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Dawn and the Foreman

"We meet with a guy from the internet, and things get out of hand."

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The following story is about consensual, informed, extramarital sex. If this is a subject that offends you, please stop reading now and seek out one of the thousands of other stories available on this website that would be more to your liking.

All events depicted in this story are absolutely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale. I have a few others that I may share in time.

The events of this telling took place some ten years or so as of this publishing. At the time, I was thirty years old, and my lovely wife Dawn was twenty-eight. Dawn is a fairly tall, curvy girl, standing around five feet, seven inches. Her dirty blonde hair is quite curly, dropping in spirals and ringlets to her shoulders, and she possesses the most captivating pair of sparkling blue eyes you have ever seen.

Mother nature had blessed my wife with reasonably large, full breasts, but breastfeeding two children had caused them to sag, so a year or so prior to the story, Dawn had a lift... and even though I felt she did not need it, she also had a slight augmentation which took her from a C cup to a D cup. The augmentation had proven to be money well spent, however, as the increased confidence in her self image changed how Dawn carried herself and how she interacted with people. She was sexy, she knew it, and she enjoyed turning heads.

Dawn had been my high school sweetheart, and we married as soon as she graduated high school. The first baby came a month before our first wedding anniversary (surprise!), and the second had come less than two years later (surprise again!). After baby number two, Dawn had gone on the Depo-provera shot for a few years, but she developed an allergy to it, and had to change to the pill.

During the course of our marriage, our sex life had run hot and cold – sometimes, we would go through stretches where she want sex very frequently and would be open for almost anything, while other times, missionary sex with the lights off once or twice a week was as good as I could hope for. Eventually, I came to understand that if my wife felt sexually wanted by other men, it acted as a massive catalyst to her libido overall. For a time, we would drop the kids off with grandma, go off on a date, then go to a bar after. Dawn would drink, dance, and flirt with other men, and when we would go home, she would be on fire – leading to likewise hot sex.

Over time, though, that just wasn't enough. Eventually, we talked about it, then opened our marriage up to her seeing other guys from time to time (the details of which are a tale for another day). As of this story, Dawn had a pretty regular "friend with benefits" that she would meet a couple of times a month, and had also had a few other encounters. What she had really been wanting, however, was a threesome – and her regular guy wasn't quite yet comfortable with me being there.

In response, we had turned to the internet. Specifically, we had a couple's membership at Adult Friend Finder, which at the time was populated by a large number of real people (as opposed to the spambots that apparently infest it today). We made a post about what we were looking for – specifically, a clean, drug and disease free guy who would be up for no strings attached fun. Naturally, we received a flood of responses (many of which were from gentlemen who apparently missed the message that we wanted more than a dick pic), but after narrowing them down, Dawn settled on one that seemed to suit her fancy.

Dan was a fairly tall construction foreman from a city about an hour and a half away from us. In his messages, he was polite, genuine, respectful, and showed a sense of humor. After a few days of back and forth communication (and exchanging of pictures), it seemed that we had indeed settled on Dan as a potential partner, and we simply had to work out a mutually workable date.

After hashing out the details, the decision was made that Dawn and I would rent a hotel room in a nearby town. We would meet Dan for dinner and drinks, get to know him, and if things felt right, we would proceed from there. If anyone felt uncomfortable, we would shake hands and call it a night, and Dan would go bowling.

Now, one issue to be consider was condom use. My wife does not care for condoms to begin with (she prefers feeling her partner ejaculate inside of her), but we explained to Dan that if things went that far, condoms would be a must – Dawn's birth control prescription had run out two months before, and her gynecologist at the time would not call in a refill without an office appointment. There had been a scheduling snafu or two, and it would be another month before she could get back on the pill. Dawn's period had always been clockwork regular, and the Friday night we had agreed upon as our meetup date fell exactly on the fourteenth day of her cycle – in other words, on the day she was due to ovulate.

Dan not only readily agreed to our condition, but even offered to purchase lambskin condoms specifically for Dawn, as she had mentioned having a mild latex allergy. This thoughtfulness was not wasted on my wife, who did not relish the idea of itching from the latex post-sex, but who also was reluctant to ask for any special concessions.

The day of the meetup arrived, and my wife was shockingly nervous. She elected to dress casually to fit the intended mood of the meet - a white top that clung tightly to her lovely breasts, giving a nice view of cleavage, but that still hung loose over the belly that she was still self-conscious of, as well as a pair of skintight jeans that left none of her curves to the imagination. It was not lost on me that she had selected a matching lacy bra and panty set – after all, one does not choose sexy underwear if one has no intention of said underwear being seen.

