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Dawn And The Softball Coach

"A wife's relationship with her daughter's softball coach turns sexual..."

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Author's Notes

"All events depicted in this story are entirely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale."

This story happened quite a few years ago, back when Dawn and I had only two children and virtually no experience playing with other people.  We had done a threesome with my nephew Mike back when we were dating (this story is on my Patreon), and Dawn had dallied a little, but that was pretty much it.  At the beginning of this story, Dawn was not quite twenty-two years old, and I was twenty-four. 

Our oldest child was a girl, and Dawn had decided that she should follow in her mother’s footsteps and play softball.  So, we signed the child up for the girls’ equivalent of tee ball at the local recreational league.

While she could swing a bat, in hindsight, our daughter was probably too young to have started sports. She had a poor attention span, so they put her at catcher, where she could sit on the ground and eat dirt while the games went on.  I wish that was a joke, but it did indeed happen.

Sports acumen aside, fate had some interesting wrinkles in store for us.  You see, our daughter had been placed on Coach Jimmy’s team.  Little did we know how that would impact us down the road.

Coach Jimmy was amicably divorced – he split custody with his ex-wife over the daughter he naturally coached.  It was frankly one of the healthiest divorces I have ever seen in my life.  They both cared about the child, they acted in her legitimate best interests, they worked together to look out for the girl.  The two of them seemed to be genuine friends as well; they had decided that even if they didn’t work as a couple, there was no reason for them to act bitter like so many divorced people do.  All in all, Jimmy was a legitimately good guy.

Coach Jimmy was also extremely popular with the softball moms.  He was kind and gentle with the kids, was always encouraging.  He had a quick, easy smile, as well as an earnest manner – whenever he spoke to you, he seemed to genuinely care about what you had to say.   It didn’t hurt that Coach Jimmy was six feet three inches tall with broad shoulders, kept himself in good shape, and possessed that salt and pepper hair and square jaw that so many women find so attractive.  Jimmy was a good eight to ten years older than me.

Our league had a surprising number of single and divorced mothers; as a result, Coach Jimmy never seemed to lack for women seeking to chat with him before or after practices and games.  At first, Dawn and I were naive, thinking that these conversations were just normal polite socializing or mothers taking an interest in their children’s athletics.   But as time went by, Dawn became more accepted into the social circle, and women would drop comments that would indicate their interests in the man lay well beyond any concerns around softball coaching.

Nevertheless, that first season came and went with us having little to do with Coach Jimmy beyond his direct involvement as our daughter’s coach.  We attended the necessary social functions (i.e. team parties for pizza and ice cream, parades, etc.), and we gained respect for Jimmy as a person mostly related to how he was with the girls.  That said, we had no real reason to interact with him away from the ballpark otherwise.

The next year, our daughter was again placed on Coach Jimmy’s team.  It was another season of the same – Jimmy being a nice guy at the park, Jimmy being friendly with the moms… or, more accurately, the moms being friendly with Jimmy.  For his part, Coach Jimmy was always careful to be proper in public, polite, friendly – but never acted in any sort of untoward manner.  He did grow closer with us that year, and he seemed to take an interest in our daughter, who had graduated beyond eating dirt to actually participating in the field. 

As the year went on, we discovered that there was definitely more to the parental interactions at the park than simple softball topics - there were friendships and groups that would hang out socially away from the kids.  We heard of parties and the like, but the community was fairly tight knit, with almost everyone at the park having gone to the same high school and such – a school that Dawn and I had not attended.  As such, we were viewed as outsiders in many situations; we learned about this social undercurrent secondhand, but were never directly involved in it.  That second season came and went with us taking a bemused perspective on the grownups that seemed to act like teenagers.

My daughter’s third year of softball found her on another coach’s team.  The season wasn’t a fun one at all, and by the end, she had decided that she was done with the sport.  We had begun to get really acquainted with the “joys” of ballpark politics, the interparental drama… so in many ways, this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened.

