“Excuse me?” I had to pay attention. 

“I said, if you can start Monday.” His huge grin made me blush violently.  

“I... yeah... just like that? I mean, sure... Thanks.” He gave a small quick laugh. 

“You are really cute when you are flustered, you know.” His words made my face burn red.  

The next few minutes felt like an out-of-body experience. He explained some of the stuff I would be doing and then escorted me out. My ears were still lowly buzzing when I sat in my car. The realization of it all settling in. That’s when my phone started vibrating. I took it and answered the call almost without checking the name of the caller. 

“Hey, gorgeous. How did it go? Did you get it?” a man’s voice said on the phone. 

After a few seconds of silence, I finally answered.  

“I... I got it. I got it!” I said with euphoria. 

“Congratulations! We’ll go out to celebrate tonight! That’s awesome; I love you so much!” Those last words stung me with guilt for a second.  

“I love you too, Robert. I can’t wait to see you,” I said, and then we said our goodbyes.  

I grabbed the steering wheel of my car as if that would let me get control of my own feelings. You can’t fall for your boss. You can’t. But my heart was still racing in my chest and I knew why. 


On Monday. I was a bit disappointed when I arrived and someone else gave me the introductory tour to the office. Of course, the boss wouldn't be in charge of lowly chores like that. I almost regretted spending almost two hours getting ready. Almost. 

“And this will be your office,” my guide said as he opened the door to a tiny office space. 

“I get my own office?” I said, a bit incredulous. 

“Of course. We deal with a lot of sensitive information and we can’t have others overhear that. It’s not much but it’s better than cubicles,” he chuckled.  

“I guess so,” I said as my head already started planning about how to decorate it.  

“It’ll be lunch time in a bit so, I’ll let you to yourself so you can settle in,” he said. I nodded and he closed the door behind me.  

I sat down and started thinking about what I needed to buy and what I could bring from home. I had never had my own office before. That’s when I heard someone knocking on the door right before they opened it.  

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” His voice made my heart race.  

“No... not at all,” I managed to answer. 

“I hope you haven’t eaten lunch yet. I wanted to take you out.” My face blushed again.  

“I haven’t eaten yet,” I replied. 

His smile made me warm and squirmy.  


The lunch was incredible. A lot of my nervousness melted in between conversations. He was definitely outgoing and knew how to make someone feel comfortable around him. He made me laugh so hard I felt giddy hours later. But then something happened. 

“So, how do you know my mom?” I asked out of curiosity.  

His face then showed a different side of him for a second. Just for a brief moment. A sparkle in his eye.  

“Uhm... We are friends through some other friends.” This was the first time I’d seen him uncomfortable. 

My parents had a bunch of friends but I had never seen him before. That struck me as odd but I’m sure I didn’t know all of my parent’s friends.  

“Your mom might be able to tell you more.” Another weird red flag.  

But then he led the conversation away from that topic and the rest of the lunch was pleasant.  


“So, Mom... where do you know him from?” I said and she stopped for a second.  

“I... from church, I think.” She was definitely lying. “Why? did he mention something?” 

“No, I was just wondering.” That feeling in the bottom of my belly got weirder.  

“So, are you liking the place?” She tried to change the subject. And I let her, I knew I was just being a bit paranoid.  


Then time went by. I focused on work and my little office crush. We would go on lunches once in a while and I learned more about him. And the more I knew the more I fell for him. Our innocent little flirting slowly warmed up to more. We would giggle and snicker around, he would tell me how sexy and beautiful I was. 

It felt all so innocent and dirty at the same time. We both knew we had partners, I had a fiancé and he had a wife but we avoided talking about them. When we were together all we spoke about was us. Then it happened. 

We had just left the restaurant we had lunch at, he was walking me to my car in a parking lot when I felt him grab my wrist and turn me around. In a second, he was embracing me, my hands were pressing against his chest and I didn’t resist. The moment his lips touched mine I hesitated. I felt the sweet slight pressure and then... 

I kissed him back. My body reacted to his for a few seconds and the taste of his mouth made my heart rush. Then rationale came back to my brain and I stopped kissing him. I gently pushed him away and he let go of me.  

“What’s wrong? Did I do something you didn’t like?” he spoke. 

“No. It’s just... I don’t...” I stuttered as I gasped for air and took a step away from him.