We dropped the kids off with grandma, then I pulled into a service station to gas up the car. Dawn put her hand on mine, and her eyes were wild.

"I'm scared," she admitted. "I don't know that I want to go through with this. What if he doesn't like me? What if I'm not sexy enough?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Baby," I reassured her, "that has never been a problem. You are beautiful. Relax, we're just meeting to eat – you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

She seemed a bit mollified, but the fear was still on her face. "I need a drink," she declared. Get me something."

I chuckled, knowing that my wife wouldn't touch what the service station sold. "Dawn, they only have beer and cheap wine here. We'll need to go to a real bar to get the sort of drinks that you like."

She was serious, however. "They'll have wine coolers. Get me some of those. I need something to take the edge off."

I actually laughed at this. When it comes to drinking, I'm an utter lightweight – if I drink two beers quickly, I feel a tingle. She, on the other hand, has been known to insult – then drink under the table – large men. She loves to tease guys who drink Jack and Coke, asking if they can't handle their whisky. There was no way that a couple of wine coolers would provide anything but a placebo effect, but she was insistent, so I purchased a couple, which she proceeded to quickly down as we drove.

Traffic was light and we had left early, so even after reserving our room, we found ourselves with a good hour to kill before meeting Dan. Much to the chagrin of the conservative town we were in, an adult toy store had recently opened right in the middle of the business district, so I asked my wife if she wanted to go there to kill some time (and to perhaps stoke her mood). She's never been much of a fan of these sorts of places, but this time, she readily agreed.

As it turned out, the store offered not only sex toys and DVDs, but also lingerie, bondage gear, and a wide selection of other adult-themed items. We browed the DVDs, and much to my surprise, Dawn suggested that we purchase a couple, so we picked out two titles with wife sharing themes. We also browsed the lingerie, and her eyes grew wide when she held up a tiny pair of panties.

The front was see-through lace made in the shape of two butterflies. What was most remarkable was that there was no crotch whatsoever – two strings connected to the back in such a way that they would frame a woman's pussy lips while covering absolutely nothing. I picked up on the flush on my wife's face, and suggested that she would look sexy in them. She again surprised me by not only agreeing that they were hot and that we should purchase them, but by going into the store's bathroom as soon as I paid, then changing out of her own panties into these.

We drove back to the hotel, and with twenty or so minutes to spare, popped in one of our new DVDs into our car's built in player and watched a scene. I rubbed my wife's thigh there in the car, then moved my hand to her crotch – even through denim, the heat was evident, and she started subtly rolling her hips almost immediately. As with many women, my wife seemed to get hornier when she was fertile, and today was the absolute peak of that; I hoped that this would help cancel out any reservations she might otherwise be feeling.

Soon, Dan called us, and we directed him to the parking lot of the hotel we had selected. Within a couple of minutes, a white full-sized pickup truck with ladder racks pulled in, and out stepped Dan.

Dan was the picture of a "good old boy" – clean button up shirt, jeans, boots, a cowboy hat, and a large belt buckle. He confidently stepped up, looked me in the eye, and gave a firm handshake as he introduced himself. At roughly six feet, two inches, Dan was a good four inches taller than me, and his large frame was obviously well-suited to his line of work. While he was perfectly polite to me, he gave a grin when he greeted my wife.

"I hope you don't mind me sayin' so," he drawled, "but you're even prettier in person." The compliment was delivered genuinely, and drew a smile and a thank you from my wife. So far, so good.

We made small talk for a few minutes, then he got into the back seat of our car and we drove to a nearby steakhouse. Dinner was tasty, and Dan was pleasant to talk with. We discussed work and life, and Dan worked in the occasional joke. While Dawn had been rather stiff when dinner started, by the end, she had noticeably relaxed. When the check came, Dan insisted on picking it up, regardless of how we thought the evening might go.

From the steakhouse, we drove to a nearby bar for a few drinks. We grabbed a pool table and played two or three games while listening to a local cover band. We had a sexy, dark haired waitress, and Dawn commented that if she ever decided to try out a women, that our waitress would be her type. I nearly did a double take at the comment, as the comment was uncharacteristic for my wife.

Soon, Dan excused himself to the restroom, and I asked Dawn what she wanted to do. While she still looked a bit nervous, there was a new look in her eyes – arousal. My wife swallowed and told me that she thought that she was ready to go back to the hotel, but that she would go to the bathroom and let me discuss it with Dan.