But my daughter had begun to show some promise as a player, and we hated for her last memories of the sport to be negative due to the coach and team chemistry.  We chatted with Jimmy about it, and he called my daughter on the phone, asked her to reconsider quitting if he would promise to get her on his team the next season.  She agreed, so he did just that.

By our fourth season at the park, my wife and I had really learned the ropes of the ballpark intrigue.  We were finally accepted by the locals, who started inviting us to every single get together.  I will never forget my utter surprise when we attended a combined parent/player party at one of the player residences.  While the kids were playing games in the house, most of the grownups went to the barn to laugh, tell jokes, and drink beer.  I was absolutely stunned when the first joint made its way around the circle of parents – and at that time, Dawn and I were such innocent prudes that we passed on the weed, despite some awfully high school-esque peer pressure to partake.  Later, we heard gossip – from an albeit reliable source – that more than one parent had gone home with someone else’s spouse after that party while a huge sleepover was hosted on premises. 

To say that our eyes were opened would be an understatement.


Later on that season, we were invited to go out with a group of the parents to a dance club on a Saturday night.  While Dawn and I weren’t big dancers, she especially craved the social interaction, so we accepted the invite and dropped the kids off to spend the night with Grandma.  Had it not been for the barn party, we might have been surprised at the conduct at the club, but we were fully prepared for the drinking and grinding.  Overall, we had a really good time.

Jimmy had attended the event, and the man was clearly in his element.  Not that he was much of a dancer – our buddy the coach may have suffered even more from terminal white man lack of rhythm than I did.  But his salt and pepper had gone even more gray, and a couple of years had weathered his face in a way that apparently made him even more attractive to women. 

Every time I looked up, a different mom was dancing with him – and my wife was no exception.  Her eyes sparkled, her face flushed after her dances; it was clear that she was having a lot of fun, and that a little up close grinding with the coach didn’t hurt her feelings at all.  She was never outwardly improper, but I was quite certain that Coach Jimmy had felt my wife’s ass against him more than once.  Judging from his grin, he didn’t seem to mind, either.

As the night went on, it became clear that Jimmy was spending more and more time with one mom in particular – a short, somewhat frumpy divorcee named Nina.  Nina had always been very quiet at the ballpark and at any other social gatherings; I had no idea that Jimmy had found her attractive at all, or even that she was interested in anything but her daughters.  Nevertheless, the two of them were doing a lot of drinking and dancing, and the connection was obvious.

As the night wound down and closing time came near, we overheard the two of them discussing where they would go next.  It was clear that they didn’t want the night to end, but Nina’s mom was watching the girls at her house, and Jimmy had some reason to not go to his.  Somehow or another, the idea got floated that they could come back to our house, and they seemed keen on doing so.

On the drive home, Dawn was very fidgety in her seat, and very touchy feely – rubbing my leg, putting her hand on mine, etc.  “Do you think they are actually going to have sex?” she asked me.  “I’ve never even seen them talk much before tonight!”  She seemed a little in awe of the idea that these two respected parents would just hook up like this.

We made it home, and Dawn was obviously aroused – but she was reluctant to get anything started only to be interrupted by our guests.  Frustratingly, we made it home but twiddled our thumbs for the next twenty minutes. 

“What happened?” Dawn asked with impatience.  “Where are they?  They left literally right behind us!”

We were about to give up when headlights appeared in our driveway, and a disheveled Jimmy and Nina stumbled through our front door. 

“Sorry for the delay,” Jimmy explained sheepishly.  “We just couldn’t wait.  I had to pull over on the interstate for a little break.”  Nina blushed and intently studied the floor as he spoke.

I looked at Dawn – her expression mirrored my own surprise.  They couldn’t even wait for sex until they finished driving? 

Small talk was basically impossible.  It was beyond obvious that Jimmy and Nina were ready to get to the main event after their little warmup, so we gave them the choice of our two kids’ rooms.  “Dollhouse bed or race car bed?” I asked with a grin.  They laughed, deciding that our daughter’s dollhouse bed would be the better of two unappealing choices.  Soon, they disappeared into our daughter’s bedroom, closing the door behind them.