“Did I misread the situation?” he asked again. 

“No... It’s just wrong. You are married and I have... you know,” I spoke.  

He stopped for a second and the silence slowly grew longer. My heart still thumping hard in my chest. After we returned to the office, we both tried to ignore what had happened that day. But the awkwardness still lingered in the next days. 


One time after lunch, he stopped by my office to check on the data for a client and as we spoke, he said, “I saw your mom on Sunday. She is really glad you are liking it here so much,” he said affably.  

“Oh, at church, right? That’s where you guys know each other from, right?” He seemed shocked but recovered quickly.  

“Oh yeah... That’s right...” He kept talking but I had stopped listening.  

He was lying. I knew that because my parents had gone out on a trip that weekend. They were fond of their trips, and it was not unusual for them to go on them. They would go on road trips to different states... or so they told me. 

“...when you are done with the forms send them to me, please,” he finished saying in a rush.  

“Yeah, of course,” I answered as he bolted out of the office.  

My mind was rushing a thousand miles per hour, my heart racing. That’s when I saw it. He had left his phone in my office. Probably due to him rushing out but... could I peek? Would I do something so vile? 

Before I could answer my own questions, the phone was already in my hands, I swiped it to open and the numbers blocked my entry.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

I tried to remember if there was some way I could guess the code. Then, a memory came back to me; from one of the times we had lunch.  

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He had been distracted and grabbed his phone, a quick tap of his finger that was clearly the four corners of the screen. Could it be that easy? I clicked... one... three... nine... seven and... voilà! The locked screen faded into his main screen.  

The blood rushed to my head. I felt like was in a spy movie, my eyes trying to grab all the info from the screen but my fingers trembled with indecision. Then I saw it, his messages app. I opened it as fast as I could and then it popped up right away. My mom’s name as a contact, last message? This morning.  

It felt like an eternity for me to decide if I was going to press the button or not. But if I was going to do it, it needed to be fast.  


“Oh, there it is...” he said as he grabbed his phone from my desk. “Thanks for letting me know it was here, I’ve been looking for it for a while,” he said. He checked the phone as if it was going to be broken.  

“No problem. I just noticed it myself since it was behind the monitor,” I lied.  

He hesitated for a second and then headed out of the office. Right before closing the door, he stopped and looked back inside. 

“Are you ok?” he asked.  

“Me? Yeah, I’m great,” I answered trying to sound calm. He gave me a quick smile and then closed the door.  


The squeaking of the bed was the perfect backdrop sound. His body was on top of mine, my legs circled his hips as he entered me once and again. My pussy was so wet despite myself. His warm and strong body pulled my tiny body with every thrust. But my mind was not there, with Robert. My mind was back on that phone and the messages I saw. 

The dirty talking and sexting was nothing out of this world. But the fact it was between my boss and my mother made it feel so dirty... so unimaginably soiled. Then I saw the naked pictures, not just of each of them separately but also of them together. Anger boiled inside me, as I thought my mom was having an affair. 

Then I saw the video. The squeaking on the bed, the same me and Robert were making. My mother’s moans as my boss fucked her roughly. Their bodies naked as he penetrated her raw. Then I noticed someone must have been recording. 

“Do you like his cock inside you, dear?” the unmistakable voice of my dad said out of the shot. 

“Yes! I love his cock! I love how he fucks me! How he fucks me better than you ever could!” My mom’s face twisted in a smile of pleasure and orgasm.  

The images played in my head nonstop. And if it wasn’t for Robert’s voice I might have kept spacing out. 

“Are you thinking about him again?” he panted as he slowed his motion. 

“Yes..." I admitted. I kissed him and released my legs “Fuck me from behind,” I said as I turned around pressing my face against the pillow. 

He positioned behind me, grabbing my hips. I could feel the tip of his cock open my pussy lips and then slid into my wet cunt. I pressed my face against the pillow as Robert kept fucking me, in my head, the pictures and videos repeating in a loop. Why was it making me so mad? 

“Are you imagining him inside of you?” Robert whispered. 

“Yes,” I said in a moan. 

“Do you want him to fuck you? Do you want to be a good slut for your boss?” He repeated. We had played out that fantasy before.  

“I do... I want him to kiss me again, and I want to have his cock deep inside of me,” I answered.  