When she left, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a Cialis that I had brought, just in case, then downed it with a sip of beer. While I didn't have impotence issues, I had the feeling that if things worked out, this could be an amazing night – and I wanted to be ready for anything.

Dan approached and I relayed that Dawn was ready to take our party somewhere more private. When he confirmed that he was, in fact, invited, Dan gave a big grin and signaled for the check, which he once again insisted on picking up. "It's the least I can do," he offered.

Soon enough, we arrived at the room, but our momentum seemed to be temporarily lost. Dawn once again seemed nervous, and the conversation felt forced. After a few minutes, Dawn went to the bathroom, and Dan and I emptied our pockets. I was pleased to note that Dan had brought a half dozen condoms – like me, he clearly believed in being prepared. Oddly enough, when Dawn left, he and I seemed to relax a bit.

I half expected my wife to come out at least partially undressed, but that did not happen. She looked at me, clearly still nervous. "How do we want to start this?" she asked.

I smiled, then kissed her. "I think that you are wearing too many clothes, don't you?" I replied. "Maybe you should show Dan what you bought today."

Her eyes went wide. Apparently, she had forgotten about the crotchless panties, but almost as if under a spell, Dawn began to wiggle out of her jeans. When the lacy butterflies came into view, Dan let out a low whistle.

"Damn," he stated. "Darlin', those are sexy."

She gave a little smile, then sat back on the edge of the bed. "They are crotchless," she stated simply. The expression on his face made me think that Dan might fall over.

She looked at the two of us, who were both fully clothed. "It's not fair to ask me to undress if you two aren't going to," Dawn complained playfully. Needless to say, Dan and I were both rapidly naked – so much so that my wife seemed a little surprised. Clearly, neither of us was feeling her reluctance. I tried to get her to completely disrobe, but my wife was feeling self-conscious about the stretch marks on her stomach, so we did not push the issue, allowing her to keep the shirt on (as well as the socks, as her feet were cold).

I won't lie, I did check out his package. After all, I wanted to see just what would soon be inside of my wife. Like many (most?) men who share their wives, I have fantasized about how she would handle a large cock. While Dan had nothing to be ashamed of, he was in fact pretty normal in that department, maybe even a hair smaller than me. I'm about six and a half inches long and fairly thick; Dan was similar, but perhaps slightly shorter, and definitely a bit thinner than me. Of course, my wife's favorite lover ever was about five and a half inches, but that is again a story for another day...

Dan stepped forward and asked if he could kiss her, to which Dawn agreed. Soon, his hand was on her bare thigh, and momentarily, it was between her legs. My wife gave a low moan, and a squishing sound reached my ears. I realized that Dan had a finger inside of her, and judging by the sound, she was extremely turned on. I knew that this was going to happen, but suddenly, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

The big man gently pushed back on her shoulder, and my wife lay back on the bed. As he knelt between her thighs, I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of his face in her crotch. I had mentioned over dinner to Dan that I liked to take pictures, and he was perfectly fine with that – in fact, when Dawn protested, he answered before I could. "Darlin'," he told her, "you are sexy, and your husband just wants to have some pictures to remember this. Relax."

She laid back and did not protest the camera again.

As Dan worked on her orally, my wife squirmed a bit, but didn't seem to be progressing well. After a couple of minutes, she put a hand on his head. "Stop," she requested.

He looked disappointed. "It's not you," she explained. "I have a hard time relaxing enough to enjoy that from anyone but my husband. Please, let me do you."

He looked a little unsure, but lay down on the bed, where Dawn immediately got between his legs. There was no hesitation on her part – my wife immediately engulfed the head of his cock, and after focusing suction on the head for a few moments, swallowed down until her lips were against the root of his shaft. I saw her throat constrict as she swallowed, and Dan groaned. "Oh my GOD, baby..."

While I have no doubt that it felt wonderful, she was just getting started. It seemed as if my wife had decided to show off every trick in her bag. She would suck hard and bob her head rapidly up and down Dan's prick, then stop and swirl her tongue around the head. She would again inhale it all down, then swallow with her lips against his balls. She would lick up and down the shaft, then bob on it some more.

Then, she went even further. She pulled her lips off of his cock, pushed on his thighs to get him to spread them, then slid down and licked all over Dan's shaven balls.