“What do you think they are…” my wife started, but her question was cut off by a feminine moan.  Jimmy and Nina hadn’t wasted any time. 

Dawn has always been quite private when it comes to sex, so I fully expected her to want to immediately retreat to our master bedroom at the other end of the house.  Instead, she insisted on standing in the hall, near the kid bedroom doors, so that we could listen.  She reached out to stroke my cock through my shorts, and when I cupped her breast, my normally quiet wife moaned in response.  I slipped a hand to her waistband, inside the front of her panties – and discovered a hot, sodden mess.  Dawn moaned again as I slid my finger through her wetness, the turned to kiss me HARD as the moans from the bedroom increased in volume and frequency.

We could hear rhythmic squeaks from beyond the bedroom door, punctuated by a feminine moan with every thrust.  Jimmy himself wasn’t quiet either – we could hear his masculine grunts, plus occasional soft conversation. 

With her burning wet pussy enveloping my finger, Dawn spun to kiss me again, thrusting her tongue inside my mouth.  She suddenly stepped away but grabbed my hand.  “Come with me,” she urged.  “In here.” 

Rather than move away from this end of the house as I had expected, Dawn was pulling me into our son’s unoccupied bedroom – the one situated directly across the hall from the room currently in use by Jimmy and Nina – and she hadn’t even bothered to fully close the door.  She peeled off her saturated panties and discarded her shirt as she laid back on the bed.  “Come on, she urged.  “Fuck me on the race car bed!”

I discarded my own clothes and climbed up on the bed.  The twin mattress surrounded by a blue plastic frame was cramped and uncomfortable.  But Dawn grabbed my hard cock and pulled me impatiently into position, moaning out loud the moment I began to penetrate her. 

Her hands grabbed my ass as her soaked pussy grabbed at my cock.  She moaned and milked me as she urged me to fuck her hard and fast.  There is no way that Jimmy and Nina couldn’t have heard us, but we obviously were not interfering with them at all.  To the contrary, Nina’s moans increased in volume, which Dawn seemed to take as a personal challenge – my normally quiet wife’s own volume steadily climbed.  It was so surreal feeling my wife squirm and moan beneath me while hearing another woman moan from across the hall. 

Eventually, the noise from the other room stopped; I had passed my own point of no return and was soon ejaculating into my wife’s cunt with her vocal approval.  I collapsed beside her into the cramped little bed and we laughed.  We talked for a few minutes, then got up to leave.  As we stepped into the hall, Jimmy opened the door to run to the bathroom, giving us a glimpse of a naked Nina who gasped, grinned, and pulled a sheet up high enough to barely cover her breasts.  We all bid one another good night to a lot of sheepish faces, then Dawn and I headed to bed.


Jimmy and Nina left early the next morning, with Nina pointedly studying the floor once again.  Jimmy smiled, played it cool, but it was obvious that in the cold light of day, he was at least a little worried that his wholesome reputation might have taken a hit.  Of course, neither of them needed to be concerned – while Dawn and I might have chatted together, neither of us would have ever breathed a word to anyone.  In fact, when others who had been at the club fished for information as to what Jimmy and Nina had done after the club, we shrugged and played dumb about it.

Jimmy began to realize that we were trustworthy, and he relaxed around us quite a bit over the following weeks.  It was obvious that things had shifted a bit for him – he remained completely polite in public, but there were subtle changes to his greetings, to his small talk with us.  He was more open, more “real”, even a little flirty to Dawn.