And that’s when it hit me. I was angry because I still desired him. The orgasm I had right there, thinking about my boss fucking me was so intense it left me breathless. 


“I finally closed the Granger account,” I said as I handed the manila folder to him. 

“Good. Sorry to keep you so late. But it was really important for us to have this done today,” he said, quickly checking the documents.  

“No problem. Now if I may. I need some wine and a bubble bath,” I said, trying to leave as soon as possible. 

“Wait...” His voice froze me in place. 

He stood up and stepped next to me. His hand rested on my shoulder and I looked away to avoid facing him.  

“I... I know I screwed up. I shouldn't have kissed you and I want to apologize. It was unprofessional of me,” he said apologetically.  

“That’s not it...” I whispered. 

“Excuse me?” he asked me to repeat myself.  

“That’s not why I’m avoiding you,” I said as my face burned red. “I like you. I’ve liked you from the beginning. And after the kiss... I spoke with Robert and he gave me his blessing but... I can’t...” I spoke. 

I felt the tears flood my eyes. Was I about to cry? How pathetic could I be? His hand firm on my shoulder pulled me against his chest. The sudden movement almost made me lose my balance. His embrace was as shocking as the pressure of his lips on mine.  

The sound of the slap reverberated on the silence that accompanied. My fingers were trembling on my lips as I tasted his.  

“What do you think you are doing?” I asked.  

“What do you want from me?” he said sternly.  

“I... I don’t know...” I stuttered. 

“You tease me and have me wrapped around your finger. I know you’ve been playing the same game I am. Your smiles and touches. But when it’s time to step up, you can’t?” he said firmly.  

“Is this a game for you? Some kind of conquest?” My tone of voice started to raise. “Why not? You are already fucking her mom. Why not me too? Right?” The silence that followed showed a different side of his. His eyes looked almost... shy. 

“So, you knew...” he said as I nodded. “Did you... see it in my phone?” my silence an admission of guilt. 

Who was in the wrong here? He was not really hiding it. And he had always been forward to me about everything else.  

“So, this is it?” His words rung in my ears. 

“I... can’t get it out of my head... you...” I said faintly. “I’m mad all the time. At you and her.” 

I gave a step forward almost without noticing then, as our eyes met, it felt like a jolt of electricity ran through my body. The next thing I knew, I was leaning on his chest, my lips softly caressing his, tears running down my cheeks.  

His hands grabbed my hips, pulling my tiny body against his. It was a painful kiss, the taste of his mouth salty due to my tears. But we were hungry for each other.  

My hands then shuffled down into his pants, finding the button and zipper, his mouth kissing my neck while one of his hands grabbed my ass. The moment his pants were open, he pulled up my blouse ,my black bra the only thing between my breasts and him.  

We kissed each other with anger. His fingers dug on my back as I pulled his hair. Then he tried to unbutton my pants but I took over. I stepped back as I unzipped them and when they dropped to my ankles, he was already behind me. He pushed my body against his desk, bending me over, my legs still trapped in my lowered pants.  

In a swift motion, he lowered my panties just enough to expose my drenched pussy. I moaned as he forcefully penetrated me in one quick motion.  

“Oh my god!” I moaned half in pleasure and pain. “You are so big.” 

“You already knew that! You have a small tight pussy too,” he said. As he pulled me against his cock again. 

“Yes! Fuck! Fuck me hard!” I begged.  

He pulled my hair expertly as he kept pumping. My moans of pleasure were almost a scream. His voice was coming over the slapping sounds of his hip against my butt. 

“Like mother, like daughter. This is what you wanted, you slut,” he barked at me.  

“Yes. Fuck me like you fuck her. Fill me with your cock!” My legs started to shiver as the orgasm built up inside me. 

“Fuck! Your young pussy is so much better. Your fiancé is a lucky son of a bitch!” he spoke.  

I started quivering as I came. He must have noticed because he started fucking me faster, making the orgasm last longer. And just as my legs were about to give in, I felt him cum inside of me. He groaned and I felt his cock pump once and again.  

We rested there for a few seconds, both of us panting. Then as he leaned over, he started kissing the back of my neck.  

“That was amazing... We have to do it again,” he said in a low voice.  

“Yes... please...” I heard myself beg.  

Written by ZaraWrites
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