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But this still wasn't enough – after a bit of that, she slipped even lower, and began licking around Dan's asshole before plunging her tongue into it. The big man made choking, groaning sounds, and as I snapped a few more photos, I began to wonder if he might have a heart attack. My own heart was pounding and my face was flushed.

I slid up behind her and began running my fingers along her slit, then deep inside her. My wife's pussy was molten hot and liquid – she was clearly incredibly turned on (as if her actions weren't clue enough to that fact).

After a bit, Dawn moved back up to engulf Dan's cock in her mouth, but this time, she started focusing exclusively on fast bobbing with hard suction. I knew that Dan would not be able to take that for long, and clearly, so did he. "Darlin'," he urged, "stop. You're going to make me come, but I want to do other things first." My wife made a mewing sound of disappointment, but she stopped, then obeyed his urge for her to lie back.

Dan reached up and tugged on the side string of the crotchless panties; my wife lifted her ass to help him remove them. Once they were gone, he went down on her again. This time, I took a more active role and moved up on the bed, then fed my cock into Dawn's mouth.

Dawn was rolling her hips and seemed to be enjoying the contact more than the first time, but soon, she pulled off of my cock. "I need to be fucked" she spoke to no one in particular. We ignored her for a few moments, but she spoke up again – louder this time. "I need a cock inside of me. Please, I need to be fucked."

I looked down at Dan with a grin. "You heard the lady, she needs to be fucked. "

"Please," she punctuated.

Dan pulled up with a bit of a sheepish look on his face; I think that he was a bit ashamed at not being able to get her off yet. I tried to reassure him. "When she gets like this, only one thing will do," I told him.

He nodded. "She's your wife, do you want to go first?" he asked politely.

I shook my head. "I would rather watch and take pictures if you don't mind."

The big man grinned. "Of course I don't mind! I was only trying to be polite."

Dawn continued to roll her hips. "Come on," she urged. "Somebody give me some cock. I need to be fucked!"

Dan moved up the bed and lined his cock up, then started rubbing it around her entrance. A look of irritation passed my wife's face. "Put it in!" she exclaimed.

Slowly, he worked his dick inside of her as I snapped pictures. Even though this wasn't the first time we had done something like this, my heart was in my throat as I watched his organ disappear inside of my wife. As sexy as it is, as much as I love seeing her get pleasure like this, I don't know that I will ever get past that first rush of conflicting emotions – apprehension, jealousy, excitement, LUST.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a look of concern on his face as he slowly worked himself inside.

Dawn groaned in frustration. "Come on," she urged. "I can take it. FUCK me!"

He pushed all the way inside, and she groaned again, but this time, in appreciation. "Yes, that's more like it." My wife grabbed her knees and spread herself as wide as she could possibly go. With her eyes screwed tightly shut and a mask of lust on her face, she spoke again. "Come on. HARDER. FUCK me."

I moved to the side a little, intent on getting a better angle for the next picture, when my gaze landed on the bedside table and the small pile of condoms. Dan hadn't opened one, and was currently balls deep, unprotected, inside my wife's extremely fertile pussy.

My mouth went dry and my face went flush. I could hear a ringing in my ears. Both of my wife's pregnancies had come while she was on birth control. Granted, once she had been on antibiotics, which we did not realize could lessen the effectiveness of the contraception, but the other time, she had simply missed one or two pills that month. The bottom line was that Dawn had always been extremely fertile, and there was zero doubt that she was ovulating right now – and right now, a stranger had his bare cock inside of her.

I needed to stop this immediately. Dan was a good guy, we had all just gotten carried away. If I said something, he would pull out and put on a condom. I knew good and well that every thrust carried risk; even if he pulled out, precum could have sperm in it. There was no way on earth that I wanted my wife pregnant with another man's baby.

"Yes," she hissed. "Harder!"

My wife is seldom vocal during sex. Even when she is having one orgasm after another, light moans are usually all that she makes. She is ultra shy about talking during sex, and dirty talk almost never happens.

Dan's face took on a new expression, a hard expression. "Fine. Is this what you want?" he asked as he pulled back all the way and forcibly drove is cock all the way inside of her. She moaned, and he repeated the action, driving himself inside her again.

"Yesssss!" she moaned. "That's it. Fuck me HARD."

With that, Dawn pulled her ankles up, resting them on Dan's shoulders, giving this stranger the deepest possible access to her womb.

"God damn, baby... you are hot." Dan stated as he fucked her.