But if Jimmy had subtly changed, Dawn had also changed – albeit in more noticeable ways.  She brought the sex up several times in conversations with me, referred to Nina as “lucky”, wondered about whether they had both really enjoyed it, etc.  She seemed to fixate a little as to why Jimmy – with all of his obvious options – had chosen such a plain partner for what was apparently only a singular hookup; it’s not as if Jimmy and Nina had started dating or even socializing after that Saturday night.  Dawn made several passing comments about how Jimmy was good looking, a good guy, and even opined that given the noises Nina had made and how he was a fairly big guy overall, he must be hung as well.   It could have been my imagination only, but it sure did seem that I found Dawn chatting with Jimmy as much as any of the other moms did – if not more.  More often than not, she would come away from those chats with a funny little smile.

When the season wound down to a close, we caught wind of another ballpark party.  This one was to be held just two blocks from our house, included the parents from several teams – and was strictly an adults only affair.  Once again, we dropped the kids with Grandma and headed to mingle with the ballpark folks.

We attended the party to find alcohol flowing very freely indeed.  I am not much of a drinker, but figuring that I was so close to home, I went ahead and indulged more than usual, finding myself in a blissfully floating state before long.  Dawn let her own hair down, drinking quite a bit and growing rather flirty.  Of course, Coach Jimmy was there – and for whatever reason, Jimmy also elected to really get into the drinking.  So much so that by the end of the evening, no one was really comfortable with Jimmy behind the wheel, no matter how much he claimed that he was fine. 

Dawn pointed out that we only lived two blocks away, and suggested that Jimmy could come sleep it off at our house.  The suggestion made all sorts of sense; even though Jimmy wasn’t fit to drive (even though I had stopped drinking some time before, I’m not certain that I was under the legal limit yet, myself), we figured that a two-block drive with zero traffic seemed doable.

When we made it home, Jimmy seemed pretty tired; on the other hand, Dawn was absolutely wired.  She suggested a nightcap, which Jimmy accepted.  We didn’t actually have much liquor in the house, but the coach was happy to sip on a little Wild Turkey 101, so that was the poison of choice.  We chatted a bit, sipping our bourbon, when Dawn decided to poke a little fun at the two of us for being so reserved with the booze.

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“Guys,” she teased, “can’t you handle your liquor?” 

We laughed and pointed out that she wasn’t doing much more than us – so with a big grin, Dawn grabbed the bottle and turned it up.

She didn’t take a sip.  She didn’t take a gulp.  It was guk-guk-guk-guk, with bubbles flowing up into the inverted bottle.  “Holy shit, cut that out!” I exclaimed, grabbing the bottle way.  “Do you want alcohol poisoning?”

She laughed, and Jimmy let out a low whistle. “Damn, Dawn,” he stated.  “I had no idea you were capable of that!” 

She gave him a wicked grin. “Jimmy, I bet I’m capable of a lot of things that might surprise you.”

Holy shit.  Had she said that out loud?  The look on Jimmy’s face – the way this super polite, reserved guy was hungrily looking her up and down – said that she had indeed.

Momentarily, he laughed it off, and his polite mask fell back into place.  It was obvious that Jimmy was trying really hard to not offend, to not overstep.  He even said as much.  “Well guys, I appreciate the hospitality,” he stated, “but I don’t want to get into any trouble.  It’s time for me to turn in for the night.”  With that, he headed down the hall towards our daughter’s bedroom, and Dawn and I went the other way into our room.  I wasn’t well versed in the ways of the world at this point in my life, but I was quite certain that Dawn seemed a little disappointed.

When we got to the bedroom, Dawn kissed me, then went to use the bathroom before joining me in our king bed.  I was still enjoying a bit of that floating feeling while replaying the evening’s events in my head when she rejoined me in our bedroom. 

When Dawn appeared, my breath caught in my throat.  She was wearing a gorgeous red lace teddy with tiny little matching panties.  It was one of the style that fit tightly around her ample boobs – allowing the nipples to be visible – while flowing out more around her belly.  Her gorgeous blue eyes smoldered with desire as she slowly walked to our bed with a devilish smirk on her face.

She climbed up on our bed and slithered towards me.  “You look very comfortable,” she purred.  She kissed me, reached down, and grabbed my stiff cock, gave it a few strokes.