I knew without a doubt that I needed to say something. Instead, I took a couple more pictures. I found myself drawn into the details. How her toes hurled. The deep red flush on her face, her throat, the top of her breasts (at least what I could see with her shirt still on). The expression of wordless ecstasy on her face. I wish that I could communicate just how sexy my wife looked with her legs that far back, with her eyes rolled back in her head.

At some point, I had sat my camera down and was slowly stroking my own cock. While the Cialis surely had something to do with it, I was quite certain that I had never been harder in my life. Deep down, I knew why – I had shared Dawn before, and I had found that there is nothing on earth that feels sexier than sliding your cock into your wife after another man has filled her with his cum. I knew how much Dawn enjoyed having a man ejaculate inside of her; I knew that we both wanted it.

I also knew that there was no way that could happen. Not today. Maybe we could meet up with Dan again after my wife got back on the pill.

I reasoned that I had been able to read Dan well when she was going down on him earlier; I would stop him when it looked like he was getting close. For now, I would enjoy the spectacle – the sight, the sound, the scent – of this raw sex between my wife and a man we had only met a few hours before.

Dan drove into her, hard, for a couple more minutes. "You look so sweet, darlin'," he told her. "I can't believe that you can take it like this." But not only was she taking it – I saw that red flush spread, I saw her shiver and twitch; Dawn rarely came from intercourse alone, but I watched her have a strong orgasm with her ankles high up on this stranger's shoulders.

Then, the big man paused. "Roll over a bit," he requested. "This is my favorite position." He had Dawn roll to her side, though he barely moved. Once again, he drove his bare cock deeply inside my wife, and this time, she didn't have to ask – he gave it to her hard and fast.

His breathing grew ragged and his long strokes began to get short and jerky. It was time. "Hey," I spoke, though neither of them heard me.

Dan drove his cock as far inside of my wife as he could, then held it there. "Damn it, baby," he groaned. "you got me so close with your mouth."

Dumbly, I stared, thinking that the big man was taking a quick break, collecting himself, trying to prolong the moment by not moving. I thought that he would let his excitement die down, that he planned to fuck her for longer. I would be quiet while he gathered himself, then insist on a condom for the home stretch. It was then that I heard the choking sound from the back of his throat, and Dan's entire body began to convulse.

This stranger was inseminating my wife. When she was at the absolute peak of her fertility.

Dawn's eyes flew open for an instant; she realized what was happening, and I thought that she would push him away, maybe run to the bathroom. Instead, she closed her eyes, moaned deep in her throat, then grabbed his ass, clutched him tight to her, then began softly rolling her hips. Between him trying to drive even deeper inside and her holding him as tightly as she could, I don't know that I could have forced a crowbar between them.

I have never seen any man come that hard and that long. He repeated the full body convulsions at least five or six times, all the while making choking sounds. All the while, my wife held this stranger tightly, ensuring that she took every drop of his semen as deeply inside of her as she possibly could. After his second of third convulsion she started to twitch again, as well. If I had to bet actual money, I would have bet that she had just had at least her second orgasm, this time triggered by taking another man's cum inside of her.

Finally, it was over, though he lingered inside of her for another minute or two. "Darlin'," he breathed, "that was incredible! I'm not exaggerating... that was the best I have had in my entire life."

She giggled and thanked him, and he slid out. Neither of them acknowledged that they had just broken the agreement that we had gone over multiple times – condoms were supposed to be absolutely mandatory. How could she be so nonchalant?

How could I have let this happen?

She rolled to her back and lay there. I put my camera down and looked at him. "Listen," I told him, "I'm not gay, but I do have this kink. I love to go down on my wife after she has been with another man. Is that okay with you?"

Dan laughed. "Man, she's your wife! You do whatever works for you. I'm going to sit down and rest for a minute."

I slid down and examined my wife's pussy. Her clitoris, typically hidden within its soft hood, was clearly protruding in her excitement. The normally tightly closed pink lips were a dark shade of red and hung open enough to expose the inner channel... at least until a massive white blob of Dan's frothy spunk slid down into view and blocked everything beyond. No wonder the man had shaken like that; he produced an incredible amount of semen.

I started to slide my face down, and when my tongue first grazed her clit, she jerked as if I had shocked her. "No, not now," she moaned. "I need to clean... urgh."

I ignored her protests and began flicking my tongue up and down her clit. With each flick, I could feel a small shake in her pelvis. There was no need to build up the attention as she was clearly already incredibly aroused; instead, I attacked it with direct pressure to begin with.