“You seem excited,” she whispered.  I choked some inane response and she slid down my body, teasing me with her hair as her hot breath centered around my cock head.  Momentarily, I groaned as my hardness was enveloped by her warm, wet mouth. 

She gave me a few strokes, sucking and swirling her tongue all around my cock head before pulling off and coming back up to kiss me again.  Then, she slid around to my ear, nibbling it in that special way that she does which causes electrical currents to run through my body.  She whispered huskily in my ear as she nibbled me.  “Poor Jimmy,” she spoke.  “Here you are having all the fun, and he has to sleep all alone in that tiny little bed. 

I was only halfway processing what she was saying.  My cock was begging for attention.  I tried to touch her, but she twisted away despite her obvious arousal, placed her hand on top of mine to stop me from moving it.  She kept nibbling, driving me crazy – and whispering.  “Poor Jimmy.  I should at least make sure that he’s comfortable.  Last time, they didn’t have a blanket that fit them both.  I should go tell him good night, make sure that he has everything that he needs.  Don’t you think so?”

I really didn’t fully grasp what she was wanted.  I just wanted to get to having sex with my incredibly hot wife.  But she was so persuasive that I found myself agreeing with whatever this was that she intended.  “Okay,” I told her.  “Go tell him good night.”

She smiled.  “Okay,” she answered.  “I’ll be back in a minute.  Keep it warm for me.”

Dawn grabbed a blanket from our closet, then walked out of our bedroom wearing nothing but that red lace teddy. 

I found myself alone, not completely sure precisely what was happening and why.  Dawn’s words and attitude said that she’d be right back, but what exactly was on her mind?  It was obvious that she was turned on by Jimmy.  She was walking in there wearing some extremely sexy, revealing lingerie.  Surely, the blanket was just a ruse to at the very least show her body off to him.

I laid there for three or four minutes in the dim bedroom, wondering just what was going on.  Then, the bedroom door opened, admitting Dawn in her sexy red lingerie – and trailing behind her, hand in hand, was Jimmy wearing nothing but boxer shorts.  Without a word, she climbed up onto the bed next to me and laid down on her back.  Jimmy followed suit, climbing up on the other side of her.

My stomach was churning.  My head was spinning.  My mouth was dry. 

My cock was hard.

We lay there in silence in the near dark for several minutes.  I didn’t know what to think or do.  I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on.  She had brought this man back to our bedroom, brought him into our bed… but she was just lying there.  Was she just planning to sleep between us? 

Shortly after, I felt her fingers close around my cock, and she began stroking me with her right hand.  I moved to kiss her, and she let a soft moan into my mouth.  After a bit, she turned her face from me, but continued slowly stroking my cock.  I could feel motion on the bed, and came to realize that she had her left hand on Jimmy’s cock, was stroking him at the same time as she stroked me.  Then I heard soft smacking sounds and realized that the two of them were kissing. 

Soon, she turned back and began kissing me again.  I decided to begin to explore with my own hands, and discovered a situation that is burned into my brain until this day. 

I slid my hand under the waistband of those tiny, lacy red panties, intent on stroking her clit.  What I found instead was Jimmy’s hand already doing exactly what I had planned to do.  So I slid my fingers further down to her sopping opening and slid a finger inside.   Her moaning as my finger was inside of her pussy, while I could feel another man stroking her clit… my brain was ready to short circuit.  In a moment, the intensity was ramped up yet again as he slid his finger down inside of her pussy – alongside my own – to gather more of her lubrication and go back to strumming her clit. 

In all of my life, I don’t know that I can recall a more purely erotic moment than this particular scene.  Seeing and feeling his hand inside her panties in that low light, the red lace distended out around his hand, her eyes clenched shut in rapture, the feel of her molten wet heat on my hand… just thinking of this never fails to make me hard.

We kept this up, me working a finger, then two, in and out of her hole while Jimmy stroked her clit and occasionally slid inside of her next to my fingers to moisten his.  It didn’t take long until her belly grew hard, her legs began to shake and her pussy absolutely FLOODED with moisture as she mewed in orgasm.

Dawn sat up, kissed him, kissed me, then helped Jimmy remove his boxers.  It would seem that her guess was right – Jimmy was definitely at least an inch longer than me, and was quite thick.  My wife glanced at me with a grin, then leaned down to swallow his cock with gusto. 

The actual sex is a bit of a blur.  I know that she sucked my cock some as well, but once he worked that fat thing inside of her, she seemed to disconnect from reality a bit.  I remember her facing me, his big hands holding her hips as he drove into her from behind with long, battering strokes.  I remember her trying – and failing – to maintain oral contact with my cock, or even eye contact, as her face collapsed into the comforter while he continued to drive into her from behind.

I do remember feeling a little lost, a little left out.  Oddly enough, even though I was still very turned on, my own erection went away after a while.  The fucking went on for what felt like hours, although it surely didn’t last THAT long.  Eventually, she disconnected with him and turned around to suck him, looked over her shoulder and invited me to fuck her – but her focus immediately went back to sucking him.  I actually tried to get inside of her, but my own dick stubbornly refused to get properly hard again… and I discovered that his marathon fucking had worn away every bit of her natural lubricant so that I couldn’t get inside of her regardless.  I satisfied myself by licking and playing with her pussy, noting the angry red appearance of her labia and the gaped open state of the hole itself. 

Eventually, they took a break.  Jimmy admitted with some embarrassment that he was on antidepressant medication that made orgasm almost impossible for him to achieve.  Dawn went back to sucking us in turn, though she whispered in my ear, asking me why I didn’t fuck her.  I smiled and whispered back that we’d talk about it later.  I did find my erection slowly beginning to return, at least. 

Jimmy continued to be embarrassed about being unable to come, and finally suggested that maybe he should head on back to bed.  He thanked us profusely for the fun and took his leave.  The moment he stepped out, Dawn looked at me.  I knew what she was thinking – it was pretty much a personal insult to her for him to not orgasm; it was a personal challenge, as far as she was concerned.  “Would you mind…” she started.

I smiled and shook my head.  “Nope, go finish him off,” I answered.

She smiled, kissed me, and followed him out of the bedroom.   

I laid there alone for a good twenty minutes or so when Dawn reappeared looking tired but happy.  “I take it that you succeeded?” I asked.

She gave me a weary grin.  “I did,” she answered.  “I rode him for a while, then sucked him until he finally came.  He did seem really grateful,” she added.  “It’s really hard for him to get off, he says.”

She looked at me as she climbed into bed.  “But you haven’t come yet,” she observed.  “We need to fix that.”

And so, we did.

Epilogue – for those who are concerned that Dawn didn’t care about me or how I felt, you don’t need to worry.  She was drunk, we hadn’t communicated well, and she absolutely got caught up in the moment of playing with a new toy.  I explained how I felt left out, and she immediately apologized and owned her behavior.  She felt very bad about it, promised to never ignore me again – and she kept that promise. 

Interactions with Coach Jimmy after these events were… awkward for a few months.  He seemed ill at ease around us for a bit, often seeming to be worried that he had made things weird in our marriage or that we saw him differently.   Sadly, we have learned that this is often the case when you play with people that you know; it seems to be very common for otherwise “vanilla” people to treat extramarital sex like this as no big deal.  Eventually, he came to understand that everything was, in fact, cool – and he would make the odd double-entendre joke from time to time… but only if he was sure that no one else could hear. 

I had figured that we’d end up playing with Jimmy again, but not long after the events of this story, he started seriously dating another mom from the ballpark – a woman who he once drunkenly admitted did not hold a candle to my wife in terms of looks or sexual prowess.  Despite these admissions, he married that woman; as far as I know, he’s still married to her twenty plus years later. 

Written by cloakndagger772
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