I had gone down on her before after she had been with other men, but never immediately after like this; always before, it was at least a half hour or so, giving a lot of the semen the chance to drain out into her panties. This time, she was literally full to overflowing.

To start with, I avoided her vaginal opening, focusing only on her clit. I didn't mind the taste of semen mixed with her juices, but I had no real desire to ingest it directly. But as she got closer to orgasm, she back to buck her hips more, and I feel a strong urge to take this all the way. I glanced up at her face, with her eyes closed in passion, and drove my tongue as deeply inside of her vagina as I possibly could, then began to lick.

When my tongue slid inside, she groaned and exclaimed "oh my God." The taste was not as strong as I had feared, and surprisingly, I got more of her flavor than I had expected. I kept going, alternating between stimulating her clit and licking inside of her pussy, until she half sat up off of the bed and began to shake in orgasm. At that point, I drove my tongue deep inside of her and licked until she couldn't take it anymore.

As Dawn collapsed, I moved immediately up the bed, lining my own rock hard cock with her cunt. "Wait," she breathed. "I want you to take my ass."

Would the surprises never cease? While Dawn would give me anal sex, it was not something she ever asked for. "Come on, baby," she repeated. "Grab the lube. Fuck my ass. Come in my ass."

As she spoke, she wore an incredibly slutty expression... and I growled and drove my cock all the way inside her recently inseminated pussy in a single thrust. "No," I told her. "I want this pussy."

Oh my god, it was heavenly. As I have said, nothing feels like fucking a woman who is already full of someone else's cum. Nothing. It's like warm, wet velvet. It's truly amazing.

She groaned, but tried again. "Come on, don't you want to fuck my ass?" she whined. "You always want to fuck my ass. Put your cum inside of it."

I shook my head and fucked her harder, then leaned down so only she could hear me. I whispered in her ear. "You want my cum in your ass so that it's not in your pussy, don't you? Admit it, you slut," I snarled, "a stranger just came in you while you are ovulating, and it turns you on to know that a strange man may have made you pregnant!" She groaned, and I knew that I had struck home.

"No way," I told her. "If somebody is going to knock you up, I want a chance."

She then kissed me deeply. "Fuck me and cum in me, then," she urged.

I would like to claim that I fucked her for an hour, that I took her through a series of never ending orgasms until she begged me to stop... but let's be realistic. The sheer eroticism of the moment was way too high for me, and after probably three or four minutes, I couldn't hold my own orgasm back. I swear, it felt as if the end of my dick exploded, I came so hard.

After that, we all relaxed for a bit. At this point, I figured that there were already hundreds of millions of sperm seeking out my wife's egg; what difference would a few more make? No further mention of condoms was made for the rest of the night... and precious little sleep was had by anyone.

Dan and I took turns fucking Dawn through the night. We each had her anally once, then went back to vaginal sex. After that, she rode Dan; I remember fingering her ass, feeling his cock through the thin membrane. When Dan reached orgasm that time, I grabbed her by the waist and held her down on his cock until I was sure that every drop of his spunk was as deeply inside her as it could go.

She went down on him one more time that night, but when he got close, I suggested he fuck her and come inside her again. She wined a bit at that one, complaining that she hadn't gotten to swallow a load at all – I informed her that I would feed her some cum later on. Dan was more than willing to inseminate her again, and when he was done, I took one last turn, myself.

All told, Dawn took seven loads inside her that night – three of Dan's in her pussy, one of his in her ass, and three of mine in her pussy. I did fuck her ass, but I stopped to give Dan another crack at her pussy; I gave her that load in her mouth the next morning after we got home. We slept half of Saturday away, but I did pump one more load inside her before we went to pick up the kids (and another load in the middle of the night Saturday).

Sadly, we never did meet up with Dan again; he got transferred to another location. He was so polite and grateful for meeting with us, though, and had lots of kind things to say.

We ended up doing a plan B birth control, as nobody had really meant for pregnancy to happen; we all just got caught up in the moment, I suppose. The hormones made Dawn sick for a day or two, but did prevent a baby.

Were we smart? No. We should have been more careful. I still can't fully believe that I didn't stop them as soon as I realized that a strange man was bare inside of my wife's unprotected, fertile pussy.

But truth be told, if I need a surefire "get me over the top" fantasy moment, all I have to do is think back and remember the sights of Dan shaking and Dawn clutching his ass, and recall the sounds of his choking orgasm and her moans as he inseminated her.

I would never want to do that again... and part of me would jump at the chance to do it today.
Written by cloakndagger772
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